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Sendai Riko

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Posts posted by Sendai Riko

  1. Greetings and Salutations, Shirai!


    Indeed, one must go through the Academy if you want to join an Advanced Sim. The Academy is a great deal of fun, and it's a great way to meet people from many different sims. Also, if you have the time and inclination, I'd recommend reading through the various Logs, Briefs and Bios, just to give yourself a better understanding of what goes on here, and also dropping in and watching the Advanced Sims. All of the above were a great help to me (I just graduated myself). I look forward to seeing you in the Academy, cadet!


    Most sincerely,

  2. Also, i was wondering what yall would recommend what ST game i should get for my pc.


    Well, I'd say one of the most promising Star Trek games, at least in concept, hasn't even hit store shelves yet. It's a MMORPG from Perpetual Entertainment. Go here to see more about it. Unfortunately, it is still in development, even though it was supposed to start beta testing this year. :: sigh :: Hopefully we intrepid Star Trek fans won't be dissapointed again by a game with a lot of hype but mediocre gameplay.

  3. KBear and Precip will be unable to make tonight's Midnight (ET) Academy as they are still recovering from ShoreLeave (well, they are just stuck far away from a keyboard). Thanks.


    QoD Messnr was kind enough to run an Acad for those of us who didn't make it to the message board to see this, and much thanks! And it was a good night to die... the Romulans found that out! :D

  4. I just want to thank all the existing graduates for participating in the Academy this last week. After my first week in the Academy, I've had a blast, and it would be hard to do without you guys and gals (and other various assorted genders and species) coming in to sim with us cadets. I'm planning, on that sunny day in the future when I graduate and get a post, to follow your examples and continue going to the Academy to do all that I can to help out, and not to mention have a lot of fun at the same time.


    I can't forget the GMs, of course, who patiently put up with our ignorance and mistakes, and help point us in the right direction. Thank you for all the effort you put in, and I look forward to simming with you well into the future, pips or no pips.


    To all my fellow cadets, it's been fun, and I look forward to more good times.


    Thanks so much, everyone!


    P.S. Thanks for all the advice, too!

  5. Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Rollin', rollin', rollin'



    Rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Though the streams are swollen

    Keep them dogies rollin'


    Rain and wind and weather

    Hell-bent for leather

    Wishin' my gal was by my side.

    All the things I'm missin',

    Good vittles, love, and kissin',

    Are waiting at the end of my ride



    Move 'em on, head 'em up

    Head 'em up, move 'em on

    Move 'em on, head 'em up


    Count 'em out, ride 'em in,

    Ride 'em in, count 'em out,

    Count 'em out, ride 'em in



    Keep movin', movin', movin'

    Though they're disapprovin'

    Keep them dogies movin'


    Don't try to understand 'em

    Just rope, throw, and brand 'em

    Soon we'll be living high and wide.

    My hearts calculatin'

    My true love will be waitin',

    Be waitin' at the end of my ride.





    There you go, now you can sing the whole song! :D

  6. Hi, never done simms before but I am an avid D&D player. I think this will be interesting.


    Welcome. I'm still pretty new myself, but I'm having a blast and I'm sure you will to. Welcome to the community!

  7. After careful consideration I have decided that I cannot continue to pursue time with STSF sims. I just have other priorities and sorry if anyone's hopes got too high that I was coming back.


    That's too bad, Sub, it was fun simming with you, but understand completely. May the wind be at your back as you sail into the future, friend!

  8. Hey there,


    Bloody hell, you don't know him all that well do you? :D


    Of course I don't, I haven't been around long enough, but it's obvious by the posts left by those that have been that he's top notch and has the best interests of the site and the community at heart, so he gets a pat on the back from me. Without dedicated people like that we couldn't do this.


    Not to mention, I don't kiss up very often and like to practice every once and a while. :D Like to keep the skills sharp.

  9. I liked the black.


    Kinda sets it apart from being just another message board, in my opinion. I miss the old black with it's friendly and slightly claustrophobic 'late night at the back of a club' feel.


    Well, it's the old battle between atmosphere and functionality.


    Add some more lighter shades of gray or some other light shade for the actual message areas, while incorporating the black on the page backgrounds, title bars etc.? Leave it the way it is? Go back to how it was? So many options.


    Whatever ends up as the final product, I'm sure though that our beloved Admiral will do exactly what's best for the site. At least with this changeover, we've opened up some ideas and given everyone a chance to admire the Admiral's pink letters. :D

  10. Hey, STSF's site doesn't have a favicon. Which means that my bookmark for it is a plain jane paper icon. I'm not sure about the protocol, because it's affiliated with Startrek.com, but maybe we could hold a design contest or something???


    It's just a thought from someone trying to make his bookmark bar in Firefox a little prettier.