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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. Sumo goes Redneck Wait, wait, scratch that last one! Here.... Fox' new hit reality show: I wanna be a Sumo Wrestler!
  2. I don't have the answer to your question, since I've never been, but I want to guarentee you that not everyone is going gold! I for one will be doing Convention-Cheap, lol. Meaning, I'm probably only going to go to the vendor tables, and maybe try to worm my way to standing in the back of some of the other events, if they're cheap enough. Espressos, Paris champagne buffets and Thunder Down Under adds up, afterall.. One must have priorities. Though if you're looking to go for the Gold package, you're guarenteed to have Blurox next to you for company... all weekend long! (Right now she's probably calculating which relative or body organ she needs to sell to get the extra money).
  3. So very true! (But didn't Santa enjoy it? ;)
  4. DVD's AND ELECTRONICS! I want Babylon-5! I want ENT! I want the TOS and TNG movies! I want a new camera!
  5. Not willing to face the office manager's wrath over a new paper shredder, Jones came up with a brilliant alternative...
  6. ROFL! Kansas, you get this one. :)
  7. A personal favorite:
  8. Ode to My Computer Piece of Crapus Is your technological nomenclaiture an energy sucking hunk of junk made to fail by nature? The complex levels of behavior you display Connotes an insanely badly-developed cognitive array; And though you are not sentient, Crapus, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless want to beat you until the deckplate bends. (or something like that...)
  9. GALAE PERSONNEL RECORDS t’Oo GENERAL INFORMATION: Name: t’Oo Gender: Female Species: Rihannsu Date of birth: 7501.24 Height: 1.67 m. Weight: 62 kg. Eyes: Gray. Hair: Black. Marital Status: Single Physical Status: Excellent Rank: Arrain Current Vessel/Station: RES Talon Position: Science PERSONAL BACKGROUND: t’Oo has spent most of her career in government research labs studying criminally insane subjects. In reciprocation of her research grants, t’Oo is periodically assigned active starship duty during times of personnel shortage. Position and rank are at the discretion of the government. t’Oo’s personal interests include creating and reading psychological profiles of the criminally insane. DUTY RECORD: 0611.01: Assigned RES Talon, Assistant Science at rank of Arrain 0209.01: Returned to Research Facility 0103.22: Assigned RES Talon, Chief of Science at the rank of Erein. 9908.01: Injured on duty and returned to work at research facility. 9904.01: Assigned RES Talon, DEnar t’Saar, as Assistant Medical at the rank of Erein. 9801.31: Transported to government medical facility on ch’Rihan upon regaining consciousness. 9801.08: Injured on duty on away mission. Inhalation of gaseous toxin resulted in temporary coma. 9712.08: Promoted to rank of Arrain. 9709.15: Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain. 9707.25: Pulled off research and assigned active duty on the RES Khellian, DEnar tr’Vahd as Assistant Medical, counselor, at the rank of Erein.
  10. I can not *believe* all the stuff coming back. I'm glad in so many ways that I missed Disco, but alas, now that dance is hot again, as hard as I have tried to avoid it, I now know how to hustle... And cable TV... I have a part time job now where I can have the TV on, and holy crap if I didn't find "The Partridge Family" and "Welcome Back Kotter"! lol! 70's TV is hiLARious! "I think I love you!" rofl! With the blow-dried hair...
  11. The polar bear's ability to blend in with his environment with his snow-white fur has some limitations.
  12. Marvel 28 looked at the strange crewman just long enough to determine that he wasn’t going to drop food into Marvel’s new cage. Ah well, he had plenty of chunks stored in a secret place where no one would ever find them. Marvel happily resumed running in his wheel. While this new life without the other Marvels was different, Marvel 28 felt a peaceful sense of familiarity about it. Somehow he knew that running in his wheel was fun, and if he ran long enough, he would get to do the most fun thing of all: Run in the maze! Nothing was better than the maze, for at the end of the maze… was fresh cockroach! Mmm… cockroach... What Marvel 28 didn’t know was that he was a brilliant product of lab cloning. Not only was he physically identical to Marvel 1, he also had that early hamster’s memory engrams implanted in his wee dung beetle sized brain. So Marvel 28 was indeed a marvel at running mazes, running in his wheel, storing food chunks, and most importantly of all: Staying alive while being hoisted around by a very large Klingon owner. Yes, thought Marvel 28, today was a good day to run.
  13. Fine... If you *must* know, I had like a bizillion Barbies. And not ONE Ken doll, because you all know now what I figured out as a kid - GI Joe was WAY cooler than Ken. (So when that commercial came out a couple years ago where Barbie drove off in the sports car with GI Joe and left dorky Ken in the townhouse, I was like, "You go, Girl!") And wondering a mall last week between work and class, I bought a mood ring. They're way better now - with better colors and sparkles and crap. We'll see if it goes the way of all my other mood rings/watches, etc. and gets stuck on black, lol.
  14. ROFL! (yes, i think I saw them in the back of the ups truck...)
  15. When UPS guys get bored...
  16. lol, all C's except for the hand-washing one (whew!). Though to be fair, that was just my computer desk at home. I have a traveling work-station most of the time. But... I think I'd score the same on that one, lol.
  17. You can rest easy knowing that I stopped in on the Talon for you...
  18. One step closer to having a "donut" key on my keyboard which materializes a donut when I press it. Yay!
  19. Dunkin Donuts I-72 rest stops now proudly offer: -Higher drive through speakers! -Free first refil on Canteen O' Joe! -Saddle bag donut paks! -Oats! We give the Kick in Horsepower!
  20. Well, you know what they say about large fonts.
  21. Mmm... Candyland...
  22. And this... is why they invented IM's. ::grin::
  23. Hey! Where'd the "Why you dirty rat!" one go?? I was going to pick it! Alright, if he fesses up, I grant him a cut-in turn. In the meantime, this was good too ---> "Rat: Okay, we'll get your head shampooed, then we'll go back over and I'll begin trimming, okay?" Go for it, Sendai. <_<
  24. Whew, it shall keep the Flying Spaghetti Monster from getting angry! Arr!
  25. Well, if you ever posted little nibbles and sparky's portrait on a rat club website, they could very well be yours! (email me if you want the link, lol. Maybe Mom put the picture up while you were napping).