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Everything posted by Grom

  1. Why follow anything else? :)
  2. Welcome! If you have any questions at anytime, feel free to e-mail or PM a STSF GM!
  3. One pointer from Grom... Don't cuss the GM out. This generally hurts graduation candidates. :)
  4. Congratulations, look forward to seeing you in the fleet soon!
  5. There's an Iowa? Gee...when did we cross the Appalachians? ???
  6. ::whistles then pays off a few more players::
  7. Format: MS Word Highlights: *Engineering intensive simulation. *Precip plays with mold *GromVik turns from mold to man *GromVik wins beauty pageant
  8. When my mother had her first seizure a few months ago, there was a verse that the Lord impressed upon my heart. The verse is a very simple one and it is found in the book of John. Christ says, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27 NKJV) This was a verse that I clung to as my mother was sent out 911. Today, the long process to find out what's wrong is not over. The tests continue and the struggle remains. Yet, I cling to what I know, what I believe so strongly in. I believe in prayer and the power behind it. In times like this, life is put into persepective. It's amazing how easy to put simming away and focus on the things that are important in life, isn't it? Although I'm sure it was difficult, thank you for sharing this with us. I can't speak for anyone else, but my prayers are behind you. ~Grom's Player
  9. Shhhh...you're going to make me lose my bonus!
  10. Moved to your state? Uh oh...she must be getting old!!!. :dead: ::runs and hides::
  11. ::is bored:: j/k :P An excellent post Laura! See you Tuesday at 12 PM EST in the Holodeck for an Academy Simulation! (Cheap plug, I know! :D )
  12. Format: MS Word Highlights: *Darius graduates! *The Pandarains come...and wreak havoc once again! :P *GromVik is voted cool guy of the year. NOTE: Portion missing.
  13. Rigged?!?! I had 100% voter turnout!
  14. Welcome back A9! :P I had to frequently shoo Fred out of your hot tub, but all and all...the fort was held down in your absence!
  15. Travis who?
  16. Vanroy hit it on the head, they just don't care. Except for a brief wake up during the 9/11 bombings, America has almost been walking in a zombified state since the second World War. Today, America has turned over and hit the snooze once again, everyone going about their routine while their country and world change around them. What does it take? I really don't know, and I don't think the answer is simple. I don't really think voter education is the answer, either. It's one thing to learn about something, it's another to be actually affected by something. Americans seem to only care if their personal lives are interrupted or interfered with. Even 9/11 was far removed from most Americans' lives. ::Shrug:: Happy 4th!
  17. Congratulations to both Darius and Jacobd! :P
  18. With Dac and GromVik Congrats to Jacobd!
  19. I'd like "The Lovable Pandarian"
  20. The Personnel Department will be contacting you shortly regarding your advanced simulation assignment. All the information you will need is in the attached e-mail. Please be patient. :P
  21. Looking at the poll results...well...I"m not sure if you want to be on the poll anyway.
  22. Format: MS Word Mission Briefing: A ring of smugglers was broken by Starfleet Security a week ago. They are believed to have gone to ground in the Oris System, one of the seeder parts of the galaxy. Their ships had sustained heavy damage in the escape, and they are believed to be seeking repairs on the fourth planet in the system. The USS Venture has been dispatched to collect them and bring them to justice. Highlights: *ensignston graduates! * Pandarians come...and go with no casualties! * The AT encounters thugs! * GromVik is really cool
  23. Hurg? Nah. He wasn't a criminal...but he did make a nice scapegoat!
  24. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :P