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Everything posted by Seiben

  1. Whata great game. I didn't expect the Marlins to win, but.. they did and in Yankee Stadium as well. Kudos to the Florida Marlins. :rolleyes:
  2. Uhh.. Go Sooners! :D But I like hockey more.. GO LEAFS GO!
  3. Well, Okay.. I shall try to come.. it looks intresting. I guess most people have school on wednesdays, so they have to sleep early. Hopefully, you'll get more attendance though.
  4. Everyone here pretty much summed up what I was gonna say. I too, am pretty much in the same boat too. I already changed programmes once in college, and I'm sorta considering changing again. (I was in Computer Systems Technology, now I am in Computer Programming), but uhh, I'd reccomend you look over the courses your school has to offer. Research intersting courses, and consult your school department's counselor. That was pretty much what I did. Good luck in choosing a good career path, and I hope it finds you good money, and more importantly, satisfaction. :D
  5. Beaver tails, hockey, strong beer .. and moose! ::salutes:: :D
  6. LOL, you're from Western NY? Wow, only 4-5 hours from me.. I usually just drive past it on my way to New York City. :D Hm, well that's one thing in Western NY. That, and a whole heap of snow. More than us in Toronto most of the time too.. :D Just look at Bufallo. :wink:
  7. Marine Land, I been there so many times.. got splashed by killer whales from the 4th row, and I got heat butted by a deer. Maybe I'll just stick with Paramount Canada's Wonderland. But, Nemmie, I don't really see Maine Land commercials on YTV. :D BTW, what's in Western NY? A bunch of truck stops, was all I ever saw. :D
  8. Oh yeah, Montréal's a great place. and yeah.. sadly, the last time we won the Cup was in 1967, Canada's Centennial year. But mark my words... once we get a solid defense, or day will come! :D Ahh, you're just bitter we beat you last night, Hamtaro. :D
  9. Yeah.. but.. uhh... not much else. :D
  10. (OOC: Look in my log carefully to see a secret message inside!) "Fizzt! Fizzt!" A shower of sparks flew into Seiben's welding mask, as he finished up installing the new power conduit in Sickbay. He firmly giggled the new conduit to make sure it was securly connected, and activated it for the first time. The conduit turned on without a hitch. Seiben took out his tricorder and did not detect the power drainage anymore. Satisfied, Seiben replaces the panel and moves the biobed back into its place. Just then Seiben sensed a person hovering by him. "Hey, what are you doing?" The man said. Seiben looked up to see two tall nurses standing above him. "Oh, uhh hello gents. I am Lieutenant JG Seiben from Engineering. Lt. Cmdr Jaruq sent me over here to fix a power drainage in sickbay." The two nurses scratched their heads. "Power drainage? That's the first time I ever heard about that." Seiben picked up his toolkit and placed it on the biobed. "Really?" asked Seiben. "Yeah, but we're just starting our shifts now. We're replacing doctors Pierce and Netani who will be in the away mission." Seiben nods. "Ahh, the mission where the men are slaves.. Ha! ha! ha! It'll be a cold day in Mauii before I volunteer for such a thing!" he said. The two nurses nod, and Seiben is ready to leave Sickbay and go back to engineering. "Well, I think I solved the power issue anyways. It was a blown power relay." Seiben gives the relay to one of the nurses. "Anyways, I've got to be going. I have a secret project I have to do in the holodeck." Just as Seiben was about to leave, another person entered sickbay. She looked apprehensive. "Hey, I need a man to join the away team, any suggestions?" She said. The two men, a Tellarite and a Bajoran shook their heads. Seiben picked up the rest of his gear. "Later guys, good luck in your search." he said. The woman grabbed Seiben's arm. "Thank you.. I believe our search is over." the woman smiled."WHAT?!" Seiben said. "Come on Hans. Follow me." Seiben struggled at first, but was forced to stop as the other two nurses pushed him