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Jenna James

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Everything posted by Jenna James

  1. The Happiest of Birthday's to you Fred, and best wishes for alot more to come :)
  2. Happy Birthday to you dear Kitty, and may your owner our own dear Captain Huff :: Notice the sucking up :) :: never tire of your divine presence :blink:
  3. Welcome Cadet Cheatle!!! :blink: Good, you like the sims. Keep on the good side of the Gm's :)
  4. Hmm... Trekkie v/s Treker, which is what? I watch TNG, VOY,DS9, Enterprise, I read every new book that comes out, I see the movies, but have never been to a convention, and i collect Trek stuff. What does that make me, Fan , Fanatic, or in between :)
  5. Only with you Tovan as herself!!! LOL
  6. Already sucking up toCaptain Huff are you? :(
  7. Congrats Aaron!! Way to go!! ^_^ May I suggest the Hood as your assigned ship? :(
  8. Well I for one like my own signature, :( buuuttt, since we can't vote for our own, I vote for A-9, oh, and an honorable mention to Nemesis!
  9. :( Wishing you and your alter ego a very Happy Birthday!!!
  10. I see Tovan's drunk on Vulcan wine again!!!!!!! :(
  11. :: Thwaps back:: Hey lay off you shameless evil person!! :( I don't recruit for anyone's ship but mine ::Thwaps again to make sure Ern Ndak understands: :D Go Hood!!!!! ^_^
  12. HappyEaster everyone!!! ^_^ And to those who don't celebrate Easter Have a happy day also!' :) Not to get into religion here, but let's all remember it's not about the eggs, the rabbit, or the food! :( So wishing you all the best of days whatever it is to you! :D Jenna
  13. Hello every one, hope all is well with you all. I was hoping someone might help me with a question I have. I need to know how to make my words scroll across the screen. Please Help! :) Thanks
  14. Thanks Webbie for the help! I understand now. ;) And thanks to everyone else who helped also. :angry:
  15. Here ya go, just for kicks, it's listed under Birthday's :)
  16. Hey, Happy Birthday Vex!! :) Happy Birthday Captain Ryan!! :angry: Any parties going on? ;) I wanna come. ;)
  17. Umm better watch out.. every ship has one ;) As for your earlier question as to which riker annoyed me most... All of them! He was like another Kirk! ;) Always in love with Troi, but chasing every skirt that came across his path. :angry: As for Pulaski.. maybe another bones, but comeon, she sissed Data! :) As for Bev Crusher, good bedside manner, crush on Picard, else wise weenie! :angry:
  18. Voted for other namley, Riker! Don't know why, but he annoyed me. ;) Oh and congrats on your graduation Ki'rok. :) Ummhmm... may I suggest the Hood. ;)
  19. Gee, cutest and sexiest female on Trek, oh my how shall I vote? ;) Seeing as I am female, umm, I didn't vote for sexiest, so that left me with my favorite.. Jadzia Dax, I like her spunk with the Klingons.... and especially Worf. ;) ::Drools:: Oh yes Worf Oh excuse me, hehe. Forgot myself there for a moment :)
  20. I have to agree with Marris and Dumbass about Q. He is not a villian, he is more of a trickster, a mischief maker. ;) If he had wanted to destroy humanity he could have done it with the flick of a finger, but he didn't. He got his kicks playing with Picard and crew, because Picard was so stuffy, and aloof. ;) I have just finished reading I,Q, and consider it an excellent book. I recommend to anyone who thinks that Q is a villian, that they read the book, and then see if you feelings about him haven't changed. :)
  21. Happy birthday shipmate ;) Many happy returns!!! May you get bolder, as you get older. ;)
  22. The happiest of birthdays to you Tovan!!! :rolleyes:
  23. I personally love puppies. As a matter of fact on the 21st I'll be getting one. It is a little boy, we've named Thor. He is part Lahso Aopsho, and part Pekinnese... they are called Picaso's. Very tiny. Very cute :rolleyes:
  24. Donuts? Is Sebien getting senile.. or is he mixing up his ships? Psstt.... Donuts... Hood... remember? :rolleyes:
  25. Happy birthday Travis!! I won't even try to match those guys LOL :: I'M a leper give me a kiss:: :rolleyes: