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Everything posted by McFly

  1. @font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-400.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:400;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-500.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:500;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-600.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:600;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-700.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:700;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-800.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:800;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-italic-400.woff2");font-family:gg 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Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:00 PM hi Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:00 PM hi Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:01 PM evening Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:01 PM Yay, we're all here.... 9:02 PM Last time on USS Arcadia -- the away team on the rogue planet found their way to the end of the long crystal tunnel and entered a very large dark cavern with lots of structure 9:02 PM Any sim-related qs before we start? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:02 PM also there were bodies 9:03 PM can't forget the bodies Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:03 PM Oh yeah, and the tunnel had bodies of various ages in various states of decay Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:04 PM no questions here Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:04 PM same Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:04 PM ok then... 9:04 PM !begin Dyno BOT 1/10/2024 9:04 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:04 PM +arc+ arizhel to arc Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:05 PM "Why exactly are we going further down?" Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:05 PM ::looking around with flashlight:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:05 PM I think we should head back and let the captain know what we found so far 9:06 PM no reason for us to face a space monster with just the four of us Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:06 PM light> :: there are obviously artificial structures. they're all dark :: 9:06 PM ACTION> comm badge clicky clickies Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:07 PM Seems like we're out of communication? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:08 PM indeed. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:09 PM Well, we could either turn back and see if we could get in contact with the Arc on the surface or we could keep going. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:09 PM the safest thing would be to turn around get in contatc 9:09 PM let's head out and i'll stay in the rear in case it turns out we have company Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:09 PM Sounds like a plan. Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:11 PM ACTION> the cavern roof is starting to glow faintly red Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:11 PM was the roof red before now? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:11 PM I don't believe so. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:12 PM "Some kind of electro-magnetic energy is in the area, maybe even thermal...wait, static?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:12 PM this is not good Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:12 PM ACTION> that EM energy is emanating from the roof.... 9:13 PM ACTION> and (as Natell said), the temperature is starting to get a bit warmer, but slowly Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:13 PM get back Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:13 PM ::steps back:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:13 PM ::backs away from the glowing roof:: 9:13 PM ::has phaser out and ready to shoot:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:14 PM "I know my people like tropical climates..." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:14 PM ::scanning like crazy:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:14 PM (( how do you back away from a roof?)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:15 PM ((i assumed it was like part of the roof like the center? going towards the edge)) 9:15 PM ((or the previous area if it's the new room that was red)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:15 PM (( it's a giant cavern)) 9:15 PM (( the entrance to the tunnel is in one place )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:15 PM ((and all red on top?)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:16 PM (( roof is lighting almost uniformly )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:16 PM ((weird)) 9:16 PM ((duck and cover i guess?)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:16 PM roof> :: moving into the yellow from the red, slowly :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:16 PM this is weird 9:16 PM maybe this is how they heat things? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:17 PM around them> :: there are some buzzing sounds, some chirping sounds starting. They're coming from many different sources :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:17 PM Huh, sounds like some sort of life signs? 9:18 PM I guess the roof is mimicing a sun? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:19 PM roof> :: slowly getting more yellow than red :: 9:20 PM around them> :: more chirping, something small flies overhead :: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:20 PM "Anyone else hearing that?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:20 PM yes 9:20 PM hello? anyone here? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:21 PM ACTION> there's motion inside some of the structures Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:21 PM ::scans for life and technology in the direction of teh motion:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:22 PM lifesigns> :: lots of them, some of them humanoid :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:22 PM ::puts away phaser for now:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:23 PM tech> :: no power signatures in the structures, but there are (as Natell said) on the roof and of course the low power at the door lock :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:23 PM There seem to be humanoid and non-humanoid lifesigns in the area. 9:23 PM No tech, though, aside from the lock and the roof. Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:23 PM ACTION> :: more small animals fly above, chirping :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:23 PM they have a pretty advanced setup down here, though, in terms of climate control Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:24 PM ACTION> the yellowish roof is starting to become bluer... the air is being heated radiantly from above Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:25 PM Interesting that a rogue planet would have underground habitations full of life. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:25 PM we're probably not going to be mining it for dilithium if there are inhabitants 9:26 PM let's keep going. if there are people, a full security team may alarm them Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:26 PM True Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:26 PM ::continues walking into the cave:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:27 PM ::following:: 9:27 PM Jasad, anything unusual about the life down here? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:28 PM ::looking around at the birds and whatever else is there:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:28 PM "I think they enjoy the energy in this area." Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:28 PM ACTION> there are some small rat-sized forms running around on the ground Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:29 PM feel free to take samples; life on a rogue planet is pretty unusual Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:31 PM ACTION> it's getting lighter out Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:31 PM :: Stoops down and scans the rats :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:31 PM We might be encountering humanoids soon. Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:31 PM rats> :: are not actually rats, theyre some kind of carniverous animals :: 9:32 PM rats> :: they scurry when the AT gets nearby :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:33 PM Do they have claws consistent with the scratch marks on the bones outside? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:33 PM are they venomous? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:33 PM rats> :: have much smaller two-part claws :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:34 PM ((too bad, that would have been a convenient and not scary explanation)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:34 PM Odd they'd have large carnivores in a controlled environment... Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:34 PM (( you need the scary one )) 9:35 PM More small animals> :: coming out to run around, eat and be eaten :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:35 PM maybe it is less controlled than it looks from here Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:36 PM "We should leave." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:37 PM That might not be a terrible idea. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:38 PM ::looks to see how far it would be back to the cave entrance from where they are now:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:38 PM cave entrance> :: hasn't moved. it's a door :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:39 PM let's head out then. after you. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:39 PM ::heads towards the door:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 9:40 PM :: Starts a fast walk to the cavern exit :: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:41 PM humanoids> :: starting to stir out of their small structures, but laying low and relatively unseen :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:41 PM hello? 9:41 PM ::following behind them a little slower in case the people want to talk:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:41 PM humanoids> :: they are all slightly bent and none is taller than 1.3m :: 9:42 PM humanoids> :: not answering :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:42 PM They seem scared of us...maybe we should leave them alone. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:43 PM they may not be the top of the food chain here. 9:43 PM ::heads back with the others:: (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:43 PM True Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:44 PM ((hobbits?!?!?!)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:45 PM (( not exactly )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:46 PM ::heading back to the entrance:: 9:46 PM ((they are hobbits until proven otherwise)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:46 PM ((Wait, were the corpses outside as short as these hunanoids?)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:48 PM (( yup )) 9:48 PM (( same species, but deader )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:48 PM ((Makes sense)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:48 PM (( some of the older ones mightve been slightly taller )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:49 PM ::closes the door after the others when the get to the tunnel so as not to wreck the climate controls:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:50 PM ACTION> just as the door reopens, there's someone at the other side 9:50 PM ACTION> actually 3 someones Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:50 PM Uh...hello? (edited) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:50 PM ACTION> also kind of short, orange skinned and with big ears 9:50 PM ACTION> and holding weaponds 9:50 PM Central one> Well, hello there.... Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:51 PM Didn't think a rogue planet would be this lively, tell you the truth. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:51 PM greetings 9:51 PM I am commander Arizhel from the USS Arcadia. We come in peace Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:51 PM Central one> Daemon Drax of the Ferengi Alliance, you must be the "away team" from the Federation 9:51 PM Ferengi> :: laugh :: 9:52 PM Drax> I remind you of the 76th rule of acquisition: Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:53 PM We are. These people don't seem to have any sort of profit for you, so I imagine you'll be leaving. Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:53 PM Drax> You don't fool me into thinking you were just going to leave all the profit here. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:53 PM just a bunch of rats 9:53 PM is there a profit in rats? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:54 PM Drax> :: looks at one of the others and laughs again :: 9:54 PM Drax> and the largest dilithium deposit this of the universe Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:54 PM it's unmineable Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 9:54 PM We were having trouble mining that. Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:55 PM Drax> Are you saying you won't challenge the Ferengi claim on this planet? 9:55 PM Planet humanoids> :: slipping behind the AT :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:55 PM we need to talk to our superiors before we make any sort of claims 9:55 PM we do not have the authority Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:56 PM Drax> :: noticing someone and face noticably changes :: 9:56 PM ACTION> :: the AT gets clubbed, which knocks out everyone except Arizhel (big Klingon head ) :: 9:56 PM ACTION> the Ferengi shoot wildly, and miss Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:57 PM ::pulls out phaser and fires at ferengi:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:57 PM ACTION> A bunch of humanoids club Arizhel as she aims at the Ferengi Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:57 PM ((it is on stun)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:57 PM F2> :: gets stunned :: 9:57 PM F1> :: gets clubbed :: 9:57 PM F3> :: gets clubbed :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:57 PM ::aims at humanoid:: (edited) Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:58 PM humanoids> :: surrounding Arizhel closely and clubbing :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:58 PM why are you attacking us? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:58 PM humanoids> :: club, club, club :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:58 PM ::brings up batleth in defense:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:58 PM humanoids> :: there are a lot of them :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:58 PM ::doesn't want to hurt the people:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:58 PM humanoids> :: and they're all clubbing :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 9:58 PM ::is probably going to fail:: 9:59 PM ::back to stunning with phaser while she can:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 9:59 PM humanoids> :: some of them get stunned, more come in, trample on the stunned ones and club :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 10:00 PM +arc+ arizhel to arc. if you can hear me the locals have overtaken us Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 10:00 PM ACTION> 20 people clubbing you can overcome even a Klingon 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 1/10/2024 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 10:00 PM pause'd Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 10:00 PM paused 10:01 PM they are so short! can they even reach above my legs?? Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 10:01 PM I just needed you to get to the door to advance the plot.... Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/10/2024 10:01 PM was not sure what was occuring with the humanoids Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 10:01 PM They have big clubs Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 10:01 PM we didn't want to get eaten by space monsters 10:01 PM so we get clubbed instead Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 10:01 PM indeed Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/10/2024 10:01 PM have a good night! Captain Lo'Ami 1/10/2024 10:02 PM gnight Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/10/2024 10:02 PM 'night! Exported 180 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Manticore has been sent in to investigate. They found the remains of the tow ship and its crew. Meanwhile, Kansas has been reassigned to Presidential security and during a diplomatic conference on the moon she thwarted an assassination attempt. However, no one knows who he was or how he snuck inside. Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with Edvenent to search for -REDACTED-. However, Cardassian command has seen fit for them to be sent to new assignments and disrupting their undercover mission. Faldek is on a new Dominion shipyard. Gila is at an outpost turned medical facility. And Edvenent is in Cardassia's main military intelligence complex where he just stumbled upon some interesting bit of intel. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1252, STARDATE 52401.08 = = 9:02 PM !begin Dyno BOT 1/8/2024 9:02 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:02 PM ::on his 3rd cup since it has been a half an hour:: Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:02 PM ::analysing the alien warp signatures in tandem with the orcas and dolphins in CetOPS:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:03 PM ((TBS was half an hour)) President Jaresh-Inyo (Earth) BOT 1/8/2024 9:03 PM ::trying to relax after a rough day:: Dr. Tevek 1/8/2024 9:04 PM ::in sickbay:: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:04 PM :::Checking the windows::: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:05 PM :: maintains normal operations in engineering :: Sven BOT 1/8/2024 9:06 PM ::eating some yummy mackerels that are swimming around him as he continues with his work:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:07 PM ::those that can hear me on the briddge:: Refills...anyone? Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:07 PM I'll take one! Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:07 PM ::Stands behind his usual chair at Science-1, finishing off the Coffee:: Oooh, I won't say no Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:07 PM Anything awkward on scans? Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:07 PM ::Heads towards the door:: I will be outside the door if you need me Mister President Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:08 PM ::pours the last two cups for Bren & Annika:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:08 PM ::finishes up his report on the actions of a certain Glinn that he was sent here to investigate:: Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:08 PM Thanks! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:08 PM ::puts the coffee carafe and tray back into the replicator with his own stuff:: Absolutely! President Jaresh-Inyo (Earth) BOT 1/8/2024 9:08 PM Commander Kenickie! Thank you so much for your quick action today. I would be dead if not for you. Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:09 PM James Ryan ( Earth) :: keeping an eye on the President's Front Door Residence :: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:09 PM :: Has copies of what he found on a cardassian padd as he reads through it in his office at the Intel Compex :: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:09 PM ::Smiles:: Happy I was there to keep you in one piece Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:09 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:09 PM I've still not yet been able to fully identify the alien warp signature. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be in our dataabase of warp signatures. Dr. Tevek 1/8/2024 9:10 PM ::reviewing crew medical records, looking for any that need updating:: Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:11 PM Thank you kindly, Pilot Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:11 PM :::Steps outside, glances at Ryan:: anything going on Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:11 PM ::sips her coffee :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:12 PM ::checking in with Security Teams while keeping them at heightened status:: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:14 PM :::Looks up at the News on the monitor:: They reporting anything new? Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:15 PM James Ryan ( Earth ) > :: looks to Kansas :: Just background stuff regarding the incident...but they hop right back in to war coverage..and are trying to link the both. Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:15 PM ::to Sanchez:: It looks like our trail is starting to dry up. I think we're reaching the end. