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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

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Posts posted by Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

  1. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur continues to investigate Optera IV. The away team, on a frosty, windswept peak has located what appears to be a smaller nymph version of the creatures they encountered in the desert. It appears to be injured and is flashing what appears to be distress signals. The crew must now decide what to do with it.


    MEE6 BOT 13-Jun-21 07:08 PM

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    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:09 PM

    Rex> Wiping some of the snow off his face, looks up to the top of ledge where the Commander, Will and the others are still standing


    Maryse Dubois 13-Jun-21 07:11 PM

    ::Scanning to determine if it would even be safe to help the creature.::


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:12 PM

    +Stanton+ "If we're gonna help this thing, it has to be now."


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:12 PM

    We would be in so much trouble if we bring it back to the ship.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:13 PM

    Corenic> Under his breath at Will How would that be new.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:13 PM

    Back at him Not my fault this time.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:13 PM

    Who are these creatures?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:15 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Peers down the cliff at them, frowning:: +Irene+ We're not taking an alien life form back to the ship unless we have no other choice. Can you shift the thing? Turn it over?


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:15 PM

    No errands of mercy then?


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:16 PM

    Rex> Looks over We should be able to flip back off its back. It can't be that heavy.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:17 PM

    Irene hrms. +Stanton+ "It should be safe to flip it... I think..." She checks her tricorder once more.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:17 PM

    I will help flip this creature over.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:17 PM

    Corenic> Tries not to laugh at Will


    Rex> Moves towards the creature


    Creature> Though his flashing was still happening in regular intervals, the movement of the creatures towards it caused him to wiggle somewhat more


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:19 PM

    If we had more time I'd run some sort of algorithm to figure out the creature's language to try to soothe it.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:20 PM

    :: Scans the creature ::


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:21 PM

    "Unless you can speak Tetryon, Will, it's not gonna work." She approaches the creature... "Well, should we?"


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:21 PM

    Let's do it.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:22 PM

    (m) Meant more showing it flashing lights. Four, maybe five of them.


    Maryse Dubois 13-Jun-21 07:22 PM

    ::Stands back, just in case.::


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:22 PM

    ACTION> The creature's biology is completely alien, but does have some similarities to other insectoid creatures. The scan does reveal something most unusual, however. Their molecular structures appear to have solanogen, a material that normally exists only in subspace.


    Rex> Motions for the other two to help him flip the creature


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:24 PM

    "One... two... three...!" Irene puts down her tricorder and will attempt to flip the creature.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:24 PM

    Rex> Lifts


    Creature> As it is flipped over, and though one of its limbs is damaged it begins to try to burrow into the ground


    (( Irene give a me a number 1-20 ))\


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:25 PM



    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:27 PM

    ACTION> The creature begins to burrow, but is quickly impeded by the thick layer of ice and frozen ground. It begins emitting the distress signal once more, but it is clearly fainter than ever.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:28 PM

    Irene takes a step back and shakes her head, looking at her tricorder once more. "I think we just made it worse. Either we take it to the ship or we watch it die."


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:28 PM

    Rex> Frowns


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:29 PM

    We are here to help. :: to the creature ::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:29 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Checking his own tricorder, he sighed.:: +Excalibur+ Stanton to Excalibur.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:30 PM

    #Clark> +Stanton+ Excalibur here


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:31 PM

    :: Hears her scanner beep, glances at its display :: Interesting..


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:33 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Excalibur+ We've discovered an alien species on the planet, though are currently unable to communicate with it. One of the beings is injured and doesn't look like it will survive without assistance, though I'm not certain if the creature's radiation will interfere with the transporters. Can you get a lock? It's currently surrounded by several members of the away team.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:33 PM

    # Had went to get a sandwich and was going to miss all the excitement. He'd be jealous later.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:33 PM

    :: Looks back at the creature :: Where are you from?


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

    Clark> +Stanton+ Attempting now.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

    Irene frowns and is watching the creature, unable to do anything...


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

    << Will give me a number 1-20, Irene also give me a umber 1-20 >>


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

    << 8 >>


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

    ( 20 )


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:35 PM

    Clark> +Stanton+ I have a stable lock. Do you want me to bring any of the crew up with it and where do you want it beamed to -- medlab, science ... guest quarters?


    #Clark> Is probably lucky Stanton can't physically harm him


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:37 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Rolls his eyes:: +Excalibur+ Beam everyone to the science lab and place the creature in quarantine there. Hopefully science and medical might be able to aid it in some manner.

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Excalibur+ And inform the xenobiologists. They're going to want to study this thing.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:39 PM

    ACTION> Clark hit the button and activated the transporter beam. Shimmy shimmy and the whole away team is beamed up to one of the xenobiology labs. Luckily, Irene hadn't been running any whacky experiments in them either.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:41 PM

    Hey, I haven't been down here yet.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:41 PM

    Rex> Is abruptly deposited in the science lab, still wearing his winter coat


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

    We need to get the creatures vitals.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

    Creature> is now laying on some sort of table, begins trying to burrow through it at first, seemingly rejuvenated by it not being freezing


    Maryse Dubois 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

    ::Arrives in the lab.:: Well this will be fun.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

    Irene gets right to work in the xeno lab, pulling over trays of equipment and bossing her team around like a bossy commander. "Okay, let's get going here, I'm gonna need a tetryon analyzer and genome sequencer. You all, if you know which way to point a tricorder, stay here." Gesturing to the rest of the away team. She's now hyper-focused on getting the creature going again.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

    That burrowing instinct is very strong.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

    Do we need sedation?


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

    Rex> Glances over to Stanton, taking off his jacket Should we head back to the planet and check out those other signals?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Unzips his coat as he studies the creature now that it is up close.:: Get that thing secured before it falls off and skitters away!

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Nods to Rex almost absently, still focused on the injured beast.:: Yes, I want to know what's down in those caves. From the signals, I'm betting we'll find more lifeforms there.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:45 PM

    Rex> Nods in agreeement Will, you're with me. Can you give us another science geek as well? I think Mincine is uh... pre-occupied.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:46 PM

    Aye sir.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:46 PM

    "Computer, activate restraining field, level two." She's hard at work bossing around her biologists.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:49 PM

    ACTION> The creature, now stopped from burrowing, pauses to look up to the crew, its mandibles begin working overtime and it flashes a series of pulses as it inspects the group.


    Rex> Leads Will and his two security goons out of the room and towards the transporter room


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:50 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Glances at Rex before he leaves:: I'll send down a scientist and medical to meet you after giving them a chance to gear up.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:50 PM

    Rex> Nodded to Stanton ad they leave Aye


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:51 PM

    Those pulses... :: looks around :: Tie in the universal translator into those pulses.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:52 PM

    Rex> ONce they're clear So I think we can safely assume that we don't need to go back to that frozen tundra part again, yeah?


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:52 PM

    Please, not again. William had shed his coat.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:53 PM

    Irene> "Hook it up to the tetryon sensor program as well." She inspects the creature with a handheld scanner. "Looks like warming it up is helping."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:53 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Doctor Dubois, see what you can do about the creature's injured leg after getting detailed scans of its anatomy. Some sort of biodegradable cast to secure it, perhaps?


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:54 PM

    Rex> Nods in agreement Looks at his tricorder. The other reading we were planning on going to is some cavern, so I don't know if I would lose the coat all together, but hopefully it's not freezing down there. Heck it may be warm.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:55 PM

    :: Watching the creature's vitals ::


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:55 PM

    As long as it's more comfortable than where we were I'll be fine.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:56 PM

    Rex> frowns Actually, I think you're going to have to fiddle with the transporter a bit. shows him the readings Beaming to that depth with all the tetryon ain't going to be easy.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

    Well, it is in the job description.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Swain+ Stanton to Captain Swain. Sir, you'll want to visit xenobiology when you get a chance. I believe you'll be interested in what we have down here.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

    Rex> Yeah and I trust you more than I do that nitwit Clark.


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

    Atani Nostrun A blue science clad Betazoid is waiting for the other members at the transporter.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

    +Stanton+ Takes a bite of his sandwich You brought me a present?  


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

    Clark's just green, he'll get good someday.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:59 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Swain+ Not one you can keep. Consider it the gift of an experience. And also a multitude of bioscans.


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:59 PM

    Solak> A blueshirt Vulcan is standing in the transporter room as well, as stoic-looking as anyone.


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:59 PM

    +Stanton+ Intrigued I'll be right down.



    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 08:00 PM

    Nostrun> turns towards the Vulcan Could you think just a little more quietly?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 08:02 PM

    Lt. Taryn Castell> ::The doctor clambered into the transporter room, trying to juggle her pack and med kit, rosy cheeked and breathless.:: I made it! I didn't think I would. I wasn't really ready for an away team mission, but then no one ever really is. Ohmygoodnessisn'tthissoexciting!


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

    Rex> Takes a very deep breath and steps onto the pad, hoping that Will can work his magic quickly


    William Chocox 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

    Nostrun> "Never mind, you're thinking at just the right level."


    Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

    Solak> Raises an eyebrow at the two of them. "I see this will be a most... interesting away mission."


    Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM



    MEE6 BOT 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

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  2. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur continues to investigate the mystery of Optera IV, and have beamed to second of four locations where tetyron emissions originated. The team ends themselves in a cold, snow-capped mountain region and has taken shelter in a cave.



    MEE6 BOT 30-May-21 07:14 PM

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    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:15 PM

    This is not the resort vacation I was promised.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:15 PM

    William rubs his hands together. “Alright, what’s sending out radiation here?”  


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:15 PM

    Rex> Because he was prepared, is not freezing


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:16 PM

    "Let's find out before we freeze." Irene beep boops her tricorder, looking for another one of those reflector towers.


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:17 PM

    ACTION> There isn't one, because that would be too easy. There seems to be some deeper into the caves, but another much closer -- outside the cave.


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:19 PM

    "...outside." She points to the mouth of the cave. "Dammit."


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:19 PM

    “Of course it is.”


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:20 PM

    Rex> Tries not to smirk


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:20 PM

    “You enjoying the snow Commander?”


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:20 PM

    The generator deep within the cave structure?


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:21 PM

    Rex> I don't mind it, no.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:21 PM

    “No, apparently the generator is outside the cave.”


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:21 PM

    "I am reading some deeper in the caves but they're pretty far away."


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:22 PM



    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:22 PM

    Rex> Let's check it out.


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:23 PM

    Hmph. "Outside or inside, Commander?"


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:24 PM

    Stanton> Frowns Outside first.


    Rex> Puts his hood up and heads out again


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:25 PM

    Irene has scrounged up enough pieces of clothing to stay warm, somehow. She heads out into the snow and leads the team toward the generator.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:25 PM

    William sighs and pulls up his own hood. “Join Starfleet they said. See exotic planets they said.”


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:25 PM

    :: Growns :: Here we go.


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:26 PM

    ACTION> The readings take them past the beam down point and the empty shells they spotted and to a ledge. Below them, there is a much smaller version of one of the creatures we encountered earlier laying on its back in a snow drift. Its mouth pieces are flashing weakly.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:27 PM

    “That’s suboptimal.”


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:27 PM

    "It's hurt is what it is. We gotta help it."


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:28 PM

    “Anyone here a xenobiologist?”


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:29 PM

    Rex> Frowns, looking at the ledge


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:29 PM

    I'm a counselor :: shrugs ::


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:29 PM

    Stanton> We should check it out. Irene, Rex, Indura find a way down.


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:29 PM

    "...me." She looks at Stanton. "Permission to go do some xenobiology."  

    "Gotcha." She brings up a topographic map on her tricorder and looks for a safe way down to the bottom of the ridge.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:33 PM

    Beam down?


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:33 PM

    “Assuming Clark can actually hit that spot.”


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:33 PM

    Rex> Frowns We should be able to find a way down.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:35 PM



    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:35 PM

    Rex> Not that I don't trust Clark... _but he didn’t


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:36 PM

    "Over here!" Irene yells from about 80 meters away. "I think we can make it down this snowbank!"


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:36 PM

    Looking at her own scanner.


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:36 PM

    Rex> Smirks and nods for Indura to head along


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:36 PM



    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:37 PM

    Corenic> We could start a snowball fight while they're gone.


    Stanton> Glowers


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:40 PM

    Heads slowly down the only available path down.


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:41 PM

    Rex> Along with his two compatriots they carefully made their way down the slope. And because Swain had just eaten cake and felt charitable, they didn't have to roll for danger


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:42 PM

    Irene leads her group down the slope. "Easy, just a bit more to go. Great, we're down." She creeps toward the smaller creature, her tricorder clipped to her belt and both hands open.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:44 PM

    I was not prepared for this.


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:44 PM

    Rex> Perhaps I should start come basic training classes for crew members.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:45 PM

    “I’ve had some basic training. I’m just very rarely in snow.”


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:45 PM

    ACTION> As they approach, the creature is laying on its back in a snowdrift, having fallen somehow. It appears to be losing energy, but is emitting a distinct tetryon pulse.


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:46 PM

    Approaches the creature.

    Wish I was a telepath..or Betazoid.


    her scanner beeps.



    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:47 PM

    Satisfied that it's not going to jump up and eat her, she pulls out her tricorder. "Yeah. I don't think you need to be a telepath to figure out it's injured and calling for help. But... what can we do for it?"


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:48 PM

    Rex> Frowns What if its parents come back?


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:48 PM

    Can we treat it on the Excal?


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:48 PM

    Rex> Looks to Irene


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:51 PM

    She scans... and scans... "We... might be able to. The atmosphere is compatible, at least, and the ship's resources would really help - I'm a biologist, not a doctor. We'd be exposing the lab to its tetryon transmissions, of course. The worst case is that it dies, and we just put it back."


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:51 PM

    Rex> Considers if that is really the worst case We should run it by command.

    Rex> I am sure there's some rule about beaming unknown alien bugs up without command approval.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:54 PM

    “Wonder if they’re going to attempt to take it up to the ship.”  


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:54 PM

    Stanton> Can't hear that, but would approve of Rex's attention to protocol, instead he looked over to Will What did you make of that tower. The technology didn't look like anything I've seen.


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:54 PM

    "I... yeah, definitely." She looks like she really wants to bring that thing up. "Well, who's going to tell Stanton?"


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:55 PM

    “It was very interesting. Clearly meant for humanoids, not those.” Williams nods to the group. “Those things.”


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:55 PM

    Rex> Gives the not me look You're blue shirt in chief here.


    Stanton> Nods Which is troubling.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:55 PM

    “You think they’re still around?”


    Erich Jaenke, Eng 30-May-21 07:56 PM

    Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

    The scanners in medical may shed light on what the radiation of this creature really is.


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:58 PM

    Stanton> Let's hope not. Our recent track record hasn't been great.


    William Chocox 30-May-21 07:58 PM

    “Too true.”


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 07:58 PM

    She sighs. "We can't beam it up without permission." She taps her combadge. "Irene to Stanton..."


