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Everything posted by McFly

  1. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1233, STARDATE 52308.21 = /\ = Manticore has been sent to Starbase 23 near the Romulan neutral zone to confirm a new weapon designed against the Changelings. Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future. McFly decides to cautiously continue with the mission along with calling for fleet backup. Upon arrival to the station, an away team met with the woman leading the project, Dr Moira Taggert. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1233, STARDATE 52308.21 = /\ =
  2. @font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-400.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:400;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-500.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:500;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-600.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:600;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-700.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:700;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-800.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:800;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-italic-400.woff2");font-family:gg 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2px;background-color:rgba(88,101,242,.3);color:#dee0fc;font-weight:500}.chatlog__markdown-mention:hover{background-color:#5865f2;color:#ffffff}.chatlog__markdown-timestamp{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.1);padding:0 2px;border-radius:3px}.chatlog__emoji{width:1.325rem;height:1.325rem;margin:0 0.06rem;vertical-align:-0.4rem}.chatlog__emoji--small{width:1rem;height:1rem}.chatlog__emoji--large{width:2.8rem;height:2.8rem}.postamble{padding:1.25rem}.postamble__entry{color:#ffffff} Star Trek Simulation Forum Holodeck / manticore USS Manticore - Mondays 10 ET - Command Staff: Captain McFly, Kansas Kenickie Between 21-Aug-23 09:02 PM and 21-Aug-23 10:07 PM Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:02 PM = = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1233, STARDATE 52308.21 = = Manticore has been sent to Starbase 23 near the Romulan neutral zone to confirm a new weapon designed against the Changelings. Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future. McFly decides to cautiously continue with the mission along with calling for fleet backup. Upon arrival to the station, an away team met with the woman leading the project, Dr Moira Taggert. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1233, STARDATE 52308.21 = = 21:02 !begin MEE6 BOT 21-Aug-23 09:02 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:03 PM :: listens to Dr. Taggert :: Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 09:03 PM ::at Science II On the bridge:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:03 PM :: In the mess hall, which is really a mess now :: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:03 PM So Doctor Taggert. How do you expect to test this, do you have a changeling? Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:03 PM ::sighs after receiving the comm from KK; looks up at the science station where Annika is:: Lt Sorenson, you're ranking officer. You have the bridge. Lt.JG Harnett 21-Aug-23 09:03 PM :: Is still with Pilot, going through the corrupted data :: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::walks over to the TL:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::studying the weapon that Dr. Taggert is showing them, scanning it with his medical tricorder:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::searching still, tappity tap tap:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:05 PM :::Scowls at Gila:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:06 PM :: Checking the transporter systems as to not lose the away team :: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:06 PM No, unfortunately we haven't been able to test it on the real thing thus far. However, our bioengineering department has made developed a liquid compound that they feel aproximates that of a Changeling using scans of Odo from Deep Space Nine. Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:06 PM @ ::tries to seem disinterested, scans everything he can WITH everything he can:: (edited) Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:06 PM ::takes the TL to the messhall:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:06 PM ::looks semi confused:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:07 PM ::to Dr. Taggert:: Can we examine this liquid compound? Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:07 PM :: looks to Tevek then to Taggert :: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:08 PM :::Looks at the door, wishing McFly would Pop in:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:08 PM :: Shrugs in her direction :: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:09 PM I'm not a scientist. I'll just stand here and look dashingly handsome. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:10 PM :: shakes her head breifly at Faldek's remark :: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:10 PM Of course. ::presses some buttons on a panel and transports in a container of the liquid compound on a pedestal across from the weapon. Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:11 PM ::arrives on deck and briskly walks to the mess hall; he enters and looks around for KK:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:11 PM So Nate, what can I get you to eat Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:11 PM ::nods:: Thank you, Doctor. ::walks over towards the liquid compound and begins scanning it with medical tricorder:: Lt.JG Harnett 21-Aug-23 09:11 PM :: Taps away, still looking for anything relevant :: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:11 PM ::Perks up spotting McFly, stands up quickly:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:12 PM :: Listening :: Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:12 PM This weapon...will only affect Changlings? Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:12 PM ::listening for the response to Tyrel's question, while continuing his scan of the liquid:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:13 PM Pardon me.... let me get .....your.... McFly Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:13 PM :: looks at the Device curiously :: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:13 PM ((Switching to pc brb)) Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:13 PM ::wonders if he can surreptitiously get a sample of the liquid, and looks around for a straw:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:14 PM ::looks at Bren:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:14 PM :: Decompressing from all of this :: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:15 PM :::Walks over to McFly:: (w) we need your help, Gila She is just stuck to my hip and this whole thing is a thing. Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:16 PM ::completes his scan of the liquid, goes back to studying the device:: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:16 PM Well... ::sighs:: I know it will affect this compound. We haven't tested it on organic beings... yet. But I have some theories. Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:16 PM I am really trying to not be crazy Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:17 PM This is more of a device to mount on a ship...or do you plan on shrinking it to a hand held device? Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:17 PM ::walks over to KK and Gila; sees Nate sitting near them looking a bit frustrated; talks quietly to KK:: Alright just... settle down. What's going on? (edited) Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:17 PM ::raises eyebrow, intrigued to hear Dr. Taggert's theories:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:17 PM ::looking at the data, examining it more:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:18 PM I just wanted to sit and eat with Nate and you know... get to know him but the Doctor won't give us a moment of peace Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:19 PM ::steps over to Dr. Tevek:: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:19 PM I'm sure she just wants to monitor him. He did just get out of sickbay. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:20 PM (w) If this works are you going to have a moral issue? 21:21 (w) Like with the Tzenkethi during your first away mission... Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:21 PM Interesting... ::looking over the data:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:22 PM (w)::to Faldek:: I believe these circumstances are quite different, Commander. And I will follow my orders on this mission, sir. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:22 PM She can Monitor from another table Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:22 PM ( Mc Fly hustling through two plots ) Lt.JG Harnett 21-Aug-23 09:23 PM :: Continues his search through the data, remaining quiet :: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:23 PM :: Checking her medicorder :: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:23 PM (w) Black ops puts all of us into situations that can be morally questionable. However it's all done for the greater good. (edited) Cdr. Faldek (AT) (w) Black ops puts all of us into situations that can be morally questionable. However it's all done for the greater good. (edited) Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:24 PM ((The Greater Good)) Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:24 PM ::makes note of the info he is seeing even though it is damaged to high hell:: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:24 PM The weapon is most effective because the frequency is tuned to that of the changeling physiology. But considering this machine blasts out high intensity sound waves, I don't expect it to feel good when it hits a human body. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:25 PM ((I was hoping someone would quote from Hot Fuzz)) Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:25 PM (w) Yes, sir. It is a very different role from working in a hospital on Vulcan. But I am beginning to understand it better. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:25 PM (afk)\ Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:25 PM :: He needed something to calm his nerves, so he was going to head down to the mess hall :: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:26 PM ((Sorry, I haven't seen Hot Fuzz)) Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:26 PM ((WHAT!)) Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:27 PM ::looks at KK and sighs; walks over to Gila:: So Doc, how's he doing? Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:27 PM :::Looks back at the table, then at McFly:: I feel like everything I am doing is 100% wrong 21:28 ::Sighs in relief watching McFly:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:28 PM ::continuing to search through data:: Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 09:28 PM ::hopes Cawi is doing ok down there:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:28 PM His readings are relatively unchanged, so for now he is fine. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:29 PM (Cawi...I like that ) Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:29 PM :: nods to Tevek:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:29 PM ::Twists her fingers together:: he's fine Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:29 PM ::nods back to Faldek:: Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:29 PM :: ponders what Bren is thinking :: Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 09:29 PM ::sits back in the big chair for now:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:30 PM Karl> Looking good there Sorenson Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:31 PM :: walks around and looks at the " Deflector" on the Device :: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:31 PM :: Enters the mess hall, heading for the drinks without seeing Nathaniel or the others. Soon however, he feels their presence. :: Crewman Sanchez BOT 21-Aug-23 09:31 PM ::looks at Sorenson:: I concur with the Karlster. Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:31 PM That's great to hear. I appreciate everything you've done for him. ::takes a breath:: ...Would you mind if we could have a little privacy to talk? Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:32 PM You would think this data would be a bit more in tact. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:32 PM So how does the goo sample stack up to Odo's DNA on file? :: Looking at Tevek:; Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:32 PM :: begins scanning the Deflector with her Engineering Tricorder :: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:32 PM Fine. I see the father has come to get a drink. :: Sprints up :: Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 09:32 PM Err thanks. Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM Well, would you all care for a demonstration? Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM (w) was that so hard Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::looks at his tricorder readings regarding the Device; taps on tricorder to take some additional types of scans:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM At your discretion, Doctor. Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM Thanks Doc, you're the best. Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::Manages to identify a length of flexible tubing nearby and casually adjusts his posture, shifting a little toward it, repeatedly over a few minutes:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:33 PM :::Grabs a Coffee for McFly and herself:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:34 PM ::taps on the computer, making notes on his padd:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM :: Huffs, then finds Erich sitting by himself in a far corner :: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM ::takes the coffee but stops her before going over to Nathan; whispers:: Listen, all of us are stressed here. You don't need to make it worse. Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM :: to Erich :: May I sit? (edited) Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM ::spots Bren trying to get a sample, shakes his head slightly but shifts his focus back to the Doctor:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM Sure. :: gestures :: Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM ::looks over at Dr. Taggert, nods to indicate his interest in a demonstration:: Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:35 PM :: shuts off her Tricorder and steps away from the device :: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:36 PM I am SO trying to be normal and chill.. but how do you do that with this whole thing Lt.JG Harnett 21-Aug-23 09:36 PM :: Taps away on the console :: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:36 PM Please, if you would come this way... ::she gestures to a second door behind them; it's solid, no windows or anything transparent around it:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:37 PM :: He looked at Gila, but his eyes seemed covered in guilt :: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:37 PM :: Drinks from her cup :: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:37 PM ::heads in the direction of Taggert's gesture:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:37 PM He is fine, by the way. Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:37 PM ::whispers again:: I get it, but you need to stop. ::holds out his hand towards the couch suggesting for her to sit:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:37 PM ::follows Faldek:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:38 PM with you here I know I can do better ::Takes his hand:: I promise I will do better Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:38 PM He's emotionally...complex. Especially now. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:38 PM :: goes where Dr. Taggert directs her :: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:38 PM :::Takes a seat:: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:39 PM ACTION> THE NEW ROOM THE AWAY TEAM ENTERS IS LIKE A SMALL SQUARE BOX FILLED WITH STAR TREKY INSTRUMENTATION AND LCARS PANELS; NO WINDOWS OR ANYTHING TO SEE OUT OF Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:39 PM Let me guess, from a non-Betazoid perspective. Guilt. From the moment you found out your mind raced to understand how this could have happened. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:39 PM ((Lord! She is gonna get you!)) Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:40 PM ::looks around the room briefly, then back at his medical tricorder:: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:40 PM ::out the corner of his eye he sees Erich sitting across the room with Gila; he doesn't say anything and sits down next to Kansas:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:41 PM Pretty much. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:42 PM :: awaits the test :: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:42 PM ::enters behind everyone and shuts the door; she activates a panel and screen illuminates showing the outer room they were all just in:: Considering the theoretical danger of the device to normal organic beings, it's safer to be in this room during the test. Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:42 PM I have no regrets about what happened between us on Risa, and I bet you don't either. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:42 PM ::looks around at the consoles, wanting to push one of the big red buttons:: 1 Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:42 PM :::Has an honest smile on her face for once:: I am so happy you are feeling better... what can I get you to eat or drink Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:42 PM No, I would not trade it. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:43 PM :: does a remote scan of the device on her tricorder :: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:43 PM ACTION> CALLITA'S TRICORDER SCAN CAN'T SEEM TO PENETRATE THE ROOM Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:43 PM I do wonder if I'm dead in the timeline Nathaniel comes from, but your union is so...unlikely. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 09:44 PM ::tappity tap tap, wondering what happened to this data to make it so badly corrupted:: Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:44 PM Interesting Doctor. Is this room sealed in the EM spectrum to isolate your device from signal interference ? Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:45 PM She's like a prime nemesis, but should not be. She's clearly gone through a lot to gestate this amount of hate towards you. 21:45 I'm guessing you were the only male in the sector. (edited) 1 Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:46 PM ::looks at Dr. Taggert, interested in the answer to Callista's question:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:46 PM Sure was not my charm or her shiny personality. Lt.JG Harnett 21-Aug-23 09:47 PM :: Raises eyebrow, reading through the log data :: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:47 PM :::has a Freaking Awesome personality:: Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:48 PM ::Keeps tapping away at his Tricorders:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 21-Aug-23 09:48 PM I'm good with the coffee for now. ::smiles:: ...But maybe later, ::perks up like a kid for a minute:: I'd really like something with pasta. Like a baked ziti. ::sad smile:: You would make them all the time when I was a kid. We haven't had fresh food in a long time. Even replicators are a luxury at this point. Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:48 PM Maybe it was my heightened ability, but why of all people...her? 21:48 There better choices. :: looking at Gila :: Dr. Gila Orrak I'm guessing you were the only male in the sector. (edited) Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:48 PM (("Not unless you were the last man on Earth and/or in the sector!")) Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:49 PM Commander Bren...do you have anything on your device? Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:49 PM ::Looks at Callista and blinks a few times, thinking:: Nothing unexpected Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:49 PM I can so make baked Ziti, it is my specialty ::Perks up:: and my Favorite Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:49 PM You are kind to a fault. I can see that in how you treat Violet. Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:50 PM ::to Calli:: That among other things. We try to prevent an interchange of interference from both sides, as well as damage to body and property. The room out there is specifically designed to withstand such acoustic amplification. Nathaniel McFly BOT 21-Aug-23 09:50 PM ::smiles:: ...Mine too. Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:50 PM :: exhales and awaits the test...but...a bit unnerved :: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:50 PM Funny. I wonder what happened if she were to kill me. 1 1 Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:51 PM Alright, activating the device. Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:51 PM ::watches the screen as Taggert activates the device:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:51 PM ::Tilts her head:: Really Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:52 PM Temporal mechanics states he would still live. A jump in time is a jump in the timelines. Nathaniel had to jump from a different one. Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:52 PM Yes, that's right, but still not very comforting. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:53 PM :: waits patiently for the button pushing:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:53 PM I am sorry things have been stressful since you have gotten here. 21:53 :::Sips her coffee, with a shakey hand:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:53 PM What should I do? What would you to Gila? Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:54 PM First, I don't think Kansas is my type. :: says laughing :: The focus should be on him above all others. 21:55 An indifferent parent can be devestating.\ Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 09:55 PM ACTION> THE POWER TO THE WEAPON RAMPS UP TO THE POINT OF BEING ABLE TO VISIBLY SEE WAVES PULSATE THROUGH THE AIR. THE COMPOUND FIRST BEGINS TO RIPPLE THEN WAVES IN THE SHAPE OF SPIKES PROTRUDE THEN RESCIND WITH EACH PULSE OF THE WEAPON. FINALLY THE COMPOUND SEEMS TO ALMOST LEVITATE, JUST A LITTLE BIT, OUT OF THE CONTAINER BEFORE FINALLY EXPLODING ALL OVER THE ROOM. Nathaniel McFly BOT 21-Aug-23 09:57 PM I understand. I'm sorry to disrupt everyone's lives like this. You have to trust me that I'm doing it for a good cause. Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:57 PM ::raises eyebrow when demonstration is complete:: Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 09:57 PM :: notes the geez wiz moment :: Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:57 PM ::powers down the weapon:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 09:57 PM Oh my. 21:58 That looked particularly devastating. Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:58 PM Of course I trust you Moira Taggert BOT 21-Aug-23 09:58 PM Indeed ::she says with a satisfied look on her face:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 09:58 PM ::Doesn't like lying:: Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 09:58 PM And the more... galactic issue. Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 09:59 PM Yes, the station and all that follows. Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 10:00 PM Karl> I am picking up a distorion on sensors ::Looks at Annika:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:00 PM I bet environmental services don't have a good time cleaning that room up. 1 Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 10:00 PM Oh, where’s it coming from? Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 10:01 PM :: looks to Faldek :: We are going to need to test that enviornment in there. Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 10:01 PM Karl> The distorion is right ahead of us Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:01 PM :: looks at the Doctor:: Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 10:02 PM Hm, is it coming from the station? Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:02 PM You'll just have to give us some time to digest all of this. It's a lot to spring on someone. Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 10:02 PM I wonder if I end up with the Captain...? Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::looks at his medical tricorder:: Callista Tyrel AT 21-Aug-23 10:02 PM ( okay I must depart goodnight folks ) Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:02 PM ACTION> THREE ROMULAN WARBIRDS DECLOAK IN FRONT OF THE STATION AND MANTICORE 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM Gila McFly... sounds strange. Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM Oh.. I see. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ((SH*T)) Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ::pauses pre-emptively:: Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:03 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:03 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ::PAUSED:: Lt.JG Harnett 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM :::Paused::: Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM ::paused:: Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM To be continued... Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM See, Bren's been here long enough. 1 Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM Dun dun dun! Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:03 PM KK, Komments? Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 10:04 PM 1 5 Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 10:04 PM Nice work on the Station Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:04 PM Annika should have said red alert! as a knee jerk reaction Erich Jaenke 21-Aug-23 10:04 PM Needs the music over and over again Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 10:04 PM Oof. Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:05 PM I was hoping but I also didn't give her enough time. Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 10:05 PM there wasn't enough time between the action and the Pause Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:05 PM TBS will be immediate 22:05 Questions or comments? 22:05 If nothing then remember, be excellent to each other and... PARTY ON DUDES! ...DISMISSED!!! Bren Faliver (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM Night! See ya next week! Cdr. Faldek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM As a wise android once said "Oh " 2 Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM I finally got around to watching the third bill and ted movie this weekend. Kansas Kenickie 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM Excellent 22:06 how was it? Annika Sorenson 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM Goodnight! Dr. Tevek (AT) 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM Night, folks! Captain McFly 21-Aug-23 10:06 PM I liked it a lot. Still not better than the first but for an old sequel I thought it did well. Exported 227 message(s)
  3. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1232, STARDATE 52308.14 = /\ = Manticore has been sent to Starbase 23 near the Romulan neutral zone to confirm a new weapon designed against the Changelings. Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future. McFly decides to cautiously continue with the mission along with calling for fleet backup. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1232, STARDATE 52308.14 = /\ =
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Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future. McFly decides to cautiously continue with the mission along with calling for fleet backup. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1232, STARDATE 52308.14 = = 21:04 !begin MEE6 BOT 14-Aug-23 09:04 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:04 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:04 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:05 PM ::in the XO chair, unless McFly isn't on the bridge, then he's actually in The Chair:: (edited) Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:05 PM :: Is back on the bridge at Ops, after finishing the LCARS Partition :: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:05 PM ACTION> MANTICORE DROPS OUT OF WARP JUST OUTSIDE OF STARBASE 23 Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:06 PM ::Feels the ship drop out of warp:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:06 PM ::in sickbay, working on seeing how they can repair/modify Nate's Borg implants:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:06 PM ::at TAC2, checking scanners:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:07 PM Sanchez, get us within range of the station. Mr Harnett, open a channel. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:07 PM Karl> Does anyone else feel like they missed a page or something Crewman Sanchez BOT 14-Aug-23 09:08 PM Aye sir! ::moves us within range:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:08 PM ::looks at Karl:: The book is in tact. Erich Jaenke, Eng 14-Aug-23 09:08 PM :: Watching the ship drop out of warp :: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:08 PM :: Nods, opens the channel :: Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:10 PM ( good evening ) Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:10 PM ::Still standing in sickbay, twisting her fingers together not sure what to do:: Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:10 PM (Evening) Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:10 PM Channel Open, Captain Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:10 PM ::in the engineering lab looking over the results of their analysis:: Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:11 PM :: notes the completion of the three partitioned :: Well done.. I believe we can inform Mr. Pilot that he can...safely access the information he requested. Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:11 PM +Starbase 23+ This is Captain McFly of the USS Manticore. We're here to... ::looks over at Faldek; whispers:: Wait a minute, this thing should be classified right? Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:11 PM That’s good. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM One would think. Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM :: Goes over to her patient :: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM How are We doing Doctor? :::Looks at Gila, then at Tevek::: Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM :: realizes something :: + Faldek + Tyrel to Faldek. Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM ::looks at her screen:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM ::clears his throat:: +Starbase 23+ Yes, uh, we're here to examine a, um... a... new... piece of equipment. ::looks over at Faldek again and shrugs:: Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:12 PM I have a headache and I could use a stiff drink, thanks for asking. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:13 PM ::stands and exits to the conference room:: +Tyrel+ Go ahead Lieutenant. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:13 PM That wasn't an answer Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:14 PM + Faldek + The Runabout's logs are accessible now. However...I think he should access the logs from a dedicated Security Station. 21:14 +Faldek+ GIven the presumed nature of the material in them.... Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:14 PM I am part of the We Commander. Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:14 PM ((I think I killed my bot )) Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:14 PM ((oh no)) Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:14 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at what McFly just said, still doing Ops things :: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:15 PM ((I did, I killed our character bot )) Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:15 PM Nathaniel here is fine for the moment. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:15 PM +Tyrel+ I'm sure the partitioned station in the Engineering lab will suffice. However you should prep for an away mission to the station. Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:15 PM Starbase 23> +Manticore+ You mean you're here to see the weapon. 1 Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:15 PM ::listens to Dr. Orrak and KK's conversation without commentary, continues working on his PADD re: work that could be done to Nate's Borg implants:: Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:16 PM Ooh. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:16 PM +Tyrel+ An away mission? :: wonders what that is about :: Alright...anything I need in particular from my end ? Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:16 PM +Starbase+ ::coughs:: Uh... ::nervous chuckle:: you know about that-I mean, yes, yes we are. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:16 PM ::Smiles:: Perfect... ok Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:16 PM Smooth. Captain. Smooth. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:16 PM +Faldek+ Mr. Pilot is welcome to access the data here safely in the Engineering lab. Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:17 PM (( @Bren You still here? )) Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:17 PM ((Yep!)) Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:17 PM +Tyrel+ Just standard gear for an away mission to a Federation starbase. Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:17 PM Stable I would say. Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:17 PM ((Bren, check your PM's)) Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:17 PM I wish I was Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:18 PM + Faldek + Just inform me where to report. Tyrel Out. Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:18 PM ::next to Calli:: Away mission. Sounds fun. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:18 PM :: looks to Annika and Harnett :: I owe you guys some drinks for your work... Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:18 PM +Tyrel+ I'll let you know. 21:18 ::steps back onto the bridge:: Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:19 PM Thank you so much.....:: to Harnett :: Hope that was challenging enough for you. :: smiles :: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:19 PM ((Captain, I had read them long before you told me to, and also replied)) Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:19 PM Karl> ::Scans the area:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:19 PM Starbase 23> +Manticore+ ::you can hear the smile in her voice:: Understood. We'll have someone to escort you once you beam over. Starbase 23 out. Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:19 PM It was quite the challenge but an interesting change of pace. Bren Faliver ((Captain, I had read them long before you told me to, and also replied)) Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:19 PM ((Fantastic! That's why you're the Chief)) Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM ((Nooo no no. A chief. Not THE chief.)) Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM ::puzzled:: Escort on a Federation Starbase? For Starfleet officers. Erich Jaenke, Eng 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM :: Doing the after-warp protocols :: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM ((We'll see about that)) Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM ((::Pulls Erich in from off-screen in a forced side-hug:: There are at least two of us, three if I wanted to grab KK and also die::)) Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM ((I use to be a Chief lol)) Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:20 PM ::Taps away at Science-1 on the bridge, still innocent and unaware of the goings on in Sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:21 PM ((::Ready to duck the hug::)) Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:21 PM ((FYI, Character bot is back working)) 1 Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:22 PM ::Feels helpless... could use another drink:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:22 PM ::stands and looks up at Pilot:: It's, I don't know, a testing lab or something. I think they do secret things here so probably security protocols. Violet (Civilian) BOT 14-Aug-23 09:22 PM I'm alive! Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:22 PM Lieutenant Pilot, you may access the logs from the runabout at your leisure in the engineering lab. Erich Jaenke, Eng 14-Aug-23 09:22 PM :: Erich jumps :: Yes.. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM ::nods:: Aye Commander Faldek. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM KArl> :::Opens his mouth to comment... then closes it and shuts up for a change:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM +Faldek+ Faldek, you're cleared to beam over. Let me know what you find and bring me back a keychain from the gift shop. 1 Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM ::looks at McFly:: Makes sense. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM Of course Captain. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC ::puzzled:: Escort on a Federation Starbase? For Starfleet officers. Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM whispering our reputation precedes us heh 1 Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:23 PM ::turns around and actually sees Faldek up there:: Oh, didn't realize you came back. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:24 PM Faliver, with me. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:24 PM Thanks again for the assist. Since I will be on the Station can you or Mr. Harnett provide .....Technical support.....if Mr. Pilot needs help? I guess you can return to your stations now. Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:24 PM ::Does a slight double-take before locking his console like a responsible officer, standing, and following Faldek:: 1 Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:24 PM ::heads to the TL, enters:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM ::moves to the replicator and gets himself a Raktajino:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM :::Glances at the Door, wishing McFly would show up:: Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM ::Nods:: I guess I go back to the bridge Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM +Tevek, Tyrel+ Please report to TR1 for an excursion to the starbase. Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM Good luck. 21:25 ::follows Calli out of the engineering lab:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM (( I'm already back on the bridge )) Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:25 PM +Faldek+ Acknowledged, Commander. I will be on my way. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:26 PM + Faldek + Acknowledged. :: turns to Annika :: Thanks! Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:26 PM Transporter room 1. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:26 PM :: heads to TR1:: Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:26 PM Oh an away mission doctor. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:26 PM Do you need to stop and get anything? Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:27 PM ::gets his raktajino and sits back down at TAC2:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:27 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:27 PM ::to Dr. Orrak:: Apparently, Doctor. Here is my research on repairing Borg implants, if you wish to review. ::hands her PADD:: Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:27 PM I will give it a read, thank you. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM ::looks at Karl:: Remember, bridge safe cups only. Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM So.... what are we doing? Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM ::nods to Dr. Orrak, grabs a medkit, then exits sickbay and heads to TR1:: Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM I may have to get Erich's take on these implants. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM Karl> you wish Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM ;;heads back up to the bridge:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:28 PM ::looks up at Gila:: Am I alright to leave, Doc? It's getting a little stuffy sitting in sickbay. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:29 PM Well you're going to check out this weapon against the changelings with Tyrel and Dr. Tevek, to see if it's viable. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:29 PM :: arrives at TR1 with her Engineering Kit :: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:29 PM ::looks at Karl:: You spill your drink on this console. Commander Kenickie is gonna have you in sanitation pulling double shifts. Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:29 PM Ah, I see, uh... could I have five minutes to gather some equipment from the lab, then? Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:29 PM ::arrives in TR1 with medkit, shortly after Callista:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:29 PM Karl> ::Grumbles:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:30 PM Sure. TR1 when you've got your gear. ::exits as the door opens:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:30 PM ::stands and moves to stand near the CC:: Captain, I will be down in the Engineering lab. In the event I need assistance, may I borrow Lt Harnett? Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:31 PM Hello Dr. Tevek. Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:31 PM ::arrives back on the bridge and take her place over at Science II:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:31 PM ::enters the transporter room:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:32 PM Sure, you're all goood. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:32 PM :: notes Faldek's arrival :: Sir. Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:32 PM ::Continues down some floors to his 'favorite stop', hops in long enough to feed the animals, grab his best sciency tricorder, and a couple of PADDs about changelings, their biology, and generalized notes about biological weapons designed over the past 500 years:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:32 PM ::Confused::: There is any away mission... ? Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:32 PM Tyrel, Doctor. Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM :: Helps Nathan up :: Time for you to get out of here before my manners rub off on you. Let me escort you to quarters. Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::nods to Callista and Faldek:: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::Shuffles into TR 1 a few minutes later:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::nods:: Mr. Harnett, you're with me. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM So you will be assisting Chief Faliver in verifying the efficacy of this weapon against the changelings. Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::heads to the TL:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:33 PM :: Stands, following Pilot:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:34 PM ::is still a little sore but feeling a lot better:: Thanks. I was getting tired of staring at the ceiling. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:34 PM :::Looks at Nate then the Doctor:: What can I do Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:34 PM ::TL with Harnett:: Engineering Lab. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:34 PM Alirght. Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:34 PM ::nods:: Understood, Commander. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:35 PM Let me take you to some quarters.. Doctor Gila has other things to do ::Fakes a smile:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:36 PM Sure... ::looks over at Gila:: If that's alright with you, Doc. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:36 PM Chief, I see you have your gear. Everyone ready? Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:36 PM :: nods :: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:37 PM ::exits the TL with Harnett heading to the lab:: Mr. Harnett, have you looked over any of the data? Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:37 PM ::holds out a hand for the team to step onto the pad:: Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:37 PM ::looks out at the star base, checks her screens:: Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:37 PM :: gets on the transporter Pad :: Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:38 PM ::gets on the transporter pad:: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:38 PM ::steps up:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM ::last on the pad:: Transporter chief, energize. Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM ::puts on his best 'this is serious somber business' face:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM :: walked along side Pilot :: I saw pieces of it as it was downloading into the tricorder, but I was busy keeping an eye on what the Borg data might do to the equipment. Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM Hold onto my arm and we will take you to your new room. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM :::Holds her hand out, not waiting for Gila::: Erich Jaenke, Eng 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM :: Making sure the transporters are operating exactly as they should :: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM ::nodding, as they enter into the lab:: I am guessing any terminal or was it a specifc one? Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 09:39 PM ACTION> THE AWAY TEAM BEAMS OVER TO STARBASE 23 Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:40 PM ::demat/remat:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:40 PM ::demat/remat:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:40 PM :: Moves to the console :: This one here, it is partitioned from the rest. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:40 PM :: arrives on station and promptly looks around :: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:41 PM ::Is split into countless individual particles which are transmitted as countless waves over to the Starbase, at which point he has no mouth and cannot scream, but once he reappears on the pad at the Starbase he forgets the whole ordeal as always:: 1 Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:41 PM ::Worried that Erich is waiting outside for them:: Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 09:41 PM ::performs some precursory scans of the area:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:41 PM Well it looks like every other starbase transporter room... 21:41 ::steps off the pad:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:41 PM ::moves near and looks:: Since it has been partitioned has there been any sorting of the data by the system? Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:42 PM ::raises an eyebrow at Faldek's statement, wondering what he was expecting, steps off pad:: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:42 PM ::Sets one tricorder on his best and fairly broad "just scan and record a bunch of data about our surroundings" settings, and places it in its hip holster alongside his second tricorder:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:43 PM :: Looks at E.J. :: Not to my knowledge, Lieutenant. Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:43 PM Unmanned however. :: steps off transporter Pad :: Starbase Grunt BOT 14-Aug-23 09:43 PM ::emotionless and stoic but a human, the ensign greets the visitors with all the luster of a head of moldy cabbage:: welcome to starbase 23 if you would follow me Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:43 PM ::nods:: Would you be able to help with that so we can parse through the data? Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:43 PM Of course. ::follows:: Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:44 PM Ah there you are. :: smiles briefly and Follows Faldek :: Starbase Grunt BOT 14-Aug-23 09:44 PM ::walks off not bothering to see if the away team is following:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:44 PM ::walks with Kansas out of sickbay:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:44 PM :: Nods, stepping up to the console :: Of course, sir. Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:45 PM ::follows the starbase ensign and the rest of the AT:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:45 PM Excellent. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:45 PM I hope you aren't in any pain... we can always go back Starbase Grunt BOT 14-Aug-23 09:46 PM ::takes the team to a turbolift; the doors nearly shut before Faldek arrives as he doesn't wait for them to enter:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:46 PM Bloody hell. Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:46 PM :: Starts tapping away at the console, sorting through files :: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:47 PM ::pushes the button and enters with the AT:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:47 PM ::raises an eyebrow:: Starbase Grunt BOT 14-Aug-23 09:47 PM ::his dead gaze entirely looks through Faldek; lets the rest of the team enter before issuing the floor command:: R&D deck. Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:47 PM :: Approaches a lift with N in tow :: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:47 PM So now that we are away from stuff old sickbay.... where do you want to go Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:48 PM I'm feeling a lot better actually. I'm pretty hungry though. Can we go somewhere for food? Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:48 PM ::Perks up:: Of course.. 21:48 yes you should eat! Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:49 PM How badly are they corrupted? Callista Tyrel 14-Aug-23 09:49 PM (AFK sorry folks ) Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:50 PM :::heads towards the lounge:: (edited) Starbase Grunt BOT 14-Aug-23 09:51 PM ::arrives on deck with the team and escorts them past many rooms with a giant window to the hallway; takes them around a corner and to the only windowless room on the deck; a rather elaborate pad is fitted to the wall; he presses a button that sounds a chime and waits:: Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:52 PM ::follows the starbase ensign, taking in his surroundings as best he can while keeping pace with the group:: Moira Taggert BOT 14-Aug-23 09:52 PM ::presses in a lock combination and opens the door and sees the away team:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:52 PM :::Enters the Lounge, nudging people out of their way:: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 09:53 PM ::Stares straight ahead, as thought slightly bored and not fazed at all by examining some genocidal weapon:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:53 PM ::follows, also keeping up, noting the rooms, then stops:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:53 PM :: Raised an eyebrow :: It is all heavily corrupted, Lieutenant. Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:53 PM :: Goes with them to the lounge :: Starbase Grunt BOT 14-Aug-23 09:53 PM ::holds out his limp hand towards the person:: Doctor Moira Taggert ::instantly walks away:: Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:53 PM Doctor, I"m Commander Faldek, this is my team, Lt. Tyrel engineering, Lt. Cdr. Faliver Chief of Science and Dr. Tevek, medical. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:54 PM :::Scowls::Doctor really.. you can leave us 21:54 ::waves her away:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:54 PM Understood. Hopefully we can get what we need from it. Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:54 PM ::shrugs:: She's probably just making sure I don't fall, or, you know, doesn't assimilate everyone. ::chuckles at his own joke:: Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 09:55 PM :: Eyebrow still raised as he looked through lines of corrupted data :: Indeed... Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:55 PM you take a seat and I will get you anything you want... Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:55 PM ::nods to Doctor Taggert:: Kansas Kenickie you take a seat and I will get you anything you want... Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 09:55 PM ((Get him some Gagh! )) 1 Moira Taggert BOT 14-Aug-23 09:56 PM ::smiles at them; she's an older but you can't tell exactly by how much; very spry and bright:: I've been waiting for you. Please come in. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:56 PM ::enters with the AT:: Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC ((Get him some Gagh! )) Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:56 PM ((Ack! noos)) Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:57 PM :: Sits than scans him :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 09:57 PM I haven't had a working replicator in a couple of years now. ::smiles:: I'm not sure what to get. Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 09:58 PM ::enters with the rest of the AT:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:58 PM you name it I can make it.. 21:59 :::Helps Gila stand back up::: How about you sit over there ::Points:: Dr. Gila Orrak 14-Aug-23 09:59 PM How about you not touch me Commander?\ Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 09:59 PM ::Puts her back to Nate, "Helping" Gila:: REALLY 22:00 (w) how about you don't make me Moira Taggert BOT 14-Aug-23 10:00 PM ::introduces them to her weapon, a device that kind of looks like an old constitution deflector dish:: This is what I told Starfleet about. An acoustic refracting amplifier. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:00 PM +McFly+ I could use back up Moira Taggert BOT 14-Aug-23 10:01 PM If my calculations are correct, this device will reverberate through a Changlings physiology and shatter them from the inside out. Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 10:01 PM ::looks over the device:: Snazzy. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:01 PM :::Still has a smile on her face:: lets just be Kewl about this huh Nathaniel McFly BOT 14-Aug-23 10:01 PM Mom, stop! It's alright. Dr. Tevek (AT) 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::takes the tricorder out of his medical kit to begin scanning the device:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::furrows brow:: Ugh, who's she threatening now? +KK+ On my way. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM I am alright... we just dont need to have siting right here... (edited) Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM @ Does that mean you haven't used it on a Changeling, Doctor Taggert? Moira Taggert BOT 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM Not yet. I haven't had the chance. Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:02 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:02 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. EJ Pilot, ASEC 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::Paused:: Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::paused, confused by the passage of time:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM KK, Komments? Cdr. Faldek (AT) 14-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::paused:: 22:03 Gotta run, good sim all, see ya next week! Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:03 PM Good job everyone Lt.JG Harnett 14-Aug-23 10:03 PM ::Paused:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:03 PM TBS will be immediate. 22:03 later Faldek 22:03 Had I had my wits about me I would have named the device after the refractor from Mystery Men. 22:04 I just thought about that. 22:04 Questions or comments? Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 10:04 PM !, ! Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:04 PM Bren! Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 10:04 PM 1) I think KK is warming up to moooootherhoood 2) You have the mighty retcon pen, rename it Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:04 PM 1) Oh God! 2) Good point! Erich Jaenke, Eng 14-Aug-23 10:05 PM I was a bit off tonight Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:05 PM It's alright, I'm a bit off every night. Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:05 PM :::Fears 1:: Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM Alright, if nothing else... I have pop songs stuck in my head right now so nothing's coming to mind... DISMISSED!!! Bren Faliver 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM later dudes Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM Nite Peeps Annika Sorensen 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM Goodnight Kansas Kenickie 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM McFly Captain McFly 14-Aug-23 10:06 PM Bren! You better get an A or a gold star or whatever it is that proves you did well on your school thing. Exported 272 message(s)
  5. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1231, STARDATE 52308.07 = /\ = Manticore has been sent to Starbase 23 near the Romulan neutral zone to confirm a new weapon designed against the Changelings. Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future that McFly must now decide how to act on. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1231, STARDATE 52308.07 = /\ =
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Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future that McFly must now decide how to act on. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1231, STARDATE 52308.07 = = 21:03 !begin MEE6 BOT 07-Aug-23 09:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::Yawns and stretches in his seat:: Annika Sorensen 07-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::in the engineering lab, looking over data from the runabout:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::sitting in the RR trying not to have a panic attack:: Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:04 PM ::Fingers her knife:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:05 PM Sir, are you going to be ok? Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:05 PM ::in sickbay, by Nate's biobed, looking over scans about his Borg implants and contemplating what Nate told him about them:: Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 09:05 PM :: Continues his work in the engineering lab :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:05 PM ::sitting in the CC after having a conversation with Tyrel about the data:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:06 PM ::looks up at Faldek:: ...I must be doing bad if you're calling me "sir". Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:06 PM It's ok to freak out in front of me. However you need to pull yourself together for the crew and the call you're about to make... Captain McFly ::looks up at Faldek:: ...I must be doing bad if you're calling me "sir". Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:07 PM ((You do outrank him )) Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:07 PM ::lying on the biobed letting Tevek do his thing; Feeling the heavy tension in the room; really not certain why the tension exists but it's palpable:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:08 PM ::looks up again at Faldek:: ...I'm aware. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:09 PM :: Monitoring her patient with Violet at her side :: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:09 PM So would you like me to be present for your conversation with Jaffee? Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:09 PM ::takes a deep breath and orders another stiff drink from the replicator; he gulps it down with another wince, still not getting used to it; he recycles the glass and sits back down:: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:10 PM I will make any adjustments to the implants I can. Annika Sorensen 07-Aug-23 09:10 PM ::watching the progress of her analysis:: Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:10 PM ::For once not sure what to do:: Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:11 PM ::to Nate:: Mr. McFly, has the painkiller hypospray that I administered been effective? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:12 PM Stop calling him that! Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:12 PM :: Laughs :: Are you telepathic Nataniel? Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:12 PM That's up to you... I don't think I'm going to tell her about my-- ...Nathaniel. I feel like I know what she's going to say about it. I'd rather us be the ones to see this through and change things as best we can. I also don't want her to think I'm any more crazy. Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:14 PM ::To Tevek:: Yes, that feels a lot better, thank you. The implants help with pain management by blocking nerve reception like... well like a borg. But it's not substitute for a good hypospray. Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:14 PM ::confused, but resists the urge to raise his eyebrow for once; nods:: Yes, Commander. Crewman Sanchez BOT 07-Aug-23 09:14 PM ::burps very lowly:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:14 PM ::is taken back by Kansas' outburst:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:15 PM Well she could point out that you could be too emotionally compromised to lead this mission. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:15 PM ::looks up from the chair screens, he was tapping looking towards Sanchez then shaking his head:: Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:15 PM ::saunters to the bridge replicator, almost a little bounce in his step, as he is about to get himself a fizzy water and knows absolutely nothing about the rest of the goings on:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:15 PM ::sits up a little bit to answer Erich:: I'm not, really. I'm empathetic more than anything. I can feel others but not very well. I never learned how to hone those skills. 1 Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:16 PM ::to Nate, nods:: It is good to know that the hypospray is effective. Dr. Orrak and I will analyze how we may be able to adjust or modify the implants to improve your condition. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance, Mr....Nathaniel. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:16 PM You did not have me... Hmm Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:16 PM We will try to log in to the implant network. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:17 PM Erich.... In the office. 21:17 Now! Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:17 PM That she could... ::glares at Faldek wondering if he's calling his shot:: Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:17 PM No. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:17 PM YES 21:18 That is an order.. I still out rank you Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:19 PM ::nods to Dr. Orrak:: A logical starting point in order to gather more data and see what adjustments we can make. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:19 PM You are emotionally compromised and there is no way in the galaxy I will be alone with you in any office. (edited) 1 Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:19 PM Coward Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:19 PM ::looks at McFly:: I wouldn't relieve you unless I felt you would do something too rash. I think you will compose yourself and act appropriately. Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 09:19 PM :: Works on finishing up the partition :: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:20 PM Well, Starfleet has a lot of experience with this, the Hansens espeically. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:20 PM ::nods:: ...good to know. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:20 PM (Mm bop) 1 Dr. Gila Orrak (Mm bop) Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:21 PM ((I hate you)) 1 Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:21 PM I don't care about your insults Commander. 21:21 :: To Nate :: Life is complicated. Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:22 PM Yes. I will pull up the relevant data on their experiences from the Starfleet database. ::taps on PADD:: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:22 PM We just want to get in for diagnostic date. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:22 PM ::Dashes over and pulls Erich away from Nate:: Stay away from him Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:22 PM Matt we've known each other since we were both ensigns. I know you well enough to know when you've hit the edge. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:23 PM Why would I do that Commander? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:23 PM He is None of your Business Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:23 PM One more outburst like that Kansas and I will have everyone removed.\ Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:23 PM ::Is taken aback by Kansas behavior and watching her drag away Erich:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:24 PM ::hopes all is well down in the Sickbay:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:24 PM Yeah, I suppose you're right. I can't believe we've been around each other that long. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:25 PM ::crosses his leg over the other and continues to review security things from the chair:: Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:25 PM :::raises eyebrow at Kansas' behavior, watches the situation warily while still tapping on his PADD:: Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 09:25 PM :: Is just about done with his work, remaining quiet as he concentrates :: Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:26 PM I believe Nathaniel is the one who can choose who can speak with him. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:26 PM No, you should leave Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:27 PM Initial scans indicate this is not a normal set of implants. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:27 PM ::takes a deep breath and a minute to compose himself:: ...Alright. I think we should continue with the mission as is, at least right now. We know the Romulans are coming so we can head them off diplomatically first. I'll try to see if I can get them to calm down first and give us time to see why they're attacking... Of course assuming they're not just being jerks. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:28 PM Why? You have never liked my and there have been many times I should have reported your behavior but after readings your thoughts and helping you through your memory recovery I decided you have been through enough. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:28 PM :: glaces over :: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:28 PM I'll have you lead the away mission and check out this weapon. I know Erich was set to look at it but I don't think I want him or Kansas anywhere near that station. Find someone to replace him. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:29 PM Helping me... More like messing with my mind. you don't think I did the math and figured out how all of this could have happened Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:29 PM ::to Dr. Orrak:: Indeed, based on Mr...the patient's...description of the medical purpose of the implants and the fact that he was never a part of the collective, I do wonder if previous experiences accessing Borg implants will be of limited usefulness here. But it is still the best information we have. Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:29 PM Aye. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:29 PM :: Points out a waveform to Violet :: There's the carrier frequency. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:30 PM The math is pretty simple and life is not. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:31 PM ::starts typing on the laptop; sets up an encrypted comm:: Yeah I don't think I'm going to tell Jaffee the situation but we'll need backup. ::thinks a couple of seconds:: I'm going to request fleet assistance. Maybe we can get some backup before the Romulans do any real damage. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:31 PM (w) you don't think that mind bending is how that happened Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:31 PM Well, our scans seem to indicate they are unchanged in their function. Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:32 PM Sounds reasonable, I'll bet she's going to want to know why you think we need back-up. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:32 PM So you are blaming me for this, for something I've not done yet? So what is your proof? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::thought to himself:: Thank goodness this is a comfy chair. Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:33 PM ::Takes his regulated break at his console, sipping a fizzy water and eating a dark chocolate brownie, reading some new papers from major science academies. Hums contentedly to himself:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:33 PM Yeah... ::says through a sigh:: Maybe she'll trust me? ::snickers:: Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:33 PM (w) he is the proof... I would never step out on Matt Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:34 PM That is not proof. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:34 PM never willfully 2 Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:34 PM ::nods, and continues reviewing scan data on the implants:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:34 PM Well I was stationed on Romulus, they will try to take advantage of any situation, and they have had an increased presence since the Klingons have been fighting the Cardassians. Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:35 PM And you think I'd just ditch my feelings for Gila for you? You sure think highly of yourself. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:36 PM Hopefully that means they're ranks are thin. And maybe this is just paranoia on their part. That station has been there for decades now. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:36 PM :: Does not envy Erich's situation, an for her part she remained unsure of her feelings :: Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:36 PM Yes I do. your fling is what a minute long? Don't think I have forgotten your lingering looks Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:38 PM ::can't quite hear the argument but can see them going at it; looks over at Gila:: I didn't mean to cause all this. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:38 PM ::opens a channel on the laptop and waits for Jaffee to show on screen: Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:38 PM ::focuses intently on the data on his PADD, using his best concentration techniques to tune out the quite emotional conversation around him:: Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:38 PM ((Turns out due to the fighting Nathaniel 'caused' Manticore doesn't do anything to help, the starbase goes kersplewy anyway, and everyone lives happily ever after)) 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:38 PM This is nothing I would have expected working with Central Command. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:39 PM you have no right to be here... Go GoGoGOO Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:39 PM ((Damnit Bren, spoiler alerts next time!)) 1 2 Crewman Sanchez BOT 07-Aug-23 09:40 PM ::tappity on his console:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:40 PM ((One of these days I'm just going to make that damn simple and we'll be done in like two days)) Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 09:40 PM :: Finishes his work, then double checks everything :: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:40 PM (ha ha) Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:40 PM ::stands by silently:: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:41 PM Actually, both of you get out. 21:41 I'll let both of you know of any changes. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:42 PM No Doctor, this is a secuirty matter 2 Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:42 PM ::on screen:: Captain. What have you learned? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:42 PM you will have to force me out of this room and I know you can't take me Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:42 PM ((::off-screen, whispering to Annika:: I put 5 credits on the doctor winning this one)) Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:43 PM I am going to confine you to quarters for medical reasons pending discharge. Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:43 PM ::raises eyebrow about the "security matter":: Kansas Kenickie you will have to force me out of this room and I know you can't take me Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:43 PM ((She's the one with all the chemicals tho imjs)) Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:43 PM Ler-learned? ::looks at Faldek then back to the screen:: I-- Oh, OOH, the weapon, right. Nothing yet, we kind of ran into a bit of an issue. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:44 PM I am not leaving Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:44 PM +McFly+ Captain, you need to get your Commander out of here now. 2 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:44 PM ::stands up from the CC to stretch before his legs fall asleep:: 21:44 ((Sorry, your Comm was not received as Captain McFly is currently in DND )) Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:44 PM ::looks up hearing the comm, mouths "You want me to take care of it?":: Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:45 PM Kansas, we need to leave and you need to stuff your poor attitude. 21:46 I have base schematics to pour over, seemingly. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:46 PM I can't leave, you on the other hand... by all means LEAVE Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:46 PM ::quickly tries to cover his com badge; nods vigorously to Faldek:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:46 PM ::leaves the RR, and heads to the TL:: Pilot, security in sickbay still? Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:47 PM You can leave Kansas and don't lie to any of us again. (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:47 PM ::looks at Faldek:: No. 21:47 Is there something wrong? Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:47 PM ::gets off the bed and hobbles over to Kansas and Erich:: Stop! Now! Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:47 PM Ok send a couple, I'm going to handle a situation. 21:48 ::enters the TL:: Sickbay, no stops. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM ::nods, tapping on the chair:: +Security+ Security to Sickbay on the double. Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM ::sees Nathaniel get off the biobed, and walks over towards him:: Mr....Nathaniel, it is not advisable for you to be off the biobed in your current state. Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM Look, I'm sorry I caused all this. I'm just trying to prevent the quadrant from imploding but, I guess I can't even prevent the ship from doing so. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM :::Puts her arm under Nate's and holds him up.. touching him really for the first time:: It's OK Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM Is everything alright? 1 1 Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM We will be back. Your mother is a handful and then some. Security Officer BOT 07-Aug-23 09:48 PM +Bridge+ On the way! Security Officer 2 BOT 07-Aug-23 09:49 PM +Bridge+ On the way! Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:49 PM ::the TL zooms and the doors woosh open, exits and goes across the hallway entering sickbay:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:49 PM Yeah, it's nothing to worry about, honest. Security Officer BOT 07-Aug-23 09:49 PM ::enters Sickbay behind the commander:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:50 PM Dr. Orrak. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:50 PM :::Keeps hold of him::: I've got you... lets get you back into bed Annika Sorensen 07-Aug-23 09:50 PM ::wonders who the guy was, and if he’s still alive in the sickbay:: Security Officers BOT 07-Aug-23 09:50 PM ::enters and stands there awaiting Faldek's Orders:: Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:50 PM ::notices security enter sickbay; stands by KK and Nate in case she needs assistance getting him back to biobed:: Annika Sorensen 07-Aug-23 09:51 PM ::going over her data:: I guess he’ll be ok. : Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:51 PM Our patient needs to rest and the Commander there needs to go. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:51 PM I am fine Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:51 PM :: motions to Violet :: Come with me Violet. Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:51 PM Kansas, the Doctor has requested you leave sickbay. Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:52 PM ::looks over to Kansas:: I'm sorry this was all sprung on you out of the blue. I never planned for this information to get out in the first place. But the little bit I do know, ::looks over at Erich:: He saved your life in the detention facility. I don't know how, according to dad, that's the only thing you said when he brought you home. Erich saved us. Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:52 PM ::gives a small nod in agreement with Dr. Orrak's assessment of the situation:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:52 PM I know this is a lot to take in but please, don't hate him... He is my father too. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:53 PM Is the universal translator not working? Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:53 PM Look, we have some possible... intel, that Starbase 23 may be under threat of a Romulan attack. We don't know when exactly but soon. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:53 PM That's a big accusation. What kind of intel is this? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:53 PM (w) I can't help it Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 09:53 PM (( Sound echoes "He is my father too....father too.... too )) 21:54 :: Waves goodbye as he takes Violet to a quiet part of the ship :: Violet (Civilian) BOT 07-Aug-23 09:54 PM "Are you alright?" Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:54 PM ::Help Nate back to his bed:: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:54 PM Uh, it's... it's... it's this refugee we picked up along the way. Someone with intimate knowledge and they're pretty adamant that an attack will happen. Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:54 PM I will send you to your quarters and lock you in there until this mission is over. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:55 PM I see. You're certain you trust this source? Nathaniel McFly BOT 07-Aug-23 09:55 PM ::is back on the biobed:: Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:55 PM ::to KK, after Nate is back on biobed:: Thank you, Commander. ::checks Nate's biobed readings:: Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:55 PM It will be OK 21:56 ::Looks back at Faldek:: Don't make me leave ::Tear in her eye:: please (edited) Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:56 PM (w to Tevek) I am tempted to get out Klingon opera. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:56 PM ::sighs:: I'm not entirely certain, but I trust it enough to be cautious. I'm requesting fleet back up as a precaution. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 09:56 PM ((Don't forget to invite me! )) Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:57 PM The Chief Medical Officer has requested it, this is her jurisdiction. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:57 PM Captain, any ships are at least three days away from your position. Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:57 PM :: Goes to the replicator and creates a drink :: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:57 PM Three days? We're really the only ones out here? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:57 PM I can't leave Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM ::raises eyebrow at the Klingon opera comment; says nothing and administers an additional painkiller to Nate due to the effects of his stress and exertion over the past few minutes:: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM Commander Faldek, let's see if she can calm herself down, but please remain. Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM :: Triple checks his work :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM We have a lot to deal with, with the Dominion threat and tightening Earth security. Security Officers BOT 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM ::standing there listening to their Chief:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM It's your sickbay. Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 09:58 PM ::Begins reading a true crime anthology, each case involving some kind of mechanical sabotage. ((This is what a cinemaphile might call forshadowing)):: Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 09:59 PM ::thinks for a minute:: Alright, send what you can. If the Romulans do show up, we'll try to stall them for as long as possible. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 09:59 PM ::Looks at the security officers:: They aren't cleared for this Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 09:59 PM Hmm, I know that didn't sound like an order. 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 09:59 PM I may need a sample from Kansas anyhow as the mother. Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 09:59 PM They're staying. Admiral Elaine Jaffee Hmm, I know that didn't sound like an order. Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:00 PM ((It was funny only because I thought it too)) Security Officers BOT 07-Aug-23 10:00 PM ::looks at KK:: We were here earlier. Lt Pilot had us stow your weapon.. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:00 PM Of course not. It's a strong...ly... worded request. ...Said politely. Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 10:01 PM :::Hates Faldek seeing her rattled:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 10:01 PM Sure... Alright, Captain. I'll send out what I can. I expect a full report on the situation once this is finished. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:01 PM Understood. I would just rather be safe than sorry. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM Jaffee out. Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::checks biobed readouts; satisfied that Nate's condition has returned to what it was prior to his walking, returns to his reserach re: accessing the Borg implants:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::wonders what is going on in the sickbay, tempted to call down there:: Dr. Gila Orrak 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM Electrolytes are low. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:02 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:02 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::paused:: Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::paused:: Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::Paused:: Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM :::Paused:: Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:02 PM ::paused:: Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 10:03 PM Paused.. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:03 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 10:03 PM None from me Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 10:03 PM I guess I need to create a Borg Maturation Chamber soon huh? Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:03 PM TBS will be 5 hours. We'll be arriving at Starbase 23 at the beginning of sim. 22:04 I mean if we're having Borg babies yeah Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM A fight will break out before that. Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM Oh my Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM That's security's job. (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM Which one? Erich Jaenke, CEng 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM You know, you saw those chambers only once and it was never mentioned again. Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM Uh... Lt.JG Harnett 07-Aug-23 10:04 PM You, E.J. Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:05 PM Do borg dream of assimilated sheep...? 1 Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 10:05 PM I've got it under control. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 10:05 PM I ain't going down to that Sickbay with those two. I stayed my happy behind on the bridge. 2 Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:05 PM No we saw them again in Voyager. Not as clearly as that first TNG borg episode but they were there. Annika Sorensen 07-Aug-23 10:05 PM Lol Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:05 PM Chambers so they can assimilate kids...? Or to update the stuff as they grow...? Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:06 PM I'm not certain how that works Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:06 PM Huh. Wouldn't that imply a breeding or eugenics program, all things considered? Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 10:06 PM io Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:06 PM I can't imagine individual borg walking around being like "Dat ass will be assimilated" and falling in love 3 Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:06 PM No breeding, it's for when assimilating babies, infants, young children. They maturate them till they're like in early adulthood. Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:07 PM whoa Bren Faliver I can't imagine individual borg walking around being like "Dat ass will be assimilated" and falling in love Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:07 PM I mean there were plenty of us that said that in the 90's about Jeri Ryan. 1 22:07 Alright, anyway, questions or comments? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 10:07 PM Thanks for the sim!! More next week Captain McFly I mean there were plenty of us that said that in the 90's about Jeri Ryan. Cdr. Faldek 07-Aug-23 10:07 PM I can concur with this. 4 1 2 Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM If nothing else then all bets on KK vs Erich are open until next sim... DISMISSED!!! Annika Sorensen 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM Goodnight! Captain McFly 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM later dudes Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM Bren Faliver 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM NIte peeps Dr. Tevek 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM Bye everybody! Kansas Kenickie 07-Aug-23 10:08 PM McFly Exported 251 message(s)
  7. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1230, STARDATE 52307.31 = /\ = Manticore has been sent to Starbase 23 near the Romulan neutral zone to confirm a new weapon designed against the Changelings. Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1230, STARDATE 52307.31 = /\ =
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Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1230, STARDATE 52307.31 = = 21:02 !begin MEE6 BOT 31-Jul-23 09:02 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:02 PM ((Wait did I miss that!?)) Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:02 PM (Erich didn't...WINK) Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:03 PM ( now up to date....) Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:03 PM ((Scroll up to the end of last weeks sim. )) 21:03 ::Trying not to get too emotional after Tevek's realization; looks him in the eye:: Ar-are... you sure? Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:03 PM :: Looks at Erich :: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::still on the bridge, unaware of the goings on in sickbay:: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: Looks at Gila, shakes his head :: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:04 PM That can't be true Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::nods:: The test results are clear, Captain. You may review them for yourself, if you wish. ::offers PADD to the Captain:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: Is still looking over the runabout's main console, downloading the data to his tricorder with its link to the ships computer disabled :: Security Officer BOT 31-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::holding KK's rifle:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:04 PM Well, there are signs of Betazoid markers in the sequences. Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:05 PM Timelines... Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:05 PM + Faldek + Tyrel to Faldek... Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM Is this an alternate timeline? Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::looks at the tests not entirely sure how to read them but can clearly see Erich Jaenke's name on there; walks over to Nathan and slaps the padd into his chest causing him to wince just a little:: Is this true?! Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM +Tyrel+ Faldek here Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::looks at the Security Officers:: Whatever you hear in here is strictly confidential. If anything is leaked. You're going on report no questions asked. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::scanning consoles with Calli and Harnett:: (edited) Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::walks away into the CMO's office:: Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::raises eyebrow at Captain's reaction, wonders if he should mention that he needs that PADD back:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:07 PM :: Sees Kansas enter her office, but remains where she is :: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:07 PM :: Looks at his son :: Sorry, we are all new at this. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:07 PM + Faldek+ Sir we are downloading to a tricorder the ...data from the Modified Runabout. Sir, I recommend the utmost caution in dealing with any code or data from this Computer system. It's coding could be compromised. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::reads the padd; pauses a beat:: ...Yes but you have to understand-- Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::to SO:: Stow the rifle in the armory for now. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::cuts him off:: The truth! Now! Security Officer BOT 31-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::nods and exits to the armory:: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM +Tyrel+ I concur, when you download it from the tricorder place it on a partitioned storage for analysis. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::After pondering what to do for a minute, heads back to the biobed Nathaniel is on and resumes monitoring the display:: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM :: Experiencing a new set of high emotions from everyone around :: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::nods, walks over to Calli:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::sighs:: I did tell you the truth. You are my father... ::looks over at Erich:: But Erich is my biological father. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM :: looks to Harnett and Annika :: I don't trust this set up at all guys... 21:09 + Faldek + Understood. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::Hides in the corner:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::takes a deep breath; dealing with a ton of revelations in a short amount of time:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:09 PM +Faldek + Tyrel out... Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::nods:: yeah.. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::walks over to Tevek:: Doctor, a word please. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:10 PM :: Nods as he looks up from the tricorder :: That is logical... Borg technology is quite unpredictable. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:10 PM Mr. Harnett...let me know when you are satsified we have what we need...Do you need a larger device to accomidate the data? Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:11 PM ::to Pilot:: Of course, Lieutenant. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:11 PM ::to Tevek:: Was "Nathaniel" scanned for Borg weaponry, that way I can uncrowd the Sickbay, there is a lot going on. Y'know? Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:11 PM :: Taps the tricorder, looking up to Tyrell :: I do not require any additional storage, the download is complete, Lieutenant. Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:12 PM :: Goes to Nathaniel :: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:12 PM :: Folds the tricorder shut :: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:12 PM :: Goes to her office to see if she still has an office :: 21:12 Kansas? :: Looks around :: Commander? Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::downloading what data she could from the runabout’s databases:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:13 PM I told you Manticore crashed onto a planet and they were resuced three days later. But before they were they were relentlessly attacked by Jem'Hadar. Many died but some were captured. Mo--Kansas, protected Erich while he was trying to get weapons up or comms or something like that. But at some point during the attacked she was disabled and both of them were captured along with a few others. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:13 PM :In the corner, hyperventlating:: Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::to Pilot:: I did not detect any weaponry in the scans that I performed. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::shakes his head:: That doesn't sound like her, she's not getting captured. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:13 PM Annika....we can take this to engineering or do you think you department might have a better handle on borg data analysis? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::nods:: Thank you Doctor. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:14 PM Look, I wasn't there, all I know is the storied you told me. She didn't talk about it much... actually at all. Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:14 PM :: walks towards her replicator :: Aldebaron whiskey, two glasses. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::moves to SO2:: Again, confidential. If anything in here is said outside of these walls. You will be on report. Dismissed. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:14 PM Feel free to interject your opinion Mr. Harnett. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::nods:: We can probably better analyze these in the science lab. Security Officer 2 BOT 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM Sir, yes sir! ::nodding and exits:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM :: Takes a glass in each hand, walks over to Kansas, extends a glass to her :: Drink. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM ::nods to Pilot, and returns to monitoring the scans on the biobed:: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM But it could also work in engineering too. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM Fine. What happened next. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM ::Shakey hand, take the glass and glups it down':: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM :: looks to Harnett :: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM :: Listening and reading him as he speaks :: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM :::Takes the second glass and glups down that one too:: 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:15 PM It's high proof. (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:16 PM ::rubbing his temple:: Today is not a good day... Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:16 PM :: Looks at Tyrell :: An engineering lab, with a separate LCARS partition might be best. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:16 PM ::Whispers::: I wouldn't do that Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:16 PM ::moves and stands near McFly then folds his arms:: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:16 PM I agree with that Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:16 PM No matter the future your son is here now. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:17 PM I don't know much else. They were gone for two years. You told me Starfleet considered them dead but at some point you picked up some leads. Eventually you found them and got her back... with me. Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:17 PM :: Drinks her whiskey :: Mmm. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:17 PM It’d be much more secure in an engineering lab I reckon Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:17 PM Agreed. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:17 PM ::Sniffles:: I wouldn't Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:17 PM ::looks at the data analysis for the quantum resonance scan briefly, before returning to looking at the standard biobed readouts:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:18 PM Oh Absolutely we are going to partition any data from our mainframe. I think Engineering might be a better place to do that. The Engineering Laboratory should work. Annika I'd like you to be there when we open this thing. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:18 PM Her, what happened to Erich? Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:18 PM This surely complicates...life. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM ::looks up at Erich then looks away:: He didn't make it. I don't know how, she refused to talk about it. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM It must have been his mind games ::Points to the door Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM :: realizes her glass was empty :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM ::thinks to himself:: (thought) May be time to start putting bloodwine in those bridge safe cups. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM Alright let's take this up to the EL....( Engineering Lab ).... Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM Who, Erich? He knows as much about you as anyone else. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:19 PM Of course. 21:19 Let’s go. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:20 PM :: exits the runabout :: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:20 PM ::is silent, not sure what to say:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:20 PM :: Nods, following :: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:20 PM ::follows as well:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:20 PM What do you want to do now Commander? Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:21 PM ::Holds onto the wall:: I can't do this Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:21 PM + Faldek + Tyrel to Faldek...We proceeding to the Engineering Labratory with the Data. We will notify you when we are ready to commence our work. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:21 PM ::glances towards the office, wondering how Kansas is feeling:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:21 PM :: enters lift :: Engineering Lab. Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:21 PM I have meds if you think this is too stressful. If you want a clear head. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:22 PM :: Follows Tyrell into the lift :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:22 PM You took me in as your own son. You're the only father I've ever known. ::looks up at Erich:: Not that I wouldn't mind getting to know my other one. ::smirks:: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::Holds her arm out::: Give me what ever you got 21:22 ::Never one for meds:: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::heads into the lift:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:22 PM Face up to the Captain? Look Erich in they eye, or look Erich in the eye? :: goes to her stash of hypos :: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:23 PM +Tyrel+ Not to be an annoyance, but you need to triple check that partition isn't connected to the main computer before you download the data. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::taps the biobed controls to run some additional scans on Nathaniel's Borg implants and their interaction with his natural organs:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::noticing McFly's silence, places a hand on McFly's shoulder to reassure him:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:23 PM Everything after that... ::looks over at Matt:: The universe has been a hell-scape as long as I can remember. The Dominion took over everything. I was a child when the Federation fell. Everything that you hold dear is at stake. That starbase has to be destroyed. It's the only way to undo everything in my time. Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:23 PM :: inserts the red concoction in the bottom, walks over and hypos Kansas in the neck :: 21:23 Should make you relaxed. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:24 PM :::Takes a deep long breath:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:24 PM + Faldek+ We will be setting that up sir. Believe me I don't want to lose a ship to malevolent borg coding. With respect to that sir...has our guest been deemed not a threat? Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:24 PM I understand what you're saying but here, we're still Starfleet and we have ideals to uphold. I'm not saying I don't believe you but there has to be another way than for thousands of innocent people to die. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:24 PM :: not certain if Faldek is going to answer that :: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM +Tyrel+ I know about as much of what's going in sickbay as you do at this point. Though I'm sure they have it under control since I haven't heard a call for any additional security. (edited) Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM Were their deaths certain? Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM :::Steps out of the office, stays in the back:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM :: Keeps a tight grip on the tricorder :: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM + Faldek + Understood Tyrel out. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM If there was another way, I'd be presenting to you. The smartest people that we have insist this is the only way to stop it. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:25 PM Well, I suppose that’s a good sign. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::looks over to Erich:: What are you thinking? Bren Faliver 31-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::taps away at Science-1 doing his thang:: Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::notices KK leaving the CMO's office, returns to monitoring the biobed displays:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:26 PM I don't know Annika....More motivation to make certian we create a secure means reading all this. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::looks at Nathaniel:: Is it a certain person or just the starbase itself? Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:27 PM :: Follows her out :: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:27 PM :: lift opens to Main Engineering Deck....Callista leads Annika and Harnett to to the EL :: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:27 PM You can never be too safe.. especially with weird futuristic Borg technology. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:27 PM :: Follows Tyrell to the EL :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:28 PM ::shrugs:: I don't know. It was so long ago all we have are a handful of logs from that day. But everything points to that moment when the Romulans could have destroyed that base and were stopped. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:28 PM Where are the logs now? Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:28 PM Then we let them destroy it Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:28 PM :: Enters and directs Annika and Harnett to a Table like work station...not unlike the " Pool Table" in Main Engineering. :: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:29 PM ::follows Calli:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:30 PM What do you mean? It's not like I brought a basket of padds with me. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:30 PM Alright lets secure the Tricorder in the Lab chamber here...:: directs Harnett to something looking like an ancient Microwave Oven :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::looks at Nathaniel:: Well, it was worth the ask... Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM I don't want any Nano Probe injectors jumping out from that thing and ruining your complexion mr. Harnett..:: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM Proof is what we need... how can we just go by your word Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM Place it inside please... Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::"basket of PADDs " comment makes him wonder if he can get his PADD with the DNA test results back at some point; decides now is not the appropriate moment to mention that:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::points at KK:: Bingo. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM :: smiles briefly to Harnett :: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM Mine as well? ::holds up her tricorder:: (edited) Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::Trying to get back into her own head:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:31 PM :: Stops at the lab chamber, setting the tricorder inside, eyebrow raised :: Thank you for your concern, Lieutenant. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM :: enters hers as well :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM That's why I came. I insisted on doing this mission. And... to get to see you two one more time. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::to Nate:: What about your shuttle? Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM :: secures the Locker :: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::smiles:: 21:32 ::takes a few steps back:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM What about it? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::to Nate:: Any logs on it? Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:32 PM Alright now let's set up the Partition system...with you both here we can get this done a bit quicker.. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:33 PM Doesn't it carry information Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:33 PM :: Nods :: Indeed. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::nods:: Yes, I’ll do what I can. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:34 PM For all we know you are a Borg clone of Erich and me... Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:34 PM :: walks over to the Table and turns on the 3D image graphic...a hologram appears, :: We can watch our progress here....I'll begin with the primary, Annika yourself the secondary.. Mr. Harnett..if you can construct the LCARS Partition as our third wall.. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::looks over some preliminary scan results about Nathaniel's Borg implants and their connection to his biological systems:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::shrugs:: I suppose there could be. I left in a hurry so we didn't specifically load the logs into the computer, but we also don't really have a centralized database anymore since... Well, basically every computer is a redunant back up. So yeah, they could be there. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:35 PM ::nods and heads over to the secondary terminal:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:35 PM As you work on the code at this station you will see your work begin to appear above on the main 3D screen.... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:35 PM ::pondering:: Would you mind if we took a look at those? Bren Faliver 31-Jul-23 09:36 PM ((Did I miss anyone asking him how the Borg tech got involved?)) Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::sighs:: I really need to get to the bridge. ::looks around for any Doctors near by:: Docs, fix him up. ::starts walking towards the door:: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::looks over at the screen:: Ah, all right. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:36 PM :::Takes McFl;y's hand::: I need to talk to you Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:36 PM :: Nods and walks over to the table, tapping on the console :: I will start on the Partition construction now. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::starts getting to work:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::walks over with KK to the CMO office:: Are you alright? Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::raises an eyebrow at the "fix him up" order; looks to see if Dr. Orrak is also around:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::nods at McFly:: See you on the bridge Captain. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::Pulls him into the office::: (w) no Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:37 PM :: begins working on code :: Oh and yes the replicator has good stuff in here. I just verified it this morning once we discovered an anomaly in one of the ships replicators... Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:37 PM :: Goes to Erich :: 21:38 How are you Erich? Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:38 PM I love you, and only you.... I would Never 21:38 NEVER Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:38 PM Trying to remain clinical. :: he bit his lip :: but it's hard. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:38 PM :: to Annika and Harnett :: Someone from the Engineering team on the station thought it funny to have the MENG replicator dispense nothing but Kanar.... Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::nods to EJ:: Yeah go ahead. I have nothing to hide. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:39 PM Huh, funny. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::nods to Nate:: The ask was a formality. But I appreciate you being cooperative. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::sees Dr. Orrak talking to Erich, returns to focusing on Nathaniel's biobed readouts:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:40 PM :: Looks over at Tyrell for a moment, a slight look of disgust on his face :: I trust you repaired that issue? :: As he looked back down at the console, creating code for the partition :: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::grabs both of her shoulders to calm her:: I know, I know. We don't know all the circumstances about any of this. I'm not upset. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::to Tevek:: If you need anything just holler. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:40 PM :::Kissses him:: Only you Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::nods to Pilot:: Understood, Lieutenant. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:41 PM Oh yes...and I assure you the perpetrator of said prank, on our next visit will be dealt with....Personally. :: a sly smile on Callista's face appears briefly :: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:41 PM Risa... Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:41 PM Yes yes, and this does not change. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::smiles:: too bad it wasn’t ratkajino. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:41 PM :: Looks up again, just for a moment :: Good... Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::continues working:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::walks towards the office but just outside of the door:: Captain, Commander. I am here, of course. I will see you on the bridge. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::kisses her back:: I know. Everything will be fine, I promise. 21:42 ::heads out of sickbay:: Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::to Nathaniel:: Mr. McFly, I am Dr. Tevek. I do not believe we have been formally introduced yet. How are you feeling currently? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::heads out of the sickbay towards the TL:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:43 PM I think...rumors of my tastes in beverage have started to spread... I have to ...well....respond. I was thinking a TANG sonic shower might be in order for the Ensign who thought he could get away with the deed. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:43 PM :::takes the replacator for a double:: Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:44 PM TANG…something that will probably outlast most of humanity. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:44 PM Hello Mr Tevek. I think I met you once. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:44 PM :: taps consoles :: Unless you have any better suggestions... Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:44 PM :::Glups down the drink:: (m) OK... you can do this Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:44 PM To be honest, I'm tired and I hurt. I've been hurting for a while. We don't have very good medical back in my time. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:44 PM ::enters the TL, holding it for the Captain:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::joins Pilot in the TL:: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM :::Exits the CMO's office:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM Thanks. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::looks at McFly:: For sure, are we waiting for Kansas? (edited) Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM :: notes several prompts saying such redundancy is unecessary...and Callsta still puts them in. :: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM No. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::nods:: bridge. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:46 PM Hmm… Dr. Pepper? 21:46 ::checking her progress:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:46 PM :: Continues working on the Partition :: Remind me not to cross you, Ms.Tyrell. Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::sitting in The Chair, watching the screen with just space on it:: 1 Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::closes his eye and tried to decompress:: I need a stiff drink. (edited) Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM ::nods:: I can provide you with a pain reliever that should also have sedative properties. ::begins assembling the hypospray:: What can you tell me about the status of your Borg implants? I have been scanning them to attempt to better understand how they are connected to your biological systems. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM :::walks over and takes a seat across from Nate:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM ooh I loved that carbonated beverage as a child. :: looks to Harnett :: I also want to send the message you don't mess with our ship. Have to have a bit of pride here. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM So do I. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM ::arrives on deck:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM :: Sees him concentrating :: What is wrong? Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:47 PM :: Looks up again :: Indeed. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::smiles:: Good progress so far… Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::hears the TL doors open and looks back to see McFly and Pilot, stands up:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::Hurries to the RR:: Faldek. ::he calls and gestures to follow him:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::steps out of the TL after McFly:: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::follows without a word:: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:48 PM I'm just...using my skill on him. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::Evil eyes Erich:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:49 PM :: looks at the hologram ...the blue theoretical location of the tricoder is in the center with three overlapping spheres around it begining to take shape :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::goes and takes a seat in the Chair:: I know.. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:49 PM Ooh. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::continues preparing pain reliever hypospray for Nate, waiting to see if he can provide more information about his Borg implants:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:49 PM :: Continues writing code for the partition :: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:50 PM :::Hates Erich right now:: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:50 PM :: Gets a chair and sits with Nathaniel :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::sits back, picards his uniform and crosses his leg over the other:: Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:50 PM (Did not before?) Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:50 PM I'm surprised it's taken this long for anyone to ask about them. In my time, we have little in the way of medical supplies so when the USS Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant, they brought along borg tech with them. Seven of Nine and Voyager's Doctor did some fancy programing of nano probes and used them to do all kinds of things from healing wounds to replacing lost limbs. Honestly it's the only thing holding me together right now. ::snickers:: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:51 PM ((oh you can feel it now)) Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::immediately heads to the replicator inside and orders a double rum; no fruit or umbrella:: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:52 PM That good... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::looks at current assignments seeing Harnett is not on the bridge:: Ah. Interesting. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::as shocked as a Vulcan can be by that information; raises eyebrow:: Very fascinating...so you were never a member of the Borg collective? Your implants are...medical? Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::gulps the entire thing down; he winces hard as he wasn't prepared for it nor did he particularly enjoy it:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:52 PM So what did you do on Risa Mr. Harnett....? 21:53 :: taps taps :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:53 PM I've never so much as seen a Borg cube. This was all done just to keep me from dying. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:53 PM ::taps the chair's comm button:: +COM+ Pilot to Lt Harnett. Annika Sorensen 31-Jul-23 09:53 PM ::taps her console, watching the holograms unfold on the 3D screen:: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:54 PM So I have Tyrel, Harnett, and Sorensen analysing the data from the runabout in the Engineering lab, they're taking all the necessary precautions. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:54 PM :: quiets upon hearing the COMM :: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM :::Keeps staring at Nate:: Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM :: Raises an eyebrow at the question as he continues his work :: 21:55 + Pilot+ Harnett here, Lieutenant. Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM :: To Nate :: Your thoughts are...complicated. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM :: notes the spheres rapidly take shape :: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::walks over to Faldek; takes a deep breath:: So that person we picked up is my son from the future except he's not really my son he's Jaenke's son well he is my son anyway he says the space station we're heading to is going to be attacked by romulans and that we need to let it be destroyed otherwise the dominion will take over the alpha quadrant and destroy the federation. ::exhales:: 1 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM +Harnett+ I see you are currently working on the shuttle of our guest. Who is in charge down there? (edited) Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::nods:: Our security officers will be relieved to hear that. ::applies hypospray with pain reliever/sedative:: I will review my scans and see how we can work with your...Borg-inspired treatments...to get you in the best possible medical condition we can. Is there anything else I should know about your condition? Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:56 PM These implants sustain you? Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 09:56 PM + Pilot + Lieutenant Tyrel is in charge, Lieutenant. Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::to Tevek:: I'm allergic to penicillin. Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:57 PM :: Doing her own scan :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:57 PM +Harnett+ Thank you Mr Harnett. ::closes the comm and starts a new one:: +Tyrel+ Lieutenant Tyrel come in please. Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 09:57 PM The temporal prime directive applies. We need to contact the Department of Temporal Investigations and seek their assistance. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::Twiches is also allergic to Penicillin:: Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 09:57 PM :: Sees someone enter :: Violet? Violet (Civilian) BOT 31-Jul-23 09:58 PM Yes. I heard rumblings. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 09:58 PM + EJ+ Tyrel here go ahead. Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:58 PM :: Waves Violet over :: Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 09:58 PM :::Looks at Gila::: Can your pet not be part of this? 1 Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 09:58 PM ::looks to Erich:: Not so much sustain me, so much as replaced things. Like my eye ::points::. Part of my arm was badly burned and there was no dermal regenerator. My spleen was replaced and I have patches on my lungs and heart. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 09:59 PM +Tyrel+ Lt. I have a ask of you. There may be some logs that can help shed some light on the current situation. I would like to have you prioritize the finding of them, if they do exist. Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 09:59 PM This is Violet Nathaniel. Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::nods, types on PADD:: Your allergy has been entered in your file, Mr. McFly. ::types additional notes based on Nate's comments to Erich:: Violet (Civilian) BOT 31-Jul-23 09:59 PM :: waves :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 10:00 PM +Tyrel+ If found, please forward the findings to the Security Inbox. (edited) Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 10:00 PM :: brielfy shakes her head:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::slightly laughs at hearing Faldek; walks over and collapses in the chair behind the desk:: Yeah I suppose so. But what are they going to say, do what we were going to do as if we never learned this information? Send another ship that just puts events in motion again? ::shrugs:: Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 10:01 PM + EJ+ This data cannot be exported LIeutenant. We will inform you when it is ready for viewing here in the Engineering Labratory. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 10:01 PM :: Is close to finishing his work on the partition :: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 10:01 PM They're going to find out. However sometimes it is best to act then seek forgiveness... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 10:02 PM +Tyrel+ Thank you. I just wanted to know if it exists. Bridge out. Dr. Gila Orrak 31-Jul-23 10:02 PM If my knowledge of temporal mechanics is correct. Say we destroy this base and prevent your future, you are still with us. Callista Tyrel 31-Jul-23 10:02 PM ( regrettably I must go folks I will cya next week ) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 10:02 PM ((Have a good one Tyrel)) Nathaniel McFly BOT 31-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::looks at the little girl:: You're Violet? You were instrumental in helping Seven and The Doctor implement nano probes for wide spread use as medical devices. 1 Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:03 PM ((later Cali)) Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 10:03 PM :: Looks to Tyrel :: To answer your question, I attempted to catch up on Engineering journals and technical manuals for the Nebula class ships.... but was interrupted more than once. Violet (Civilian) BOT 31-Jul-23 10:03 PM I what now? 22:04 I have read much about these Borg. Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM ::looks at Faldek:: Those might be the wisest words I've heard... If this all goes ass up I'm going to tell them it was your fault. Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM :::Blinks back tears:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:04 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:04 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Dr. Tevek 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM ::paused:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 31-Jul-23 10:04 PM :::Paused:: 22:05 To many to list Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:05 PM I could have kept that going for another hour Bren Faliver 31-Jul-23 10:05 PM ::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 10:05 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:05 PM TBS will continue from here. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 10:05 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:05 PM Questions or Comments? Erich Jaenke 31-Jul-23 10:06 PM So many questions... Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:06 PM Well, if you're not going to ask any of them... Cdr. Faldek 31-Jul-23 10:06 PM In my defense I will say that I initially suggested to notify DTI Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:06 PM You did, and that's why you're the only one not arrested. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 10:07 PM Nate was almost on his way to the brig. Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 10:07 PM My question is, what happened to future me ??!! 2 Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:08 PM Anyway, if nothing else, let's don our bow ties and all take a shot of tequila in honor of The Spleen himself, Pee Wee Herman, Mr Paul Reubens... DISMISSED!!! (edited) 22:08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BodXwAYeTfM LARG3MARG3 Pee-wee's Big Adventure - Tequila Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 31-Jul-23 10:08 PM ::salutes and dematerializes:: Captain McFly 31-Jul-23 10:08 PM later dudes Lt.JG Harnett 31-Jul-23 10:08 PM Yes! Exported 340 message(s)
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Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1229, STARDATE 52307.24 = = 21:02 !begin MEE6 BOT 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM :: Still at Ops, doing Ops things :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::Lifts rifle up:: I don't believe you Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::in sickbay, monitoring biobed readouts for their visitor:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::looking at the Borg sit up:: Commander! Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM :;manning Science II on the bridge:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::sitting on a biobed in sickbay amused by the expected bewilderd looks on the faces of his parents:: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::on the bridge, wondering what the hell is going on in Sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:04 PM Karl> :: At TAC:: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: Erich closed his eyes, shook his head :: Hmm Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: in engineering...unaware of events transpiring elswhere on the ship :: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:04 PM I am going to map your DNA. :: extracts a sample via a hypo :: 1 Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: Taps his console, keeping an eye on sensors :: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::just stares back unable to think of what to say next:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:05 PM :: Takes the sample over to the machine :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:05 PM ::Nudges McFly:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::watches Dr. Orrak put the DNA sample in the machine, then goes back to looking at the biobed readouts:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:07 PM :: approaches Chief Jaenke's office and Chimes :: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:07 PM Enter. (edited) Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:07 PM Mr. Harnett, lock onto the runabout with a tractor beam and park it in the main shuttle bay please. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:07 PM :: Plopps in his chair, feeling...off :: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::is knocked out of trance by KK's nudge:: Huh? ...oh right. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::to KK:: Lower the weapon, Commander. Please. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM :: Nods, tapping the console :: Aye, Commander, locking on now. Security Officer BOT 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM ::stands at the ready:: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM What the hell do you mean you're our son? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM :::Doesn't lower her weapon:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:08 PM Doctor Tevek, we want to be absolutely sure he is who he says he is. A quantum resonance scan as well. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:09 PM :: Activates the tractor beam, pulling the shuttle towards the main shuttle bay :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::to KK:: I don't think Dr Orrak would appreciate the Chief of Security blowing a hole in her sickbay walls. Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:09 PM I'm sorry to come to you like this but I had no other choice. I'm from nearly fifty years into the future. And it's a future none of us want. Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:09 PM +Engineering+ Chief Jaenke... Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM :: walks in with A PADD :: We have completed our survey of replicator software and found the edited coding with timestamp. It appears the Main Engineering Replicator was the only one tampered with in this ...prank...:: quiets upon hearing Faldek :: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::looking at her readings:: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::looks over at KK and then back at Nathaniel:: You're about to break a ton of temporal prime directive stuff aren't you? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM Engineering can fix my holes 1 1 Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM ((I bet Erich can get them filled)) Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM every one of them Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::to KK:: and I won't let anything happen to you or the Captain in this instance. There are Security Officers here. Please commander. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::to Dr. Orrak:: Yes, Doctor. A very logical decision. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM :: Opens the bay door, pulling the shuttle in through the force field to a soft landing :: Captain McFly ::looks over at KK and then back at Nathaniel:: You're about to break a ton of temporal prime directive stuff aren't you? Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:10 PM ((Sometimes a DNA test isn't necessary, hah)) (edited) Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:11 PM :: Taps on his console, shutting down the beam and closing the shuttle bay door :: Done, Commander. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:11 PM ::removes the phaser rifle from KK's hands and hands it to the Security Officer:: 1 Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:11 PM The runabout is secured in the main shuttle bay. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:12 PM (Many kinds of holes) Security Officer BOT 24-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::accepts the rifle:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:12 PM :::Lets go of the rifle.... doesn't fight him - for once:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::taps some controls on biobed to ready quantum resonance scan:: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:12 PM +Engineering+ Tyrel..? 21:12 Thank you Mr. Harnett. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::watching on and listening:: Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:13 PM :: Nods :: You are welcome, sir. Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:13 PM I have dealt with time travel, other dimensions, other universes... enough to know to check everything. :: Moves to the patient :: How do you feel? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:13 PM What does your scans say Doctor? Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:13 PM :: notes the Chief's thoughts meander...:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::watches KK get relieved of her weapon:: Wow, you just... you just, gave it to him? I must have blown your minds more than I thought. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:13 PM +Faldek+ Yes? 21:13 :: clutches his head :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:14 PM Don't think that was my only weapon buddy Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::activates quantum resonance scan:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::shakes his head:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::sees Gila still scanning him:: I hurt, a lot. But I usually hurt so that's nothing new. Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:14 PM +Jaenke+ We have a runabout in the main shuttlebay, I was thinking about having Tyrel and perhaps someone else giving it a once over... Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:15 PM ::smiles at Kansas:: Of course it isn't. You always keep a knife in your boot. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:15 PM ::wonders what that runabout is all about:: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:15 PM +Faldek+ Yes, I heard we may do well by getting its navigational logs. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:15 PM With your Crap story, you are going to be in real pain Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:16 PM ::whispers to KK:: That isn't public knowledge is it? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:17 PM ::Evil eyes EJ:: Spys spy Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:17 PM +Jaenke+ I'll handle it. Faldek out. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:17 PM ::glances back at standard biobed readouts, as the quantum resonance scan runs:: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:17 PM +Tyrel+ Faldek to Tyrel. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:17 PM ::lays a hand on Kansas arm:: Alright, let's calm down. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:18 PM :: Taps on his console :: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:18 PM ::looks at Nathan:: Alright, from the top, where, er, I guess also when, do you come from? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:18 PM He is lying 21:18 ((Lieing?)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:18 PM ::squeezes KK's shoulder gently:: We can know if what he says is true. DNA doesn't lie. 21:18 ((lying was right)) Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:18 PM ((Context: Is Kansas that against having kids, or is it she believes she cant, or...?)) Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:19 PM :: looks at Jaenke and shrugs...then activates her commbadge :: +Faldek + Tyrel here... Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:20 PM ((it's Kansas... does she look like the motherly type? and never put thought into it)) Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:20 PM :: Looks up and listens :: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:20 PM +Tyrel+ Report to the main shuttlebay, I need all the logs downloaded and analyzed. Also need a complete report on the damage and how it was caused, I'm sending others to help you. Top priority. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:20 PM + Faldek + Understood. 21:20 Sir are you alright? :: looks concerned about the CENG again :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:20 PM Tevek... Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:21 PM +Tyrel+ Faldek out. Sorensen and Harnett, report to the shuttlebay and assist Tyrel please. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:21 PM :: Raised an eyebrow, then gets up from Ops, headed for the TL :: Aye sir (edited) Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:21 PM ::nods:: Oh, ok.. Yes sir. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:21 PM Yes, Commander? Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:21 PM ::gets up from her chair:: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:22 PM I don't know. I felt off a bit ago, right around the time....hmm Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:22 PM :: Steps into the TL :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:22 PM Test results... ::Looks freaked out:: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:22 PM Excuse me, perhaps I should head to medical. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::heads over to the TL as well:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:22 PM DNA is done. :: hears a ding in the background :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM :::Takes McFly's hand without even thinking about it::: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM I think you should. I don't pretend to understand your Bajoran brain...but I know it seems to get congested enough as is...let alone when something odd happens on the ship. Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM Like I said, I came from roughly fifty years in the future. In my time, the Dominion have taken over the Alpha Quadrant. The Federation was destroyed, Starfleet basically doesn't exists. Humans have scattered across the quadrant. Romulans and Klingons haven't fared much better. Cardassians and Breen allied with the Dominion but once the larger powers were decimated the Dominion turned on them. Breen are extict, the Cardassians... nearly so. 1 Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::squeezes her hand back:: Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM :: Nods to Sorensen :: Lieutenant. :: Then spoke to the lift :: Main shuttle bay Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::glances at the status of the quantum resonance scan:: The quantum resonance scan is beginning to provide some data, however, it shall take some time to analyze. I will review it as is as it arrives, Commander. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::shocked:: For the love of kahless... Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::nods:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:24 PM I may aspire to run things down here in the future..but I'm not ready quite yet....please get help sir. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:24 PM :: Nods :: Off we go. :: exits his office :: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:24 PM ::Hears his story:: that... how did that happen? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:24 PM :::Snaps at Tevek:: The DNA! Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:24 PM ::raises eyebrow at Nathaniel's story:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:24 PM :: exits and picks up an Engineering kit from the MENG Lockers...then heads to the Main Shuttle Bay ...:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM :: Frowns as hearing about Cardassia, but hubris has its cost :: 1 Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM We think... it all starts with your mission. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::Steps off the lift, headed to the mian shuttle bay, stopping to pick up an engineering kit before entering the bay, folding open a tricorder :: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::calmly, ignoring the snapping:: I believe Dr. Orrak was checking on the DNA test results, Commander. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::steps off the lift as well, taking out her tricorder in the process:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM DNA results are the same as our external scans. :: nods :: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:25 PM :: Enters a lift :: Medical. 21:26 Computer: Estimated Medical wait time, five minutes. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::with suspense waiting for the DNA:: 21:27 Security Officers> ::outside of Sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:27 PM Doctor Orrak... is that my son, or someone I am about to kill Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:27 PM :: Looks at the runabout as he began to scan it, eyebrow raised at some of the damage to the exterior :: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:27 PM ::looks over the runabout, and begins her scans:: Huh. Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:27 PM You would be killing your son, but not in my sickbay. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:27 PM ::squeezes Kansas hand hearing her talk to Gila:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM ::looks over the quantum resonance data as it begins to come in, as Dr. Orrak addresses the queries about the DNA test:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM Our scans also align with the age. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM :::Blinks:: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM :: Enters medical :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM ::sigh of relief:: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM I don't understand, our mission to Starbase 23? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:28 PM :::Faints:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:29 PM :: enters the Shuttlebay and notes the Runabout and approaches :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:29 PM ::catches KK as she falls:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:29 PM +Science+ Please reaffirm this ship is where it is supposed to be in space-time. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM I’ve never seen a runabout like this before…. Though it’s certainly seen better days, from the looks of it. ::as she continues her scans:: The weapon damages on the hull seem to be polaron based, though I can also pick up some chronton particles too. Err, you picking up that too? Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM Place her on the bed. :: sees Erich :: Ah, Chief. You want a bed too? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM Holy Kahless! Kansas! ::picks her up and lays her on the biobed:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::watches KK fall; instinctively yells out:: Mom! ::tries to get up but it hurts too much:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM :: waves Erich over, but more like a bedroom invitation :: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::raises eyebrow at Dr. Orrak's call to science, then returns to looking at the quantum resonance scan data:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM Sorry I am late, something came up in Engineering...What's her name? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::places a hand on Pilots shoulder as if to say 'thank you':: Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::Looks blankly at his console:: Reaffirm... what? 21:31 Hm, ok.... Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:31 PM +Gila+ I have picked up some chroniton particles on the ship’s hull, I can’t say for certain at this point, but I suppose it’s a possibility. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:31 PM Thank y- :: Holds onto the side of a biobed :: Perhaps I should. Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::Does a few diagnostics, compares a few predictions from last-known-good data to actual measurements of astronomical positions and stuff:: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:31 PM It seems to be a Federation runabout, but I don’t know what make or model it is. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::nods to the Captain:: Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::Holds a yellow #2 pencil over his console and lets it drop, to check gravity:: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM Not that I’m any kind of runabout expert, mind you Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM +Annika+ Get as much data as you can. Let the computer parse it when you have collected enough, Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM :: Looks down at his tricorder as he circles the small vessel :: Welcome Lieutenant... I have not found a name.... yet... Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::notices Erich walk into sickbay; shifts his eyes but doesn't draw attention:: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM +Gila+ yeah, ok. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::looks at Erich:: Are you ill as well? Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM When am I not? I felt off when this fellow entered the picture. Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM +Dr. Gila+ Doctor, is everything ok down there? I can confirm that our eh location in space-time appears to be correct in every way I can think to measure... Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::looks to Gila or Tevek, whichever is near by:: Is Kansas alright? Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::continues to scan the ship, picking up more polaron weapons damage and chroniton particles throughout the exterior:: Who uses polaron based weapons? Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::concerned for Kansas:: Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM +Bren+ I am checking all avenues, as you humans say. The party is here...seemingly. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM Annika....:: notes Harnett and smiles :: Hi. ...:: scans with her Tricorder :: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::smiles at Calli:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::looking at KK:: I didn't think she could faint. Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::mouths the word 'seemingly?' to any other nearby human:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:34 PM :: walks to hull where the Federation striping usually is and notes..a lot of wear and tear..:: USS Colorado... Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:34 PM Quite a large degree of chronitons as well, seems to be fairly recent as well. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:34 PM Fascinating... :: Looking at Nahaniel :: I am a Betazoid and you are hard to read. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:35 PM :::Gasps and sits up quickly::: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:35 PM Colorado? I’m not familiar with that ship. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:35 PM She's a runabout allright....Someone was obsessed with Rivers when they named these things..... Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:35 PM (It's a square ship) 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:35 PM Thank Kahless. ::looking at KK:: Hey, you scared us! Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:35 PM ::heads over to the biobed that KK is on and checks the readouts on it:: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::sitting on the bridge, feeling left out of the loop:: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:36 PM :;searches it up on the Federation database using her PADD:: The last Colorado was decommissioned some time ago, and it wasn’t a small runabout. There is no Colorado currently in service. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:36 PM :: Raised an eyebrow :: The Breen use Polaron base weapons, Lieutenant... but that is in this century... Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:36 PM :: turns to McFly :: I hope I am not overstepping my bounds. Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::looks Erich up and down:: Are... are you Erich Jaenke? Chief engineer? I've seen pictures but, that's you right? Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM :::glances up from biobed readout to KK:: How are you feeling, Commander? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM :::Looks at McFly, then at Nathaniel... then back to McFly:: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM Yes, but how do you know me? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM You're doing fine Doc. Is Kansas alright? Kansas Kenickie :::Looks at McFly, then at Nathaniel... then back to McFly:: Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM ((Catch her, she gonna faint again)) 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM :: Listening :: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:37 PM I am fine Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:38 PM She just heard news she's never experienced before. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::to KK:: You would have hit the deck. Let the Doctor check you out please. Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:38 PM I-I don't. I've only heard stories. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:38 PM You think it’s Breen that attacked this ship. I heard of them, but aren’t they a Gamma Quadrant species? Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:38 PM :: Continues his scans, climing up on the nacelle to get to the side door :: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::walks over back to Nate and sees Erich there:: Chief, are you alright? Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::looks at Kansas' s scan readouts, to McFly:: She does not appear to have any symptoms of illness. I believe she was just...surprised by the recent events. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:39 PM Polaron weaponry? :: rubs her forehead :: Breen and someone else....Wait....wasn't that used on the Odessey ? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::to Tevek:: I can't blame her. I am too. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:39 PM :: Nods as he fiddles with the door control :: Indeed, the Dominion use it as well. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:39 PM The Odessey? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:40 PM I am getting up ::For once telling people before she takes action:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::to McFly:: I will monitor both of your conditions as long as you and the Commander are in sickbay, sir. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM The first Starship lost to the Dominion...if I recall correctly they were hit by polaron beam weapons. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM This man is hard to read. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::nods to Tevek:: Thank you, that's probably for the best. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::crawling on the floor, scanning the bottom of the ship:: A lot more chroniton particles on the bottom. ::analyses some samples:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::Slides off the Bio-bed:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::KK:: Just stay close so you don't injure yourself more. I don't want that your job that bad. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM Ahh, I remember now. I think I heard about it back in my Academy days… Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM Stories? Famous or infamous? Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:41 PM :: Shorts out a couple of wires and the hatch opens :: They were.... and then rammed by an enemy vessel... Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:42 PM :::Mind is still spinning::: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::smiles at hearing 'Chief':: Commander Jaenke was just introducing himself to me. ::looks over to Erich:: A little of both ::smiles:: 21:42 I've heard about everyone here, and some who used to be here. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::looks at KK:: You good to walk? Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::satisfied with KK's condition, walks back to Nathaniel's biobed to check on the quantum resonance scan data:: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:43 PM Look, I need to know what our mission has to do with the Dominion. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:43 PM I am going to stand still... Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::crawls out from under the ship and stands up:: +Gila+ yeah, these chroniton particles seem to be pretty fresh. Not long before we picked up the runabout I reckon. Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 09:43 PM How are we on the quantum side? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:44 PM ::nods:: Just don't faint again. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:44 PM me Fainting is just a rurmor Nathaniel McFly I've heard about everyone here, and some who used to be here. Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:44 PM (("and some who are yet to beeeee......")) Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:45 PM :: Folds out his tricorder again, scanning as he stepped into the dark interior :: Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:45 PM :: Extends his hand for a shake to Nathaniel :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::looks at KK, silent:: Mm hmm. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::looks at the quantum resonance scan data, to Dr. Orrak:: The data from the scan is still coming in; I am attempting to analyze it but have not been able to reach any certain conclusions as of yet. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:45 PM At least what little is known from that engagement. :: enters the runabout and notes what appears to be Borg technology...a chill goes up her spine :: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::follows Calli in the ship:: Whoa… Annika Sorensen ::follows Calli in the ship:: Whoa… Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:46 PM ((Don't trip, you might assimilate yourself)) Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:46 PM :::Looks at Nathaniel::: How Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:46 PM +Runaout team+ Report. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:46 PM :: Looks around, eyebrow raised as he looks at Tyrel :: Hmm... Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:47 PM Borg....( said under her breath ) ...a normal runabout would not be saturated with Chroniton particles...but these :: points :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:47 PM ::sighs:: I wasn't there. But you told me the story... many times. Starbase 23 is going to be attacked by the Romulans. You never knew why. But manticore was the only line of defense. Between Manticore and the station, you were able to hold off the attack but took a hard beating until finally a small Jem'Hadar fleet warped in. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:47 PM :::hand on head:: how Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:48 PM +Faldek+ Commander, the interior of the shuttle... it appears to have been assimilated, sir. (edited) Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:48 PM Does this happen soon, this attack? Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:48 PM + Faldek + Tyrel here ....Borg enhancements are on this ship sir. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::glances over at KK, noting her hand on her head:: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:48 PM +Faldek+. We’ve analyzed the exterior of the ship and picked up quite a lot of polaron weapons fire and trace amounts of Chroniton particles, which by my calculations, seem to have originated pretty recently. We’re looking over the interior of the ship, and it seems to look like it’s intermixed with Borg technology, if I’m not mistaken as well as a holographic control interface? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::looks at Nathaniel:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:49 PM :::Takes a seat back on the Bio-bed:: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:49 PM +Runabout Team+ Make sure that ship does NOT connect to our computer systems, we don't need Borg stuff infecting our systems. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:49 PM :: Scans the nearest Borg tech :: 21:49 + Faldek + Aye sir Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:49 PM :;walks over to Callista:: Man, this is weird. Temporal stuff gives me the hee bee gee bees. Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:50 PM ...Everyone starting fighting and Manticore was caught in the middle. The attack caused the ship to crash onto a nearby planet. Eventually the Jem'Hadar beamed down and started picking off everyone. A group of you survived until a rescue fleet arrived. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:50 PM :: looks for an alcove :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:50 PM Stardate, what's the star date? ::looks at Nathaniel:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::walks over to KK sitting on the biobed:: Do you need additional medical assistance, Commander? Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::hears Faldek:: I suppose we’ll leave that in your capable hands? 21:50 :;to Calli:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::Shakes her head:: no, I am alright Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::Scans the Borg tech as well, being sure not to touch anything:: Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:51 PM :: looks around as he scans :: I would recommend taking caution at what you touch on this vessel... Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::TNIP:: Chronitons, that means time travel... what the hell is going on in sickbay... Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::Nods:: I’ll agree with you there. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::niods:: Very well, Commander. Please let me know if you need anything. ::returns to the other biobed and the quantum resonance scan data:: Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:51 PM I don't see any Borg plug ins... Crewman Sanchez BOT 24-Jul-23 09:52 PM Time travel??! Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:52 PM :: Looks to Tyrel:: Neither do I... Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:52 PM Karl> That's never good... Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:52 PM Yes Sanchez, the runabout most likely came from the future. Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:52 PM If this came from another time, would plug-ins even be required? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::hears all the questions:: Erich's right, when does this happen, we can prevent this now that you're telling us right? Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:53 PM It is possible.. Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:53 PM I don't know when it happens. I just know it does. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:53 PM I mean....somwhere where a Borg would plug into. Annika...would Chronitron particles...be a byproduct of a Cloaking device as well...I mean...just covering the angles here.. :: looks at the Colorado's flight Controls......:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:53 PM I also know the only way to prevent my time from happening is to let the station be destroyed. 1 Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:53 PM So we destroy the station ourselves 1 Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:53 PM Possible, yes. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM Wait-wait-wait-wait... you want us to destroy an entire space station? Do you know how many people are on there? Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM :: Walks to the front of the cockpit, scanning the main flight controls :: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM That means we're going to be getting another visit from the Department of Temporal Investigations... Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::taps on the biobed readout, further refining the quantum resonance scan data:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::looks at Nathaniel:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM Who cares Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM I’m afraid I don’t know much about the inner workings of cloaking devices to make such a conclusion though. Crewman Sanchez BOT 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM Unless they're on the way now? Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:54 PM What is your birthday? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::KK:: We can't just blow up a station and not know how many people are on it. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:55 PM :::SOoo breaking rules:: 21:55 ::Looks at EJ:: who cares Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 09:55 PM ((Damn, she really wants to prevent this future where she has a son, that's gotta hurt his feelings)) Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:55 PM Bigger picture Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:55 PM Just let Romulans destroy it. And yes, I know how many people are on it. ::sighs:: A lot of people have researched this. It's believed the Dominion use that region, and specifically that station, as a starting point for their invasion. Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 09:55 PM Sanchez, just be ready to get us the hell out of here. Crewman Sanchez BOT 24-Jul-23 09:56 PM Aye Captain...I mean Commander. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::looks at KK:: Stop! You're not helping. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:56 PM That's a tall ask Nathaniel. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::looks back at Nathan:: That really is. Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::additional taps on biobed console, further refining of scan data:: Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM :: Looks up from his scanner :: I believe I have found the vessels logs, tactical and navigational data... Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM I am thinking clearly Security Officer BOT 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::just watching and listening:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::Is SO not:: Security Officer 2 BOT 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::watching and listening as well:: Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM There's got to be another way of dealing with all of this. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:57 PM :::wonders is she is already knocked up:: 2 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:58 PM ::to KK:: Chill. I ask this as a friend. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 09:58 PM We'll call in the fleet now. Have everyone on standby. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:58 PM :: Looks over the assimilated console as he began downloading into the tricorder :: 1 Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::hears a chime and checks the completed test data....is fascinated; raises eyebrow:: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM You can try. Everyone seemed certain about what had to happen... Especially you. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM :::Stands back up and next to McFly:: Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM This seems to be pretty advanced tech, even for Borg Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM :: places her hand on her chin :: Safe that tricorder Harnett....I don't want that thing hooked up to our systems quite yet. Erich Jaenke 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM Me? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::standing by in case she faints again:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM Captain...I have something you'll want to see. Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM Just upload it to the tricorder....well ask the Captain what to do with that once you are finished. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 09:59 PM + Faldek + Commander, I have found the ships logs and tactical and navigational data, I am downloading it into my tricorder now. Erich Jaenke Me? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM ((sorry he was talking to me)) Dr. Gila Orrak 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM :: Looks at Tevek :: Results? Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM :: Nods :: Aye, Lieutenant. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM Alright. ::looks at nate:: Give me a minute. ::walks over to Tevek:: (edited) Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM +Harnett+ Keep it local, we don't know if there's Borg code in there... Callista Tyrel 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM ( folks I have to sign off ..apologies ) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM ((Bye Tyrel)) Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::nods to Dr. Orrak, waits until the Captain arrives to speak further:: Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:01 PM +Faldek+ Of course, Commander. Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:01 PM ((later Cali)) Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:01 PM :::Looks at Nate:: Was I any good at Being a parent? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:02 PM ::looks at Nathaniel:: Be careful with that answer kiddo. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:02 PM :: Had already disconnected the tricorder from its link to the ship :: Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 10:02 PM ::smiles at Kansas:: You were the best. You taught me how to kill an entire platoon of Jem'Hadar with steak knife. 3 Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::speaking quietly:: Captain, I have completed DNA tests results. The DNA test indicates he is Commander Kenickie's child. But your DNA is not present. Commander Jaenke's is. 1 Nathaniel McFly BOT 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM Actually, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you... I've missed you. Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM :: Watches the download on the tricorders screen :: Something about this ship....makes me feel... uneasy... Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM Of Course you could... you are mine Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::didn’t connect her tricorder to the ship, but quarantines it just to be sage:: 22:03 (Dun dun dun) Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:03 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:03 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::Pauses:: Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM :::Paused:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::paused:: Cdr. Faldek 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::paused:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ((MAURY MAURY MAURY)) Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ((JERRY--- damn it)) Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ::Paused:: Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM ((I was too slow)) Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM I was thing the same thing EJ Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:03 PM LOL! Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:04 PM KK, Komments? Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:04 PM Dammmn Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:04 PM even in this time line birthcontrol isn't 100% Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:04 PM What?! LOL Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:04 PM Especially when... oh wait, no spoilers. 22:05 TBS will be immediate again. Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 10:05 PM Did he ever say his age? Maybe it's 10 years down the road, KK's changed her mind.... lol Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:05 PM Do I get assimilated?! Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:05 PM I hope so. Cause Erich is gonna have to get out of there. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:05 PM no I didn't get an answer Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:05 PM He's like in his late 40s is my description. I didn't see the question about his age earlier. 22:05 Harnett, something really awful happens to you but I can't say what yet. 1 Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM Well..... awesome 2 Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM Questions or comments? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM Vulcan smoothies. Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM ? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM Death by chocolate 1 22:06 KK! Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM Oh god... Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM am I already knocked up? 22:06 lol Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM You know I can't reveal things after the sim has ended. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM LOL Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 10:06 PM Lol Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM Of course not! Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM Ha! Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM Although if you are, that means you've been cheating on me with Erich. 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM ^^^ Lt.JG Harnett 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM Oh my! Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM I don't know EJ, McFly and KK are like bunnies 22:07 ACK! Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:07 PM Aww Bunnies.. Bugs Bunny, what's up doc? Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:08 PM Alright then, if nothing else, I remind you I am become death, destroyer of worlds... DISMISSED!!! 1 Bren Faliver 24-Jul-23 10:08 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 24-Jul-23 10:08 PM Night! can't wait for next week. (edited) 2 Captain McFly 24-Jul-23 10:08 PM later dudes Annika Sorensen 24-Jul-23 10:08 PM Goodnight! Kansas Kenickie 24-Jul-23 10:08 PM Nite Peeps 22:08 McFly Exported 394 message(s)
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======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:03 PM ACTION> McFLY AND FALDEK ARE IN THE BREIFING ROOM WITH BREN AND ERICH GOING OVER THE UPCOMING MISSION AND THEIR ROLE IN CHECKING OUT THIS NEW WEAPON Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM ((::sitting in the CC::)) Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::scanning the area:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM ((jokes of course)) Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM :::Standing in front of the CC:: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::is apparently in the briefing room, sitting to the right of McFly:: Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: running diagnostic A through D on warp cores :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::at TAC2, sipping his raktajino:: Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 09:05 PM What do we already know of this weapon? Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:05 PM ::In sickbay, looking over the crew roster to see who needs to schedule medical checkups soon:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:05 PM So, gentlemen, you know as much as I do now. This weapon could be the deciding factor in this conflict, if it actually works. And that's where you come in. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:05 PM ::stares aimlessly:: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:05 PM :: Looking over some reports :: Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:07 PM :: Is sitting a Ops, doing Ops things :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:07 PM Operations in command of the ship. Hopefully, we are operating at maximum efficiency. ::klingonic chuckle:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:07 PM ::hands over some padds:: Early specs suggest it's using sound waves to disrupt the Changeling, uh... changing matrix. ::shrugs; looks over at Faldek:: They have a matrix right? It's like a thing that makes them change? Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:08 PM :: observes everything in the green, rerturns to her station at the " Pool Table " Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::nothing she hasn’t already seen before:: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:09 PM Well I assume it's something like that. Even we technically have a matrix of some sort. I think. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:09 PM I must admit, sentient biology is one of my weaker fields -- my biology specialization is veterinary medicine you might recall -- but... I'm not sure this... it's.... snorts at himself This sounds like something you'd want to involve one of our physicians for, except I'm not sure their ethics would allow it. Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:10 PM Well one of the doctors ethics might allow it. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::raises eyebrow:: Yeah you're probably right. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:10 PM Oh? Well, that would be quite conven--- ::realizes one of them probably didn't exactly come up through Starfleet Medical:: --- Ohhhhh. 21:11 ::mostly to himself:: I wonder if they ever use obsidian surgical scalpels out of a sense of irony.... Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:13 PM I'm honestly not holding my breath for this thing. I don't know, sound waves seem weird. I would think we could just shoot them right? Shooting usually works. Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::making notes on PADD about which crewmembers need reminders to schedule their physicals:: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:14 PM I have not had much interaction with changelings except for Odo. You really need to see his Cardassian neck trick. (edited) Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:14 PM Engineering Ensign> Lieutenant, I just received a replicator service request that may intrest you.....:: hands PADD to Callista :: Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:14 PM It makes some sense to me. Most materials have a resonant frequency. Playing it at the right intensity tends to do very bad things. It just seems so weird to think of a complex organism having one resonnant frequancy 21:14 But... I guess if on some level they are just one liquid goo.... Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:15 PM Could it shatter them maybe? 21:15 I kind of hope it actually works. Jaffee suggested we may get to test it if it does. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:15 PM I genuinely have no clue, but my gut is no. I suspect it would, uhm, liquify them? Return them to their natural state. 21:15 Liquids don't usually shatter, is the issue. Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:16 PM :: reads PADD and chuckles :: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:16 PM :::Paces::: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:16 PM ::looks at KK:: You're going to wear the deck plating out. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:16 PM I've been working on it for sometime now, eh? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:17 PM All will be fine, I am surprised you're not in the meeting with them. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:17 PM :::Hands on hips:: you and me both Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:18 PM So when you say test it, do we have one to test it on? Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:18 PM Thank you Ensign, I will get on ...:: walks over to Engineering Locker to prep a kit :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:19 PM Mr Sanchez! Wake up! Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:19 PM ::scratches head:: Uh, I doubt it? I would be surprised if Starfleet has a changeling in custody. Maybe we get to go to the Gamma quadrant? Crewman Sanchez BOT 17-Jul-23 09:19 PM ::is jolted awake from being called like that:: W-w-what, I am awake, sir! Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:20 PM Perhaps Admiral Toffee knows something we don't? Perhaps one of us is a changeling? Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:21 PM They did have that scare recently on Earth. I suppose it could be possible. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:21 PM Five bucks says it's Faldek Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:22 PM :: Raised an eyebrow as his console beeped, tapping it :: Commander Kenickie, we are picking up a distress call, from 3 lightyears away. Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::adds names to list on PADD for computer to send out reminders about crew physicals:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::look of doubt on his face:: While I am not in command. If I catch you sleeping on this Bridge ever again. You will wish you were you still at DS4 as the armory officer. I have worked with you too much to be throwing away opportunities like that. Do I make myself clear? Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:22 PM Well we have been complying with the testing procedures that Starfleet has set regarding what happened on Earth. Crewman Sanchez BOT 17-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::is wide awake now:: Y-yes... Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:23 PM Sanchez get some coffee Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:23 PM Yes what Crewman? Crewman Sanchez BOT 17-Jul-23 09:23 PM Yes sir Lieutenant. ::to Pilot:: Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 09:24 PM Ultrasonic perhaps. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:24 PM ::goes to get Sanchez an extra strong coffee in a bridge safe cup of course:: Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:24 PM :: walks selects a repair kit and walks right over to the Engineering Beverage Replicator and selects Coffee which Promplty dispenses a Sythenol Kanar beveage :: 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:25 PM How are you Doctor? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::takes the coffee to Sanchez:: Drink this and be excellent Crewman. Qapla! Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:25 PM Known ship? (edited) 21:25 ::walks behind Harnett:: Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:25 PM Engineering Ensign> I take it this was meant for you ? Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::::sips her coffee as well:: Crewman Sanchez BOT 17-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::accepts and drinks the coffee:: Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:26 PM :: Looks over to Kansas :: It is a registered runabout, Commander.... and they are calling for us by name... Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::looks over at Dr. Orrak:: I am doing well, Doctor. I have been reviewing crew medical records to see who is most in need of scheduling checkups. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:27 PM redirect course and head their way Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:27 PM ::moves back to TAC2:: Interesting! Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:27 PM Yes and Yes...and have no fear when I find the out the Name of the Station Engineer who did this...I assure you my vengeance will be remembered for a long...long time. :: finds the corrupt code and fixes it :: 1 Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:28 PM +McFly+ Captain we have a distress call from a registered runabout... I have redirected Crewman Sanchez BOT 17-Jul-23 09:28 PM ::taps on the helm console, setting course and engaging:: Engaging now. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:29 PM +KK+ Understood. Be there in a sec. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:29 PM ::alerts Security to be on standby for our potential guests:: (edited) Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:29 PM ::looks at McFly:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:30 PM Alright, unless there's more questions you're dismissed. Be prepared to be let down by this thing. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::taps on TAC2, running scans as we approach:: Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:30 PM :: closes replicator and runs diagnostic :: Obviously I need to keep my choice of beverages more discreet. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:30 PM Yessir Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::stands up and heads for the exit of the briefing room to enter the bridge:: Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::Hops up and heads for his favorite seat on the Bridge, the one with his butt groove well worn, Science-1:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::stand then walks out to the bridge:: What's going on? Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:31 PM Someone has earned a Tang shower :: mutters to herself :: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:31 PM Distress call from 3 light years away Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::sips his raktajino awaiting KK to respond to El Capitan:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:32 PM Have you hailed them? Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:32 PM :: Taps on the Ops console, eyebrow raised :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::to McFly:: Negative sir. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:32 PM not yet Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:32 PM :::curious about their next mission, seeing Bren arrive from her seat at Science II:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:32 PM Well, hail them. Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:33 PM Coffee Hot. :: test replicator :: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:33 PM :Open a channel Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:33 PM Aye! ::taps on communications and intiates hailing the runabout:: Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:33 PM :: Looks up from Ops :: Long range scans show the runabout is badly damaged, Captain. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:33 PM :::heads back to the TAC console::: Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::adds additional names to list of crewmembers to remind about their physicals:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:34 PM +COM+ This is USS Manticore calling unknown runabout...please respond. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:34 PM :::takes her name off Tevek's list:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:34 PM ((LOL!!)) Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:34 PM Not bad...it passes. :: returns kit to inventory :: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::heads down to the XO chair:: Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:35 PM ::glances over at the runabout:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:35 PM ::to McFly:: No response sir. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:35 PM Kasnas, trouble showing on tactical? Any other ships in the sector? Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:36 PM Nothing around us..... and nothing schetchie from the ship Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::continues trying to hail the ship:: (whisper) Answer, we're trying to help you. Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::Returns Pool table and exhales:: Thank you for following protocol Ensign. I assure you this issue will be addressed in good time. I will notify our CENG of the mischief. You may return to your additional diagnostic list. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:37 PM Alright, switch us to yellow alert and keep an eye on sensors. 21:38 Sanchez, bee line us to this runabout, maximum warp. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:38 PM :::Brings ship to YELLOW ALERT:: Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:38 PM :: Eyes are glued to Ops as he Taps away, on the console :: Crewman Sanchez BOT 17-Jul-23 09:38 PM Aye! ::gets us to the ship faster, tappity tap:: Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::reviews his list of crewmembers to be reminded about physicals:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:38 PM :::Scans again:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::walks over and sits in his chair next to Faldek:: Curious Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::to KK:: They won't answer or maybe they can't answer? Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::notices that ship has been brought to yellow alert, raises eyebrow:: Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM :: notes the yellow alert and wonders if Erich is still in his meeting :: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM Yeah, the timing is suspect. ::Sits after the Captain:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM lets scan for lift signs Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM Aye ::scanning for life scans:: Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:39 PM Alright stations folks..:: to engineers::...let's be ready just in case..... Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::idly decides to look at sensor data for signs of cloaked ships or anything hinkie:: Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:40 PM :: Scans from Ops as well :: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:40 PM ACTION> WE COME BACK FROM A COMMERCIAL BREAK AND MANTICORE DROPS OUT OF WARP AND ARRIVES AT THE DAMAGED RUNABOUT FLOATING IN SPACE Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::checks status of biobeds as part of yellow alert precautions:: Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::scans the area around the runabout:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::looks over the damage scans:: Oh my. 21:41 ::double checking his results:: 21:42 Captain, that is dominion weapons signatures on the runabout. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::snaps his head in the direction of Pilot:: Are you sure? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::nods:: Yes sir. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:42 PM Red alert! Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::confirms that biobeds are all functioning within normal parameters:: Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:42 PM :: Eyes locked on his console :: Captain, I am picking up one lifesign, very faint. Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::lets out an audible sigh:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::Hit the red button:: RED ALERT Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:43 PM Kansas, long range scans. Get me anything out of the ordinary. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:43 PM Scanning now Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::looks at McFly:: Are we beaming that one life sign on board? Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM :: Taps at his console :: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM I don't know, Kasnas, seeing anything out there ready to pounce? Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM Scans are clear Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM :: notes the Red Alert Hues take over engineering :: All red alert protocols active. ... Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM ::notices the alert status update to red, prepares closest biobed in case there is incoming wounded:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM Alright, beam the lifesign directly to sickbay then reengage shields. Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM ::nods:: I don’t see anything amiss either. Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM Pilot go to sickbay. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:44 PM Kansas keep scanning the area. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::nods, and heads to the TL:: Sickbay. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM Full scans Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM :: Taps his console :: I have a lock on the lifesign, Captain. Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM :: At the engineering station on the bridge :: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM +Sickbay+ Bridge to sickbay, prepare for a patient. 21:45 Energize. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::moves from the TL and heads into Sickbay:: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:45 PM Well, we need to get ready. Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:46 PM :: Nods, tapping the console :: Energizing now. Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:46 PM +Bridge+ Yes, Captain. Biobed one has been prepared. Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:46 PM :: Taps again :: Transport complete, sir. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::entering Sickbay as the being is being beamed in:: Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:47 PM ::stands beside biobed one, awaiting incoming:: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:47 PM :: Awaiting the patient :: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:48 PM ACTION> THE PERSON MATERIALIZES ONTO THE MAIN BIOBED. IT'S AN OLDER MAN WITH DARK GREY HAIR. HE HAS BORG ENHANCEMENTS ON HIS EYE AND ARM WITH A TUBE OR TWO FAINTLY SEEN THROUGH THE SKIN. HE DOESN'T LOOK FULLY ASSIMILATED. Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 09:48 PM :: Scanning the runabout :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:48 PM B...Borg? ::pulls his type 1 just in case:: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:49 PM Oh my... Is he in a pre or post assimilated state? Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::raises eyebrow upon nopticing the Borg enchancements, then activates the biobed's scanners:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:49 PM Doctors is that a Borg or an ex-Borg? Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:50 PM +EJ+ Report on our guest Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::taps his comm badge:: +Bridge+ The being appears to be a borg. Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::looks at initial read out on the scanners:: They do not appear to have been completely assimilated... Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:50 PM :::Perks:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:50 PM +Bridge+ Correction, an almost assimilated Borg. Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:50 PM :: Eyebrow raised at the mention of Borg :: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:51 PM They never stop, what caused them to stop this one? Stranger BOT 17-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::opens his eye; can barely move; sees Gila and Tevek; his voice is deep and scratchy:: ...McFly? Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::perks up at the mention of Borg, and not of the Björn variety either:: (edited) 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::moves closer:: What did you say? Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:52 PM Premission for phaser rifles Captain Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:52 PM You know him? Stranger BOT 17-Jul-23 09:52 PM Captain McFly. I need Captain McFly. Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:52 PM :::continues to review biobed scanner data...pauses and raises eyebrow as the ex-Borg says the captain's name:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:52 PM Granted Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:53 PM :::Yeesssss:: 21:53 :::opens the back panel and grabs a rifle::: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:53 PM ::intrigued, moved away and taps his commbadge:: +Bridge+ Captain...he is asking for you. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:53 PM ::raises eyebrow and looks over at Faldek:: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:53 PM Gotta love the Borg. 1 Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM +Pilot+ Understood. I'm on my way. Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::hears Pilot's communication to Bridge, goes back to reviewing the biobed scan data:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM +Bridge+ Copy. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM Kansas, with me. Faldek, take the bridge. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM Karl take over TAC Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM Y-yah.. Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM Who are you? :: scanning :: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::Follows McFly:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::enters the TL with KK and rides it to Sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM Karl> Aye... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::requests additional security to Sickbay:: Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::Looks at Annika:: Who knew the Captain had Borg friends? Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM :: Looks up, turning back to Faldek, eyebrow raised :: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM I Didn't know you knew Borgs Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::nods to the two officers who enter Sickbay:: Watch our friend while the Captain is in here. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM I don't. Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM I have some Borg friends. Didn’t know the captain had some though Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM Security Officers> ::nods:: Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::notices extra security enter, goes back to his work with the biobed scans:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:55 PM I DOn't either Stranger BOT 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::looks up at Gila:: I need to speak to Captain McFly. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::moves back over to the Stranger:: Can you tell us your name? Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::arrives on deck with KK and they walks swiftly to sickbay; enters seeing Pilot at the ready:: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::moves over to The Chair:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM :::Keeps Close to McFly, Nods to EJ::: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::nods to KK & McFly as they enter:: Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::notes the Captain and KK enter, returns to biobed readout:: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:57 PM He is arriving shortly... and is here now. Captain? Stranger BOT 17-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::notices Matt and Kansas enter the room; struggles and is in great pain but is able to sit up to see both of them; his sight lingers on Kansas a little more:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 09:58 PM ::looks at the Stranger sit up, moves to stand next to KK:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 09:58 PM :::Smirky-smile, holds her rifle:: Dr. Gila Orrak 17-Jul-23 09:58 PM :: to the stranger :: Relax. They can hear you sitting up or lying down. Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 09:58 PM Who are you? Where did you run into the Dominion out here? Are there more of them nearby? Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::notices the Stranger appears to be in pain as he sits up, prepares pain relief hypospray if needed:: Stranger BOT 17-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::laughs even if it hurts:: My name is Nathaniel... Nathaniel McFly. ::looks back and forth between KK and Matt:: I'm your son. 3 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::eyes widen:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM BullS*** 1 Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::raises eyebrow:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:00 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:00 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM KK, Komments? Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM I think she just gave it, no? hehehehe Annika Sorensen 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM Lol Callista Tyrel 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM have a good night folks Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM kinds speechless for once Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM Cdr. Faldek 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM Ttfn! Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 10:01 PM Are the Borg parts on Kansas' side of the family? 3 1 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:02 PM Hahah! Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:02 PM Oh my Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:03 PM I was going to do a Quatum Leap joke just now but it's been so long since I saw the show I can't remember what exactly happens when he finished his job and leaped somewhere else. 22:03 Anyway, TBS will be immediate. 22:03 Questions, comments? Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:03 PM I can't wait a week!! 1 Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:03 PM But you must Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:03 PM Yes you can Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM I wanna know more! NOW! 22:04 Lol Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM Last time on Star Trek: Manticore. 22:04 I am your son. And now the continuance. 1 Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM Next week, another Runabout sends out a distress call. It's Gila and Erich's son... Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM Man, this means I get knocked up Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM I have so much in my head about where this is going. I'm already having fun with it. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM Hahaha! Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM Geez, haha Kansas Kenickie Man, this means I get knocked up Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:04 PM Honestly, I could see McFly carrying the child somehow magically, this is Trek 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM LOL! Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM I mean Trip did Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM Oh god Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM Do we know the real father though? 1 1 Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM That's suggesting McFly isn't the real father. Erich Jaenke 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM Dr. Mory Povitch... 1 Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM Lol Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:05 PM Oooo 22:06 Dr Mora Povitchsky - Ships Doctor Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:06 PM Nah, you just insulted the Captain, more like Mr. Jarry Spring'r Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:06 PM Have to log in and get my Sec Officer NPCs Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:06 PM in real life time I think McFly and me have been together for over 20 years Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:06 PM Oh my. 22:07 I didn't know and I know you outside of the sim! Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:07 PM Bahahaha, we used to sit in the lounge on break in college watching Mory or Jerry Springer, Oh man. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:07 PM so ship baby makes Trek sense Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:07 PM Oh you meant in the sim? Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:07 PM lolol Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) Oh you meant in the sim? Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:08 PM Yes in sim. I've never actually met any sim people in real life. Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:08 PM well both of our clocks our ticking Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:08 PM Only one I've met is Faldek, but I've known E.J. forever Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:09 PM My clock has a broken spring and the battery is dead. Captain McFly My clock has a broken spring and the battery is dead. Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:09 PM Your doctor can help you with the broken spring part, there are these pills 1 22:09 You can 'Sproing!' again! 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:09 PM Known Mr Harnett since we were 12. 1 22:09 I am 35. LOL Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:09 PM And I'm 34... Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM EW, and you both gravitated to Faldek. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM He is okay peoples. 22:10 LOL! Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM Kansas Kenickie 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM but you love me more Lt.JG Harnett 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM Haha Captain McFly 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM Alright, well if nothing else, I recommend everyone support WGA and SAG in their strike and force studios to bend to their will, because like Miles O'Brien, I support fair wages for all working people. And I swear if Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part Two is delayed I'mma throw some [beep] at some executives... DISMISSED!!! (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM hugs KK Bren Faliver 17-Jul-23 10:10 PM ::Looks at the Umbrella Corp logo, back to Pilot:: 22:10 Goodnight and good week all yall Exported 306 message(s)
