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STSF Seiben

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Everything posted by STSF Seiben

  1. Aww, how cute. :lol: Well.. somebody has to root for the underdog. :P (At least until he suits up for Canada in '06. :D )
  2. Vista Cruiser
  3. MOT
  4. NASCAR Fans :P
  5. She's right.. just click on the various objects in the game.. lthat's when you see the little hand. It was actually pretty easy actually, takes about ten minutes to clear.
  6. Yay.. I cleared it! Fun game, and I love the music. :P
  7. Hey, what's that supposed to mean? I'm not a good host? :P
  8. 1 684 currently. :) Yay us for 50 000. Not badfor 3 years, I'd say
  9. Well which one is it? Make up your mind. :P
  10. Whoo-hoo! Welcome to the club Moun! :P
  11. Yeah, true that. Though I'm not very surprised by his coming out and wish him all the best. :)
  12. hot dog buns
  13. Provincial Parks
  14. vast empty spaces.. :)
  15. ::sighs, looking at the topic close button:: Let's try to keep this on topic, and lay off the pornography refrences.
  16. Though placing the "Cdt" prefix is encouraged it is not mandatory for new players to do. Now that you've introduced yourself, we pretty much know you're a cadet now anyways. B)
  17. Hey! Welcome to STSF! Ahh, do be sure to read the Tips from the Moose, the help section and Schedule section to help familiarise yourself on how we play, and htips to graduate and when the acads take place. Goodluck in your STSF career, and hope to see you around. :) The STSF Chatrooms requires the Java plugin that you can get from Http://www.java.com
  18. Hey, it works. I've done logs about food for the Hood and some other ships. :)
  19. masculinity
  20. reliable
  21. ::comforts Miranda:: There, there...
  22. As you can tell by my character avatars, I'm deeply into the anime craze. I basically love them all, save for the Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Ohs. Faves include Inuyasha, Evangelion and Azumanga Daioh. Aside from that, I like hockey (both watch and play - usually defense), cars, and video gaming.
  23. And of course, drinks would be on the house. B) ::pays his proper homage:: :)
  24. Yeah, usually I do my character's take on what happened on sim what I was doing and all that. If I'm out of ideas, then I start doing character devlopment logs.
  25. Best: Harvey's, a true Canadian icon, their poutine is the absolute best! Worst:Mac Donald's - Blargh!