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 07:59 PM

    Stanton> +Irene+ Go ahead.

    ((Two Minute Warning ))


    Irene Mincine 30-May-21 08:02 PM

    +Stanton+ "Sir, I think we should transport the creature up to the ship. We don't have the equipment to evaluate or treat it down here. It would give us a chance to examine them in detail."


    Captain Swain 30-May-21 08:02 PM



    MEE6 BOT 30-May-21 08:02 PM

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  3. MISSION BRIEF: While investigating anomalous readings connected to the Tetryon power surge, sensor scans revealed a several different origin points for the surges, but nothing resembling developed civilization. At the first of four beam-down sites, in a very lovely, windy desert, the team encountered two very large insect-like creatures. One was trapped in some sort of force field. In the course of investigating a tower that seemed to be the source of said force field, part of the away team was trapped in a bubble themselves. But due to the skill and luck of the chief engineer, he has been able to disable said force field leaving the away team and the bugs free.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:16 PM



    MEE6 BOT 16-May-21 07:16 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

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    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:16 PM

    Rex> Realizing they no longer had a forcefield between themselves and the bugs, he was suddenly more worried.


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:17 PM

    It is good to get out of that. :: stretches her arms out ::


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:17 PM

    Irene has been more interested in the bugs than anything else. She's been playing with her tricorder the whole time.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:17 PM

    Turns to the away team. "Hey guys! I did it!"


    Maryse Dubois 16-May-21 07:18 PM

    ::Has no desire to be dinner.:: So... ::Looking at the bugs.:: Who makes the first move?


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:19 PM

    ACTION> The second creature, which had been positioning itself between the trapped creature and the away team begins moving towards its now free compatriot. The creatures begin to emit a series of brilliant colored lights from the mouth-like orifices on their faces. These lights take the form of roughly circular bands of pulsing radiation.


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:19 PM

    :: turns to the bugs ::


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:19 PM

    $Clark> +AT+ Excalibur to away team.


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:19 PM

    "Whoa, whoa..." She makes sure the lights aren't dangerous with her tricorder.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:20 PM

    "That's uh...that's interesting."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:20 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Tricorder in one hand and phaser in the other, he had the first scanning and the second ready.:: Some form of communication?


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:20 PM

    The other may be injured.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:21 PM

    Rex> Keeps his phaser up but doesn't target it yet Possibly.


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:21 PM

    I would say so.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:21 PM

    +Excal+ "William here."


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:22 PM

    Irene looks puzzled, then nods. “Looks like they communicate with those emissions, yeah. They read as tetryon radiation. The same as what the Excalibur’s sensors saw. I’ve never seen this before.”


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:22 PM

    :: Slooowly approaches the two bugs :: Hello, my name is Indaura.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:22 PM

    $Clark> +Will+ Is everything okay, we detecting raised tetryon emissions now.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:23 PM

    +Clark+ "We have some creatures we've found. One was trapped in a forcefield when we came."

    +Clark+ "They might be the source of some of the transmissions."


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:24 PM

    ACTION> The insects turns towards Indura. They do not respond directly, but their back and forth responses continue with each other.


    $Clark> +Will+ The increased tetryon emissions are making transporter lock more difficult, but we'll see what we can do.


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:25 PM

    “You don’t speak tetryon, I don’t think they’re interested, Counselor.”


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:25 PM

    Rex> Glances over to Jalen, waiting on a cue from the commander.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:26 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Mincine, can you modify your tricorder to mimic their tetryon patterns?


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:26 PM

    +Clark+ "Understood. We might be able to communicate with them."


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:28 PM

    What can we say?


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:28 PM

    She gives Stanton a shrug. "Easily, but I'd be speaking gibberish at best without an understanding of the underlying patterns."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:29 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Then, perhaps, it is best we leave them be for now and transport to one of the other locations. Let's retreat out of the interference and see if the ship can get a lock.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:30 PM

    That sounds like a good plan Commander.


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:30 PM

    Prime numbers?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:31 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Everyone, back the way we came, and keep an eye on those creatures for any sign of aggression.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:32 PM

    Rex> Relieved they weren't going to hang around too much longer, motions for the goldshirts to lead the way -- he'd take up the rear.


    Maryse Dubois 16-May-21 07:32 PM

    Gladly. ::Carefully starts heading back.::


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:32 PM

    William walks with the crowd.


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:33 PM

    "Prime numbers would be good for convincing them we're intelligent... but I think they believe we are." She nods to Stanton. "Good idea. If we get more data on the Excalibur's sensors, we might be able to get something."


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:33 PM

    ACTION> The two creatures also follow along, at a distance, but they do seem curious about the ugly bags of mostly water.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:35 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Excalibur+ We're moving away from the tower. Can you get a lock?


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:35 PM

    :: Still looking at the creatures :: If you two need counseling I have open spots. :: waves goodbye at the creatures ::


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:36 PM

    (( Give me a number folks. 1-20 each ))


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:36 PM



    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:36 PM

    (( 8 ))


    Maryse Dubois 16-May-21 07:36 PM



    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:36 PM

    (( 5 ))


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:36 PM

    :: Waves again, as the creatures tail her ::


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:37 PM

    ACTION> Indura thinks for a second she sees one of the creatures seems to wave one of its spindley legs, but no it couldn't be, could it?


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:38 PM

    :: Stops to see if they close in on her position ::


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:38 PM

    $Clark> +Stanton+ The tetryon emissions seems to be with in tolerable levels of transporter lock. Do you want to come straight back or site to site to another location, and if so where to?


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:39 PM

    Irene's keeping an eye on the tachyon transmissions all the time.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:39 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Excalibur+ Transport us directly to another emissions site.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:40 PM

    Rex> Keeping an eye on the creatures, he did not see the wave. They do however seem to be slowing down a little, and their tetryon emissions are slowing as well, both in frequency and intensity.


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:40 PM

    Wait, are we visiting these creatures later? They may need our help


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:40 PM

    $Clark> +Stanton+ Understood. Stand by for transport.


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:41 PM

    "I'm sure there will be more of them..."


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:41 PM

    I mean more of these in particular.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:44 PM

    Rex> I mean)))

    Rex> Glances to Jalen


    $Clark> +Stanton+ Ready for transport on your mark.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:46 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Clark+ Transport.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:49 PM

    ACTION> The crew feels the familiar tingle of the transporter take hold. Within a few moments A bone-chilling cold sets in as soon as the transport is complete, freezing their breath and making it visible as they exhale. You find yourselves standing on a rocky ledge overlooking a magnificent mountain chain that stretches beyond the horizon. Ahead of you on the ledge, you see a pile of cracked and empty eggshells, each about the size of a melon. A sticky, mucus-like substance, still surprisingly warm, holds the eggshells together in a nest. Several trails of this ooze lead from the nest into a nearby cave. The ledge near the outer edge of the nest appears to have given way in a landslide, and some of the eggs may have fallen below.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:49 PM

    "Holy! This is cold as hell!"


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:49 PM

    This is different.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:50 PM

    Rex> Makes a note to hit Clark really hard when they get back.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:51 PM

    "Ok, ideas, is there some form of shelter so we don't all freeze to death?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:51 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Shivers.:: It looks like a nesting site. Probably for those creatures.


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:52 PM

    She lets out a Klingon cuss when the transport completes, dressed completely wrong for ice cold mountains. "Aaah! What the... couldn't they have warned us?" She takes out her tricorder to check the temperature, then notices the eggshells and seems to forget all about the bitter cold. "Ooh...!"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:52 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Spots the cave.:: Everyone into the cave and out of the wind.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:53 PM

    William walks into the cave.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:53 PM

    Rex> Shakes his head at Will once they were in the cave You clearly weren't a boy scout. Motions to the goldshirts to get out the warm jackets they brought along in their gear packs for everyone


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:54 PM

    "No, I joined Starfleet."


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:54 PM

    ACTION> Irene's tricorder readings show a very faint tetryon pulse coming from somewhere nearer the nest.


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:55 PM

    "Hey, I'm picking up more tetryon radiation over here, Commander!" She records it all excitedly, trying to find the exact source, rather than going into the cave.


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:55 PM

    Rex> Zips up his coat Good thing for you I did. Handy that this cave was here though I suppose. I wonder if Clark knew we brought jackets?


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:55 PM

    "I'm not sure Clark knows much of anything."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 07:56 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Digs his coat out of his pack and fiddles with the hand warmers before pulling the hood up to cover his ears. Pulls out his tricorder again, scanning.::


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 07:56 PM



    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:56 PM

    $Clark> Chuckling to himself. That's what Will got for cheating at poker, imo.


    William Chocox 16-May-21 07:56 PM

    William puts on his own jacket.

    ((Wait a minute, when did I cheat at poker? I demand satisfaction!))


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 07:57 PM

    ((I mean, maybe Clark just thinks you cheated ))



    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 07:59 PM

    By this point, Irene realizes she's really cold and dashes off to the cave. "Oh! Um. Anyone got spare hand warmers...?"


    William Chocox 16-May-21 08:00 PM

    William tosses some to her. "Think fast."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 16-May-21 08:01 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> You didn't pack any? ::Glances at Mincine.:: We won't be here long. Hopefully the other sites aren't this harsh.


    Indaura Ryssan, Counselor 16-May-21 08:01 PM

    :: Shaking as she is following the others ::


    Irene Mincine 16-May-21 08:01 PM

    "I thought I did..." She catches Will's hand warmers and rubs her hands together. "Much better."


    Captain Swain 16-May-21 08:02 PM



    MEE6 BOT 16-May-21 08:02 PM

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

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    ======== PAUSE SIM ========



  4. SD 0516.2021

    While investigating anomalous readings connected to the Tetryon power surge, sensor scans revealed a several different origin points for the surges, but nothing resembling developed civilization. At the first of four beam-down sites, in a very lovely, windy desert, the team encountered two very large insect-like creatures. One was trapped in some sort of force field. In the course of investigating a tower that seemed to be the source of said force field, part of the away team was trapped in a bubble themselves. But due to the skill and luck of the chief engineer, he has been able to disable said force field leaving the away team and the bugs free.

  5. SD 0509.2021

    Excalibur has arrived in orbit of Optera IV, where they have discovered a number of anomalous readings connected to the Tetryon power surges that brought us here in the first place. Sensor scans revealed a several different origin points for the surges, but nothing resembling developed civilization. An away team has been assembled and is preparing to beam down to first of the four identified locations.

  6. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur has arrived in orbit of Optera IV, where they have discovered a number of anomalous readings connected to the Tetryon power surges that brought us here in the first place. Sensor scans revealed a several different origin points for the surges, but nothing resembling developed civilization. An away team has been assembled and is preparing to beam down to first of the four identified locations.



    MEE6 BOT 09-May-21 07:08 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:09 PM

    ((Ok I'm back))


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:09 PM

    William materializes in a shimmer of light.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:09 PM

    ACTION: The whine of the transporter fades and is replaced by the roar of a harsh, burning wind. Cracked and sun-bleached rocks litter the otherwise flat surface of the desert, which extends to the horizon in all directions. Optera IV’s three pale moons hover overhead in a cloudless sky. Roughly 50 meters away, you can see a tall tower bristling with electronic instruments.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:10 PM

    William puts a hand up to shield his face as he quickly wraps a cloth around his face with the other. After he secures it he grabs some goggles.


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:11 PM

    ::Arrives on the planet, after inoculating the away team against radiation.::


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:11 PM

    Rex> Looks around, shielding his eyes from the sun and wind, motions to the two goldshirts he brought along to take up flanking positions


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:11 PM

    Well, how's this for a warm welcome?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:11 PM

    Holy h... :: she said, her expletive muffled by her protective mask she quickly placed over her face ::


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:12 PM

    Irene doesn't seem bothered by the sun and wind. She pulls out her tricorder and begins scanning, then looks up at the tower, putting her tricorder down. "...I guess I don't need this to tell you that's our reflector."


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:14 PM

    ::Protects herself from the elements with a cloak and mask.:: We sure know how to pick them, don't we?


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:15 PM

    Rex> Smirks in agreement with Maryse Shall we investigate the reflector?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:15 PM

    Where are we going? :: The wind blowing around her words ::


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:15 PM

    $Swain> Drinking tea on the bridge, which is not a desert hellscape. Being captain wins again.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:15 PM

    I believe that we're headed towards that tower. William points to where Irene was looking.


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:17 PM

    "Mm-hmm. Hoping there's going to be there's some way to interface with that thing." She sets out for the reflector.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:17 PM

    William follows her. "I've interfaced with weirder.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:17 PM

    Rex> Glances over to Jalen, and takes point

    Rex> Steps carefully among the rocks, keeping an eye out as best he could with the face covering he was wearing


    ACTION> As the AT approaches the tower, they notice emerging from the ground, a dome of crackling energy like an orange bubble -- a force field? Trapped inside is a large insectoid creature with six spindly appendages and glowing red eyes set atop a strange mouth-like orifice surrounded by short tentacles. Another seemingly identical creature circles the tower a short distance away, thrashing its pincers against the tower.  


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:24 PM

    Well that's not weird.  


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:24 PM

    Um...Let's not get too close shall we?


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:25 PM

    She jumps back when the bug appears in front of them. "What the hell is that?" She starts scanning that orange force field.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:25 PM

    Rex> Holds up a closed fist to the team


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:27 PM

    William holds up.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:27 PM

    Were they trying to get into the tower? :: looks up ::


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:27 PM

    Rex> Unholsters his phaser, but doesn't bring it to aim yet. Gives a cautious glance to his goldshirts and Jalen as well.


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:28 PM

    Irene looks puzzled at her tricorder. "It... looks like the tower's projecting the force field, actually. It's a sphere 10 meters in diameter, definitely impassable. They're stuck in there, as far as I can tell."


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:28 PM



    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:29 PM

    Well lets try not to get stuck with them.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:29 PM

    (( Everyone give me a number 1-20 ))


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:29 PM



    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:29 PM



    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:29 PM



    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:29 PM



    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:29 PM

    (( 7 ))


    ACTION> The insect attacking the tower continues, having not noticed the AT yet. The one inside the forcefield does seem to be in some degree of distress.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:31 PM

    Are these animals, or do we think they're sentient?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:32 PM

    :: Studies the creatures ::


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:33 PM

    ::Looks to Will.:: Do you want to ask them?


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:33 PM

    Irene tries to tell with her tricorder. "Either way, it doesn't look like being in that containment field is very pleasant."


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:33 PM

    I'll gladly stay behind this rock.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:33 PM

    I'm an engineer, not a first contact specialist.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:33 PM

    Rex> Well if that one is attacking the tower, it seems reasonable to assume they have some degree of intelligence, right?


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:34 PM

    I mean...maybe.


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:34 PM

    Animals will react if they have a connection with one another. Perhaps the one trapped is a mate, or a relative.