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SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:02 PM ::enters the bridge wearing his new red uniform and third gold pip:: Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:03 PM ::working at science, noting the new uniform and pip:: Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:04 PM :: running diagnostics in engineering :: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::in sickbay, doing a supplies inventory:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:04 PM :::At TAC going over systems, making sure they are up to snuff:: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:04 PM ::walks down the ramp:: Lt.JG Harnett Hurry up you half Klingon! Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:05 PM ((Hey now, mister half vulcan!)) 1 Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:05 PM :: Straightens his uniform, just before he steps off the turbolift onto the bridge, heading down to Ops :: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:05 PM ::turns to Thomas:: Almost late... Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:06 PM :: scanning the warp cores with her tricorder making certain things are okay....:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::was in the Security Office, doing security office things:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:06 PM ::In the RR setting up a call with Jaffee:: Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:06 PM :: Raised an eyebrow as he slid into the chair at Ops, looking back at Faldek :: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:07 PM ::takes a seat in The Chair:: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:07 PM ::makes some notes on a PADD about some of the supplies, continues inventory:: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:07 PM Everything up to snuff Commander Kenickie? Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:07 PM ((Don't forget, we just got a fresh paint of coat so if anyone wants a little upgrade to something let me know)) Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:08 PM So Far I am pleased Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:08 PM Good. Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:09 PM :::Pokes console, sips coffee::: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::taps on the security terminal control panel, turns to the replicator:: 30 ounce Raktajino, sweet, hot and caffeinated times 3. Vac sealed travel cup. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:10 PM Lieutenant Harnett, how is Operations? Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:10 PM :: walks over to pool table taking a look at the improved Okudagrams...:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:10 PM ((So Pilot is just going to push us to warp I see)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:10 PM ((What, who me?)) Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:10 PM :: Enters engineering :: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:10 PM ((With your strong ass coffee)) (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:11 PM ((LOL!! If it ain't strong, it ain't coffee!)) 1 Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:11 PM :: Taps the Ops console :: All within acceptable parameters, Commander. Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:11 PM :: Prepping medical for whatever comes next :: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:11 PM So long as your happy with the power distribution upgrades. Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::continues his medical supplies inventory:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::grabs his cup, logging out of the terminal then exits the office while nodding to the officer walking by:: Hello. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:12 PM :: Was busy looking over the readouts :: They are... acceptable.. Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:12 PM Good Day Chief. It appears all systems are ready for departure. The new Carpet feels and smells nice. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::activates the encrypted transmission to StarFleet c/o "the old folks home":: 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:12 PM Doctor Tevek, how are the supplies coming along? Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::testing out some of the new science capabilities:: Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::doing handheld weapon inventory:: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:13 PM Lieutenant Sorensen, are the science upgrades "acceptable" as well? Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:13 PM : Raised an eyebrow, overhearing Faldek :: Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:13 PM Yes, yes quite acceptable Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::checks PADD:: It appears that all supplies have been restocked according to specifications, Doctor Orrak. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:14 PM ::walking towards the TL, padd under arm and coffee in hand. Steps onto the TL:: Bridge. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:15 PM ::taps the internal comm:: +Engineering+ How are the engine upgrades looking down there? Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:15 PM Starfleet is nothing but thourgh, in most things. Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:15 PM I am curious was your office upgraded? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:15 PM ::comes out of the front based TLs, eyes Faldek sitting in the chair:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:16 PM :::Glances at Pilot:: Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:16 PM I think I have more displays all over. I could lock myself in my office and run the entire show. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:16 PM :: Glances over as E.J. exited the TL :: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:16 PM Indeed. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:16 PM ::looks to Harnett and nods:: Lieutenant. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:17 PM :: Nods to Pilot :: Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:17 PM Did they give you that heated seat with Massage system yet? Or is that only available to Bridge officers? Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:17 PM Given that I am surprised they still have me here. Our two governments are not exactly...friends. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:17 PM Perhaps the internal communications system is down... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:17 PM ::looks to Faldek and nods:: Still looking good in Red, Commander. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:18 PM ::An older, late 50's/early 60's, woman appears on screen, her age appears exaggerated thanks to years of stress and the latest 30k resolution monitors. Her dark hair is put up in a regulation bun of steel and her scowl is quite pronounced as she glares at McFly through the screen:: 1 Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:18 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:18 PM ((that's the only problem with using the bot, you can't edit. )) Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:18 PM Thanks Pilot. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:18 PM ::moves to KK:: Still looking good in Gold Commander. Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:18 PM Thanks Hun Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:19 PM ::sits his padd down then sits while sipping his coffee at TAC2:: Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:19 PM I will let you be to settle in....enjoy the upgrades sir!. :: returns to the Pool Table area :: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:19 PM Admiral... good to see you? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:19 PM ((Well that's not fair, they got a pool table in Engineering?!)) 1 Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:19 PM +Engineering+ Bridge to Engineering. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:19 PM ((I am kidding :p I know which one it is)) 1 Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM Heated seat? Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM ::raises eyebrow:: Indeed. If you do not mind me asking, Doctor, I am curious how you ended up with this posting? Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM +Bridge+ Yes? Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM :: winks back at Jaenke as he is summoned from the bridge and returns to her station :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM ::holds up a padd:: 2 1 Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM +Engineering+ Status report. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM Oh good, you got my new command roster. 1 Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:20 PM ::scans the area:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:21 PM This is not what I meant and you know it. Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:21 PM I was pushed out by Central Command for not exactly following orders, but I was able to save them from some embarrassment, so this was a compromise. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:21 PM But you didn't say WHERE to put her, soooo..... Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:21 PM ::sips on a glass of ratkajino:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:21 PM :::Eyes EJ's coffee::: is that what I think it is Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:22 PM ::taps on his personal as he is checking the weapons:: 21:22 ::taps his padd as he is checking the weapons:: Crewman Sanchez ::taps on his personal as he is checking the weapons:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:22 PM ((Ignore this one)) Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:23 PM :: wonders if the First Grilling of the CENG by the new XO is about to take place......:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::deep sigh:: I'm warning you, Captain. I will mothball Manticore in a second if I need to. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::looks at KK:: A Raktajino. Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:23 PM +Bridge+ We are ready to go? :: nods for approval from Tyrel :: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:23 PM can you make me one... it comes out better when you make it Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM +Engineering+ Are you asking me, or telling me Chief? Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM Listen, she's meant to be in security, we all know it. Let's just accept the inevitable and move on. ::flashes a cheeky smile:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM ::chuckles, headed to the replicator:: Sure. Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM +Bridge+ We are fine and ready to go. Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM A most interesting compromise. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM +Engineering+ Thank you, bridge out. Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:24 PM ::curious to try Pilot’s ratkajino one day:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::deep sigh again:: ...You better be right. ::taps some buttons on her console off screen:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::makes another raktajino similar to his own in a bridge safe cup:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::receives a mission report:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:25 PM :::Takes the cup:: you are my favorite today Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:25 PM So I am not exactly a Federation doctor, nor am I fully Cardassian. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM +Sickbay+ Bridge to Sickbay. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM I'd rather be favored than hated. ::klingonic grin:: Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::sips her ratkajino from her bridge safe sippy cup:: 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM I suppose the medical field defies governments, politics, and borders. Annika Sorensen ::sips her ratkajino from her bridge safe sippy cup:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM ((LOL!)) Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM ::is about to respond to Dr. Orrakj's last statement, then hears the com call from Faldek and hesitates:: Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM +Bridge+ Medical here Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM +Sickbay+ Status report. Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:26 PM ( Spectrum internet fail...back online ) Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:27 PM :::Sips her drink:: Mmmm Callista Tyrel ( Spectrum internet fail...back online ) Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:27 PM ((ugh, bad internet sucks)) Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:27 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:28 PM I swear there's gotta be some kind of lag in the internal communications system. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:28 PM ::to Faldek:: I didn't do it. 21:29 ::sips his coffee, grinning:: Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM +Bridge+ Medical is ready. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM Sure, sure. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM :: Looks up from Ops :: Internal Comms operating at optimal efficiency, sir. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM +Sickbay+ Thank you, bridge out. Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM There’s always some kinda teething issues Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM EJ cover my TAC Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:29 PM :: hums a tune she heard on Risa as she inspects coding :: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:30 PM ::looks at Harnett:: I appreciate you checking. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:30 PM Your next mission may not look like much but it could be very crucial for the future of the alpha quadrant and out fight against the Dominion. A Federation scientist residing at Starbase 23 is claiming to have developed a weapon against the changelings. One that she believes can destroy them. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::reading the report:: Professor Tina Mosby. Never heard of her. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:31 PM :: Raised an eyebrow :: Of course, Commander. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::nods:: Of course. Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:31 PM Just being on this ship is a medical emergency. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::brings up his merged screen to monitor both sides:: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::sends the Captain a message on his PADD that all departments report ready:: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:33 PM Indeed. Based on my statistical analysis, this crew does seem to require medical treatment at a higher percentage than the fleet average. 1 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::pulls up the armory feed and sees Sanchez working hard:: He has come a long way... Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:33 PM It's our new XO. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:33 PM She specializes in covert weapons and defenses. Starbase 23 is near the Romluan neutral zone and she's been tasked with penetrating the Romulan's cloak. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:33 PM I guess she new orders? Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:34 PM We don't keep tabs on someone's off time, that's an S31 chore. Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:34 PM You had a good time on Risa. :: looks over the status board :: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::raises an eyebrow:: Commander Faldek? Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:35 PM Annika and I get along real well...enjoying some time off together is always fun. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:35 PM But it's obvious she's been putting in some extra work. Regardless of when it was made we need an assessment on if it actually works. Manticore is to head to the station and have science and engineering check her work. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:36 PM And if it turns out legit? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::sips his raktajino, lets out a satisfactory grunt:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:36 PM Then testing will be the next order. Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::Taps console, heads over to the RR::: Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:37 PM Violet had a really good time. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:37 PM ::sits back in his chair and takes a deep breath:: ...Are we about to skirt the edge of the big G? 1 Captain McFly ::sits back in his chair and takes a deep breath:: ...Are we about to skirt the edge of the big G? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:38 PM ((What does golfing have to do with this?)) 1 Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::Hits the chime:: Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:38 PM I had a very...relaxing time as well. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:38 PM (( )) Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:38 PM I'm glad you found some peace Sir. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:39 PM Don't over think this. Not yet anyway. One thing at a time. We don't even know how this thing works let alone if it'll do what it's meant to do. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::hits the DND button on his desk:: Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:40 PM And someone. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:40 PM Commander Kenickie, I believe the Captain is speaking with Jaffee... Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:40 PM ((DND stands for "do not disturb" by the way)) Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:40 PM :::Sighs, heads back to tac:: Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:40 PM :: stops her work for a second :: Oh....? Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:41 PM AH, who knows. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::unmerges his screens as he notices KK coming back:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:42 PM So we're the first eyes on this thing, eh? I'm surprised we're getting this and not the guys in the black trench coats. Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::confused, keeps his eyebrow raised:: Who knows...what, Doctor? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::looks under his console, checking for the phaser he keeps under there in case of trespassers:: (edited) Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:43 PM She didn't notify through the clandestine channels. So outside eyes would have already seen this in one way or another 1 Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:44 PM This seems like a big deal. Is that not a concern? (edited) Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:45 PM I hope she'll bring you happiness sir. Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:45 PM :::Gulps coffee::: Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::finishing his tasks with the weapons and starts on his other duties:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::taps on his console and sipping his coffee:: Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:46 PM Who knows why this ship is a particular danger. Not that I have been on many ships. 1 Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:46 PM :: resumes tapping buttons :: Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:47 PM I do as well. It was unexpected. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM Harnett, why don't you go ahead and get us separated from the umbilicals. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM ::looks around the bridge, the weapons lockers for when those emergency armings:: I forgot about those. Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM Perhaps it is the nature of the Manticore's assignments. My previous assignment was a California-class vessel. The medical bay usage was around fleet average. Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM She's far lonelier than I imagined. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM A weapon against the Dominion wouldn't exactly be a surprise to anyone. She still used ecrypted channels, mind you, just not those ones. No one's shown concern as this isn't deep cover operation. But to your point, since she didn't use closed channels, they don't want the trench coats spooking the Romulans. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM :: Nods, tapping the console :: Aye, Commander. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM Of course, they're always watching us. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:48 PM Exactly. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM Kenickie. contact the station and thank them for the work they did, let them know we'll be departing within the hour. (edited) Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM California? Wait, wait.. I read that somewhere. I city-state on Earth? Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM Alright, this should entertain Bren and Erich at least. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::stands:: Computer, weapons lockers inventory check bridge. Authorization Assistant Security Officer Pilot Gamma 2. Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM :: turns her head to Jaenke :: Are you referring to GIla? Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM :: Finishes tapping :: Umbilicals retracted, sir. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:49 PM Thanks Lieutenant. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::watching the various weapons lockers open and looking to ensure they are filled:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 10-Jul-23 09:50 PM Very good, Captain. Report back immediately with your findings. Jaffee out. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:50 PM Computer end inventory check. ::watches them all close back:: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::nods:: Yes, Starfleet has a class of support vessels with that designation. They are all named after cities located in that state. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:51 PM :: Nods, still tapping his console as he checked over systems readouts :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::sits down, sipping his coffee:: to NOIP> Weapon wise, this is a armory too. Can't be too careful. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::watches as the monitor turns black; stares into space for a moment... metaphorically not physically; looks down at all the messages he received while on the phone; reads "all departments ready"; and a missed door chime from KK; hopes he won't get hell for that one:: 1 Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:52 PM Can never have enough weapons EJ Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:53 PM ::nods:: This is true. I just wanted to be sure they were still there. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:53 PM ::gets up and walks out to the bridge:: Anything fun to report? Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:53 PM Oh, well I was close. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::stands up:: We are ready to depart at your leisure, Captain. Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM ((is Sanchez at helm right now?)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::notices McFly emerge from the RR:: Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM I am referring to her yes. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM ((Hang on)) Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::rushes onto the bridge and sits at the helm:: Sorry!! Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM (I thought it was Violet originally) Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM We spent time together on Risa. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:54 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at the Captain's question as he kept an eye on his console :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM Crewman, time management! You were doing so good! Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::moves over to the XO chair, but doesn't sit:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM ((Violet sitting at helm? She's still a bit young, even by Wesley Crusher standards)) Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM Violet was in a sense of wonder the entire time. Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM (Lol, I meant who Erich was referring to)] Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM I am sorry sir. I will do better! Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM ::Glances up at McFly:: Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:55 PM Indeed. I did not know much about Earth geography prior to joining Starfleet. It tends to be featured a lot in vessel names. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::glances at Sanchez, giving him the stink eye:: 2 Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::a low growl under his breath:: Fine. JUST NO MEXICAN FOOD BEFORE YOUR SHIFT! 3 Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:56 PM Aye Captain. Dr. Gila Orrak 10-Jul-23 09:56 PM :: Growns :: Health checkups are coming soon again. Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM Pickles are ok though Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM :::Taps console:: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::looks up at Annika:: Belay that! Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM Ok Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM Alright we have our next mission. Sanchez, plot a course to Starbase 23 near the Romulan netural zone. Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM Well best of luck to you. Crewman Sanchez BOT 10-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::tappity tap:: Aye sir! Course plotted. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM That's a research facility if memory serves... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM ::looks at Faldek:: I concur on that belay, sir. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM ::sits:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM Kansas, we don't expect anything from the Romulans while we're there BUT... you know they can't be trusted. Just keep an eye in their direction at all times. Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at the mention of Romulan Neutral zone :: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM Aye Captain Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 09:58 PM ::nods:: I can assist you in scheduling them. Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 09:59 PM :: still thinks Violet needs to be planetside given Manticore's risk taking missions :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::to KK:: Hopefully we don't scratch the new paint. Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::Smirks::: Little rub can't hurt' Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 09:59 PM ::winks to KK:: Never Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::chuckles:: Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 10:00 PM :: Thinks about how much safer he was at the shipyards as he goes over the ships systems a fifth time :: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 10:01 PM Should I be looking for anything else? Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 10:01 PM Perhaps. Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 10:01 PM ((It was safe until April 5, 2385)) 2 Callista Tyrel 10-Jul-23 10:01 PM ( i must depart enjoy your evening folks! ) Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::to Faldek:: I need to see Bren and Erich in the briefing room in a few minutes. They'll be needed for this. Someone claiming to have a weapon against the changelings. And we get to verify it. Possibly test it. So yay us? :: Cdr. Faldek ((It was safe until April 5, 2385)) Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 10:02 PM (( Well, he doesn't know that! )) Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:02 PM ((later Calli)) Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 10:02 PM Of course Captain, I will notify them. :: hushed :: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:02 PM ::to KK:: I don't expect anything else out there. But I don't trust Romulans. Cdr. Faldek ((It was safe until April 5, 2385)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 10:02 PM ((Too soon man)) 22:03 ::nodding:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 10:03 PM Aye, keeping my sensors open Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:03 PM Sanchez! Confirm persmission to clear and set course to Starbase 23, warp 5. 22:04 ::sits down in the Captain's chair and does the Picard maneuver:: Engage! 22:04 !pause MEE6 BOT 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:04 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:04 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM ::paused:: Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM :: Paused :: Cdr. Faldek 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM :::Paused:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 10:04 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 10:05 PM Nothing From me Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:05 PM TBS will be about 10 minutes. We'll have left the station and at warp. We'll start next sim with Bren and Erich in the briefing room getting the low down on the mission. 22:05 Questions or Comments? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 10:05 PM ((That was majestic af)) Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:05 PM Damn straight 22:06 If nothing else then what do you call a false noodle? An impasta!... DISMISSED!!! 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM Ha! ::dematerializes:: Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM NIte Nite peeps Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM Night Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM later dudes Annika Sorensen 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM Goodnight! Erich Jaenke 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM night Kansas Kenickie 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM G'night McFly Captain McFly 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM later babe Lt.JG Harnett 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM Evening! Dr. Tevek 10-Jul-23 10:06 PM Bye everybody! Exported 287 message(s)
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======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:09 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:09 PM ::reports to the bridge, as it is Alpha shift start time:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:10 PM :: checking things over in Main Engineering making certain the ship is ready to depart :: Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 09:10 PM ::idly wonders how complicated Risan "Air Traffic Control" is:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:11 PM ::sends a message for Kansas to come to the RR:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:11 PM :: walks around warp core areas checking them out :: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::Leaves the TAC console and hits the chime to the RR::: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::takes a seat in The Chair:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:12 PM Enter Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 09:12 PM ::Looks at totally-public-legitimate feeds of flight data, routes, etc. Ships from all over the place come here:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::Steps inside:: Captain ::Smirks:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::takes a breath:: Hey. Come sit down. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::Takes a seat:: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:13 PM ::at her station at Science II on the bridge:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:15 PM Station Engineer> Happy we did not reinstall your warp core upside down Lieutenant? Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:15 PM Sorensen! Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:15 PM hello, yes? Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:15 PM Report. Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 09:16 PM ((I understand fireworks are pretty but why do people gotta launch the BOOMers that don't do anything but set off car alarms?? I think everyone in my household including the animals needs to smoke a joint right about now. We're all having flashbacks to wars we didn't even fight in)) 2 Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:16 PM Yes. Everything checks out. Did you clean the Bridge viewports? :: Station Engineer rolls his eyes briefly upon receiving inspection report from Callista :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:16 PM ((My bad time got away from me)) Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:16 PM Systems good, science side. Nothing really to report scan wise here at this area. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:17 PM So science things are sciencey... (edited) Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:17 PM Pretty much, yes. Upgrades are nice though. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:17 PM Good. Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:17 PM :: In his office :: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:18 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:18 PM So, I uh, I have to be a little official, sorry. I talked with Jaffee about, you, and how your progress has been since she wanted to... reprimand you. I told her all good things. You've done really well, and that's also coming from Faldek's evaluation as well. I told Jaffee about everything we've been through so far and your contributions to it all. Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:19 PM Station Engineer> I stand relieved. Good Day Lieutenant....and nice tan. :: turns and exits leaving Callista to think a second. :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:19 PM ::walks onto the bridge padd in hand and sits down at TAC2:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:19 PM I know how Jaffee feels about me ::Nods:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:20 PM Yeah. I almost sense some historical tension coming from her end but of course I have no insight into any of it. Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:20 PM :: walks over to Erich Jaenke in his office :: Sir...the Station Engineer has departed. :: hands Erich PADD "Paperwork " :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:21 PM ::taps on the padd looking over the reports, forwarding them to KK's inbox:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:21 PM she doesn't agree with my side business, or has any control of it Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:21 PM ((You selling weapons? )) 1 Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:22 PM ((I am the weapon)) 1 Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:22 PM Anyway, she has agreed to drop charges and allow you to remain on board and with a measure of responsibility. But... Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:22 PM I believe we are ready to perform our duties Sir. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:23 PM She is adamant that you not remain as the ships second in command. 21:23 ::grits his teeth waiting for a reaction:: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:23 PM ::checking out what upgrades they made to the science terminals:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:24 PM I can live with that.... as long as I have a weapon 21:24 and I don't have to change quarters 21:24 ::Winks:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:25 PM ::let's out the breath he held; smirks:: No, you don't have to change quarters. 21:25 Actually, I think you'll be very happy with the compromise I got from her. With you going back to your old job as Chief of Security. Dr. Gila Orrak 03-Jul-23 09:25 PM :: Getting her medical bay in order :: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:26 PM That means all the weapons. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:26 PM Weapons are my life, I can live with that Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:26 PM :: leaves the PADD on Erich's desk and returns to the Pool Table :: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM But one condtion Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM What is it? Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM Second Officer Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM ::reading a PADD on everything done to the Manticore and the sign off reports confirming from Department Heads:: Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM Callista.. I'm sorry. I am distracted. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM ((Dangit I was gunning for 2XO!)) 21:27 ((I am kidding)) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM ::smirks:: Of course. Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:27 PM :: Picks up the PADD and reads :: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:28 PM and keep Faldek in control.. I will not be bullied by him Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:28 PM ::feels very relieved:: Well, that went a lot better than I feared. ::laughs:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:28 PM :: turns to Erich :: Basically we are good to go Sir. I will depart to provide you with less distraction. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:29 PM Speaking of which, that leaves the XO position open and... Faldek without a job. ::flashes a wincing smile:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:29 PM I figured he would be in that spot Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:30 PM :: Nods :: This was a different shore leave for me. A curse of Betazoids. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:30 PM I have to admit, he's proven very capable in the interim. So I think it's only fair. 21:30 I'll tell him to be nice to you. Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:30 PM Did you have a good time on Risa? Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:31 PM not nice, but proper and not shirty Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:31 PM ::taps on his padd, going over the reports:: Always good to see nobody late. Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:31 PM Yes... I did. It was very ...necessary to get away from the Entombed in a Starship ..so to speak feel on gets after a while. But Yes everything did well had fun...now back the routine. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:32 PM I'm sure he'll take his job seriously. Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::familiarizes herself with the new system upgrades and capabilities:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:32 PM ::hears Pilot:: Yeah if they're late, they get a warning, second time, they start work an hour early for a month. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:33 PM Look at that, even Sanchez got his report turned in for the armory on time. ::looks at Faldek:: That's fair Commander. Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:33 PM Right. Violet had a good time as well...as did Gila, err Doctor Orrak. Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:33 PM ::overhears and nods in agreement:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:33 PM Alright, well. I'm glad you're not upset. And we all know you're the right person to be in charge of weapons anyway. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM Good discipline is key to keep the machine working at peak efficiency. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM ::nods:: oh I agree 100%. Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM :: smiles:: glad you two are getting to know each other better . The two of you should go somewhere remote on your next shore leave.. Dr. Gila Orrak 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM :: Looks to Violet :: Thanks for helping. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM We both know I wasn't good at telling people what to do nicely Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM ((to be fair that was a punishment i recieved in the Navy for being late)) Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:34 PM I wasn't trained for it Violet (Civilian) BOT 03-Jul-23 09:35 PM Oh sure. It is the least I can do. :: She flicked a locke of hair out of her face. Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:35 PM I'll be on my way sir...:: departs office :: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:35 PM Well remember, you're still in charge of a department. You still can't throw them around like they're meaningless. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::forwards the last report to KK's inbox:: Well at least all she has to do is read the cliff notes and sign off. Rather be an asset than a liability. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:36 PM ::leans back, putting the PADD down:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:37 PM Maybe I should get back to work, get this boat turned over Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:37 PM I missed the hum of the ship. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:37 PM And change your uniform color. ::winks:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:38 PM :: starts assisting other crew with Departure :: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:38 PM it’s a therapeutic hum Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::gets up and goes to the replicator:: Raktajino, extra caffeine.. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:38 PM It is very nice. Did you like the box of goodies, Sorensen? Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:38 PM Got ya Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:38 PM ::looks over at Faldek:: I missed the ship.. ::places a hand on the wall near the replicator:: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:39 PM Oh yes, I did. Thanks for your part, I’m quite happy. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:39 PM Well, I'm glad you're happy. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::Gets up:: Good Day Captain (edited) Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:39 PM Oh yes. ::smiles as she receives a ratkajino from a passing crewman:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:39 PM ::leans over the desk and grabs her hand before she walks away; pulls her toward him and he kisses her:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:40 PM ((Awww)) Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:40 PM ::Kisses him back:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:41 PM Crew morale is a big part of the job. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::gets his drink in the bridge safe cup and heads back to TAC2:: Also missed the bridge safe cups. For the drinker on the go. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::watches her saunter out as she walks out the door; takes a second then sends a message to Faldek to come to the RR:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:41 PM :::Exits and heads to the lift:: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:41 PM ::nods:: Or the drinker who can’t hold a regular coffee mug without dropping it onto a console. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::Slips onto the lift, takes the quick lift to her quarters:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::looks at his PADD chiming, seeing KK walk out and him being summoned. Stands and heads to the RR:: Pilot, you have the bridge. 21:42 ::pushes the chime:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::nods:: Aye Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:42 PM Enter Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:42 PM ::moves down to the chair:: Better to be safe than sorry. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:43 PM ::enters:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:43 PM :::Changes quickly, grabs some candy:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:43 PM Faldek, take a seat. ::gestures to the chairs in front of his desk:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:43 PM Okay. ::takes a seat:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:43 PM :::Exits and heads back to the lift:: Bridge Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:43 PM I get to tell you something I've been dreaming of ever since you first arrived on Manticore all those years ago... 21:43 You're fired. 1 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM ((LOL!!)) Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM Fired? Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM Yes, Kansas is replacing you as Chief of Security. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM ::leans forward, perching in his chair:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM :: suddenly realizes the carpet was changed around the Pool Table work area....was she making tracks on the old floor ? :: Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM (out of a canon, for the talent show) Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM (Ooo carpet) Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:44 PM ::raises an eyeridge:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:45 PM :::Steps onto the bridge and heads over to TAC:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:45 PM ::takes a sip of drink:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:45 PM However, that means I have an open position for a new executive officer. Interested? Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:45 PM (ohhh, sounds like a demotion...) Erich Jaenke (ohhh, sounds like a demotion...) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:45 PM ((It is. I wouldn't fall for it if I were him.)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::looks at KK back at TAC1 wondering why she is wearing Gold:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:46 PM Well that would be the next appropriate step in my career path. Wait I didn't hear anything getting broken and you're not dead, so I'm going to assume Kansas is agreeable to this? 1 1 Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:46 PM (You only get the ends of the loaf of bread for your sandwiches) Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:46 PM ::notes the colour change as well from the reflection on her console:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:47 PM Also yes, I would accept the position if you are offering it to me. (edited) Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:47 PM :: Knows something is going on, but reviewing the repair logs since they were on leave :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:47 PM ::confused as well since she is back on the bridge but at TAC instead of the CC and unsure what to do:: Look good in gold, Commander. (edited) Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 09:47 PM (Violet did not get it, she will be bummed) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:48 PM For the most part. I assume some hidden frustration will be taken out on me later. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:48 PM You'll probably like it. (edited) Dr. Gila Orrak 03-Jul-23 09:48 PM :: Notices Violet is a bit tanner :: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:48 PM Jaffee doesn't want her as second in command. Instead she'll be third in command. ::smirks:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:49 PM Thank you, I look good in most colors 1 Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:49 PM Fair enough. So shall I assume that this permanent promotion to XO comes with other things? Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:49 PM ::nods:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 09:49 PM :: taps consoles getting back in the swing of things....:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::nods:: You're a cool cat. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:50 PM Regardless, you've done well as the interim XO since this all started and you've proven you are capable of the job. So yes, I offer you the position. Cdr. Faldek Fair enough. So shall I assume that this permanent promotion to XO comes with other things? Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 09:50 PM ((Code to the secret bathroom?)) Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:50 PM I accept. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:50 PM ::turns back around to face the viewscreen, sipping his raktajino:: Bren Faliver ((Code to the secret bathroom?)) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:50 PM ((No one uses my RR toilet)) Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM ((no one?)) Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::sips her ratkajino as well:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM ((There's literally a toilet in the back)) Kansas Kenickie ((no one?)) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM ((Shhh! I don't need others to know that)) Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::Sips her coffee:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM ::glances down at this 2 gold and 1 black pip:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:51 PM Other things? Man, someone's reaching for some brass. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:52 PM Lets go shoot something Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::crosses his legs with the open space in the CC without realizing:: Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::nods, shooting stuff is fun:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:52 PM ::sighs:: Yes, of course, you get a promotion. Although it's rude of you to assume. 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:52 PM I don't think the Captain or Commander Faldek would let me sit in this chair again if I let that happen. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:53 PM At least I didn't presume. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:53 PM Especially with no threats present. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:53 PM Aww come on Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:53 PM ((I means now that Kansas is on the bridge, the ranking officer takes over command)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:54 PM ((That's what I thought but she went to TAC and I didn't want to get yelled at IC LOL)) Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:54 PM :::Gulps coffee::; Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:54 PM ::looks at her:: But you are the ranking officer. So it wouldn't be on me. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:55 PM Hmm, well anyway... ::takes out a pip from the many box of spares and places it across the desk near Faldek:: Congrats Commander. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you worm your way into my seat. ::smirks:: 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:55 PM ((stick em!!!)) Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:56 PM Well, that'd be historical. First Cardassian Captain in Starfleet, you know I like distinctions like that. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:56 PM Let's switch places. ::standing up from the CC and heads back to TAC2:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:56 PM ((I can't. That lizard skin is too thick for these pins)) 1 Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:56 PM ::picks up the pip:: Thank you Captain. ::offers a salute:: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:56 PM Unless someone beats you to it. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:56 PM :::Gets up and takes the seat:: If you insist Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:57 PM Oh, and one more thing. Don't be a dick to Kansas. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:57 PM ::chuckles:: I don't make the rules. Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:57 PM I have been perfrectly amicable to her since she left sickbay. (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:58 PM Do you need a refill? ::to Kansas:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:58 PM However I will continue, so long as she adheres to policy and procedure. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:58 PM Regardless, she feels you have it out for her. I would appreciate it if you didn't give her any more reasons to feel that way. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:58 PM I'm good Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:58 PM All the officers under our command are behind held to the same standard. 21:58 Agreed? Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 09:59 PM Agreed. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 09:59 PM Aye ::sips his drink:: I forwarded the reports to your inbox and left notes on them, you literally can glance and approve at your discretion of course. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 09:59 PM you are the best, thank you Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 09:59 PM Perhaps it's time for a shipwide announcing the official change of XO? 1 1 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 10:00 PM You're welcome. Cdr. Faldek Perhaps it's time for a shipwide announcing the official change of XO? Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 10:00 PM (("Make it official! Make it official before you change your mind, damnit!")) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:00 PM ::thinks for a beat:: ...Word of mouth travels fast on this ship. ::winks:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 10:00 PM ( no 21 phaser salute at this time...regulations you know ) Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 10:00 PM I'll just send an e-mail. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM ((I just got those cleaned!)) Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::laughs:: I'm sure you will. Cdr. Faldek I'll just send an e-mail. Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM 3 Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Cdr. Faldek 03-Jul-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 10:02 PM :::Paused:: Callista Tyrel 03-Jul-23 10:02 PM :: paused and good night folks...have to help mom :: Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:03 PM Alright, real quick, as an FYI to everyone and to avoid confusion, Kansas is still the XO of the overall sim. This is just an in game change in command structure. You still send all complaints to her office. 2 Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 10:03 PM Wait, so who is the captain of the sim, then? Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 10:03 PM I love Complaints Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:03 PM A9 of course. Bren Faliver 03-Jul-23 10:03 PM hah Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:03 PM With that said, KK, Komments? Annika Sorensen 03-Jul-23 10:04 PM Lol Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 10:04 PM I am the Captain of the Sim on Gamma Shift. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 10:04 PM NOthing From me Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:04 PM TBS will be one hour. I'm sure Faldek's email will have traveled the stream by then. 22:04 Questions or comments? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 10:05 PM Can i get a chair at TAC2? Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:05 PM You mean you don't already have one? Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 10:05 PM I thought there was one there Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:05 PM Please issue missing equipment reports to your department head. Kansas Kenickie 03-Jul-23 10:06 PM I will get you a reclinging chair 1 Erich Jaenke 03-Jul-23 10:06 PM It's really the engineers that keep the ship going Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:07 PM That's very true actually. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 03-Jul-23 10:07 PM True, because if said chair is broken in combat. Engineering is gonna have to fix it. Captain McFly 03-Jul-23 10:07 PM If nothing else then a reminder, the XO does not, I repeat, does not require quarter hourly raktajino refills. Any reports suggesting otherwise are false... DISMISSED!!! Exported 241 message(s)
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======== 21:06 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:06 PM ((Is that the shortest briefing in Manticore history?)) Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:06 PM ::packing up her things:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:07 PM ::packing up his things while confirming orders that he would like to be delivered to the ship:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:08 PM ::has the baggage porter take his things to the transport:: Bren Faliver ((Is that the shortest briefing in Manticore history?)) Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:08 PM ((One of these day's I'll try to figure out a one word briefing)) Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:08 PM :: Is finishing packing his bag, tossing a few padd's inside before he zipped up the bag :: Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:09 PM ::picks up his suitcase and his medkit and takes a last look around his room to make sure he did not forget anything:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:10 PM ::she also takes one last look around, then heads out of the room:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:10 PM :: checking out of hotel with bags next to her :: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:10 PM ::while arranging delivery of her new clothes from that photo shoot:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:10 PM ::finished packing his small bag and wearing similar if not the same clothes he had when he arrived; goes down to the bar to get one more of the fruity drink he loves so much:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:11 PM ::wearing a loose dress and some flip flops and a sun hat:: Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:11 PM ::satisfied he has left nothing behind, exits the room and heads to the lobby:: Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:12 PM :: Packing some final items. Rather than buying items he mostly purchased the replication pattern :: Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:12 PM :: Lifted his bag and headed downstairs :: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:12 PM ::meets up with Calli after she arrives at the lobby and checks out:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:13 PM ::heads out of the room, not leaving anything, not even a fingerprint. Heads down to the lobby, looking around, spotting crewmates:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:13 PM ::contemplates buying a suveneir Risan chocolate bar for both Tevek and Harnett:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:13 PM Hi Annika...Alas we must head back to work....:: offers her payment to hotel clerk with a Thank you :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:13 PM :::Packing her bags, suprising a lot of bags:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:14 PM Yeah, back to the grind. That week really did fly by. 21:14 Still, it was fun. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:14 PM ::freshly packed and in his uniform, calls for the porter to retrieve his things:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:14 PM ::spots McFly, approaches:: I'll head to the spaceport and begin pre-flight on the runabout. Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:14 PM :: Hears a chime at his room :: 21:14 "Enter." Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:15 PM ::enters the lobby with his bags:: Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:15 PM :: Enters the lobby as well :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:15 PM why did you let me pack so much Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:15 PM Porter> ::retrieves his bags and takes them to the lobby for Pilot:: Dr. Gila Orrak 26-Jun-23 09:15 PM :: Gila and Violet stood at the door for a beat then entered :: "We are ready to go when you are Erich." Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:15 PM Aye... You know I was really starting to enjoy not having any responsibility. Is it too early to retire? Captain McFly Aye... You know I was really starting to enjoy not having any responsibility. Is it too early to retire? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM ((yes)) Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM Have you put 20 years in? Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM ::Has a satchel with a couple of PADDs and a sample case filled with bioluminescent plant clippings. He spent most of the last day getting paperwork done to confirm the plants can come with:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM At least Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM Then no, it is not. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM ::heads out of the room with his ledger padd and heads to the lobby:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM :: wearing summer dress Sun Hat and shades....a look screaming : Tourist :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM :::Looks around::: Why am I talking to myself Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:16 PM I like the way you think. ::sips his drink:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:17 PM :::Sits on her bags and snaps it closed:: Kansas Kenickie :::Looks around::: Why am I talking to myself Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:17 PM ((Because you need expert advice)) 1 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:17 PM At least you're not still a Lieutenant Commander... Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:18 PM "I only have a few things to pack away." :: He saw them both in casual wear :: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:18 PM Bah, sometimes I wouldn't mind being an ensign again. Get to do all the shooting and make no decisions. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:18 PM :::Tosses her bags on the troll and pulls the cart out of the room and onto the lift:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:18 PM ::enters the lobby and retrieves his bags that were awaiting him, looking around to see McFly and Beran:: (edited) Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:18 PM But then you'd be back in the lower decks in the bunks... Oof Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM Bajoran Porter> :: assists with bags onto luggage cart :: Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM ::overhears the Captain's description of being an Ensign and raises an eyebrow, figures it does not apply to medical officers:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM ::tips her porter:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM Manticore's bunks aren't that bad. Better than California class bunks anyway. 2 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM ::heads over to McFly and Faldek:: Captain, Commander. Ready to go home? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM I was getting restless. So yes I am ready. Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:19 PM ::see's pilot and sips his drink:: ...No, but here we are. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:20 PM :::Steps off the lift and sends her bags to the holding area:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:20 PM ::nods and heads off to the spaceport:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:20 PM Bajoran Porter> :: rolls luggage to taxi area Callista follows in tow :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:20 PM :::Enters the bar, heads over to McFly and the others:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:20 PM Here we are. Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::sips and see's KK coming over; offers her some his drink:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::McFly:: I guess I should get these beamed onto the shuttle. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::Takes the glass and sips it:: you are the best Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:21 PM Your luggage or cases of booze? Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:21 PM :: hails cab :: Here Here! Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:22 PM :: Looks up :: "Ready" Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:22 PM :::Waves over the bartender::: Expresso Martini Dr. Gila Orrak 26-Jun-23 09:23 PM :: She looked him up and down :: "Don't you have more to take?" Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:23 PM Hover Cab> :: screeches to halt infront of Callista...:: Share a ride Annika? Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:23 PM Yes, thanks! 21:23 Sure thing! Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:23 PM "Nope." :: He walked past them and out the door :: "Let's go." Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:24 PM ::McFly:: Everything. Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:24 PM Tellarite Cabbie> :: waddles over and assists Callista and Annika with bags :: where to? Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:25 PM Back home we called that a bi-polar shot. Because you get the highs and the lows in one glass. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:25 PM ::arrives at the spaceport, spotting the runabout they brought here from the station, inputs the security code and enters, the runabout lights turn on:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:25 PM :::Scoops up her glass and sips it:: do you think I could talk the Captain into another Week here? Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:25 PM :: Sets his bag on a porters cart :: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:25 PM Spaceport? Dr. Gila Orrak 26-Jun-23 09:25 PM :: Violet and Gila follow :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:26 PM ::waves a luggage person over to take his bags:: Manticore Runabout, Lt Pilot. Thank you. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:26 PM Where’d we park the runabout again? Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:26 PM Cabbie> Ah..yes...:: spies Callista's PADD :: Starfleet one? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:26 PM ::steps over into the cockpit and sits in the pilots seat, beginning the pre-flight and warm up process:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM I could be talked into it. I don't know about the people above me though. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM ::::Glups down the rest of her drink:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM L. Person> ::smiles and accepts the bags:: Thank you Lieutenant. I will get them beamed over now. Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM Shuttlepads....sir... Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM ::nods:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM I guess we should get going Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:27 PM Cabbie> Not a problem...:: opens door for Annika and Callista :: Here you go ladies Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::finishes his fruity drink:: I'm really going to miss that drink. ::takes KK's hand and walks with her to the shuttle pad:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM Thanks! ::pays her share of the fair with her PADD:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::steps into the back and changes into this uniform while the computer does things with the start up sequence:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM :: gets in and makes payment :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM L. Person> ::places a Risa transporter transponder on the lugguage and beams it to the Manticore Shuttlecraft:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::Squeezes his hand:: Thank you for such a great vacation Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::takes a seat:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:28 PM Cabbie> :: gets in cab and zooms over to Federation Shuttlepad :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:29 PM ::following KK & McFly:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:29 PM You're welcome. It was all my idea. ::smiles then kisses her:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::stows the clothes he was wearing in his luggage in the back of the runabout:: Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::walks to the shuttlepad:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::leans closer to Calli:: I hope whatever they were doing to the ship is done.. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:30 PM :::Takes his arm and walks closer:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:31 PM No kidding....but she needed the work. Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::Sitting with his back against the shuttle door when people arrive:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::sits back down in the seat, finishing up the warm up and pre-flight checks, all green:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:31 PM Some upgrades would be nice too. But I hear ya. Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:32 PM Cabbie> Here we are. :: pulls hover cab next to Landing Pad and quickly gets their bags out...opens door for Annka and Callista :: Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:32 PM ((Double check that Faldek isn't flying this thing with a Logitech controller)) (edited) 2 2 Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:32 PM ::offers his other arm to Pilot who's walking with them:: 1 1 Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:32 PM Thanks! Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:32 PM Cabbie> There you go ladies....have a safe trip. :: gets in hover cab and rockets off to next fare :: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:32 PM ::takes her luggage and heads to the runabout:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:33 PM :: rolls luggage to runabout :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:33 PM ::stands up and peeks out the door at Bren:: Boo. Bren Faliver ((Double check that Faldek isn't flying this thing with a Logitech controller)) (edited) Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:33 PM ((Starfleet only uses 1997 simulator flight sticks, Parallel port, none of that usb poodoo.)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:33 PM ::looks at him:: Are you drunk? Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:33 PM :: Starts heading for the landing pad :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM he wishes Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM She's ready for launch, just waiting for people to arrive. ::TNIP:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM ::chuckles:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM Sheesh, just thought I'd offer. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM ::clambers in the runabout and takes her seat:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM I thought you were in need of assistance walking. Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:34 PM ::Sits down in the shuttle and peeks at his glowing plants:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:35 PM ::goes back to the pilot seat, and sits:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:35 PM :: rolls bag over to shuttle and hefts it aboard :: Oomph Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:35 PM ((Get out of my seat! )) Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:35 PM ::arrives at the shuttle pad:: Our chariot awaits. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:35 PM Need a hand? Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:35 PM ::arrives at the shuttle and heads on board:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:36 PM ::yells from the cockpit:: All aboard! Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:36 PM Indeed. Ladies and Captain first. ::gestures to the door:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:36 PM Ugh...I think I got it in. :: enters shuttle :: Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:36 PM :: Arrives at the runabout and heads inside, taking a seat :: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:36 PM Okay. Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:37 PM :: Sees the others :: At least they are not likely to leave us behind :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:37 PM ::Steps into the shuttle::: Home again home again Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:37 PM ::takes a seat on the runabout, pulls out a PADD from his medkit and starts reviewing it:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:37 PM ::taps his combadge to interact with shuttle intercom:: +shuttle comms+ Secure all luggage in the cargo hold. Thank you for flying Manticore Space Lines. 21:38 ::steps onto the shuttle and heads to the cockpit area and takes a seat in a non pilot seat:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:38 PM ::sits down in the back and lets someone else do the driving:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:39 PM :: next to Annika :: Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:39 PM :: Leans back in his seat, pulling out a padd and continuing to read a technical manual :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:39 PM (w) back seats Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:39 PM EJ, let me know when everyone is aboard. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:39 PM ::looks out of the porthole:: Crystal BOT 26-Jun-23 09:40 PM ::already back at the ship with her second place trophy from the martial arts competition:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:40 PM ::Sneaks a Kiss while no one is looking their way:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:40 PM ::takes co-pilot seat:: Sure thing Cap'n. Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:41 PM :: leans her head on Annika's shoulder briefly :: Must we go? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:41 PM +Port Master+ Runabout ::mumbles ship name:: ready for clearance to launch. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:41 PM PADD> ::notification:: His orders have arrived at the starbase and will be loaded on the ship. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:41 PM ::leans on Calli’s shoulder:: I wish we didn’t. (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:41 PM ::checks to make sure we are full:: 21:41 Looks like we're ready ::to Faldek:: Risan Port Master BOT 26-Jun-23 09:42 PM Runabout --- You're clear to launch. Thank you for visiting Risa. Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:43 PM :: straighterns up a bit :: I wonder if I will fit in the uniform....the diet was ...a bit off . Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:43 PM +Port Master+ Thanks. ::closes the comm and checks to make sure the door is secured, and zooms the ship up towards to the sky with maximum thrusters:: (edited) Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:43 PM It’s always that way with vacations isn’t it? Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:43 PM (Are we on the flight?) Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:44 PM ((I hope so)) Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:44 PM ((Hanging onto the back with magnets)) Bren Faliver ((Hanging onto the back with magnets)) Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:44 PM ((No more Mission Impossible for you)) Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:44 PM indeed. :: hopes Faldek did the proper flight checks :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:44 PM :::Looks at Annika::: Normally someone gets arrested Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:44 PM :: Takes his seat next to Gila and Violet :: Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:45 PM ::Looks at KK:: I tried my best, but that {redacted} missionary moves faster than he looks. Oh, I should probably start watching my mouth again. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:45 PM ::looks at Faldek:: Did they fill'er up before we left? Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:45 PM Yeah, it didn’t happen this time. That’s a nice change for you command staff. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:45 PM ::the runabout clears atmosphere and he puts in the coordinates for the starbase:: Of course. ::hits the engage button and they zoom off into warp 5:: Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM ::reads on his PADD, then types a few notes on it:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM If no one was arrested, did we really vacation? Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM ::reaches over and pats Violet’s leg:: Did you have fun, Violet? 21:46 I know right? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM ::hears arrested:: Who got arrested? Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM we haven't made it back to the ship yet Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM Nobody.. for a change. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:46 PM ((Risian Authorities Ship> +COM+ Pull over now! )) 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::pipes some deadmau5 into the cockpit:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::looks at Faldek:: Earth music, right? Violet (Civilian) BOT 26-Jun-23 09:47 PM "I had a great time. I did not know I was such a good swimmer." Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:47 PM Yes. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:47 PM Oooh, yes. I saw. You’re a great swimmer. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:48 PM ::nods in acceptance:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:48 PM Very good swimmer Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:48 PM ::engages the auto-pilot and leans back into his seat, getting comfortable:: Lt.JG Harnett 26-Jun-23 09:49 PM :: continues reading, but hearing whats being said around him :: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:49 PM :::leans her head on McFly shoulder:: Violet (Civilian) BOT 26-Jun-23 09:49 PM "I thought I was so far behind since I come from...so far behind." Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 09:49 PM :: closes her eyes for the flight home...:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:50 PM ::looks at Faldek:: Did you enjoy yourself sir? Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:50 PM Didn’t swim much in your time? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:50 PM My power cells have been sufficiently recharged, yourself? Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:51 PM (w) I hope you enjoyed our vacation Violet (Civilian) BOT 26-Jun-23 09:51 PM "Oh I swam a lot at the lake. Did not think it was fast, but perhaps in this future people don't swim a lot." Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:51 PM Not especially, no. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:51 PM I think I am ready to get back to work. Cause we're probably going to get a doozy of assignments. Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:51 PM Of course I did. We got a lot accomplished. ::winks:: 1 Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:51 PM :: Erich lifts, or tries to lift, Violet's bag :: "What is in this?" Violet (Civilian) BOT 26-Jun-23 09:52 PM "Metal." Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:52 PM ::continuing to work on his PADD, reading and typing:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:52 PM Yes, it will be nice to get back into the swing of things. Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 09:52 PM :: Looks at her :: "Why?" Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:52 PM I can only handle so much idle time. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:53 PM ::Smiles:: you've always have a way with your hands Violet (Civilian) BOT 26-Jun-23 09:53 PM "For blacksmithing." Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) I think I am ready to get back to work. Cause we're probably going to get a doozy of assignments. Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:53 PM ((Wow, way to lay on the pressure)) 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:53 PM There were times waiting for the Order to send me an assignment, it would start to drive me crazy. Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:53 PM It's all those years of firing phaser rifles. ::smirks:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:54 PM At least there's always busy work on Manticore. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:54 PM ::nods:: Violet (Civilian) "For blacksmithing." Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::Laughs a bit, to himself:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::Giggles:: Building those fine motor skills Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 09:56 PM ACTION> THE TIME JUMPS SIX HOURS AND THE RUNABOUT ARRIVES AT STARBASE REDACTED Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 09:57 PM :::head still on McFly's should, asleep:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:57 PM +Starbase Redacted+ Runabout blahdeblah resquesting permission to dock. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::sleeps on Calli’s shoulder:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:58 PM That was definitely a long ride. We need to beef up our shuttle fleet. Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 09:59 PM ::typing on his PADD, looks up when he hears they are requesting permission to dock:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 09:59 PM ::hears Faldek and slowly opens her eyes, yawns:: Ah, we’ve finally arrived. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 09:59 PM Chimera would have cut down flight time by an hour and a half, but then taking a landing assault craft to Risa would not have been advisable, especially with her being the only one in the fleet... Starbase Docking Master BOT 26-Jun-23 09:59 PM Runabout -- You're clear to dock. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 09:59 PM True. Bren Faliver 26-Jun-23 09:59 PM I'm sure no one would have noticed... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:00 PM ::manuevers the runabout into the docking bay:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 10:00 PM :: awakes and gently stretches :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 10:00 PM ::monitors our docking:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 10:00 PM ::Stretches as well:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::gently sets the runabout down in the designated landing area:: 22:01 Like a glove. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:01 PM :::Opens her eyes, waking up to the sound of other people moving about:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::looks out of her porthole again:: Ahh. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM ::begins powering down the engines:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM ::stretches:: These long rides on small craft. Not the biggest fan. Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM ::puts PADD into his medkit as they land:: Callista Tyrel 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM ( goodnight folks ) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM Nice landing. +COM+ Pilot to Sanchez. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM ::Squeezes McFly's arm:: Sorry for falling a sleep on you Crewman Sanchez BOT 26-Jun-23 10:02 PM Go ahead LT. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:03 PM ::stands up:: Thanks for being good passengers. 22:03 Tips are appreciated. Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:03 PM ::laughs:: You do it regularly, why apologize now? ::winks:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 10:03 PM +COM+ Lock on to cargo hold of the shuttle and beam our things to the ship.. Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 10:03 PM If I can do six months in an Oberth, I can do six hours in a runabout. ::collects her luggage:: Crewman Sanchez BOT 26-Jun-23 10:03 PM +COM+ Aye aye sir! ::begins beaming cargo from the shuttle to the ship:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:04 PM Thank you for letting me drool on you Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 10:04 PM If your items were in the cargo hold, it will be on the ship waiting for you. ::to Shuttle folks:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 10:05 PM :Oh nice Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:05 PM ::walks past Faldek:: Don't mistake a vole tail for an electric power cord. They don't like it. Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:05 PM :::Stands up and stretches::: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:05 PM ::laughs:: Good one. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 10:05 PM ::stands up as well:: Back to the homestead. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:06 PM Ok everyone out! I don't wanna lose my deposit. Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 10:06 PM ::picks up his medkit and stands up to depart the shuttle:: Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 10:06 PM ;:heads out of the shuttle:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 26-Jun-23 10:06 PM ::exits shuttle with the others:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM :::exits the shuttle::: I hope the ship is finished Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:07 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:07 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cdr. Faldek 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM ::Paused:: Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM :::Paused:: Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM I gave you seven extra minutes instead of five. I hope they were riveting. 1 Annika Sorensen 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM Ooh Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:07 PM KK, komments? Kansas Kenickie 26-Jun-23 10:08 PM Thanks everyone for a crazy shuttle ride 1 Erich Jaenke 26-Jun-23 10:08 PM Night Captain McFly 26-Jun-23 10:09 PM TBS will be one day. We have a day to recover from vacation and look over all the "fixes" made to the ship. We'll be getting back to business with the start of a new plot. 22:09 Questions or comments? 22:10 If nothing then I leave you with this powerful quote, "I know sex exists, I've just never experienced it." ...DISMISSED!!! Exported 281 message(s)
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Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved into depravity that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. Later, the Captain invited the crew to gather for a casual dinner that where everyone was surpisingly well behaved. Now another evening rolls in and the crew does what they gon do. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1224, STARDATE 52306.19 = = 21:04 TBS is evening. 21:04 !begin MEE6 BOT 19-Jun-23 09:04 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:04 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:04 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:05 PM ((hiiiiiiiii)) Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:05 PM :: lounging at a bar at the hotel after a full day at North Beach :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:05 PM ((Bren!)) Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:05 PM ((brb washing paint off)) 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:05 PM ((I'll need details!)) 21:06 ((You're playing Space Harem and you're covered in paint. That requires explanation.)) 1 21:08 ::walks up to the same bar Cali is at and the bartender hands him his drink before he even orders it because Matt has ordered it that frequently:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:08 PM ::walks up behind the Captain, all quiet like:: So, how ya feeling? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:09 PM ::walking up to the frequented bar and nods to the bartender:: Hello there! (edited) Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:09 PM Hello EJ! :: waves from Bar :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:09 PM ::Jumps:: Damn your obsidian foot steps! ::sips his drink:: I'm still sore. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:10 PM You're lucky the photographer didn't catch your mishaps... Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:10 PM ::grumbles:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:11 PM It was quite comical, from my point of view. Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:11 PM :: Is somewhere, not at the bar yet :: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:11 PM :: looka at her arm ...noting an acquired tan from the photo shoot :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:12 PM Glad you're amused. ::walks away sipping his drink:: Erich Jaenke 19-Jun-23 09:12 PM :: Gila, Violet, and Erich are out on the patio of the hotel :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:12 PM ::nods to Calli:: Hey there! Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:12 PM ::in his room, reviewing his medical tricorder scans of the Captain from after his mishaps:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:13 PM ::follows McFly:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:13 PM :: sips a drink while reading a PADD :: Erich Jaenke 19-Jun-23 09:14 PM :: Looking off into the distance :: Dr. Gila Orrak 19-Jun-23 09:14 PM Are you alright Erich? Erich Jaenke 19-Jun-23 09:15 PM Yeah, yeah. Just the noise of the distance. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:15 PM ::goes to sit down at a table:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:15 PM Was that your first time power boarding Matt? 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:15 PM Maybe, I can't remember. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:16 PM ::Wanders a building which could be a church... or a library.... not sure yet:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:16 PM I should think not. After you skipped on top of the water like a rock. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:18 PM ::to the Bartender:: Tequila Sunrise and your finest Chicken Wings! Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:18 PM I heard you even crashed into the shop? Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:18 PM The board crashed into the shop, I just happened to be holding it when it did. ::takes another sip:: Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:18 PM ::makes some notes in PADD while reviewing medical tricorder scans:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:18 PM ::stifles a chuckle:: 21:19 ::takes a seat:: Well, did you at least get checked out by medical personnel? Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:19 PM Ah a Klingon must have his meat!....Those chickens don't stand a chance. :: smiles :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:20 PM ::klingonic grin:: Indeed...they...do not. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:20 PM ::sighs:: I think Tevek scanned me as I walked by. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:20 PM ::stops a waiter and orders a bottle of the blue kanar:: Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:21 PM :: Makes his way towards the bar after a long walk :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:21 PM Well, I think the photo shoot with Sorensen and Tyrel went well. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:22 PM ::Having picked up a book or two to see their contents (most have unlabeled bindings), he is quickly surrounded by people. Aaaaaangry people. Turns out this was an art installation opening in two days and the artist insists Bren has completed mangled their local concept of feng shui:: 2 Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:23 PM ;; reads her PADD on happenings in the local scene.....:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:23 PM ::looks over to a table and sees Faldek and the Captain:: (w) Hopefully nothing crazy happened. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:23 PM So when are you leaving the ship to be a space model? 2 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:23 PM Not me, them. I specifically told them not to image me. 1 1 21:24 I also checked the holoimagers afterwards. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:24 PM I think the captain had a minor incident involving a water craft. :: looks :: He seems okay. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:24 PM ::Well, it does explain why they were unlabeled. Vocalizing this realization out loud does not win him any favors with the artist, her staff, or the gallery staff:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:25 PM :: turns the page on the local scene and spots a holo image labeled good times....centered around a Cardassian in a Pink Tholian Suit...that looks familiar..:: 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:25 PM That's unfortunate. I thought the new career suited you. ::sips his drink:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:26 PM :: smiles briefly and scrolls the page :: 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:26 PM You jest. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:26 PM ::looks at Tyrel:: Oh! Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:26 PM Only moderately. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:27 PM Yeah...I thought that look would get him attention...but....the photo is buried in a slew of tourist photos... Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:27 PM :: Quietly enters the bar, stopping to order a glass of Vulcan Brandy :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:27 PM ::takes a sip of his drink and picks up his food:: I will go over and check on him. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:27 PM ((for the record I wasn't wearing the tholian suit, and it is not pink!)) 1 Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:27 PM :: scrolls and sees a large image of herself and Annika at the beach from earlier in the trip ::....Oh dear..... Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::finishes reviewing scan results, packs tricorder and PADD in to medikit, and exits room to head to the bar after determining that is where the Captain is:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::moves over to the table where McFly and Faldek are:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:28 PM EJ. ::nods:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::nods:: Beran. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:28 PM :: noticing Harnett she stands and walks over to him :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:29 PM Pilot. How's things? Erich Jaenke 19-Jun-23 09:29 PM :: The three of them spoke and ate as the night progressed :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:29 PM ::the waiter finally shows up with the bottle of blue Kanar and puts it on the table with a glass, he puts the glass back on the waiters tray:: No need for that... Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:29 PM :: Takes a seat, lifting his glass, hearing foot steps :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:29 PM ::looks to the Captain:: All is well. I was just checking in on you. Heard about the spill. I am sure the sand hurts more than you. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:29 PM May I join you Lieutenant? :: politely asks Harnett :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::takes a deep breath:: It didn't feel good Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:30 PM :: Nods :: Of course, Lieutenant Tyrel. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::taking a seat at the table:: As long as you don't feel like you're about to die. I hope you will make a full recovery. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::catches the waiter before he leaves; orders a large ass plate of an Earth delicacy:: Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::enters the hotel bar and looks around for the Captain:: Erich Jaenke 19-Jun-23 09:31 PM Maybe I should take a shuttle and get away from it all. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:32 PM I'm still waiting for Kansas but no one said we can't indulge in pre-dinner-dinner. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:32 PM :: in her casual beach attire she takes a seat :: How can I address you minus the rank Harnett? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:32 PM ::takes a big swig from the bottle:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:32 PM ::chuckles:: True. 21:32 ::sips his drink and semi-devours a chicken wing:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:33 PM I'm going to have to order a few cases of this for my private stock. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:34 PM ::the waiter returns with a large tray of buffalo wings and sits them in the middle of the table:: We shall destroy this for the glory of the Federation. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:34 PM :: places an order for a beverage :: Care for anything? Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:34 PM Risa kanar is the best kanar, eh? Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:34 PM :: Raised an eyebrow, setting his glass down as he thought for a moment :: Well, you may call me Thomas, if you like... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:34 PM ::looks at Beran:: I have an order on the way to the station to loaded on the ship once we return. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:35 PM Well this is from Cardassia but with the war raging with them and the Klingons, I should assume it'll be harder to get in the near future. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:35 PM We'll be the most well stocked ship in the fleet! Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:35 PM ::spots the Captain and Commander Faldek and walks over to where they are sitting:: Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:35 PM :: Lifts his glass :: I just ordered, but thank you. :: Takes a sip of the Vulcan brandy :L Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:36 PM Dr Tevek 12 oclock. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:36 PM ::Getting a running start, Bren grabs a bundle of loose cables, exactly the right length to swing him to safety three floors below, onto the roof of a bar. As long as he can stick the landing-ish it should be fine, then down the visible stairwell down to terra firma (Risa firma?) During the descent and swing it's almost as if dramatic music plays. Bren sticks said landing, hops over the 2' fence "preventing" access to the roof, and into a little cubbyhole information kiosk. Once he steps into the kiosk, the program ends and Bren leaves the holosuite he rented for an hour to hide from the artist and crew:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:36 PM Thomas I am Callista...I don't think we've chatted since you came aboard...maybe briefly ship shop work... Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:37 PM ((Looking forward to Indy 5, Bren? )) Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:37 PM ((Also, I had unpaused the game I'm playing when I got back to my desk, and proceeded to ignore it in favor of the sim for 35 minutes, so now I have a lot of pissed off imaginary crewpeople too)) 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:38 PM Beran, what does kanar taste like exactly? I guess the kind you're drinking there. Captain McFly ((Looking forward to Indy 5, Bren? )) Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:38 PM ((I'm not sure you can unjump the shark. Or, nuke the fridge, to use the other variant which is obviously muuuuuch more relevant)) 1 Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:38 PM We don't get out much do we? :: takes a sip from her beverage that was delivered :: Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:38 PM :: Set his glass down :: Yes, briefly during ship work...it is agreeable to finally chat with you, Callista. 21:39 :: Nods :: Indeed, we do not. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:39 PM Why don't you take a slug and find out, everyone has different tastes. It is made from fermented fish juice I believe. 1 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:39 PM Doctor! Sit, drink, have a wing! Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:40 PM Are buffalo wings made from buffalo? Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:40 PM I just wanted to say....something regarding the crew night party....I did not approve of the experiment to make you...intoxicated from consuming chocolate. That was in my minds stupid. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:40 PM ::accepts the bottle and takes a swig and examines the taste:: Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:41 PM ::Makes it to the bar with the rest of the crew:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:41 PM ::swallows:: It is an acceptable concoction. Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:42 PM ::nods:: Thank you, Captain. ::takes a seat:: I believe I shall pass on the wings, however, a Vulcan Brandy would be agreeable. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:42 PM I cannot say the same for blood wine. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:42 PM They're actually made from chicken, but it's understandable how so many make that assumption. Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:42 PM :: Sighs slightly :: That was not one of my.... best moments.... Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:42 PM :: sets her PADD down briefly :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:43 PM ::nods:: it is a klingon's drink. But I am only half klingon so I like to try new things as the human side of me would show. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:43 PM ::calls over the waiter and orders Tevek a Vulcan Brandy:: (edited) Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:44 PM ::takes another large drink of the Kanar:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:44 PM I just want to say....you should not feel pressured to do anything just because you joined Starfleet.. Honestly I thought that kind of behavior by others was something done at the undergraduate level. :: frowns :: It angered me...I realize anger is a sediment you do not feel... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:44 PM Some might say we have a problem... Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:45 PM ::nods:: Thank you, Captain. 21:45 Captain, I was wondering, how have you been feeling since your mishap on the water earlier today? Captain McFly They're actually made from chicken, but it's understandable how so many make that assumption. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:46 PM ::Looks at the Captain:: Actually it's an Earth regionalism, they have to be chickens from the old region on Earth called Buffalo, to be Buffalo wings. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:46 PM Sore and annoyed but otherwise intact. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:46 PM ::chuckles a bit at Tevek's question, as McFly might start getting annoyed from the constant asking:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::to McFly:: Well good thing we have doctors here. Maybe give you something for the pain. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:47 PM Tevek, I have seen Matt here get into way worse scrapes with Tribbles. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::sips his tequila sunrise while finishing the wings he brought to the table:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:48 PM if you ever need someone to ....socialize with responsibly....I am..available.. Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:48 PM I am relieved that you are intact, sir. ::off of Pilot's comment:: Indeed, I was wondering if perhaps it would be beneficial if I gave you a hypospray for the pain? Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:48 PM :: Raised an eyebrow :: I am half Human.... sometimes I can be hard to keep that side of myself under control.... and as for anger, I do feel it from time to time, I just do my best to keep it under control. Thank you, Callista. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:48 PM ::his head swings back and forth hearing Bren but not seeing him; finally he looks behind and see's Bren:: Chief! You slippery tadpole. You scared me. Have a wing! One day we'll try real buffalo wings once we find a winged buffalo. Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:49 PM ::raises eyebrow at Faldek and makes a mental note to ask about the Captain's Tribble scrapes later:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:49 PM I'm sure one can be engineered with wings... Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:49 PM Oh...I did not know you were half human....I am...well full human....:: chuckles briefly :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:49 PM ::looks at Pilot:: I have all the medicine I need right here. ::sips his drink:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:49 PM No wild beasts on the ship. 21:50 ::taps McFly's glass with his own:: I hear that. (edited) Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:51 PM Group of Culturally Offended Artists armed with implements of Art> :: scouring the resort looking for Bren :: 1 Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:51 PM ::off the Captain's comment:: Indeed, sir...Well, if you change your mind, you know how to reach me. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:51 PM DId you human family get you interested in Starfleet or your....Vulcan Family? Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:54 PM Appreciated, Doc. You're always welcome to slip me some experimental hypos if you're in the mood. I won't say no. Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:54 PM :: Takes a sip from his glass :: My Father was a Starfleet Captain, my Mother was a Vulcan scientist.... both led me to the path of Starfleet Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::looks at McFly:: No experimental hypos. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:55 PM That's for the doctor to decide. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::looks at Pilot, shaking his head:: Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:56 PM Dad was the main pusher to get me into fleet, he saw in me as a kid one who..took things apart and put them back together type girl I guess.. I think also some of it was my Mom wanted me in the Tourism industry ...why I have no idea. Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:56 PM ::raises an eyebrow:: Current Starfleet Medical regulations do not allow experimental medication research to be conducted on commanding officers of starships. However, I will keep you informed if those regulations change, sir. 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:56 PM Much abliged. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:56 PM ::to McFly:: True. Hopefully you don't turn into a gelatinous blob. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::samples a buffalo wing:: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:57 PM Eat up, they taste like chicken. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:57 PM Hot chicken. If I recall correctly. Captain McFly ::his head swings back and forth hearing Bren but not seeing him; finally he looks behind and see's Bren:: Chief! You slippery tadpole. You scared me. Have a wing! One day we'll try real buffalo wings once we find a winged buffalo. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::Accepts the wing:: Thank you. That was a story told to me during my six month stay at Starfleet Academy for the "Welcome exchange officer, here's how to wear your uniform" thing. I believed it for longer than I care to admit... ::chomp wing:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::looks at his fingers:: They are very messy... ::looking around for a napkin:: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 09:58 PM Depends on the sauce but most of the time yes. Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 09:58 PM ::sips his Vulcan brandy:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 09:58 PM ::orders another tequila sunrise, a bit more dirty this time:: Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 09:58 PM :: Nods :: I was always taking things apart and putting them back together, usually with the help of my twin brother.... Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 09:58 PM Dad did not want me to be a cruise director....:: smiles briefly returining to her drink :: 21:59 Oh wow you too...Surprised you are not engineer... :: animated a bit :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 10:00 PM These are not hot. Just messy... ::wipes off his fingers with a napkin:: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:00 PM Don't feel too bad chief, a lot of people don't know buffalo's don't have wings. Even some that were raised on Earth. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:00 PM ((Red bull gives you wings)) Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:00 PM I was, until I left Starfleet for the Vulcan Science Academy.... Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 10:00 PM Mob of Culturally Offended Artists> :: walk by the hotel in their pursuit of the alien who slighted them :: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:00 PM I mean they've been sitting out for a minute, I'm sure they're cooling down. 22:01 !pause MEE6 BOT 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM I just looked at the time. That went by fast. Callista Tyrel 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM :: paused :: 22:01 I must depart...thanks for the fun this week! Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:01 PM ((later Calli!)) Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:02 PM Alright, so third night of vacation down. You guys ready to get back to work or keep going with shore leave? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:02 PM Back to work. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:02 PM Later Cali 22:02 That's one for work. Anyone else? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 10:02 PM Work! Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:02 PM Alright well I guess we'll just all do what Pilot wants... Oh there's Faldek. Two for work. 1 22:03 I see people are typing Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 10:03 PM I vote Shore Leave just to be contrary 1 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:03 PM ((Need to get my cases of blood wine on the ship and Beran's Blue Kanar)) Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:04 PM I guess work then... Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 10:04 PM I'm good with work. Lt.JG Harnett I guess work then... Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 10:04 PM No! Stand firm, comrade! 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:04 PM Sorry Bren, you're getting out voted. 1 1 Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 10:04 PM Fair enough Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:05 PM Alright, Despite Bren's best efforts next week we'll be leaving Risa. Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 10:05 PM Best efforts? BEST efforts? Oh, oh ho ho no. 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 10:05 PM You can just magic edit the last part of the week... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:05 PM ((Place your orders for delivery to the ship today!)) 1 Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:05 PM TBS will be four days and we'll be leaving Risa and heading back to the ship. 22:06 Hopefully it's been repaired by now. 22:06 Questions or Comments? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:06 PM All good here. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 19-Jun-23 10:06 PM Nope. Time to get back to the Sieges. Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:06 PM What if its in worse shape??? Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:07 PM Then Erich will have a lot of work to do. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:07 PM If it is, we will beat the people responsible. Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:07 PM Or that Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:07 PM I like that idea Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:07 PM We've had that reservation for 5 months. All hands on deck for our repair! We get priority! Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:07 PM let out some Vulcan rage!!!! 1 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 19-Jun-23 10:08 PM I am of course being silly. I have no idea what the arrangements were. 22:08 I am out of here. Later folks! Captain McFly 19-Jun-23 10:08 PM Ooh, sounds like more Vulcan experiments! 22:08 Alright, if nothing else then remember, buffalos don't have wings so don't ask where we get the meat from... DISMISSED!!! Bren Faliver 19-Jun-23 10:08 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Lt.JG Harnett 19-Jun-23 10:08 PM Night! Dr. Tevek 19-Jun-23 10:08 PM Night folks! Exported 221 message(s)
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Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved into depravity that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. Later, the Captain invited the crew to gather for a casual dinner that where everyone was surpisingly well behaved. Now the crew continues to enjoy their vacation. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1223, STARDATE 52306.12 = = 21:02 !begin MEE6 BOT 12-Jun-23 09:02 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:02 PM ((TBS put us in mid-late afternoon)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:03 PM ((oh my yall behaved at dinner )) Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:04 PM ::with Calli:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:04 PM + Annika Sorensen+ This is Mr. Snyder from Baymax. I am here with our transport to the shoot...with Ms. Tyrel. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:04 PM ::is probably with Callista and Annika:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:04 PM +Synder+ Sounds good Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:05 PM +Annika Sorensen+ Would Mr. Faldek be acompanying you? Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:05 PM :::Enjoying the Suns on the Balcony::: (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:05 PM ::sitting in his room, enjoying some room service:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:05 PM Driver> :: Pulls Limo into driveway at the hotel :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:05 PM +Snyder+ Yes Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:05 PM :: Is back at the resort, reading :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:06 PM Driver> :: holds sign :: Baymax Corporation Bren Faliver 12-Jun-23 09:06 PM ((Hiya)) Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:06 PM ((Bren!)) Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:06 PM ::sitting outside at the resort, reading a medical journal:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:06 PM + Snyder + Very well please join us in our transport outside the lobby. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:07 PM ::looks at Calli:: +Snyder+ All right Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:07 PM Ooh a limo.... Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:07 PM ::out on the water with a power board:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:07 PM Ooh nice Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:07 PM Hun, I think todays suns tanning will fix everything Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:07 PM ::checks his boot knife and cleverly hidden type 1 phaser:: 21:08 Shall we. Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:08 PM :: looks at Beran :: Fun time! Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:08 PM Yes yes, let’s ::smiles:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:08 PM ::walks out to the limo:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:08 PM :: exits lobby and sees a Bolian Driver with a sign :: Baymax Corporation :: 21:09 Mr. Snyder> :: inside limo :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:09 PM ::follows closely beside Calli:: Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:09 PM :: Sips from a glass of lemonade as he reads through another technical journal :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:10 PM Driver> Mr. Faldek, Ms. Tyrel, Ms Sorenson...:: moves to open the door :: 21:10 Driver> Mr. Snyder is inside.... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:10 PM ::peeks inside the limo and then moves to let Tyrel and Sorensen enter first:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:11 PM :: enters limo :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:11 PM ::enters in as well:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:11 PM ::follows Annika in:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:12 PM Mr. Snyder> Good Afternoon....So glad you will be with us for this quick shoot. Ms. Miranda has expressed a great desire to have both of you working for us again. 21:13 Driver > :: enters limo....starts the hover power...and begins driving :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:13 PM ::takes a seat:: Dr. Gila Orrak 12-Jun-23 09:13 PM :: Gila is still within the dream-state created by Erich :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:14 PM ::smiles:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:14 PM :::Sips her drink and rolls over:: 21:14 ((I wasn't here last week and I supposed to be going some where? LOL)) Violet (Civilian) BOT 12-Jun-23 09:14 PM :: Goes down to the pool all by herself to relax after all of the new sights :: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:15 PM ::raises an eyebrow at a particularly fascinating medical journal passage:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:15 PM Mr. Snyder> The drive is only about 5 minutes....:: smiles the human is impecably dressed :: Mr. Faldek....do you wish to use the account you provided in the last shoot your team was involved in for payment? 21:15 :: watches the beach wizz by through the window:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:16 PM Sure. May I ask what the compensation will be this time around? Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:16 PM ::watches the scenery as well:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:16 PM :::Enjoying the Captain's fancy quarters::: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:16 PM ((2 Slips of Latinum and a bottle of Kanar)) Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:16 PM ::starts loosing him balance then falls into the water; uses the recall bracelet and the board flies back over to him and he climbs back on; shakes off the water then starts skimming again:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:17 PM ::gulps some more of his bloodwine and a mouthful full of gagh:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:17 PM Mr. Snyder> Depends how long our shoot lasts.... I figured the same rate as before, plus any additional material the ladies here request. Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:17 PM :::Makes sure she has no tan lines this time:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:17 PM ::looks at Callista and Annika:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:18 PM Depends what’s there? Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:18 PM :: Erich showed Gila all manners of things in the time they had. His dreamstate moved faster than reality :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:19 PM Driver> :: takes the limo on a right turn...the road become more secluded looking...with trees forest...and such....and then the road opens up to a beach...where the limo manuevers to where several people are...obvious holographic imaging materials...and several tents are set up :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM ::looks out of her window:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM Mr. Snyder> Miranda is basically, letting you keep what you are willing to wear. :: smiles :: a Very rare arrangement. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM Ooh. Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM :::Sips drink, rolls over::: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM Well let's keep it tasteful, they are Starfleet officers... Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM Hehe....That is a clever way of ...keeping us moving during a shoot. Violet (Civilian) BOT 12-Jun-23 09:20 PM :: She sat her towel down on the lounge chair and laid upon it. She needed to clear her mind :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:21 PM Driver> :: stops the limo exits and opens the doors :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::watching some kind of klingon fight on the screen:: I wonder if this is holographic or on the home world. It's good either way. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::exits the limo first, surveying the area:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:22 PM Mr. Snyder > I understand you might be recalled to your vessel at any moment.....time is of the essence...shall we begin? Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:22 PM ::gets out of the limo after Calli:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:22 PM :: exits the limo ....and the first thing she notices ...is the remotness of the beach......with just people wearing Baymax Corporation shirts :: Waiter BOT 12-Jun-23 09:22 PM ::walks over to Bren with a trey holding a large drink and an appetizer of fried rollups; Basically alien egg rolls; the waiter sets it down on the table next to Bren:: For you sir. ::and starts to walk away:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:23 PM Mr. Snyder> Ah....Welcome....Annika Callista.....here are your assistants....Maria and Luiga...they are here to help you get to speed today. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:24 PM Ah, ok Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:24 PM Maria and Luiga> Welcome Welcome! Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:24 PM :: Releases Gila :: Dr. Gila Orrak 12-Jun-23 09:24 PM Oh. :: falls back :: What happened? Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:24 PM Mr. Snyder> Mr. Faldek, this way...the center tent please... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:25 PM ::walks with Snyder:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:25 PM Maria> I will be helping you today Ms. Annika...this way...tent on the right... 21:25 Luiga> :: assists Callista :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:25 PM ::almost knocks over his gagh:: Oh sh... Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:26 PM ::Matt again starts to loose his balance and falls off the board; but this time ends up grabbing the board and it continues to fly off while he's holding on with two hands:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) ::almost knocks over his gagh:: Oh sh... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:26 PM ((can't have them escaping!)) 1 Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:26 PM All right. ::smiles:: See ya later Calli? 21:26 ::follows Maria:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:26 PM Yes! :: smiles at Annika :: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:26 PM :::Orders up some ice cream and relaxes:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:26 PM ::watching the warriors battle:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:27 PM Maria> You are very beautiful....Ms Miranda wishes you to wear this swimsuit here....and...:: looks at Annika...let me quickly do some touch ups :: 21:27 Maria> The Baymax Casual swim line...one piece...new fabric..made for comfort and swimming.... Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::smiles:: thank you. Ooh, that looks nice. Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:28 PM Maria> Do try on! I make adjustments! Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:28 PM Ok. ::goes to change into the swimsuit:: Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:28 PM :: Sets down his glass, then sets down the padd, eyebrow raised as he looks around for a moment, before returning to reading :: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::continues reading his medical journal:: Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:29 PM Are you alright? Dr. Gila Orrak 12-Jun-23 09:29 PM Yes, how much time? Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:29 PM Only, err, about an hour. Dr. Gila Orrak 12-Jun-23 09:29 PM What? It felt much longer. Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:29 PM ::the water beating him in the face while the board continues to fly just above the water:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:29 PM Mr. Snyder> I must say...we appreciate you wearing our items as well . Mr. Faldek. Although Cardassia regretfully is a market we do not believe will be accessible for the forseeable future. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::Changes into the swimsuit, admiring the fit in the mirror:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:30 PM :::Sips drink:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:30 PM Ms Maria> :: awaits for Annika to be ready:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::checks her reflection, then exits the changing room:: OK. Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all. 21:31 (Nothing at all! Nothing at all….) Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:31 PM Maria> Very Sheer....Yes!!!! Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:31 PM :: is wearing nothing at all::: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:31 PM Not right now definitely. However I do not wish to participate as anything other than Tyrel and Sorensen's superior. I don't like being holo-imaged. (edited) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::makes a note to place an order to be delivered to the station to be boarded on the Manticore:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:31 PM Yes Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:32 PM ::Matt's board flies up towards the north shore and passes the fashion shoot; they can hear a faint scream fading in then quickly fading out as he flies by:: 1 Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:32 PM Mr. Snyder> I assure you ...though...when you wore our formal wear selection you recieved last year..you or course made yourself very visable. 21:32 Mr. Snyder> :: smiles :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:33 PM It is a comfortable suit. Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:33 PM Mr. Snyder> Glad you like the quality. 21:34 Ms Mira...> :: puts make up on Annika...just a tiny bit :: Okay now you go to sun chair with Ms. Callista... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:34 PM ::nods:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:35 PM ::nods:: All right ::goes to the sun chair:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:35 PM It sounds like they're going outside. ::heads for the tent door to exit and observe:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:35 PM :::Sips drink::: Dr. Gila Orrak 12-Jun-23 09:36 PM Let's go back down. :: Clearly a little shaken, stands up :: Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:36 PM :: Also stands up :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:36 PM :: exits her tent and takes a seat in the sun chair next to Annika in a swimsuit that seems to play tricks on the eye with color :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:36 PM Looking good Calli Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:37 PM Thank you...YOu are something else.... Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:37 PM ::finishes the medical journal article he was reading, puts PADD down on a table beside his lounge chair:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:37 PM Cabana Boy Model> :: arrives with Drinks ::: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:37 PM ::stands off to the side, out of the view of the holo-imagers:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:38 PM HoloCam guy> :: starts taking some photos.....from different angles :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:38 PM ::seated in the sun chair as indicated, takes a sip of her drink:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:38 PM Mr Snyder> :: exits tent :: Ladies just a casual scene...enjoy the drinks.... Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:38 PM ::finishing his Gagh:: I am going to be in the gym when we get back. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:38 PM ::nods:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:38 PM Ah...non alchoholic...I do believe....tropical taste.... Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:39 PM :: Smiles :: Violet is finally out of her hotel room. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:39 PM Makes sense, don’t want the models to get drunk on shoot Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:39 PM Luiga> :: runs over and adjusts Callista's hair breifly :: Dr. Gila Orrak 12-Jun-23 09:39 PM You can feel her from this distance? Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:39 PM :;sips her drink:: Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:39 PM No no. Her bracelet she has on. Told her to wear it so she does not get lost. Still has things to learn. Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:40 PM Mr. Snyder> :: to Faldek:: Those two work well together...are they friends at your workplace? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:40 PM Yes. Different departments though. Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:40 PM Holophotographer> Ms. Annika can you roll to your side a bit to listen to your friend talk....... Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:41 PM Sure. ::rolls to her side and looks at Calli talking:: Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:41 PM :: Gets up from his lounge chair, holding his padd in his hand as he heads inside :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:41 PM Holophotographer> Callista look to Annika but stay in the same position.....:: snaping holo images :: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:42 PM ::hopes McFly didn't drown:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:42 PM Snyder> Interesting... on a ship with ..what...thousands...they got to know eachother....well that is nice. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:43 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:43 PM ::the auto return on the power board kicks in and it makes a wide turn back towards the rental place:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:44 PM Mr Snyder> Ah ladies...if you can grab the beach balls to your right and head to the ocean.....We'd like to get a few images of you having fun in the water. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:44 PM ::spots a man on a power board in the distance heading back towards the main beach for the area:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:44 PM Since the gym will be needed anyway! ::orders more bloodwine and some wings:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:44 PM All righty. ::grabs a beach ball and heads to the ocean:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:44 PM Oh...:: stands up and grabs the inflatable beach ball...something from Earth....:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:45 PM Been awhile since I seen a beach ball (edited) Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:45 PM Mr. Snyder> Oh dear...this is supposed to be a private beach...I hope they stay away... 21:45 Ms Maria> Oh pony tail...:: Adjusts Annika's hair breifly :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:46 PM ::squints a bit, seeing that it's McFly:: Oh I'm sure it's fine... Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 09:46 PM :: Climbs down the hill leading back to the hotel :: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:46 PM Mr. Snyder> Local Authorities are supposed to enforce regs...:: grumbles :: might choose another site next time... 21:47 :: runs to the water with the Ball.:: Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::he finally looses his grip of the board and he skims to a stop in the water; he turns over and floats on his back trying to catch his breath and check to make sure his skin is still on his face; after a few minutes and finally swims back to the power board and climbs back on but as he does he accidentally presses the go button and it flies off:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::heads into the water with the ball as well:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:47 PM :: runs to the water with the ball :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::chuckles a little watching McFly faceplant with the water:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:47 PM Holophotographer> :: runs with them taking photos :: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:48 PM :::Roolllls over:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:48 PM Mr. Snyder> Ooh dear that had to hurt..... Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:49 PM ::Plays with the balll if that’s what they’re supposed to do:: Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:49 PM :: Stops at the restaurant inside, getting another glass of lemonade as he heads back to his room :: 1 Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:49 PM Holophotographer> Annika...toss your ball aside please.....Callista...throw your ball to Annika..... Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:49 PM ::he clutches the board with both his arms and legs like a koala in a tree; soon, though, the board flips over and flies upside down while Matt tries not to get scalped by the water moving rapidly just below him:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:49 PM Holophotographer> Just play catch for a bit! Have fun! Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:49 PM ::tosses her ball:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:50 PM Oh okay! :: does a volleyball tap to Annika :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:50 PM Sure thing ::plays catch with Calli:: boy, this takes me back. ::bounces it back:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:50 PM Oh he's gonna hear about this later... Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:50 PM ::notices the Captain struggling with the power board in the distance, gets out of his chair and walks further down the beach in case his services may be needed:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:51 PM ::eating his wings and enjoying his bloodwine:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:51 PM :::Snores::: 1 Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:51 PM Mr. Snyder> Starfleet has permitted me to give you the following compensation...:: hands PADD to Faldek :: We are working under your rules....We could not do more... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:52 PM ::takes the PADD and looks it over:: This is acceptable. Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:52 PM ::the board starts to barrel roll over the water; the board with Matt on it reaches the shore and crashes into the rental tent knocking the entire structure down:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:52 PM Holophotographer> Alirght Annika and Callista...head back to the tents....please. Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:52 PM ::nods and heads back to the tents:: Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:53 PM ::He crawls out of the wreckage and flops onto his back; the attendant starts yelling at him:: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:53 PM ::sees the Captain and the board crash into the rental tent and runs towards it:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:53 PM Mr. Snyder> :: waves them back in :: Callista has a new color change type fabric she is wearing...we've had in development...Annika is wearing our new Casual beach line suite..that we hope to debut on Earth this Spring.... Captain McFly ::He crawls out of the wreckage and flops onto his back; the attendant starts yelling at him:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 09:54 PM ((He need some milk!)) Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:54 PM :: Heard the noise from the crash as he headed out of the restaurant, leaving the glass and he ran outside, seeing Tevek already on his way, he ran towards the fallen down structure:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:54 PM Ms. Maria...> :: offers Annika a towel :: Oh please let us return to tent to ready for more photos... Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::Matt slowly pulls himself to his feet; he takes off the wireless tether bracelet and tosses it into the wreckage with the board and walks away, the attendant still yelling as he does:: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:55 PM Thanks ::Takes the towel and dries herself off:: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::pulls medical tricorder out of pocket (don't leave home without it!) as he arrives at the wrecked tent:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:56 PM Maria> :: opens tent for Annika :: Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 09:56 PM ::enters tent:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:56 PM :: enters her tent ...Luiga in tow :: 21:56 Mr. Snyder> Can I trust you with something... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 09:56 PM Of course. Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:56 PM :: Noticed the Captain as he got closer to Tevek, stopping as he got closer :: Captain, are you...alright? Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:56 PM :: to Faldek :: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::begins scanning the Captain with medical tricorder:: That was a...fascinating...choice of recreational activity, sir... Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::grumbles to Harnett and continues to walk away:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 09:58 PM :::Rolls over::: Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 09:58 PM :: Raised an eyebrow as he turned to watch McFly walk away :: Fascinating.... I would say... deadly, Doctor.. Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 09:59 PM Mr. Snyder> :: gestures to two chests :: One chest if for Ms. Annika..another for Ms. Tyrel...Compliments of Miranda. Miranda has expressed her appreciation to Callista and Annika for wearing Baymax in there travels. And, she believes people are going to photograph them like here on RIsa..we'd like them to wear Baymax. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 10:00 PM Sure, have them sent to their suites. ::doesn't have the heart to tell him there won't be much photography where they work:: (edited) Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 10:00 PM Mr. Snyder> I will try to be your contact in the future....But...I fear..something is brewing....beyond yours or my control. But we shall stayin touch. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 10:00 PM Oh there's something brewing. That much is true. Erich Jaenke 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM (sorry) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::lets out a Sanchez worthy burp:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM :::Hiccupps:: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::raises eyebrow as well:: Indeed, Lt. Harnett. I will never understand why humans and others are so insistent on risking their lives in the name of..."fun". Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM :: paused :: Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 10:01 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 10:02 PM Nice work everyone, I enjoyed the eating, photos and board ridin g Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 10:03 PM TBS will be a few more hours as we roll into the evening. 22:03 Questions or Comments? Callista Tyrel 12-Jun-23 10:03 PM I must retire..goodnight! Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM If nothing then... keep on truckin, or something... I don't know... DISMISSED!!! Annika Sorensen 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM Goodnight! Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM Good night everyone Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM That's starfleet for get the ... well you know the rest :p 1 Kansas Kenickie 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM McFly Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM later babe Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM Night all! Lt.JG Harnett 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM Night! Captain McFly 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM later dudes Lt. Cdr. Faldek 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM See y'all. Dr. Tevek 12-Jun-23 10:04 PM Good night, everybody! Exported 249 message(s)
