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STSF Seiben

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Everything posted by STSF Seiben

  1. Albeit old.. geez. Why can't people just let old topics die in peace?
  2. Ah.. Please do lay off the stereotypical or racist comments, thanks.
  3. Happy Birthday Mozart. And cool music Tovanski. :P
  4. Welcome back Black! :P
  5. Oooh, looks nice. :P
  6. It's because I'm Canadian, eh? :blink: It took awhile for the other GMs to accept my Canadian bribe cheques. Speaking of which.. ::quietly hands Blu her monthy kickback cheque:: Right, and speaking of which, please refrain from respond back and forth to each other. If you both wish to chat with each other, please take it to the PMs, or Instant Messaging and leave it off the boards, thanks.
  7. "Waiting" Log entry 68: SD 10601.23 Uneasily, Seiben shifted in his seat as the kept the Republic in orbit in front of the Tal'Shiar vessel. Understandably so, since the Romulans seem to have abducted Will and hold him in their ship. Though on stand-by mode, Seiben trains them onto the larger vessel in case needed, as well as some evasives in the event a quick and hasty retreat is needed. Seiben scracthes his head as the Command staff continue to negotiate with the Romulans. Having never really seen one, he naturally doesn't know quite what to think of their mysterious pointy eared friends. Aside from what was taught to him about the race at Starfleet Academy. But whilst the communication exchange between the Admiral and the Romulans takes place, Seiben can do nothing but wait. Wait for orders on what to do next, or where to move the ship. Did they even get to check out that Federation-Romulan device the Rep was sent out here to look at? Probably not. And judging by their current situation, being sans Chief Security Office, they won't be doing so anytime in the very near future. Oh well.
  8. "The Memory Game" Log entry 34: SD 10601.23 Koga sighed as he worked at his console, searching for any signs of the Khellian or Tal'Shiar ships. Sure enough, much to his fortune, the ship still apparently has no idea of the Talon's whereabouts. "They're probably pretty annoyed at us. Not contacting them in so long.. hding from them under their very noses" Koga said quietly to himself, but loud enough for anyone to hear. It's been awhile, since maenak t'Paine(?) injected him with the hypo that's supposed to restore his memories of his previous life. Slowly, however, Koga was beginning to remember. Little snippets of information, like a little trickle. Which,hopefully, will turn into a raging flood. It was discomforting for Koga not even to remember what his own name is, let alone his position aboard the ship, his role and especially how to operate the bloody etrehh and his console. It was even less dishearting, not knowing who's in charge of this ship. Koga used to believe it was tTemarr. But now, he wasn't too sure. Since she first saw the mysterious hooked janitor, Koga noticed a drastic change of her personality, since he saw her first as a lowly peon up here to clean up the Oira. The hooked Janitor now exudes authority, and barked orders at the supposed Riov, as if she was some new Erien, fresh out of Retor. The majority of the Talon crew believe the Hooked Janitor is their true Riov, and based on what Koga saw, he did too. But, what struck him that most was tTemarr's abrupt refusal to undergo the same memory restoration treatment the others has. A life of not knowing one's true identity is a life unimaginable to Koga.. no matter what he finds what his true identity must be. Of course by now, Koga remembers who he is. His name, his family's wealth and his storied past as a famous Ke'veshrek fighter. Though he was sad, his life of fame and fortune was now gone, he was happy to know that even for a few short years, Koga had his fifteen minutes of fame. From time to time, Koga would report to t'Ksa about the position and acticity of the Khellian and other ships. Shields and weapons still up. The Talon remained cloaked and on alert, but so far, so good. Ready to pledge alliange to the Hooked Riov, Koga's thoughts roamed to the Enarrain's Chamber, wondering if both parties would emerge alive, racking his memory, so Koga could know for sure he's right.
  9. The Pandarians were a race of giant evil pandas who brought terror to the crews of academies in STSF, mainly during the summer of 2003. They were presumed dead after their ship was destoryed in circa. August, 2003 but they showed up again the following year. They've yet to make another appearance since.
