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Sendai Riko

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Posts posted by Sendai Riko

  1. On Deck

    Ens Sendai Riko


    Riko managed, somehow, not to panic in the face of being quarantined indefinitely on the planet amongst a disease that is apparently 100% fatal. He was still quite happy just to be back in his own universe; after all, he had just got back this morning, and that emotional wave had yet to pass by so that other, more desparate emotions could wash in. That's even counting the Qel's rage filled smack in the MRF earlier. So happy was Riko not to be offered a lollipop or ordered to make such confections, the violent outburst had been just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. Though his face was still stinging even now. That said, however, he had little time to think about pleasant or unpleasant encounters from the past, as time continued to plod on and new challenges were laid at his feet.


    As he and Sargh had made their way near what appeared to be the administrative building for the area they now inhabited, he wondered what, if any, information they could glean from the center's data banks and hard copies. Though he was certainly a good way from even moderate understanding of the events that transpired on this planet, he did know that the disease had spread and killed fast, and that usually doesn't equal a lot of knowledge. He hoped, nonetheless, that someone really enjoyed his or her paperwork here, and jotted down every little tidbit about the crisis.


    As they approached the front door, he knew he would find out one way or another very soon.

  2. One of the new features I know they added with the upgrade is that you can have a different display name than your use name, EG: Cptn_Corizon would be the user name but the display name could be Captain Corizon for the same account, but I think that's only applicable if you registered the name after the next to last board upgrade.


    That's exactly how it was for me: Dr_Taurek was the login and Dr. Taurek was the display name. I always had to use the login to get into the chat rooms before, but now that doesn't work, but the display version does. However, to get into the message boards, I still have to use the login.

  3. Choices

    Ens Taurek M.D.


    The Vulcan doctor sat with his colleagues around the tree, debating whether or not they should try to escape their captivity through the open hole in the forcefield. While the opportunity was choice, while the two entities slept in their human skins, it seemed that they had no where to go. What they had in supplies... was there. What they had in equipment... was there. Unfortunately, the entities were also there.


    Without the two separated, Taurek was unwilling to try anything against them, and he didn't think Precip was willing to risk another shock treatment either. Precip would have to make the call, however, which relieved Taurek. He did not mind responsibility and decision-making power in the medical arena, but this situation was far beyond his expertise. He did feel, however, that it was wiser to stay and take advantage of their hole at a later time when their captors were not mere feet away and in a defensible position. He still held his mind-meld option in reserve, and he hadn't mentioned it specifically for fear that the entities were listening. Hopefully, that or some better option would present itself to neutralize the threat.


    Meanwhile, looking to Precip, he awaited the decision on their current course of action.

  4. Speculations

    Ens Sendai Riko


    As Riko wandered around the rather antiquated room looking for evidence relevant to their current situation, he could not help but think about his situation. Finally, after what seemed like two eons, he had escaped the realm of pastels and chipper Klingons to return home. In no time at all after returning, Messner thought he was crazy; TroNoQ had hit him; Sargh had, playfully at least, gut punched him. So far, other than choosing him to come on this mission where he may be exposed to some fatal microbe or substance, KWalus hadn't managed to cause any damage. He hadn't expected hugs and kisses upon his return, but he at least thought that his crew-mates would listen to him. Not having taken the best tact, perhaps, in informing them, due to his happiness at being home, he still expected a bit less impatience.


    Meanwhile, the Bajoran found himself on an anonymous planet in the H'tiss sector trying to solve the unexplained fatalities in the complex. Hopefully Kwalus and TroNoQ would be able to find the surviving people and get some information out of them, because what he was seeing in the room wasn't that much of a help. Though, he thought the facility could be a biological research center. Having spent quite a few years preparing to be a scientist before switching over to security, he was familiar with that utilitarian feel of lab data centers, which is the vibe he was getting.


    He honestly felt like he still was a scientist, and continued to study what he could in his private time. Though, now being in security, he was favoring forensics. Putting some of that to work, he continued his search, trying to avoid the rather chatty Sargh. He didn't want to make the Klingon laugh again and risk getting a broken rib.

  5. In Transit

    Ens Sendai Riko


    Riko stood there looking at Sargh with a finger held aloft in the intergalactic "hold on a minute" signal, preparing to look over at Random and tell her off for what he hoped would be the final time, he was interrupted.




