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Kate Iasone

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Posts posted by Kate Iasone

  1. Post Edit: Found the owner of the SL photos.

    Emailed Photoworks to get them transferred.

    Nevermind. ;)



    Hi all. Have fun in MD. (Or NY.)

    PA is the ninth circle of hell. (Specifically Scranton. But I digress, that is a SL Road Trip story for another time.)


    I'm going back to real life now. ;)

    Bye for now. That is unless you want your photos back. Then talk later or whatever the kids are saying now a days. o.O

    Have fun all.

  2. This post presupposes that there are genetic differences between the "logical" Vulcans and the "emotional" Vulcans.  

    This would necessarily limit the role of individual decision making in whether they transitioned from emotional expression to repression.  I wouldn't think that a few centuries is enough time for mass-scale naturally selected evolution in a people that lives for a few centuries.  Would this imply that the Vulcans had an artificial selection (social? war? genocide???) going on a few centuries ago and that only the ones with some propensity for mental order survived to reproduce?


    I'm not saying that the Vulcan mind doesn't have a genetically encoded *capacity* for being very ordered.  It also seems to have the capacity to be very disordered.  I'm questioning whether the use of one over the other is genetically encoded as well.


    Anyway, IMHO, philosophically, it would be more satisfying for Vulcans to be making the choice to embrace logic. (although philosophy does not make something true    )


    Yep.... I'm gonna ramble.


    There was a mention of a war. I forget where exactly I thought it was TNG, but might have been one of the movies. But it was the reason they started teaching emotional repression. That is, if I'm remembering correctly.  


    Which works more toward a sociological aspect. And with all cultures, not everyone follows customs. But most cases the majority does. Though that isn't to say it started as a majority decision. The psychological aspect is with the individual which their surroundings to tend to help mold people into what and who they are.


    Which if parents and mentors teach emotional repression, then it is more a learned behavior. It's been proven that it in fact isn't always permanent. Though was designed to be just that. It can be undone. It's possible to break the cycle of behavior. Just as it is to break habits. Not easily done, but possible. Even some cases have shown that.


    Example would be looking at Tuvok at the end of Voyager, and the neurological disease that caused regression. In general with beings; Disease, training, trauma, stress, and even hypnotism, can be some of the causes of psychological regression. Which with the exception of disease, that works mostly against the evolution theory when talking about regression. And more toward their reactions to emotions being a learned behavior. Where in the case of progression, it's very possible that those, and other unnamed factors, could possibly work toward the next step in Vulcan evolution.


    But..., playing devils advocate. If it was a change due to a biological aspect, wouldn't there be signs of changes in the brain structure and pattern, to associate the repression, with evolution? Though not overnight, signs of evolutionary progress, coinciding with the beginning and progress, of the customary emotional restraint? That is not to say it wouldn't have happened anyway, but comparing the time in which evolution could occur and the time the teachings of emotional control began. I would wonder mostly about changes to the Vulcan brain since emotions are produced by the brain.


    Though again, within the theory of Cause and Effect, there is a physical theory that debates the neurologial theory. In which emotions originate from the brain. With the physical theory, the body reacts first, then a being feels emotion as a result of signals sent from the body to the brain. Versus, the neurological theory that emotional responses originate from the brain, then messages are sent to the body, to cause a reaction. Such as: Major movement like backing away or hugging. Or minor, along the lines of a facial expression, waving a hand, tapping a foot.


    So one could also look into physiological changes in addition to neurological changes. And more so evolution.


    An interesting question that could, or could not, lead to evidence. As in Enterprise; Vulcans having a more keen sense of smell. Was it always like that? Or was it due to an evolutionary change? Be it that the change was just in the cards regardless, or due to the training they received through out the generations. But taking into account the fact that they even are taught to keep facial and motor reactions to emotions under control. Which leaves me to believe it would probably be more of a neurological change, than a general physiological change. Though they are and/or could be, closely related.


    Though the biological engineering might not have been intentional bioengineering. Looking at the example of people in the 21st century versus those in the 14th century. People in the 21st century are immune to more diseases than their ancestors. Taller, with a longer life span. Reproduce at a higher success rate. (Without medication.) This can be from anything. Looking at some of the overall factors. Location and environment, progression of modern medicine, even just biological evolution on it's own. Although, when looking at human emotions and biology, it's somewhat the opposite case.


    Emotions were self controlled by teachings taught to humans based on the belief in a god, or several gods. Which like the Vulcans, was taught by mentors and parents. Another example of learned behavior. Though what supports the logic behind teaching that, is probably more complicated.


    Not all were taught the same, others differently, some not at all. Most people tried to control their actions by what they thought would please a higher power the most. If a person angered the gods, their life would be one of peril and misery. In return for good behavior they were told the reward was happiness, peace, health, tranquility, and the belief that they would move on to eternal bliss. This was based off of assumptions of who or what created human life. Specifically, based off the belief in a higher power than mankind.


    Where it was an opposite for the Vulcans. They were an emotional people, but taught to repress their emotions. Taught that they will feel more at peace, more happiness, and tranquility, by controlling and repressing their emotions. Where without that discipline, they would feel chaos, and be a danger to themselves, as well as others around them.


    They based this off of the facts of their past history as Vulcans. Which is logical. "Those who don't recognise the past, are doomed to repeat it." That one observation which spawned Vulcans to be trained to control their emotions, could have propelled the race to establish higher levels of thinking. Setting higher goals, in order to better not only the individual, but the race in general. In which they reach, in part, due to their repression of emotions and training. Possibly clearing ones mind of emotion, therefore bringing the next important factor forward without distraction. That being logic.


    There could be many factors into it. Learned behavior is definitely one. Evolution is probably, definitely yet another factor. Could it be that with both factoring in, it works to build the known Vulcan psyche? And all apsects of which, one being Vulcan logic, as it is known?


    ::shrugs:: There's my forty cents into the discussion.

    Okay, done. Going away now.