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Arch Angel

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Posts posted by Arch Angel

  1. A Time To Heal


    Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.,Cag, U.S.S. Reaent NCC-3345-G


    The fighter bays are empty now with the only exception of the security posted at various points to secure the fighter craft. My final inspection and tour of the department and crafts have confirmed the reports from Mr.Nansk on the repairs and refits on the craft along with the proper placards in place.


    The previous conversation we had in the Op's office revealed a deep concern from his point of view as it relates to morale from the flight crews. I have attempted to place his concerns at ease with a plausible explanation. I will apparently have to make an example when the crews return as to why proper documentation and placards are so very important.


    The conversation as well reminded me of another young dedicated officer when he came aboard...has it been that long?. The time has flown by since we were all under the command of Zafira...our previous Air Boss. I can still hear his commands and counsel in my minds eye, Truly there has been none better. The way he expected no less than absolute dedication and performance from the pilots.


    Zafira was a stern Commander...all the while his primary concern was for the ship and crews of the fighter division. All the T's had to be crossed and all the I's had to be dotted and he would not accept any less. Stern yes,compassionate..yes,unwavering in his dedication to this ship and his pilots...yes. The Commander was as well fair and willing to do anything his men were expected to do.


    The memories of past campaigns are still as fresh as if they were yesterday and the way this division handled them. We have been in similar situations before...however we have not been in the physical condition we are now presently. The major difference is our collective damage and losses incurred while on this voyage.


    The corridors are replete with scarred and scorched reminders of just what this Grand Dame and crew have been through...the list of casualties is at an all time high throughout the ship. The numbers indicate an exceedingly high casualty rate for even the Reaent to have obtained. The numbers as well bear cold witness to the lives they either represented, or the lives now permanently scarred and changed forever.


    The pilots and officers lounge is a constant reminder to any pilot worth his/her salt the real cost we have suffered as the numbers of pictures on the bar wall have increased horribly. The pictures represent to any Commanding officer his losses in a way personally few can understand until they have had to sit late at night and compose the letters to the survivors back on what ever planet they had called home.


    The letters to inform them their loved one had died in the line of duty...sacrificing his/her life for the survival of the ship and crew,and the best example of sacrifice and duty to the UFP. The thoughts and concerns each and every mission brings along with the potential loss of lives is a subject Commander Zafira shared on more than one occasion.


    The Commander as well advised to not take each injury or death so personally as it may have the undesirable effect of compromising ones ability to perform their duty. "The danger is part of our job"...I still here the words. The words were right on and have come to be accurate in detail. The fact we put our hides out there..hanging it out over the edge in the daily routine of duty is an awesome call to duty indeed.


    The fact remains we are at half capacity in both fighter and support craft...and in desperate need of replacements in pilots,and craft. The fact as well remains we shall continue to perform our duty...collectivity and as a unit. The Reaent is in orbit around the supposed home world of the Vorta..and shore leave has been granted. I know from the flight division orders as it pertains to behavior have been issued as per the Command staff and will be followed closely...they had better be.


    The tour lasted approximately two hours as various crew passed and chatted for a moment before heading to the TL anxious to leave the ship in pursuit of more enjoyable activities,all the flight crews have disembarked. Pressing the comm button in the flight op's office....+Schawnsee+ Angel here...I am about through here,forwarding final reports to Command...should be joining you within one hour,Angel out.


    The hour slipped by quickly as the last report was sent to Commander Riddire's in box. Rubbing his eyes and forehead,finishing up the last of the cold java from the pot. I need to get going..was the thought. I wonder if they have any good places on the planet to have a swim and a quiet picnic...suppose we will find out soon enough. I and my lovely little wife have had little quality time together as the demands of the job have kept the both of us extremely busy. The fact remains we all need to take the time for relaxation...a time to heal and be whole again. Computer...end log..::Beep...! :o

  2. Ha' Vorante Bound


    Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.Lt.,Cag ,U.S.S.Reaent NCC-3345-G


    The stars as seen through the window port from the Flight Op's office seem to be slipping silently by as we are underway towards our next destination for repairs and hopefully replacements. It has been less than an hour since the last mine was carefully placed into position at the wormhole.The last fighter and shuttle craft have returned safely and crews secured and debriefed.


    The deck crews and maintaince personnel are busied about with refueling and routine post mission check offs and repairs where needed. The various pilots from the looks of things after the debriefing were ready for something to eat,drink, and possibly much deserved rack time...they all deserve a respite indeed.


    The data coming into indicates no problem with the mining operation. The fact we did implement and carry out the operation with not so much as an errant glance from the Romulans or others that just may not be enthralled with the UFP is a blessing some may have not taken into account.


    The U.S.S.Proxima though left behind by reports presents no threat at this time and may be the center for another mission in the future. The fact we as a ship and crew have made it this far is a miracle at best. The cost of our mission has not been without great loss both in crew and in equipment. I reflect on the letters sent to the fleet and routed then to the survivors of those under my watch that will not be going home.


    The numbers speak for themselves both in fatalities and injured ...even to the very top of the COC. The Captain and Xo had been injured and in sick bay along with my wife Schawnsee whom narrowly escaped the veil walk. The mining of the wormhole should bring about at least one good point to this mission...It may either delay,or forbid access to the Romulans into this section of the quadrant. The Gamma quadrant indeed we are a very long way from the space we call home.