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Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved into depravity that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. Later, the Captain invited the crew to gather for a casual dinner that where everyone was surpisingly well behaved. Now they continue their slothing about on the planet. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1222, STARDATE 52306.05 = = 21:02 TBS is next day 21:03 !begin MEE6 BOT 05-Jun-23 09:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:04 PM :: taking a morning stroll on the beach :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:04 PM ::heads down to the lobby area of the hotel:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:04 PM ::with KK in their room :: (edited) Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:05 PM ::breathes in the sea air as she strolls along the beach:: Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:05 PM :: Searches for Erich outside the resort :: Bren Faliver 05-Jun-23 09:06 PM ::Finds himself having fallen in with some kind of yoga class on a beach. He didn't mean to join in but didn't know how to politely refuse the offer:: Lt.JG Harnett 05-Jun-23 09:06 PM :: looking out the window of his room, towards the beach :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:07 PM ::tnip:: I think a nice sauna trip would do well... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:08 PM ::casually walking along the sand:: Pah-Wraith Zealot BOT 05-Jun-23 09:08 PM ::having a Kosst Amojan study the bar tender; The book has the Kosst Amojan symbol but is his interrpetation of what might be written in the real book:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:09 PM :: wearing a sunhat and shades...swimwear with a blouse and purse...pure tourist look :: Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:09 PM Erich! :: She yelled, cupping her hand to project her voice :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:09 PM ::heads to the sauna:: Bren Faliver 05-Jun-23 09:09 PM ::has his feet on the rug on the beach, and his hands on the sand in front of it. He tries to bring his right hand and left leg to each other behind his back. He wobbles just attempting to move his limbs and falls over three times before the instructor moves on to something else:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:10 PM ::sends out a message to the people on Risa asking if they want to enjoy the heat with him:: 1 Bren Faliver 05-Jun-23 09:10 PM ((::Forwards the message to HR for sexual harassment::)) Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:11 PM ::dressed in her swimsuit with a blouse over it, about ankle deep in the cool water:: Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:13 PM :: Spies him up on a wooded hill, grunts then goes to join him :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:13 PM ::enters the sauna area and strips down and puts on a towel, going into the hot room. Once inside he turns the heat up a little to Cardassia standards.:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:13 PM Annika....can we move here? Bren Faliver 05-Jun-23 09:14 PM ::Pretty sure they are trying to do a headstand. That's not happening anytime soon! Bran keeps his head on the sand and pretends he's trying to get his legs into the air:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:14 PM ::smiles:: Sure, why the hell not? Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:14 PM Bartender> The reckoning will be a glorious event..... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:14 PM Oh that's nice... very nice. ::lays down next to the hot rocks:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:14 PM ::still in bed; snuggles up with Kansas:: So what else were you wanting to do today? (edited) Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:15 PM You’d make a great roomie, Calli Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:15 PM Why thank you!!! :: swishes water with her feet :: Lt.JG Harnett 05-Jun-23 09:16 PM :: makes his way down to the beach, wearing more Vulcan-ish clothing as he goes for a walk in the heat :: Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:16 PM :: Makes it to Erich :: There you are. Why are you up here? Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:16 PM Hmm... Oh! I saw there was a Tellerite archery class happening. I think that would be fun. Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:16 PM I wanted to get away from people without renting a boat to head to the middle of the sea. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:16 PM ::smiles, walking alongside:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:17 PM What makes it different from Human archery? Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:17 PM Your gift... Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:17 PM My curse. :: chuckles :: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:17 PM Bartender> :: cleans his bar while checking his contact list for the next Kosst Amojan study group :: Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:18 PM I don't know. I'm hoping it's deadlier. ::she says with almost a growl in her voice:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:18 PM ::laughs:: of course you are. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:18 PM There’s nothing like a nice long walk on the beach. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:19 PM Relaxing..and Oh my I am getting much needed sun..... Pah-Wraith Zealot BOT 05-Jun-23 09:19 PM Indeed it will, brother. Soon, the Bajoran people will come to know the true saving power of the Pah Wraiths. And those blasphemous Prophets will get what they deserve. ::pats him on the shoulder:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:19 PM Yes, as am I, getting too pale for my own good. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:20 PM Barkeeper>I wanted to ask you something brother...should...the Glory of the Pah Wraiths be only preached to our people...or ...should we prepare for the Reckoning with all races in mind? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::hears her PADD buzz, answers it:: Hello? Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:21 PM ::puts on a bikini and a little strapless dress to go over it; looks at the recreation guide to see when the class starts:: ...Hurry up! It's almost started. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:21 PM :: looks at Annika reaching for her Comm:: 21:22 Snyder> Hello This is Max, I met you at the hotel and discussed a possible project with yourself and Callista here on Risa to Showcase a New Swimwear line by the Baymax Corporation. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:23 PM ::moves over closer to Calli so she can hear:: Hmm ::glances at Calli:L. I’d be willing, if you were. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:23 PM Snyder>+ Annika + I was curious if you had come to a decision... Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:24 PM ::sluggishly gets out of bed and throws on whatever was nearby to cover himself; follows KK down the lift and wherever this archery class is:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:24 PM Ah that. If there’s a possibility to do it part time then maybe. I am still obligated to my ship and crew. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:24 PM :: stops :: Hmm....well as long as this is on your terms....I'm game. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:24 PM Sure. ::smiles and shrugs:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:25 PM Snyder + Annika + Oh Miranda completely understands your prior commitments it would be an afternoon shoot on a North Beach... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:25 PM Oh.. OK. Yeah, that should be ok then. Pah-Wraith Zealot BOT 05-Jun-23 09:26 PM We preach to everyone. The love of the Pah Wraiths extend beyond Bajor. In time, the entire galaxy will know their love, some their power. But we must spread the word, so that when they return, their loyal army will be waiting. Bren Faliver 05-Jun-23 09:26 PM ::holds a plank for a surprising amount of time:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:27 PM SNyder> + Annika +We could pick you up at your hotel....and your associates Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:27 PM Nice.. ok’ Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:27 PM Snyder> + Annika + Excellent...we'll look forward to seeing you and thank your for work with Baymax. :: ends Call :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:28 PM ::sits up:: 21:28 ::gets this ominous feeling, like a disturbance in the Force:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:28 PM I hope they have a bar... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:29 PM That sounds fun.. I hope we can get some more cool swimsuits or something out of it. ::giggle:: I hope so too. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:29 PM ::runs up with Matt in tow; signs up just before the class starts; is handed a bow and a quiver of arrows:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:29 PM Barkeep> Well....I shall not hesitate to encourage the tourists to visit the shrine of the Pah Wraiths on the hill.. :: grins :: Lt.JG Harnett 05-Jun-23 09:29 PM :: Is still walking down the path beside the beach :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::leaves the sauna, getting dressed again in his board shorts and hawaiian style shirt:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:30 PM ::looks at the items they hand KK:: ...This... this looks exactly like human archery. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:30 PM Shut up. Let's go. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:30 PM Maybe...whatever bargaining power you have. :: happily smiles :: We should let Beran know....he is our ...well security in a way. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::heads out, his Spidey Sense still tingling:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:31 PM ::Nods:: yes, yes let’s Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:32 PM You want me to call him...I feel I should be your secretary for this...hehe.... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:32 PM Maybe he can negotiate a better deal for us. He was kinda our manager or agent or whatever. ::nods to Calli:: Please. (edited) Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:32 PM :: kicks some water playfully :: Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:32 PM It's alright that you are here Gila. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:32 PM + Faldek + Tyrel to Faldek Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:33 PM +Tyrel+ Faldek here, everything ok? Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:33 PM :: holding her comm in her hand while looking at Annika with a smiile and admiring the view :: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:33 PM ::smiles back, listening in:: Pah-Wraith Zealot BOT 05-Jun-23 09:34 PM Yes, please do. ::grabs the bartender's ear checking his pagh:: The Pah Wraiths will bless you for your devotion. ::smiles:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:34 PM Oh very well... Can Annika and I meet you at the Hotel pool....in a bit? We are on the beach...We have a proposal for you.... Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:35 PM ::listening to the instructor; when she shoots, she hits the bullseye every time:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:35 PM +Tyrel+ A proposal... right. I'll be there shortly. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:35 PM + Faldek + Thank you Beran...we will be there shortly. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:36 PM ::heads off towards the hotel, and the pool:: +Tyrel+ No problem, Faldek out. (edited) Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:36 PM :: closes her COMM :: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:36 PM ::heads to the pool with Calli:: Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:37 PM ::impressed by KK's skill:: That's amazing! You've hit on target every time. You must be a professional. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:37 PM It's my first time. 1 1 Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:37 PM :: walks towards the hotel from the beach :: You know who would get a kick out of this...would be Violet....But I am not sure if Erich or Gila would let her come.. Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:37 PM You're lying. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:37 PM Nope. I've fired a lot of weapons before but not arrows. Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:38 PM ::He smiles at her:: Well, you're quite the natural. Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:38 PM Erich, where is Violet? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:38 PM ::giggles:: That’s true. Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:39 PM Still in her room. :: he looked at a device on his wrist :: Still sleeping. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:39 PM :: holds door open for Annika :: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:39 PM ::nods and heads inside:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:39 PM ::enters the pool area:: Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:40 PM I will say, while your execution is flawless, your technique could use some touching up. ::he walks over to her and stands behind her; he lifts her back elbow and bends her other just slightly:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:40 PM We should negotiate an allowance of a guest....although..do you think New Fashion is not yet meant to be seen by anyone. Maybe they might get security conscious... Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:40 PM Like this? ::smiles as she hits the bullseye again but this time in exactly the same spot:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:40 PM As in Faldek? They already know him. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:41 PM Oh I meant Violet... 21:41 :: walks though lobby to Pool area :: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:41 PM Ooh! I see. I doubt they’d get too conscious over a young teenager, no? But then, I’m not sure. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:42 PM ::spots Annika and Callista coming out from the lobby, approaches:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:42 PM Cute Bajoran Bartender> :: talks Bajoran lore and Pah Wraiths to tourists...handing out literature in his own more subtle way ....::: Violet (Civilian) BOT 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM :: Looks out the window of her room at the pool :: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM Hi Beran, can we grab a table.... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM Hello Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM Yes, excellent. But you don't need to be so aggressive. Here let me show you. ::He wraps his arms around her and helps hold and guide the bow; then he pulls her hand back with his pulling the string of the bow with the arrow:: Don't let go just yet, take a second. Breath and let it-- Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM ::walks up to KK and the instructor; he clears his throat very loudly:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM Ladies. Sure... ::snatches up a table, pulls out two chairs, then takes a seat himself:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:43 PM ( if the archery instructor makes a pass.....) 1 21:44 :: sits down looking like a tourist in her swim/beach attire :: Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:44 PM ::is startled by McFly and prematurely lets go of the arrow and knocks the bow off course sending the arrow flying into the water:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:45 PM ::sits next to Calli:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:45 PM So! ...This is Tellerite archery, eh? Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:46 PM Someone got a visit from the fashion company.....:: smiles looking at Annika :: Violet (Civilian) BOT 05-Jun-23 09:46 PM :: Opens the window and waves to Annika, but unsure if she sees :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:46 PM You mentioned that last night. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:46 PM Yeah! It's pretty fun. The teacher here was just showing me how to get a better hold of the bow. Until SOMEONE came sneaking over. ::she says playfully and with a smile:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:47 PM Yeah, we got an offer from Betamax guy to do some modelling gigs, this afternoon at North Beach ::waves back at Violet:: He called again about a half hour ago. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:47 PM ::folds his arms and glares at the instructor:: Is that what he was doing? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:47 PM Ah. Have they mentioned any terms? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:48 PM Not sure, what kinda compensation they’d offer. Which was why we thought to contact you about it. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:48 PM Baymax..the same guys who needed us on DS9. Uh......terms? Violet (Civilian) BOT 05-Jun-23 09:48 PM :: Shrugs :: Ah well. Breakfast. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:48 PM :: waves at Violet :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:48 PM Yeah like last time you paid and got to keep certain items of clothing... Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:49 PM Ah yes....the dresses and nice swimsuits. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:49 PM and a nice sleepwear set Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:49 PM I like to get close and personal with the people I teach here. This may be a free course but I get joy when they walk away being able to do something they've never done before. Violet (Civilian) BOT 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM :: Waves again :: I'm having eggs! Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM ::is quiet:: Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM :: Moves closer to Erich :: Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM There's more classes if you'd like to sign up. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM I'm good. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM Shall I assume you'd like me to negotiate the newest contract? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM ::nods:: We’d appreciate something favourable for us. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:50 PM :: gives a quick thumbs up to Violet :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:51 PM Oh you know I'll get you the best deal on Risa. I want some Tholian silk slippers... Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:51 PM Also ...I...we... feel a bit safer with you around keeping an eye on things Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:51 PM Well considering the last time it was a show for a notoriously bad Ferengi, I can understand that. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM Yes. ::nods:: Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM ::see's that glint in Matt's eye; smirks:: Well if you don't mind, I'd like to continue my class. ::she looks Matt dead in the eye, smirking:: Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM :: Closes his eyes and enters Gila's mind :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM I wonder what galaxy class criminals they'll have around this time... Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM Eri- Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM I’m still glad he didn’t recognize us from the first time… Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:52 PM That might be enough archery for today. Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:53 PM There's only a few minutes left. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:53 PM That makeup they used on us worked wonders (edited) Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:53 PM I think you would have been fine without it. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:54 PM See, only a few minutes. And then he can teach you. ::her smirk is turning into a big grin:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:54 PM :: smiles :: well.... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:54 PM I suppose so. ::smiles:: His gaze wasn’t exactly fixated on our faces… Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:54 PM :: The hillside scene morphs into another place, another time. A door to a rustic home lays before them :: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:54 PM I don't think we are going to get paid for this....there was something he talked about regarding starfleet recruiting department using some of the images... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:55 PM Oh trust me, you'll be getting paid. Archery Instructor BOT 05-Jun-23 09:55 PM ::goes back to putting his arms around her and "showing her how to hold the bow":: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:55 PM but I got the impression we would get some clothes out of the event. Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:55 PM Where am I? Where are we? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:55 PM yeah, he wanted me to pose to help boost Starfleet’s recruitment drive. But, yes we would appreciate if we were compensated for our time. 21:55 And service to STarfleet Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:56 PM Kinda wanted to see if we could take Violet with us...I think she would kinda enjoy this. Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:56 PM My childhood home. Another time, another place. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:56 PM ::grabs KK's hand:: Yeah I think we're done. ::takes the bow; tosses it on the check in table then walks up the beach with KK:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:56 PM I am not a babysitter... Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::chuckles:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:57 PM :: looks to Annika then back to Beran :: Do we look like babies? Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:57 PM ::laughs; stops him on the beach and puts her arms around his neck and kisses him:: ...Jealous much? Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:57 PM I come here often to...take a break from life on the ship Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:57 PM However that girl can take care of herself if she gets into a bind. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM You didn't see what he was trying-- Dr. Gila Orrak 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM How am I here? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM I was referring to Violet. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM yeah, more than I would… Erich Jaenke 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM :: laughs :: I'm gifted.:: Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM Of course....:: smiles back at Beran :: Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:58 PM I know exactly what he was doing. ::still laughing:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 09:59 PM Mhmm... I'm not amused. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 09:59 PM Oh the contact's name is Snyder...Max Snyder.. :: shows " card " to Faldek :: Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 09:59 PM Well I sure am. ::kisses him again; then takes him by the arm and continues walking together up the beach:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM ::pulls out his PADD and runs a check through the Starfleet database:: Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Does he like his martini, shaken or stirred? Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Cute Bajoran Barkeeper> :: encourages tourists to visit the Shrine of the Pah wraiths :: Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Come on. I'll make it up to you with some lunch and those little girly drinks you like. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Two girly drinks. Kardboard Kansas BOT 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Of course. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Seems legit. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 10:00 PM Don't know we will find out in several hours. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Bren Faliver 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM Well I don't know what you guys were doing but I had fun. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM Talking to yourself all night Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 10:01 PM I thought the Archery instructor was going to get gutted. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:02 PM It was fun. Working on a side hustle Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:02 PM It's the easiest narritive when I can control everything. Callista Tyrel 05-Jun-23 10:02 PM I need to depart folks...I will cya next week!\ Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:02 PM As a side note, I’ll be away June 19th on vacation. Will return the following week. Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:02 PM Later Calli 22:03 Two weeks. So was that a show you guys were planning? Does that need to happen next week? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:03 PM No? 22:03 (Not sure) Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:03 PM Calli's already gone so I don't know what she was planning with that. Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:04 PM We’ll see what we can do Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:04 PM Alright, well, TBS... A couple of hours? Mid afternoon? Sound good? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:04 PM Sound good Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:04 PM Alright then. 22:04 Questions or Comments? Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:05 PM Nope Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:05 PM If nothing then I leave you with an old Vulcan proverb... "Never trust archery instructors" ...DISMISSED!!! (edited) Annika Sorensen 05-Jun-23 10:05 PM Goodnight! Captain McFly 05-Jun-23 10:05 PM later dudes! Exported 228 message(s)
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Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved into depravity that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. Now the Captain invites the crew to gather for a casual dinner as night looms on Risa. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1221, STARDATE 52305.29 = = 21:08 TBS is a few hours later and it's becoming night fall. 21:08 !begin MEE6 BOT 29-May-23 09:08 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:09 PM :: walks along the beach enjoying the Risan Sunset :: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:09 PM :::In a different cute black dress:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:10 PM ::sends out a message to all the crew inviting them for dinner in the nearby Bolian Fusion restaurant:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:10 PM ( whoops cancel that ) Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:10 PM ::dressed in a casual dress, checks herself in a mirror:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:10 PM ((I mean, only if you left any kind of comm device in your room )) Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:11 PM ::nods and heads out of her room:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:12 PM Ready to head over to the restaurant? Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:12 PM ::still in a colorful button up shirt and denim pants; not much else was packed; purposefully:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:13 PM ::selects a pair of matching sandals and puts them on:: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:13 PM :: Was in his room, reading technical journals when he got the invite to the restaurant :: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:13 PM ::takes KK's hand; spins her around; pulls her close to him and wraps his arms around her waist:: I don't know, I think we can be late. Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:13 PM :: in beach attire...tank top and shorts, she secures her door and heads to the dinner:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:13 PM ::Wiggles finger:: no no, you can't be late to your own party Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:14 PM Looking good Calli. ::walks up behind her:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:14 PM It's my party and I'll tardy if I want to. Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:15 PM ::Grabs her shoes and slips them on:: come now Captain Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:15 PM Thanks! You as well! I ponder what the gathering is about. :: walks to elevator :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:16 PM ::follows Calli:: Dinner? I just hope it goes better than the first one. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:16 PM ::sighs:: Yes dear. 21:17 ::follows KK into the lift and out of the hotel towards the restaurant:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:17 PM Agreed. :: selects lobby on lift :: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:17 PM :: Puts down his padd and gets up, headed out the door for the Bolian Fusion :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:17 PM ::heads out to the bolian fusion restaurant:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:18 PM I've never had Bolian Fusion before Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:18 PM ::smiles steps into the lift:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:18 PM :: checks out her arms :: Got some sun while talking to the bartender... Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:18 PM Neither have I. Not certain I've actually had Bolian before. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:18 PM I see. It’s a nice looking tan though. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:19 PM Well... there was that one time... Not sure if that counts though. Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:19 PM ::Push McFly:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:19 PM Cooked up in Engineering means no Sun! :: notes the elevator open and exits :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:20 PM I mean you can say the same about being cooped up in a science lab or the science console on the bridge. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:22 PM :: Walks along, seeing the restaurant :: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:22 PM ::enters the restaurant and the host takes them to the large party room with a large round table in the middle:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:22 PM ::walks along to the restaurant:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:22 PM Ooo, Very fancy Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:22 PM True Girl. True Girl. :: walks to resterraunt Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:22 PM :: Violet, Erich, and Gila make their way to one of endless restaurants littered over Risa :: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:23 PM :: checks her Small PADD :: Says this place is Bolian. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:23 PM Bolian food? Ooh, exotic. Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:23 PM Gila > Something bothering you Erich? You can tell your doctor. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:23 PM ::almost near the restaurant:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:24 PM ::sits down with Kansas; orders a drink and waits for everyone to show up:: Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:25 PM Erich > No, just the mental noise. This planet is a challenge to my senses. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:25 PM ::While no one is around flirts with Kansas and kisses her neck; taking advantage of the little black dress:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:25 PM :: puts her PADD in her clutch :: Well...never had it as well...Never been to Bolarus. Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:25 PM ::Orders her own drink:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:26 PM Neither have I. 21:26 Here we are ::heads into the restaurant with Calli:: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:27 PM :: Steps into the restaurant, finding his way to the party room :: Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:27 PM Violet > We are here. :: She said with enthusiasm, as dis the dress she chose from the replication choices. Supposedly the latest from her homeworld. :: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:28 PM ::Takes McFly's hand:: (w) people are coming Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:28 PM ::walks into the bolian restaurant behind Harnett, following:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:28 PM ::steals one last kiss then straightens up before anyone comes in:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:28 PM :; enters restaurant finding and being directed to the Manticore Table :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:29 PM ::follows :: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:29 PM Damn Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:29 PM Violet > :: questioning her role here... :: Am I part of this crew? :: She questions as they three enter :: Nor many ships need a blacksmith. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:30 PM Meant to order a large Belgian chocolate cake for dessert. ::sigh:: Oh well. Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:30 PM Erich > We would bring you even if they told us not to V. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:31 PM :: Heads into the room, seeing the Captain and everyone :: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:31 PM ::A Bolian host opens a door for Callista and Annika and she spots the Captain and Commander :: Must be the right place! Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:32 PM :::Takes a sip of her drink:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:32 PM Ahh here we are! Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:33 PM Greetings Captain, Commander! :: looks to Kansas :: You look great. Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:34 PM :: The three enter the room :: Gila > Are we late? Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:34 PM :::Stands up:: Thank you Calli Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:34 PM Hello sirs. Good evening Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:34 PM Callista! You look ravishing! Sit, enjoy. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:34 PM ::next to Callista:: Hello… Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:35 PM ::looks at Gila:: Never Doctor! It doesn't start until you get here. Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:35 PM Thank you sir. Not bad for yourself. :: smiles looking to Annika's arrival :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:35 PM ::with Harnett, nodding to all:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:35 PM ::smiles:: Looking good, you two. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:35 PM :: Walks towards the table, nodding to everyone :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:36 PM ::nods:: Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:36 PM ::starts walking around the table and taking the new people's drink orders:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:36 PM Ah welcome all...:: notes the new arrivals :: Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:36 PM :: Erich felt a jolt, and sighed accordingly :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:37 PM ::orders a Saurian brandy:: 21:37 ::takes a seat next to Calli at the table:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:37 PM If available Kanar, if not I'll have a Saurian Brandy as well. :: takes a seat :: Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:38 PM ::to Cali:: The Kanar here is a little thick, is that ok? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:38 PM ::takes a seat:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:39 PM Always willing to try something new..that is fine. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:39 PM :: Takes the seat next to Pilot:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:39 PM Never tried thick Kanar before. Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:39 PM ::enters the order onto the padd:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:39 PM ::strolls in, fashionably late in his custom tailored Tholian silk suit:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:39 PM ::looks at Waiter:: Bloodwine...chilled. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:40 PM ::looks up at Faldek:: Looking... slick, I see. ::as in the suit looks frictionless:: Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:40 PM :: Violet sits. She struggles with the dress as it's somewhat new to her :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:40 PM Heya Violet. How’re you liking Risa so far? ::gives Violet a sweet smile:: 21:40 ::nods to Faldek:: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:40 PM :: notes Faldek ...in the impeccable tailored Baymax Corp Tholian Silk Suit worth a small fortune.:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:41 PM ::nods, sitting at an open seat:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:41 PM Nice suit, sir. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:41 PM ::looks at Faldek's suit:: Nice. Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:41 PM :: smiles at Faldek and turns her attention to Violet :: Good Evening Violet. Hope you have enjoyed your vacation. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:41 PM Thanks. I never get to wear nice things like this. Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:42 PM ::takes Faldek's drink order as he's the last to enter:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:42 PM Top shelf Kanar please. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:42 PM It is a refreshing change compared to our uniforms. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:42 PM I could make it your uniform if you want. Could be fun to see you wear it on away missions. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:42 PM :: Gives a wave to the waiter, having not ordered a drink yet :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:42 PM ::looks at Faldek:: And what does that taste like? Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:42 PM :::Shakes her glass towrads the waiter for a refill:: Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:43 PM ::enters the order and walks off to retrieve it:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:43 PM Don't get me wrong, the uniform is very comfortable, compared to what I wore when I was still working for Cardassia. Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:43 PM :: Gila nods to Faldek :: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:43 PM What are Cardassian uniforms made out of, cast iron? 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:44 PM It's sort of like... rubber. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:44 PM ((we'll just assume the waiter got around to everyone)) Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:44 PM ::sips his blood wine:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:44 PM Hm. Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:44 PM Oh and Beran, there is a Baymax Representative making the rounds on Risa, perhaps he will want a holo image you. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:44 PM (( lol, okay!)) Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:44 PM That won't be happening... Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:44 PM They always look very uncomfortable. I suppose that's why Cardassian military is always so cranky. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:44 PM Can't snap pictures of covert folks. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:45 PM ::nods to EJ:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:45 PM ::Smiles:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:45 PM ::looks at Harnett:: What are you drinking? Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:45 PM ::brings back all the drink orders including refills; finishes handing them out and starts food orders:: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:45 PM :: Looks to E.J. :: Vulcan spice tea. Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:46 PM Tourists will always take pictures... :: notes the Kanar and gives it a look and has a sip :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:46 PM Like there is a Romulan Ale, is there a Vulcan Ale? ::to Harnett:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:46 PM ::sips her brandy, then peruses the food menu:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:46 PM So I looked this place up, it's a 3 star michelin. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:46 PM Wouldn’t that just be water? Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:47 PM :::Orders the steak and pasta thing:: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:47 PM ::orders something Cardassian sounding:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:47 PM I never trust Michelin anymore. They never leave Earth. They just read the menu, order a frozen deliver and say it sucks. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:47 PM ::looks at Annika:: Maybe there is always vulcan brandy. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:48 PM Mmm. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:48 PM :: Nods to the waiter, picking up the cup :: There is Vulcan ale...it is made by Monks... highly intoxicating for non-Vulcans Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:48 PM :: turns a bit pink :: Woosh that is strong. Beran, I believe the Kanar has been on the shelf a while... Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:48 PM :: Violet noticed the tiny loaves of bread :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:49 PM Hard to trust a company who manufactures a product that went obsolete centuries ago. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:49 PM ::orders something exotic sounding that he can barely pronounce but the ingredients look good:: (edited) Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:49 PM ::looks at Callista:: Well Cardassians don't usually come to Risa, so it is not surprising. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:50 PM ::orders a mixture of Klingon food, Asian Fusion, and a Vulcan inspired salad:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:50 PM ::orders some exotic looking Bolian dish from the menu, looks good based on the ingredients:: Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:50 PM (i.e. bland salad) Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:50 PM I'd say a very old bottle....I might have to punt. :: to Annika :: I think I am going to switch to what you are having tonight. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:50 PM :: Orders Bolian tomato soup :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:51 PM ::chuckles:: Good choice. This particular brandy’s a good vintage. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:51 PM ::hears Harnett order that:: That sounds good.. Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:51 PM :: places her order with the drink change :: Kanar must be over a century old..... Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:51 PM (hard to keep awake) Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:51 PM ::Sips her drink:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:52 PM Bring me one of those Bolian tomato soups too! A warrior must be properly fed... Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:52 PM ::takes a slug of his Kanar:: Oooh very good. Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:52 PM ((A Vulcan salad deconstruction; It's basically lettuce, tomato and onion that has been broken down to their nutritional molecules and dehydrated into a fine powder that you lick off a spoon)) Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:52 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at E.J. ordering the soup :: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:53 PM (Yummy) Erich Jaenke 29-May-23 09:53 PM :: the three are drinking and eating :: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:53 PM (( That's why I ordered soup )) Waiter BOT 29-May-23 09:54 PM ::checks in everyone's food order then walks out the room:: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:54 PM :: Sips his tea :: Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:54 PM :: stands and walks over to Faldek :: here you can have mine...the Viscosity is about to challenging for my physiology. Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:55 PM Oh thanks. ::takes the drink and finishes it in one gulp:: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:55 PM Thirsty eh Beran? Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:55 PM Ah...:: pats him on the shoulder before walking back to her seat :: You show off...:: smiles and retreats :: Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:56 PM Always like a good thick Kanar. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:56 PM ((Last supper before returning to duty)) Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:56 PM :: returns to her seat next to Annika :: Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 09:56 PM Heh. Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:57 PM ::smiles:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:57 PM ::raises his drink glass:: A quick toast to the weirdest crew in the fleet. You're the only ones able to get done then get yelled at about it for doing it too well. You all deserve much more. No one will ever know of your work or your sacrifices because it's all classified. But hey, that's what free food is for! Callista Tyrel 29-May-23 09:57 PM ( I apologize folks I must depart early see you next week...) Captain McFly 29-May-23 09:57 PM ((later Cali)) Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 09:57 PM ::Lifts her glass:: Cheers! Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 09:58 PM Here, here. ::raises glass:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 09:58 PM Cheers! ::raises her glass:: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 09:58 PM :: Raised his cup :: Here, here. Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 10:00 PM ::raises glass:: Hell yes! Qapla!!! Waiter BOT 29-May-23 10:00 PM ::with the help of two fellow waiters she brings in everyone's order and starts handing them out; she nearly drops Pilot's plate on the table because it's still moving:: Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 10:00 PM Ooooh Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:01 PM !pause MEE6 BOT 29-May-23 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 10:01 PM :::Paused:: Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 10:01 PM :: Paused :: Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:01 PM That felt like it went by really quick 22:01 KK, komments? Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 10:01 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 10:01 PM nothing from me Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:02 PM For TBS, you guys want more shore leave or get back to work? 22:02 Technically this was only our second night on Risa. Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 10:03 PM Mmm Risa Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 10:03 PM More shoreleave is always nice Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:03 PM Got two for Risa. Anyone else? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 10:03 PM We can do more shoreleave I guess then we will be fully relaxed. Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 10:03 PM lol Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:04 PM I GUESS we can stay on vacation longer. I mean if that's what everyone really wants. ::shrugs:: 22:04 That was pilot saying that 22:04 Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 10:04 PM LOL! Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 10:05 PM As long as there is no more Chocolate, then I'm ok with more vacation Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:05 PM Alright, well since only a few have spoken more shore leave it is! 1 Lt. Cdr. Faldek 29-May-23 10:05 PM mhm Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:05 PM What was that? You want a chocolate fountain in your room? Yeah why not splurge! Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 10:05 PM Oh good god Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 10:06 PM Yaaay!! Lt.JG Harnett 29-May-23 10:06 PM Don't give Faldek ideas! Annika Sorensen 29-May-23 10:06 PM Lol Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:06 PM Alright, TBS will be next day. This will now be our third day on Risa and we continue the free for all. 22:06 Questions or comments? Lt. Pilot ("E'jAi" EJ) 29-May-23 10:06 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:07 PM If nothing then remember, when it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile... DISMISSED!!! 1 Kansas Kenickie 29-May-23 10:07 PM Nite nite everyone 22:07 McFly Captain McFly 29-May-23 10:07 PM later babe Exported 223 message(s)
  18. HuskyMan found us on Discord but for anyone else interested in checking out our Discord server where we host the sims a link will be posted at the bottom. https://discord.gg/NWmEjkb2
  19. Hi! Welcome to STSF! We're an RP group that dates back all the way to the late 90's on AOL. If you don't know what that is it was an early ISP with its own eco-system that included chat rooms. Anyway that's all to say we've been around for a while. Currently we have four ongoing sims which have all moved their gameplay to Discord. I'll post a link at the bottom. In the forums under Advanced Sims you can see samples of what our games are like. We call them sims (short for simulations) because that's the way they're played. You have a character set in the world of Star Trek and that character lives their life as if they were aboard a starship or station. They have their duties as StarFleet officers, they follow chain of command and build relationships with the people around them. Each sim will run story plots generally laid out by the GM (game master) and those will take place over the course of many months since each sim is only played for one hour once a week. Depending on where the story is going the sim can be anywhere from heavy action to figuring out something sciencey to away missions to everyone sitting in the mess hall having dinner and any and everything in between. And your character stays as long as you do. Some people have chosen to change their character but that's rare. Most people stick with the same character for years. I myself have been using the same one since I started back in 2003. You can always develop side characters to enhance your experience but they're not used at the expense of your main character. Hope that helps explain how we play. It's not difficult at all, just takes a couple of sims to get used to. And yes, all our sims are played in the evening in US time zones. A Google search says Norway is in the CET time zone, so you're looking at Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 4am CET. Unfortunately we don't have anything else going on at the moment that would accommodate better. I can't imagine anyone willing to get up at 4am just to play a game but if you're interested we'll be here. :D https://discord.gg/NWmEjkb2
  20. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1221, STARDATE 52305.29 = /\ = While Manticore is being fixed, cleaned and pampered, the crew enjoys shore leave on Risa. Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved into depravity that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. Now the Captain invites the crew to gather for a casual dinner as night looms on Risa. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1221, STARDATE 52305.29 = /\ =
  21. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1220, STARDATE 52305.22 = /\ = While Manticore is being fixed, cleaned and pampered, the crew enjoys shore leave on Risa. Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. After repenting their sins some of the crew has reconnected with an old employer... a modeling agent. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1220, STARDATE 52305.22 = /\ = 230522.html
  22. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1220, STARDATE 52305.22 = /\ = While Manticore is being fixed, cleaned and pampered, the crew enjoys shore leave on Risa. Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolved that resulted in the two resident Vulcans becoming intoxicated on chocolate. After repenting their sins some of the crew has reconnected with an old employer... a modeling agent. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1220, STARDATE 52305.22 = /\ =
  23. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1219, STARDATE 52305.15 = /\ = While Manticore is being fixed, cleaned and pampered, the crew enjoys shore leave on Risa. Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolves into abject debauchery and they've pressured Tevek and Harnett into unruly intoxication by chocolate. As the day turns anew, the crew reflects on their actions as they avoid eye contact with everyone they meet. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1219, STARDATE 52305.15 = /\ =
  24. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1219, STARDATE 52305.15 = /\ = While Manticore is being fixed, cleaned and pampered, the crew enjoys shore leave on Risa. Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolves into abject debauchery and they've pressured Tevek and Harnett into unruly intoxication by chocolate. As the day turns anew, the crew reflects on their actions as they avoid eye contact with everyone they meet. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1219, STARDATE 52305.15 = /\ = 230515.html
  25. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1218, STARDATE 52305.08 = /\ = While Manticore is being fixed, cleaned and pampered, the crew enjoys shore leave on Risa. Thanks to Faldek's generosity, the crew devolves into abject debauchery and they've pressured Tevek and Harnett into unruly intoxication by chocolate. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1218, STARDATE 52305.08 = /\ = 230508.html