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Cmdr Rinax

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About Cmdr Rinax

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    Major Studies: Star ship Command, Senior Officer Training
    Secondary Studies: Psychiatry, Psychology, General Medicine
    Federation Studies: Intel

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  1. Ahh, and wasn't Mr Randall surprised to find himself ended up in Sickbay! I guess you'll have to read the 1/31 log to find out why. Great update, Lieutenant!
  2. Greets all! Below are the logs from January. Note that due to holidays, we did not sim 1/3/2016. 2016-01-10 Log.txt 2016-01-17 Log.txt 2016-01-24 Log.txt 2016-01-31 Log.txt
  3. Greetings Everyone! The following are all of the logs from December 2015. Note that we did not sim the last week due to Holidays. 2015-12-06 Log.txt 2015-12-13 Log.txt 2015-12-20 Log.txt
  4. Greets all, In an effort to catch up with the November logs, I'm going to post all of them here for Challenger this month. I'll get some other back logs posted soon. Enjoy! I'll add tonight's when received this week to complete the month. Erika 2015-10-17 Log.txt 2015-11-01 Log.txt 2015-11-08 Log.txt 2015-11-15 Log.txt 2015-11-29 Log.txt
  5. We'll miss Yeoman Janice Rand and that famous hairdo. I always wanted to do that basket-weave braid on someone's head. I thought she was fantastic in the series.
  6. Attached is our 2-22-2015 Sim. Those Darn Rommies! 2015-02-22 Log.txt
  7. Attached is our sim from 02-15-2015 2015-02-15 Log.txt
  8. Attached is the sim from 02-08-2015. 02-08-2015 Sim Log.txt
  9. Challenger Sim Log from 02-01-2015 02-01-2015 Sim Log.txt
  10. Challenger Sim Log from 01-25-2015 01-25-3015 Sim Log.txt
  11. Sim log from 1-18-2015. 01-18-2015 Sim Log.txt
  12. Attached is our sim log from the USS Challenger, Sunday nights at 11pm ET. Looking for a sim? Drop by and check us out! 01-11-2015 Sim Log.txt
  13. Attached is the (short) sim log from 11-17-2013. Most of the crew were affected by the storms, so many power outages made it unable for them to attend. 11-17-2013 Sim.txt
  14. Attached is the sim log from 11-10-2013. Enjoy! 11-10-2013 Sim.txt
  15. Attached is the sim log from 11/3/2013. 11-03-2013 Sim.txt