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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. I've blocked Wesley out of my mind completely, so I'd have to say Neelix. Every time Voyager had a plot that had him in danger, I'd get all excited only to have my hopes bashed as they saved him once again. In his defense, he was okay toward the end of the series when they toned him down a bit. I love Phlox. ;)
  2. I tend to kill ensigns named Smith, Jones, Johnson, and Ricky, so "Images" or "Garnoopy" are much safer! ;)
  3. ::slaps Fred:: I loved Voyager! And the theme song to this piece o' crap is the only thing I can tolerate. Okay, I like the doc and can tolerate the communications chick. Of the rest, the dog shows more promise than any of 'em. Well alright, the thing living in the sand tank in Flox' office had a personality and good timing.
  4. LOL! And you absolutely don't have to!! We're just being nerds. I actually have charts that give the number of days covering various starship journeys at different warp speeds, but I only used it once out of the sheer novelty of it. It's really... not necessary. :D And Laura... the vector navigation system *is* physics! ::Dad would be so proud if he knew how I was using my college education::
  5. Uh, I think you meant to say that Warp 5 translates to 125 times lightspeed. You didn't make me CENG because of my looks, you know. c125 *is* speed of light times 125. I don't understand what's unclear. c = speed of light. c125 = c times 125. In math formulas you don't need to use the little x to mean "times." (In fact, you don't want to confuse it with a variable named "x"). Rather, you just put the numbers and letters next to each other - means the same thing. c125, c x 125, c*125, all mean to multiply c by 125. (or by five cubed, or 5^3.) ::thinks you had better be looking pretty amazingly good...:D
  6. Warp speed = cw^3 where c = speed of light and w = warp factor So for example: Warp 5 = c5^3 = c125 = 125 billion kph Also, Impulse speed = c So for example, 1/4 impulse speed = 1/4 c Cheers! :D
  7. Fine by me. And I liked Voyager. All seasons. I think I'm the only one. I even liked Kes.
  8. I always found the movie Gattica interesting for bringing up many of these issues. I'm all for the research personally.
  9. Ah crap. ::knew he shouldn't have gotten the instructions::
  10. You better believe it! :D ::grabs a donut out of the air::
  11. I just like the color of my text and the lava lamp.
  12. Having access and knowing how to actually USE it are two different things. Go ahead Webber, take down that dorky thing he came up with and give him something GOOD. :D
  13. Oh now I do like the idea of volunteering titles for *other* people! Come on, Webbie... make A9's "Bald is Beautiful" !!! I dare you .,, :D
  14. I just had a couple of ideas for the boards. First, the navigation bar at the top "home, about us, blah blah blah" would be great if it were a little bit bigger. I didn't realize it was there for the longest time, lol. I also think including "getting started" with the "help" button text would be good. Next... I think it would be very useful if we had simple short descriptions of our advanced ships in an easy-to-find place. I know we have all the ship website links, but I think it would be very convenient for new ensigns or curious cadets to have all the ship descriptions on one page, one click. I'm not sure if it would be too crowded on the schedule page, or would be better on its own page. But we could have something like: USS Hood(with link) Tuesdays 11 ET An Original Series era sim in a Constitution Class starship. IKC Qob(link) Tuesdays Midnight ET A mixed Klingon and Federation crew on a Vorcha class vessel lost 30 thousand light years from home.
  15. ROFLMAO!! We shall call 11 PM ET the Event Horizon beyond which no living matter exists. Starships, ensigns, cadets... all disappear upon its boundry, sucked into a void only they know the definition of. Is it an alternate universe that rains donuts? A place where Action statements have no effect? And does it occasionally spit back out what it doesn't like, or does it reset the next day at 10 PM ET to yet another iteration of the infinite realities we shall call a = academy sims?
  16. "The Amazing Wall of Donuts"
  17. I make my own! :)
  18. Oh good, lots of Datas under my command! Fresh coffee and donuts... Make it so.
  19. LOL! I am Picard? And if Dac is Data, we KNOW this thing is screwy, lol. Fun site. ;)
  20. You do that, Mr. Webmaster, and I have my own little piece of blackmail that is just itching to see the light of cyberspace. :) (hint: I *never* clean off my hard drive ;)
  21. Ya know... It's bad enough my online time is listed to begin with.. Do you have to post it for all the world to see??? ;P
  22. Really?? ;)
  23. Why thank you, I agree....hmmm, on that first bit anyway {muttergrumblesigh} now I'm 67 and paling???? ugggh, I sound GROSS!! Don't forget bad breath.
  24. Speak for yourself, Lightning, I'm trying to block the trauma. I recall making a complete idiot of myself my first few sims, and the only comfort was that it was a newly-launched ship and everyone was new to simming except the GMs. Some of us have never *stopped* making complete idiots of ourselves in sims... ;) I like idiots. I can relate to them.
  25. Issia says so much more elequently what I tried to say some posts up. Thank you! ;)