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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. Hey, what's wrong with egomaniacs and nutcakes! ::looks guilty::
  2. When spare parts in the motorcycle repair shop become sentient and bored
  3. The Hood crew at the end of its five year mission.
  4. Have at it! Mmm... deep fried rat....
  5. Doh! Was away on vacation - will pick a picture soon!
  6. If you scratch him in just the right spot, his eyes glow!
  7. Our last symphony concert of the season is going to be the giant Lord of the Rings thing that started going around a few years ago - you know, with the choirs and junk. I told my conductor last night that he can put whoever he wants on the Wagner Ring cycle - I just want LOTR! I'm such a junkie. Our brass love it too.
  8. Awesome! (and yes, I just sang it all the way through, lol)
  9. Thanks everyone! I had a good week complete with a couple cakes, a few meals, and enough glasses of wine to tell stories I would regret the next day..::grin:: All on top of slapping a few great orchestral works AND filling a ten cubic foot kiln. It was a good week. Thanks again :blink:
  10. Scotty and Spock switch up the files for Kirk's "Alien Babes Gone Wild" widescreen video.
  11. Oh yeah, there's much cheaper digs, and the tram is dirt easy. Just... make sure you look at a tram map first, lol. (I probably won't stay at the Hilton either - I'll know more after I make some phone calls this week). Oh, and let's make sure we add the official STSF Thong option to the list of booth attire items we can purchase! Oh, and doggy t's. Candy wears a size small. She looks good in anything. :D
  12. Costumes... lol. I am SO looking forward to the ultimate freak show! ::just picked up a 2G card for camera:: Yeah, costumes at the table wouldn't make us stand out much. And I don't think there's too much wrong with promoting a degree of normality about us... I mean... You *can* be a Star Trek nerd AND have a normal life. Okay, even if that's a lie, it's a legitimate fantasy that I think would be a good selling point, lol. Logo shirts sound cool. Or even cheaper, we could all agree on like black t-shirts and we could have really cool sticker-tags with the logo, or something like that.
  13. How you know it's time to stop making sequels.
  14. lol, this was a tough one this time! So I am just going to pick the first one that made me laugh outloud, which was the Jean Luc Picard Rummage Sale (lol!). Where did the Tellerite one go? That was hilarious. And the piggies not making it all the way home... lol. (small aside trivia if you like pots and junk - I made those pigs at a professional potting workshop this summer, and I got teased all week long about the workshop being a pig-roast... lol. And what you can't see in the picture, is that they're actually *instruments*... You, uh, blow into the pig's tail like a trumpet, and you can play the body like an udu drum. I think I may have created a reputation in the potting community that I may not be able to live down now...)
  15. Hot dog, it's gonna be a party this year! (I'm not getting a car - I'm doing tram, cabs, and hitched rides from nerds).
  16. I don't see the cable jack where it sticks directly into your brain like a Borg. (And watch out, Garn, or I'll use my soap on YOU.)
  17. I started my new year with a nice toasty fresh donut.
  18. well... naughty... but Santa loves me anyway.
  19. Best gift: New dig camera to replace the gigantic dead old dig camera Worst gift: A free calender that came with a packing order that got wrapped up and given to me, lol. I got some soap too, but it smelled like food so that's not so bad.
  20. You know you don't have a life when...
  21. ::must read boards more often:: Happy Birthday. :)
  22. ::wonders what happened to the pet spider the family got you for your birthday:: he he he he he... I bought the crap yesterday needed to make those hokey little xmas spiders... :P ~Huff the Never Evil and Sweet as a Fresh Baked Candy Treat~
  23. "No sir! I did NOT see you playing on your swings again!"