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Christie Farron

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About Christie Farron

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    I'll throw you in the soundproof room and play Klingon opera

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    USS Manticore
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    Lieutenant Commander Christie Farron<br>Chief Science Officer<br>U.S.S. Manticore | NCC 5852
  1. Lieutenant Commander Christina Farron Chief Science Officer USS Manticore "Worries" She could remember throwing herself upon the man who seemed to be her mortal enemy, and nothing more. Farron was told countless times after the incursion within the Manticore's engineering section and, in particular, Chief Garnoopy's office was an extravagent fight. Truthfully, Farron had no intentions of ever seeing Garnoopy on that visit to Engineering, and instead had only planned to destroy increminating evidence against her. Granted, she was not in the best of positions, but she still believed it could have been worse. Farron remembered vividly from that day forward the words of Captain Sovak, and the reprimand placed on her record for the disruptive and irresponsible behavior. As hours ticked by, her mind continued to dwell on the images that haunted her, and focus on asking herself, "Why?" She had a duty to perform, she had a career, she had responsibility, she had her future... and now, she was truly beginning to question her own motives in life. Was her entire life an effort to seek revenge? It is true that Garnoopy and Farron disagreed on a great many items of interest, however each also had a responsibility to the ship as a whole. As much as Farron wanted to blame Garnoopy for the entire fiasco of events that had unfolded between them, she couldn't; in more than one way, she created the fiasco to begin with. It was Farron who insisted on fixing an Engineering system in her department simply due to impatience, and it was Farron who entered Engineering with her own agenda, causing infractions in the agenda of others throughout the ship. It was becoming clear that her own personal problems were becoming a distraction for the entire ship as a whole. In her mind, the idea that she was becoming the despised crewmember of Manticore was forming, and she no longer had control over the thoughts. She thought about speaking to Roget about these events, but knew the counselor would side with Garnoopy in all respects. She had no one left to turn to. Her only source of well-being was in the company of Kyle, who always felt at ease, and rightfully so, because he knew medicine. Was she acting in such crude behavior because she was afraid others would question her scientific abilities? It is a possibility. She knew that her actions aboard ship would not go unpunished, though she did not know how long it would be before action would be taken against her. The answer to this question depended solely on how important the science department would be to the upcoming mission, which was still unknown to her. It is true that she was worried, for her dreams of a future could be quickly sliding away due to her own inability to be subtle. It would be a trying time for Farron, and a difficult time to cope with.
  2. From: Lieutenant Commander Christina Farron To: Captain Sovak Intra-Department Mail USS Manticore Captain, it was my understanding that, however unfortunate, Admiral Atragon's removal from command of the Manticore removed him from the ship's command team. This being said, it was also my understanding that all information pertaining to the ship and its mission that is classified "Confidential" for team members directly involved in the mission and the command team were restricted to those personnel only, thus Admiral Atragon is not permitted to see these records. Upon orders from Admiral Atragon, I must stand corrected on my interpretation of these Starfleet regulations, as the computer permitted Admiral Atragon's access to Confidential files which regarded Private logs aboard the USS Marco and the USS Polo. It is my duty to report Admiral Atragon's overrule on these restrictions, and along with this I ask for your own interpretation of these guidelines. Any explanation at all would be very much welcome. EOM
  3. Lieutenant Commander Christina Farron Chief Science Officer USS Manticore "42 Seconds" She was furious. She was booming. She was absolutely astonished at the lack of movement on Commander Farrington's part. To Farron, it was completely unexpected; as if Jami had a frightful case and didn't know what to do. She gave Lieutenant Commander Garnoopy all the time he needed - way too much time, indeed. 42 seconds was well within the threshold for immediate removal of the cloaked ship. Instead, Jami threatened half of the Federation fleet, and many other fleets from around the sector. If proper protocol had been followed, the Manticore would have flown right through the Wolf 359 ceremony and caught the cloaked Romulan ship with its tractor beam, escorting it away and breaking it off from the USS Hawk. But no - the lives of thouands of people were unnecessarily put at stake. I do not question Lieutenant Commander Garnoopy's skill. I am, however, completely in an uproar about the lack of command and the extreme danger to much of our fleet Jami would not remove. The safety of the fleet is much more important than saving the Manticore's Black Ops mission. Should Jami's plan have failed, there now wouldn't have been a Manticore to keep silent about. I am happy that everything worked out, but I completely disagree with her decision to do nothing with one of the strongest ships in the fleet.