    I have been going over the list of our dead and wonder when we will be availed the opportunity for a burial ceremony proper to honor those who have given their all to this ship and the Federation.The crews from various departments are beginning to show the stress from recent events as they appear drained shuffling along the corridors as the days duties continue. I do hope while we are in dock for repairs the crew be allowed some type of R&R.


    The mining of the grid did provide some enjoyment for a few of us as my friend Aaron had the rare chance to actually suit up and join me on the mission. The effect was obvious as the look of elation and pure excitement was etched on his features as we launched and took up a course to the grid. I am quite sure he was grateful to be back in a cockpit once again.


    Reports are finished and the time grows late...fatigue has finally begun to creep in on me as it replaces the help of the adrenalin and caffeine that has been keeping me going for what seems like days. The fact it probably has been days since having the time to garner a full nights rest, in place of the quick cat naps that have been keeping me going is beyond me .


    The time as well reminds me I need to quickly check in on Schawnsee, it has been awhile since I checked in on her,I do worry about her at times...even through all the protest and speeches as it pertains to her position,and our chosen professions. I will make it a quick check as it is now close to myself winding up in there along side if I do not get some semblance of rest. A quick drop by and a smile ,perhaps a kiss and I love you might keep her worries at bay....Computer...End log...Beep! ;)

  3. Threading The Needle


    Duty Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.,CAG,2nd.Squadron,420 th.,Light fighter group

    U.S.S. Reant NCC-3345-G, Duty log and recommendations.


    The conversation and SITREP from sciences division have coincided with the original suggested plan of action to assist and augment the placing of mines within the grid as outlined by the Science division. The last encounter with a Romulan war bird has indeed taken a toll above projected damages previously,ending results we as a ship are not within the parameters necessary for the original deployment of the mines necessary to insure limited or denial of Romulan entrance from the worm hole.


    The past few days have been intense since our last battle and the timely intervention from the U.S.S. Excalibur. The mines allocated to us have proven their worth indeed as a bit of engineering and scientific ingenuity did assist in the destruction of the dead war bird as it's automated systems had locked on Reaent and the fighters on station,two of those beauties managed to take it out...However the resulting damage to systems took a toll.


    The time for deployment of the remaining mines is upon us,Engineering doing it's very best appears to be in a real dilemma in the original plan for mine deployment as power demands and resources have been diminished greatly.The Reaent must complete the mission prior to departure for much needed repairs. The allocation of the fighter group as an aid is obvious. The necessary revisions of all fighter craft as well as shuttle craft have been performed including delivery points,ramps,for deploying the mines as per grid requirements and positioning.


    The Reaent in theory should be enabled to devote a majority of power distribution to more dedicated systems including defensive /offensive systems with the diminished work load provided by the fighters and support craft. The Reaent would be able to be at a stand off position...close enough to render aid if necessary,and far enough away to insure survival and escape should the mission turn for the worse along with minimal fighter escort.


    The trip to Engineering did go well,I am sure the additional assist is greatly appreciated by the Ceng as it frees the engineering division to dedicate additional resources to more critical systems and demands.


    The final overlay of the grid and interface with the fighters and support craft have been uploaded and will work in conjunction with Engineering and Science...The entire operation should take less than one hour with all dept's. involved working as a unit to insure proper placement of the mines. The mines being placed and upon return to Reaent along with fighter escort perhaps we may proceed onto our destination for much needed repairs. The mission should go without a hitch, No harder than threading a needle. Computer:...End Log...beep.. ;)

  4. Turn And Burn Time


    Pilots Log:Angelis,John,A.,Lt. CAG, U.S.S. Reaent


    Computer begin recording:..Beep....


    Breaking hard right once again post snap firing off a torpedo towards the remaining part of that Romulan war bird..."Will hard to port ...now,join up with Tabor and Beta flight and get back to Reaent...now". I am in hopes at least perhaps that derelict running on auto pilot will either break off the present course towards Reaent at best, Break off pursuit of Will's fighter in the very least.


    Pulling up hard going to a full burn while watching the HUD as the torpedo is closing with the front of that monster...perhaps it may finish knocking out the automated Defense/Attack mode it is clearly running in,knock out the mains...it may be blinded and allow the ship to break away from the present course and heading allowing Reaent to escape or side step .


    The squadron what remains of us are rallying back to Reaent taking up as much a defensive umbrella as possible in the event that damned thing continues to paint and pursue us. All my men have performed with distinction considering the recent events as well as endless hours assisting in restoration of what remains of us. Reaent is closing with us now...giving the order to take up positions and stand by for orders to engage.


    The sounds from the humming of the engines fill the cockpit as the flashing of the console lights intermittently indicate the onboard computers and flight computer are in constant communication with each other...sensors sweeping updating data on the surrounding space and any threat from nano second to nano second. The Romulan ship that is following ...closing steadily painted on the HUD in a crimson imaging generated by the computer displaying type and configuration of the ship including weaponry and status of their main batteries status on powered up condition. The normal crew compliment is not there.


