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STSF Jorlis

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Everything posted by STSF Jorlis

  1. I guess that's why you get TNN. :) ~HD In case it's what you're thinking, TNN isn't just The Nashville Network anymore. :) We even get it up here in the NY Metro area. Now it's all about POP. Not sure what that means, exactly, but it involves Trek, so I like it! :cool:
  2. I'm not really much of a Trek nerd. More of a sci fi nerd, you could say. Though Trek is what started it all. My first series was TNG, which I started watching around '90. I was pretty young then, but fascinated by the Trek world. I especially got a kick out of Worf. :cool: My brother, who was a big Star Wars fan, eventually got me into that. I've watched just about every new sci fi series or movie since. I didn't get into B5 at first, though. It was actually a fellow simmer who talked me into watching the first reruns. To this day, B5 remains my favorite show. :cool: As to how I started simming, I was just browsing AOL chat rooms when I stumbled onto a fantasy role playing room. I found that I enjoyed RPing a great deal, and eventually I discovered the Star Trek simming rooms. :cool: Don't have much in the way of Star Trek merchandise. I have a few of the books, mainly reference materials that I got for simming, and a life-size cardboard cutout Picard (my nerdiest item :cool: ).
  3. Welcome to STSF, both of you. We look forward to blowing you up at the Academies.
  4. Oh dear. ::Checks into Simmers Anonymous::
  5. Yep, as soon as the Moose starts catching people on the end of those antlers, it's Arcadia all the way. :cool:
  6. Well, Korn, we happen to have a sim of the old-fashioned kind (Hood). :cool: It's Starfleet and with the war going on I'm not sure about the prospect of a Klingon crew member. ::scratches head:: But if you wanted to play a Klingon defector, it would make for interesting simming. :cool: You'd have to ask Captain Huff, the CO.
  7. I've always liked the Enterprise-C, mainly because "Yesterday's Enterprise" is one of my favorite episodes. :cool: The Enterprise-E is a nice looking ship, though.
  8. I'm a sci-fi fan. :cool: If there's a difference between Trekkie and Trekker, I'm not sure what it is. I think Trekkie is more appropriate for a rabid fan... Trek + Junkie. Trekker might apply more to us simmers... Trekkers, as in one who Treks. :cool:
  9. "Chief of Materials," Seiben? :angry: Has someone on that ship actually been cruel enough to put you in charge of watching deuterium levels all day? Methinks you're too good for that. :cool:
  10. Yeah, what the dolphin said too. ::angry::
  11. Or a nerd with plenty of coasters for an unexpected party...
  12. Hey, Zeop. I hope you decide to join up. :cool: If you want my opinion... while there are some areas that STSF could improve, it's one of the better sim groups that you'll find. The key to this is experienced leadership. And like Vex said, we're expanding. Slowly now, but I predict that our growth will spike sooner than later, so I can't wait to see where we are in ONE year. :cool: The best way for you to determine what sim (if any) is right for you is to participate in the Academies. There are many styles of simming, and only by sampling a variety of sims can you determine which one suits your tastes. It would definitely be worth the time you spend here. There are people in STSF who devote hours to the group every week. They wouldn't even be here if they weren't having fun. :cool:
  13. Oh, you sneak! ::happy he changed his mind about voting for Webby:: :cool:
  14. Where, may I ask, is Babylon 5FarscapeThe ShieldSix Feet UnderThe Sopranos??
  15. The Amazing Wall of Nude. At first I thought the name was a puzzle. I meditated on it for hours on end, in search of an answer I knew I could not find. Then I realized it was just some idiot causing trouble. A weird name nonetheless.
  16. I've played two former Maquis members in my simming career. One was completely reformed, the other turned into an NPC and tried to establish the Maquis II. Made for some fun simming. :cool:
  17. My stance on canon is, if you don't know it, make it up. Use information from the show as a set of guidelines, rather than rules. I have a Bajoran character. A lot of him is built using info from TNG and DS9, but a lot of him I make up, staying as true as possible to the Bajoran spirit. The spirit of each race is what's important, not the specifics. The Cardies are a rebuilding race of once-proud warriors. The Ferengi are greedy merchants. The Borg are just zombies (not fun to sim, unless you like battle superiority :cool: ). Stay true to the spirit, use what you know, and fill in the gaps as logically as you can. Improvising is what makes simming fun. :cool: My vote is for a Delphin sim.
  18. This Friday night at 9pm et, the Holodeck will once again be open to STSF members and visitors alike. What's that you say? "But isn't the Holodeck always open to us, Jorlis?" Indeed, but this night will be different from all the others for a very important reason... I'll be there! Whether you're drinking Romulan Ale with Lightning on Saturdays, or getting blown up by Dac on Sundays, a weekend get-together just isn't the same without your favorite Evil Bajoran. Nope... it's actually quite, quite less horrifying. So join me! We have a bar serving drinks at every level on the Legality scale. We have a pool table, a card table, and a dabo table for you gamers out there. No gambling, though (unless atragon doesn't see it)! There's even an indoor swimming pool and a jacuzzi, in case you're feeling frisky. If you're really unlucky, I might even decide to throw you all into the simulator for a wild and dangerous survival sim involving rabid horn beasts! Anything goes, so stop in! Hey... this whole Friday night idea might just catch on! :cool:
  19. Looks like you needed to add a / before the 2nd "move." Isn't programming fun? And frustrating? :cool:
  20. As long as the discussions remain civil, and everyone's opinions are respected, there should be no problems. The GM's are watching the boards to make sure discussions don't turn into flaming wars. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with a good debate. Debates are healthy for a community like this, actually. They show that everyone is unique and everyone has a voice, and that's certainly a good thing. But you're right, things can easily get out of hand. If someone feels offended by something they see on the message boards, the best course of action for them to take would be to address the issue with the person who posted the message, by sending an e-mail or private message. Work the issue out 1-on-1 rather than letting it explode publicly. Most issues like that can be resolved very peacefully if a private channel of communication is opened. A person has to exercise good judgement in such a situation... always think before you type! If someone feels that the boards are being used inappropriately (a disturbance being caused, another poster being harassed, profane material, etc.) they should direct one of the board's moderators to the post in question to deal with it. Thanks for voicing your concern, HD. :cool:
  21. How about "I can't make the sims... could you schedule one on DAY at TIME?" That one seems to pop up quite a bit.
  22. What you're describing is basically what an experienced simmer can do in an academy without being a GM. The way I see it, the GM's aren't "leaders," but rather "servants" of the gaming community. We just devote our time to making sure the players get the most out of the STSF experience. Helping out new players is a big part of the job, but it doesn't require being a GM. Simming veterans who aren't GM's are allowed, and actually encouraged, to hang out in the academies providing guidance to the newer players... the best way to do this is usually just participating in the sim, acting as a role model and leading by example as it were. If you see a fellow simmer struggling, then by all means, send him a PM and strike up a conversation... help out your fellow man. That's what the community's all about. :cool: The JT idea could actually be fun... the players could spend a few minutes trying to pry the hatch open, only to find a fire raging inside, thus forcing them to find another route. ::o:
  23. Problem Solved
  24. The first time I graduated from a Trek Academy, I had "Captain" in my screen name. Strange days they were. :cool: As long as the GM's know you're a cadet, it doesn't matter. Most GM's ask for a show of hands from everyone looking to graduate. If they don't, and you want to be safe, just send them a private message.
  25. Very wise strategy. :cool: I started doing the same in another group when I found I was changing one name or another every two weeks. :cool: