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Everything posted by Elgor

  1. Jim:It turns out that the pilot misheard his orders he wasn't supposed to land on the car. He was supposed to into nothing. It's odd how they always get that mixed up. Tom:Not really. Jim:Why? Tom:Look the pilot's blonde
  2. And the winner is.......
  3. Murray that must be the oddest secret word you've ever given out ::suddenly realizes he never introduced himself in this forum:: Then again with my reputation 5 people would use the plant. hmmmmm B)
  4. oh I thought yesterday was the last day of the olympics ::gets ready to say, "and the winner is..... No seriously who's the winner?" later tonight::
  5. And the winner is..... No seriously who's the winner?
  6. who else saw tonights episode of Galactica? I must say telling the mother that her baby died.....
  7. What happens when someone with a name like dumbass is put in charge
  8. And yet you still don't take advantage of your Klingon strength::decides that maybe he should hide in a bunker::
  9. that probably isn't that far from the truth
  10. two questions. How'd we get so far off topic? and. Since when is beating the CSCI up under order of the captain mutiny?
  11. GO HEDGEHOG!!!!!
  12. You guys set me up for this one! Enjoy :lol: Star Trecch!
  13. since round two has started let's lock this
  14. how about instead of focusing on a ship they focus on a fleet like, 'Star Trek:Alpha Squadron.' Now if only they had a Galaxy-Heavy Carrier like the Reant AU had.
  15. The midget who figured out that just because he is the size of a three year old doesn't mean that he can fool the cops into thinking he is one. Oh and there's the whole working motorcycle thing against him.
  16. ::has suddenly gotten the best idea::You know that teddy bear thing that Spock had? With the razor sharp teeth and spikes? Beam it to a Klingon bridge and it'll be better then a Tarq fight!
  17. Drumroll please. Ba da chi.
  18. very good
  19. I agree with the ferret and Tarq ideas. But how about some fish?
  20. ::decides to just go along with the notion that he made it::
  21. ::points to his last post::
  22. You were saying? Heh heh couldn't resist
  23. Craven the logical choice would be the Excalibur you're not even a light-year away from Camelot Station if you take the wormhole ::waits for the envelope to slide under his door::
  24. Welcome, you my call me the never graduating, even Spitfire graduated before I did. Then again some weeks I don't even go to a ACD so it's my own fault. Remember don't be like me. Except for the part of becoming an apprentice to Eagle.<----Yet another shameless plug sposored by the Eagle Advertising Grp.Ltd.