  4. (Note: This log actually takes place a couple of weeks ago.) ------------ Joint Log, Lieutenant Commander Kyle Mele and Lieutenant Commander Christina Farron Christie looked around Sickbay as she walked in, noting some changes that had been made during their Shore Leave. She approached Mele, with a smile. "Is that coffee I smell?" He allowed a tight grin despite the information he’d just learned from Garnoopy. “Yes, yes,” he said with a sigh. “The finest, as always. I had it shipped in just yesterday.” She nodded "I'll get a up of it when I leave." She motioned for his office. "I have something we need to discuss. We should probably talk in your office." He gave a nod, then motioned toward the door to his office, the upper part of which was made of frosted glass with the Caduceus symbol etched into it. “After you, Chief,” he said. Farron sat down as the door slid shut. "Kyle, something needs to be done about Lieutenant Bell-Krasner. He repeatedly broke several orders while we were on that imaginary planet." Farron looked for a hint of emotion on Kyle's face. Kyle walked around his glass topped desk, then took a seat in the chair, leaning forward and resting his elbows on either side of the console area inset into the black desktop “Done to?” he asked. “Explain.” She nodded, and looked at his desk for a moment. "I spoke with the admiral earlier. He told me to get with you, and decide what type of reprimand Krasner deserves for his knowingly disobeying of several direct orders." Again, he nodded, and then leaned back in his chair, putting his fingertips together, tent fashion. “What sort of disciplinary action did you have in mind?” he asked. Farron sighed. "I don't want him removed from the ship, or anything like that. That doesn't even fit the proper coarse or action. But, something must be done for him to understand that the type of actions he displayed cannot be tolerated here." “ Certainly.” Farron nodded in return. "I really don't think a reduction in rank is out of the question, but I don't want to go that far just yet. But, other than that, I really don't know what type of punishment would be just." He thought for a moment, then began, “While I can understand and even agree with your grave concerns, I cannot fathom stripping Doctor Krasner of his rank. We must remember that, although he engaged in willful disobedience of several direct orders, this still was done in his imagination, if you will.” He nodded, more to himself than anything, and then finished, “I will talk to the Admiral, and will recommend the Lieutenant be issued an official reprimand.” She smiled "Isn't that something like what I just said?" she said, with a slight laugh. "A reprimand on his record sounds like a good course of action," she said in agreement “ Indeed. I'm simply reiterating the obvious to make sure we understand each other,” he grinned. At that, Farron nodded and stood up. "Anything you wanted to talk about, Chief Mele?" she asked. He gave a curt nod, his mood suddenly becoming more somber. “Actually, yes.” Just as abruptly as she stood, she sat back down. "Ok. What is it?" Mele leaned forward in his chair a bit. “Commander Garnoopy left moments before you arrived” Farron scanned Mele's face. "Oh?" He nodded in the affirmative. “He just finished telling me about this implant the Admiral somehow has. Quite frankly, this worries me. I've seen A9 make some rash decisions in the past and, while the end result has always seemed to justify the means, I cannot help but wonder if this has perhaps taken it too far.” Farron nodded, as if she knew what he was going to say. "I didn't figure you had authorized that," she said with a sigh. "I'm afraid of what may happen, should Atragon be possessed by a S'aar or something. We could all be destroyed because of him. But, then again, it is possible that we could all be saved by him... but I figure that is a lost less likely." She thought about the last sentence, and decided not to change the wording for better understanding. It could have been taken in two different ways, each being acceptable to the situation. “You are not Terran,” he started, “so perhaps you have not heard this expression before. I remember reading it in some research I was doing in the Academy. Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." She shook her head. "No, I've never heard it, but it makes sense. I'll agree to it, but what can we actually do about it?" He gave a small shrug. “That I'm not sure of. Garnoopy and I were talking a bit, and have yet to come to a solution. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can trust Atragon any more. There have been several ... incidents ... recently, with this being just the last in a series of chilling bad judgment calls on the admiral’s part.” Farron gave a slight chuckle. "When have we ever actually been able to trust Atragon? Think about it. An admiral is in charge of a tugboat. Now shouldn't that be weird enough to show that we shouldn't be trusting him?" She smiled. He returned the chuckle, “Regardless, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.” He glanced up, searching her face for some sort of clue; some show of support. She gave a slight head tilt, and closed her eyes for a moment as she nodded. "I think we are now," she said. "Anything else?" He gave a small shake of his head, then flashed a grin, “Just a mug of coffee for the road, I'd think.” She nodded "I was going to steal a cup even if you didn't offer," she said with a hint of laughter. "But, I was hoping you would say that." She took the cup from the table, and started toward the door. "Say Kyle, did you ever get that data PADD text message I sent to you?" He allowed a chuckle, and then asked with a wink, “What message?” Farron nodded with a smile, thinking about the hypo-belt lying in her office. "Never mind," she said while walking out the door. She stopped for a moment, though. "By the way, how are things down here without me?" He thought for a moment, and then gave a wry grin. He responded, “Things keep moving right along in the Medical department, but they're not the same.” She smiled "They never will be. I'm just that unforgettable," she said with laughter. He laughed. “Remember, the coffeepot's always on.” She looked at the cup of coffee in her hands. "Its the only thing that keeps me coming back," she said as she continued out the door. "Thanks, Kyle." “No problem, Christie,” he finished, redirecting his attention to one PADD in particular as the glass doors swished shut behind her retreating back. Farron walked down the hall, toward the turbo lift. She had spent more than a year in that sickbay, and it was actually a bit hard to leave it... even though she was only going a few decks above. "I'll miss this place," she muttered to herself. It would always be in her heart, no matter what position she would have in the future.
