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STSF StarDust

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Everything posted by STSF StarDust

  1. Hey Dac, when you do that one, can I play the leader??? I let you play a psychotic computer.....
  2. Welcome aboard!! I look forward to destr---I mean seeing you in an Academy soon!!
  3. ROFLMAO in a room full of non-Trekkies and Trekkers who have no idea why I am laughinf hysterically and therefore rolling their eyes at that Trek geek.
  4. Great group of simmers, and thanks for all the help from the visiting GMs!! Fred and Dac make a great split personality computer.... Saw lots of great interaction. Keep up the great work, and thanks to all who attended for making our first academy a great success!!
  5. :::sigh::: I've been working too much. Thats gotta be my quote not my title. Still trying to come up with a custom title....
  6. WAIT WAIT!! I got it!! When life hands you lemons, ask for a bottle of tequila and the salt.
  7. Check the Arcadia roster.. right there big as life, LtCdr Ziggy StarDust, Tactical officer. One thing to mention about playing tactical is you really need to be able to do more than fire phasers and go to red alert. Some sims will revolve around a medical plot, r engineering. Whether on an advanced sim or in an academy, you need to find a way to make yourself useful. This does not mean by cracking jokes, or playing an NPC janitor. Find a way to assist science with sensor readings, run a security drill with security, or if its a medical sim, find a way to help the medical departartment, without getting inthe way. This is true for a lot of positions, but I have found it especially true for tactical. One thing I watch as a GM is to see how a character can find a way to stay involved, even if the plot line doesn't take in their position. I love to see it when the medical staff create NPCs to practice on, just as long as they pay attention and are ready if real casualties occur. Or if science and ops work together on a problem, and helm jumps in and takes over Ops without my havign to give that direction. Think about the shows and movies. Each show would revolve around one or two main characters, not all 9 or 10. While the others would contribute, they would not have the main emphasis of the story line. Once in advanced sims, this is when *sideplots* become so important. They not only develop your character, but also give you action during a sim when you are not part of the main focus of the sim plot. The suggestion to play an asst rather than a dept head is a good one. Making suggestions about giant ship eating tribbles is a sure way to annoy a GM. We can create fuzzy crew eating panda bears, but suggesting we do so is a great way to find yourself being drowned in jello, or blown apart by a psychotic computer system.
  8. Evil Panda bears that ate the crew, psycho computers that had personality meltdown.. what a Sunday... And Dac doesn't taste like chicken.. she tastes like coconut cream pie....... :(
  9. Just a few things from a GM that I look for- -follow the chain of command, in other words, report to your dept head. Or if you are a dept head, to the XO, OPS or Mission XO -follow the storyline. If you are supposed to be on a mission to gather supplies, dont be finding dead Romulans, or having Borg appear on sensors. -work with others. If player A suggests the best way to find the supply needed is to go into a local market, go with them, assist. What I don't like: -Dont try and over complicate the plot. If its a simple take passenger A to point B, don't try and have a major battle. Maybe have a system malfunction that allows you to work with anther dept, or join in on someone elses idea and HELP -Dont be a superhero. Characters that glow in the dark, can walk through walls and pick up 90 tons of debris thereby solving all issues in a sim with a wave of a finger are deteremental. Not only do the cadets miss out on a chance to interact, but you miss out on the chance to work with others. -Dont be a class clown. While a joke or two is great, dont ask to be the janitor, or spend the sim doing stupid antics that dont contribute. This is from just me..I can't say what other GMs look for. I really suggest reading the tips from Moose.. I have learned more from that man about simming than just about anyone. He is phenomenal. Also, don;t be afraid to ask in a PM AFTER A SIM, for suggestions. -Z
  10. I didn't buy a hot tub Images, it's Atragon's ... he just lets me use it :) Or at least I think we had permission to use it ::looks over at Blu and Huff:: You asked him didn't you?? Dac Ya better plan on inviting me too. :) Do ya think I'm going to pass on sharing a hot tub with 3 lovely ladies? :) Hey there.. I am already in the tub with the three lovely ladies,.....
  11. Missed ya Ruca.. you were doing great.. and I doubt missing some time will seriously hurt your chances at graduation. Looking forward to seeing you Sunday night... You ARE coming to my Academy too right???? (Who can resist the chance to get blown up by Dac and Me in one night???)
  12. You be wrong... there are several of us who know it word for word... and the dance. I still remember going to see Rocky at the midnight showing, in costume, carrying a bag of props.......
  13. Can anyone else here see A9 as a motivational speaker? :cool: How else do you think he got all us GMs??? Well.. the hot tub helped....
  14. I must admit I haven't gotten to see all of the Enterprise episodes as it is on the same time as the Arc. So I am always simming and watching at the same time. (How's that for nerdy dedication?) Other than Archer (I can't stand the actor) I am liking the show so far. I like the characters, they actually seem to have more depth at this stage of the show than some of the others. BUT! I don't like how they are bringing in *bad guys* that according to Trek lore we didn't encounter til much later. I liked the Suliban as *new* bad guys, and getting to expound on the Andorians. I am a continuity freak so seeing Borg was a real turn off. I liked the first season plots much better than the second season.
  15. I'm gonna stick up for Garnoopy here and say that his dates must be very nice ladies who feel privledged to be going out with such a great guy....whichever one it is. :) As to the 900#, they use them for more than just pornographic phone lines... obviously none of you are as terrible at video games as me, but like them enough that you call the 900# hint line so you can finish the game....
  16. ROFLMAO.... and I can't even begin to explain tomy coworkers why..... Anyone who would actually CALL that 800 # is way more of a nerd than me....
  17. It'll work til I come up with something I like better. :)
  18. I knew I was doing to much simming when... I started turning down overtime at work because I might miss a sim plot.. I used school computers to write logs rather than term papers I did a speech class assignment on simming I wrote logs on paper when I didnt have access to a computer I was dreaming in character I had 7 AOL SNs... all for simming, and they weren't enough I started saying LOL to jokes instead of laughing (still do) But the biggest... I moved halfway across the country to meet (and later marry) someone I met in a sim.
  19. I like it...
  20. happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to WEBBIE happy birhtday to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ")
  21. are they fighting each other?
  22. We could paint him up like a giant Power Ranger pinata. Then, we could use him as the centerpiece on the buffet table at Lo'Ami's zhin'tara -- that has to be worth something on eBay! hehehehe. Sorry Garn, I couldn't resist ::): Dac And since Alces provided the food.... whoa howdy!! You know, you did bring up a good point. WE have the best gosh darn chef in the fleet in that man. I don't know which host taught him how to cook, but they were world class. And he knows the right beverages to serve with each course, not to mention with each hors d' orderves. And then we have an engineer who's lost his mind, a helmsman marrying two women, a science officer trying to find himself, a doctor who can't talk, security officers running around in towels or sheets, babies born out of wedlock.... come on.... we got a great ship!
  23. Arcadia, hands down. Antlers, a shoe fetish goddess, and Marines. Not to mention that we have an alternate reality where we're all different, have been to the continuum, have a terrific bartender in our lounge, our Captain has a clone who is an Ambassador, and a Garnoopy. :)
  24. Ok.. back to the nerd vs geek... Anyone who reads enough about economics to know there is a Big Mac index, and how it stands up is waaaaaaaaaaay to much of a geek :) And that is said in the nicest possible way. The world needs geeks. :)
  25. Attend academies. Good suggestion is to do academies under different GMs, it will give you a good chance to see how different games are run. Go to advanced sims and watch (quietly). This will give you a chance to see the different sims and where you might fit in, as well as giving you some good insight into how the game is played. Different sims have different paces and flavors, so watch the ones you think you might be interested in. Try not to choose a sim based soley on its time-you may find that your desired character would not be a good fit, or that you don't like the style of play. Create a rough sketch of your character. Play that character in the academy, and see how it fits. As you watch the advanced sims, you can see where you might want to change something, or how well a character might mesh in a particular sim. I don't reccommend creating a huge backstory, until you get to your new sim and see if it will work. Some of the most fun and memorable characters I have created were not something I ever expected. They were the characters I created to fill a need on a ship or for something special, and they gained a life of their own, with stories I never expected. Ziggy was one.... The other thing is to read up on things like the ST Encyclopedia, so that when you have the need to reach in the back of your brain for some technical mumbo jumbo, you'll have it... and more importantly, when someone throws it out there, you'll know what THEY mean. :) Good luck and welcome!! :)