forward. "But, but, but... I heard blue eyed blondes weren't allowed in the mission! Didn't they give that part to someone else?!" he asked. "Yes, they did." the Tellarite said. "That's why we gotta dye your hair and give you contacts." Seiben felt as if the Tellarite punched him in the stomach. "What have you been smoking?! Are you crazy?! Leave my hair alone, what did it ever do to you?" The Tellarite and Bajoran pushed Seiben into an office. Seiben struggled, but was overpowered by the two. "HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! THIS.. THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!" Seiben yelled. "Tell it to the judge." The Tellarite said as he shoved him into the chair. "I'm sorry Hans. " the Bajoran said. "But we need somebody masculin, handsome and well built to be a slave. And we have to hurry. Most of the team is already down there, and the rest leave in 10 minutes." Seiben was planted on the chair as the woman started to apply the dye. It was cold and her hands were rather rough. "Well, they don't call me "Handsome Hans" for nothing.." he smiles. Seiben broke off in mid sentence when the woman roughly rubbed his head. "Hey, be careful." The woman started to rub more gently. "Sorry, we're in kind of a hurry here." the woman said. "I don't like last-minute things any more than you do." The Bajoran then took a small plastic container and extracted two small clear lenses. "these are your lenses. Green ones. They're most common on Arcady Prime. They might itch for awhile, but you'll get used to them." The Bajoran was right. The contacts felt like sand in his eyes. The Tellarite left for awhile, then returned with some replicated clothing. "this is normally what a man-slave wears down on Arcady Prime." he tosses it to Seiben. The trio left Seiben to give him some privacy as Seiben took off his uniform and put on the new clothes. At least the clothing felt comfortable. Probably cotton or polyester. Seiben walked out of the office and scratched his head. "Don't scratch it!" the woman said. "But it feels tingly and itchy." Seiben complained. The woman washed off the dye on Seiben's hands. " I must say that I may have applied it too quickly. Sorry about that" said the woman. "It should dry in 20 minutes." Seiben sighed. "Well, that's about it. You're to meet with your 'master' at her quarters as soon as possible." The Tellarite snickered at Seiben " Your new look is really becoming" he said. Seiben shot him a cold glare. "Oh, so just who is my 'master' anyways?" he asked. The woman checked a PADD, and gave it to Seiben. "Dr. Pierce is your master. You're to meet her at her quarters in five minutes." Seiben remembers Anika. She seems like a very nice person. He remembers her on his various missions, like Grenanda II and Lodi. Seiben recalls singing the German national anthem to her and ran away from her, when he was infected by the sewer water in Lodi. Seiben smiled as he got up. He looked over to the three officers. "Hey, I didn't catch your names, I'm Hans Seiben." he said. "Yes, I know" the woman said. "I read your Starfleet record while you changed" The woman extended her hand. "I am Lieutenant Letz, that is Leiutenant Goh, and over there is Ensign Yanx" Seiben thanked them and walked out the door.. still feeling itchy from the hair as he walked to Anika's quarters.
  11. whatchu talking about, Curious George? TOronto kicks arse man.. We're the most multi-cultural city in the world, embracing every culture in the world with open arms, we're the centre of Canadian economy, we've got the Hockey Hall of Fame and Toronto is the home of the Stanley Cup! Also, Toronto's the home of the world's largest free standing structure, at 553 metres, the CN Tower. Hey, did you know that Toronto is the safest city, with over a million people in the world? Heh, just an interesting little tidbit there. :D
  12. Yeah, which state is that? Toss us people who suck at US Geography a bone here. :D Oh, I live in Toronto, Ontario -- The largest (and best city in Canada :D), and home of the almighty Toronto Maple Leafs!
  13. Seiben's shift is over, on what was a pretty much routine day in Engineering. Trepp and Jax were discussing amngst themselves about the exploding console, and when the presentation was ovr, Seiben checked up on some of the equipment that have been under some strain from all the power output needed to investigate the case, and to repair damamges sustained to the Republic from the explosion. Everything seemed to be running normally. Soon afterwards, Seiben's duty shift was over, so he went to his quarters to rest for the day. Seiben poured some vodka into Dox's stein and spreads some rare Beluga caviar onto some crackers. Another purchase from Seiben's Russian "conections". Seiben bites into the cracker and takes a big gulp of the searing hot vodka and activates the viewscreen on his console to read his new subspace transmissions... Lt. JG Hans Seiben -- SUBSPACE TRANSMISSIONS. You have 3 unread message(s). Seiben clicks on the first one.. from the repair shop in Frankfurt, Germany. From: Frankfurt Porsche Autohaus To: Lieutenant JG Hans Seiben Re: Invoice for services and labour. Dear Mr. Seiben, this is an invoice for the services performed on your Porsche 9001 Turbo IV Personal Performance Shuttle. Replace port running lights -- 3500 Credits Hammer out dents on outer hull -- 8500 Credits Replace cracked front window -- 12575 Credits Replace left window -- 6000 Credits Repaint hull -- 7500 Credits Fix port warp nacelle -- 17400 Credits Navagational System -- 4000 Credits Labour -- 2500 Credits TOTAL -- Due immediatly: -- 61975 Credits Seiben plops back on his chair and cringes. "Ack! That much? Stinkin' highway robbers!" One of the disadvantages of owning an expensive shuttle. Seiben thinks and shakes his head and pays the bill-- which adds up to about 1/3 of what it's actually worth. Seiben takes a couple of large gulps of vodka and eats some more caviar, and moves on to the next message. Basically, it's from Seiben's friends Rolph, Franz, Sophie and Eva. They say that they're fine, and just got back from the hospital for observation. To Seiben's relief, they are all unharmed. They're now back in Berlin, and are asking how Seiben is. They wish him luck in finding the parties responsible, and ask for a raincheck on their trip to Saturn. "maybe after this mission" Seiben says to himself, and reads the third message. It's from his mother, the Chief Medical Officer on Mars: From: Dr. Commander Heidi Seiben, Mars To: Lieutenant JG Hans Seiben, USS Republic Subject: (none) Dear Hans, I am writing to tell you that I am okay. I'm very busy with wounded and dying patients, and I don't have much time to write much. The damage here is just incredible. Buildings, houses, shuttles, all reduced to empty shells and there are large craters where the Vulcan and Tellarite embassies once stood. As of now, there are about 7 500 dead and 30 000 wounded. Our quarters, is among the damage. The hours have been long, and all medical staff , and everybody for that matter, are working overtime. I heard you and your friends were in the middle of the explosion, and I wanted to know if you're okay. I hope you weren't hurt in the debris field. Please reply as soon as you can. All my love, muter. Seiben felt a bit teary eyed, and quickly responded to his mother. He was glad that his mother is okay, and tells her that he is fine. A bump on the head, but that's it. Seiben feels sorry for his mother, and sends her his love as well. Seiben turns off the viewscreen, and sits in his new chair, and calls up a mountain scene on his holo-wall. Reminds him of Germany and his childhood spent with his mother and sisters. Seiben finishes the vodka, and finally goes to bed.
  14. Eh.. the Habs.. ::mumbles:: :D Even though we've got a weak defense, I say GO LEAFS GO! From a faithful Torontonian. Staying on topic.. ::shakes head:: Dang Cubs.. what happened, eh? I'm not normally a supersticious guy, but it looks like the curse of the Billy Goat struck again. Their 95 year drought is still on.. so sad. :D Cubs' Drought: 1908 - ??
  15. Seiben grabs his tricorder and tool kit from his desk in engineering, and heads to the turbolift bound for the Sickbay. Apparently, Jaruq detected a power drain over there. Which is strange. As Seiben waits for the turbolift, he recalls Jaruq ordering Trichon to do the same thing. Hmm, Seiben thinks. The door opens and Seiben enters the turbolift. Whilst upwards, Seiben still thinks about Trichon who actually volunteered to go to the away mission. Seiben hears many rumours and gossip in the messhall. And for the past few days, the main conversations have been about the upcoming away mission. Apparently, the away team are to retrieve a downed probe on a planet called Arcady Prime.. which is ironic enough, but here's the corker: Arcady Prime is ruled by women and men are the slaves, and blue eyed blondes like Seiben are very rare. Seiben wonders what it's like down there, and what Trichon is going to wear. Maybe a tight leather thong and a leash and collar around his neck carried by Ruca, who has a whip to keep Trichon "In control". Seiben laughs.. "Man.. I've been watching too many 20th century erotic movies!" he says to himself. He gets a mental picture and slightly changes his mind. "But then again..he might be a very lucky man." He smiled. The turbolift reaches its destination and Seiben enters Sickbay, partially hoping to see Trichon in his costume, but he is not there. In fact, no one is here. "Hello?" Seiben calls out. "I'm Lieutenant JG Hans Seiben from Engineering. I am told there is a power drain of some sort here?" No answer. A few of the nurses regard Seiben and have no clue of the power drain, so Seiben is forced to check for it, on his own. Probably just a blown iso-chip or power relay. Seiben thinks. Seiben extracts his tricorder and begins to scan. He scans the biobed, the walls, and the EMH, but all seem to be working correctly. Seiben's tricorder beeps at Seiben strangly when his tric passes a wall behind a biobed. He removes the panel. There he finds a blown power conduit. "Ahh, this has to be it" Seiben says. Seiben replaces the blown conduit and the wall panel. The tricorder readings are normal when Seiben scans the area again. He presses his commbadge and reports to Jaruq of the blown power conduit and that he repaired it. A check on the chornometer indicates that Seiben is off-duty. So he takes the turbolift down to the messhall for supper and gossip.
  16. *Zzapp..zapp* Seiben welds a piece of metal onto one of the supporting bulkheads at the station in Jupiter. That was the third bulkhead he welded. After that, Seiben turns off the plasma torch and puts his welding mask upwards. He then surveys the area. The damage is still quite extensive and there is debris littered all over the floor. Seiben wipes away some sweat from his forehead and takes a drink of water from his canteen, then walks over to Jax who tells Seiben and Chase to accompany her in Jupiter Station's Main Engineering sector. Tired, Seiben slowly walks towards the turbolift. They all enter the turbolift and are headed towards the engineering. Seiben is expecting extensive damage there as well. Seiben sighs and sits on the floor. "This is gonna be.. fun" Seiben mutters sarcastically. He sits back on the turbolift wall, expecting the worst.
  17. That's because you're too young to remember it. Taxi aired during the 1970s. THough I was born in 1981, I saw numerous episodes of the show during my youth on syndicated re-runs. It was a funny show, and some characters of the show went on to better things after Taxi was cancelled. :P On topic: Yellow lightbulb means one on on-line, whilst the black is one is off-line.
  18. That's probably in academy a few weeks ago, with KBear and Blurox.. I had escaped from the ship on a shuttle just before it went over a cliff and into a lake.. I mamaged to save KBear and Precip.. I think in the process. :P
  19. Indeed Nemesis. The Walther PPK really brings out the black in your eyes. :D Oh and wekcome J'Cin. I'm sure you'll do great. And where have I seen that font colour before? lol. :P
  20. Took me 4 sims to graduate, but yeah.. it could take you the minumum 3 sims, (like Travis) or 30? Or.. God only knows.. But just have fun, play your heart out, and find a position you're good in, and you'll graduate in no time. Try to join as many academies as you can as well. ;)
  21. How profound, monkey man.. How profound. ;)
  22. As would I.. don't really care what time it is.. though I'm guessing 10 or 11 PM EST. Since there's no lavatories on starships, I guess that's more boxes of Depends I gotta buy. :;): ::runs out the door and drives to the drugstore::
  23. Yeah Nem.. and I guess I do to.. seems like it makes sense anyways.. And I too voted "YES", like everyone else here, I've made a mistake or two in my life that I'd like to take back. :) Edit: Well, at least I can take back some mistakes, I've made. lol. ;)
  24. Yes, if you check my bio, my character has blonde hair and blue eyes.. I guess you can say he's one in a thousand. ;) (Lame-joke)
  25. Hmm, sounds cool. I looks forward to more info when this latest development unfolds.