    The torpedo fired is closing...impact in approximately thirty seconds and counting, Thirty seconds will determine whether it works to our favor...or we continue to turn and burn. Computer...End Log...Beep. ;)

  5. Truly blessed


    Duty log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.CAG, U.S.S. Reaent


    Pressing the record button...waiting for the beep, Squadron readiness report for Command staff. Going over the final reports from the repair crews and pilots reports on fighter readiness it was better than I had even hoped for. The hard work and dedication of the crews have proven once again their ability to adapt and overcome seemingly huge odds.


    The final Confederate fighters compliment numbers Eleven space worthy and combat ready. The Peregrine fighters stand ready times Two fighters. Type II Shuttle craft at Three count and fully operational. Type VIII at Four and fully operationial.Type XI at Two and fully operational. Last but certainly not least the Danube class runabouts at Two as well fully operational.



    Continuing down the list Angel could only harbor the feeling they all had been truly blessed considering what they had recently experienced with those Romulan ships that had pursued the Reaent through that worm hole. The mere fact that Excalibur and the assistance rendered in defeating those ships was in itself what would be considered a miracle.


    The fact the Reaent and the fighter squadron survived the pounding with the lives lost and scope of damage wrought in that confrontation is truly a blessing indeed. The fact my wife had been critically injured and was now on the path to recovery is in itself a genuine blessing indeed which I am eternally grateful.


    The Flight op's department has as well been working with engineering and science departments closely on a way to develop and employ the mines launching mechanism I had been focusing on a way to refit the fighters with a hard point mounting rail to assist the ship in the placing of the mines.


    Looking down the reports with a renewed energy Angel was thinking of the Captain and Commander and was sure they could stand a bit of good news for a pleasant change other than the previous less optimistic reports...yes indeed truly they were blessed. Computer end log...encode and forward to Captain Michael's, CC Commander Ridire....Beep..!

  6. A Nocturnal Visit


    A joint Angelis log:


    Schawnsee was laying on her bio bed in sickbay,hovering between asleep and being awake. Her vital signs looking more promising as they were approaching normal acceptable levels after her premature trip out of sick bay to the departmental heads meeting.


    It had been a long and arduous past few days...Closing and sending final reports,reviews ,repair and maintenance assignments...Angel drained the remainder of the mug of cold coffee. Looking up from the stack of padds and his computer focusing on the antique wall clock..."Ancestors...past Midnight again...I hope it is not too late to do a quick check in on my Little One". Keying the comm link he advised Tabor he would be in sick bay if needed. The message was of course passed onto his relief , After all the shift had ended some time ago. Rising from behind the desk,Stretching a bit...he headed for the TL...As the doors closed stating his destination.


    Schawnsee was still shivering a bit,prompting her to pull her blankets further up on her neck.The monitor above the bed indicated her vitals as stable...and approaching normal levels,However her blood count had not quite returned to normal after the second bout of internal bleeding she had undergone, Well...after the second time the medical team had to repair the damage incurred when tearing a few internal sutures walking to the meeting on the bridge.


    Reflecting over the past days events and the situation the ship and crew were in, Thoughts of just how fortunate they all had been and blessed by the powers that be. The blessings included the sparing of his lovely wife in itself was reassuring. The TL halted and the doors swooshed open, Snapping him back to the present from the deep thoughts he had been going over. Exiting from the lift even more so now taking up a hurried pace down the now quite and empty corridor leading to sick bay.." I have to see her,make sure she is going to be alright now with my own two eyes". The thought had not occurred to him until he was about to enter medical to simply use the no speak.


    Schawnsee was laying on her side, facing away from the entrance doors to sick bay. The lights above her bed had been lowered to a dim glow. She was still slightly shivering under her blankets as Angel entered sick bay."Nodding at the medical staff as he entered",Angel motioned to a nurse in attendance and queried if it would be possible to visit his wife acknowledging the late hour.


    The nurse was very understanding and simply smiled pointing me to my beloved's bed,however giving me the standard not too long speech before allowing me to join Schawnsee. Approaching her it was obvious she appeared to be cold and was shivering a bit under her blankets, Though the room temperature was cool ..the overall ambient feel of the air was not uncomfortable, Grabbing a blanket from the wall rack Angel eased up to Schawnsee and gently draping her in the heavier blanket and spoke"Little One...are you awake?".



    The reaction was rapid from Kat as she jumped being startled at the blanket being placed on her at the same time hearing Angel's voice. he had approached her from behind. She had not been expecting it.She had risen up quickly with her fist drawn back,her adrenaline pumping so high she had not felt the stretching of her abdomen until she realized whom was standing in front of her." Dear creator...Do Not do that to me ". Taking in a deep breath and lowering her hand,beginning to feel the small pangs from her midsection she slowly eased back down onto the bed with assistance from Angel and the nurse who had observed her pop up so quickly.


    Smiling as he looked down at Schawnsee,taking a seat by her bed and taking her small hand in his, "I apologize my love...you were shivering like a new born fawn in the dead of winter". He began gently tucking in the blanket around her..." I have been worried about you, Your color was not right in the meeting...and being briefed by the staff did not lessen my worries"." You had lost a considerable amount blood internally...and yes you can forget about the argument of the necessity of attending that meeting in your condition, Even with medical clearance, Which by the way I am as convinced you either conned,or brow beat a staff member into allowing you to do so". Grinning he became quiet.


    "Well all I did was ask the Doc. If she did not think I could not have done it...she would not have allowed me to attend, Besides she was there watching me".Kat snuggled back down on the bed...pulling the blankets up to her chin. " And yes I was a bit cold. Thanks Hon for the additional blankets" as she managed a small smile.


