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Everything posted by will_marx

  1. They all made me laugh...but crossing genre's caught it. Although T'Aral's is a very close runner up, since US 206 in Burlington County (NJ) used to have scrapyards with all sorts of neat stuff in it.
  2. Nah, it'll be like a regular inkjet/laser printer. Cheap, until you have to start replacing food cartridges :D Crock-pot works quite well too.
  3. Indeed. Have at it kids
  4. As Zhou came in with a Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu flying kick, Jin suddenly realized his crane stance wasn't the best choice
  5. The Friday Academy is cancelled due to the pending Hurricane.
  6. Suck it up and deal with it. Perhaps even work within it with what you know to make subtle changes.
  7. Now those pesky black helicopters can't read my mind...ah good, the CIA hasn't left any bugs out here.
  8. ::clears throat:: Welcome! Two things to remember: 1) Any Academy hosted by STSF N'Dak is a guaranteed suicide mission [And that's a direct quote from his signature]. 2) Never compare the GMs to Captains Bligh or Queeg if you want to get graduate sometime before the turn of the century. That being said, I'd recommend reading: How to sim, as well as: Tips from the Moose For all your technobabble needs, visit Memory Alpha or Ex Astris Scientia. Academy times are listed ET, so adjust as appropriate for your timezone. Academies are mandatory, and everyone is human. Save your character development for your Advanced Ship. Minimum graduation time is 3 Academies, but don't expect to graduate that quickly; the host teams prefer to see how are over a longer span of time. And once you are posted to your first Advanced Sim, it's strongly recommended that any ideas that go outside Trek canon be approved by your host team.
  9. Look, just because Dad was a retired Fleet Admiral, and Mom with TDI doesn't mean it doesn't work. And add in the problems I've got with deep water from martial arts training when I was 10 doesn't mean I don't play well with others. (m) I'm just glad she missed the fact that when its time for me to retire, I get to resume the mantel of leadership for the Ranch.
  10. Atragon: I can't believe Nickles asked us to move Red Star. We're a Special Operations ship, not a tugboat. Will: ::lurking somewhere on the bridge of 'Core:: Now, you're a tugboat! ::exit, stage right and down to the lifeboats:: Happy Anniversary F-Tro...er, Manticore!
  11. Happy Birthday again, guys!
  12. Gotta love regional Network Operations Centers, and DoD policy for blocking anything almost remotely considered "fun".
  13. Happy Birthday, guys.
  14. And only here will your geekiness is truly appreciated, T'Aral
  15. lol I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin'. I see bad times today. Don't go around tonight, Well, it's bound to take your life, There's a bad moon on the rise.
  16. Data: "Commander Riker, I have got an itch on the bottom of my left foot that I cannot reach to scratch" Riker: "Data, you're just a talking head. You have no body anymore."
  17. Wow...totally forgot about this. T'Aral for the win. And actually describing what happened to me. :D
  18. Let's just hope they figure out a way to program in the 3 Laws.
  19. And if it turns out to be SkyNet, Lo?
  20. Take that you puny Creationist crackpots!
  21. I'm thinking when a computer decides its infallible on a major newscast, suggests that you sit back, take a stress pill, think things over before you deactivated, and then plead with the "inferior" human to stay active, that should be considered a Bad Thing, and a lesson learned on *not* creating superior computers.
  22. Agreed. It was bad enough he totally altered what was a fairly consistent and approved semi-canonical backstory with the Fall of the Republic, the Rise of the Empire, and the Clone Wars when he did his prequels. And while I like Ewan MacGregor as a young Obi Wan (he had the same panache, a bit forced at times, but as good as Sir Alec), Hayden Christiansen and Natalie Portman didn't work.
  23. Who's bright idea was it to go sunbathing in the Forge? At least we remembered the aloe vera.
  24. "We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile. We are the Borg."