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Everything posted by Sumo

  1. ::bad japanese english <ala that spike show>:: Place your Bets now.. your choice A- Snake eats bird B- Snake eats Fence C- Avian Gas, Snake dies! ha ha Times up!
  2. Hello there little ones
  3. Happy B-day Little one. ::bear hug:: sorry for being late.
  4. ::waves his hand:: This is not the Trekkie you are looking for. He may go about his business. Move along. Wil, throw in some Macross units in your writing <---used to be a hard core STSF player <SFOL in the days>. Still have room chat logs from the late 90's.
  5. if you were, you'd have to move Boulder Colorado =0)
  6. AND... #1. After not running away from that, you agree to meet with said strangers in strange places like Hunt Valley MD, and Las Vegas Nevada for Star Trek Conventions. #2. You are willing and able to show off your Trekiness by cosplay at said conventions infront of said strangers. #3. <If you haven't been committed to an asylum by this point.> You are willing to give up Several Months of Salary at said conventions for Pictures with the Stars, Autographs and various Chatchka's from the dealers room. Heading back home with more luggage than you left with only to store these items in a room, never to be touched/opened, until you realize you need to make your next rent payment and attemt to hock these items at your local Pawnshop.. <And yes. I have several of these types of customers but that's for another chat tab>
  7. ok. it's not an original quote but It'll work. Brando- "I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am"
  8. just a /bump and a vote that Kansas jump ahead as it's been a week
  9. Robin Hood.. curse you A-9 for bringing that image up... I'm gonna have to find my pics and torture you.
  10. You forgot the doughnuts... take it away Huff. Honorable Mention goes to Mreh K'hal
  11. Last Nights Deal or No Deal.. Vader as the Banker- No Deal Carrie Fisher- No Deal!!! R2D2's Limited sounds- No Deal Stormtroopers- ehhhh Deal Models Dressed up in the Slave gal outfit. -Deal Deal
  12. sorry, I haven't been around for a few days. I'll try and find something when I get home from work.
  13. News reporter- "Officer Smith shows off the clothing he used to wear before he joined the modern police force. We've also inserted a picture of what he used to look like at that time."
  14. "Middle" is the question. Denver's con is 2 weeks away. the 18th-20th of April.. Starland.com. I'll be there and in Vegas for SLWest. atleast thats the plan.
  15. Prepare for a wallet scare. I've been looking for a couple of weeks and didn't see much of a difference with the Hilton Selected.. I would prefer to stay at the Hilton and I'm gonna keep looking out for a deal from the Players Club Card that I had last year. Last year I got lucky, real lucky.. If I don't get a good offer in the next few months I might break down and stay somewhere else on the Monorail route, even the ::shudder:: strat..
  16. Or head in to your local Pawnshops.. I've sold seasons for 15 or 20 bucks. Course I took my own sets home first. Sorry, I don't have any for sale at this time.
  17. "I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you.."
  18. When the humans have their backs turned, Autobot's Inferno and Firebot have a little PDA.
  19. Before they used that nice clean park, Kirk and crew thought this construction site would be a perfect place to set the Cloaked Bird of Prey down. "Captain.. they are using colorful metaphors again..."
  20. I did hear about that at the last Starcon here in Denver. Editor from Starlog made a little comment about it but was way pre production. was only a few short comments but my understanding is that it was gonna be Live action. He gave some actors name for the Panthro role and the audience ooohh and ahhh'd .. I'm sure there will be more later.
  21. Or the fact that I actually remembered the character names. ::shudder::
  22. In the Alternate Universe, the chase scene in "Star Trek- Nemesis" had a slightly smaller budget.
  23. Miranda/Soyuz Class. Then probably Defiant or Akira