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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. Some thoughts from the Amazing Wall of Donuts on new players in Advanced sims. My job as either CO or XO of an Advanced sim *IS* to help new players adjust. I will always respond to crew questions and concerns. I remember very well what it is like to be a new player, and if any new player on my ships feels I don't, well, remind me! :D The only time I can't help is when I'm not made aware of a problem. You gotta be explicit. And if you need more than a quick PM response in sim, go ahead and blather at me in an email. I'll blather right back. I love new ensigns. I want more new ensigns. They bring fresh life to sims. I can't speak for all Advanced sim CO's, but I doubt we have any that don't want to help crew adjust and have a good time. As for asking about promotions - I don't have a problem with crew asking what they need for a particular promotion, or an estimate of the time it will take. (But again, email may be a better venue for questions and answers that require more time). I think the "don't ask for promotions" may be an *academy* guideline, as it simply sucks up valuable time.
  2. I would like to see that, actually. :D
  3. Once upon a time, I happened into a chatroom during the days that we payed by the hour... Many hundreds of dollars later I found myself on three imaginary starships and planning vacations with strangers...
  4. No no, don't back down now! Not when this is just getting good! :D
  5. You'll never convince me that they *didn't* do it... I mean "get together" when they were quarentined on that planet for like MONTHS before Voyager was able to get back... :D
  6. By the way... When was A9 *ever* debonair? :D
  7. Romulans are great. I personally would like to see a full Romulan sim added to the fleet in the future as we expand.
  8. It's an unfair question: I have never seen Riker, Spock, or Chakotay in a spandex cat-suit.
  9. Anyone that can possibly act would be a welcome addition.
  10. Mine is: "NO! I mean yes! I mean...!" I liked seeing Worf confused by love, lol
  11. ::receives copy, scrambles and deletes::
  12. Why do you think she passed training? ;
  13. ::setting up a PO Box address ASAP:: As for the topic of graduated ensigns participating and hogging academy slots... Oh please, hog away! Believe it or not, I remember my cadet days very well, and jumping into a game with a lot of experienced players was not only fun, it was vital. I needed their example to figure out what to do, and their experience and humor made the game enough fun that I kept coming back for more. As Jami said, the posting GM's have no problem putting graduates in "assistant" positions, despite their heartfelt pleas for "admiral." (Although the cookies might change the rules). It *would* make it easier if graduates volunteered for lower spots, but hey, if you want to take a chief spot now and then to have fun, eh, I don't see any harm. Your job as chief would be to involve the cadets under you ANYway - thus helping them as well. Neat, huh? If we run into an over-crowding problem on any given Academy time, I can't imagine many graduates making a fuss if asked to forgo the hour to let the cadets play, right? Advanced Academies is an intriguing idea and something that might be fun to consider in the future when we have the staff and foundation to support it. I have always felt that the Academies should be a fun game in themselves, and not just a thing used to graduate from.
  14. Once a year I can drink enough to see these people in swimsuits. More than that would endanger my health. :o
  15. You all... MEET? For real? Oh, no way. That's too weird. I would never do something that crazy. There's really pictures on the web?