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Arch Angel

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Posts posted by Arch Angel

  1. The Game Continues...

    Pilots Log:Angelis,John,A., Lt.Jg.


    Computer begin:Beep...


    Listening to the sounds of the engines, Looking at the lighted relays on the side console of the fighter. It is hard to realize just a short while ago the Commander and I were in the cargo bays helping to welcome and recieve our new arrivals. We had just finished the decontamination and delousing procedures when the ship was rocked by enemy fire. The order came to the fighter group to scramble.


    Zafira and I joined V'Roy in the hangar bays and hastily powered up and moved to launch position and launched. We closed on the Bogie and engaged, the battle that ensued was intense. We were given orders to withdraw and hold as apparently the said ship was squawking a Fleet identifier code.


    What is next we can only wait and see what develops, after all we have been through it would not suprise me to find the enemy has found a way to either duplicate or generate a false code. The code and ident of the ship would be impossible...for as history sates the ship was destroyed some years ago.


    Looking out my port side of the cockpit I can see my fellow pilots holding, all anxious and waiting for the word. The game continues so it seems. Computer...End Log: Beep...

  2. Dreams of Home...

    A Ranger Log..


    The constant pain as well as sheer exhaustion has taken a toll on me. I had been to my team mates when I find myself once again in a realm of dreams. I must be asleep or perhaps it is the result of the pain medications the good doctor has been giving me.


    I can see my wife, yes..Electra her long black curly hair brushing against her blemish free olive skin. I see our son Tommy playing with Ralph happily with the abandon a child has when they are happy and at ease.


    The wheat in the field as it sways to and fro from the will of the prevailing winds. I can feel the sun on my skin and the wheat as it brushes my hands as I go to my wife and son. The scent of her oiled hair scented from her perfumed oil permeates the air and hearing her surprise as she sees me approaching across the field. I have come home at last, away from the duties I have been saddled with for so long.


    My body and mind have been tortured for so long the exact years I cannot easily recall now. Suddenly my world is shaking,rumbling...watching Electra and tommy as they seem to fade into a dark void. I find myself running to catch them, protect them, only to be awakened to the sounds and shaking of the ship I and my crew mates are a guest of.


    How much longer will it take to find those illegitimate offsprings ? the bosses we had contracted to ,and consequently being drawn into their wicked and wrongful endavors. How long before I and my team can return to our homes to be with our loved ones?.


    Computer: End Log...Beep..

  3. Pilots Log...Computer begin recording: Beep...


    Sitting in his cockpit listening to the powered down hum of the engine. The clicking of the electronic relays as they transmitted data back and forth from computer to computer.


    Watching the screen display closely to maintain enough separation between the fighters in both Alpha, And bravo squadron while maintaining position on Zafiras wing as his wing man. Easy enough when in clear space but not so easy in this soup.


    Instinctively going over both the fuel supply and environmental status. Noting the available weapons stores, You have to for if your out...your a dead duck. We are running silent and in a powered down mode. It is hoped this may make us as undetectable to the other ships that we have recently engaged.


    Sensors are very limited, You can almost be in a collision with your bogey you are engaging before you can see it. Only alternative is to either disengage,or stay so close in the engagement you suffer the possible consequences of being blown to eternity by their main batteries.


    I have regrouped Bravo squadron with Alpha as ordered. We are following orders to wait, And run silent. The waiting is really rough on the newer pilots, I can almost sense their tension. I know I have been there awaiting the order to engage, Nerves begin to get on edge, Anticipation growing, The adrenalin surging through you.


    Alas time and experience helps to temper you into a cool responsive pilot ready to act at the necessary time. Yes time can be an excellent teacher given the chance, However a non seasoned pilot must survive long enough to get to that point. Our Commander is dedicated to make it a more survivable situation . I know and full well understand his reasoning, and dedication if the new pilots do not.


    I know why he insist so much on honing a pilots abilities by the regular and at times extremely taxing simulated combat training. They will understand in time it is for the benefit of the ship we serve first. They will in time understand in time it is for their benefit as well to be able to survive.


    looking out my cockpit I cannot clearly see the Commander, The Nebula is masking that ability. I know he is going over tactics, as well as a way to handle this situation in the best fashion possible. I know if the rest will follow his lead, and listen we may come out of this no worse for wear. I know this for I have seen him compose far too many of the Fleet communicaes to the families of those young fellow pilots lost in battle.


    The Nebula is a swirl around us and the Reaent as if it is a comforting blanket. A way to be hidden from danger deeply wrapped in the mist. This would appear to be some sort of comfort were it not for the knowledge the enemy is out here as well, and looking.


    Computer end log: Beep...