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:16 PM :: Is still looking through the information :: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:16 PM why am I not surprised ::Shakes her head:: Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:16 PM Annika, it is our job to always have a better idea. Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:16 PM Sanchez, get ready to drop us out of warp. Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:16 PM ::nods:: Yeah I hear you there. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:17 PM :: She hated being around the Jem'Hadar, but the intel regarding the white could prove useful :: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:18 PM James Ryan ( Earth) > Given what little they and we know...:: allows a brief shrug :: I can't blame them. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/8/2024 9:18 PM ::nods:: Aye sir! Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:18 PM yeah but the guy who I tackled wasn't a changlling Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:18 PM Let's hope we'll able to find something more.. Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:18 PM :: Still tapping at Ops :: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:19 PM ACTION> MANTICORE DROPS OUT OF WARP JUST OUTSIDE OF WHAT APPEARS TO BE A JUNKYARD Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:19 PM :: Looks up from his console at the view on the view screen :: Erich Jaenke 1/8/2024 9:19 PM :: Doing the drop out of warp checks :: Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:19 PM ::Looks at at the space junk on the viewscreen:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:19 PM ::begins tactical scan of the area:: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:20 PM James Ryan ( Earth)> Other worlds might actually welcome the Dominion Ma'am. And be eager to prove their loyalty to their new overlords by trying something like what happened....I have no evidence but we should remain open to the idea. Dr. Tevek 1/8/2024 9:20 PM ::raises eyebrow as he reviews records for cetacean ops crewmembers, makes note that they are in need of updating:: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:21 PM :: Looks back down at Ops :: Sir, there is a dampening field is preventing scans. Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:21 PM ::Reads some of the farther-reaching scanner feeds:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:21 PM ::looking at his console:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:22 PM :: Reaches over to his terminal and brings up a secure channel to Faldek and Orrak :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:22 PM That's not good. Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:22 PM ::walks up the ramp to the science stations:: If you can't scan, I assume that means you can't scan for what's causing the dampening? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:22 PM ::sees the secure communication from Edvenet, opens it, double checking to make sure it is secure:: Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:23 PM If its close enough, we can still get a read on it as the source of strong emanations Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:23 PM Alright, Sanchez, bring us in slowly. And try to avoid hitting any of that trash out there. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:23 PM :: Taps the side of her head to hear the comm :: (edited) Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/8/2024 9:24 PM ::taps on his console:: I'll try my best Captain. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:24 PM ::Takes a PADD from an ensign, scrolls through the report:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:24 PM :: Sitting behind his desk, gives Faldek a nod ::+Faldek+ I have some information for you.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:25 PM ::to Sanchez:: Please don't scratch our new ship Petty Officer. Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:25 PM Ryan ( Earth) > :: quitely keeps his eyes open :: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:25 PM +Orrak, Edvenet+ Oh, what do you have? Dr. Tevek 1/8/2024 9:25 PM ::continues reviewing medical records:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:25 PM :: Goes somewhere less crowded, bumps into a soilder :: "Excuse me, my fault." Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) +Orrak, Edvenet+ Oh, what do you have? Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:26 PM ((If he initiates the comms, it's the EdvenNET)) Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/8/2024 9:26 PM I am not making any promises... ::grins, as he dodges the junk:: Bren Faliver ((If he initiates the comms, it's the EdvenNET)) Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:26 PM ((I can't find a forehead slap emoji)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:27 PM Mr. Sanchez, don't be that guy. Armory Officer BOT 1/8/2024 9:28 PM ::in the armory doing armory things:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:28 PM ACTION> SLOWLY, MANTICORE FLIES THROUGH THE DEBRIS FIELD; ON THE VIEWSCREEN THEY CAN SEE WHAT LOOK LIKE REALLY SMALL OUTPOSTS SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE FIELD Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:29 PM + Faldek, Orrak + That mission we've been trying to find information on.... it has just started, they're calling it Project Nebula.. :: He sends a map to Faldek's terminal of a small Nebula that crosses over space the Federation and Cardassian boarder :: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:29 PM :: Listens :: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:30 PM :: Taps at Ops, seeing if he can get any scans through the dampening field, looking up at the debris field from time to time :: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:30 PM +Edvenet, Orrak+ Aha and how can you be sure that this is what we're looking for? What is unique about this Nebula? (edited) Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:30 PM ::watches the screen:: I mean it looks like someone has to be out here right? How do we knock on their door? Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:31 PM Broad-band hails? Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:31 PM Pilot, open a hail on all frequencies. See if anyone answers. 9:31 PM Good thinking, Commander! Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:31 PM :: in engineering monitoring ship systems...:: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:31 PM :: Raises an eyebrow :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:32 PM ::opens hailing frequencies:: Erich Jaenke 1/8/2024 9:32 PM "Tyrel?" Erich Jaenke "Tyrel?" Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:33 PM ((Don't forget to change your name, Changeling)) Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:33 PM Sir? :: looks over her shoulder and turns :: 9:34 PM ( yeah expected shape shifter...eek ! ) Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:35 PM ::Idly notates a constellation for Annika:: "This one looks like a seahorse" Erich Jaenke 1/8/2024 9:36 PM (sorry) Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:37 PM :::Sends officers on patrol:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:37 PM ((I could change your name but I didn't want to be that guy. )) Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:37 PM Oooh, nice. Erich Jaenke 1/8/2024 9:37 PM (Don't think we need three doctors) Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:38 PM :: Looks down for a moment :: Well, I do not now for sure.... but in the memo with the map is states " Project Nebula has started" and they are refuring to the nebula as the " Collector location " Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:38 PM Bren, are we getting any closer to the source? Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:39 PM ::pauses a few seconds:: Yessss.... I'd estimate our course isn't very direct, but the energy levels are slightly increasing over time Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:39 PM CSI Trax> :: A Bolian Commander approaches James Ryan :: Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:39 PM ::nods:: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:39 PM :: Doing Ops things :: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:39 PM ::Notes the Bolian approching:: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:40 PM CSI Trax> Mr. Ryan, I am Commander Trax Starfleet CSI. I need to speak with your superior. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:40 PM ::Nods to Trax:: That would be me Commander Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:41 PM +Edvenet, Orrak+ Odd. So it's basically like a staging area... Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:41 PM ACTION> AS MANTICORE PUSHES THROUGH THE DEBRIS FIELD THEY COME ACROSS A MUCH LARGER FACILITY; ESSENTIALLY A SPACE STATION IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:41 PM CSI Trax> Commander Trax, Starfleet CSI. :: shows credentials :: We need to speak in private. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:41 PM :: Nods :: Exactly.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:41 PM Would you look at that! Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:41 PM Can we get scans of anything in there? Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:41 PM Of course ::Nods to Ryan:: Keep the door Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:42 PM +Edvenet,Orrak+ But a staging area for what..? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:42 PM ::NOIP:: Are our scanners still not working? Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:42 PM Still pretty much garbage. Visual readings work... Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:42 PM ::Points Trax to the side office::: This way Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:42 PM :: Looks up from ops :: Fascinating, such a facility hiding in a debris field... Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:42 PM Ryan (earth) > :: nods :: 9:43 PM CSI Trax > :: follows Kansas :: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:43 PM :: Looks at at Faldek :: + Faldek. Orrak + Like for a fleet, or a weapon.. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:43 PM I hope you have good news for me Dr. Tevek 1/8/2024 9:43 PM ::notes a few other crewmembers, in addition to the cetaceans, that need updated medical records:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:43 PM ::to anyone on the bridge:: Can we transport over there without scanners? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:43 PM +Edvenet, Orrak+ Possible, and that's all the information you could find eh? Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:43 PM CSI Trax> Is this office secure? Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:44 PM I don't believe so, but I'll defer to the transporter room Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:44 PM I would suggest shuttling instead. Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:44 PM ::scanning the station:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:44 PM :: Can only listen as there are still other technicians around :: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:44 PM :: eyebrow raised :: It is possible, sir...but highly dangerous Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:44 PM yes it is... this is my Office. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:44 PM I wouldn't like to end up in a bulkhead. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:44 PM + Faldek, Orrak + So far, yes that is all I can find Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:44 PM That what I was thinking. Pilot, prep a shuttle. We're going over there. Bren, you have the bridge. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:45 PM +Edvenet, Orrak+ Gila, do you have anything to report? ::saves the chart and everything that Edvenet sent:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:45 PM ::looks at the Captain:: You're coming sir? Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:45 PM ::continues her scan of the surrounding vicinity:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:45 PM +shuttle bay+ Prep Shuttle 2 forthwith. Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:45 PM CSI Trax> Our teams were able to identify the individual who tried to assassinate the President. :: walks over to a monitor and inserts an small PADD :: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:46 PM Yeah. I need to know what's over there. And you know I'm more than capable with a phaser. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:46 PM KARL> Captain leaving the ship.... sounds like a great idea to me Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:46 PM See, Karl agrees. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:46 PM ::shakes his head:: I know but I am responsible for you. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:47 PM +Edvenent+ "I can't really talk now, but the work at this medical center is progression. The white the J'H use has issues, and they are trying to resolve them." Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:47 PM Let's go before I change my mind. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:47 PM KARL> Does that leave me in command Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:47 PM :: Looks up :: I would tend to agree with Cmdr Pilot, Captain... Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:47 PM ::gets into the TL with Pilot:: I'm responsible for me. It's fine. Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 9:47 PM Is your name Bren, Karl? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:47 PM +Edvenet, Orrak+ Ok good to know, I will pass this new information to my contact. Anything else? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:47 PM ::Karl:: Of Security, yes. Bridge no. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:48 PM ::Looks at the screen:: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:48 PM CSI Trax> Or I should say the apparent Identity of the Assassin . A weapon, Comlink and credintials of this man were found at the scene of his body. :: shows Mugshot of a human on monitor :: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:48 PM + Orrak, Faldek + Nothing else from me. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:48 PM ::in the TL with the Captain:: You knew what I meant. ::shaking his head:: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:49 PM :: Turns back to Ops, checking his readouts :: I have a bad feeling about this.. Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:49 PM CSI Trax> This is Lieutenant Junior Grade Ivan Petrovich. Starfleet Security. Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:49 PM Human? do we know his real ID now? Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/8/2024 9:49 PM I know the feeling. Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:49 PM If I die, I'll put an astrix next to your condemnation. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:49 PM +Edvenet, Orrak+ Ok then continue to be safe and vigilant, let me know of anything else you might find out that is of pressing concern. Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:50 PM :: Looks to Sanchez, giving him a shrug :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:50 PM ::looks at him:: Are you going to do that as a ghost sir? Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:50 PM :: Thinks of a way to sour the milk :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:50 PM ::shakes his head with a grin:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:50 PM ACTION> USING PATENTED SUPER FAST SPEED AND A COMMERCIAL BREAK PILOT AND McFLY ARRIVE IN THE SHUTTLE AND ENGAGE IT FOR LIFT OFF Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:51 PM KARL> isn't that what I said? Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:51 PM + Faldek, Orrak + You be safe and vigilant as well, I'll let you know if anything comes up. :: Ends the communication :: Annika Sorenson 1/8/2024 9:51 PM ::sips the dregs of her coffee:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:51 PM ::during said commercial break his AT loadout bag was beamed to the shuttle:: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:51 PM CSI> :: holds his hand in a pausing gesture :: We recovered genetic material of Lt Petrovich on a nearby transporter at Lunar Security. He was murdered. 9:52 PM CSI Trax> The Assassin Stole his identity after murdering him via transporter tampering..... Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:52 PM transporter scattter.. not a fun way to go Security Officer BOT 1/8/2024 9:52 PM ::on the shuttle with Pilot & McFly:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:52 PM ::closes the channel, then begins to prep his report on what he was just told, sending it to his contact in Starfleet, bouncing it around the Alpha Quadrant so as not to be traced back to him:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:53 PM ACTION> THE SHUTTLE DISEMBARKS AND FLIES OUT TOWARDS THE STATION; THEY LOOK FOR A PORT TO LATCH ONTO WHICH THEY FINALLY DO; THEY CONNECT WITH THE STATION AND FORCE THEIR WAY INSIDE 9:53 PM ((sorry I'm pushing it along; I got myself behind tonight)) Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:54 PM :::Takes a closer look at the Mug shot:: So I am guessing he wasn't Human.. had a good tailer Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:54 PM ((no worries)) Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:54 PM CSI Trax> The individual who assumed Petrovich's identity, and attempted to kill the President...whom you killed... Is an unknown species to the Federation laboratories. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:54 PM :: Goes to a terminal to look at the molecular makeup of the white :: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:55 PM ::walks with Pilot and the security grunt inside:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:55 PM Well this is looking okay... ::looking around:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:55 PM ACTION> INSIDE THE STATION, THE LIGHTS ARE ON AND THE ENTIRE THING LOOKS TO BE FUNCTIONAL BUT NO ONE AROUND Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:55 PM ::Stands up right...:: Unknown? Security Officer BOT 1/8/2024 9:55 PM ::looking around phaser rifle out:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:55 PM :: Needed to get back to Faldek, but not sure how :: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:55 PM ::takes out tricorder:: ...That dampening field is affecting the tricorder too. Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:55 PM CSI Trax> I also passed this information to Starfleet Intelligence. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:56 PM ::scanning with his tricorder:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/8/2024 9:56 PM :: Goes back to looking for information while looking like he is sorting Intel :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:56 PM Yup..well let's hope who ever we run into is okay with phasers first and words last. Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:56 PM CSI Trax> I'm sorry Commander Kenickie, but this being is something new to us. I wish We could give you more answers. Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:56 PM Let's see if we can find the command center. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:57 PM ::looks at the Sec Officer:: Six, stun only for now... Security Officer BOT 1/8/2024 9:57 PM ::takes our six o'clock:: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 9:57 PM how am I suppose to protect the President if I don't know what I am looking for?! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:57 PM ::begins searching for this command center:: 9:57 PM ((Maybe we'll run into Alpha 5)) Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 9:58 PM ::sits back in his chair, pondering this Nebula and what's hidden behind the restricted areas of this shipyard:: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 9:58 PM :: Scans keep getting jumbled, unable to penetrate the dampening field :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot ((Maybe we'll run into Alpha 5)) Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:58 PM ((Ay yi yi!)) 1 9:58 PM ACTION> THE AWAY TEAM COME ACROSS A LARGE DOOR; IT RESEMBLES THAT OF THE DOORS THAT LEAD TO THE CARGO BAY Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:59 PM CSI Trax> There is a chance...we can learn more from the would be assassin by it's ability to sabotage a Starfleet transporter. Perhaps more assets can be put to use analyzing the murder of Petrovich. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:59 PM That's a rather large door...may be our command center entrance. Captain McFly 1/8/2024 9:59 PM Maybe ::taps some buttons on a nearby padd:: It's funny how even with an alien language, all this technology tends to work the same. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 9:59 PM ::chuckles:: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 9:59 PM CSI Trax> Do you know anyone you can bring in to your team that can assist you with that matter? Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:00 PM ACTION> THE DOORS OPEN AND INSIDE IS... Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 10:00 PM :: She was given access to address the issues with Alpha Quadrant White, and address she would... ::: Callista Tyrel 1/8/2024 10:00 PM ( sorry folks I have to leave ) Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:00 PM ACTION> THE PK MODULE Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 10:00 PM Ryan is a good man Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:00 PM ((Later cali)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 10:00 PM ::eyes widen:: Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 10:01 PM The Omega 13! )) Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ((i was gonna say could it be the Omega-13?)) Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:01 PM !pause Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:01 PM !pause 1 10:01 PM hmm Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 10:01 PM !pause Dyno BOT 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 10:01 PM :::Paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 10:01 PM ((There you go)) (edited) Bren Faliver 1/8/2024 10:02 PM Chat-GPT says 'Pause yourself!' 3 Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 10:02 PM Lmao Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:02 PM The ECH must be needing a ram upgarde 10:02 PM Alright, KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 10:03 PM nothing from me, well.... EJ tisk tisk Captain on the away mission Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/8/2024 10:03 PM I couldn't stop him. 10:03 PM LOL Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:04 PM TBS will be immediate. 10:04 PM Questions or comments? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 10:04 PM I'm assuming my contact in Starfleet got the information? Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:05 PM Uh... yeah, I suppose so. Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 10:05 PM Oh boy Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:06 PM I hadn't thought about tinkering with your communique with your contact but that could be fun. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 10:06 PM Well it had to happen lol Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 10:06 PM Oh my Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:06 PM Anyway, if nothing else you are... DISMISSED!!! Kansas Kenickie (Earth) 1/8/2024 10:07 PM NIte nite Peeps' 10:07 PM McFly Captain McFly 1/8/2024 10:07 PM later babe Dr. Tevek 1/8/2024 10:08 PM NIght folks! Lt. Harnett 1/8/2024 10:08 PM Night all Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/8/2024 10:09 PM Goodnight people. Exported 251 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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9:08 PM ::going through the data that she collected still:: Dacia Sandero 1/5/2024 9:08 PM ::working in the med bay:: LtCdr Jylliene 1/5/2024 9:09 PM ::back at the command center, having the computer go through the readings from sensors and such:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:11 PM Have we been able to access the other portal yet? LtCdr Jylliene 1/5/2024 9:13 PM ::sending analysis to away team:: MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:14 PM ::receives the analysis from Jylliene and looks it over:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:18 PM ::Scanning agian:: 9:18 PM again MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:20 PM ::compares Jyl's analysis and her data:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:21 PM I believe we have about 30 minutes before the shielding will degrade to a failure point. 9:23 PM The area of effect should not reach the populated area of the colony but I'm not sure of any secondary reactions. 9:26 PM We need some options. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:27 PM ::to the Captain:: As far as I can tell on the readings of the light-sphere, I am picking up bio-energy. Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:28 PM How complex of a pattern? 9:29 PM Are we talking about self aware intelligence or something simpler? MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:30 PM I want to say very complex, but on an evolutionary chain it's hard to tell where they are at. They could be at the same state we are. 9:31 PM MInd you I've had many first contact meetings, but this maybe a bit out my wheel house. Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:31 PM If so then they either are unable to communicate with us or did not wish to before triggering this. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:32 PM ::nods:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:32 PM Knowing there might be a purpose behind this could be useful. 9:33 PM But, we need to quickly figure how benign that purpose might be. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:36 PM I've gone through all the data I have as well as what Lt. Cmdr. Jylliene just sent, I feel that the cavern may hold something that we haven't seen yet especially on a cross dimensional level. 9:37 PM ::mumbles something about Aegis being a chaos magnet:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:38 PM We still have the probes down there to monitor water drainage. Might be a stretch to push them into dimensional scans. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:38 PM Wouldn't hurt Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:39 PM ::sends world to Jyl to send to parameters to those probes:: 9:40 PM ::scans again:: 9:41 PM Slight dissipation in the energy. Shield failure could be 15 to 30 minutes away. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:43 PM ::updates the info and tries her best to see if there's a way to communicate and quickly:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:45 PM Getting some of the data now. I'm not seeing anything yet. 9:46 PM We should try standard liguacode greetings. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:47 PM ::nods:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:48 PM I have a fallback plan however, but it is anything but subtle and may leave just a big of a hole in the landscape as whatever's going on now. 9:48 PM ::glances up towards the sky:: MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:48 PM of course Captain Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:49 PM !pause Dyno BOT 1/5/2024 9:49 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:49 PM ::freeze frame:: Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:50 PM Early pause, Jyl had to take kiddo's friend home. 9:51 PM While I was very much enjoying that, want to get more folks involved. 9:51 PM Any questions? MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:51 PM nope Captain Sylfaen 1/5/2024 9:52 PM Than thanks as always, dismissed, and goodnight all. MimiPavilion 1/5/2024 9:52 PM night all see ya next week Dacia Sandero 1/5/2024 9:52 PM night Exported 49 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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I mean, crystal tunnel 9:04 PM We'll assume you keep going down and TBS you until somewhere near where something might happen 9:04 PM ? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:04 PM sounds good to me 9:04 PM (dana is on his way) Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:05 PM ok, while we are waiting... any sim-related qs? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:05 PM Here 9:05 PM None here Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:05 PM is it as cold in the tunnel as outside or is it finally warmer? Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:06 PM it's getting warmer as you go down and the air is of course thicker inside 9:08 PM Anything else? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:08 PM none here Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:09 PM nothing here Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:10 PM ok then... 9:10 PM !begin Dyno BOT 1/3/2024 9:10 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:11 PM ::scanning while walking in the tunnel:: Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:12 PM :: Trying to concentrate on her scans rather than the air :: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:12 PM ACTION> there's something on the ground in the tunnel ahead. it registers as organic Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:12 PM Take a look at this ::points to the object ahead:: 9:12 PM can either of you tell me anything about it? Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:13 PM "Let me give it a scan." Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:13 PM ACTION> it's a humanoid skeleton, plus some preserved tissue (from the cold) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:13 PM That...seems ominous. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:14 PM any idea how old it is? Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:15 PM (( it's a decomposed skeleton in the cold... someone come up w/something reasonable)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:15 PM ((fifty and five hundred years could have very different implications)) Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:16 PM ((50; 500; 20,000 -- let me know )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:17 PM Natell can you get a carbon date? Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:17 PM "It's humanoid. Carbon-based lifeform. Let me get more readings." 9:18 PM "The tricorder thinks it's between 2,500 and 3,000 sol years old." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:19 PM wow, so ancient! Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:20 PM "I need finer equipment for more detailed scans." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:21 PM maybe we can bring the remains aboard assuming we don't meet anyone living among their people, and we can learn more then. for now let's leave it Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:21 PM We may encounter more like it further down, for all we know. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:21 PM true 9:22 PM if they were escaping some calamnity 9:22 PM we should be careful 9:22 PM i'll stay in the lead just in case 9:24 PM ::starts walking again:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:26 PM ::follows, still scanning:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:26 PM ACTION> more organic material up ahead (good prediction, Dana), this time, 2 skeletons, somewhat disturbed, some torn clothing fibers remaining; there are some scratches on the bones Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:27 PM that doesn't look good Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:27 PM "This is looking more disturbing the further in we go." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:27 PM ::pulls out phaser in case whatever caused the scratches is still out:: 9:28 PM are the scratches on the bone as old as the bones? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:28 PM Those scratches are a bit ominous. Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:30 PM ACTION> scratches are quite a bit newer than the bones Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:30 PM :: Bends down to get a closer look :: "Hmm." 9:32 PM "Uhh, these marks are not old." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:32 PM we might have company, then Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:33 PM "Some creature from the looks of it." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:33 PM Odd that some creature would just be wandering in here. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:34 PM it could be native 9:34 PM or maybe someone else with a claim to the planet ig they got here before us Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:35 PM If it's native, that would imply a whole ecosystem down here. 9:35 PM Certainly nothing's survived out there. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:36 PM there could be one. maybe there's geothermal activity farther down 9:37 PM ::scanning for anything that could make those scratches:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:38 PM ACTION> there are more organic signatures as you go down the tunnel Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:39 PM there's definitely something down there. i don't know if it's dead or alive Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:40 PM "There are more." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:40 PM Well, either way, this is going to get interesting... Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:42 PM (( keep going?)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:42 PM indeed 9:42 PM ::going forward, more slowly:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:44 PM ACTION> one newer body, this one is partially intact and is still wearing organic clothing. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:44 PM this is not good. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:45 PM ::continuing to scan:: Best we can do is stay on the lookout. Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:45 PM "Preservation as it gets warmer is questionable." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:45 PM Unless you want to come back with a full security team. Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:45 PM (( think about what Jasad's statement implies about the more preserved one )) (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:46 PM yet this one is more intact 9:46 PM something must be causing this. 9:47 PM i think a full security team would be wise, assuming the captain lets us go back down Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:48 PM :: Charges her phaser :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:48 PM is anyone down there? Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:48 PM ACTION> :: still more organic signatures, of differing ages :: 9:48 PM ACTION> :: all of them dead :: 9:49 PM ACTION> the crystal tunnel ends after one more turn about 100m ahead Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:49 PM "I do not have a species yet, or the tricoder does not have enough information." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:49 PM dead end Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:50 PM It might be worth scouting out, in case there's something we can't see from out here. Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:50 PM ACTION> the tunnel ends at another wall just like the entrance Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:50 PM ::heads up to the wall to see if there's a door:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:51 PM ACTION> it looks the same but lacks a handle Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:51 PM no opening mechanism i can see. what would the point of this tunnel even be? 9:52 PM maybe it only opens from the other side? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:52 PM Maybe. Or maybe there's some trick to opening it? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:52 PM ::scans for mroe clues:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:53 PM ::knocks on door, just in case:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:53 PM ACTION> weak energy signature on the right side Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:53 PM there's an energy signature on the other side Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:53 PM ::scanning energy signature more closely:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:54 PM ACTION> the locking mechanism can be scanned. it is connected to the part with the energy signature Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:54 PM "I am getting something in the electro-magnetic spectrum up ahead." 9:55 PM "It's weak, at about 24 cycles per second." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:55 PM Looks like the lock connects to the energy signature. Might be hackable. 9:56 PM ::pulls out glowy tool and starts manipulating magnetic fields in the general area of energy signature:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 9:57 PM do it Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:57 PM Lock> :: mechanism responds... the door is heavy and the lock is sturdy but the locking mechanism is not at all sophisticated :: Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 9:58 PM ((Do I roll for lockpicking?)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 9:59 PM Seems like it's working...just not that secure or sophisticated a system, ::keeps opening door:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 9:59 PM ((1 min )) 9:59 PM Door> :: slowly slides open :: 9:59 PM (( you have 24th century tech against an early 20th century mechanism )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 10:00 PM good job! 10:00 PM ::looks around for space scavengers:: Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 10:01 PM ACTION> on the other side of the door is a dark cavern, very large. tricorders can detect what might be structures, rocky hilly areas, organics... 10:01 PM ((and...)) 10:01 PM !pause Dyno BOT 1/3/2024 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/3/2024 10:01 PM paus'd Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 10:01 PM Congrats, you got to the end of the tunnel Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 10:01 PM paws'd Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 10:01 PM and there was no light there Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 10:01 PM I was expecting those bodies to be us. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 10:02 PM it's not too late for that :/ Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 10:02 PM too many of them 10:02 PM unless you die lots of times and keep coming back to die again 10:03 PM that could be fun 10:03 PM You would have recognized the Cardassian, Klingon and Bajoran anatomy though Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 10:03 PM never give the GM ideas Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 10:03 PM so, that's not happening if I'm gonna keep it consistent Natell Jasad BOT 1/3/2024 10:03 PM "Dormammu, I've come to bargain." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/3/2024 10:05 PM see you next week! Captain Lo'Ami 1/3/2024 10:05 PM gnight 10:05 PM until next week... Exported 128 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Manticore has been sent in to investigate. Meanwhile, Kansas has been reassigned to Presidential security and during a diplomatic conference on the moon she thwarted an assassination attempt. However, no one knows who he was or how he snuck inside. Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with Edvenent to search for -REDACTED-. However, Cardassian command has seen fit for them to be sent to new assignments and disrupting their undercover mission. Faldek is on a new Dominion shipyard. Gila is at an outpost turned medical facility. And Edvenent is in Cardassia's main military intelligence complex. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1251, STARDATE 52401.01 = = 9:05 PM !begin Dyno BOT 1/1/2024 9:05 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:05 PM ((TBS was two hours)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:06 PM :::Just finishing up talking to the CSI Peeps:: Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:06 PM ::back at Science II up on the bridge, after checking the cetacean crew at CetOPS:: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:07 PM :: Still at Ops, where he has been the whole two hours :: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:07 PM ACTION> MANTICORE DROPS OUT OF WARP WHERE THE CONVOY HAULING THEIR MODULE WAS LAST LOCATED Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:08 PM ::Leaning over the chair for Science-1, looking at something on the screen:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:08 PM SFI Borsh> :: scrambling in response to what Security Officer Ryan disclosed in an interview :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/1/2024 9:09 PM We're at our location.. Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:09 PM Full scans. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:09 PM :::Nods to Ryan:: Lets get the Big Boss off this rock Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:09 PM ::begins scanning:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/1/2024 9:09 PM :: Walking through an area in the Intel Complex, checking through paperwork :: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:10 PM :: Begins scanning as well :: Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:10 PM ::Scanning the area of space:: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:11 PM :: Looks up from Ops :: Captain, there is nothing there.. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:11 PM Ryan ( moon) > Kenickie, I mentioned in my interview with SFI the beam in I witnessed...SFI literally dropped what he was doing when I told him about it...asked if I was sure..and then went off in a hurry. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:11 PM ::looks at Harnett:: Well that's not good. