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Danika Sylar

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Status Updates posted by Danika Sylar

  1. Thanks! I am a bit of a vidding geek.. so I had fun trying to make a trailer. (As opposed to a straight music vid) First attempt! ;0)

  2. Yes, another science geek to join you there. It will be mega fun!!

  3. Just to let you know, I am officially assigned to Aegis! Wheeeee!

  4. Unfortunately, I have other plans that were made a while back so I won't make it tonight. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to buy me that drink soon enough. ;o)

  5. Yes, still going for Aegis. I am planning on dropping by tonight to watch. :0)

  6. Ah! Youtube! My stompin' ground! I make vids there. That was so funny.. I favorited it. ;0)

  7. Just wanted to mention you write very good logs. I was reading a few of them. :0)

  8. Oh, I can't wait to read it! Where you going.. to Agincourt?

  9. Welcome & thank you for adding me as a friend! Look forward to simming with you in the future!

  10. Not yet, but my the guy who graduated me said he had some mail trouble, apologized & said he'd get it taken care of. Bah, I feel left out! :OP I'm on right now if you want to chat. I'm in the lobby.

  11. Yes I'll be around! When??

  12. Congrats on your graduation! Welcome to the class of '07!

  13. No problem! Hey we'll probably end crewmates, so no harm in extending the hand of friendship! :0)

  14. Now you have a friend.. & another comment! :0)

  15. Common earthling name. It works. ;0) Ironically, it IS the name of a SW author. Anyway, I have a feeling it's going to be great fun on Saturday!

  16. Sith slush, sounds interesting. (Star Wars fan perhaps? I was actually thinking your name reminded me of a SW author.)

  17. I can definitely be there on Saturday night. I haven't tried Redstar yet, so that would be fun. :0)

  18. I was going to probably do the Saturday night Academy again. I work Thursday night & I have plans with friends tonight. :0) Want that coffee bad, hmm? Heehee.

  19. Wow, XO, I bet that was fun though. Even if it was scary. I was going for science as well if I went for Aegis. Either that or Medical or Engineering.

  20. I'm thinking about Arcadia on Wednesday, Aegis on Friday or one of the Monday sims.. not sure which yet. ;oP Yourself?

  21. Congrats on your graduation! :0)