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STSF StarDust

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Everything posted by STSF StarDust

  1. Ziggys parents are alive.. and I guess well. They are researchers who he only occassionally lived with.
  2. He was talking to the redshirt.. Guy Fleegman. Who died in the episode 32. (I think it was 32.. ) Who later played security guy *Roc* Ingersol.
  3. The engineer in Galaxy Quest.. played by Tony Shaloub.
  4. Happy Birthday Anika!!!
  5. Sorry I am a little late.. Happy Birthday Nemesis!!
  6. Great news!!
  7. Hey.. I like the post!! Very good idea. Dac and I have one we just posted today in the Arcadia boards. See Ziggy flirt shamelessly with Dac. See Dac cut Ziggys clothes off... watch Ziggy bleed... And we did that as a *you start, I'll add, and we'll keep going*
  8. Marines are a division of the Navy, so they are normally on all Naval bases. :D Hence, having a marine contingent on a Starfleet (Navy) vessel. Marines just use the Navy to get to where they are going. :) ANd then of course, there are also Marine fighter pilots.. the elite of the elite! :)
  9. Get out of the DFW area!! The Hill country has regular power outages due to AWESOME storms. The Panhandle either freezes everything, or blows away...leaving you with no power,or no sattalite signal. The coast floods.... The south bakes..... Ahhh.. how I miss Texas....
  10. Jacob...not sure where you are in the state. But... when I was living in Lubbock, about 7-8 years ago, there was a major power outage. Some idiots at one of the major plants between Lubbock and Amarillo forgot to turn off a grig before doing some kind of cleaning ro something. Blew the grid, which brought down the next.... and on down the line. Took power out for northern Texas, and browned out all way to Montana.
  11. There is legislation in place that allows for the recall.. hence why there has been one. He can be recalled cause we don't like him, as long as all the paperwork is done right, etc, etc As to the fact that he was voted in office, it was a very close vote, he won by a narrow margin, and thats with less than 50% of registered voters bothering to turn out after a very nasty race that left the voting public to choose between someone incompetent or a crook. I am more amazed by the fact that the apathetic voting public got enough gumption up to sign the recall petition.. I never expected it to go through. Will I vote for Arnie? Most likely. So far I haven't seen another candidate that I think feels strongly enough about the office with having ulterior motives. I know that Arnie has been a very active participant in the Amerincan voting system since becoming a citizen. I am a registered Libertarian, but only vote that way at the local level, until I have a better chance of making that vote count. (I can discuss voting strategy/reasoning and party politics somewhere else!)
  12. Yeah right... What did you tell me in an email last night? Only 3 boxes left to unpack in the bedroom, and they were all shoes???
  13. awww.. admit it.. it was the thought that some of us are sipping cold beers while those of you on the right coast are without power!! :)
  14. I will never forget being in a World history class, arguing with my professor over BCE and CE vs. BC and AD. He refused to become enlightened. It only got worse when we started on british history...
  15. I turned the TV on at 4pm PDT, saw special news bulletins.. and then just a plain ole power outage. Got my heart pumping for a moment tho.. So, here I sit, in my air conditioned building, with a nice cool breeze blowing outside, my power working fine (tho we were the test dummies for the Northern half of the state on the patch for the wrom thing and had our puters going fritzo all afternoon) with a steak cooling outside on the grill and football on the TV... Now only if I was at home and drinking an ice cold beer could I really rub it in!!
  16. Just the fact that everyone is calling it "finding a mate" scares me :) Mate, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, significant other.....
  17. To my knowledge, at least through the Voyager years, Paramount was still accepting outside scripts. Some of the now staff writers were hired after script sumbissions. How do I know this? On the ST cruise I went on, I took the writing workshop.. that was taught by two guys who had submitted scripts and later were hired. (One as a staff writer, the other as an assistant to Ron Moore). I even have signed copies of the scripts. I am sure they will open up Enterprise to scripts at some point in the future. In the meantime, there is a yearly short story contest. The winner gets published and gets to work with the staff writers to create a show script. Runners up are just published in a book of short stories. (At least thats the way it used to work.) And yes... I am positive boards are read for information on what the viewing public and fans want to see (and not to see). Not that they always follow our great ideas. And I know from personal experience that they do read the boards at least at aol. I have (or had) email and SNs for several members of the cast and crew. Kim used to show up regularly in ST chat rooms on AOL, and even came to a private sim I used to be on. (I have a great pic of him from the lifeboat that is hysterical). And who can blame them? Look at all the creative ideas here. :)
  18. So whats new?? :)
  19. Ok... so I used to own a horse that bought soley because of her name... Docs Ziggy Stardust And I swear thats her name. She had it when I bought her. :)
  20. The CEO of Paramount is an STSF simmer? They don't have to be a simmer to read the boards...
  21. I think Paramount does read these boards. I know that plotlines from personal logs and private ships have mysteriously shown up in actual shows....
  22. I used to try real techno-babble. Had the encyclopedia in front of me and everything. Guess what? I am not a nerd and it just wouldn't stick. So... I gave up. I follow the Moose school of thought... create your own. :) One thing I did learn was that using real techno babble can confuse the heck out of the non techno people. But made up techno babble usually makes more sense to people.
  23. I would love to see a show that would be a cross between Third Watch (the best darn show on TV) and say Friends. Kind of along the lines of the one mentioned as starting in the academy. With 3rd Watch, they started with a rookie cop, straight out of the academy, who is parterned with his dad's former partner. What incredible dynamics and storylines thats spun. And then they have a new paramedic who wants to be a doctor, just paramedicing his way through med school. A real jerk that is slowly changing through his time with others. A female firefighter having to overcome the predjuice against women in the fire dept. along with the fact that she used to be a paramedic. Change this to ST... you could have the first season be the last year a group is in the academy. What their goals are in the fleet, maybe where they are doing internships.. and then move them off to ships and assignments. Maybe one stays at Skunkkworks and is an engineer or researcher. Someone else is assigned to an admirals staff, or to an ambassadorial position, and a couple go off to other ships. You could tie things in, have them run into each other on different assignments. Hmmmm.......
  24. Ok, so I have been so wrapped up in simming I quit sleeping. No lie.. worked 10 hours a day, went to school full time.. and simmed or played in chat rooms the rest. I finally had to cut back from 10 sims to 4. This of course, was years ago. But, I did meet my spouse through simming, and made a major life change (including a cross country move) to make that happen. And I know several other people who met their mates through simming. But!! It ain't my life. And I certainly don't think people should start simming in the hopes of meeting a mate. Nor let it become their life. I let my life revolve around my nights in sim rooms and related chat rooms, and it became too much. I had to take many breaks, and every time I came back it was to be involved less and less, at a level I, and my family, can handle. I have made many great friends simming, but I have friends away from here that I spend more time with. Ok,so I am rambling and don't make sense... I'll shut up now. :)
  25. Gee.. can anyone guess my main hobby? I raise and show Foundation Quarter Horses (no cracks about where the rest of the horse is!). I am also an avid reader, no particular genre, I read just about anything. My major in college was history, specifically mideveal European history. My minor was English, so I am into literature, Chaucer being a big fave. I have also been known to write the occassional short story, and one day I will write the great American novel. :) I also enjoy watching movies, posting to message boards, and playing with my son.