    " I had the nurse change the bio beds comfort level as well...taking it up to near normal body temp. instead of the 75 degrees it had been set at....that should help a bit my love. The nurse as well informed me your condition is now stable and improving, You should be back in shape in no time at all. By the way I brought you a treat ". At that he held up to her a cup of herbal tea, sweetened with pure honey..." Nothing but the very best for you love".


    Sitting up a bit Kat took the cup of tea with that sparkle in her eyes once again..." Thank you Hon. The Doctor told me that if I continued to improve I should be able to be released soon. I'm just glad and relieved that you are ok. I was worried when I heard a few of your Squadron had been lost"...Taking a small sip of the tea looking at Angel.


    Angel looked at her.." I was worried about you too when the reports came into the Recovery craft. You were on the injured list from the Reaent...You have no idea what was racing in my mind right then and there. Later on Excalibur the medical report indicated your had been severe, However they had been corrected and subsequently you had been removed from the critical list..that was a great deal of relief to me"..Looking on and placing a small grin on his face.." As for myself...well you know the Creator is taking good care of me"..Dropping his gaze a bit.." As to my men, That was an all together different story, You heard my report, I lost six good pilots,young ...yes,Four of them were still relatively green, and two were well seasoned,all gave their very best".


    Lowering the cup of tea after taking a few more sips as Angel had been speaking.." Every one gave their best. Things like this are why I dislike being in a command post". Sipping once more from the cup, as she draws the cup from her lips..attempting to stifle a yawn so Angel does not see it, and cut short the visit..." I just want to get back to work".


    Looking at the nurse as she taps her wrist chronometer Angel had caught the unsuccessful attempt to hide her fatigue..." I have to keep my word my love, The good nurse says it is time to let you rest now, I am fine...just covered up to my ears in the paperwork and reports and scheduling as you are all too familiar with .I must get back to work and you need your rest". Leaning over her and gently kissing her, Smiling..."You are my love and my heart little one,rest and sleep, and mend...I will come back next shift end".


    Kat handed the empty cup back to Angel as she was beginning to feel the calmative effects of the tea, Yawning once again..." Thank you again love for stopping by, Please do not worry I won't be doing anything the Doctor does not allow me to do, Be careful Hon". With that Schawnsee yawned once more, slowly closing her eyes and drifting off to a deep restful sleep as the tea and it's herbs had intended to do naturally.


    Smiling gratefully as it was now apparent his wife would be fine now Angel made his way back to the nurses desk,thanking her once again..he exited sick bay and entered a TL with the intent to return to the Flight Op's office as he noticed the time again..." I suppose I should get some sleep as well"...Rerouting the TL he was headed to their quarters now relaxed a bit Schawnsee would back at his side in no time now.

  7. Of Mines and Men


    Duty Log And Summary of Flight Operations Proposal:


    Angelis,John,A.,Lt.CAG,2nd.Squadron,420th.Light Fighter Group,U.S.S. Reaent


    The departmental meeting had been informative,revealing,and spot on as to our overall condition ship wide. The reports from the departmental representatives summed it up in a few minutes what many onboard conjectured. We had been wounded severely in each and every department.


    The report from Doctor Matthews was most disturbing as the final numbers were presented. The losses and injured had a profound effect on Doc and was noticeable across the table. The sickbay area must have been a chamber of horrors for a time,we are surely blessed to have the medical team we have here on Reaent...though the Doctor gave her report she kept the urge for an emotional outburst well under control,a true professional in every respect.


    The Captain and Commander appeared reserved overall...The reports proceeded in turn as Captain queried each department. I had previously forwarded my report to the Command staff including Pilots lost in battle along with the copies of the letters to the surviving families of those brave souls. The recommendations for awards to be presented to the pilots,Post humusly. I as well make recommendations for the surviving flight staff an award of commendation for duty above and beyond the normal call of duty.


    The condition of the Squadron at present is greatly reduced in numbers as it pertains to fighter craft available,Though we have made considerable progress in the repair and return to flight worthy status of a few more light fighters. The flight staff in conjunction with the additional assistance from engineering and others have been piece mealing parts from the unrecoverable fighters and reincorporating them in the fighters deemed repairable.


    The meeting had progressed and each in turn gave a report as it pertained ready status,losses,damages,and projections. I had been going over a possible tactical alternative plan to fulfill our mission as it related to the Proxima,and that worm hole we as well as the Romulans had been spit out of, I presented a brief synopsis of the plan at the meeting...perhaps too brief. The Captain had advised us of some additional new armaments we had not had previously. The mines from the Excalibur could literally be a heavenly sent blessing. Looking over the PADD with the data the plan congealed even more clearly.


    The Commander was the first to comment on the plan, I certainly can understand his concerns...on the surface the plan as I had submitted it seems to be a one way suicide mission laden with blind heroics, Nothing could be further from the truth . The primary concern of this department is the safety and security of this ship and crew,anything else falls into the secondary category.The Captain put a lid on the proposal and moved onto other matters.


    I am now submitting as per the Captains request a more detailed summary of the alternative plan. We are in possession of a few fighters that while have been stripped of certain components including life support ...they do remain overall flight worthy and could be equipped to be flown remotely as ones had been done previously in engagements. The components of the holo imaging hardware is already in place, It should be a simple procedure to bring them up to mission ready...flown as pilot less drones if you will and laden with a few mines be flown back into that wormhole. The Romulans have not reemerged from there since our last encounter...they may not have had time to amass their numbers again...either way the drones enter...and one emerges as a fighter,the other under holo imaging...or cloaked as surrounding space...we have the coordinates of Proxima,and the timing of the journey through the wormhole.


    The mines once armed could be detonated remotely possibly from our side of the opening and therefore taking out the Proxima,and any other vessels that may have been deployed by the Romulans all the while sealing up the opening and limiting their ability to mount an attack into the Gamma quadrant. The Reaent would never be without a protective cover during the operation as all manned fighters would be in place to intercept any threat. Listening carefully to the science representative and looking over the idea of a grid to place the mines on this side,detonating them...sealing it up does have merit.


    The thought that perplexes me in this whole matter is if we do seal it from here...what is going to stop the Romulans from establishing another, The gut feeling the Proxima has a great deal to do with this situation...and ergo must be either recovered...or destroyed entirely. The mining of both sides and subsequent detonations would seem to be a better solution...enabling a final ending to both questions.


    I understand we are proceeding to the planet given by the Excalibur's Captain where if I understand correctly we will be provided with support services and additional assistance ...Assistance we do sorely need. The clock on the flight ops wall chimed....it is Midnight now and all is quite with the occasional sound of the repair crews second shift moving and reattaching equipment in the fighter bays.


    The plan submitted for review is a viable alternative in my opinion...it has the potential to assist this ship and our mission with the projected minimal amount of casualties. The amount of losses in this type of situation can never be guaranteed ...We are after all involved in a profession that can be quite fluid and the circumstances can change rapidly, The very best one can do is attempt to cover the constant variables as best we can,Adapt to the changing conditions as they come. Computer end log:Bleep...:Computer encode and send to the Captain,CC: Commander Ridire...

  8. Notification To Next Of Kin


    The last of the inevitable communicae to the next of kin and or immediate family had been encrypted and sent to SFHQ and forwarded to their respective destinations.


    The list seems to be growing as time goes on. The number of KIA on the pilots roster has increased proportionally .....though by far less than the overall percentage of crew loss ship wide it has grown since the reassignment of my former Commander and friend Zafira.


    I can remember our conversations as if they were yesterday.we had returned from a harrowing mission in the junk yard...and had presumed lost the shuttle and crew to an energy burst that later proved to be a cleverly hidden transport beam that had beamed the crew off at the instant the shuttle was destroyed.


    I had just finished my debriefing along with the other pilots....and was thinking of the loss of the shuttle crew, Along with the pilot of that doomed flight my old friend and fellow pilot V'Roy when Commander Zafira pulled me aside and prompted me to walk with him.


    The conversation in the pilots/officers lounge was at the very least informative and valuable advice from my superior for future reference should I question or reflect on our losses. Zafira had continued to inform me ...and rightly so, Reminding me of our position and our job as well as the inherent danger(s) involved in our profession.


    The conversation was not lost on me...I had been in a self pitying poor me baby frame of mind...regretting the losses we had sustained when his words hit home and literally forced me out of that way of thinking. Zafira had been a strict disciplinarian as it pertained to training but he was fair. The man expected the best out of us all..and accepted no less.


    Pausing for a second...sipping the now cold coffee...Computer resume recording...:Beep: I recommend the highest decoration for valor and bravery for the following individuals,all served with distinction and honor above and beyond the normal call of duty...List to follow...::pressing the button linking the list to the computer link...::Pilots KIA: Amos,R.J.,Ens.,Abros,S.,Lt.jg.,Henderson,Ens.,Sanderson,Lt.Jg....The list continued until the last of all six pilots were loaded into the Communicae.


    Computer encode and send priority one,CC to:Capt.Fred Michaels,Xo Commander Ridire U.S.S. Reaent.,Signed respectfully....Angelis,john,A.,Lt.CAG,U.S.S. Reaent.,::Beep:: Turning to the clock on the wall and realizing the late hour ...Zafira's final words are haunting..."You stay in our profession long enough...you will see others come and go..live and die". Computer end log:Beep..

  9. Fly By Wire

    Duty Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg.,Present Squadron leader,and CAG, U.S.S. Reaent


    Computer: begin recording...Beep!....


    Time to launch readiness less then 15 minutes now, My team of fighter pilots have been working close with the science and engineering sections to implement a daring and unknown or utilized plan of deployment of the fighters....Five fighters are to go online and fly to the designated IP of the asteroid,replete with Romulan science vessels.The last known count of Romulan vessels were around fifteen not including war birds.


    The Captain had made the decision to go ahead with his plan....I must admit and congratulate the Captain on the very real aspects of this being a successful mission again without the unnecessary risk and loss of fighter pilots. There are going to be five less fighters in the bay...that much is certain.


    The loss if all goes as perceived by the Co is minimal when weighed against the possible data we can retrieve from that fleet ship and the asteroid...and wormhole. I have been working with engineering on the construction on the holodeck to replicate as close as possible the five cockpits that will in so short a time house their respective pilots.


    Time is relevant in our present situation...as time goes on it has been my understanding through command channels the location we are presently taking refuge in is shall we say quite inhospitable to our present crew and compliment,ergo the necessity to get on with this plan so we may get our data and get the hell out of here.