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:35 PM

    "It doesn't take a brain genius to figure out the tower's doing something nasty to its friend there."


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:35 PM

    ACTION> The creature attacking the tower turns away and begins moving to place itself between the creature trapped in the force field and the AT, but is clearly in a defensive posture, with two legs raised.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:36 PM

    Hello? We come in peace!


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:36 PM

    Rex> Glances over to see if it responds, which it doesn't


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:37 PM

    Well, it was worth a shot.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:37 PM

    We should help.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:38 PM

    Hm... William starts thinking about how to get the trapped creature out.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:38 PM

    Rex> Bites his lip


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:38 PM

    "And how do you propose we do that?" She also takes up a defensive posture once the bug does so. "Whoa, whoa..."


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:39 PM

    Rex> Mincine, you and Chocox should make a move towards the tower. Nice and slow. Take Hanga with you. The rest of us will stay here. Hopefully if we move slowly and carefully they won't think we're a threat.

    Rex> Presumably the tower has an off switch, right?


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:39 PM


    William shifts his bag on his shoulder.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:40 PM

    :: Holds up both of her hands in front of her ::


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:40 PM

    Hanga> The green skinned security officer nodded and moved to follow William and Irene


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:41 PM

    I can't say I'm a fan of this idea. ::Gets her phaser out as a precaution.::


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:41 PM

    Rex> Unless someone has a better idea.


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:42 PM

    :;Still positioned behind a rock.:: Nope.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:42 PM

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained. William starts walking with Hanga, being careful to avoid the creatures and walking slowly.  


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:42 PM

    Irene moves along with the group, very slowly. "I don't have anything better to try..."


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:42 PM

    (( will and irene give me a number 1-20, and also maryse and indura give me a number 1-20))


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:43 PM



    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:43 PM

    :: To the creature :: Can you understand us?


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:43 PM

    Hanga> Leading the way, he walked slowly trying not to think too much about the gross creatures


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:43 PM


    :: She repeats the phrase in Denobulan rather than Federation standard ::


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:44 PM

    ( 4 )


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:46 PM



    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:47 PM

    ACTION> As William, Irene and Hanga approach the tower the untrapped creature remains in a defensive posture between itself, both groups, and the one in the force field.


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:49 PM

    "Good start..." As she gets closer to the tower.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:49 PM

    William looks at the tower, squinting as he looks at the sides to see if there is anything removable. "I think there's a grate I can access."


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:50 PM

    Hanga> Lets Irene and Will move closer to the tower, he keeps himself between them and the creature

    Rex> It sure is a uh... interesting bug. It is an insect right? Six legs? Do those uh... mouthpart things count?



    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:52 PM

    This is a fine time for a counseling session.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:52 PM

    As they get closer, William confirms that it is indeed a grate. "If I pop that open I might be able to deactivate the forcefield."  


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:52 PM

    :: Takes out her scanner to examine the force field ::


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:53 PM

    This is a good time for us to be back on the ship.


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:53 PM

    "Go for it?" She's keeping an eye on the bug. "It doesn't seem to be making any aggressive moves. I don't think it thinks we're a threat."


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:53 PM

    :: Waves her scanner over the extent of the force field ::


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:55 PM

    "Yeah, I'm going to go for it." William starts opening up the grate and sees a control panel behind it. "See? Once we figure this out it should be easy."


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:55 PM

    Rex> Smirks at Maryse

    ACTION> Maryse, Indura, Jalen, Rex and the still as yet named third goldshirt hear a sudden crackling sound and then a flash of orange light. Now they too are caught in one of the forcefield bubbles.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:57 PM

    William looks over at the others. "Uh...are you guys ok?"


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:57 PM

    Rex> Frowns Well. This is lovely.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:57 PM

    Well this is a sticky wicket.


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:57 PM

    ::Sighs:: Really?


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 07:57 PM

    Irene turns around when she hears the noise of the new containment field. "Hey, Will, you might want to figure that thing out..."


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:58 PM

    Rex> +Excalibur+ Away team to Excalibur...

    ACTION> Static.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 09-May-21 07:58 PM

    Well, I can scan from the inside now.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 07:58 PM

    "So uh...I'm going to get to work, yeah..." William starts poking around the weird tech.


    Maryse Dubois 09-May-21 07:59 PM

    ::Sits down.:: No one exert yourselves. As a matter of fact, I recommend relaxing. I imagine there is little to no airflow.


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 07:59 PM

    Creature1> The untrapped insectoid lowers its front legs, and begins moving closer to the team trapped in the field, but extremely cautiously. Its mouth-parts begin working back and forth.  


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 08:00 PM

    Irene tries her own combadge as the bug approaches the away team in the field. "Away team to Excalibur?"


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 08:01 PM

    $Clark> +Irene+ Excalibur here.  

    << 3 minute warning >>


    William Chocox 09-May-21 08:02 PM

    Williams pokes and prods, trying to keep from harming anyone in the forcefields.


    Irene Mincine 09-May-21 08:02 PM

    +Clark+ "Oh. Good. It does work. We've got a bit of a problem down here. Half the away team is stuck in some force field thing that's blocking communications. Can you keep a transporter lock on us all?"


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 08:04 PM

    $Clark> +Irene+ Tries to keep his voice from going up an octave in alarm Force field? Well that explains the strange readings. The tetryon bursts are interfering with our sensors. I have a lock on... you, Chocox and Hanga but... the others I can't cut through the interference from the force field. We thought it was just a blip.

    << Will give me a number 1-20 >>


    William Chocox 09-May-21 08:04 PM



    Captain Swain 09-May-21 08:05 PM

    ACTION> Will pokes a blue button and the force fields suddenly drop. The entire array seems to have shut down as well.


    William Chocox 09-May-21 08:05 PM

    "I did it!"


    Captain Swain 09-May-21 08:05 PM



    MEE6 BOT 09-May-21 08:05 PM

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

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    ======== PAUSE SIM ========



  7. MISSION BRIEF: When we last saw our intrepid heroes, Science had detected a series of repeating tetryon emissions from the Optera system. Optera has, like much of this sector, only been mapped passively but at the time had no known inhabited planets. We pick up there.


    MEE6 BOT 02-May-21 07:09 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:10 PM

    ACTION> The scene fades into Excalibur dropping out of warp in the Optera system.


    William Chocox 02-May-21 07:10 PM

    William is on the bridge at the engineering station as they start looking around the system. "We have successfully transferred to impulse power."


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:11 PM

    Val> "Course, Cap?" She looks expectantly toward the center of the bridge.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:12 PM

    Asher bit his lip pensively


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:12 PM

    Irene> "I've managed to refine the tachyon sensor sweep a little. We should have a better idea what's out there now."


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:13 PM

    Have we made any progress in localizing where in the system they're coming from?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 02-May-21 07:14 PM

    :: Working in her office ::


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:14 PM

    Rex> Standing at the tactical station, stiffly. He was known for his levity, but he also had a serious side and whatever was causing high frequency tetryon bursts could be dangerous.

    Clark> Glances over to Val, then to his own station again.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:15 PM

    Irene> "From what I can tell, it's localized to the fourth planet, mostly underground. It looks like something's shooting tetryons at the surface and getting responses back. The transmission rate is picking up pretty fast, too."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:16 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Has it increased since we arrived in the system? ::Slight head tilt as he turned to review the readings.::


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:16 PM

    Shoots a glance over to Jalen, then back to the viewer

    Bites his lip again Rex, anything on tactical sensors?


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 07:18 PM

    ::Checking over work reports in her office. She sipped on a cup of tea as she read.::


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:18 PM

    Rex> Nothing on sensors, sir.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:19 PM

    Irene> "It's been increasing constantly. It's definitely some kind of localized transmissions. I'd guess we're picking up what leaks out, like wide-band transmissions flooding into space." She shakes her head. "Scans aren't picking up any kind of technology on the surface."


    William Chocox 02-May-21 07:19 PM

    William looks over at the captain. He hadn't known Swain to be so worried before.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:20 PM

    Put us into orbit of the fourth planet. Then begin a full sensor sweep.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:20 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> A natural emission from the planet? ::He speculated.:: Or ancient technology that's survived its makers? Could be an interesting place to explore.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:20 PM

    Nods Possible. Though strange that it just started.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:21 PM

    Val> "Entering standard orbit of planet 4." The impulse engines kick back in and the ship heads off.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:24 PM

    Will Is there any danger to the warp drive from all the tetryon emissions?


    William Chocox 02-May-21 07:24 PM

    "All readings are currently at normal, but I'm monitoring it. I have one of my consoles dedicated to it right now."


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:24 PM

    Irene> "That's better..." As the ship gets closer to the planet. "Readings are getting clearer from the subspace interference. I'm picking up... an energy source, on the equatorial continent. There's another few smaller ones scattered around the surface."

    "Mostly on the mountain peaks, but the largest reading is in the middle of a large desert."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:27 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Run it through the computer to see if it can discern any type of pattern in the transmission. I'd like to know if someone or something is trying to communicate with us.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:27 PM

    Nods to Jalen, and makes a note of the good thinking for progress report

    Glances back over to Will Keep us informed. I don't want to get caught flat footed.

    +Medical+ Bridge to medical


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:29 PM

    Irene> I'll have the computer start analyzing it for patterns. I'm not so sure if it's a transmission, though. Scanners are showing the planet has a liquid core, generating massive amounts of solanogen through subspace inversions. It could be a natural phenomenon,that stuff shouldn't exist outside subspace."


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 07:29 PM

    ::Sets her report down.:: +Bridge+ Medical here.


    William Chocox 02-May-21 07:30 PM

    "Aye sir."


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:31 PM

    +Maryse+ Doctor we're investigating a planet where we've detected a large number of high intensity tetryon bursts. As you know, that stuff isn't exactly fun. Right now we don't believe it should be a problem, but I want you to have radiation measures ready to go in case they pick up in intensity. We also will likely need some inoculations for away teams.

    Makes his way over to the science console You mentioned a subterranean cavern system... can we get a look at that on the monitors?


    Clark> to Val just lowly enough for only her to hear He sounds more cautious than usual.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:34 PM

    Irene> "Bringing it up now." A diagram of a vast network of caverns appears on the viewer. They run all through the planet's crust. There's a blind spot in the mapping as it gets closer to the planet's core. "High levels of tetryon radiation in there. I wouldn't want to be there for too long."


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 07:35 PM

    +Swain+ I'm on it. ::Activates her console to search for options.::


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:35 PM

    Val> Whispering back. "Maybe they raised his starship insurance premiums too far."


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:36 PM

    Frowns Blind spot? That's... unusual. Of course a planet that has solanogen in its core isn't exactly usual. Run the database to see if there's any record of similar planets and if they produced similar tetryon emissions.

    Clark> Smirks and looks back to his console. Or maybe his husband gave him a stern talking to for all the near death experiences?


    William Chocox 02-May-21 07:37 PM

    "If I increased power to the sensors would it help with the blind spot?"


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:38 PM

    Irene> "There's not going to be anything like this in the computer, sir." She checks, just to be sure.

    Irene> "It might." Shrug.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:38 PM

    Nods both to him and to Will It might.


    Rex> Glances to the tactical monitor every few seconds, clearly on edge


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:38 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> It couldn't hurt. ::To Will.:: Though it might be prudent to tweak them to filter out as much of the radiation as possible.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:39 PM

    Val> Stifles a laugh. "Ah, probably it."


    William Chocox 02-May-21 07:39 PM

    "Alright, give me a moment. Need to move some things around." William starts shifting power needs and attempting to tweak the sensors from the computer.


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 07:40 PM

    ::Begins preparations for treatments.::


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:41 PM

    ACTION> The Universal Translator chimes to notify Irene that although it does not recognize typical language patterns, it does however detect distinct repetition patterns that seem to indicate some sort of communication.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:43 PM

    Irene> "Oh, computer's analyzed the transmission patterns. It's... definitely communicating. That's about all I can tell you. Whether it's communicating with us, the energy signatures, itself, or what it's saying, no clue."


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:44 PM

    Makes his way back to the center seat So, we detected emissions in three or four different places? Deep underground caves, mountain tops, near the planet core and a desert?


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:45 PM

    Irene counts them off one by one. "The planet's core, a lone beacon in the desert, smaller ones on mountaintops, and the cave systems."


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 02-May-21 07:47 PM

    :: Pokes into where Dibois was :: What's up?


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:47 PM

    Looks over to Jalen Prep an away team. Which spot?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:47 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Frowns.:: Can we tell where the strongest transmission is emanating?


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:48 PM

    Irene> "The transmissions are emanating from deep in the planet. The surface ones seem to be reflectors, or receiving stations."


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 07:49 PM

    ::Looks up.:: I am preparing us for possible radiation treatments. Seems like we may have found something.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:51 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> We'll start with the desert, then, and work our way through the locations. Rex, pick a few officers and head to TR2. Chocox, Mincine, prep whatever you need to take with you and report to the transporter room.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:52 PM

    Rex> Nods Aye, aye. Sends a message down to security for some goldshirts to join them in the TR room and for Macklin to come up to relieve him.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:52 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Dubois+ Doctor, do you read?


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:53 PM

    Clark> Looks over to Val and makes a hand gesture to show his relief he didn't pull away team duty


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 07:53 PM

    Irene> "Mm-hmm." She heads off to the turbolift, disappearing to gather her things for an away mission.

    Val> Whispers back. "Hey, someone's gotta fly the ship."


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 07:55 PM

    Rex> Follows along with everyone else into the TL


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 07:56 PM

    +Jalen+ Yes Commander?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 02-May-21 07:59 PM

    We go from one medical emergency to another


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 07:59 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Maryse+ Doctor, I need you and Dr. Ryssan to gather what you need to inoculate the away team and join us in TR2. The two of you will be monitoring crew health while we explore the planet.


    Maryse Dubois 02-May-21 08:00 PM

    +Jalen+ Understood. ::looks to Indaura.:: Shall we? ::Gets up to stock up a couple of kits.::


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 02-May-21 08:01 PM



    William Chocox 02-May-21 08:01 PM

    William has headed down to Engineering to get his tools and such.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 08:01 PM

    Rex> Rex arrived at the transporter room where three goldshirts were waiting for him. He was pleased with their efficiency. They brought all the gear they'd need for at least the first phase of the mission, including extra water bottles and sun-screen lotion.


    Irene Mincine 02-May-21 08:04 PM

    Irene showed up a few minutes later, with her science backpack. She's wearing sunglasses and her skin was shiny from all the sunscreen. "Ready to go."  


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 02-May-21 08:05 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::He rose, tugging on his uniform tunic.:: We'll keep the comms open.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 08:05 PM

    Nods to Jalen Good luck Commander. I wish I were coming along but... well I know better.


    William Chocox 02-May-21 08:06 PM

    William finally shows up, with his engineering kit and other accouterments.


