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STSF StarDust

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Everything posted by STSF StarDust

  1. Nope.. my profit margin is so slim I can't do bulk discounts.
  2. Welcome! There is also a ton of information on the basics of simming under help, and rules. Looking forward to seeing ya!
  3. Dont use caps. I don't like people shouting at me. The other suggestions are really good. Keep your dept involved, whether you are creating things for your assistants, or if you are an asst, suggesting things to your dept head, or getting the other assts to help you do something. I have seen great academy sims where Eng was never involved, but the dept memebers had a great time keeping each other busy cleaning JTs or warp whatchamacallits. I have also seen terrible academies where a dept that was supposed to be involved in the storyline got sidetracked doing something non related and people died because of it. One recently, medical had 3 people in the dept, and they were so busy playing with each other, they missed 4 comms to come to the bridge for a dying capt. Keeping busy by creating blobs (told ya I would get you back Garnoopy!) or running through the ship screaming are not good things. Paying attention and being creative within your dept are. Just the pointers from me. :) -Z
  4. No, it was the pout I put in under his welcome to Lebowski. :)
  5. The blooper reel is 19.95. The screen saver pack has been slashed to 9.95, and as an added bonus, you get special *outtake* shots. These include the infamous: -Dac trying to hula in stilletos -Dac trying to hula in strappy sandals -Dac and the coconut bra parting ways As well as many others. Federation PayPal accepted. Look for our Ebay store!!
  6. Geez.. you really don't like me do you???
  7. Do we have to????
  8. ::bounces off the walls::: They do love me!!!
  9. ::pouts:: I guess I am not an official GM.. I never did get a welcome on the boards. ::):
  10. Images may have made it famous..but Ziggy was the one who caught Dac on video in the holodeck learning to hula. He still has the blooper reel for sale, as well as the shots of Dac doing it correctly available as screensavers for your ship consoles. :)
  11. Welcome aboard Lt! It's great to have another Texan on the ship!!
  12. Wow Garn... beautiful!
  13. Many thanks to Grommie who stepped in for KBear who was running late after a 9 and half hour drive!! Lots of good simming..I am seeing lots of potential!! Keep an eye out for the Pandarians.. they have stolen the USS Kilgore.. a defiant class ship. (CO) - STSF Stardust (MXO)-- rtor_batok (OPS) - jacobd (TAC) - tovan (HELM) -- picards_true_nemesis (CSEC) - m_2lt_mchale (ASEC) -- kirkisapig (CENG) - ensg_trichon (AENG) - captintino (CSCI) - ndak (ASCI) -- ens_darius927 (CMO) - dr_walker (AMO) -- sexyborg20 (AMO) - captain_kathryn88/katie_o'claire
  14. Moose always astounds me.
  15. Very nice.. you got it just right. We love those Action statements cause we get to see how you handle it. Just don't kill the GM if we miss your response... we aren't perfect. :)
  16. I've always been fond of moose-tipping. It paid for my college tuition. Between 15 and 20% is the recommended amount. ROFL!! I guess I didn't tip enough last time..
  17. HD.. we are all behind you 100%, and glad to be there for you. Another round of agreement with Moose, we are here for ya. I know from my own personal times of crisis, that your online friends can sometimes be there for you more than the ones right beside you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.. good wishes for a speedy diagnosis and recovery. Since I am the nice to cadets GM.. come by my academy some time.. I'll let ya play some evil SGV and kill the cadets! :)
  18. LET one car blow up? No one calls me BEFORE they blow up.
  19. I worked. I am a fire dispatcher. I live in CA where things burn this time of year. We have a burn ban. Guess what?? Idiots still decide they need to light off fireworks. People set cars and other people on fire. And to top things off.. found out my shift will be changing this week. Love the notice. So, it was the 4th of July??? Just another day in the summer time to me....
  20. Tough one.. I owe them both so much. But, well, I sit on a bridge with Moose.....
  21. Ok.... figured it. The Nice to Cadets GM
  22. Why am I always left out of these lovely polls? I mean.. the evil Pandarians are regular guests at my academy. Maybe I am just entirely too nice to you cadets......
  23. :::pouts::: I wasn't on the list????
  24. Ziggy really hadn't wanted to do this. He had avoided Alces zhian thing, had avoided every mention of strange rites performed by other species. But he needed to escape, if just for a time, his own life. And he owed it to Lo'Ami. So, as if his feet knew where to go when his head didn't, he found himself in front of Alces magnificent spread. "Oh, Mr. StarDust! I have the dish for you!" Alces drug him over to a plate sizzling with beef, chicken, shrimp, onions and bell peppers. Warm tortillas lay wrapped in a cloth, and bowls of quacamole, sour cream, cheese, pico de gallo, and more sat nearby. Ziggy munched on the fajitas, amazed that someone not from Texas could make them so darn good. If for no other reason, the food was a good excuse to come. After eating all of the fajitas Alces had made, Ziggy nibbled on a few other things spread out on the buffet, and thought perhaps he could sneak out before he was called to do anything. Just then Alces caught his arm. "They're ready for you." He half led, half dragged Ziggy to a seat next to Lo'Ami. Ziggy sat there rather uncomfortably through the start of the ceremony, trying not to recoil from the idea of someone being in his mind. Blinking he looked around the room. Then he sighed, and turned to Lo'Ami. "You know, the next time you do this, you really need to get more female volunteers." Ziggys voice was softer, with a cultured lilt. "I'm sorry. And you are?" "Vesta. I came after that idiotic dancer." Aphrazad looked taken aback. "Oh, she did give me a touch of gracefulness. But she was not much of a host for Lo'Ami." Ziggy stood and moved about, something feminine to his movements. A certain female gracefulness. "A starship. So.. your one of those spacegoing types. What an uninspired life." "Uninspired?" "Yes. Travelling through space, blowing things up, discovering things for someone else to research, no stability to your life. Not to mention disconnection from your own people." "But there's so much more than that-" She waved him off. "Look at me. Here I am, one of the most beautiful and respected women of my generation, and I am forced to use this scarred up male body to tell you who I was. You have no idea what a real zhiantarra is supposed to be about, asking humans and Klingons to take on the thoughts and identities of a Trill. Its only one of the things that travelling space has taken from you." He could hear in the strange woman/Ziggy voice the sadness and not accusation in the tone. "Can you tell me more about you?" "That is why we're here." Ziggy smiled, and returned to his/her seat. "I was the wife of a government official, before being appointed Minister of Culture upon his death. I spent most of my life watching over the Trill population, devoting all I had to making sure people remembered who they were, where we came from. We were just begining to explore space, and as we explored more and more, people were losing touch with thier past. While I understood the need to explore, I hated the loss of identity that seemed to go with it." Lo'Ami listend quietly as she continued. "I finally retired after my grandson was appointed to the post. None of my children understood the importance of my job, but my grandson did. He was a joined Trill as well. After I retired, I lived quietly on the vineyard where I grew up. I had no great adventures, but my life was very full." Ziggy's eyes turned to meet Lo'Amis, but through them there was someone else looking out. "I hope you find what you need from this Zhiantarra. It is important that you understand your heritage." Lo'Ami nodded. Vesta did not stay around long to chit chat, simply passed on some information on her life, and what it had meant to carry the Lo'Ami symbiont. And Vex.... I thought your log was awesome, any references to your host was strictly in character! :D>
  25. Lo'Ami... Vesta should fit in there between Esrelda and Seg'Ami. Let me know if that doesn't work.