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Everything posted by V'Roy

  1. I have never seen a college course on resumes, cover letters, interviews, etc. However, pretty much any college has a career counseling office that offers these services, often for free. Also, don't be afraid to use a professional resume-writing service. They will know how to present your background / education in ways you had not thought of. Usually they charge $100-200 for their services. This may seem like a lot for a college student, but if you get a job out of it then it pays for itself. As for cover letters, I'm not sure how valuable they are. Some job boards won't let you send your resume unless you also have a cover letter but the most used ones do not have this requirement. There are some jobs I applied to where cover letters were mandatory, especially at educational institutions, but every offer I ever received was without a cover letter.
  2. Well we said they would never kill off Spock and Kirk and Data too, but look what happened. Personally I don't think the startrek.com site is very professional looking. Maybe CBS firing the staff and replacing the site with something else is the way to go. Besides, I think it shows very bad taste for the web staff to bash their employers, however brief the relationship was, by saying "If you have comments, please send them to editor @ startrek.com - we hope someone at CBS will read them." By bashing the owners of the site they are just showing more such unprofessionalism. I think CBS has legal grounds to sue them since they are using CBS resources to make that statement.
  3. Actually, it wasn't Sublime. It was a Celtic cover band.
  4. I may be an atheist, but you know... I agree with this! Sure you may say Happy Holidays in a work or professional setting, and you try not to say Merry Christmas to someone who doesn't celebrate it, but there is a reason why most businesses shut down on December 25. It wasn't a date that was just picked at random. It had - and continues to have - a cultural significance to it, and pussyfooting around the issue doesn't change that.
  5. I didn't say they were fingernails.
  6. I see Garnoopy still has his pilot's license.
  7. You do realize that the sun is still up for those on the west coast, right "Sundown"?
  8. Well I'm not ready to trade my Nine Inch Nails for Lawrence Welk just yet.
  9. Wow, you can still see at your age?
  10. ::BUURRRP!!::
  11. I'll wear my earplugs.
  12. Ooh, I remember what the warmth of M1 tank engines feel like in the dead of winter. There was a reason we always gave them perimeter security duty, and it had nothing to do with security. :)
  13. I have a similar story. I ETS'd (Exit Term of Service - in civilian terms that means "leaving the Army") from Korea in September. Still pretty hot in Korea, and we were used to doing manual labor in 100-110 degree heat. So you can imagine the shock most of us had when we ETSed in San Francisco just when Fall was setting in. Keep in mind most of these people had never seen fog in their lives. I lived most of my life on the San Francisco peninsula, so I knew how cold it could get. I got off the plane in sweat clothes and everyone was laughing at me for dressing so warm. The laughed at me until we got to the fog-enshrouded San Francisco - and then I started laughing at them. :)
  14. I see Garnoopy still has his pilot's license.
  15. Actually, most of the Galactica crew is in it as well. A lot of the crews were integrated.
  16. Yes and no. There is an upcoming 2-hour episode that deals with the Battlestar Pegasus shortly after the Cylon attack of the colonies as well as Apollo's first command mission. Some theaters had a one-night showing of this episode.
  17. You know what is really popular in Hawaii? Spam Sushi. I'm serious! They scarf that stuff up!
  18. Not all states had elections today.
  19. I see Kroells still has his driver's license.
  20. If that doesn't work, try uninstalling every version of Java that you have and then go to the Java site and download only the most recent version. Sometimes older versions of Java interfere with newer ones.
  21. I was invited to San Diego and my trip would have been last weekend. Good thing I didn't go. A couple years ago I was in San Diego and the same thing happened. Hey, isn't Precip from San Diego?
  22. Aw, crap. :lol:
  23. The sand traps were bad enough, now we need bear traps?
  24. Hey, if we cover our faces, they won't know which one has the glove.