  10. "End of the Road" Log entry 04: SD 10601.21 On board the USS Nelson, Pierre sat quietly in his quarters reading a book. Over the past few days, Pierre spent the majority of his time in his quarters, and in the holodeck with some of his friends from the Reaent. He felt the ship start to slow down its speed. "Attention, all hands" a voice said over the comms. "We're now appraching Sctor 001. Our ETA to Earth is about twenty minutes. Please proceed to Transporter Room 1, if you wish to disembark" Pierre heard this and nodded. He got up and walked out his quarters towards the turbolift that would take him to the transporters. A few moments later, he stepped in and took a sigh. He knew this was going to be a bittersweet event. For once Pierre steps onto the transporter pad and is beamed back to Earth, his career in Starfleet would be over. By now, Pierre said his final goodbyes to his former crewmates. But, it still hurt inside him. For almost a year, these people were his family, and the Reaent, his home. But what waited for Pierre next, was someting he just couldn't pass up. He could still remember getting that letter like it was yesterday. On board theUSS Reaent, One Week Ago: It was just another rotune day for Pierre after completing his daily patrols and reporting back to Lt. Murray that everything was clear, he reported off duty and took a shower, and changed his clothes like he always does. And like he always does every day, Pierre checked his terminal for messages. There, staring at him was a mysterious message marked "Urgent". Clicking on it, Pierre read the message that would essentially change his life: To: Mr. Pierre La Toque, USS Reaent. From: Viscocity Computing, Argus IV Dear Mr. La Toque, Based on your credentials, in the sciences, we have decided that you are most qualified to serve as the Chief System Developer for the V-110 series to be fitted on the new Destiny-Class Scientific Explorer, as well as the refit-cycles for the Nova, New Orleans and Steamrunner Class vessels. Your responsibilities will include the cumulation of the scientific database, as well as a supervisor role in the overall construction of the prototype computer core. You will need to relocate to the Viscocity Factory on Argos IV, no later than stardate 10601.30. You will also receive full benefits and 100 days for vacation per year, pension plan, including full medical and dental coverage. If you accept this job, please respond to this transmission within seven (7) days. We have considered many applicants for this job, but given your knowledge of the sciences and degree in computer science, we have chosen you. Congratulations, Mr. La Toque, and we hope to hear from you very soon. Sincerely, John Perkins, phD Vice-President Viscocity Computing, Argos-IV Of course, Pierre couldn't believe his luck. He read the message again, to make it was real. Indeed it was. It was essentially his dream job. Pierre thought about it for about a second and accepted it. Present Time: USS Nelson: Pierre walked into the Transporter Room. He checked out his bagage one last time. Everything seemed to be good. With his resignation already tendered to Captain Michaels, Pierre stepped onto the transporter pad, for the last time as a Starfleet Officer. He nodded at the transporter chief as he shimmered off the Nelson, and back to Earth. As he walked down the streets of San Francisco, he wondered what would happen to the Reaent and its crew. After the last mission, the ship was basically just a floating hunk of metal. Will Starfleet reuild the ship, or commission a new one? What would happen to Captain Michaels and the rest of the crew? But whatever happens with the Reaent, it was going to be without Pierre. Note: I'm not leaving the Reaent, but rather sending off La Toque, and swapping him with a new character to be debuted on Thurs.
  11. Simply visit the schedule section, to find tht time for the next academy, then log onto the chatroom and request a post.