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:11 PM Good Job Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:11 PM ::in his guest quarters, really wanting to know what was behind that door. Decides to see if he can find a different way in, brings up the schematics for the shipyard:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:12 PM ::moves to another console and begins tapping:: Maybe a warp signal or subspace wake..? (edited) Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:12 PM :: Looks down at his console :: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:12 PM James Ryan (Moon)> My guess is he is off to Moonbase control..to gather records. That is going to keep him busy a while Imagin. Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:12 PM That's weird. Hit max power to long range sensors. Let's go for a wide radius. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:13 PM :: oversees engineering :: Sven BOT 1/1/2024 9:13 PM ::monitoring things in Cetacean OPS:: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:13 PM :: Nods and taps away :: Full power to long range sensors... radius set to the widest the sensor arrays can handle, scanning. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:14 PM ::shakes his head:: They couldn't have just vanished! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:14 PM Lets get to the Prez and get him to his yacht Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:14 PM James Ryan (Moon)> Understood. :: walks with Kansas :: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/1/2024 9:14 PM :: Continues his work, organizing paperwork, snooping as he goes :: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:14 PM ::Turns his head over his shoulder:: A very long time ago, someone on Earth from "French" commented that every contact leaves a trace. There must be something.... Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:15 PM I'm picking up a faint warp signal originating from 60 degrees north west of us and extending to space beyond. There's some Federation signatures, mixed with unknown non-federation signatures. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:15 PM ::looks at Bren:: That's the hope Commander. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:15 PM ::Glances at Ryan:: I don't get how that guy's head just smooshed so easy Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:15 PM ::taps on his console, to the area Annika stated:: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:15 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at Bren's comment :: I think you mean, France... Commander. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:16 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > Smooshed Ma'am? Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:16 PM France, is it? Thank you, Pilot. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:16 PM it just cracked so easy Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:16 PM Cheers to Bren! His optimism found us a lead... That and modern technology. Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:16 PM :: Looks to the same area on his sensor readings :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:16 PM ::looks at Bren:: That was Lt Harnett sir. Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:16 PM SANCHEZ! Set a course for the direction of those sensor readings. (edited) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:16 PM I didn't put my full force into it and crack- egg all over Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/1/2024 9:17 PM ::plots course:: Plotted. On your mark Captain. Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:17 PM Engage Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/1/2024 9:17 PM ::engages:: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:17 PM Maybe I need some caffeine.... sorry, Pilot, Harnett ((Maybe I really do, I misread the lines lol)) 1 Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:17 PM James Ryan (Moon)> Perhaps you underestimate your own strength maybe? I mean you chased him down a long way...Adrenaline? Erich Jaenke 1/1/2024 9:17 PM :: working :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:17 PM ::continues to run scans as we approach:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:18 PM maybe Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:18 PM :: Keeps an eye on the readings :: It is fine, Commander. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:18 PM ::Enters the docking port:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:18 PM James Ryan (Moon)> CSI would of let you know if they guy was something not what he appeared right? Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:18 PM ACTION> JUST A SHORT HOP OVER AND MANTICORE ARRIVES TO A MESS OF DEBRIS AND A SMALL TOWING VESSEL FLOATING IN SPACE Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/1/2024 9:18 PM ::all stop:: All stop. Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:18 PM :: Scans the debris and the towing vessel :: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:19 PM :: taps console :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:19 PM I am going to bother the crap out of them until they do President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 1/1/2024 9:19 PM ::is escorted to his private shuttle and takes a seat:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:19 PM :::Enters the Shuttle:: Sir Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:19 PM James Ryan (Moon)> May I express a concern I have ? :: pauses :: Sven BOT 1/1/2024 9:20 PM ::analyzes the debris field:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:20 PM ::leans forward in his chair towards the screen:: Something nasty happened here, folks. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:20 PM ::finds another access point into the secure area and transfers it to his PADD:: Let's go see what they're hiding... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:20 PM ::looking at McFly:: Don't fall. Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:20 PM :: Looks up at the view on the screen :: Indeed.. Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:20 PM Looks Federation... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:20 PM ::scanning for weapons signatures:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:21 PM James Ryan ( Moon )> :: enters shuttle :: Ma'am you have a moment? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:21 PM :::Steps over::Sure thing Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:21 PM ::tap, tap, tappity tap:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/1/2024 9:21 PM :: Still snooping as he moves to another area to sort paperwork :: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:21 PM Mr Harnett, check if anyone's alive over there. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 1/1/2024 9:22 PM ::shakes his head:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:22 PM Pilot, what are you reading? Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:22 PM :: Taps away :: Scanning for lifeforms, Captain. Dr. Gila Orrak BOT 1/1/2024 9:22 PM :: does a lot of looking at the facility, but does not want to ask the wrong questions:: Inga BOT 1/1/2024 9:22 PM Looks like a bunch of spaacce yunk Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:22 PM James Ryan (Moon)> ::exhales :: The assasin beamed in. What if there is a ship involved? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:22 PM ::looking over his scans:: Weapons signature unknown. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:23 PM jammers were up... maybe it was in internal transport? Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:23 PM :: Looks up after scanning :: No one is alive over there... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:23 PM I would hope not, that ship has been shot to hell and back. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:24 PM James Ryan (Moon) > :: knows Kansas has served on a Starship...while he is more of a ground pounder. He defers to her judgement. I suppose so. Those Jammers are supposed to prevent Ship to planet transports right? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:25 PM ::heads off to another entry point:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:25 PM ::checking:: There's also the saber and Akira class ships out there. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:25 PM they are Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:25 PM James Ryan (Moon)> Pardon this Marine sir...:: smiles :: Let's get the President home. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:25 PM ::looks at the view screen:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:26 PM I will have the security team check the doom for transports Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:26 PM ::looks at McFly:: If I may sir... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:26 PM ::Takes a seat:: Good thinking Ryan Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:26 PM And you're not getting any good weapon sigs? Sure would take a lot to shred three ships like that. Erich Jaenke 1/1/2024 9:26 PM "I should have left you with my parents Violet.. space is dangerous. This ship... Is dangerous." Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:27 PM ::waits for Pilot's question:: Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:27 PM ::scans the ships:: No power on the ship, initial scans looks like it was hit by some sort of EMP. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:27 PM Operations, can you magnify section J6 please? Dr. Gila Orrak BOT 1/1/2024 9:28 PM :: inspects a tray of ketracel white :: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:28 PM ::Taps away at Ops as he looks at the view screen :: (w) What a waste... Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:28 PM I can't detect any lifesigns at the moment, but it could there could be potential interference from the remnants of the EM pulse Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:28 PM :: Zooms in on section J6 :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:28 PM ::Pokes console:: you ready to go Sir, looks at the Presentent:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:28 PM James Ryan (Moon) > :: sits on crew bench next to the President's cabin door :: Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:28 PM ::works with the cetaceans to boost power to sensors:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:28 PM ::gets up and walks up the ramp:: Or more than likely, they're just dead. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:28 PM Is that a registry number on that wreckage? Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:28 PM ::walks over to Bren:: What are you thinking, Commander? Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:29 PM I can see a partial reg on one piece. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:29 PM ::moves around from the Tactical Station and towards Helm/ops area:: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:29 PM ::Sifting through energy readings:: Honestly, my brain is locked on the less technical elements of this. How did they know this ship was going to carry this cargo, this time/place.... Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:29 PM :: Looks at the zoom in :: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/1/2024 9:29 PM :: Has not found anything, still working away :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:30 PM ::looks intently at the screen:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:30 PM Those are all very good questions ::he says while keeping his eyes locked on the screen looking at what Pilot is pointing out:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:30 PM ::approaches the door, then spots the security personnel:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:30 PM :: looks at the new upgraded cores...quite happy about the power boost they provide compared to the A :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:30 PM :::Taps console and departs from the Moon:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:31 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: not a pilot :: Dr. Gila Orrak BOT 1/1/2024 9:31 PM :: looks at the quality assertion of the white :: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:32 PM ::highlights a few odd energy 'echoes' on his screen:: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:32 PM :: Looks up at Pilot, watching as he looks at the screen :: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:32 PM They used something... odd. ::unintentionally pauses while thinking:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:33 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: takes a seat in the Co-pilot's chair :: President is secure Ma'am :: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:33 PM Security> Halt! This is a restricted area, who are you? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:33 PM Reduce magnification. Maybe I am just thinking too hard about this. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:33 PM perfect Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:33 PM ::turns and heads back to Tactical:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:34 PM I am Gul Khott, Bureau of Competence and Duty, I am on an active investigation. Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:34 PM :: Reduces magnification, then he gets a beep from his sensor scans :: Captain, I am picking up three bodies on the tow vessel... Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:34 PM There are traces of some kind of... energy weapon? used nearby... I can't quite make sense of this. Something they build in their grandpa's docking bay? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:34 PM ::turns:: Deceased? Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:35 PM :: Nods :: Yes, sir. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:35 PM Security> You tried to gain access to this area earlier, according to our reports. Why are you trying to gain access again? Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:35 PM James Ryan ( Moon )> You Miss Fleet Ma`am? Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:35 PM +Sven+ Let's see if we can try more of this puzzle together. Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:35 PM Estimating the original energy levels, they are all distinctly harmonics of high energy frequencies used... in phaser banks. That's some very high frequency indeed... and phaser fire doesn't linger like this.... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:35 PM ::Adjusts pitch and heads back to Earth:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:35 PM Oh this is the same area? 2 Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:36 PM yes, I miss the action Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:36 PM Security> We have orders to escort you to the station commander for repeated attempts to gain access. Please follow me. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:36 PM I guess we need those bodies? Sven BOT 1/1/2024 9:36 PM ::to Inga:: Come on stinky, let's shake a fin. ::gets to work analyzing the wreckages:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:36 PM Ah, ok. ::follows the security officer:: Dr. Gila Orrak BOT 1/1/2024 9:36 PM :: Seems there are quality issues on this side of the wormhole:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:36 PM I miss the chase Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:36 PM Beam the bodies to sickbay. Have Tevek give them a once over. 9:37 PM ::looks over at Bren:: So you're thinking these ships were chopped together? That's an interesting idea. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:37 PM James Ryan (Moon)> Enlisting in Presidential Security probably saved my life...:: pauses :: Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:37 PM Hmm. Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:37 PM :: Nods, locking onto the bodies and beaming them to sickbay, informing Tevek as well :: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:37 PM The weapon, at least. Or its something specially built by a government, blackops, ambitious Ferengi, etc etc. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:38 PM That would explain the unknown weapons signature... ::to Bren & McFly:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:38 PM I was told this was a golden pass... a job everyone security officer wants' Kansas Kenickie (Moon) I was told this was a golden pass... a job everyone security officer wants' Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:39 PM ((I'd rather be in command of SF Security.)) (edited) Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:39 PM James Ryan ( Moon)> The Jem' Hadar have taken a lot of Marines lives...I had no Idea when I enlisted before the war, it was going to be this bad. 9:39 PM James Ryan ( Moon)> I don't view it as a golden pass. Just another means to fullfill duty. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:40 PM fighting the Jem'Hadar sounds like a good fight Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:40 PM :: Looks up :: Transport complete, Dr. Tevek has been informed, sir. Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:40 PM ::Walks over to the replicator but pauses halfway:: Pardon, what is that drink you are often replicating while on duty? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:41 PM ::looks at Bren:: Raktajino. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:41 PM ::is led up to the CO's office, enters:: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:41 PM What is it like? I need a pick-me-up... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:42 PM It has plenty of pick me up.. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:42 PM James Ryan (Moon)> :: looks to Kansas :: I suppose, if you were looking for a fight. But I've visited a few buddies on the mend in the hospital they are ...suicidal in their fighting ....from what my old friends have told me. I Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:42 PM Shipyard CO> Why do you try to keep gaining access into restricted areas? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:43 PM I trained to hard to be an escourt Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:43 PM James Ryan (Moon)> Sometimes I wonder if I should go back... But that would throw away...years of training I have had....as you just mentioned. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:43 PM Its a blend of Qonos grown beans.. I've heard they remind humans of chocolate. 9:43 PM Klingon coffee pretty much. Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:43 PM Thank you ::walks to the replicator:: One raktajino, please. ::Hears a little beep:: Oh, uh... iced I suppose Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:44 PM It's not like I'm trying to gain access specifically, I am on an active investigation involving one of your junior officers. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:44 PM James Ryan (Moon)> I will give you one thing. The food is definitely better. :: grins briefly :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:44 PM field rations aren't so bad (edited) Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:45 PM Coffee might not be a bad idea. I take it we'll be at this for a while. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:45 PM ::looks at McFly:: I'll get a carafe. We can share. Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:45 PM ::Takes a tiny sip in case it's potent, so he doesn't cough and spit everywhere. A small sip. A medium sip. Then Bren starts drinking it in gulps:: Huh, this... I thought it would be a lot more bitter Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:45 PM James Ryan (Moon)> :: looks at Earth Closing in :: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:45 PM It's Klingon, isn't it? Are they actually allowed to enjoy their coffee?? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:46 PM ::looks at McFly:: You want coffee or Klingon Coffee? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:46 PM :::Lands the shuttle::: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:46 PM Not like, sharing with two straws or anything right? Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:46 PM ::performing a detailed scan of the wreckage, and the trailing warp signature she detected earlier, isolating the Federation signatures from the non-Federation ones:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:46 PM Shipyard CO> Ah yes, I reported the problem with Glinn Gork yesterday. You guys work quick. However he does not work in that area. You have access to all the areas you need to see, the next time I'll be reporting you. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:46 PM ::hears Bren and looks:: Can't kill, if you can't keep your eyes open. Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:47 PM Let's see if we can't find a correlation with the non-Fed warp signatures, ::cross checks with known species' ship signatures:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:47 PM Understood. May I return to my investigation? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:47 PM ::shakes his head at McFly's question, stifling a laugh:: You get your own mug. We will have a pitcher. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:47 PM :::Pops the hatch:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/1/2024 9:47 PM :: Finishes up and moves down the corridor, moving through more files :: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:47 PM Shipyard CO> Of course, you can leave. Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:47 PM Oh ok. Whichever is fine. As long as it keeps my eyes open. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:48 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: steps outside the shuttle instantly surveying the scene...his bulk...ready to block any attack at the door :: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:48 PM ::not noticing Annika is the only one working on the bridge:: Sven BOT 1/1/2024 9:48 PM ::working with Inga and the dolphins to isolate the warp signatures:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:48 PM ::walks over to the replicator:: Carafe, Raktajino with bridge safe mugs. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:48 PM :::waits for the Prez, not knowing if he is on the Comm or Potty:: Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:48 PM :: Is still working at Ops :: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:48 PM ::nods and turns, leaving the office, disappointed, but not visibly:: (m) I guess I'll have to find another less abvious way in... Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 1/1/2024 9:49 PM This work is maddening! I should be testing a new acidic serum on live test subject not doing an engineers job! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:49 PM ::moves with a tray with the pitcher and mugs to McFly, offering:: See no straws. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:49 PM ::heads back to his guest quarters, looking up the schematics again:: Sven BOT 1/1/2024 9:50 PM Where's an engineering beluga when you need one? Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:50 PM ::grabs his mug:: Appreciated. ::takes his sip:: This is pretty good. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:50 PM ( do I need scuba gear ...lol ) Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 9:50 PM :: Taps away :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:51 PM ::Notes the other security people outside the shuttle;: Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 1/1/2024 9:51 PM Aw, cheer up darlin. We do what's needed. Sometimes a lil' this, sometimes a lil' that. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:51 PM James Ryan > :: looks around surveying those around the shuttle :: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 9:52 PM ::Gets a second raktajino, iced, this time with a little bit of chocolate syrup added, and seems a bit happy as he walks back to Science-1:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:52 PM ::sats it down on a nearby table:: grabbing a mug for himself:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:53 PM :: notes on the Master Ship Systems Display all the new friendly space given to the Cetaceans team. :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:53 PM ::moving back to Tactical, strategizing in case we have to use a little more than ship to ship force to retrieve the module:: Inga BOT 1/1/2024 9:54 PM what would the hoomans do without us? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:54 PM ::stores the route he wants to take in his PADD, encrypted. Continues his investigation into the Glinn:: Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 1/1/2024 9:55 PM One day I hope to find out. Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:56 PM ::gets something back from CetoPS:: Looks like we got something, the Cetaceans and I have isolated the warp signatures. It's not like anything we encountered before, but we noticed a distinct warp trail, it's faint but I think we can track it. Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:56 PM :: recalls she had to receive underwater repair training to when it was revealed Manticore would be hosting Cetaceans :: Inga BOT 1/1/2024 9:57 PM Ja, that would be fun to see those flesh bags squirm. 1 Captain McFly 1/1/2024 9:57 PM ::walks over to Annika's console:: And you're sure this is from the other ship? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 9:57 PM :::Escourts the Prez out of the Shuttle, lkeeps close:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 9:57 PM James Ryan > :: walks with Kansas and the President :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 9:58 PM ::hears Annika:: Thank goodness for C-OPs. Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 9:58 PM Yes, it is... I still can't quite put my finger on it, but it's a distinct warp pattern when you scan it against anything else we've encountered.... you can see the divergent wave form here. ::shows it on her screen:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 1/1/2024 9:58 PM :: Moves to the empty office of the Complexes CO, and starts digging, finding something important :: Oh.... this... President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 1/1/2024 9:59 PM ::climbs out of the shuttle; walks and talks with a couple of aides before reaching his residence:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 9:59 PM Ha! Pay dirt... you were clever, but not more clever than I... ::finding the information the Glinn was stealing, and planned on giving to the Ferengi for a nice payday and a defection:: You're being a bad boy... had you been wanting to give it to Starfleet, I might have found nothing... Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 10:00 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 10:00 PM ::sips his drink:: Callista Tyrel 1/1/2024 10:01 PM ( I have to jet folks...have a great night Happy New Year! ) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 10:01 PM ((Night Callista)) Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 10:01 PM Damn, I really need to find out what's behind those doors... ::starts up writing his report and filing the paperwork to arrest Glinn Gork:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 10:01 PM ::looks in close; has to squint to really understand what it is:: Alright, that's as good of a lead as we have. Send the sensor configuration over to Sanchez. 10:01 PM Ensign, follow the trail when you get it. Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 10:02 PM ::nods:: Will do. I'll forward them over ::does so, sending them to Sanchez:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 10:02 PM !pause Dyno BOT 1/1/2024 10:02 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 1/1/2024 10:02 PM ::paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 10:02 PM ::paused:: Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 10:02 PM ::Paused:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 10:02 PM :::Paused::: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 10:02 PM KK, komments Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 10:03 PM Nice work everyone, happy 2024 Captain McFly 1/1/2024 10:03 PM By the way, I totally forgot to have people check if they can get the computer back up and running from the tow ship. Oh well, couldn't have possibly been anything worth recovering right? Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 10:03 PM lol Lt. Harnett 1/1/2024 10:04 PM ::Paused:: Captain McFly 1/1/2024 10:05 PM TBS will be about half an hour. Manticore will still be at warp, KK will be obsessing over recent events and Edvenent is gonna wanna tell someone what he just found. 10:05 PM Questions or comments? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 10:05 PM Lotto numbers? 1 Captain McFly 1/1/2024 10:06 PM let's see, I think I have a fortune cookie around here somewhere. 10:06 PM If nothing then let's give three "we'll wait and see's" for 2024!... Hip hip, We'll wait and see!... DISMISSED!!! Bren Faliver 1/1/2024 10:07 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Annika Sorenson 1/1/2024 10:07 PM 07,18,23,28,31,48 bonus: 44 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 1/1/2024 10:07 PM Happy New Year yall! See ya next week! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 1/1/2024 10:07 PM NIte nite Peeps 10:07 PM McFly Exported 260 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Everyone was dispatched to the scene except Manticore as she continues to wait for her module. Meanwhile, Kansas, on her new assignment as head of Presidential security, escorted the Federation President to a diplomatic summit on the lunar colony. While giving his speech she noticed a sniper in the rafters and saved the President from an untimely demise. She then chased after the attacker but ended up killing him instead of retrieving any information. Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with Edvenent to search for -REDACTED-. However, Cardassian command has seen fit for them to be sent to new assignments and disrupting their undercover mission. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1250, STARDATE 52312.25 = = 9:03 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/25/2023 9:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:04 PM ((brb gotta restart my pc)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:04 PM :::Moving people along::: Shows over people Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:04 PM ((Wow, you couldn't have done that before the sim? )) (edited) Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:05 PM ::hears the pilot announce the five minute warning for approach to the Monac shipyards:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:05 PM ((Reminder, TBS has been 4 hours)) Captain McFly ((Wow, you couldn't have done that before the sim? )) (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:07 PM ((it takes like seconds for my pc to restart. lol)) (edited) Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/25/2023 9:07 PM :: Is walking down the halls of the Intelligence complex :: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:08 PM ::sitting at Science II on the bridge:: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:08 PM Fleet Security( moon ):: Maintaining Perimeter en masse....:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:08 PM ACTION> ON MANTICORE A PRIORITY ONE COMM IS COMING IN OVER SUPER SECRET FREQUENCY (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:09 PM ::looking at the comm:: 9:09 PM ::to McFly:: Captain, Priority one communique coming in on a unfamiliar channel... Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:09 PM ::stands up grabbing his stuff, heads to the airlock, waiting for the transport to finish docking:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:10 PM At least unfamiliar to me. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:10 PM ::taps on her panel:: (edited) Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:11 PM ::gets up and walks over to Pilot's console to see what it is; his eyes widen:: Ooh, that's the, they don't want anyone to know there's a comm going out, comm. Damn, I wonder if this is about the President. Route to the ready room. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:11 PM :::Double checks the Prez one more time:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:12 PM Aye. ::routes to ready room:: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:12 PM :: Raised an eyebrow as he can't help but overhear thanks to his ears, tapping away at Ops :: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:12 PM ::enters and sits at his desk; types in his command codes and Jaffee pops up:: Admiral, must be something big for you to call me on here. 9:13 PM ((by the way, I hope you guys were able to read my log even though I sent it out stupid late. )) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:13 PM SF-CSI> ::Pull up in the black hoover cars:: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:13 PM ::checks her PADD and checks FNN for any updates:: 9:13 PM (yes, I read it) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:13 PM ((I was looking through it)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) SF-CSI> ::Pull up in the black hoover cars:: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:14 PM (i bet they suck) Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:14 PM (gah....I need to read that ) Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:14 PM ::exits the transport and heads into the shipyard's command center:: (edited) Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:15 PM SFI Vehicle ( Moon ) > :: arrives behind CSC Vehicle :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/25/2023 9:15 PM Captain, we have a problem. A couple of hours ago, the convoy transporting Manticore's PK module went dark. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:15 PM SF-CSI> ::all in black and have sunglasses on:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:16 PM We saw that. We sent tried to inquire about it but seems everyone was occupied. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:16 PM ::moves to get a raktajino refill:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:16 PM :::Curses:: 9:17 PM ::Fakes smiles to the CSI Peeps:: (edited) 9:17 PM We have everything under control here Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/25/2023 9:17 PM Yes. The assassination attempt on the President has everyone running overtime here. Unfortunately we didn't notice it. All comms to their last known location have been met with silence. And unfortunately, all ships in the area have been diverted to Earth, except yours. Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:18 PM Understood. Do you think this is realated? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:18 PM ::moves back to Tactical and sits down, sipping his drink savoring the taste:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/25/2023 9:19 PM Unknown right now. SFI is at the scene right now but little in the way of motive has turned up. That attacker is dead. (edited) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:19 PM KARL> ::Sniffs EJ::: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:19 PM :: Enters the medical center. This was all home, but it sure did not feel like it. :: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:19 PM SFI Agent Borsh> :: exits his car and walks behind CSI :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:19 PM ::pops Karl:: Don't sniff Commanders. 1 Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:20 PM Not terribly surprised by that one. Alright, we'll head out as soon as we get our new C-Ops crew aboard. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:20 PM Hello Agent.... Commander Kenickie I am lead on the Presendents detail (edited) Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/25/2023 9:21 PM Captain. I can't emphasize enough how dangerous it would be for that weapon to fall into the wrong hands. You must get it back. Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:21 PM We will. 9:22 PM ::McFly watches the screen turn to the Federation seal:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/25/2023 9:22 PM :: Finds whoever is in charge, and reports in :: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:23 PM SFI Agent Borsh> :: stops briefly informs CSI to proceed with their work and give him with a report. Next he turns his attention to Kansas ::: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:23 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:23 PM Borsh ( Moon) > Tell me what you know Commander. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:23 PM :::Still fake smiling:: 9:24 PM There was a sniper up in the rafters, ::Points:: I noticed him and removed the Preseident out of the line of fire Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:24 PM Borsh> :: tall human in his 40s...with an unsavory mustache :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:24 PM ::wonders why the ship is no longer pinging:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:24 PM I then processed to give chase after the shooter Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:24 PM ::reclines in her seat, after reading the news acticle of the assassination attempt:: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:25 PM Borsh> :: immediately looks over to the deceased ...under a tarp and now just being looked at by CSI :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:25 PM We went through the promenade then to the transport port 9:26 PM I grabbed a gentmens cane and tripped up the shooter and tacked him down (edited) Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:26 PM ((Is Bren here?)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:26 PM ::looks at Karl:: Karl what is your last name anyway? Erich Jaenke 12/25/2023 9:26 PM :: Turns to Violet :: "You don't have to keep so close to me." Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:26 PM he gave up a good fight but I took him down in the end Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:27 PM ((i messaged him twice)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:27 PM KARL> Klink Captain McFly ((Is Bren here?)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:27 PM ((I was wondering the same thing)) Violet (Civilian) BOT 12/25/2023 9:27 PM "It's alright. My studies have included all of your space technologies." Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:27 PM ::diverts from the command center and drops his things off in his guest quarters:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/25/2023 9:28 PM :: Talking with the Commander of the Intell Complex :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:28 PM ::looks at Karl:: Interesting, and you're a security officer. Fitting. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:28 PM Borsh> Did the assassin take take his own life? Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:28 PM :: Doing Ops things at Ops :: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:28 PM ::steps out of the RR and walks over to Pilot:: Get security prepared. Someone stole our module and we'll be on our way to get it back. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:29 PM No it was strange, I tacked him down and hit him once and his head cracked open like an egg (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:29 PM ::shakes his head:: We can't have nice things can we. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:29 PM ::overhears, that's not good:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:29 PM Doesn't seem so. Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:29 PM :: Eyebrow raised again at the mention of the module being stolen :: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:29 PM ::heads out to begin his official investigation, but also his real mission, begins looking around the shipyard:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:29 PM ((::pokes Bren::)) Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:30 PM Mr Harnett, we have some new crew coming aboard. Stationed in our new Cetacean Ops deck. Are they ready to beam over? Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:30 PM Borsh> :: upon listening to Kansas' answer he looks down to the ground for a few seconds then back up to Kansas :: How the the Assassin get into the event Commander? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:30 PM ::alerts security to be at yellow alert status until further notice:: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:30 PM ::perks up:: I hope they're okay after their transport. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:30 PM :: Getting the lay of the facility> She knew no one and no one knew her :: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:31 PM ::Taps at his console :: They are ready for transport, Captain. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:31 PM Unknown, we had tripled forces and everyone one was thumbed scanned before entering the area Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:31 PM +All Depts+ Check in. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:32 PM Science is all green. Erich Jaenke 12/25/2023 9:32 PM +Pilot+ "Engineering here." Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:32 PM SF-CSI> :::Taking stills and covering the body with a silver tarp::: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:33 PM ::excited about the new Cetacean OPS crew. Finally being able to put her background in Marine Biology and cetacean life to good use:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:33 PM ::finds the work area for the individual he's investigating and heads to his work area:: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:33 PM Borsh> :: gestures to his Aide who approaches his side :: I want everyone at that press conference interviewed....everyone. I don't care who the hell they were either....or where they think they are going....no one leaves the moon.... noone. I want this place locked up tight. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:33 PM ::looks at McFly:: All decks checked in. We're ready to party at your command sir. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:33 PM Borsh> :: dismisses his aide :: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:34 PM Very good. Transport them directly to C-Ops. Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:34 PM Aye, sir. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:34 PM Borsh> I presume you have a list of the attendees. Commander? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:34 PM ::does his sneaky sneaking and watches the individual, but looking like he's supposed to be where he is:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:34 PM ::Turns to Annika:: Commander, shall we meet our new crew? Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:35 PM :: Taps away at Ops, energizing the transporter :: Transport complete, Captain. Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:35 PM ::transports into the shiny new CetOPS:: Sure am glad to get out of that box.... Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:35 PM Yes, let's go sir. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:35 PM of course ::Hands him a PADD:: It includes all personnel working Inga BOT 12/25/2023 9:35 PM Ja, that trip was too long Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:35 PM Pilot, you have the bridge. We'll head out as soon as the new crew is situated. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:35 PM ::gets up from her seat:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:36 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:36 PM ::Gets into the TL with Annika:: Cetacean Ops. ::the doors close and they're wisked away:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:36 PM ::moves to the CC and sits down:: it's going to be a long day... Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:37 PM Borsh> :: gestures to his second aide ...who promptly secures a copy of the list with her tricorder...after that he returns the PADD to Kansas :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:37 PM :::Peeks under the tarp:: Cracked just like an egg...... I didn't even put my full force into it Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:37 PM :: Looks back at E.J. :: Indeed, Commander. Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:37 PM ::exploring CetOPS with Inga, and stretches their fins:: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:38 PM :: gestures to his third aide :: I want transporter inhibiters here ASAP....I don't want the body to just beam out..... Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:38 PM ::still in the TL:: Obviously we have a bit of a crisis at the moment. But once we move out, feel free to work with Tevek on getting the cetacean crew into the medical system. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:39 PM Borsh> :: gestures to Kansas in the direction of the body of the assailant :: walk with me Commander... Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:39 PM ::has entered into the person who is being investigateds, logs, checking for anomalies and secret codes in correspondence while surveiling him:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/25/2023 9:39 PM :: Leaves the commanders office and heads out into the Intel Complex :: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:39 PM I will sir. Hopefully it won't take long for them to settle in. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:39 PM ::Hands behind her back, walks with him::Sir Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:39 PM ::looks at Sanchez:: Be prepared to head out when the Captain says so.. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/25/2023 9:40 PM ::nods:: Aye Commander. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:40 PM :: to Harnett:: Indeed is right. Inga BOT 12/25/2023 9:40 PM Ja, finally nice to have some space and not endure your smelly fish breath. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:40 PM Well if this guy is dirty, i might not find it in here... ::to himself:: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:41 PM :: Raised his eyebrow as he turned back to Ops :: Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:41 PM You are the one with smelly fish breath, stinky. 1 Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:41 PM Borsh> While I am sure the President and many others appreciate the fact you saved the President's life....this was a major breach of Presidential Security. I believe you would agree with me on this. Inga BOT 12/25/2023 9:41 PM You're stinky. Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 12/25/2023 9:41 PM ::swimming around her new work area:: Oh I just can't wait to learn what kind features this spec ops ship has to forcing our enemies to their knees. ::squeaks with excitement:: 1 Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:41 PM I the Breach would be in the Lunar security system Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:42 PM ((Stinky lol)) 1 Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:42 PM ::and Inga, both with strong Swedish Pewdiepie accents:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:42 PM ::crosses his legs and sips his beverage, monitoring from the CC arm computer:: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:42 PM ::heads off to another part of the shipyard:: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:43 PM ::grabs a sonar tricorder from a supply locker once they exit the lift:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:43 PM ::McFly and Annik arrive on deck; they head into C-Ops:: Sure smells seawatery in here. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:43 PM Yeah, that fresh, new seawater smell. Violet (Civilian) BOT 12/25/2023 9:44 PM "Everyone on the ship is on edge." Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:44 PM The Moon was supposed to secure all humanouds that transported onto the moomn Erich Jaenke 12/25/2023 9:44 PM "Yeah, I can really sense it too." Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:45 PM ::walks up to the window of CetOPS at the new cetacean crew:: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:45 PM :: Hears E.J. sipping his drink :: Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 12/25/2023 9:45 PM And your air smells of human sweat and flatulence! 1 1 Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:45 PM Borsh> :: arrives with Kansas a few feet from CSI doing their work with the dead assailant. :: This body hopefully will provide us answers. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:45 PM I would like to know why he broke like glass Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:46 PM That's Captain sweat to you. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:46 PM ((drugs are bad mmkay)) 1 1 Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:46 PM Borsh> Witness statements will verify that Commander... Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) ((drugs are bad mmkay)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:47 PM https://tenor.com/bcb9z.gif Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/25/2023 9:47 PM :: Checks on a few things at the Intel Complex :: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:47 PM Let's see how you fared after your trip. ::begins to scan them with her sonar tricorder, which is able to scan through the transparent aluminum window as she checks their bio signs:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:47 PM How long until we can take the Preseidnet off the moon and back to Earth.. or atleast him ship Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:47 PM Borsh>:: turns to Kansas :: I suggest your return to your charge Commander. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:47 PM ::sees a door marked sensitive area, "authorized personnel only":: I wonder... ::approaches the door and attempts entry:: Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:48 PM Ja, that took way longer than it should have. Now I know vat a sardine feels like. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:48 PM :;replies in Swedish:: I feel ya there, spending a year on a friggin' Oberth. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/25/2023 9:49 PM ::lets out a very light burp:: Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 12/25/2023 9:49 PM Nein! Humans think they're so smart. If dat is the case, zen why do cetaceans make up forty percent of ze scientists from Earth?! Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:49 PM :: Raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look at Sanchez :: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:49 PM ::to McFly:: Their bio signs are all stable. A bit tired and stiff from the transport, but after some fish and rest they should be fine. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:49 PM ::looks at Sanchez:: Oh, no. Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:50 PM Cardassian Security> ::approaches Khott and asks for identification and states that this area is off limits:: Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:50 PM and with no credit. It's all about the hoomans, ja? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:50 PM ::::Taps PADD::: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/25/2023 9:50 PM ::looks at Harnett, smiles:: It was only a little one. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:50 PM Borsh> Who am I to interfere with the Office of the President? SFI is going to have to write a report about this incident and write a recommendation to the Office of the President. Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:50 PM :: Eyebrow was still up :: Right.... Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 12/25/2023 9:51 PM Mmm, I am famished. I could go for an early supper myself. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:51 PM ::on the CC arm computer, increases recirculation fans:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:51 PM ::nods to Annika:: Alright, I'll have Pilot send us out Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:51 PM Understood :::Head back to the Presenident::: Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:51 PM I apologize, I'm Gul Khott. It's my first time on this shipyard, just trying to find my way around. I'm conducting an investigation with the Bureau of Competence and Duty. Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:52 PM McFly +Pilot+ We're all good down here. Harnett should have a set of coordinates. Take us out. Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:52 PM :: Turns back to his console, hearing the fans speed up :: Thank you, E.J. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:52 PM +McFly+ Aye Captain. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:52 PM :::Grumbles about black suit wareing trolls::: (edited) Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:52 PM Borsh> But I think your days of providing security to the Federation President are numbered. There will be repercussions from my final report. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:52 PM From this console here, we can release some fish and seals for our cetacean crew. Plankton readings already look good. ::releases a school of fish and two small seals for the orcas:: There you go,,, Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:53 PM Mr. Harnett, you have the coordinates at the ready. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:53 PM But I saved him! Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:53 PM Cardassian Security> Well this area is still off limits, however I will show you how to get back to the common area, follow me. ::he heads off with Faldek following him, feeling quite defeated:: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:53 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: I do, sir, sending to Mr. Sanchez.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:54 PM Very good. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:54 PM ::Hands her PADD off to someone else:: Sven BOT 12/25/2023 9:54 PM hej, tak. (thanks). ::he and Inga go after the seals:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:55 PM +Comm+ Manticore to Starbase <redacted> Permission to disembark? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:55 PM ::to himself, whilst following the security person:: I guess I'll just have to do a deep dive into my subjects logs and such in my quarters... Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:55 PM If it's okay with you sir, I'd like to stay behind for awhile and do a full check up on them. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:56 PM Borsh> :: steps closer to Kansas :: Did you not here me correctly? I'm just conducting an investigation, I don't make the decision to remove personnel...but based on my experience....security breaches are not looked favoroably upon by the office of the President. And there was on here. The President is YOUR charge Commander...not Lunar Security or any other apparatus. Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 12/25/2023 9:56 PM I do not work for fish! I will not be treated like ze seal who you reward with food! ::does flips in the water:: See dat! See dat! I do trick now you gives ze fish! Nein! I am a brilliant scientist! I will not be treated like a common amusement park side show! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:56 PM :::Turns and walks away from the suits:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:57 PM SB Redacted> +Comm+ Manticore you're granted permission to disembark.. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:57 PM :::Enters the building and over to the Prez:: Sir... we can leave when ever you are ready Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:57 PM Borsh> :: shakes his head and returns to the CSI crew looking at the Corpse :: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:57 PM ::raises an eyebrow as he looks on at Backpfeifengesicht:: Do you want a fish or not? Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 12/25/2023 9:57 PM Of course I want ze fish! Inga BOT 12/25/2023 9:57 PM ::eats a seal:: Eh.. I'm not von to turn down free food. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:57 PM James Ryan> :: nods to Kansas as she arrives :: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 9:57 PM :: Taps at Ops :: Umbilicals retracted, sir. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 9:58 PM ::to Sanchez:: get us underway and engage at warp 5 once we're clear of the station. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 9:58 PM :::Looks at Ryan:: I think I am taking the blame for this mess... it's been nice working with you Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:58 PM ::enters his quarters and sits down at the computer terminal, bringing up all the information on his subject:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:58 PM ::turns and looks at Annika:: I mean if you really want to stay down here with them that's on you. ::smirks:: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:58 PM :;releases another large salman:: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/25/2023 9:59 PM ::taps on the console, moving us away from the station:: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:59 PM ::smiles:: yeah, i'll be fine. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 9:59 PM James Ryan> The guy beamed in Ma`am. The Perp had help we did not see. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/25/2023 9:59 PM ::engages at warp 5 to the coordinates specified:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 9:59 PM Alright, I'm back at the bridge. ::turns to walk out:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/25/2023 9:59 PM :: Walks to an office he was assigned :: Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 9:59 PM ::nods:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 9:59 PM :: Making no noise as she wanders about the medical facility. Operations are nothing like Starfleet. Ethics take on a different tone here. :: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 10:00 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 12/25/2023 10:00 PM Wait a minute! You promised ze fish! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 10:00 PM Give your statement to the Suits... I didn't see the beam in.. but it must just have causght my eye Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 10:00 PM ::looks through the tank and scans the cetaceans:: Yeah, here go you... ::releases more fish into the tank:: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/25/2023 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 10:00 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 10:00 PM ::::Paused::: Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 10:00 PM ::Paused:: Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 10:00 PM :: paused :: Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:01 PM I'll have to go back to read the log. I was too busy playing with dolphins. 10:01 PM KK, Komments? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 10:01 PM ::paused:: (edited) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 10:01 PM Nothing from me, nice work with the NPC's and keeping track Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 10:02 PM A face in need of a fist... 1 Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:03 PM So I don't really want to make TBS 12 hours. So let's fudge it and say two? Anyone besides Faldek have a problem with that? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 10:03 PM ::twiddles thumbs:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 10:03 PM sounds good to me Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 10:03 PM Sounds okay to me. Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 10:03 PM enough time for consumption of Kanar Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:03 PM I mean I can make it 12 if we really want to. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 10:03 PM Hopefully we get the drop on those folks who stole our Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 10:03 PM Just keep Sanchez from burping any more, and I'll be happy! Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 10:04 PM Sounds ok to me Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/25/2023 10:04 PM ::burps on Harnett profusely and then runs away:: 1 Captain McFly So I don't really want to make TBS 12 hours. So let's fudge it and say two? Anyone besides Faldek have a problem with that? Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 10:04 PM 2 Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:04 PM Alright then, two hours. We'll just assume we hit a subspace etty or something along the way. Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 10:05 PM Oh joy Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 10:05 PM nice Callista Tyrel 12/25/2023 10:05 PM gnight folks must jet..merry christmas Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 10:05 PM yes, merry christmas! Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 10:05 PM Merry Christmas Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:05 PM Or I can just magic edit and say they were 5 hours away but we have better warp engines so it only takes up two hours to get there. Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 10:05 PM lol Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:06 PM Alright, anyway, questions or comments? Aside from our festivus greetings? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 10:06 PM NIte Peeps, Merry Christma Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/25/2023 10:06 PM Night Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 10:06 PM Nope, time to watch Billions. Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:06 PM Oh, and if anyone is interested in playing a cetacean NPC just let me know. 10:07 PM Alright, if nothing else then it will be next year before we all come together again. Try not to get hit in the face with a firework!... DISMISSED!!! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/25/2023 10:08 PM Nite everyone! 10:08 PM McFly Annika Sorenson 12/25/2023 10:08 PM Goodnight!! Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:08 PM later dudes Cdr. Faldek/Khott (Cardassia) 12/25/2023 10:09 PM Night. Lt. Harnett 12/25/2023 10:10 PM Night. Captain McFly 12/25/2023 10:13 PM So I had the log posted on the website and I edited it to say their ETA is 5 hours instead of 12. Exported 268 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
  7. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1250, STARDATE 52312.25 = /\ = The Manticore-B has just finished her shakedown cruise and is sitting at Starbase -REDACTED- preparing to receive its new PK module when word came around that an assassination attempt on the Federation President happened on the moon. Everyone was dispatched to the scene except Manticore as she continues to wait for her module. Meanwhile, Kansas, on her new assignment as head of Presidential security, escorted the Federation President to a diplomatic summit on the lunar colony. While giving his speech she noticed a sniper in the rafters and saved the President from an untimely demise. She then chased after the attacker but ended up killing him instead of retrieving any information. Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with Edvenent to search for -REDACTED-. However, Cardassian command has seen fit for them to be sent to new assignments and disrupting their undercover mission. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1250, STARDATE 52312.25 = /\ =
  8. Honestly, you should give the musical episode a chance. I'm not really a musical fan either but damn if they didn't do a great job with it. :D And I agree, they made Picard way too dark in more ways than one.
  9. Four ships flew at high warp. Three of them maintained a triangle formation. The two on the bottom were Saber class escort ships, the one at the top, an Akira class tactical ship. In the middle was a small towing vessel. Its shape was little more than a cockpit and two warp nacelles. Behind it was the dorsal fin module of a Nebula class starship encased in skeletal cage structure attached to the rear of the towing vessel. The ship’s Commander sat in her chair at the center of the small bridge, a room barely larger than that of a runabout. In front of her was the pilot, to her left along the wall of the bridge was her ops officer and to the Commander’s right along the opposite wall sat an engineer keeping a watch on the precious cargo. “Eta five hours, Commander,” said the pilot broadcasting to the small crew. “Aye, Lt.,” the Commander replied, “I know we have a while yet to go but let’s try not to get too comfortable.” She said with a smirk as she began to sip her coffee. The engineer leaned back in her chair. “I don’t understand why everyone was so uptight about this thing. It’s not like we haven’t transported a tail fin before. They made it sound like this was some kind of top secret weapon.” “No idea,” chimed in the ops officer, “all I know is I’m tired of people acting like I don’t know how to do my job. I’ve been doing this eight years, I think I got it figured out by now.” As he spoke, an alert went off on his console. “Commander, there’s a ship pulling up along our aft in the warp stream. It’s unidentifiable, no transponder signals and scans aren’t showing anything familiar about it.” “Check in with our escorts,” said the Commander. She immediately turned her attention to the pilot. “Lt., maintain heading and speed.” “Aye.” “Escorts are aware and are establishing contact.” The ops officer taps a button that pipes in the comm audio to the loud speaker. “Unknown vessel, please identify yourself,” said the lead escort Captain over the comm. Everyone on the bridge looked at each other, waiting for something to happen. After no response, the escort Captain tried again. “Unknown vessel, this is a Federation convoy. Please move along or you will be in violation of harassing a cargo container.” Again, no response. The cargo crew can hear the Captain becoming frustrated over the open comm. “Unknown vessel, if you do not break off immediately, we will be forced to open fire.” The cargo Commander looked over to her engineer. “Divert excess power to aft shields.” “Unknown vessel, this is your final warning. Break off your pursuit immediately or we will open fire.” Over the open comm, the Captain can be heard speaking with his bridge officers. “Load torpedoes and target their engines.” Just then, the strange ship opened up a set of bay doors near the front of the ship and lowered out what looked like a deflector dish off a Federation ship. It begins to glow. The cargo ship began to shake and the Pilot spoke up frantically, “Commander! Our warp field is collapsing!” “Compensate, Lt.!” “Nothing’s working! We’re dropping out of warp!” The cargo vessel and the three escort ships all dropped out of warp with the strange ship still behind them. But in front of them were three more ships of similar design. “They’re blocking comms,” said the ops officer. “We can’t even send out a distress signal.” “Divert all power to shields. Let the escorts do their job.” The three escort ships broke formation to begin an attack run. But one at a time, the escort ships were overwhelmed by a combined attack of all three of the strange vessels until all three escorts were destroyed. Their attention then turned to the cargo vessel. With no weapons, they had no way to defend themselves. But amazingly, the ships weren’t attacking. The fourth ship, the one that had found them in the beginning, continued to sit menacingly behind the cargo ship. Then another door opened up and a small shuttle flew out. It rammed into the cargo ship’s shields but couldn’t break through. It just pushed forward causing a disruption. The ops officer tried to get a handle on what they were doing. “I don’t understand what they’re doing. They don’t have enough power to break through with a shuttle. Why don’t they just fire at us?” “Please don’t give them any ideas,” said the pilot feeling helpless at the moment. “Wait a minute,” said the ops officer. “They’re scanning someth—They’re scanning our shield frequency!” “Lt.! Rotate shield frequency!” the Commander yelled out to the engineer. The engineer found herself in a battle of speed between rotating the frequency and the shuttle scanning the right one at the right time. For a moment it looked as if the engineer was out witting them but suddenly the two sides stumbled on the same frequency at the same time and the shuttle slipped through the cargo ships shields. The Commander grabbed her nearby side arm. “Everyone, ready phasers!” Inside, they could see the shuttle fly around the front of the bridge. Suddenly something hit the roof of the ship with a loud thud. They looked around at each other as nothing happened. Then suddenly! An electrical charge enveloped the entire ship. Inside they could see electricity arcing over every console and then… darkness. The entire ship shut down. They looked around waiting for someone or something to push its way through, but nothing. Through the windows they could see the three ships moving in. Then they could hear the sound of metal clanking. Inside, the ship began to shutter and they could hear the bulkheads staining. Then, the ship violently shakes with the sound of something breaking apart. The ship began to drift out with the crew still inside and no ability to stop whatever was happening from happening. The ship twists and turns as it continued to drift in open space. It turned just enough for them to see out the side window, first debris and then, as the edges of the dorsal module came into view, multiple bright flashes with nothing left but floating bits of metal.
  10. @font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-400.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:400;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-500.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:500;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-600.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:600;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-700.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:700;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-normal-800.woff2");font-family:gg sans;font-weight:800;font-style:normal}@font-face{src:url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tyrrrz/DiscordFonts@master/ggsans-italic-400.woff2");font-family:gg 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Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:04 PM That's a fair question. Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:04 PM Any questions before we start? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:04 PM None here 9:04 PM I assume no tbs? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:05 PM none here either Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:06 PM No TBS Natell Jasad BOT 12/20/2023 9:07 PM We are off planet now? Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:07 PM Still on 9:07 PM You made a hole. You're looking into the hole Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:08 PM Technically, the Arc made the hole. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:08 PM oops hit enter (edited) 9:08 PM did not mean to before we started 9:09 PM we all made the hole together Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:09 PM True enough Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:09 PM It is our together hole... how touching 9:09 PM and with that.... 9:10 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/20/2023 9:10 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:11 PM ::peering down into the crystal:: +Arc+ Arcadia, we seem to have uncovered a massive crystalline structure of some kind. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:11 PM ::scanning the crystal:: 9:12 PM We might need to do some demolition ourselves with explosives Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:12 PM Would that do anything? It survived a phaser blast from the Arc. Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:12 PM @ +Dana+ Is that the source of the dilithium signature? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:13 PM +Arc+ It does appear to have dilithium content, so quite possibly. Natell Jasad BOT 12/20/2023 9:13 PM :: Scanning as best she can :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:13 PM it would if we still had protomatter Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:14 PM @ +Dana+ We have limited scanning ability around it, but we can now map it by where the interference is. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:14 PM ((I don't even know if that's the same universe as this one)) Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:14 PM ((yes)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:14 PM +arc+ how much information do we need before we plant a federation flag on the planet? Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:15 PM @ +Dana+ It looks like it goes at an angle down under the surface even farther, then makes an abrupt turn and continues down. It has some of the structural elements of a pressure vessel. 9:16 PM @ +Dana+ Is the dilithium here minable? Worth anything to us? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:16 PM A pressure vessel? That's...strange. 9:17 PM +Arc+ We'll have to experiment...obviously, the Arc's phaser didn't phase it, so it may or may not be extractable by other means. Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:17 PM @ +Dana+ It looks like there might be something resembling a ring around it, possibly some rock serving as structural support about 5m beyond the hole. 9:17 PM @+Dana+ There's another similar component about 50m in the other direction 9:17 PM @+Dana+ It almost looks designed. Natell Jasad BOT 12/20/2023 9:19 PM :: Still scanning :: "This does not seem like a natural structure, but I don't have any supporting evidence." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:19 PM +Arc+ Which then makes you wonder whether this was abandoned or whether there's another reason it's here. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:19 PM +arc+ we can go check it out Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:19 PM +Arc+ Are the supporting rings underground as well? Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:21 PM @+Dana+ Yes, they're all underground. There's a break in the interference at a rockface approximately 100m northwest of your current location 9:21 PM @+Dana+ It's possibly closer to the surface there as well. It might be worth checking out Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:22 PM +Arc+ We'll check it out. 9:22 PM Shall we, then? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:24 PM yes. ::looks around to make sure the area is still empty and leads them northwest:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:25 PM ::follows, scanning as we go:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:25 PM Surface ice> :: not pointing any weapons at Arizhel :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:25 PM ((alas)) 9:26 PM ::keeps walking, 100m is not very far so they should be there soon:: 9:26 PM see anything useful on the scanner? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:27 PM Nothing dreadfully interesting. 9:27 PM Mostly consistent with the massive crystal under us. Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:27 PM Rockface> :: pops up above the surface ice, looking a bit like a (much) smaller Gibraltar shape :: 9:28 PM Rockface> :: is jagged except on one side, where it is smooth :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:28 PM Is that what we're headed for? 9:28 PM We should probably check out that smooth side...that looks a bit less natural than the others. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:29 PM agreed. 9:29 PM ::inspects the smooth side:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/20/2023 9:29 PM :: Follows the others :: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:30 PM Smooth side> :: has a cylindrical shaped indentation (or, at least the top half of the cylinder, the rest is under the ice) (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:30 PM i wonder if something is supposed to go in that indentation Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:31 PM ::scans indentation:: 9:31 PM I wonder if it has anything to do with the crystal. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:31 PM should we thaw the ice and see if there's anything informative underneath? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:34 PM Go ahead. ::stands back:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:34 PM ::sets phaser to stun and fires on the ice:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:34 PM ice> :: stunned :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:34 PM ((at least i get to shoot something today)) Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:34 PM (j/k)) 9:34 PM ice> :: melts, I guess :: 9:35 PM ice> :: actually sublimates :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:35 PM ::checks to see if there's any inscription under the ice or something else more interesting:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:36 PM rockface> :: the indentation continues to make a full circle, ~2m in diameter. ~1/4 of the way up the circle is a deeper indentation in the rock that looks a bit like a handle :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:36 PM maybe this was a door? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:37 PM I suppose we could try it? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:38 PM stay back 9:38 PM ::grabs the handle-like thing, and attempts to turn it gently:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:40 PM door> :: makes a releasing air-type sound and some vaporous air is seen coming out as the handle pushes the "door" up and around, making a half-cylindrical opening :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:40 PM ::is glad they are all in suits:: (edited) 9:40 PM ::scans the air:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:40 PM ::scans escaping air to see whether it's the breathable sort:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:41 PM air> :: might have been breathable if it didn't immediately escape and sublimate, and it weren't at such low pressure :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:43 PM ::waits to see whether the amount of escaping air will decrease:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:43 PM air> :: slows to a trickle :: 9:43 PM inside> :: there's another nearly identical door about 20m ahead in what looks like a crystal-walled tunnel :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:44 PM let's head in, and close this door before opening the other so we don't break the airlock Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:44 PM Seems like an airlock. 9:44 PM Indeed. After you? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:45 PM ::heads in:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:46 PM ACTION> as the first door closes, a hissing sound can be heard from the other door Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:47 PM Yup, definitely an airlock. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:47 PM ::opens the second door after the first closes completely:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:47 PM From a civilization that obviously doesn't care about locking their doors. Natell Jasad BOT 12/20/2023 9:48 PM : Watches the door close behind her :: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:48 PM send door> :: still hissing... too hard to open :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:48 PM Give it a second to pressurize. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:49 PM ::waits:: 9:50 PM this is why we have teleporters like civilized people Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:50 PM air> :: gets to 0.9 atm, then the door finally gives way :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:51 PM ::looks inside:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:52 PM inside > :: one long tunnel that goes down :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:53 PM ((At an angle we can safely navigate, or like, a bottomless pit?)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:54 PM ::looks to see if there are rungs or anything:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:54 PM (( safely navigate )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:56 PM this should be fine. i'll go first in case it gets steeper 9:56 PM ::starts heading down the tunnel:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 9:57 PM ::follows:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 9:57 PM ::drags cbco of natell:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 9:58 PM tunnel> :: goes down -- is not well-lit but the crystal is refracting light from somewhere, making it look like about the illumination of a paintball ring :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 10:00 PM ::puts the light on her suit up higher:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 10:00 PM ::likewise:: 10:01 PM ::also sees what the suit light will do when shone on the crystal walls:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 10:01 PM crystal> :: reflects the light almost perfectly, making the tunnel quite bright :: 10:01 PM (( and....)) 10:01 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/20/2023 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 10:01 PM paused Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 10:01 PM paus'd Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 10:02 PM gnight Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 10:02 PM 'night! Natell Jasad BOT 12/20/2023 10:02 PM paused 10:02 PM sorry I have been distracted Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 10:02 PM goodnight! are we meeting next week? i just realized we might be on a plane Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 10:03 PM no, I will be off too 10:03 PM let's skip next week Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/20/2023 10:04 PM sounds like a plan Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/20/2023 10:04 PM see you next year! Captain Lo'Ami 12/20/2023 10:05 PM see y'all next year Exported 132 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
  11. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1249, STARDATE 52312.18 = /\ = The Manticore-B has just finished her shakedown cruise and is sitting at Starbase -REDACTED- preparing to receive its new PK module. Meanwhile, Kansas, on her new assignment as head of Presidential security, escorted the Federation President to a diplomatic summit on the lunar colony. While giving his speech she noticed a sniper in the rafters and quickly dove for the President hoping she moved him in time. Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with an old friend and continue their search for -REDACTED- and so far have not had much success. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1249, STARDATE 52312.18 = /\ =
