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Everything posted by V'Roy

  1. Star Wars: First Draft
  2. Whoever wrote this gives First Sergeants too much credit. That's what Squad Leaders and Platoon Sergeants are for.
  3. Screw it, Scooter wins.
  4. I don't know why I always see dogs trying to catch these things.
  5. ::knows who "Rex" really is:: The most recent space sci-fi to be successful was the reimagined BSG. That was a good show but it also had several things going for it that probably can't be replicated. Star Trek: BSG benefited from Star Trek's demise. Star Trek had been on the air for about a generation and the handwriting was on the wall about Enterprise being cancelled with no replacement. You had a generation of Trekkies who had gotten used to having a weekly space show and wanted something to continue. Enterprise moving to Friday nights but in a different slot was an added bonus. The Original BSG: BSG already had a respected name going for it (except for Galactica 1980). Even reimagined that didn't go away. The basic plot was kept intact, they just changed some details like ship specifications and ranks and sex... Lots of sex! What they did change they generally made better. They got rid of Boxey very quickly, there was never a Muffit, and Lucifer was replaced by a model that was actually a model. Did I mention sex? Revival Efforts: Even before the miniseries there were other projects to bring BSG back in some form. There was discussion on a feature-length film based on Battlestar Pegasus (which might still happen) and Richard Hatch produced and financed a promo at a ComiCon convention called Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming featuring the original actors. These projects generated a lot of buzz. Mormons: Yeah, I know, this one is controversial. However, Mormonism is the fastest growing religion right now and there are similarities between that religion and both BSG plots. Both say life here began out there, that humans lived in tribes or colonies, multiple gods, Kolob = Kobol, etc.
  6. Angry Birds II This time it's personal.
  7. Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius, attempts to disprove the first two laws of thermodymics.
  8. What I never understood is how everyone seems able to hack into Geordi's vizor except Starfleet.
  9. Sadly I could see this happening in real life.
  10. Well we know 100,000 years ago the continents were in the form they are in today, and there were no clouds. At least that's how Battlestar Galactica ended.
  11. It would be great if a GM were called STSF Noob.
  12. We're gonna need a bigger boat.
  13. And Admiral... It is the Enterprise.
  14. They should name it Executor or Slave I.
  15. Yeah, but wait until it is 16 and can drive without an adult in the car!
  16. Boy, the Terminator franchise has really gone downhill.
  17. Look, a dog with three tennis balls in his mouth. (Oh come on. It's been over a month. Somebody had to say something.)
  18. But like I said earlier, the hard core Trekkie will see anything with Star Trek n the title whether it is good or bad. We lucked out with the new movie in that it was mostly good but even had it been notoriously bad we would still want more of it.
  19. But it was the hard core Trek fans that were the most critcal of the 2009 movie with all the "violations" of canon - even though there is an in-universe explanation for most of the changes. Really the only things that can't be explained is why Chekov doesn't have the Davy Jones / Moe salad bowl cut anymore and how he became a math wizard. Sure die hard Trekkies went to the movie but what made it successsful was a generation of new fans that were spared a lot of the infighting of previous generations.
  20. First Contact was great. DS9 was OK but they went over the top with making Sisko a relgious figure. (Roddenbery was an atheist. He would never have wanted that.) Voyager was OK. Insurrection was OK. Nemesis was crap. Enterprise was crap. Did we refuse too support crap until it got better? No, we begged and pleaded to get one more season. They had another year to put a proper capstone on the *franchise*, not just one series, and we got that lame These Are The Voyages finale. Was it bad writing? Yes. However, they knew we would support bad writing. We were like heroin addicts who didn't care about quality, we just wanted our fix and would have taken anything that was being sold. It didn't make sense to offer us quality because they knew we were a captiive audience. Had we refused to patronise the franchise unless it got better it might have ended sooner, or it might have gotten better and brought in a new generation of fans and we wouldn't be talking about it now. It was worth the risk but we were too risk-averse to do the right thing.
  21. So then I am right to blame the fans for the demse of the franchse.
  22. Then don't complain about something you willingly pay for, and I better not hear any complaints about the poor writing quality either.
  23. FORCED to pay? EXPLOITive? How so? You make the decision to buy, don't you? I don't see any coersion going on. If you value the money more than the product then don't buy the product. Like I said, they charge so much because they know you'll buy it at whatever price. If you stop buying they either stop selling or they lower the price to induce buying.
  24. Because if you like Trek enough to sit through all of DS9 they know you'll pay anything to get it, like a junkie will do anything for a fix.