  12. I've used it in the past. I bought a NASCAR Computer game for about $12 US, and the Neon Genesis Evangelion Box Set for $88 US. Both experiences were pleasant, the sellers were very friendly, and I got my items reasonably quick. Yes, there's bad sellers in eBay, but if you do your homework, there's no reason not to trust eBay. The most important thing to do, is to first check the seller's feedback rating. That's the number beside the seller's username (in brackets). Look at the number of feedbacks they have, compared to the pertage of positive feedback the person has. The higher number the better, of course. Click the picture for an example: Also, is important, if you have any questions ask them BEFORE your bid on whatever it is you're bidding on. You can email the person a question on the bottom of the page. Other than that, it's just like any other auction, read all the fine print and everything else carefully, and you should be fine. Edit: Also, with eBay is the Buy it Now option. Basically as it is says, if you don't want to compete on bidding on something with the others, and really want it, just click on the link to purchase it right away:
  13. On behalf of Jami and myself, it is our honour to announce the graduation of Cadet OConner from STSF Academy! We wish you the very best in STSF, and hope you have fun in whatever ship you choose to be assigned to! :rolleyes:
  14. "A Fond Farewell" Nakamura Log entry 04, SD: 10601.17 The NFS Reaent rocked and shook like the '89 San Francisco Earthquake. This was the end. Hideki knew it. He wasn't sad about it, though there's lots of reason for him to be. Death was a risk Hideki was all too aware of when he signed up in the first place. But, he didn't expect to die like this. Like his fellow Japanese warriors before him, Hideki believed in dying in honour -- going out in a blaze of glory, for his Emporer and his crew. On the other hand though, dying with one's closest friends right by you, isn't a bad way to go. People were undoubtedly scurrying around the ship, saying a last prayer, thinking about their families... Hideki took a long savoury inhale of his cigarette. Now he knew what the First Class passengers on the Titanic felt like. They knew they were going to die with the ship, but there wasn't anything they could do about it. But it was proably the wait, that killed them the most, knowing that certain doom is just at their doorstep. He sighed, resigned to his fate. No tears, no prayers. But he did think about his younger sister Chiyo. He hoped the best for her, wherever she was. Hideki believed in destiny and fate. He was fairly religious in his Shinto Buddism faith. So, he greatly accepted his fate, and ascension into the afterlife. Outside the massive blue energy wave envelopped the Reaent and everything around it. Time was slow for Hideki at this point. "Hmm, so this is what death feels like" he said quietly. Hideki had enough time to sip his cold glass of beer and puff his cigarette. Nothing tasted finer, in his whole life. Smiling at his comrades, sitting in the table with him, slowly accepting their fates, resigned, Hideki raised his glass at them once more. "It's been alot of fun. I must say. It's been an honour, it really has" Hideki's smile faltered, then returned. "See you on the other side..."
  15. I don't really pirate much either. Mainly animes and some music from CD's I do not wish to buy. I really don't wish to go out in the cold, and search high and low for a CD, with only two or three songs that I really want to listen to. Most of the stuff I do download though isn't even available for sale here in North America. Yes, it is illegal, but so is littering, jay-walking, and taping football games. But we still do it anyways, right?
  16. Welcome aboard. :rolleyes: Hope you enjoy your stay. Moved to Academy
  17. I don't know..I think that seems about right for the prices of smokes in Canada. :rolleyes:
  18. Heh, too bad Tampa has already been eliminated. :lol:
  19. ::Snickers:: Tampa.. I'm gonna go with the Pats to win it this year
  20. ::looks at all the torrent files on his computer:: Err.. ahh.. Pirating is bad. :lol:
  21. Technically not.. since ketchup is made from tomatoes, and tomatoes are considered fruits. :lol:
  22. Of course, I eat both veggies and meat, but mostly, it's meat. My favourite foods are steak, chicken and pork. Heh.. I'm basically carnivorous, but I do try to eat veggies on the side. ;)
  23. They allfell victim to conflicting RL schedules that prohibit them from simming, or lost interest.. it happens. ::shrugs::
  24. My vote's either for the Freedom, or the Torsk Class: Looks like a starship made out of a bowling pin, eh? lol
  25. Chat log of Academy at Tuesday 03 January, 2006 at 9:00 PM Chatlog_10601.03.txt