    The cockpits replications are almost completed...comm links in place,control input communication through the main computer...and comm link appear to be almost ready as time nears to zero time. This exercise and mission is of up most importance to Star Fleet apparently, I am sure the squadron will hold up it's part in this mission. The excellent work and dedication to duty by all departments again exemplifies the dedication and professionalism this crew continues to exhibit mission after mission...best in the fleet.


    Computer: End log....Beep.... ;)

  10. Standing By


    Personal log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg.,acting CAG,U.S.S. Reaent


    The ensuing hours since the wings recall to the ship have been busy with little or no time for off time or personal pursuits. I had no choice in the matter of Mr.Nansk and the discussion that followed upon our return...I fully understand his observation and aggravation as it pertains to the fighters being onboard instead of being deployed as a defensive and protective element for the Reaent.


    The finer points were discussed and pointed out to him along with a reminder of the COC,as well as our duty to follow those in command on the bridge without hesitation for that is all part of our job description. The recall order was perhaps a bit of a surprise for the wing...however as it was pointed out the Captain must have had a damn good reason to call us back,and considering we all were not blown to space dust his reasoning was borne out.


    This was the first incident I have had to verbally reprimand Tabor as he has proven to be a good pilot whom up to now has followed orders without any reservation. I understand the concern the knee jerk observation must have given him,however this will pass as he ages and has more experience...besides the additional detail I have assigned to him in the additional training of the pilots in sim and composing a report on each and every single pilot in sims and their respective reports may have the desired effect of tempering his sudden urges to question a command while being angered.


    I understand from comm chatter and reports we are nearing the origin of the signal being transmitted by the missing Federation ship, I have been going over our relative position in this Romulan space sector and putting together a few tactical responses should the need arise and finishing the reports to forward to the Command staff.


    I have not even taken the time to have any time alone with my wife...whom I am sure has been just as preoccupied with her duties as Chief of security in preparation for this little venture...little venture indeed if that is the way one might look at the situation were it not for the fact we are deep within the Star Empires Sovereign territory and quite possibly face either capture of destruction...a little venture indeed.


    The clock on the wall ticks away steadily each moment passing into minutes and into hours...by all reports we are down to minutes now. I have placed all fighter pilots as well as support craft pilots onto ready alert status,all craft have been loaded and fueled and visually confirmed by the flight deck officer and armament officer as well as the pilots final check off reports. We are ready if the need arises...and are standing by.

    Computer...End Log:...Beep....

  11. Once More Into The Breach


    Pilots Log: Angelis,John,A. Lt.jg., Acting CAG,U.S.S. Reaent


    Computer begin pilots log...the soft beep signaled the recording was active. The group has been deployed into a defensive posture around the Reaent. All fighters have reengaged their holo emitters to assume the physical appearance of small asteroid bits floating around the ship.


    The order to go weapons hot has been given in absence of orders from the bridge and to protect the ship at all cost.My second Mr.Nansk had apparently gotten the same idea as I had...we may prove more valuable and possibly survive this with limited losses taking up the disguise again instead of a fighter group awaiting to engage the enemy.


    The Reaent had been dark,possibly some kind of power failure, I had attempted to contact her with no success to inform them of the rapidly closing Valdore class war birds at extreme sensor range. The scouts sent out from Alpha and Bravo squadrons had confirmed this.The Valdore class indeed...well it could have been worse,There could have been more than just the two of them closing on our position.


    Sitting waiting for the ships to close I still have doubts they may be the only ones on their way, There could always be cloaked ships following in their wake to back them up if things start getting heavy. The main thing we need to do is set perfectly still and monitor the situation...play possum as long as we can. The ships approaching will sooner or later show their hand.


    The possibility we may make it through without a fight has occurred to me as well if the Reaent can be taken seriously as being damaged in some way,and with complete navigational systems,and propulsion as the Captain had originally mentioned in his initial briefing. The other side of that coin is not appealing though, The Romulans would be in all respects delighted to assist the ship by towing her to some Star Empire base and I am just as sure they would be benevolent in their actions towards the crew...yeah,right. I have read accounts from crews that managed to escape from Romulan captivity, They are not pleasant reading.


    The heads up display is steadily indicating the twin Valdore class ships as they are approaching, I do not even need to pull up the fighters ship id class and tech information, I know full well what they are...they are designed for one mission and one mission only and that is as a hunter killer class ship. There are a few things in our favor though, They have no fighters and are a stand alone ship. The other possible tactical advantage we have is unless they are equipped with Borg lasers they should not be able to see through the groups holo imaging.


    The nagging thought of additional Valdores being cloaked is still of concern..even that may be handled if done correctly,well either way if they so much as appear to power up their weapons against the Reaent we may have a little jack in the box surprise waiting on them if they do engage. The memory of my wife's last thoughts she had relayed to me as I had launched with the group are kept in mind as well.."Be careful Angel". I full well intend to be careful,however we will not hesitate to protect the ship if need be.


    Watching the screen as well as the group deployed around me I cannot help but feel the tension of each and every pilot as they set collectively in their small protected environments waiting for the order to engage. The thought of our old CAG Zafira as well comes to mind and his constant training schedules...harsh yes,tiring yes, and his words come to mind as was always making it a point to drill it into our minds...let the other side die for their convictions, You need to survive and live for yours. Zafira would have been proud of this group right now.. each pilot a highly skilled and competent pilot,some new to be sure and perhaps their first trial by fire.


