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Everything posted by Grom

  1. I promise you, myself and other lurkers have no connection to the Garnoopy for Admiral campaign. Nope. None. Whatsover. Actually forget I mentioned it.
  2. And of course it's hard to count the number of lurkers out there, like myself, who though semi-retired, still frequent the community. :P
  3. I just saw this clip. If there's a camera and an opportunity to make a fool of himself, Bill Shatner is always there. :P
  4. I generally agree. I think we tend to gravitate towards those series we grew up with. I love TNG, but I also didn't start watching until late in its run and when it hit syndication. Deep Space 9 never got my interest until Worf came on board (I am re-watching DS9 right now - ironically started before the DS9 threat was started). But I watched Voyager pretty much straight through when it was new. That's why some of our younger forum users love Enterprise (though, I'm not sure why :P ), because it was new Trek and it was their Trek. I think TOS, TNG and possibly DS9 have longer staying power, but VOY definitely has a unique place for me.
  5. Is there any way for users to turn off their PMing system or to turn off all private messaging board wide? This is obviously a serious enough issue for folks to be posting here...surely there has to be some fix that can be done.
  6. For the record, B5 season 1-2 is streamed on Hulu for free and I believe the rest of the series is on the WB website. It's too bad that CBS doesn't let DS9 and VOY be streamed. Guess it's because it's still in syndication. B5 is better than any series of Trek, and that's no knock against Trek - B5 is just that good. I've been enjoying watching the B5 TV movies these past couple weeks.
  7. How it Should Have Ended (Google it) has posted a hilarious version of how they think the recent Star Trek movie should have ended. ;)
  8. If "violations" = boring, then yes. ENT was boring.
  9. Hill there Scroll and welcome to STSF! I'm sure you'll find that we're a friendly group here and we look forward to seeing you in an Academy sometime soon. Our community caters to a wide variety of Trek fans. We have some players who grew up with TOS and others who are brand new to Trek because of the recent Abram's version. Most here tend to use the novels for ideas, but not consider them canon. TAS' canonicity is also the subject of debates. Ultimately, each individual sim makes a decision on what is canon to them and what becomes canon within the sim itself. For instance the Romulan sim, RES Talon, has been operating for over a decade. In that time, they have developed an expansive Romulan universe drawing upon canon and ideas from some of the novels. When Nemesis came out, however, it conflicted with the universe that they had played in for so long, so they chose to continue as if Nemesis had not been released. The USS Agincourt sim, a future reality sim, considers Nemesis to be canon and draws off of those political ramifications. The newest STSF sim, the USS Comanche Creek, is currently simming in Abram's universe. There are several traditional sims, as well that stick pretty close to established canon. I would recommend contacting the individual GM about what they view as canon in their sim prior to joining. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
  10. Welcome aboard! :D
  11. I'll wait and see what you all think. :D Looks kinda over-hyped to me.
  12. I think sometimes our culture confuses poverty (the lack of provision of basic human needs) with lack of American materialism. It's the latter that produces cynicism among potential givers. This shouldn't prevent us from trying to meet the legitimately impoverished among us. Like Eagle, I'm surprised that JJ was turned down. It's hard for me to imagine in my area, where unemployment is well above 13%, that any organization or ministry would turn a good gift like that down. It's cool that JJ was able to find someone to give it to. Many times churches have connections to needy families, as well.
  13. I watched it again last night for only the second time. Still enjoyed it, though different feeling on a smaller screen. I went away thinking that Pike and Kirk had far and away the best performances. The rest ranged from good to mediocre.
  14. A marine told me the other day to remind my Navy friends that they were the "men's department" of the Navy. I let it slide...for one day. ;)
  15. A9, you share a birthday with Britney Spears, Monica Seles, Aaron Rodgers, Lucy Liu, and Stone Phillips. Which one are you also? :blink: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/December_2 Happy B-day guys.
  16. Just watched the first two episodes on ABC.com. I have to admit, I like what they've done thus far. I know it's not 100% sci-fi, but it sort of fits into the genre. What do you all think?
  17. I think with any Sci-Fi, you have to accept the premise of the plot if you're ever going to get into a show, because, as we all know, shows are produced for their entertainment value above anything else. That being said, I definitely agree with you on the third episode. This was by far the weakest episode? *On Nazis: Is this really the only contemptible figure they could come up with? The Nazis are a really tired concept and I really did not find their dealings with the guy as believable. Neither character would have been alive during World War II, so as horrible as the Nazis were, the reactions would be mostly driven by media personification and history books. As you said, the reactions were very much contrived and there was no backstory that would suggest such a deep-set level of emotion. I think it would've been much more interesting to use a more modern villain. On the magic-computer: I laughed when with a few key strokes, everything was at the Janis' fingertips. I'm sure intelligence computers bring up the birth and death rates of crows all the time, right? And you're right about the Somalia plot addition. I imagine the first order of business would be to check whether this happened before. Plot-note: I was a little disappointed that they already threw in variables to the dreams whereby two people dreamed different things (the agent and his girlfriend) and "resolved" the story of the guy and his deceased military daughter. Too many variables will be the show's undoing if they're not careful. These complaints aside, it's still been a good watch, and I'll continue watching unless they go off the deep end.
  18. I still hang an ornament I got from a box of Sugar Crisp...mostly just to annoy my father, who doesn't think Sugar Bear is worthy of a tree placement. :P
  19. Most states have lemon laws, but I'm not sure if they apply in your situation. First, press the dealer, but make sure you hold on to paperwork. In fact, document everything. You may be able to file a claim against the dealer, depending on the wording of your agreement AND state law (law usually trumps agreements) if they are uncooperative.
  20. Nothing more to add here except that following the basic guidelines, being a team player, contributing productively to the plot and demonstrating an ability to be creative within the confines of the rules and plot all can help speed up the graduation process. Some cadets do graduate in three sims, but there's nothing wrong with taking a little longer. The GMs just want to make sure the transition from Academies to Advanced Sims are as smooth as possible. Welcome aboard. :)
  21. Welcome to STSF! I know there are quite a few sports fans here. I'm a baseball guy myself. Hope to see you around.
  22. Happy 9/9/09! It's not quite 9:09 here yet, but it's about approximately 9 minutes til 9. :)
  23. Parcel post = we keep it in the back until we feel guilty enough to move it.
  24. Football gut...something Americans suffer from greatly. :P