    Captain Swain 02-May-21 08:07 PM




    MEE6 BOT 02-May-21 08:08 PM

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

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    ======== PAUSE SIM ========



  8. MISSION BRIEF: After several days of leave while repairs were made to the ship, Excalibur has disembarked from Starbase 37 Tango to begin a patrol of the Kallen sector on the border of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The sector was only recently charted just before the Dominion War and had largely gone unexplored since. With renewed tensions between the Federation and Romulan Empire, Starfleet has dispatched us to patrol and chart the sector more completely. We will be tasked with establishing a long range sensor network in the sector, along with the standard science-y stuff.


    MEE6 BOT 18-Apr-21 07:12 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:12 PM

    William was on the Bridge at the Engineering station, monitoring the systems.


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:14 PM

    Clark> On the bridge, monitoring power usage. He was glad that they would get some quiet time on the way to whatever dumb place they'd been shipped off to next, though he did not particularly like the idea of setting up a whole sensor network. What if the engineering rats tried to turn them into explosives or something.

    Brooding in his ready room with tea and a book.


    Maryse Dubois 18-Apr-21 07:14 PM

    ::Decides to pay a visit to the bridge.::


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:14 PM

    Irene's at her station on the bridge. She seems happy that she might actually get to do some science without everything exploding, maybe.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:14 PM

    William feels a pang, like someone said that it was going to be a quiet shift. He feels the urge to fling a heavy object at whoever had that thought.


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:16 PM

    Rex> Meanwhile, he was busy counting phaser riffles. They had replaced a number of units during their stop over and he wanted to make sure they had gotten working units, this time.


    Clark> Turns to Will I assume you will be working with the blue shirts on the sensor grid deployment? It sounded like my job will be just coordinating the supplies around.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:17 PM

    "Yes, that's the plan."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 18-Apr-21 07:20 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Drums fingers on his armrest, reviewing the last sensor readings of their designated sector.::


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:20 PM

    Clark> Nods I am clearing out cargo bay 3 for you guys to use as a staging area for the sensor units.


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:20 PM

    Val, meanwhile, was at helm and going over their course for the eighth time. "This navigational chart is 15 years out of date. I don't want a repeat of our last mission..."


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:21 PM

    "Thank you Clark."


    Maryse Dubois 18-Apr-21 07:22 PM

    ::Quietly observing the bridge crew as they went about their business.::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 18-Apr-21 07:23 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> I don't think we could repeat our last mission, even if we wanted to. ::Snort.:: But better safe than sorry, I suppose.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:23 PM

    "No, instead we're probably going to get into some other form of trouble."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:23 PM

    Asher> Over tea Captains log -- The ship is proceeding through a little-explored sector of space, according to our orders. This region was mapped and surveyed about 15 years ago at long range, but that mission gathered only the most general data on the nearby systems and planets. And, in any case, a lot can change in almost two decades. I had hoped to return to our previous patrol route, but Command wanted to send someone "more seasoned" with "deep space exploration" on this mission. I suppose I should be flattered, even if it feels like a long time since I had that sort of mission profile. Nevertheless, ship and crew have functioned well. I was pleased with the efficiency of the engineering crew in working with starbase crew to make repairs.  


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:26 PM

    Val> "We're not hitting any quantum filaments, or wormholes, or anything if I have anything to say about it."


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:27 PM

    "Thank you."  


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:28 PM

    I have also put in commendations for the medical staff on their top work in getting the vaccine together under trying circumstances. I considered doing the same for engineering, but... he bit his lip Commander Rex's report absolved them of any fault in causing the accident, but I am concerned that safety mechanisms were disabled. I have to wonder if Miranda had still been here if she would have kept them in line. Not that I find Commander Stanton lacking in quality. He's fine first officer, but Engineering was Miranda's baby and ... he trailed off and drank tea Computer, delete that last sentence. Restart after disabled.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:28 PM

    William shudders, like someone walked over his grave. "Computer, what's the status of life support on the Bridge?"


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:29 PM

    Computer> Life support is functioning normally within established parameters.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:29 PM



    Maryse Dubois 18-Apr-21 07:30 PM

    ::Steps over to Will.:: Problem, Chief?


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:30 PM

    "Felt like I had a sudden chill."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:30 PM

    Clark> Looks over to Val with a a look


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:31 PM

    "I'm sure it's nothing."


    Maryse Dubois 18-Apr-21 07:31 PM

    Well you are welcome to sickbay if you change your mind.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:32 PM

    "I will if I need it. Thank you Doc."


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:32 PM

    Val notices Clark out of the corner of her eye. Val> "What?"


    Indaura Ryssan 18-Apr-21 07:32 PM

    :: Working around the medical bay ::


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:33 PM

    Clark> Makes a gesture to Will and makes a mildly problematic hand gesture to question his sanity


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:33 PM

    "I'm right here Clark." William has a clear line of sight at Clark from the Engineering station.


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:33 PM

    Clark> Grins


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:34 PM

    Val rolls her eyes and goes back to navigating.


    Indaura Ryssan 18-Apr-21 07:39 PM

    :: Looking over her schedule ::


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:40 PM

    ACTION> An alert rings out from long range sensors: bursts of tetryon radiation have been detected along our general course.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:40 PM

    "Oh boy."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 18-Apr-21 07:41 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Glances up at the alert, head cocked.:: Company or anomaly?


    Indaura Ryssan 18-Apr-21 07:44 PM

    :: Wonders where Doctor Dubois is, but goes about her business ::


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:44 PM

    Irene shakes her head from the science station. "They're impossible to trace under the best of circumstances. It could be subspace interference, a black hole, or any number of things."


    Maryse Dubois 18-Apr-21 07:45 PM

    ::Is still people watching on the bridge. She listens to Irene's report.::


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:47 PM

    "I might be able to get some idea of the source with an adaptive sweep..." Irene types a new sensor program into her console.


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:49 PM

    << Give me a number 1-20 >>


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:49 PM

    (( 15 ))


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:52 PM

    ACTION> Irene's modification to the sensors reveal the tetryons are generally originating in the Optera system, a small, out of the way system that is uninhabited.


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:54 PM

    Irene> "Got it." She looks up, proudly, from the science console. "They're coming from the... Optera system. I can't tell any more than that from here. Charts say nobody lives there."


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:54 PM

    "That's interesting."


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:54 PM

    Val chimes in. Val> "The 15-year-old charts."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:55 PM

    Clark> I doubt an alien civilization went from primitive tool users to tetryon radiation emitters in the time since you were at the academy.

    Clark> Or from primates or whatever. Maybe lizards, whatever.


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 07:56 PM

    Val> A bit exasperated. "I mean someone else might have taken up residence since the war."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 07:57 PM

    Clark> Hides a giggle, having accomplished his mission


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 18-Apr-21 07:57 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Or it could be something completely natural that wasn't detected here during the last survey.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 07:58 PM

    "Clark, I'm fairly certain the helmswoman has a rocket fist at the end of her arm. I wouldn't make her mad if I were you."


    Indaura Ryssan 18-Apr-21 07:58 PM

    :: Feels something is going on. Looks up as if she can see to the bridge ::


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 08:01 PM

    << 2 minute warning >>

    Clark> Tetryon radiation isn't very dangerous though, is it?


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 08:02 PM

    Irene> "It depends. It's usually a sign that there's something outputting a lot of subspace energy. That's the part you gotta worry about."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 08:02 PM

    Clark> Frowns So much for the quiet patrol.


    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 08:03 PM

    Throws whatever is handy at Clark "Never say anything like that! Go onto the turbolift, spin three times, curse, then spit."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 08:03 PM

    Clark> dodges the tricorder Hmph!


    Irene Mincine 18-Apr-21 08:04 PM

    Val> "Before my rocket fist takes its revenge."


    Captain Swain 18-Apr-21 08:04 PM



    William Chocox 18-Apr-21 08:04 PM

    "I'm serious about spinning three times, cursing and spitting. Get going!"


    MEE6 BOT 18-Apr-21 08:04 PM

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

  9. SD 0418.2021

    After several days of leave while repairs were made to the ship, Excalibur has disembarked from Starbase 37 Tango to begin a patrol of the Kallen sector on the border of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The sector was only recently charted just before the Dominion War and had largely gone unexplored since. With renewed tensions between the Federation and Romulan Empire, Starfleet has dispatched us to patrol and chart the sector more completely. We will be tasked with establishing a long range sensor network in the sector, along with the standard science-y stuff.

  10. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur has been docked at Starbase 37 Tango undergoing repairs following their recent mission. Most of the crew has been on leave and intermittently being recalled for debriefing by a Starfleet Intelligence officer.  As we pick up, the crew has been notified that said debriefings have ended and the intelligence officer has left the Starbase.  Repairs and leave are both nearing an end.



    MEE6 BOT 11-Apr-21 07:12 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:13 PM

    William is already in Engineering, double checking how the station monkeys messed with his settings.


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:14 PM

    ACTION> Will has already noticed that a lot of his secret projects have been deleted by the station engineering crew.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:15 PM

    Irene is coming back onto the ship from the last debriefing via transporter.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:15 PM

    Expletive deleted "Can't they just keep well enough alone?"


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:18 PM

    :: She enjoyed being in crowds again, but not back with this mess up great crew ::


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:19 PM

    On the station, drinking tea in his and Arden's quarters. Arden had left for work, leaving Asher alone with his thoughts. The debriefing had gone well. He was happy to be rid of the Lieutenant. He wasn't a bad sort, but it was better for everyone when that sort didn't linger.


    Rex> Enters the bridge of the Excalibur. He'd returned early the night before to handle the influx of crew coming back aboard now that their leave was coming to an end.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:21 PM

    "Common decency between engineers is to not delete each other's projects. I wouldn't do this to them!"


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:22 PM

    :: Crosses over to the ship after saying goodbye to all she spoke to on the station :: Well, back to the old ship.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:24 PM

    Irene comes onto the bridge from one of the other turbolift doors, heading straight for the science station. "Ugh... stupid intelligence officers..."


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:24 PM

    Rex> Glances over Eh, they were fine.


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:25 PM

    +Bridge+ Doctor Ryssan back on board, if anyone needs me


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:25 PM

    William looks around. "Reynolds? You around?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:25 PM

    Ens Reynolds> What's the problem sir? ::Glancing up from his terminal. Other than time spent on the holodeck, he wasn't all that interested in taking leave.::


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:25 PM

    "My special projects were deleted. Yours?"


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:26 PM

    Irene> "They wanted to know all about my observations of the Romulans and their listening devices. They even read through my personal logs just in case I missed anything."


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:26 PM

    :: Enters the nearest lift :: Medical.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:26 PM

    Ens Reynolds> I'm afraid so, sir. It is standard Starbase procedure. That's why I always make backup copies and keep them with me.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:27 PM

    "My backups were a bit old. You didn't happen to make anything more recent than about a month ago of mine did you?"


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:28 PM

    Rex> Smirks Standard procedure. Especially with things getting stickier with the Romulans lately. Presses a button on his console as another round of crew members checked back in.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:29 PM

    "Did they have to ask me about the holodeck programs, though?" She mumbles some Klingon cusses


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:29 PM

    Rex> snorts


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:30 PM

    :: enters the medical bay ::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:31 PM

    Ens Reynolds> I think so, sir. I made a backup copy of all of our projects before we docked. ::Waves his memory chip.::


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:31 PM

    "Thank you."


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:31 PM

    Hello? :: her voice echoed through the bay ::


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:31 PM

    Rex> They don't like to leave stones unturned, no.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:32 PM

    Irene> "Well, I hope Starfleet Intelligence enjoys reading through transcripts of Vulcan Love Slave, Part 4."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:34 PM

    Nurse> Counselor? Welcome back. Did you have a good leave? ::Paused, data padd in hand, to address Indaura.::


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:35 PM

    Rex> Smirks, thinking that the latnium he'd paid to the debriefer, who was an old academy buddy, to rile Irene had been well spent


    Clark> Enters the bridge carrying a stack PADDs grumbling


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:36 PM

    :: to the Nurse :: I did. I found the largest crowd I could and just talked to everyone I could.

    Now that I think of it, people came to me with their personal problems a lot.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:36 PM

    Irene> Hits a few buttons on her console. "There. The last of the files they wanted. How long until we depart?"


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:37 PM

    Rex> Shrugs Nothing official yet. Captain's still baseside.


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:38 PM

    I even made a Klingon cry. I hope he finds his family soon.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:38 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Rings the chimes at Swain's quarters.::


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:38 PM

    Clark> Muttering as he logged into a console


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:38 PM

    The other seat up front turns around toward Clark. Val> "Having fun before we leave?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:39 PM

    Nurse> ::Eyebrow raise.:: Well, that's your job, I suppose. And people do like to talk about themselves. Counselors and bartenders... both easy listeners.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:39 PM

    Irene> "Not any time soon, then. Can't they end our leave closer to our departure time?"


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:39 PM

    That's a great idea. I should set up my practice here at the our bar.


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:40 PM

    Clark> muttering No. I am trying to get everything in order. The last time we were here those idiots gave us extra engineering kits instead of extra med kits.


    Rex> Shrugs, pressing buttons I would think you'd be happy to get leave at all.


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:41 PM

    Oh, oh. Or just have a mini bar in my office.

    I'm sure the holodeck has classes I could take.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:42 PM

    Irene> "I've been behaving myself! Plus helping find all the listening devices."


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:42 PM

    Rex> Idle hands though.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:43 PM

    Val> "Engineering kits? You sure they weren't just keeping us prepared for how often our systems blow up out here?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:43 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Did you see they also reset most of our adjusted settings to default? All of my screen savers are just the Starfleet insignia bouncing around on a black screen.


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:43 PM

    Are the Captain's favorite drink on file? Hmm


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:44 PM

    Nurse> In his medical file? I don't think so. Unless Doctor Dubois has been taking her own notes.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:44 PM

    "Yes, yes I did. I have no clue why they do that.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:44 PM

    Irene> "Okay, Commander Stanton also made me agree not to drink any alcohol on the starbase."


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:45 PM

    Maybe a Sheliak on the Beach or Blue Horta


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:46 PM

    Ens Reynolds> The repairs look good so far, though. You can't deny they're efficient.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:47 PM

    "They're definitely efficient, just single minded about how things should be run. Comes from not being able to see the starts."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:47 PM

    Nurse> I bet it's something like an Andorian Sunset or Slippery Nausicaan.


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:48 PM

    I know that last one comes in a tall glass and is often disagreeable.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:50 PM

    Ens Reynolds> I thought about posting up on a Starbase. They don't go anywhere. Seems safer.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:50 PM

    "But think of the cool side projects you get to do here."