    Looking over to where Mr.Nansk and Bravo are deployed I know Tabor will take care of his new wingman,and the new young addition to our group will survive if he stays close to Tabor and follows his orders. Well all we can do now is wait as the blips get closer and closer, Once more into the breach my friends...once more. Computer end log..the soft beep again acknowledged the computer ending the recording.

  12. A Meeting Of Minds


    Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg., Acting CAG, U.S.S. Reaent

    Computer begin Log...Beep...


    Entering onto the bridge I observed the bridge officers busied about their duties,I have my proposal padd in hand from the fighter group. I waited in an area off to one side of the TL to clear the way for others to move and be out of the way.


    Noting the Xo I did report to him to let him know I was standing by for the meeting in the observation lounge and awaiting the arrival of the other departmental heads. The next few minutes should result in an operational plan as is required by the Co. I have spent many sleepless hours working up a plan from Flt.Ops. working closely with the Chief Engineer and the Chief Science officer,They and their respective support staff I have no doubt have had some of the best minds working the problem as it pertains to our present situation.


    Standing by I observed the Csec enter...nodding at her as the others arrived.The Xo rose from the CC and headed to the designated meeting area, Opening the door he has motioned for the parties to enter...Well here we go I quietly mused to Schawnsee as we headed for the meeting room. I sincerely hope this meeting meets the Captains expectations and this meeting of minds proves successful. There is much hanging in the balance of the decision to be made from this meeting.,Computer end log:..Beep..

  13. To See Or Not To See


    Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.,:Lt.Jg., Pilot/Acting CAG,U.S.S. Reaent


    Computer begin recording: Beep....


    Perception...That is the one nagging thought that has been with me since the department heads meeting with the Commander. There had been a myriad of suggestions from the various departments as it pertained to our present and looming situation.


    The ideas while numerous did have some merit. The problem we are presented with is not only a technical issue;Possibly a real legal question as well. I listened as an idea of cloaking the ship was stated, Even my second Mr.Nansk had offered an interesting point of view on the matter post his discussion with our chief engineer,Though taken under advisement the proposal does not come close in encompassing the overall situation we find ourselves plummeting head long into.


    The Captain was pretty specific in his meaning and objectives, I was sure the others had caught his inference to the situation he has placed us into...perhaps not. I have been going over and over the ships library and archival data base in an attempt to glean some kind of data from historical data that may be of use in this situation. I have sent my ideas and data to both the engineering and science dept. for evaluation.


    The matter of legality as it pertains to the treaty of Algeron had been perplexing me and nagging constantly. The mention of cloaking the ship,or even a small fighter contingent raised my interest,though cloaking be the operative term used,is clearly defined by the treaty as an illegal pursuit from the UFP point of view. I was looking over some related data from the archives when a foot note and reference flashed on the screen.


    Taking the prompt to the file as indicated led to somewhat different technology that had been used in the past. The tech is known,and used on literally every star ship in the fleet, The application of holo emissions, Or more specifically mobile emitter devices. I began to scroll through the data taking notes and paying special attention to the power requirements needed for the devices as well as their construction. The data taken may prove valuable to our chief engineer as well as sciences.


    The data seemed endless as Angel carefully searched the volumes of data, Perceptual filters, Parabolic mirrors,holo emitter projectors,etc.,etc., The list went on and on as the hours passed. Shaking the fatigue from his shoulders..."Gods I am not a blasted engineer or a scientist". The idea may just work, I am a pilot with a keen awareness of a tactical advantage over the enemy is a blessing...and may well prove an asset to us all.


    Taking the notes and data and forwarding them to their respective departments and finally looking up at the chronometer realizing just how late it was, Thoughts of his wife Schawnsee in their quarters alone,and had probably been waiting up late for him filled his thoughts. The couple had very little quality time together anymore,the demands of duty and their respective responsibilities seemed to fill every waking moment on a day to day basis. I will have to get some rest before we are to meet the XO again ...He is expecting answers this time ,Not conjecture or discussions on what could be or may work. We need some pretty concrete solutions to our rapidly approaching encounter.


    The data has been sent and distributed, I am awaiting reports on the departments and their findings. looking around the FO office,looking out over the fighter bay all was quiet at this late hour with the occasional crewman going about their shift assignments. Turning off the data search ...closing down his message terminal Angel rose from the desk and headed for the door on his way to quarters and his beloved. Almost forgot...Computer end log..: Beep...!

  14. Ramped Up And Ready


    Duty Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg.,{Dept.head report,In absence of Lt.V'Roy}

    2 nd. Squadron,420 th. Light Fighter Grp.,U.S.S. Reaent.


    Angel had just gotten the final report from the deck officer and Mr.Nansk on fighter crews and support craft readiness. Scrolling down the PADD making periodic notes and suggestions for future reports, The crews have done well in a very short time frame post issuing the order to make ready all crew and craft for battle ready stand by.


    The previous departmental meeting with the CO fresh in mind. The Captain had made it quite clear his intents and the substance of this cruise to all...well as far as he was concerned the matter was crystal clear.The next thing that has occurred appears to be a ship wide intermittent computer failure with various routines being for lack of a better term...system gone wild.


    The thought was actually bringing a slight grin to his features as he was finishing the final review of the ordinance loading for the fighters.The Captain had mentioned in the brief we if confronted by the Romulans would claim a computer navigational malfunction that took the ship way off the programmed course.


    The memory of having to literally go to the bridge and report the squadrons status as well was in his thoughts, the suggestion to the CO to possibly use our own personal comm links instead of the inter ship comm until the "glitch" in the computer could be fixed as well. the Captain had advised me on the way out of the ready room to go to sickbay and look into what appears to be a good deal on fresh lobster.


    I had replied to the CO jokingly I might just do that as I was hungry as I left the room, Right...being hungry and busy does not mean or equal stupid, I am all to well aware of the situation with Mr.Pinchie...as well as the wrath of the medical personnel should one violate what is understood as being etched in stone,and off limits.


    The TL took me to the Main security office where my lovely new bride was busied about making ready for the upcoming event we had all met and been briefed on.The taking of a quick kiss coupled with a promise of a late dinner and relaxing time together was really all either of us could afford at the time...Leaving her to her duties, I proceeded to the fighter deck and assisted Mr.Nansk with the visual confirmation of the fuel and ordinance loading by the support staff.


    The next item on my agenda was with the deck officer and the subsequent series of readiness drills that occupied both the flight staff and support crews for the next 8 hours, I can really appreciate the regular drills our old Commander Zafira had put us all through periodically. The drills were tiring,yes,demanding,yes, Necessary....hell yes. The performance parameters on the drills are now well within acceptable percentile scores for his demanding discipline...and a bit more for mine.


    The various tactical...logistical,and the possible alternate venues crossed Angels mind as he closed the report. Looking at the late time...need to join my wife. Computer End Log.

  15. Shifts Turning Into Days

    Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg., 2 nd. Squadron, 420th. Light Fighter Grp.


    Angel entered the quarters of he and his new wife Schawnsee just in time to see her rushing into the bedroom getting ready to shower. Schawnsee turned and smiled her beautiful smile as always.


    Hello my love; Taking her into his arms and kissing her embracing her tightly. The look of surprise was clearly etched on her face. Angel saw the look and chuckled a bit, It does take some getting adjusted to does it not ?. Schawnsee smiled as she always does ..then just as quickly looked down and replied "I have to shower and change,I have to return to duty". I understand ,I am so tired from lack of sleep as well. I have been pouring over the logs of the Alert one fighters, And the log of the shuttle in what appears to be a futile attempt to get some relevant data from our little trip to organia.


    I told V'Roy I would return as soon as possible myself, Post shower and change into a clean uniform. I had hoped to catch up with you here...from the rumors going around the ship it appears you have been busy as well. I actually was going to suggest we eat from the replicator and grab some quick rest and spend a bit of time together.


    Holding his hand up...I understand Little One this is not going to happen as she and he headed for the closets to grab a new set of clean uniforms. Time seems to be in short abundance now...Feast or famine, Remember not too long ago we have a excess of time on our hands. He could almost feel her reaction from the shower as he was laying out his own clothes. Grabbing a towel and draping it over the shower door...There you are my dear,fresh clean towel.


    Walking to the replicator angel ordered two Two Herbal Teas..Hot. Taking the teas over to the small table in the middle of the room,setting his down and handing the other to Schawnsee as she came from the bedroom. Your tea my love...figured you will need it. Looking up she smiled, Kissing him gently she was back out of the door turning to tell him perhaps we might get dinner later.


    Drying off from his shower...finishing his tea, Angel donned his clean uniform and entered the front room ..setting the cup in the reclamation port. turned looked into the mirror to insure the gig line was right. The parting words of Schawnsee were still fresh on his mind, "Perhaps we might get dinner later". Dinner indeed...The way it is going my love we may well be lucky to be able to see much of each other at all.


    Leaving their quarters and entering the TL..."Fighter Bay", As the whoosh of the lift the hum from the systems on the ship filled the air. Well back to work...lets see what we can find out...were his final thoughts as the lift doors opened.


    Computer End Log::...Beep...

  16. Time Upon Time


    Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg.,...Computer begin recording: Bleep....


    Is this another attempt to log the past hours...Or is it days now? The question is how much time dilation has occurred there is evidence and memory to substantiate the fact this has been happening not only on the ship,But without as well.


    My wingman and I were on an intercept course to an unknown ship , Ordered to hold short as Organia phased in and out taking the ship with it..next moment I found myself in the chair behind the desk in the flight deck office going over reports.


    This sequence of events have occurred more than a few times...the only difference I can ascertain is I start out in the office, Not in the cockpit of my fighter. Apparently there is an intruder on the Reaent, We have gone to general quarters time after time...other related instances keep reoccurring as well . The fact remains what ever is occurring needs to be ended and normal time reestablished...or is this just a demonstration of the Organians way to communicate their desire for us to leave, or perhaps aid them. The thought of we being enabled to aid an almost omnipitent race is mind boggling.


    The fact remains this situation needs to come to an end, I can only hope and pray we can find a way out of this seemingly endless loop. Hopefully this will be the last time..this time I record a personal log, Or did I do this before...it can take a toll on an individuals perception of reality. This has to end. Computer: End Log...Beep... :lol: