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STSF Jorlis

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Everything posted by STSF Jorlis

  1. No complaints here, Smith, the Admiral character is fine. Thanks for pitching in. :D
  2. My compliments and my thanks to everyone who's submitted for Challenger. All of the logs were amazing. Keep'em coming. :) Does anyone have any questions? About the sim, the format we're using, what we're expecting from the logs?
  3. Microwaveable coffee? That exists now? My brain has reached overload... At home, I use good old Mr. Coffee with ground coffee, none of that whole bean nonsense. On the go, it's Dunkin Donuts. Either way, it's French Vanilla. :)
  4. I have 2. A very small Persian that's age I've lost track of... somewhere in the teens. And a very large, younger Calico. They're both females and they hate each other. Fights are common. ;)
  5. Not only do we have cats... some of us SIM them! ;) Tachyon, if you do want to write Academy logs, this would be the folder to post them in, the STSF Academy folder. A few have been posted here already. Like Seiben said, though, it's not a requirement. Welcome to the group. ^_^
  6. It's true. You must have read some of my logs. ;)
  7. Like I said, it doesn't anger me, I don't think there's anything horrible about it. It just seems pointless, and perhaps a bit lazy. Ferengi are always fun, I agree. But why not just accept that the Ferengi won't be around for another couple hundred years, and create a new fun race? ;) I'm a supporter of happy-fun... I'm on the Hood sim, after all. I'm just all for fresh concepts, really. Reusing the Borg... that does border on being a bit annoying, since their popularity on TNG has made them the race that now has to be beaten to death on the screen. Kudos to DS9 for mostly staying away from the Borg. But that *other* series, well... ^_^ Sometimes you just have to move on. Even if you're in the past. If you can figure that one out. :D As for the Klingons and the Romulans. The Klingons don't need to be involved in Enterprise because of the outbreak of their war... that isn't supposed to happen for about another century. ;) And that's not to mention that Kirk and company know very little about the Klingons in TOS and that it was established that first contact was actually the incident that lead to war. I like the Klingons about as much as the Ferengi, and it's interesting, in theory, to see what the Empire is like earlier. But we've done a hundred Klingon plots, they're not really needed in Enterprise, and they just end up causing continuity glitches. The Romulans, I agree, will have a place in the series as it rolls on. But were they really needed in the 1st season? ;) And no mention of them since? I would have preferred their introduction coming right at the head of the eventual arc.
  8. Shran?? Pfft... that's just another Weyoun clone spying on us. ;)
  9. Being a B5 fan, you know I'm all for long-term arcs. But I'm for single-episode stories too. TOS and TNG offered a lot of great one-hour stories, DS9 and Enterprise were at their best with the long-term. Though, yes, the long-term does require a bit of commitment and patience on the viewer's part. ;) And I love time travel plots. There are a million ways you could go with it to come up with fresh, entertaining plots... and the timeline problems that can arise, if not ignored, can just add more depth to these plotlines. You might make an argument against using time travel too much. TOS and TNG did use it a lot more sparingly. But Enterprise gets away with excessive use because time travel is a central part of the show that was established right from the beginning... the temporal cold war.
  10. I agree with Veloras somewhat. It doesn't really bother me, per se... I suppose you could come up with explanations for all the continuity glitches if you tried hard enough. But I just think it can still be Trek without bringing in Ferengi, Borg, Klingons, Romulans, characters from past series, etc., especially when doing so tends to agitate so many of the core fans that they're trying to target. The Dominion arc proved that on DS9. The Xindi arc has proven that on Enterprise. Seeing Archer and company interact with Ferengi... sure, that can be fun. But it doesn't serve much purpose, and it just seems lazy on the part of the writers. :\ New ideas, new cultures, new frontiers, that's what makes Trek great.
  11. Phlox is added... and voted for. ;)
  12. You know, Homer's not only a Greek poet that we know almost nothing about... He's also a lover of donuts. ;)
  13. No love for Doctor Phlox? ;) I'm all for anyone who uses eels to treat his patients.
  14. Richard Biggs was probably my favorite actor on the series. When he was at the center of the show, his performances were awesome... the episode "Believers" always comes to mind. I actually created a sim character once that was loosely based on Dr. Franklin. He'll be missed. ;)
  15. Moose flashing the peace sign gets my vote. ;)
  16. The hand didn't get me because I knew *something* was coming there, so I was prepared. What got me was the reflection of the alien in the TV screen at the end. ;) I've become a fan of M. Night Shyamalan, so I'm looking forward to The Village most. I'll also try to see The Day After Tomorrow and the new Spidey and Potter flicks. I love a good King Arthur flick, but I'll wait to see what kind of reviews that one gets. And hopefully, *next* summer will mark B5's big screen debut. :D
  17. I was on one myself, back when I actually watched the series. ^_^ It can be a lot of fun, trying to sim with fewer resources at your disposal given the cruder technology.
  18. Nice log, William. Congrads again! :)
  19. I'm not watching it. I'm waiting for it to start over Monday in the 7pm slot. That way, I can tape what I can't watch. I am looking forward to it though. There are many early episodes I haven't seen.
  20. ::Puts on his stormtrooper armor in preparation for another season of conquest. Puts his "Loyal Follower of the Evil Empire" pin on:: Being from Northeast Jersey I'll pull for the Devils. But I don't follow the NHL, and only follow the Devils if they're in the Cup finals. My excitement is reserved for another sport this time of year. ;)
  21. *cough*Hood*cough* I think you've got a great idea, William. If you'd like to write logs, the best place to post them would be the STSF Academy folder. Perhaps, if there's enough log-writing from the cadets, a separate forum will be created. Rather than writing character development logs, just focus on logs about your Academy sessions. Summarize the mission that took place, offer thoughts on what took place from your character's perspective (moreso the position you played than the type of person you played), discuss what strategies you would have used (or did use) to solve the problems presented in the sim, and discuss what you might be able to do to improve your performance in the future. Straightforward logs like this are very useful even in the advanced sims, and they don't require too much character involvement. I hope to see some logs. I enjoy reading them. :rolleyes:
  22. Hmm, I seem to recall this happening before with a Jami post. It might be a browser issue. What browser are you using, Jenna? If you're using the Internet Explorer browser, you can increase the text size by going to the View menu. Or you could just copy and paste the post to a text file and increase the font size from there.
  23. Of all the movies listed, Return of the King is the only one I've seen. I'm not a big movie theater person. I go to see the movies I *really* want to see, and I just wait for the rest to hit DVD/HBO. :) So, I can't choose the most deserving nominees, but I'm certainly pulling for a clean sweep by Rings. :P
  24. It's no rumor. JMS acknowledged on the B5 newsgroup just a couple weeks ago that he's working on a new project. He won't give away the details though. :( Newsgroup Post Might just be a computer game or something. :\
  25. The Midnight Academy has been cancelled, just in case you drop in and wonder why the room's empty. :)