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Charles Stone

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Status Updates posted by Charles Stone

  1. Ok we have been out star-ed. Ill give you all 5 now, can you hook a guy up? After all we found it out... LOL

  2. Sorry for the mis-spelling Mich

  3. Very cool! I couldnt make out the Philipines (dang public schools). Thanks for the insight!

  4. Welcome Dino! Are you new to the Academy (ie did you ever manage to get in?)

  5. WElcome Kroy, you gotta decorate your Quarters a bit. Heres a coment and a star for you. Cp,,emts are cool, star mean nothing.... Welcome

  6. WElcome Thompson! Hope you have a blast here. Need anything just say the word or make a post.

  7. Well thats cool, looks like we started a trend with people leaving comments for others. Cool!

  8. Who knew I could start a thread that would capture the great Images attention! Im a general fan of your post.

  9. Wow a fellow Coloradan. Cool! Im not a native, but Ive been here a few years now.

  10. Ya I just got it, if you want I could probably forward it to you. Nothing Charles specific that I can tell, just date of grad, ship preference job that type of thing.

  11. you betch thanks. Ill be going to the Redstar

  12. You tricky tricky Romulan...

  13. You watch the TV show HEROS? At least I think your avatar is the daughter... That show is great! Oh as a bonus here is a comment for you! I had to write my own, but yours is genuine!