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 07:52 PM

    Irene> "You know they give you a special vertical ID badge when you're not supposed to drink?" She grumbles. "I feel like a 16 year old sneaking into an Andorian disco."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:53 PM

    Ens Reynolds> And Starbases get too much civilian traffic. I didn't want to have to deal with that.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:53 PM

    "So many civilians. Could you imagine being on a Galaxy Class?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:54 PM

    Nurse> Do you need any help settling back in? The crew is still being recalled, so I assume you still have a bit of down time.


    Ens Reynolds> ::Shudders:: Ew...


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:56 PM



    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:56 PM

    I think a cup of coffee should do the trick. I'll watch for people arriving just in case.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:57 PM

    Ens Reynolds> And children, too.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:57 PM

    "Oh God."


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 07:58 PM

    Asher> Having spaced out thinking, he heard a chime at the door Enter


    Rex> Glances over to Irene I did not know that.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:59 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Sticky fingers smeared across control panels. ::Shivers.::


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 07:59 PM

    Did anything happen while I was gone on this ship?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 07:59 PM

    Nurse> Very good, Counselor. I'll be around if you need anything.


    William Chocox 11-Apr-21 07:59 PM

    "I would absolutely put child locks on all the doors."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 08:00 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Steps into Swain's quarters as the door open, glancing about.:: I'm not interrupting anything, am I, Sir?


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 08:00 PM

    Asher> Smirks over his now cold tea No no. I was just zoned out. Arden's on duty this morning.


    Irene Mincine 11-Apr-21 08:00 PM

    Irene> "I heard one of the science teams had a pool going on whether I'd get dragged back onto the ship in my underpants. Jerks."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 08:02 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> I just finished my last round of questioning with SI. It was... thorough.


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 08:03 PM

    Asher> Nods, stands and takes his tea to the fresher Indeed. They seem very concerned about Romulan movements along the border. More than the actual incident that sent us there. I'd be lying if I said that didn't worry me.


    Asher> Arden said they intercepted some garbled comms from across the border that seemed to indicate there have been some terrorist attacks on their outlying planets. Pauses But that's not public knowledge yet.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 11-Apr-21 08:08 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> I've heard a few things, as well, and none of them are good. ::Shakes his head.:: I'm very interested to know what's going to be in our next debriefing.


    Indaura Ryssan 11-Apr-21 08:08 PM

    :: Sits at a nearby desk and checks her mail ::


    Captain Swain 11-Apr-21 08:09 PM

    Asher> Nods and grabs his uniform jacket I've asked the Admiral for permission for us to resume our patrol and survey. She said she'd consider it, so who knows. Sometimes I do wonder if I should have asked for a science ship to command.


    MEE6 BOT 11-Apr-21 08:11 PM

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========


  11. SD 0328.2021 - No SIM

    SD 0404.2021 - No SIM (Easter)


    SD 0411.2021

    Excalibur has been docked at Starbase 37 Tango undergoing repairs following their recent mission. Most of the crew has been on leave and intermittently being recalled for debriefing by a Starfleet Intelligence officer.  As we pick up, the crew has been notified that said debriefings have ended and the intelligence officer has left the Starbase. Repairs and leave are both nearing an end.

  12. Mission Brief: Excalibur has been delivering supplies to virus stricken colony near the Romulan border. Starfleet has dispatched a medical ship to relieve us, so that we can make repairs at Starbase 37 Tango. The medical ship Dorotea Bucca has arrived in orbit and Swain and Stanton are briefing them aboard the medical ship, as are the Excalibur medical staff.



    MEE6 BOT 21-Mar-21 07:11 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:12 PM

    :: Speaking to the medical staff of medical ship that shall not be named ::


    Maryse Dubois 21-Mar-21 07:13 PM

    ::At the briefing.::


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:13 PM

    William's finally gotten himself cleaned up from the shenanigans with the wormhole. At this point it was more of keeping the ship in one piece as opposed to making repairs.


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:14 PM

    :: Val is stationkeeping with the medical ship. ::


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:14 PM

    (( Grab an @ if you're on the uh Dorotea Bucca ))

    (( Or uh a $ actually since @ tries to tag people lmao ))


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:15 PM

    Irene> Is down in engineering working at a console. There's a small metal cylinder on a rolling cart next to her. "That should be the end of the listening devices. The positronic scanner can't see any more."


    Maryse Dubois 21-Mar-21 07:15 PM

    ((If you put a space in between it's fine.))


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:15 PM

    "From your lips to Starfleet Intelligence's ears."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:16 PM

    $ on the Dorotea Bucca in their main conference room wondering just how they come up with starship names as one of their doctors was launching into a long question to Maryse about the virus


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:16 PM

    $ :: Standing with Doctor Dubois ::


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:17 PM

    Irene> "Hah." She picks up the metal cylinder. "The devices in here should keep Intelligence busy for a while once we turn them in at Starbase 37-Tango."


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:18 PM

    "I just don't want the spooks poking around my engine bay."

    "Only thing worse than Romulans poking around my engine bay is spooks poking around my engine bay."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:18 PM

    $Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::On the medical ship speaking quietly to their second officer, a charming brunette woman with a pretty smile, waiting on the briefing to start.::


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:18 PM

    "And the only thing worse than that?"

    "Time cops."


    Maryse Dubois 21-Mar-21 07:19 PM

    $::Presenting her findings, along with a copy of the vaccine formula in case they need it.::


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:20 PM

    Irene> "You've had run-ins with Temporal Investigations down here? I haven't, not since I joined Starfleet."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:20 PM

    $Captain Umer> Glances over to Asher and makes a side eye to Stanton and his own second officer, smirking


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:20 PM

    "They have long reaching reputations." William can't remember if he's had to deal with Time Cops.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:22 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Throws Will a look.::


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:22 PM

    ((I honestly can't remember if we've dealt with Time Cops.))


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:22 PM

    $Captain Umer> The tall, slender Betazoid cleared his throat when Maryse had finished Thank you, Doctor DuBois. It sounds like everything is in order for us to take over the relief efforts. I do wish you were able to stay around to help with the investigation into how the shipments were contaminated, but I understand.


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:24 PM

    Irene> "They always have one give a speech about the integrity of the timeline during the class on the philosophy of quantum mechanics. Don't go messing with the timeline, et cetera et cetera..." She waved her hand to emphasize the et ceteras. "I had my friend T'Mal take notes for me that day."


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:24 PM

    "Damnit, I knew I should've gotten a Vulcan study partner. I had a Tellarite. Great discussions...not so much the studying."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:24 PM

    $ Asher smiled. He was proud of his crew and the work they did, even if sometimes some of them made him consider leaving them on the nearest ice block sometimes, but he didn't let that thought bubble to far up the line, overly aware of Umer's abilities Of course. Doctor DuBois and her staff are excellent at what they do.


    Rex> Enters engineering, frowning and carrying a PADD


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    William looks over. "I don't like that look. Don't be giving me that look. If you're going to be giving me that look, you need to go outside, turn around three times, curse, and spit."


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    Irene> "I wouldn't have gotten through quantum mechanics without the memory techniques he taught me." She smiled. "And the stuff they say about only once every 7 years, that's a lie." She spots Rex coming in and goes back to serious mode. "Trouble, sir?"


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:27 PM

    William gives Irene a look before turning back to Rex.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:27 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Well, you aren't supposed to speak about them because they might hear you.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:27 PM

    Rex> I've been, at Captain's "suggestion" the air quotes were audible going through the security logs for the safeties.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:28 PM

    William swears audibly.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:28 PM

    $Umer> Well I think that pretty much wraps things up here, unless there was something else?


    Rex> For starters, I am going to just completely omit the bevy of times someone on your staff has over-ridden a safety protocol while doing some sort of... I'll be generous and call it experimentation.

    Rex> I scrubbed those from the record, because well I am a nice guy.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:29 PM

    "I told them to be better at hiding that."


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    Irene> "Oh? Anything I can help with while I'm down--" She hears Rex's speech and her finger goes to her collar instinctively, even though she's not the one being smoked. "--guess not."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    Rex> Some of them are with your override code, Billy,


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    William looks around. "Who's Billy?"


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    Rex> Gives him a sly look Exactly.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    $Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Overhearing Captain Umer, he sighed, more than a little disappointed they had to leave so soon. He muttered something to his friend, who giggled and elbowed him in the gut. He grinned and headed to join Swain.::


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:31 PM

    $Swain> Stands and shakes Umer's hand I do wish we could stay. I was just telling Jalen what fun we used to have at the academy.


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:31 PM

    $ :: Listening to Maryse ::


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:32 PM

    Rex> Anyway. So I scrubbed the very obvious uh, experimenting ones, but there's still a few I want you to comb through to check to see if they're legit or not. Most of the ones that I didn't scrub aren't related to any of the systems that control the warp field matrix though. Mostly people tinkering with the holodecks or replicators. A few with the transporters.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:33 PM

    "Look, sometimes, as Chief Engineer, you need to make sure things are up to snuff. And sometimes Starfleet's 'preferred parameters' are well short of what my machinery can do. And sure, I'll check them out."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:33 PM

    Rex> Captain wants me to make sure it wasn't sabotage, but as I told him -- if it was sabotage they likely weren't dumb enough to leave a trace log in the safety protocol records, but you know how it is. he finally smiled


    $Captain Umer> Turns a little red I hope you didn't tell him too much.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:34 PM

    "Yeah, yeah, I'll check things out."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:34 PM

    $ Smiles


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:35 PM

    Irene> Picking up her metal container of listening devices from the cart. "Um, I'll drop these off in a secure locker and head back to the bridge. You look like you're going to be busy for a while, Chief."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:35 PM

    $Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Laughs.:: Oh, he told me enough. A pity we couldn't stay longer. I had no idea that Gretchen... eh... Commander Hatcher was assigned to the Dorotea.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:36 PM

    Rex> Ah -- good Mincine. I was going to ask you to bring those to security and help Collins catalog them. Starfleet Intelligence already put in a request that we transfer them once we're at Tango.


    $ Umer and Asher exchanged bemused glances Well, we'll be in orbit a little bit longer until we transfer over the last of the medical supplies. Maryse How long do you expect that will take Doctor?


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:37 PM

    shudders "Damn spooks. Any chance you can keep them out of here Rex?"


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:38 PM

    Rex> I would imagine they'll dispatch someone to debrief, but unlikely they'll take too much interest if we don't find anything that points to sabotage.


    Maryse Dubois 21-Mar-21 07:38 PM

    $ Since supplies were packed and ready. I would say no more than an hour for transfer.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:39 PM

    "Harrumph." William starts scanning through the overrides.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:39 PM

    $ Nods Very well. I'll head back to Excalibur, Commander if you want to stay behind and help coordinate with doctors I have no complaints.


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:40 PM

    Irene> "Will do, sir. I figured Starfleet Intelligence would want these and the scanner settings I used to find them."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:40 PM

    Rex> Nods Yep, and a full report if you don't mind. Sighs From everyone who worked closely with the Romulans. I know it's a pain, but if we have our ducks in a row ahead of time, we're way less likely to get grilled by SI when we get back.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:41 PM

    $Cdr Jalen Stanton> With pleasure. ::Devilish grin.::


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:42 PM

    $Umer> Gives a knowing glance over to Asher and shakes his head, but smiles anwyay


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:42 PM

    Irene> Smiles. "Of course. If you'll excuse me, I'm off to main Security with a batch of Romulan toys."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:42 PM

    $Cdr Jalen Stanton> I'll just go see if the Commander needs any help. (edited)


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:43 PM

    $Swain> Maryse Unless you need Doctor Ryssan, I'd like her to return with me to Excalibur.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:43 PM

    Ens Reynolds> I was on an entirely different deck at the time! ::To Rex.::


    Maryse Dubois 21-Mar-21 07:43 PM

    $ ::Nods.:: That will be fine.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:43 PM

    William looks up from his console and stares at the warp core. "Everyone? You know how many people work down here in an emergency Commander?"


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:44 PM

    Rex> I already have my own people started. Doesn't have to be a novel. Just a short report on their interactions as best they remember it.


    $Swain> Well, Captain. Best of luck. Doctor Ryssan?


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    Irene leaves Will to his personal hell and hitches a ride up to Security in a turbolift, carrying the container of listening devices.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    $Umer> You too Asher. Tell Arden I said hello.


    $Asher> Smiles He'll be sad he missed you.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    "I'll see what I can get you commander. Some of these people are asleep though and aren't going to wake up for their shift in a few hours."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    Rex> No hurry. It's what, two weeks at warp 7 till we're home?


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:46 PM

    "Possibly, I'm an engineer not a navigator."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:46 PM

    Rex> Just want to have them before we get back to turn over to Intelligence. Hopefully they don't send us some hardass fresh out of academy who needs to prove himself.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:47 PM

    "I will shove someone out of an airlock."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:48 PM

    Rex> Grins I just have to ask. Is "Project Lua" a moonshine operation?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:48 PM

    Ens Reynolds> How do you know abou... ::Shuts up.::


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:49 PM

    "What are you talking about? Project Lua is a harmless science experiment."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:49 PM

    Rex> Because, if it is, while I am required to mention how many regulations you are breaking, I would also like to get in on that operation.


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:49 PM

    Irene shows up at the main security office on deck 6. "Delivery!"


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:49 PM

    Collins> Looks up, looking as if he'd been up for like thirty-six hours straight Oh. Hello.


    $ *waits for Ryssan to join him in the lift down to the transporter room*


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:51 PM

    "I can neither confirm nor deny whether or not substances that could become intoxicating when ingested have possibly been distilled in this department."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:51 PM

    $ :: Goes to the lift ::


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 07:52 PM

    Irene> She sets the metal container down on his desk with a thud. "One cylinder of Romulan listening devices that are gonna need a secured locker. Starfleet Intelligence is going to pick them up once we make it back home."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:52 PM

    $ Sorry Captain. My mind and stomach are elsewhere.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:53 PM

    $ Smiles No worries. waits for the lift doors to close Transporter room 3


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:54 PM

    $Cdr Jalen Stanton> How about a tour? ::He linked his arm with Commander Hatcher's and they ambled off together, chatting about old times.::


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:54 PM

    $ How are things down in the counseling arena? I apologize for not really involving myself too much. I know some captains really lean on them, but I -- well, I am not used to that,


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:55 PM

    $ Well to be honest I have only seen a handful of patients, ones that forget to fill their calendars with their work.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:55 PM

    William looks like a realization has hit him. "I thought Vulcans only reproduced every seven years, not went seven years between sexual activities."


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:55 PM

    Rex> Well, I just happen to have a friend on the Orlando who gifted me some very expensive Argosian loose leaf tea that I was going to give to .... pauses wait really?


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:56 PM

    "Just something Irene said. What's that about Argosian Loose Leaf?"


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:56 PM

    $ It is interesting that if I need to I can find someone like yourself mentally compromised I can relieve you of duty.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:57 PM

    Rex> That would be news to the Vulcan I dated at the academy. Tomak was well... rather... anyway yes. I have some loose leaf tea I was going to give to Swain to butter him up, but I could part with it for some of the moonshine you absolutely aren't brewing down in engineering lockerroom.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:57 PM

    "Commander, I would be happy to take that tea off your hands for some very non-existent moonshine."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Mar-21 07:58 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Totally not listening to the shady deal happening behind him.::


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:59 PM

    $ Smirks True, I would hope it never comes to that. But, please let me know if you need me to pass along the word to department heads to tell people to encourage openings in their schedule. After the last few weeks, I am sure there's some stress.


    Rex> Grins, widely I'll have one of my people make a delivery.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 07:59 PM

    "Pleasure having this conversation Commander."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 07:59 PM

    $ Life on an enclosed starship is not easy for many species. Denobulans are known for living in close quarters.


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 07:59 PM

    Collins> Yawns Yeah. Man you ever think you made a mistake signing up for starfleet?


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 08:00 PM

    $ Have people considered intimate relations Captain?


    Captain Swain 21-Mar-21 08:00 PM

    $ Nearly bursts into laughing I think Commander Stanton is thinking about that right now.

    << two minute warning >>

    $ Composes himself a bit as the lift door opens to two ensigns from the Bucco and proceeds towards the transporter room


    Irene Mincine 21-Mar-21 08:01 PM

    Irene> She profoundly disagrees. "A mistake? I love xenobiology and exploration. I get to do it every day."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Mar-21 08:02 PM

    $ Well the Denobulan marital structure is sure different from that of humans.


    William Chocox 21-Mar-21 08:02 PM

    William totally doesn't have a thought about how the last time he was involved with someone was when Ithene essentially forced him to.


    MEE6 BOT 21-Mar-21 08:04 PM

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========

    ======== PAUSE SIM ========


  13. MISSION BRIEFING: The Excalibur has arrived in orbit of Dourup IV where they are assisting in vaccinating the populace against a deadly viral outbreak among the mostly Tellerite colonists. We are also assisting initial stand up of several emergency clinics for those affected. Engineering is being assisted by science in continued repair efforts as well as sweeping for Romulan tracking and listening devices that may have been planted by our appreciated, if no paranoid, friends from the Talon. Asher has yet another new hair style.


    MEE6 BOT 14-Mar-21 07:07 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:08 PM

    throwing another bug into the pile. “How could they install this many in so little time?”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:08 PM

    << Very efficient >>


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:09 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Bedraggled, he turned one of the tracking devices over in his hands.:: I didn't even think they went this many places!


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:09 PM

    Irene is in front of an open panel in engineering, digging through some optical fiber. "The sensor readings don't lie."


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:10 PM

    Clark> On the bridge, keeping an eye on power usage as the transporters were working overtime beaming supplies down to the surface


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:10 PM

    “Were they using robots?”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:10 PM

    << Somewhere, on the Talon, I bet they have a pool running to see how long it takes us to find them all >>


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:12 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Reviewing the latest reports from the planet from his chair on the bridge, fingers drumming on his armrest.::


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:12 PM

    ::In the cargo bay, overseeing the vaccine shipments.::


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:12 PM

    Irene neutralizes a listening device with an energy beam from a long metal cylinder. "They're not the Borg, they've just had a lot of practice at spying on us."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:12 PM

    Ens Reynolds> You think we can use any of these to turn the tables and spy back?


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:12 PM

    Val> Monitoring their orbit, making sure they don't hit any asteroids or fall out of the sky. She looks pretty bored.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:13 PM

    Clark> This certainly isn't on the recruitment posters.


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:13 PM

    “There’s two of them right next to each other! This is insane!”


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:14 PM

    Ens Reynolds> These all seem a bit obvious, don't they? ::Worried look.::


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:14 PM



    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:15 PM

    :: Standing beside Doctor Dubois, inspecting a container ::


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:15 PM

    Rex> Like Maryse, he'd decided he didn't want to don an isolation suit on the planet and was instead overseeing things from the cargo bay too Sounds like things are going well planet side. Gotta admit, I expected the Tellerites to be more of an issue.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:16 PM

    Irene> She checks her tricorder. "Apparently, most of them are passive reflectors tied into the data circuits, no power or transmitting device. You shoot a narrow-beam gamma pulse at one and you can sniff what's on the wire. No way to turn it back on them, unfortunately."


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:16 PM

    “Damn. Would’ve been fun.”


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:16 PM

    Val> Hmph. "Would you prefer getting shot at?" To Clark. 


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:17 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> I know I do. ::Absently.::


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:17 PM

    They do like arguing the small details, but once they get focused, it is hard to stop them.


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:17 PM

    :: Turns to Dubois :: Wonder if there are listening devices in the vaccines....


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:17 PM

    Clark> I mean I understand why someone like you, at the end of your career wants that, but I want some excitement


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:18 PM

    If there are, then I feel sorry of the Romulans listening in.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:18 PM

    Rex> chuckles


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:21 PM

    Val> She stops what she's doing (which isn't very much) and looks sharply at Clark. "End of my career? Do I look like a 60-year-old astrophysics lieutenant running analyses on clumps of space garbage?"


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:21 PM

    So is everyone taking their dose?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:21 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Chuckles at the conversation.::


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:22 PM

    Clark> I mean.


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:22 PM

    I haven't heard of any delivery issues yet.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:23 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> You probably should stop talking before you end up with something embedded in your eye, Clark.


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:23 PM

    These containers are ready. :: signs off on her padd ::


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:23 PM

    Rex> clicking on a padd The emergency center near the planetary power grid is up and running. Lt. Karos reports they're ready to start accepting patients.


    Clark> Nods Right, of course.


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:24 PM

    ::Nods.:: And the Western clinic?


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:24 PM

    << At least she didn't pull a phaser on him and shove him in the broom closet >>


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:25 PM

    (( Mess with the bull... ))


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:25 PM

    locates some more “You’d think they’d try to be more efficient.”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:25 PM

    Rex> Taps Should be online in the next hour.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:25 PM

    Irene> "They probably just cram as many as they can in. They know we'll look and find nearly all of them."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Or they're just leaving these to be easily found so we think we got them all!


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    WIll check now


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    Good. Most major hurdles seem to be cleared now.


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    “That’s a good point.”


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    Val> "Wouldn't want to end up with a yellow eye of your own." She winks with her prosthetic.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:26 PM

    Rex> I am just glad the transporters are working and we're not having to shuttle all this stuff down.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:27 PM

    Irene> "I mean, that's how I'd do it if I was in charge of putting these things in people's ships."


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:27 PM

    “Just means we have to look harder.”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:28 PM

    Clark> Considered commenting that she could get that matched with her other eye, but decides to quit while he's ahead.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:28 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Maybe we should let loose a few of our own bots to seek and destroy.


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:28 PM

    “If you think you can catch them.”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:29 PM

    Clark> Oh, Commander. I did have a complaint from some of the junior officers. They're mad we're keeping replicators to low function and that the holodecks are in operative.

    Clark> I may or may not have also programmed one of the ringleaders sonic shower to play Klingon Opera.


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    We would never hear the end of it if that were the case.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:30 PM

    Rex> To say nothing of having to load all this stuff up and out.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:31 PM

    Irene> "I can take a few of these listening devices with me and see if I can program a search algorithm into a few of our maintenance bots." She starts sliding some into a parts satchel. "Maybe figure out why my sonic shower started singing about Kahless and Molar while I'm at it."


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:31 PM

    “You didn’t happen to complain about the replicators did you?”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:32 PM

    Clark> Frankly I thnk they're lucky we left the sonic showers up at all.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:32 PM

    Irene> "They broke the holodecks, they could at least let me have Swedish meatballs for dinner..."


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:33 PM

    “We had to prioritize Medical Irene.”


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:33 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> People will always complaining about whatever... They'll just have to keep complaining until we get the ship fixed. Not much we can do otherwise.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:33 PM

    Clark> Nods


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:33 PM

    Val> "Can't neglect basic hygiene aboard a starship. You know how bad the Old Earth space capsules smelled after 2 weeks in orbit?"


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:34 PM

    Clark> Had considered auctioning off replicator rations

    Clark> We have that gel sanitizer stuff.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:34 PM

    Irene> "Yeah, I know, I know, medical's more important..."


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:35 PM

    << Irene would probably be interested in rubbing someone down with hand sanitizer like they did on Enterprise >>


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:35 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Maybe anyone that complains further will only be getting the C or D-listed rations.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:35 PM

    Val> "The detox gel? I thought they stopped using that before my parents were born. I've never even seen a bottle."


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:36 PM

    “It’ll be back once we get the vaccine distributed. And once we get to a starbase.”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:36 PM

    Clark> Smirks I'll keep a list to Val Yeah we still keep barrels of the stuff ini storage.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:37 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Already working on a tiny bug-finding roomba to crawl through the ship.::


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:37 PM

    Clark> They use it on Starbases to deep clean the holodecks after deep space ships stop by.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:38 PM

    Val> "I am so glad I don't work in that department."


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:38 PM

    Clark> I hear the worst is after a cadet training cruise.


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:39 PM

    “Reynolds, how are you doing with the search?”


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:39 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Still running, sir, but I have located at least three more and one possible. I sent a team.


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:40 PM

    “Good job.”


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:40 PM

    Irene> Assisting with programming the roombas. "Should be able to get the rest of them with these, I think."


    Val> "Oh, they give you holodeck time after training cruises now?"


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:41 PM

    I did get some good scans of our friends.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:41 PM

    Rex> I brought some food cubes if you're hungry doctors.


    Clark> Did they even have holodecks when you were a cadet?


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:41 PM

    ::Shakes head.:: I'm good for now, thanks.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:42 PM

    Val> "During the Dominion War?"


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:42 PM

    Clark> Thats ancient history.


    Rex> takes a bite Well, help yourself if you change your mind. The green ones are uh, chicken and broccoli and the blue ones are uh also chicken and broccoli I think.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:43 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Clark, I'm beginning to think you have a death wish. ::Snorts.::


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:44 PM

    Rex> We can literally go faster than the speed of light, but our rations haven't improved since the Romulan War.


    Maryse Dubois 14-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    ::Smirks:: You're giving them too much credit.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    Val> Narrows her eyes. "Permission to determine whether or not Clark is a changeling sent to sow discord, Commander?"


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    Clark> I am pretty handsome, but not a Founder.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:45 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Do you want to send him to medical for a blood test?


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:46 PM

    Clark> Smirks I am just saying, I was all of 8 when the Dominion War ended.


    Rex> takes another bite Yeah, you're right. I think they've gotten worse.


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:47 PM

    I am fine as well


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:47 PM

    Val> "More like involving a pocket knife... I mean, uh, never mind, sir."


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:48 PM

    Clark> Incredibly pleased with himself


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:49 PM

    finds a cluster of five “Really?’ This is overkill!”


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:49 PM

    Ens Reynolds> I'm saving them all to be dissected. They're really put together in a most interesting fashion.

    Ens Reynolds> Though now I'm wondering if all those spare parts they 'helped' us out with are really tracking devices.


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:51 PM

    Irene> "Of course they are. Wouldn't you do the same thing?"


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 07:52 PM

    “We’ll have to check them up.”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:52 PM

    << How sophisticated would a Klingon tracking device be though >>


    Irene Mincine 14-Mar-21 07:53 PM

    (( it blinks 12:00 and beeps loudly ))


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:54 PM

    <shaped like a dagger, inserted into chest>


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:54 PM

    (( It'd blow up the moment it was found. ))


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:55 PM

    Exits onto the bridge from his ready room, his hair was wavy and flowing free and he had a beard again


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:56 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Glances to Swain.:: Captain. ::Not about to comment on his ever changing hairstyles.::


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:57 PM

    Good news commander.


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 07:57 PM

    You know I really should see some patients.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:58 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> We could use some.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 07:59 PM

    I just got off the horn with starbase. They've dispatched the USS Dorotea Bucca, a medical ship, to take for us. Once they arrive, we can return to starbase for repairs.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 07:59 PM

    Ens Reynolds> We're going to have to tear this entire deck apart, aren't we?


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 08:00 PM

    “Most likely! Always a fun thing!”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 08:00 PM

    The Dorotea Bucca will be here in 4 days.

    Her Captain is an old friend. Nice fellow. Betazoid, named Kalas Umer.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 14-Mar-21 08:01 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Are we going to be meeting with them when they arrive to discuss the situation? We're not in much of a position to host anything.


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 08:02 PM

    Nods I figured we could make a house call to brief them.

    Kalas always did like hosting parties. Smirks He almost got expelled from the Academy for a party he threw in the dorms.


    Clark> Looks at Val, wideeyed


    Asher> They do frown on having dom-jot tables and dancers from Orias VIII in the dorms. To say nothing of the keg of Romulan ale.

    << 1 minute warning >>


    Indaura Ryssan 14-Mar-21 08:05 PM

    I think all of the vaccines are ready.


    William Chocox 14-Mar-21 08:05 PM

    “I swear, this many listening devices should be considered a war crime.”


    Captain Swain 14-Mar-21 08:06 PM

    << and >>



    MEE6 BOT 14-Mar-21 08:06 PM

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  14. SD 0314.2021

    The Excalibur has arrived in orbit of Dourup IV where they are assisting in vaccinating the populace against a deadly viral outbreak among the mostly Tellerite colonists. We are also assisting the initial stand up of several emergency clinics for those effected. Engineering is being assisted by science in continued repair efforts as well as sweeping for Romulan tracking and listening devices that may have been planted by our appreciated, if not paranoid, friends from the Talon. Asher has yet another new hair style.

  15. MISSION BRIEF: The Excalibur, with an unexpectedly helpful assist from the Romulan warbird RES Talon was able to make repairs following their run in with a wormhole caused by an imbalance in the warp drive systems that left them hurdling towards Romulan space. With most systems now repaired or at least patched together, they have resumed course towards Dourup IV to provide assistance with a deadly viral outbreak. We pick up as we near the system.



    MEE6 BOT 07-Mar-21 08:07 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

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    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:08 PM

    William is down in Engineering, monitoring everything since the Romulans departed. His face was still a bit sooty from the escapades on Deck 16.


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:08 PM

    Clark> On the bridge, discretely playing tic tac toe while the computer system ran a diagnostic on the power distribution network following another round of repairs completed by the engineering staff


    Maryse Dubois 07-Mar-21 08:09 PM

    ::In sickbay, making sure everything is in order for the vaccine distribution.::


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:09 PM

    Enters onto the bridge from his ready room, sporting yet another hair style change, this time he wore it Gareth Bale man-bun style, drinking tea


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:09 PM

    Irene is at the bridge science station as usual, watching for anything weird that might signal Romulans were coming along.

    Val is looking bored at helm.


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:11 PM

    (( I wonder if there would be a wiki article updating Asher's ever changing hair styles. ))


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:12 PM

    (( You'll probably write one before it's all said and done. ))


    Rhan K'hal 07-Mar-21 08:12 PM

    (( probably a rowdy subreddit ))


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:13 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Stands as Swain enters the bridge, shoving over a seat.:: Captain. We seem to be progressing smoothly for the most part.


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:13 PM

    (( lol ))


    Indaura Ryssan 07-Mar-21 08:13 PM

    :: Back in sickbay, uploading her readings ::


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:13 PM

    Nods and takes his seat in the center chair ETA to Dourup?


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:14 PM

    +Bridge+ "Engineering to Bridge."


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:14 PM

    Clark> +Will+ Pausing his tic tac toe game Bridge here.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:14 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Down in engineering with Will, looking twice as mussed, he scowled at the part in his hand before turning it the other way around and resuming.::


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:15 PM

    Val> "Not long." She gives a more precise estimate. "Good thing we got the warp engines going."


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:15 PM

    +Bridge+ "Hey Clark, we're looking...better than we did before. We might need a starbase to get us back to fully normal though."


    Lahl> Kimonzi looks over at Reynolds "That part giving you trouble?"


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:16 PM

    Clark> +Will+ Aye. The EPS network is functioning at around 89%. I am still keeping primary systems a little under full power usage just in case.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:16 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Blinks at Lahl.:: Hmm? Erm... no. It's fine. ::Swaps it around the way he had it before.::


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:18 PM

    +Clark+ Excellent thinking Clark.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:18 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Sickbay+ Stanton to Sickbay.


    Indaura Ryssan 07-Mar-21 08:18 PM

    How are the vaccine manufacture going?


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:18 PM

    Lahl> "You sure?"


    Maryse Dubois 07-Mar-21 08:19 PM

    +Stanton+ Sickbay here.

    ::Gives Indaura a thumbs up.::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:19 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Sickbay+ Doctor, we're nearing the system. Just wanted to give you some warning.


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:19 PM

    Clark> +Will+ I am also running a diagnostic on the computer core. I think some of the files we lost might be able to be recovered by starbase, but bad news for any holodeck fans. That whole database is toast. We'll have to get SB to completely reload it.


    Maryse Dubois 07-Mar-21 08:20 PM

    +Stanton+ Thanks you Commander, everything is ready here.


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:20 PM

    +Clark+ "That is most unfortunate. Hopefully people have their favorite programs backed up."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:21 PM

    Ens Reynolds> Ah, sure. ::Pops it into the replacement node he was refurbishing and sets the scanner to test mode.::


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:21 PM

    Irene> "The holodeck database..." She overhears that and her heart skips a beat. "I hope my isolinear backups are okay..."


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:21 PM

    Lifts a brow at the commentary, but continues drinking his tea


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:24 PM

    Lahl> "Keep up the good work."


    +Clark+ "Anything else I need to be aware of? You catching anything I'm not? I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off."


    Indaura Ryssan 07-Mar-21 08:25 PM

    :: Examines a vial of vaccine ::


    Maryse Dubois 07-Mar-21 08:26 PM

    We cut it kind of close on that one.


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:27 PM

    Clark> +Will+ Medical has been doing a lot of use with the replicators for vaccine production, so we've been tampering down replicator use. I am inclined to leave that down once they're done just to keep everyone from a doing a run on the mess to get food that isn't cubes.

    Clark> Had wisely left power up to the CO;s replicator though.


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:28 PM

    +Clark+ "That sounds like a good plan. I think we can ease that when we get to the planet, but it's a good idea for right now."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:30 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Not getting any test results, so pops the part out and swaps it around the way he had before to reinsert it.::


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:32 PM

    Val> "We're approaching the Dourup system, sir."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:35 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Straightens in his seat.::


    Indaura Ryssan 07-Mar-21 08:36 PM

    Yeah, rather close. The Romulan assistance was...unexpected.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:38 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Inform medical and security of our arrival and to make final preparations.


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:39 PM

    Irene> +Sickbay+ "Mincine to sickbay, we're at the system. Are you ready with the vaccine?"


    Maryse Dubois 07-Mar-21 08:40 PM

    +Irene+ Everything is set and has been moved to the cargo transporters.


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:42 PM

    Rex> Dispatches a crew of security officers to sickbay to get assist, while more of his team were getting stuff ready in the cargo bays to beam down for vaccination site stand up. The local authorities were friendly, but not really prepared, so he had his work cut out for him. He only wished Clark was less tied up with repairs because it would have made this whole sh*tshow easier


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:42 PM

    Irene> +Maryse+ "Perfect." :: She looks up from her console to the center chair. :: "Medical is standing by for transport, Commander."


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:43 PM

    Drinks his tea Standard orbit. Inform the colony of our arrival.


    Indaura Ryssan 07-Mar-21 08:43 PM

    :: to Dubois :: I presume these vaccines have proper distribution channels?


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:44 PM

    Val> "Aye, standard orbit." She looks over at Clark, who's pretty busy. "...and I'll tell the colony we're here."


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:44 PM

    << Sorry, only 1-B priority right now, or if they know an ensign on the Excalibur. >>

    << If we had a Ferengi ensign, we could have a plot line of them selling access to the vaccine that totally wasn't social commentary >>


    Maryse Dubois 07-Mar-21 08:46 PM

    ::Nods.:: Everything should be in order.


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:48 PM

    Lahl> "Does that entire part need to be replaced Reynolds?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:49 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Throws his hands up in the air.:: I have no idea. It still isn't testing. ::He popped it out and chucked it over his shoulder into a bin of throwaways.:: We've got sleepers now. Parts just waiting to die because of the surge.


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:50 PM

    Lahl> "Ah, too true. Let me know if you need any help."


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:51 PM

    Irene> "Do you want me to keep scanning for Romulans while we're in orbit?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:51 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Glances to Irene.:: Do you think it'd do any good? ::Slight smile.::


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:53 PM

    ::Jalen:: I was surprised though how, understanding, the governor was when I told him about our delay. I don't know if you've worked with many Tellerites, but I wouldn't say patience is a strong point for most of them.


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:54 PM

    Irene> "They probably don't need to have a warbird out there. I bet engineering is filled with so many listening devices they know which ration pack I had for lunch."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 08:55 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> A good point, Mincine. Perhaps you should work something up with Chocox to see if our 'friends' left anything behind.


    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::He glanced at Swain.:: Maybe they're just happy to have any assistance at all. Beggars can't be choosers.


    William Chocox 07-Mar-21 08:57 PM

    William munches on a random ration pack. "Ooh, this is actually my favorite."


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 08:57 PM

    Irene> Looks up from her console. "I'm not really an engineer... I don't know anything about listening devices."


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 08:57 PM

    Sips tea



    CdrMirandaHawthorne 07-Mar-21 09:01 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> No, but you do know what the sensor readings look like on Romulan technology. As well as have the internal sensor files for when our guests were on board and where they went.


    Irene Mincine 07-Mar-21 09:02 PM

    Irene> Thinks about it for a moment, then smiles. "I'll collect the data we have on their movements and energy signatures and coordinate with engineering."


    Captain Swain 07-Mar-21 09:02 PM



    MEE6 BOT 07-Mar-21 09:02 PM

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  16. SD 0307.2021

    The Excalibur, with an unexpectedly helpful assist from the Romulan warbird RES Talon was able to make repairs following their run in with a wormhole caused by an imbalance in the warp drive systems that left them hurdling towards Romulan space. With most systems now repaired or at least patched together, they have resumed course towards Dourup IV to provide assistance with a deadly viral outbreak. We pick up as we near the system.

  17. MISSION BRIEFING: Repairs have continued but we're still on a timer as we need to deliver those medical supplies to the Tellerite colony. The Romulan crew from the Talon have been assisting us in repairs but a few key systems remain, likewise we may have additional guests from the Empire who are less cuddly than Commander t'Temarr.



    MEE6 BOT 28-Feb-21 08:06 PM

    ======== BEGIN SIM ========

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    ======== BEGIN SIM ========


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:07 PM

    Irene does a double-take now that the sensor array is back up and pointed at the border. "Uh, commander, we have Romulan company..."


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:08 PM

    :: Scanning in engineering still ::


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:08 PM

    William is in the Impulse Reactor room, attempting to fix it. Every time he wiped at his face it pretty much just moved the soot around his face.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:08 PM

    Enters main engineering deck, making a grand appearance, and a new hairstyle -- pulled back and braided -- for the episode. He even shaved.


    Clark> On the bridge, watching lights on the ops console start to come to life again


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:09 PM

    ::Has made it back to the medical lab, putting the finishing touch on the vaccine.::


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:11 PM

    ::Monitoring the warp core from the main station, upswept brows drawn together in concentration. She snapped something at one of the nearby Romulan engineers, who nodded and went back to tweaking one of the nearby nodes with his Federation buddy.::


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:11 PM

    Clearing his throat You must be Commander t'Temarr.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:12 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Makes some adjustment to tactical.:: Can you get a good read on them, Ensign?


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:13 PM

    ::Sets up the vaccine for synthesis, then checks on the state of the rest of her supplies.::


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:13 PM

    She tries to get a reading on how many there are out there. "A-a lot of them. I'm trying to narrow it down."


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:13 PM

    ::Glances up and over at Swain, taking the measure of him in a single sweeping look.:: Ie. You are the Captain of this vessel?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:13 PM

    :: Completing her scans ::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:14 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Well, we're officially on this side of where we should be, but... that doesn't matter much to the Romulans, I think.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:14 PM

    Nods Captain Asher Swain. My apologies for not coming down sooner. I want to extend my personal thanks, as well as those of the Federation, for your assistance.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:14 PM

    "Lieutenant Lahl, I need the flex spanner."

    The Trill hands it to him. "Here you are sir."

    "Thank you."


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:15 PM

    :: Approaches the two captains, albeit slowly ::


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:16 PM

    Rex> Hops off the lift onto the bridge, scowling


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:17 PM

    Enarrain Laehval t'Temarr. ::Slight incline of her head as she gestured to engineering.:: Your crew is competent enough, I've found. The process has been fascinating.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:17 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Chief... ::Seeing Rex.:: You're just in time to see the Romulans gang up on us.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:18 PM

    Good. I am glad to hear that. We've had a few opportunities to work closely with the Romulans over the years. I think one of our former colleagues served on your vessel actually.


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:18 PM

    She shakes her head at her console. "It's using the indicator that means a lot of Romulans. That's all I can get."


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:18 PM

    :: Awaits her turn ::


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:19 PM

    Rex> Scowls more deeply Of course.


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:20 PM

    ::Slight eyebrow arch.:: On the Talon? Not many of our kind delve into the Federation.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:20 PM

    Rex> takes the tactical console and looks over what sensors were showing


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:21 PM

    Williams cranks down hard on the bolt he had been working on. "I really hope this works. We need to get going soon."


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:21 PM

    Val> "I can give you 1/32nd impulse if that helps." She looks pretty frustrated.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:22 PM

    :: Gets more into the space of Captain Swain and Enarrain t'Temarr ::


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:23 PM

    He was exchange officer, Centurion Issaha N'Dak.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:23 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Returns to the center seat.:: So long as they're staying on their side of the Neutral Zone... If you see weapon spikes, however...


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:23 PM

    Smiles, notices Indaura Doctor?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:23 PM

    Sorry to intrude, but I wanted to let you know there are no issues of radiation or medical calamities in engineering.

    If there is nothing else I shall return to medical.


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:24 PM

    Irene> "Understood..." She looked uncharacteristically nervous, monitoring the science station for Romulan weapon power-up.


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:24 PM

    ::snorts.:: I should have known it would have been a N'Dak. ::Turns back to the console while he speaks with the doctor.:: It's always a N'Dak.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:24 PM

    Rex> Understood.

    I see their reputation for trouble is universal. ::Smirks, then turns again tot he doctor:: Thank you doctor, let Dr. DuBois know I would like a status update on the vaccine.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:26 PM

    I will do that. :: Turns to t'Temarr :: Pleasure to meet you Enarrain Laehval t'Temarr.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:26 PM

    Laehval We were on our way to a Federation colony experiencing an outbreak of a virus when we encountered the wormhole.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:26 PM

    "Well sir, there's not much else we can do to it. We should probably head back to main Engineering." William and Kimonzi walk back to Engineering. "Oh...hello Captain Swain."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:27 PM

    Our readings seem to indicate that it was created by our own warp drive being out of alignment. He frowned


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:27 PM

    ::Brief glance at the doctor.:: Maenak.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:28 PM

    :: Nods than leaves main engineering ::


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:28 PM

    Rex> I wonder if we can get a trip to Risa out of this. You know, as some shore leave for such a terrible experience. Assuming the Romulans don't blow us out of the stars for kicks.


    Asher> Oh good. Mr. Chocox.  


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:29 PM

    The power spikes in your systems indicate as such. There was a sudden surge too powerful for your systems to handle and it cycled through until it found a faulty power node. Though, I am curious why such a thing would happen with no prior warning or undue stress on the ship.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:29 PM

    "Aye sir?"


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:29 PM

    :: Some moments later Doctor Ryssan arrives at medical ::

    Doctor Dubios?


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:30 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> That's a broad assumption. ::Grimly.:: Though the fact that we have their own kind aboard might be in our favor.

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> Unless...


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:30 PM

    I am too. There are dozens of safety systems that should have prevented that from happening. He glanced over to Will I've been looking through the sensor data, but I am not an engineer.


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:30 PM

    ::Waving Indaura over.:: I was just double checking on supplies. Seems like most of it is intact.


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:30 PM

    Val> Scoffs. "What if they're the Romulan version of the Excalibur?"


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:30 PM

    Rex> The finest crew in the fleet?


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:31 PM

    I scanned everything and everyone in engineering for radiation and other anomalies. Everything and one are fine. The captain expressed his desire for an update on the vaccine.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:31 PM

    "I've been attempting to figure out why the power surge took out the safety interlocks."


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:31 PM

    Well it's done. It just needs to go through synthesis.


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:32 PM

    Val> "Close enough, sure."


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:32 PM

    What happened prior to the surge? ::Slight of her head.::


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:33 PM

    Nods I want to make sure that if we go to warp the same thing won't happen again, but I think the deeper autopsy can wait till we're out of the neutral zone. No offense Commander, but I feel like the longer we're hanging out here the more likely we are to draw unwanted attention for both of us, yes>?


    Clark> Mutters I graduated top quarter of my class, I don't know what you're talking about.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:35 PM

    How many can we make versus how many do we need?


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:35 PM

    "Prior to the surge we hit a wormhole."

    "Far as I know."


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:36 PM

    ::Half smirk.:: You mean, you likely have already attracted such attention and would like to withdraw before it grows worse. Ie, there will be watchers out there.


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:36 PM

    If we can begin the process soon, and have it uninterrupted, we will have enough before we arrive at the colony.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:37 PM

    He nodded. How long before we're able to begin testing the warp field?


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:37 PM

    Val> "I graduated..." She thought for a moment. "It's been a long time, I forget. Anyway, let's concentrate on responding to anything the Romulans do."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:37 PM

    Clark> I could look it up.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:38 PM

    "Probably as soon as Reynolds has more than 50% of the power nodes on Deck 16 replaced."


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:38 PM

    Val> "By all means."


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:38 PM

    We've done what we could do to help, anyhow. ::She barked out a command and her engineers began to gather their kits.:: I've left supplies, should you need them. Components, not complete parts, naturally.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:38 PM

    Nods Of course.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:40 PM

    If we can't get underway we may have all the time we need.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:40 PM

    Straightens I want to thank you again, and if you ever need anything and we're around ... well you only need to ask.


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:41 PM

    ::Nods to Swain.:: I would say that is not likely, but the universe is smaller than one might think. Good luck you, Captain. And do try to stay out of our territory, else the next Rihans you come across might not be so pleasant.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:42 PM

    He tipped his head respectfully


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:43 PM

    Computer> beep boop "Lieutenant Valerie Carillon. Class of 2374, aeronautic track, 95th percentile. Selected for emergency fast-track pilot training program authorized by the Federation Security Council during Dominion War."


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:43 PM

    ACTION> The Romulans grouped together in engineering as their captain activated her comm unit. A moment later, they swirled out of existence, back to their own ship.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:44 PM

    Looks over to Will and exhales Sometimes the universe gives us a tiny break, eh?


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:44 PM

    I'm always nervous around Romulans.

    "And yes."


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:44 PM

    Irene> Tenses up when the console beeps. "The Romulan engineers have returned to their ship, sir."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:45 PM

    Well, I won't keep you. Inform us as soon as you're ready to test the warp drive.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:45 PM

    "Aye sir."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> About time. ::Sighs.:: Get us out of here, Lieutenant Carillon. Even on impulse, limping away from Romulan space is better than just sitting here.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    Our first priority is getting out of the Neutral Zone and under way to the colony. We can do the deep dive into how this happened when we're back at starbase.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    "Of course sir."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    Smiles And good work. You managed to not to create an intergalactic incident while they were aboard.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    You could really feel the tension with the Romulans on board. I was fascinated obviously, but others were on edge.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:47 PM

    "I can be professional sir."


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:47 PM

    Val> "There, 95th percentile." She smiles, then nods in acknowledgement to the commander. "Aye, making best speed away from the Romulan border."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:47 PM

    Rex> Sighs in relief at the command


    Clark> Smirks and keeps watching the ops panel


    Rhan K'hal 28-Feb-21 08:48 PM

    (( checks the time "Still plenty of time for peril!" *munches more popcorn ))


    Laehval tTemarr 28-Feb-21 08:48 PM

    ACTION> A few moments later, the Talon cloaks and disappears from view.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:48 PM

    Grins and keeps walking towards the lift


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:48 PM

    ((Don't give him ideas.))


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:48 PM

    Rex> Talon has cloaked and is moving off towards Romulan space.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:49 PM

    +Reynolds+ "Chocox to Reynolds."


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 08:50 PM

    Irene> "Confirmed. The Romulans are not in pursuit."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:51 PM

    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ Go ahead sir. ::There may or may have not been yelling in the background.::


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:51 PM

    +Reynolds+ "I was going to ask what the status was on the power nodes, but do I need to go down there?"


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:51 PM

    Takes the lift to Medical a few decks up, figuring he'd just cut out the middle man

    Pokes his head into sickbay


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:54 PM

    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ No, we're all good here sir! Just... ah... finishing up. ::A multitude of curses.:: Shut it! I'm talking here! Sorry, sir... We're about halfway done with this deck. Any missing nodes are bypassed.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:54 PM

    +Reynolds+ "What is going on down there?"


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:54 PM

    ::Notices the door open.:: Ah Captain, welcome. I was just told you needed a status.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:55 PM

    I was on my way back from engineering and thought I'd stop by instead. ::Smiling. He realized he'd never actually been in this version of Excalibur's sickbay::


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:56 PM

    ::Nods.:: Understandable. Well, the vaccine is done. We just need to begin synthesis. As long as systems are stable, that shouldn't be a problem.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 08:57 PM

    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ We're fine, sir! Everything is fine. How... how are you?


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:58 PM

    William sighs heavily +Reynolds+ "I'm coming down. See you in a bit General Solo."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:58 PM

    Good. I'll let engineering know that as soon as warp drive is up and working to give you full power priority. Hopefully our delay won't have too drastic of consequences. As soon as we have restored long-range subspace, we'll need to contact the colony to let them know where we're at.


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 08:58 PM

    "Lieutenant Lahl, you're in charge until I get back." William walks into the turbolift to head down to 16.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 08:59 PM

    << 2 Minute Warning >>


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 08:59 PM

    Very good.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 28-Feb-21 09:00 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Frowns in confusion.:: I'm not solo. I've got other people down here with me. Heads up! The Chief is coming down! Look sharp. ::Hurries off to vent the shorted node he'd been working on.::


    William Chocox 28-Feb-21 09:01 PM

    William steps out of the turbolift as it chimes his arrival. He steps out and looks around to see what's going on.


    Irene Mincine 28-Feb-21 09:01 PM

    Val> "Our speed has increased to 1/24th impulse."


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 09:02 PM

    Good work. Keep us updated if you need anything. ::Smiles:: I'll be on the bridge.


    Maryse Dubois 28-Feb-21 09:03 PM

    I will, Captain. Thank you.


    Erich Jaenke, CEng 28-Feb-21 09:03 PM

    How can I help you doctor? Not much counseling lately.


    Captain Swain 28-Feb-21 09:04 PM



    MEE6 BOT 28-Feb-21 09:04 PM

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  18. MISSION BRIEF: After drifting dangerously into Romulan territory, the Excalibur has been towed back to the Neutral Zone by the RES Talon, who has also offered assistance in repairing their ship. Several Romulan engineers, along with their Captain, have transported to Excalibur to aid and observe.


    MEE6 BOT 21-Feb-21 08:17 PM

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    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:17 PM

    William bursts through a grate again, dragging himself up into Engineering. "I heard there were Romulans on my ship!"


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:18 PM

    :: Made her way down to engineering to check on the crew there, following behind Chocox :: Hold up Will.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:19 PM

    "What? Where did you come from? Were you in the Jeffries Tube?"


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:19 PM

    Irene is at the science station looking pretty unhappy. "So... what do you want me doing, Commander?"


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:19 PM

    ::Turns to stare at the sweaty shouting human.:: Ie. We are.


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:19 PM

    Yes, following behind.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:20 PM

    "Ah, very well then." William turns to Laehval. "Lieutenant William Chocox, Chief Engineer." mutters to himself "Half expected an N'Dak."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:20 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Runs a hand through his blond hair.:: Not much we can do except monitor the situation. ::Throwing Irene a glance.:: Make sure no one else sneaks up on us, or our Romulans don't have friends. Not that we could do much to stop them at this point, but still...


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:21 PM

    Doctor Ryssan. :: to Laehval ::


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:22 PM

    ::Eyes Indaura, studying her.:: What species are you?


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:22 PM

    "Bit personal innit?"


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:22 PM

    Denobulan. Have you not meet someone from my planet before?


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:22 PM

    No. We tend to keep to our territory. ::Thin smile.::


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:23 PM

    Irene> Hmphs. "The sensor array isn't going to tell me much on emergency power but I can try to give some advance warning if we're about to get towed to Romulus."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:23 PM

    You are my first Rihan I have meet. Thanks for your help. Anything we can get you?


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:24 PM

    ::Turns back to Chocox.:: Enarrain Laehval t'Temarr... Captain in your language. But I was once the Daise'Engineer of the Talon. ::Waves a hand at Engineering.:: This is your department, then? It is... in quite a state.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:25 PM

    "Yes, yes it is. Unfortunately. Would've preferred you see it when it's not half taken apart for repairs. Actually...maybe not."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:25 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> They disengaged their tractor beam. So long as we're not drifting, I'm happy. Are you getting any sort of readings?


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:27 PM

    Do au have engineering experience, Doctor? ::To Indaura.::


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:27 PM

    "I'm going to assume Doctor Ryssan is here to make sure everyone here isn't injured."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:28 PM

    Nothing of note like Mr. Chocox here.


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:28 PM

    Irene> She focuses intently on her console, which makes an unhappy-sounding beep. "Well... I can tell you that we're in space. The Romulan tractor beam did null out our velocity, so we can stationkeep with maneuvering jets. I think."


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:28 PM

    "You flatter me."


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:29 PM

    ::Slight dismissive noise as she turned back to Will.:: My engineers are here to assist, and we've supplies. What caused your power failure?


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:29 PM

    Lieutenant Lahl directs some of the engineers "No, no, if you're yanking, it's too hard and something is stuck. You're going to wind up on your ass if you're not careful."


    William grimaces at the memory. "Power overload getting past the safety stops."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:30 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Moves over to check the tactical station.:: Any spatial anomalies?


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:32 PM

    :: Nods then goes to examine the engineers ::


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:32 PM

    Irene> She scans for any, but shakes her head. "Sorry, Commander, gonna need more power if you want more info out of the sensors. I couldn't tell the Romulans from a quantum filament."


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:32 PM

    And have you repaired the power safety nodes in those areas? ::Looking back over the department as her crew began opening the supplies they brought.:: Our technology is not quite the same as yours, but will do for a temporary fix.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:33 PM

    "I actually was working on that when you guys beamed over. Was coming along well before I left."  


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:34 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Grunts.:: And as much as I'd like to ask for more power to certain systems, it's a bit of a moot point at the moment. And Lieutenant Chocox might start yelling if we pile one more thing on him.


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:35 PM

    Irene> "Probably has his hands full keeping the Romulan engineers away from our encryption matrixes."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:37 PM

    :: Scans the area for worrisome radiation ::


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:37 PM

    looks behind Laehval. "Hey! Hands off the computer unless you're supervised by a Starfleet Engineer Lieutenant Junior Grade or above!"


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:40 PM

    ::She snapped something at the offending officer and turned to Chocox.:: You might want to pair them with someone before they get into trouble. They know your technology quite well, but will not have the required access.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:40 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> That's security's job, as well. Hopefully Chief Rex has a handle on it.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:41 PM

    sighs "Yeah, that's a good idea." William starts directing Engineers not actively putting devices back together to pair up with a Romulan Engineer.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:41 PM

    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ Reynolds to Chocox


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:42 PM

    +Reynolds+ "Chocox here."


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:43 PM

    Irene> Sighs. "I know we need their help. I just hate that we do."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:44 PM

    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ Ah, Chief... we've stabilized the power conduits on these decks. I think we're ready to start up the core. I've got these decks isolated so we can filter in a small stream to start, just in case.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:45 PM

    +Reynolds+ "As soon as we get the injector replaced we'll do it. It's taken longer than expected because they needed to cool down."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:45 PM

    :: Widens her scan as they are going to activate the core ::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:45 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Turns from his station to give Irene another glance.:: What's your beef with the Romulans? I mean, I know they're generally disliked because of their questionable tactics, but you sound as though you might have some personal vendetta.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    Lahl pulls out and replaces another piece of the injectors. "Alright! Everyone off the core! It's ready to restart!"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:46 PM

    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ Aye, sir. We'll continue replacements, then. We've about half of the damaged nodes swapped out and the others bypassed for now.


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:47 PM

    Were your injectors damaged? ::Turning to inspect the swirling warp core.::


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:48 PM

    William turns to Laehval. +Reynolds+ "Acknowledged. Keep up the good work. Apologies Captain, but duty calls." Williams goes to his console. "Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!" The rest of the engineers vacate the immediate area of the warp core as he goes through the startup sequence. "Unfortunately, yes."


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:49 PM

    ::She stood with her arms crossed, watching Will as he worked.::


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:49 PM

    Irene> "When you grow up raised by an imperial politican mother, you hear... stories. Especially when several of her relatives were on Khitomer." She composes herself. "Sorry, Commander."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:50 PM

    (( Give me a number from 1 - 10, Will ))


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:50 PM

    (( 7 ))


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 08:50 PM

    :: Makes adjustments to her tricorder, looking for as many particles it can detect ::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:54 PM

    ACTION> As Will initiates the warp core's startup sequence, the injectors sputter twice before sparking to life and send a burst of power flooding through Excalibur's tortured system. However, the repairs put in place hold and only one minor power node explodes on deck sixteen, but it is a minor section and no one is injured.  


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:55 PM

    William lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. +Reynolds+ "Status?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:56 PM

    Ens Reynolds> ::Coughing through the smoke.:: +Chocox+ We lost another of the nodes, but everything else is holding, sir.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:56 PM

    "Oh thank goodness." +Reynolds+ "Filters not working?"


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 08:57 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Tilts his head at Irene.:: So, a familial bias, then. I suppose we can't help but embrace the prejudices taught to us until we experience otherwise.


    Ens Reynolds> +Chocox+ They look like they're working, sir!


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:58 PM

    +Reynolds+ "Just wanted to be sure. Sounded like you were coughing."


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 08:58 PM

    Irene> "I guess so... hell of a time to be philosophical, huh?" Her console blinks back to full life. "Oh, power's back."


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 08:59 PM

    +Bridge+ "Chocox to Bridge."


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 08:59 PM

    ::She moved forward to the main warp core station, examining the power readings.::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 09:00 PM

    +Chocox+ Go ahead.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 09:00 PM

    +Bridge+ "Warp core is back online."  


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 09:01 PM

    +Chocox+ Good work, Chief. We've got limited power up here. Looks like our systems are coming online.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 09:03 PM

    +Bridge+ "Thank you. Reynolds' crew is still replacing power nodes on 16. I'm going to send a team to the impulse reactors and get them back."


    Indaura Ryssan 21-Feb-21 09:03 PM

    :: Can now breathe easier ::


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 09:05 PM

    ACTION> Most of Excalibur's systems power up, including lights, lifts, and sensors. Propulsion systems and weapons are still offline, however, along with all non-essential systems are still offline.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 09:06 PM

    William looks over his console. "I need tea."


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 09:06 PM

    Irene> "Sensors are online, Commander. Monitoring for anything weird outside."


    Laehval tTemarr 21-Feb-21 09:07 PM

    You're power matrix needs to be balanced, but is strong.


    William Chocox 21-Feb-21 09:07 PM

    "Thanks. There's a lot that needs to be done."


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 09:08 PM

    Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Nods to Irene.:: If you see any blips, no matter how small, let me know. I want long range focused on Romulan territory.


    Irene Mincine 21-Feb-21 09:09 PM

    Irene> "Gotcha." She sets up the sensor array to monitor Romulan space.


    CdrMirandaHawthorne 21-Feb-21 09:11 PM

    ACTION> As soon as Irene focuses long range sensors on Romulan space, they pick up high concentrations of tachyon particles across the border where none should be.



    MEE6 BOT 21-Feb-21 09:13 PM

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