  5. Lieutenant Commander Christina Farron Chief Science Officer USS Manticore --- It had been almost twenty days since everyone aboard Manticore had been granted shoreleave. To Farron, the leave just wasn't the same as it was for others. She couldn't return to Bajor, and really had no one on Earth she could talk to. There was only one family member that Christie ever really knew. Hewitt. She had never gotten the chance to find Hewitt aboard Manticore, partially because she was always busy, and partially because she didn't want anyone to know she was searching for her brother. Outside family was not exactly a commodity in the Black Ops circle. But, being back on Earth, she could use the most up-to-date databases, and the most informative people. Many family members of other Starfleet personnel wanted to send messages to their loved ones, especially around the holiday season, so Farron could blend in quite well. She accessed a database terminal, and began entering search commands. She searched for Hewitt Demore, and found two matches. One match was of a dead colonel in the Marine Corps, and Farron doubted that would be the path her brother would take. The second match appeared much more believable. Farron mumbled the information aloud. Only the basics were opened to the public, but that is all she really wanted. It gave Hewitt's rank, his position, and where he worked. The only thing she found odd about the place of work was that he was on a space station, in the Cardassian sector. Why the Cardassian sector? she wondered. It wasn't really a big deal, because Farron didn't care about the wars, but she did find it surprising. Hewitt was really not one who enjoyed being far away from home for long periods of time. She brought up the Subspace Message form, and went into deep thought about actually sending him a message. She knew that she couldn't, because of regulations... Hewitt didn't even know she wasn't Mor Rem anymore. For that matter, sometimes Christie even forgot the name she was born with. The Bajoran government had taken it away from her a long time ago, in efforts of getting her into Black Ops within the Federation. It worked, but Farron never really wanted to do it. The entire thing was politics, which is why she had always hated politicians. The more she learned about Atragon, the more he seemed like a "Yes man," which was surprising. At any rate, her rebellion shown through. She sent a short message over subspace to her brother. "Hewitt. How are you? We should play chess again sometime. -Mor" It was short, and to the point. With any luck, it wouldn't be intercepted and read by anyone, and it would reach Hewitt without a problem. If it didn't, Farron would be in deep trouble when the time came to return back aboard Manticore. She really didn't care, though; what she had done was a family affair, and she wasn't about to let political stewards get in the way.
  6. Lieutenant Christina Farron Exobiology & Neurology Specialist / Medical Officer USS Manticore | NCC-5852 Duty Log: She couldn't decide what to do with Kroells. For one, he disobeyed orders... and was just being a pain to deal with. But then again, Kroells was obviously suffering from some type of mental problem. Commander Tovan's delivery of data to further the investigation into Kroells' injury helped quite a bit. It narrowed down the problem to a change in Daniel's neurological design. Basically, his head had been tampered with, and had, in a sense, failed under intense pressure. His mind was altered. I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. I have confined Daniel to Sickbay for further investigation, and have removed him from active duty. Since this is now under account as a "mental disability," I will be consulting with Commander Rogét about Daniel's future, and probability of mental correction. This duty log is to serve notice of Ensign Daniel Kroells' current condition. ---- MEMO: TO: Lieutenant Commander Margaux Rogét FROM: Lieutenant Christina Farron SUBJECT: Ensign Daniel Kroells (Condition status) BODY: Ensign Kroells is showing obvious signs of mental instability. After running neurological tests, I have determined that his brain has been physically altered. Due to his aggrivated condition, I have confined him to Sickbay, and removed him from active duty pending mental services. At your convenience, I would like for you to speak with him, and run any tests of your own. I would also like to discuss with you the option of repairing his mental disability. END MEMO --- Farron also submitted a similar report to Kyle, and began her rounds to check on several patients... including Daniel.
  7. I'm gonna have to try out this new game! (BTW, didn't this thread used to have a more than 7 pages? ::shrug:: ) -Christie
  8. FYI... Angel Hayden was an NPC that I had. ^_^ -Christie
  9. Ensign Angel Hayden Medical Nurse Funeral Memorial USS Manticore :: NCC-5853 Angel Hayden appears as a hologram, in front of most Manticore senior officers. The presentation had been planned, and Angel had asked for rain to be falling during the memorial service. She looks at everyone in the Holodeck, and begins to speak. "Apparently, I have died in the line of duty aboard the Manticore. I thank you all for attending this memorial in my name." Angel looks at Admiral Atragon-9, and pauses to listen to the rain. "Admiral, it has been a pleasure serving with you. I have lived through many exciting times on the Manticore, some of them good - others bad. But they have all come out in victory. I had hoped to find my way to command one of these days, however all dreams cannot become a reality. Sometimes God has other plans for us. I have fulfilled my life plans, and have moved on to a better place." She moves on past the admiral, and looks at Captain Sovak, smiling to him. "Perhaps you don't understand our ritual of death, but I do thank you for attending. If it had not been for your guidance, I would have not made it this far. You have always been a wonderful teacher. I hope that my death did not come from an illogical move on my account." Making the Vulcan symbol of peace, she moves on. Her eyes hit on Commander Farrington. "Jami, had it not been for you, I may have given up on my Starfleet career. I didn't believe that I could make it in this world. You told me to work hard, and I did. You proved me wrong, because I turned out quite well. Without you, I don't know where I what I would have done." She moves on, and looks at the entire medical staff. "Kyle, you always were my favorite person to be around." Rain gets in her eye, and she casually wipes it away while speaking. "You were funny in your own way, and you are a brilliant person. Your jokes were so good, many people didn't get them." She paused, and gave a short laugh. "I will miss your voice, but I promise I will never forget you." Angel glanced up to the last person. "Margaux Rogét, you helped me more than you will ever know. Every time I saw you, your positive attitude always made me feel better - even in the worst of times. You are a wonderful person. Always stay positive, no matter what happens." Hayden stepped back, and spoke once again to everyone in the room. "You have all provided me a home for the past several years. I may be gone, but I pray this home will aways stand firm for all those against you. I bid each of you a wonderful career, and may my spirit live on inside each and every one of you. Godspeed to you all, and may God bless you." She paused for a moment, looking at the rain. "The rain can't hurt me now." Angel smiled. "The rain will make the flowers grow." Angel Hayden disappeared for the last time, and the Holodeck fell silent.
  10. New

    Hiya! (prefers to be short and sweet) -Christie
  11. Happy birthday, Fred! If you keep this up, you're going to catch up with Atragon. (Hmmm.... think about that for a minute. Heh heh.) HD wishes you a happy birthday as well, from your favorite current Chief Engineer. :) Personally, I wish you the best in future years! -Christie
  12. I am so hooked on this game, it isn't even funny. LOL. Ever thought of talking to Paramount about getting the finished version on the ST.com website under the Games section? I don't know if they still do or not, but at one time they had several Macromedia games that you could play for free. (Checkers and some "avoid the Romulan ships" game. Heh heh.) If it will make you feel any better, this game blows both the Checkers one and the Romulan ship one out of the water! Now... I have hailed passing ships who say "we'll take the shipment for you," etc., but when I try to beam it to their ship, it says I must be stopped to beam something. So I stop moving, and then hit "Beam." A redshirt goes flying out of the ship. :) Am I not doing something right? -Christie
  13. I don't... it's my alternate ego that does. :) -Christie
  14. ...and a belated "Welcome back!" :) (Better late then never, I always say. Unfortunately, the attendance clerk at school doesn't agree with me. :blink: ) I'm still the first to welcome you back, nonetheless! -Christie
  15. Agreed. (On a side note, I have too many screen names. :) ) -Christie