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Everything posted by Seiben

  1. Seiben pilots the shuttle into the docking bay of the Republic safe and sound. This was the second piloting mission in two days. Seiben recalls. Looks like his piloting skills on the racing curcuit and academy came in handy. Maybe Seiben should ask BluRox if he can apply to be the official chauffer for the Republic. Seiben laughs at the thought, as he makes his way to his quarters. Not that Seiben minds, he loves piloting shuttles and ships.. that's why he was always assigned Helm on the academy vessels. However, there are some points about both missions that leave Hans curious.. such as why he had to clear out everything in the yacht and wait, and what was that ship th Republic kept firing at, even after it was destroyed. Seiben asked some people about it, but they don't know. Seiben shrugged it off and headed for the quarters. I'm always the last to know.. Seiben thinks.
  2. The Manticore Garnoopy.. I met him in Academy and he is as tough as nails! :)
  3. As Seiben sits at his console on the freighter Revere, he monitors the output levels as he and the ship head for the cloaked alien vessel. "Hmm" he thinks. "Romulan.. definately Romulan". sitting back on his chair, he is reminded of his friend Sorel. Sorel tought Seiben everything he knew about Romulan ships and technology. Sorel was a Romulan defector. He couldn't stand all the corruption in Romulus,so he asked the Federation for asylum. After countless numbers of truth tests to see if he is lying, the Federation decided he's telling the truth, and decided to grant him his wish. They first met on the USS Regal. Seiben officially was just a passenger, (he was on vacation in Risa and needed a ride back to Earth) but the capitan let him watch and help the engineering crew to help him gain experience in Academy. The Regal was escorting Sorel to Earth, and Sorel decided he wanted to live in Berlin. Seiben's home town. So, because none of the crew knows too much about Berlin, Seiben ws recruited to show him around, and help him find a good place to live. At first, Seiben was very resentful of being around a Romulan. But it was as a favour to the capitan and since he let Seiben help and observe in engineering, he felt he owed the capitan. So when the Regal returned to Earth, Seiben showed Sorel all the sights and sounds Berlin has to offer. And during this time, Sorel and Seiben became friends. Sorel was an engineer on a Romulan ship, so in exchange for asylum, Sorel was required to divulge information on Romulan technology, and Seiben was the only officer he trusted. Seiben sat in his chair, and reflected.. he knew more about Romulan technology than some Romulans thanks to Sorel.. and that can be quite useful here. Seiben smiled and began monitoring energy levels again.
  4. The Enterprise E, man! The last word in technology, and looking great :). Nothing beats the Soverign class. :super:
  5. BAsically, we play unique Star trek characters. In the Acadaemy sims, you can play a position (e.g. Helm, OPS, Engineering, etc) in a starship and you take part in some kind of mission. (though in academies I been to, you're 70% likely to die). ::):
  6. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): JANEWAY! ALL THE WAY! :)
  7. Well, I started to watch TNG, then after a few episodes I got hooked.. then I watched Voyager.. and Nerd Power! :angry:
  8. lol.. is my character on that list, there? :angry:
  9. Hey, is it just me, or when you open some message posts you get some "Operation Aborted" Error? Then, the page redirects to a "Cannot find server" page? I then have to refresh my screen to get the message.. It doesn't happen all the time, though. Last time it happend was yesterday. Thanks. :angry:
  10. The Horse Whisperer? :angry: (Not a request, this is a suggestion for Star Dust's title).
  11. Seiben, sitting alone in the capitan's yacht maneuvers the yacht further in the clouds to evade the Republic's scanners. Satisfied that the Republic lost the capitan's yacht's energy signature, Seiben reclines back in his seat. "Computer, play music, Earth, classical, Beethoven." Seiben says. Seiben then starts to relax. Seiben loved classical music ever since he was a child. Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, etc. They always relaxed Seiben, taking away all the stresses of the day. But still, Seiben wonders, What the heck is going on here? Why does BluRox want to hide from the Republic? Where did she go? Seiben looks back at the door. But stays in his seat relaxing in his seat again. He remembers the words of his father, Dieter Seiben, capitan of the USS Alliance: "Hans, it is German nature to obey your superior's orders. Obey them with German precision and efficiency, and without question." Seiben reflects on that.. and becomes intraced by the music played by the Vienna Orchestra, who have just started playing Beethoven's "Ode to Joy".
  12. LOL, hey Zeop.Welcome to STSF! I've been simming for 3 weeks now. It's actually alot easier than I expected, and I graduated from academy in 2 weeks.. (4 classes). Now, I'm simming on 3 advanced sims: The Republic, Arcadia and Hood. Everybody here is nice and helpful.. they help me in telling me what I have to do, and correct my errors... because I'm still new. But remember, it might not take you 4 classes to graduate, just be creative and use your imagination. And if you don't know something , you can ask a Gm or use the Startrek.com library (like I do.. :angry: ) , but that can take time. See you later, man., and I hope t see you in academy.. goodluck too, eh?
  13. Ahh, it's OK, BluRox.. it was fun, and I didn't really like that version anyways.. I was dead tired when I wrote it, so my brain was kind of asleep. :angry:
  14. :mad: Ahh damn it. Maybe I just should have edited my original post instead of delleting it.. D'oh! :angry: Sorry about that
  15. Hmm, you know, I don't think my original story's gonna work, so I'm going to re-write it a bit, based on your suggestions. OK? Thanks everyone. :angry: Ensign Seiben finally reaches his destination. He presses the chime button at Lo'Ami;s quarters and awaits entry. "Who is it?" Lo'Ami asks. "It's me Ensign Seiben". "Oh, OK come on in" Lo'Ami says. The door opens and Seiben enters. "I believe this is the report you wanted from engineering". ::Seiben hands the PADD to Lo'Ami:: "Ahh, thank you. You're Arcadia's newest recruit, eh?" "Yes, I am sir, I'm Hans Seiben. I just tranferred here from Starfleet Academy." ::Lo'Ai offers his hand and Seiben shakes it:: "Well Ensign, welcome to the Arcadia". "Thanks sir" says Seiben. Just then Seiben notices Erko, and another person that he never met yet. "Oh sorry sir, am I interrupting something?" Seiben asked. "No, I just finished performing a riutal with these two people". Said Lo'Ami. "Ritual? What kind of ritual?" Seiben asked. His curiousity running wild. "It is called a zhian'tara, a Trill rite of passage. This is where I try to learn about my past. I possesed this man and learned some information about one of my past lives". Lo'Ami said. "Oh. And you have finished your zhian'tara?" Seiben asked. "No, far from it..that was just one of many of my past lives. I still have alot to learn". ::Seiben looks at the man, who is now beggining to leave:: After the man and Lo'Ami say their goodbyes and part ways, Seiben asks if he can help. ::Lo'Ami then faces Seiben:: then says "That's very kind of you Seiben" Lo'Ami said "I could try to contact one of my past lives through you". ::Lo'Ami then calls over Erko who was in the back of the room:: "Ensign Seiben here wants to be possesed by one of my past hosts. "Very well, Ensign. Please lay down on this couch". ::Seiben lays down on the couch:: "Now" Erko continues "free your mind and stay completely still". "Ok" ::Seiben nervously tries to relax himself:: "Is this safe?" asks Seiben. "Yes, Hans, it's perfectly safe". said Lo'Ami, " Even though you are possessed by a host, you will still be completly self aware." ::Satisfied, Seiben starts to relax:: "Ok, go ahead sir." Seiben said. ::Lo'Ami then turns to Erko:: "OK Erko, let's begin." ::Erko then places his fingers on Seiben's head:: "My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts..." A few moments later Seiben falls into a state of slumber. Then, Seiben opens his eyes. "Hey, where am I?" says Seiben, but in a much deeper and masculine voice. "You are my a room on board a starship. Who may I ask are you?" says Lo'Ami. ::The entity inside Seiben looks around:: "I am Commander Tarquesh of the USS New Hampshire. A Soyuz class starship." ::Erko turns to Lo'Ami and whispers in his ear::"That class of vessel has not been used in over 90 years". ::Lo'Ami leans over to Tarquesh/Seiben:: "So, tell me about your past" Lo'Ami asked. "My past? Well, my family moved from Trill to Earth when I was 6 and there I lived in Sydney, Australia until I joined Starfleet Academy where I was joined. Upon graduation, I was posted on the Phoenix as a security officer. I served there for 8 years, until I was assigned to the New Hampshire, because Starfeet thought I'd do better as a tactical officer. I was a lieutenant then that happened, and from there I arose to the rank of commander, and First Officer." Tarquesh then squirmed in the couch. "One day, we were patroling in undiscovered space where we came across this undiscovered planet. We wanted to get a closer look, when we were ambushed by two Klingon birds-of-prey. They decloaked all around the New Hampshire, and had us surrounded. Apparently, we accidentally stumpled across a top-secret Klingon military base. We tried hailing them, telling them it was an accident, but they didn't listen and opened fire on us. We tried to fight back, but we were no match to the birds-of-prey. The New Hampshire took on heavy damage and our warp core was going to explode from the attacks.. I honestly thought I was going to die, when backup finally arrived and destroyed the birds-of-pery and the military base. The surviving crew, which wasn't much of us, I'm sad to say, were beamed aboard the USS Cochrane, and a few minutes later, the New Hampshire's warp core overloaded and destroyed the ship." ::Lo'Ami then got up and pondered this abit:: "What happened after that?" he asked. "After that, my host died from his injuries and I was taken back to Trill and got a replacement." ::Tarquesh/Seiben got up from the couch:; "Well, it was a pleasure sharing my story with you, but now I must take my leave." And with that, Tarquesh left Seiben's body. ::Seiben, who is back to normal now, looks at the time on a console at Lo'Ami's desk:: "It's getting late, I'm supposed to help Lt. Jaruq with something in Transporter Room 1. So I'm gonna have to split now." "Very well, Hans." said Lo'Ami. "Thanks for helping me, come back again anytime." ::Seiben starts heading for the door:: "Sure. You're welcome sir. Goodbye, sir." "Yes, bye Hans." And with that, Seiben left and headed for the turbolift.
  16. Welcome aboard, Dragonboy. ;) Have fun, and Hmm, so far initiations for new ensigns on new ships aren't that bad.
  17. 11-15 Votes Reached! Majority rules! ;)
  18. Can I have: "He came, he saw, he drank all the beer!"?
  19. Begin log: I have just finished my orientation and first mission on board the Arcadia. It's quite a big ship this one is, I keep on getting lost.. ??? it took me 20 minutes just to find the transporter room 1. Sigh.. but I suppose I'll get used to the ship as time passes by. Anyways, at least I got a more exciting assignment on my first day.. monitoring the warp core levels is great, if you also like watching grass grow. After spending 20 minutes searching for transporter room 1, I found this small, round greyish device inside of one of the transporter console. I'm not sure what it is, but it could be why the records of the transporter and computer are conflicting. But I can't get close to it, or I'll get shocked. I don't like that, it hurts. And also, it seems that I might have to buy some shoes for the commander, hmm.. maybe I can just replicate some.. shoes are shoes! ;) Ha ha ha! Huh, what's that? Oh, my tea is ready. End log.
  20. Alright, cool.. thanks. ;)
  21. Hmm, I wouldn't mind signing up for it, I graduated last week (and haven't heard back from the personnel guy yet ;)), but I'd like to see what positions are open. You can PM me or e-mail me. :D But I'm not too familar with TOS.
  22. I just saw Matrix 2 today with some of my pals. And well, the action was pretty good.. I especially liked the highway chase and the fighting, but I felt tha the movie didn't have as good a storyline as the first one, and it was prety predictable too.. I knew exactly what was going to happen before they did it.. but I can't wait for Matrix: Revolution coming out in October. ;)