    If he were on a planet, he would say the world turned upside down. Being on a ship, however, it was more like the artificial gravity generators reversed polarity. That would have been bad enough on its own, but then he began to feel like he was being turned inside out. His vision narrowed, tunnel vision at its finest. Sargh suddenly looked as if he were a kilometer away, but Riko also felt that if he twitched his finger he could touch the addle-brained, yet sweet-natured Klingon. His skin tingled, and his organs began playing a not so angelic tune inside him.


    Then, the nausea whalloped him, accompanied by a wave of dizziness. The world around him, such as he could see, blurred, and he was envoloped in a hazy realm of duality. His senses were overwhelmed with it: the cloyingly sweet smells of one universe, the musty malodorous stench of the other; bright lights and pastels, and artificial dusk and deep shades. The sounds were more similar, but the levels were amazing. Identical voices clawing over one another in different tones and attitudes, jockeying for very his limited neural bandwidth.


    Suddenly, though, it stopped, and Riko wobbled where he stood as his overloaded brain struggled to process his surroundings. After what seemed an eternity according to his internal clock, his vision cleared and he took in his surroundings.

  6. And the transporters are very tricky thing. They don’t work in a hostile environments too. And there are all sort of things that can affect transporters so they can’t work.


    When you're tearing a person apart, molecule by molecule, you'd expect some sensitivity in the operation of them. Bones isn't the only one that doesn't want his molecules scattered around the galaxy. :D

  7. 2 Months after the crash of the Enterprise-D


    Federation News Service:


    Reports that the crash of the Enterprise D was the fault of the pilot, Deanna Troi, may have been incorrect. The Federation Transportation Safety Board has determined that there was a computer malfunction. ...


    LCdr Data said, "As we were trying to bring ventral thrusters online to remain in orbit after the warp core breach, I received a 'fatal exception' error. We didn't have time to re-boot before we crashed onto Veridian III." ...


    Deanna Troi was unavailable for comment.

  8. Though I can't consider myself an avid TOS era fan, I do enjoy a lot of the novels written in that era, though I still prefer TNG. I would say that J.M. Dillard is my favorite author that dabbles in the Trek universe for novels.


    The range of style and quantity is fascinating to me, which leads me to suspect that there isn't a great deal of oversight involved. I've read some that even I, Mr. Book Lover, have considered burning in a bonfire, and others that have made me feel that I'm actually in the Trek universe.

  9. Blood and Guts

    Ensign Sendai Riko


    OOC: There is some semi-violent imagery herin, be warned.


    As Riko held K'Mar after finally getting the child to suckle from the bottle, he began to contemplate the fate of the Qel. This last trick was more than enough for even the most levelheaded of individuals to get fed up, and since his arrival in this universe, Riko had been anything but levelheaded. His frustration level with TroNoQ had finally boiled over, and the only reason he hadn't already throttle the candymaker was the child. Even as angry as he was, he couldn't just drop the child and attack.


    That gave him enough time, thankfully, to think over the situation. Riko wasn't entirely certain that he would let the Qel get away with the many transgressions, and images of the pink Klingon's head flying off followed by a terrific fountain of blood wouldn't quite disappear from his mental viewscreen. However, should he decide to do something, it would be wise to wait until he was certain that he would or would not be escaping from this hell.


    As he gently rocked the boy, who greedily devoured the neutrino laden formula, he thanked his eldest brother, Loran, for having a child. Riko's nephew, Reza, had been a difficult little one too, and during his last vacation he had watched the child for a while. Since he had been roped into this, and thinking of it he cursed TroNoQ for the umpteenth time since arriving here, he would do it well. He pitied K'Mar, for he was not certain of how well Kwalus would be as a mother, though looking over at her cradling her daughter he thought perhaps there wasn't much to worry about. He doubted Sargh would be a good father to the child, either, though perhaps a good friend. Though it was imperative that he didn't handle the child until it was old enough to defend itself. Riko doubted he'd be any less careless with a child than a hamster.


    He smiled, though, thinking of the last hamster's demise, as he pictured the hamster morphing into a teeny tiny Qel and undergoing the same treatment. Unfortunately, he would have to invent a shrinking device to do that, and rather than that, he'd expend the energy in finding a way home. Taking a moment to shift the child, which caused another quantity of spittle to land on his uniform, he sighed. Never before had he experienced such blood-lust, and the Klingons' predilection for it used to disturb him. Ironically, it was a Klingon that caused his own. Though "Klingon" in this universe didn't mean much, and no more would he complain about the Klingons in his own universe.


    As he moved over to the wall, he nearly tripped over the detritus from the candies that Kwalus had annhilated during her labor. He swore he would never touch candy again, unless it were to grab a handful of TroNoQ's lollipops so that he could shove them down his throat until the Qel exploded in a bloody mass of pink goo. How, even in this universe, they could have such an incompetent healer was entirely beyond him.


    K'Mar seemed finished with the bottle, so Riko tossed it away, and inexplicably, it managed to hit TroNoQ in the back of the head. He would much rather have thrown something very pointy, though. The thought of this universe's Qel walking around with a dagger sticking out of the back of his head was quite amusing, and he was sure that even Daggerhead would see the humor in it. He chuckled as he burped the baby.


    The food apparently did the trick, and K'Mar was much more docile now. Rocking him gently, Riko sang a Bajoran lullaby to the little one until he fell asleep. Looking over at Kwalus, he moved to her and gently laid the boy with her next to Leah.


    "They're beautiful, Kwalus," he said before he retreated from the bed. Walking away, he somehow managed to bang into TroNoQ, causing him to drop the tray of candy he was carrying. "Oops."

  10. <style type="text/css" media="screen">

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    <h1>Mind Games</h1>

    <h3>Ensign Taurek M.D.</h3>


    After long-tossing the boulder, Taurek paced a bit as he tried to at least reign in his wayward emotions. The situation was most troubling, and the crew were behaving most unusually in his estimation. While he was yet new enough to realize he hadn't the knowledge of these individuals to gauge whether this sort of behavior was unusual for them, as far as humans go, they were as far off the map as he had seen for the circumstances. During his psychology training he had seen some very emotionally and mentally unstable individuals. All in all, he thought, this was very troubling.



    His mind returned to the problem at hand. While all of his initial scan data confirmed Captain Huff's assessment of a viral plague, and the outer symptomology seemed to concur, the microscope was not lying. There was no virus, bacteria or fungus in the bloodstream of the crew that would account for the symptoms. If a microbe could not be the cause, that left very little in Taurek's experience that could be, however he would go through the options.



    His observance of Turel, who he knew to be part Vulcan, seemed to suggest that whatever force was behind this was not as effective against the Vulcan neurology. Taurek himself had exhibited no symptoms other than his loss of temper, but that had been building before he transported down to the surface, so he dismissed that. If his current surmise is correct, and the symptoms being exhibited by the crew were of their own making, what could cause the human brain to perform such psychosomatic gymnastics that it would normally be unable to?



    That question presented some uncomfortable answers: some sort of telepathic radiation, genetic mutation caused by some sort of spatial flux, alien possession, amongst others. In order to satisfactorily answer the question, Taurek would have to run some new tests. Only after discovering the problem could he begin to work on a way to solve it.



    Before he could begin, however, he would have to set up a more permanent workstation. Heading over to the more recent supply of equipment and goods that the Hood beamed down before leaving, he found the largest porta-hut in the group and began setting it up next to the shuttle. A half hour later, he had the tent erected and all of his medical equipment and the portable power source moved under it.



    Taurek then started sorting through it for the tool he needed. It was only his desire to be prepared for any eventuality that he had placed it on the list, and it had paid off, considering the Hood's exit from the system at the admiral's order. After finding it, he extracted the clunky box from the crate and began to set it up. Aware that it was the only one on the ship, he hoped that doctors O'Claire or Seiben would not need it on their journey.



    After hooking up the various probes, he ran the diagnostic cycle. Getting the green lights, he unfolded a chair and set it next to the machine. He then considered who would be the first to sit there. He immediately dismissed the security team, at least for the moment. It would have to be one of the command staff, seeing as they were displaying the odd psychoneural artifacts. If he could pinpoint some specific psychoneural abnormality, he would have something to work with. Since he had already built a rapport with Captain Huff, after treating her for the hyperglycemia, he decided she would be first. While Ksanders was displaying the worst exterior symptoms, she seemed the most affected psychologically.



    Moving out from under the tent, he scanned the area for Huff. Seeing her, he made his way over.



    "Captain," he said. "I require more tests. Please follow me."

