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Captain Huff

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Everything posted by Captain Huff

  1. ROFL! I guess I'm a nerd many times over, after reading these, lol. 1. I, uh, have a turtle named Picard. ::looks away:: Well you see, I got the turtle around the time TNG started, and it looked just like Picard... Anyway, he's still alive and happy hunting worms in my garden. 2. Uh. I had a snake named Riker for a couple months before my mother paid my drunk party guests to free Riker by catching it from the tank and chucking it in the yard. I wasn't very hurt by the episode - it had eaten my lizards (un-named). 3. My first college degree was a bonafide nerd degree, and one didn't escape without becoming a Trek Nerd. (It also helped me pass a few classes, because inevitably either my study partner or I would convince the other to keep working til midnight so we could watch TOS on my new big color TV and tapped-into apartment cable. We both graduated AND were hooked on TOS and gormet coffee. Oh, and action figures.) 4. My dad was the original TOS demographic - the old computer engineers, so I watched TOS with him when I was a kid. My mom hated it then and still does now. Hmm, I should buy my dad a movie DVD set next holiday... I tried to recover from being a Nerd for many years. I changed professions. I packed my action figures in a box. But it was just denial. When I stumbled onto online simming many years ago, it was all over. I am a Nerd. I play Star Trek computer simulation games. I've dressed up as Spock. I've been to conventions. I have autographs.
  2. Chatlog
  3. Yes, the only thing in my life is Star Trek.
  4. Chatlog
  5. 1. I am only a problem in the morning. My sims are at night. Well okay, I'm a problem after midnight too, but that's a different story. :angry: 2. Food is always appreciated and moderates the above problems... somewhat. Well okay, nothing helps in the morning except distance. 3. Welcome! Hehe. As you'll find as you start poking around, our advanced sims vary greatly in nature, which is what makes each special, imo. Someone mentioned watching Academies to get a feel for the game, but you can also watch the Advanced games to get a feel for the ones you may be interested in. You'll get an idea of the pace of the game and the personalities of the hosts and players, all of which contribute to its quality. 4. I want my back pay. Baby's goin' to Vegas!
  6. I'm with Fred. I play very different characters and feel the unique names help differentiate them. It doesn't matter to me if people know I'm the player, but I don't feel it's especially important or relevant. My fellow players on one ship don't need to know or care what I do on another ship. Each is unique.
  7. Works. ::votes for Images::
  8. I like to think of cockroaches as a universal constant - they are everywhere. AND... how do you know cockroaches originated on Earth? ;) If, according to Trek, humanoids evolved from the primordial seeding of the Progenitors(sp), then why not have a cockroach in the soup too? They can't be *that* far removed from our DNA structure... And if not the progenitors, then who is to say that some other wretched alien species (like the Klingons for example) didn't infest us early in our evolution history without us knowing it... Like, say, some race survives an attack by the Klingons, but three cockroaches stow away on their ship, then this same race visits Earth and a cockroach jumps out of Ensign Org's pants and doesn't get stomped to death by a dinusaur before it lays two million eggs... Or... The Qob goes back in time and infests Earth with cockroaches in a brilliant paradox. Now who would do a plot like that..?
  9. I think mine would be that I could spell "cockroaches" in the chatroom and not have it appear, "****roaches." That and have donuts pop out of my monitor screen every fifteen minutes. Or Oreos. Hell, an ice cream soda on sim nights would be good.
  10. I don't know what I'd do without cross training! Although it fits in nicely with TOS since hey we make up the rules in that time era as they suit us anyway. :D We have no rule against it in the forum, so it's a matter of how particular GM teams handle it on their ships. I've always found it to be useful on mine. ;) Fred, do I get to play the wish game too?? Hmm... ::starts thinking::
  11. Thanks for the reminder to put the flan on the web page! Must update... :) The nacelle handles make it easier for the guys to maneuver the model for our blue screen special effects shots.
  12. I think it would be fun to sim a small group of players as the survivors of the first half of "The Stand." That is, right after the 99.9 percent population plague death, and without all the weird good vs. evil gravitation of the second half of the book. Each character would have a distinct well developed history, and then have to work with the others to survive, develop, and grow in this new world.
  13. We didn't think we could pry you off of the bar.
  14. Or adults for that matter! ;D Yer on your own! Similarly, if Dac and I disappear with eight cabana boys to do with what we will, I expect no interference, intervention or meddling in the name of responsibility! :(
  15. Don't worry, we ain't going near it. :) (Make sure to include the "West" in "Shore Leave 25 West" references so not to confuse it with the "Shore Leave 25" convention that happens in lovely happenin' Baltimore.) I suspect that socks get sucked out my washer drain somehow, because I win the award for unmatched socks. I would bet I have close to 50. I'll count next time I have nothing else to do. I refuse to throw them out, and I won't wear them unmatched. I used to give them to a pet mouse I had, but when he kicked off from old age (not asphyxiation), there went the "feed them to the mouse" strategy. A couple got made into sock-ball toys for the dog, but alas she lost enough teeth before she passed away to end that game too. So I guess I either need new pets, a new washer, or counciling for seperation issues. Maybe all three. How does this relate to Star Trek? Well, we did have some sentient socks on the Hood some time back, and I suspect they are still loose somewhere on the ship. Beware.
  16. Chat log
  17. Chatlog
  18. WHERE??!?
  19. I found that a sentence like, "The journey was **** ** them" wasn't allowed. I suppose I need to type, "The journey was difficult on them." Or "trying" or "taxing"...
  20. I'm just praying that that was done for some children's special and Lenno go paid a hefty chunck of dough. And thank you so much for putting that cheesy tune in my head for two days now.
  21. Well well well, little Freddikins had a birthday? Happy BD Freddo!
  22. I dunno... I think I took my own academy lessons from Harold Hill... :( And I *am* trouble. With a capital T that rhymes with D that stands for donuts.
  23. If I had control of a ship... hmm... I would blow it up, time warp it, crash it, blow it up again, exploit it, terrorize it, bore it, hang it in a museum, duplicate it, lose it, infest it, mind control it, infect it, plague it, politicise it, steal crew, sell crew, kill crew, submerge it, burn it, bomb it, freeze it, and always... feed it. :(
  24. omg, I love too many things on this site...
  25. Or judging from the time of my post, I was typing in an afternoon espresso coma. ;D