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Philip Carst

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Everything posted by Philip Carst

  1. ::shakes head:: heehee... B)
  2. That was the first thing I thought. They needed blood on their weapons...
  3. Hey, what's that episode of DS9...? Blood Oath I think. Those three Klingons don't go in your face. Not much anyway...
  4. ::sigh:: The Duras sisters...
  5. ::pulls out phaser, shoots topic:: Happy?
  6. Wasn't that Brian Singer? Or was it someone else...Data "smooching" was a bit weird because it was...weird.
  7. Maybe it's that whole "The High Council is a bunch of weak housewives!!" thing...
  8. Kruge was cool just because it was Christopher Lloyd. Ultimate favorite Klingon ever, is that fat belching one in the Voyage Home. Yeah...
  9. eeehh...The Duras sisters don't fit into the whole "Great Warrior" category. But I get your point. B)
  10. Hhmm...A couple more years and LoAmi can be STSFs version of Yoda... Anyway, Happy birthday!
  11. ::cough:: Disreegard my last post...I would like "STSF's leading authority on nothing."
  12. I see Moe and Curly...And is that Larry in the background?
  13. One of my first academy sim had the borg. It was fun...So anyway, that is a great log. You want to write mine?
  14. Chang in Undiscovered Country was cool...The whole eye patch thing. Least I think that was Chang...
  15. I'd like "Don't feed Phil" if at all possible...
  16. Hello, welcome to stsf! I figure it's about time I posted...Hope you have fun. (sisson, that avatar is waaay cool).