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Demi t'Shia

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Posts posted by Demi t'Shia

  1. I'm sure things will permanently change between them now... and it's definitely NOT a "like" or anything else between them... but now, maybe some mutual respect.

    (And thank goodness - I hate being at odds with crewmates! LOL ::glances at N'Dak and t'Aehjae:: Maybe others will learn someday too ::giggles: :)


    [[Hey - sorry for missing last night - my daughter came over, which is absolutely very rare since we, too, have been at odds with each other. It was important that I spend time with her and her boyfriend. Needless to say, they left after midnight, at which time I went to sleep. Sorry for no notice. Can't wait to read the log.]]

  2. [Joint log between t’Shia and tr’Pexil - with liberal additions of the rest of the “company”]


    The band of four had walked for hours by the time everyone silently decided to rest. tr’Pexil sat away from the others against the cavern wall. In his pack, nothing to get everyone out of the cave, but something to fight off hunger: dark candy. He craved it for some reason just before retraining and replicated one. The bar of cocoa came wrapped in a foil package. He though of the others for a moment before carefully peeling the foil away.


    “CRINKLE! Crinkle...crinkle...crinkle...crin...” Lerak cringed.


    t’Shia was settled down near t’Aejhae, neither of them fully awake. t’Shia was contemplating where the nearest rest room area would be constructed, and wondered who brought some toilet paper. After she stood up, she looked both ways, considering where she would get the most privacy, and at that moment, heard the crinkling coming from down one hallway.


    She didn’t consider counting heads, only that something was in the cave’s darkened hallway that could spring out at the group. She pulled her hyaa-aifv (disruptor) out, and pointed it in the indicated direction, and very quietly took some steps until she could peer around the corner. She quietly aimed just over the animal’s head, and blasted some of the rocks down around it. Knowing everyone would come running, she stood there, disruptor partially lowered, watching in cower sa’(with) his prize while everyone came to see. “So au are na only a criminal, au have the nerve to be secret sa’aus food and na spare rations between us. I see how this little event is going to pan out.” Demi listened to the others for their reactions.


    The others give Lerak yy’a for pulling such a stunt, knowing he was going to yhisu (dread) the moment he made that aodt (selfish) decision. She went back to her own pack, calling the others to join her. “If the rest of aus are hungry, join sa’me. I have a large stash of rations, all nutritionally sound, that will help sa’aus strength over these days. Please, I ask that aus let me share.” She did not give Lerak the slightest look or inference that she included him. His aodtness would cost him, and it looked like the others were in agreement.


    Lerak remained seated and in shock, clutching the candy bar with his fist. He had every intention of doling the candy out fairly. His hand crushed the equally divided confection into even more pieces. “Na mnekha grukhai flaeon na faema.” (No good deed remains not punished) His mother reminded him of this truism time and time again. The deed always failed because of his sloppy execution. At this rate his deeds may be his undoing.


    Dejected, Lerak sat among the rocks waiting for the others to leave him alone. The bar shattered into so many pieces he stared at it unsure if worth saving. He decided to shove the rocks aside. They flew away with all of the anger he could muster. Soon no rocks remained and his anger shifted to depression. Both figuratively and literally Lerak never felt so low. Perhaps if he closed his eyes the darkness would recede. Na. Nothing changed.


    Reaching into his pack once more, pulling out a tiny data ISD. On it where things to remember, odd pictures of cataloged components and a few personal pictures. A woman’s picture appeared, that of Laehval’s. It’s the only picture he had of her and na too recent either. Just like in real life this image of her remained cold and sullen. He closed the image and threw the ISD back into the bag. t’Shia is a problem he can’t run away from and it will only get worse over time.


    Lerak slung the pack over his shoulder and started to walk toward the others. After rounding the corner the three came into view. He could hear them whispering to each other. t’Shia heard his footsteps and turned first. The others stopped mid-sentence. He gathered up his strength he did when telling Laehval she was a coward.


    “Demi t’Shia, we need to talk. NOW and in private!” His voice echoed loudly through the caves, giving a real sense of how large it could be.


    The three were still eating, and Demi glanced up at their faces while Lerak was bellowing from the edge of one cave. She had been informed, as had the others, that there were no leaders in this group, and all ranks had been removed. She thought, “how dare he order me around, and during what could be my last meal.” She decided that her meal was more important at that point, and just sat there, eating with the others quietly, knowing their energies were going to have to be used for better purposes later.


    “She did not move,” thought Lerak. “Now what?” He approached her and bent down to her level. “Please...before our animosity grows even further. I will never speak to au again after this.” A sign of weakness? Well, Laehval would surely believe so. What else was he to do, strike her? That worked so well with his fellow engineer. He picked himself up and backed up to where he shouted earlier.


    Demi had already had enough of this clown. She wasn’t going to bow to his whims, but he did make quite an effort - publicly. She took the last of her shared rations, and went over to him, standing, waiting for his response. She already planned on holding her ground, as he had made her a fool in the first place in front of her Daise, and she wouldn’t allow that again. Then there was the heat issue in her quarters. She never brought it up, but Dheno have ways of looking things up, and she certainly had. “Ie?” is all she said.


    “Now that au are here, where to start. Firstly, I did na want any of this anger between us. Nothing down in the brig was intentionally to embarrass au or anyone else. Just a fool and his clumsiness. I thought we were getting along pretty well on that damned planet and I did na know au from anyone. I even wrote up a long commendation for aus work, don’t know if au read it.”


    Demi just continued to eat during his diatribe. She did not meet his eyes as he babbled through the admittance of guilt and pleading for peace.


    He continued, “I am truly sorry about all of this, but expect no forgiveness. I believe for the sake of this retraining I got everyone into we should place our differences aside and work together. I had more to say, but... I’ll leave it at that.” He could clearly see she paid more attention to her ration to any of his words. “Hey,” slapping her ration to the ground, “au listening?” Lerak took a step back.


    Without hesitation, t’Shia had swipped his feet out from under him, and nailed his rib cage with the front of her foot, just tender enough to drop a little of the air from his lungs. She left him stunned on the ground, while she picked up her rations and went back to her spot, to finish listening to him.


    The others didn’t hear anything unusual, so they remained outside that cave, finish their rations.


    “Ohhh..” Lerak did na expect her to react so fast, nor for him to fall so hard. He got himself back up. “Elements! I’ll squash au!” He charged at her full speed arms outstretched.


    She knew he was coming, and she hadn’t even looked up from her food. He grabbed her, and the food dropped again to the floor, but this time, she used his weight to let him throw her back and continue through the roll until again he was on the bottom. This time, she switched his legs around in such a way, that they were pulling muscles he didn’t know he had. His arms were crossed and angled in such a way that they were about ready to pop out of both sockets. Demi sat there on him, again, this time looking directly into his eyes, but did not emit a word, just gave a long stare until she could feel him slightly go loose beneath her. She got up, releasing him entirely, and went again, back to her food.


    The others heard some commotion this time, but kept each other from disturbing what they hoped would end this fued.


    “Fvadt,” he cursed under his fleeting breath. The air from his lungs vanished and the pain intense. This time he took a bit longer to get up. Anger filled his body and he used it to stand once more. Stumbling a bit on one leg he reached for the ration and threw it further away, then reached for Demi’s neck. “Au little targ! I’ll..”


    [[~ Insert Music: “Nero Sighted” from Star Trek (2009) ~ ]]


    The last thing she wanted was his hands on her neck, so she reached up grabbing each of his arms, but her little legs began to work. One knee came up, then the other to his abdomen, dropping air out of him twice. On his state, he couldn’t hardly fight back, and she knew it. She grabbed onto one side of his neck, cutting his oxygen flow, and started to drag him down to the ground again. He continued to fight back, trying not to let go of her. She twisted him around on the ground, until his face was finally in the dirt, and one of his heels was touching his shoulder blades. She could feel him gasping for air, and breathing the dirt that was filling his nostrils.


    Demi leaned down closely now, pushing his heel into the shoulder blades, causing even more pain, and finally whispered into his ear, “I trust we never will have to talk about this again, agreed?”


    “Indeed,” Lerak spoke, or hoped he did. With the only finger unharmed he propped himself off the ground. He grimaced as he brought the rest of him standing. He felt light-headed as he started to walk forward, but he could tell she had done nothing permanent.


    She got up and brushed the dirt off of her uniform, even a mini-spit polish with her cuff on her boots, then went to return to the others, with Lerak right behind her.


    Someone in the group muttered upon their approach, “What was all that about?”


    Demi glanced at Lerak and matter-of-factly spouted, “Just finishing dinner.”

  3. The painting project went along fine for Demi, in fact, she rather enjoyed doing it since decorating and such was always fun to her.


    After finishing the work with everyone, she helped clean up and quietly excused herself. She went straight to her quarters, just as she was ordered.


    She didn't mind that either. N'Dak obviously had a reason to order them to their quarters until the end of the mission, and she wasn't about to go against any ranking officers, well, except those that she was to secure.


    The day and night went quietly for her, spending time to reflect upon her new post, her service to the RSE, and just general relaxation. She even caught up with a few letters to home. That may have sounded boring to others, but she honestly enjoyed the quiet time and hoped she was ordered to have some intermittently.

  4. Profile: Demi Nuqios [new-key-ohs] t'Shia

    Email: [email protected]

    [There is no 't' in the email address – she's plenty demented without it.]


    Sex: Female

    Age: 25 [as calculated in human years]




    First assignment - Just after training completed at IWC, when she was assigned to the Beta Quadrant on board the RES Selok. There were no remarkable incidents aboard this ship on her service record. She was the grunt and just getting her feet wet.


    Second assignment - RES Talon. No record notes yet.




    The Shia House is well respected on the worlds, highly loyal to the Raptor, and the Shia house has been involved in the military for every generation recorded. She has 4 brothers with various RES assignments and parents living on Romulus.


    Her parents were devout and outspoken against the reunification movement between the Vulcans and Romulans, as they wanted a pure race. This was the old frame of mind, as this sort of racism has been overturned in recent years. Her parents, however, still hold the original truths to be their firm beliefs. Demi must keep her tongue when it comes to the purist attitude in the household, and never allows her feelings of liberal thinking to influence the comments within the family when she is home.


    Education and Training: Imperial War College: New Graduate, general honors due to honored house of Shia.


    Specialty Training: Though it did not take much training, Demi has a gift for hand weapons, such as knives. This fascination came from the time she was a child and used them first in the kitchen, then in the yard, and eventually during Galae training. Her instructors allowed her to train the others, but often she was in charge of the groups routines, as her skills were lethal. The instructor informed the Tal Shiar of her particular skills, and though she hasn't been called upon at this point, they do have a dog-ear in her file to pull her for any special situations that could arise.