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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. Remember when they just held signs that said "will work for battle"?
  2. Hey happy Birthday and I hope the rest of this year is absolutely terrific! ::Throws some confetti in Seibens Direction!:: ;)
  3. I have faith everything is gonna work out right! see you soon!
  4. I work for an inventory service and with that I always have a 10 digit calculator straped to my side. I have been working so much lately that I woke myself up tapping on my leg like that stupid machine was there! ::Shivers:: That was a nightmare. I mean why the heck do I wanna dream about the one place I dread being. I just as soon have the zombies. I mean come on you get invited to dinner of course there is the draw back that YOU are dinner but hey it sure beats work!
  5. Sendai Riko Posted Today, 05:40 PM um yeah That I just wouldnt touch . . .Period.
  6. Hmm I was watching the superbowl specifically for the commercials and have deduced that the quality of superbowl commercials has dropped significantly over the past few years. But I did see a few that were funny including the snickers do something manly bit and my personal favorite that GM depressed robot. Nothing beats seeing an unemployed robot jump off a bridge and than wake up.
  7. Reminisce Dom sat in his quarters and thought of the events that had happened since his last time on active duty. Memories flooded his mind as he looked at what had brought about this time of inactivity. He remembered the starbase, the lounge, the game of chess and the events that took place during that. That was the point where everything started to snowball. He began hearing the thoughts of the person he was playing and than the thoughts of those around him. In the following months he had resigned to his quarters in hopes to come up with a conclusion, an answer to this situation he was in. It was a simple result. He could both not use this gift and ignore it in hopes that it would go away. Or he could embrace this gift that his species is known for and push himself to control it. It was so simple yet the repercussions would affect the rest of his life. For days he went back and forth boiling this decision down to the very least it could be. Finally he came to a decision. He could not let this gift go to waste. He would learn to control this wild beast that had snuck up attacked him. With this settled he started listening to Cherubs thoughts and found them very basic and quite primitive. He really needed to interact with others but his own fears kept him from doing so. He finally decided the best thing for him to do would be to contact a distant relative. He set out a message to his cousin, Sariana Deni. She had lived on Betazed all her life and was not in the least interested in leaving. In this message He explained all that had happened and what his decision was on how to handle it. A Few days later she finally responded. “Well its about time you contacted me! I haven’t heard from you since before you joined the academy! How is it in space? What does your job entail? When are you coming to Betazed? I know I know you are busy. Regarding your “situation” Congratulations! It’s about time that set in I was beginning to worry about you. Thought you had been on earth to long or something. Anyway the best advice for you is to get out in groups and train yourself to both hear and tune out peoples thoughts. Now there are some species, such as ferengi, you should shy away from we all have difficulty reading their thoughts. Most others are fair game and its even better is you can find another betazoid than you can just think your sentences. It eliminates the use of all those pesky words. You should really come to Betazed and we can help you to deal with this. Ah well I hope this helps you out I must go for now. My Fiancé wants to rush the wedding. Good bye and hope you stop by sometime!” With that Pneuma decided it was time to step out and get acquainted with his new gift.
  8. If the national Lampoons Movies are not among the greatest ever made they should be! :blink:
  9. HI

    Hello Welcome to stsf! Remember to check out the Mooses tips and the faqs before starting, they are very useful! other than that enjoy the mighty big party that is the Star Trek Simulation Forum!
  10. What is more likely an illogical vulcan or a logical romulan?
  11. Happy Birthday sir!
  12. Welcome to the party Ensign!
  13. Have You ever seen a Cat Fish?
  14. Ooo thats my neighborhood! I may have to go and seem MR Burton!
  15. "I knew i shoulda drove today!"
  16. is a Targ more desireable than an earth dog cause I think I may need a new pet soon!
  17. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood??? :D :) :P
  18. Welcome Back man!!! I have been lookin forward to a good jam session at the red star! C-ya tonight!
  19. I give the politicians a little more brains than that they are after all college grads! they will at least shoot for the the Firefly series!
  20. Hmm what came first the chicken or the egg . . . you need a chicken to have an egg but you need an egg to have a chicken. . . perhaps the egg woulda had to been first but than where did the chicken come from??? It had to be an egg. But than what laid the egg? Perhaps an alien chicken laid an egg on earth that than adapted to the life here when it hatched. . . but than there would need to be another chicken otherwise they couldnt procreate! so . . .
  21. "come on you really need to pop that zit!"
  22. Welcome to stsf.net! (if I just say stsf you may find yourself on that farming site!) I hope you have alot of fun! ::Replicates a Red Shirt for Amerth and hands it over:: there you go try not to get it too messy!
  23. Oh Come on! I wanna be able to say 'Beam me up Scotty" before I am too old to remember!
  24. Think of it this way no more taxes!
  25. Hmm Sara Spock?? Welcome to stsf.net! (if you say .com you end up with a sod and turf site!) where we party like its 95634.2. <_< ::Replicates a red shirt for Sara and hands it to her:: Here you go try not to get it too messy! Remember to have fun!