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Let's get started. 9:04 PM = = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1249, STARDATE 52312.18 = = The Manticore-B has just finished her shakedown cruise and is sitting at Starbase -REDACTED- preparing to receive its new PK module. Meanwhile, Kansas, on her new assignment as head of Presidential security, escorted the Federation President to a diplomatic summit on the lunar colony. While giving his speech she noticed a sniper in the rafters and quickly dove for the President hoping she moved him in time. Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with an old friend and continue their search for -REDACTED- and so far have not had much success. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1249, STARDATE 52312.18 = = 9:05 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/18/2023 9:05 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:06 PM :::Still on top of the Pres:: Are you alright sir?! Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:06 PM ACTION> THE PRESIDENT IS SAVED BY KANSAS QUICK ACTION Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:06 PM ::walks to the replicator and gets himself a good ole raktajino:: Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:06 PM ::curses then runs for the exit past the two guards they already incapcitated:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:06 PM James Ryan ( Moon) >:: standing in front of Kansas and the President...providing as large of target as possible :: Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:07 PM ::looking out of a window:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:07 PM ((Pardon what was TBS?)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:07 PM ((Immediate)) 1 President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:07 PM ::is a little confused about what just happened:: Yes. I believe so. Thank you. Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 9:07 PM ::in sickbay, doing medical supply inventory:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:07 PM Ryan guarde the President ::Gets up and goes after the shooter:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:08 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: has his special issue phaser on hand :: Yes Ma'am... 9:09 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: guards President :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:09 PM ::grabs the raktajino from the replicator in its bridge safe cup and moves back to Tactical:: I wonder how long we're going to be here..? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:09 PM ::Pushes people out of her way, keeping up with the shooter:: Halt! Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:09 PM ::runs down the winding staircase and finally out the exit; it's the moon so not a ton of places to run to; runs through a crowd outside the building pushing and knocking people over as he does:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:09 PM MAKE A HOLE!! :::Pushes more people out of her way:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:10 PM ::Stares at a PADD while standing on the bridge:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:10 PM ::Shoots at the shooter::: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:10 PM + Bridge + Engineering to Bridge.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:10 PM ::sipping his drink:: Commander, you can sit down, we're in space dock.. Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:11 PM ::replicates herself a ratkajino as she works in the science lab:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:11 PM ::Takes several seconds to remember 'Commander' can be him:: I'm feeling a bit restless for some reason, standing seems to help. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:12 PM ::looks down at his console noticing the alert:: Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:12 PM +Callista+ Go ahead Commander. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:12 PM :::Grabs a PADD and Tosses it at the Shooter's head:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:12 PM + Bridge + Tyrel here . All umbilicals are good . Docking Tube sucessfully connected. Hardpoints secure. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:12 PM ::speaks a little louder:: Priority Message from Starfleet! 9:13 PM It's the emergency channel! Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:13 PM Put it on the mainscreen please Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:13 PM ::puts it up on the viewer:: Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:14 PM ::sips her drink and looks over some scientific readings:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:14 PM ::places a hold on all internal comms:: Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:15 PM ::dodges KK's phaser fire; but then is bopped in the head with a padd; continues running through the courtyard trying to keep people between him and her:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:15 PM +COM+ (internal) Please stand by... Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:15 PM (("Alexa? Play priority message from Starfleet")) Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:15 PM ::sitting in his office, looking over paperwork:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:15 PM Er, Pilot, what's with the comms? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:16 PM :::Climbs up a railing and tries to get the drop on the shooter but Misses:: (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:17 PM Viewscreen Reads> There was an assassination attempt on the President. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:17 PM ::gets to her feet and keeps up her chase, shoots again... Pushes more people out of her way:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:17 PM Good lord... Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:17 PM :: goes to Pool Table and insturcts other engineers to gather :: AEGIS is now a go. I do not want these station engineers to get any pranks through...Understood? Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:17 PM ::to himself:: did one of us do it? What do they expect us to do about it Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:18 PM Merchant ( Moon) > :: is pushed aside...lands into his beverage cart spilling beverages everywhere :: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:18 PM ::normal voice:: Well, fortunately it does say attempt Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:18 PM ::secures his drink for the moment:: +Security+ Stand by for possible orders... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:18 PM KARL> Is that Kansas shoving him down? ::Smirks:: Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 9:19 PM ::checking off medical supplies on PADD; noting what needs to be restocked at Spacedock:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:19 PM ::looks at Karl:: Its just a verbal or textual message at the moment. 1 Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:19 PM ::sees an alert on the Cardassian Propaganda Network concerning an assassanation attempt on the Federation President:: Oh my... Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:19 PM ((Man word travels at Warp 10)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:19 PM KARL> I bet she is there... Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:19 PM Taxi (Moon) > :: screeches to halt..but fails to stop in time and plows into a Souvenier stand :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:20 PM I hope she is STILL there.. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:20 PM ::Shoots at the Taxi and disables it:: Cardassian Grunt (Cardassia) BOT 12/18/2023 9:21 PM ::knocks on the office door of Gul Khott:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:21 PM ::Goes to the command chair with a comm to override the hold:: +McFly+ Captain, an extremely priority message from Starfleet has come in, albeit nothing for us to do at the moment. You might want to come to the Bridge when you can Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:21 PM Come in. ::stays seated:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:21 PM ::removes the hold on comms (internal):: +COM+ Comms have returned to normal operation. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:22 PM :::Takles the shooter but looses her grip on him:: Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:22 PM ::receives a notice on her PADD about the assassination attempt:: Hmm. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:22 PM ::looks at Bren:: Do you think they're going to recall us? Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:23 PM Scantily Clad Moon Tourist ( Moon) > :: is shoved aside by the shooter and faceplants into the pavement ....:: Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:23 PM ::hobbles a bit as he struggles to get out of Kansas grip; he turns and runs towards another building hoping it's crowded:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:23 PM No, I can't say that I do, unless there's some very specific reason. I think there are plenty of ships a lot closer than we are. Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:23 PM ::FNN works fast:: Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 9:23 PM ::spots notification about assassination attempt on his PADD; raises eyebrow, but continues inventory:: Annika Sorenson ::FNN works fast:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:23 PM ((Now that you mention it, I guess I could see it already being a live broadcast and it wouldn't take but a few seconds)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:23 PM ::nods:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:24 PM :::Steals someone's cane and trips the shooter... kicks him in the leg::: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:24 PM Moon Crowd ( Moon ) > :: screams and curses as the Shooter causes a ruckus running by.......:: Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 9:24 PM :: Taps away on the Ops console, eyebrow raised :: Captain, Commander.... all other ships are scrambling leave the Station, including the Kerian and the Vertical. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:25 PM ::raises his eyebrow:: What..? Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:25 PM Hail the Vertical, please. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:25 PM Starfleet Retiree> :: has his cane used by Kansas...the old man stands still watching the events ... he must be 130 yrs old :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:25 PM +Vertical+ Manticore to Vertical...do you read? Cardassian Grunt (Cardassia) BOT 12/18/2023 9:25 PM ::walks in; salutes (however Cardassians salute) then stands at attention at Khotts desk; holds out a padd:: Sir. New orders delivered from the Command Office. Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:26 PM ::nods:: Put it on the desk, Dismissed. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:26 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon ) > oh yeah come get some....:: watches Kansas wallup the shooter :: 2 Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:26 PM ::Thwapps the shooter with the cane:: Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:27 PM +Callista+ (belayed response) Copy that Commander. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:27 PM ::Thwapps, thwapps thwapps;:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:27 PM Starfleet Retiree ( moon ) > :: sees Kansas official commbadge and decides to help...kicking the shooter as well :: 2 1 Callista Tyrel Starfleet Retiree ( moon ) > :: sees Kansas official commbadge and decides to help...kicking the shooter as well :: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:27 PM Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:28 PM Looks like Kansas is doing her job, that's good. ::Reads the FNN story on her PADD:: Cardassian Grunt (Cardassia) BOT 12/18/2023 9:28 PM ::nods then walks out the office:: Original message was deleted or could not be loaded. Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:28 PM ((Ya should! Turn yourself in, you changeling)) Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:29 PM Starfleet Retiree ( moon) > You don't do that here..no sonny.. ...Arrest him!!! Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 9:29 PM +Manticore+ ( A very familiar voice, sounding just like Thomas came over the comms ) This is Captain Harnett, we have been called to Earth, due to the attack on the President. (edited) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:29 PM ::Gets hit back, falls back.. scrambles back to her feet:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:29 PM +Vertical+ Captain Harnett, Commander Bren Faliver. Was it a fleetwide order? We didn't get the same memo. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:29 PM ::checking to see if we have received orders to do the same:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:30 PM ::Clears his throat as though it will help his second attempt:: +McFly+ Captain...? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:30 PM :::Ducks the next hit, kicks the shooter in the ribs:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:30 PM Huge Bolian ( Moon) > That guy assaulted a veteran!!!! ( clearly wrong but a mob mentality is starting to take over ) Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:31 PM :: Standing next to Faldek :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:31 PM EVERYONE STAY BACK!! Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 12/18/2023 9:31 PM +Manticore+ Commander, it was not fleet wide, some ships are being held back. Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:32 PM +Vertical+ Thank you for confirming, good luck out there, be safe. Manticore out. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:32 PM ::Tackles the shooter to the ground:: Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 9:32 PM :: Taps at Ops, listening to his brother :: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:32 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon ) > :: watches Kansas fight the shooter :: Heh...I used to kick arse back in security a century ago... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:32 PM ::looks at Bren:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:32 PM Hm, to be fair, Pilot, I did not see that coming, even if it isn't the whole fleet Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:32 PM ::picks up the PADD:: Great I guess that kills my plans for tomorrow... ::reads "Urgent - Commander of the Bureau of Competence and Duty: Orders are to investigate possible corruption at the Monac Shipyards, Monac IV, immediately.":: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:32 PM ::Picards his uniforms:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:32 PM How long will it take them to get to Earth, and why recall ships for an assassination attempt? Presumably ground forces are present Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 12/18/2023 9:32 PM +Manticore+ You are most welcome, Commander, Harnett out. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:33 PM +Moon Security+ Back up to the Taxi Port (edited) Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:33 PM ::is on the ground and trying to fight back at Kansas who is on top of him:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:33 PM BIg Bolian> ( moon ) :: checks on the Retiree to see if he is okay :: Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 9:33 PM ::completes supply inventory, transmits list of items in need of resupply to Spacedock:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:33 PM At maximum warp, it will be several hours. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:33 PM ::Grabs the shooter by the head and slams it to the ground trying to disable him:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:34 PM But that Sovereign class is literally in a warp class of its own. So it could be sooner. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:34 PM :: Gets something on her personal padd :: "I am to be moved to a medical facility." Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:34 PM Am I foolish to think something large enough to merit this response would have been more like "Attempt to destroy entire continent by fleet of Dominion vessels and kill the president thwarted"? Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:34 PM Pilot, contact the station, ask why we didn't get the orders to leave with everyone else. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:34 PM Crowd around shooter ( Moon ) > :: a universal whoooah seeing the shooter get his face smashed into the pavement :: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:34 PM Gila, with this we can't go play around at Military Intelligence tomorrow. Why don't you go see what you can dig up at the Medical complex, wounded soldiers say things. Be mindful. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:34 PM Aye Captain! Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:35 PM ::Looks at Pilot:: So he'll answer your calls, but not mine Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:35 PM +Station OPS+ This is Manticore, why were we not ordered to return as well? Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:35 PM ::stops fighting as soon as his head is smashed into the concrete ground:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:35 PM "I am always mindful." Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:35 PM :: Walking down the corridor, grumbling to himself, stopping at the Gul's door, he taps the door chime :: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:35 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon )> You don't mess with the best fool.... Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:35 PM Of course. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:35 PM ::Punches the shooter in the face::: Care to give up now? Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:36 PM Come in. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:36 PM Bystander ( Moon ) > He is not getting up from that... Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 9:37 PM ::goes back to his desk in sickbay, reads news updates on assassination attempt:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:37 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon) :: is reunited with his cane....he walks up to Kansas and mentions .. :: You got your collar....now take him in. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:37 PM :: Steps inside the office, walking toward the desk :: You know, I hate this place... Shooter (Moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:37 PM ::let's out a strained breath then nothing; his entire body goes limp as his eyes continue to stare up at Kansas:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:38 PM ::Blinks:: 9:38 PM ::Checks for life signs:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:38 PM ::sips his raktajino:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:38 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon )> oh no. Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:38 PM ::sips her raktajino, reclining in her seat:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:39 PM "I don't like splitting up." Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:39 PM Bystander ( Moon) > Someone get a Doctor!!! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:39 PM ::double takes at his comms:: Captain, incoming hail from Jaffee's office. Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 9:39 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:39 PM Bystander ( Moon) > Man she wiped the floor with that guy..... Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:39 PM ::nods to Edvenet:: So there is a change of plans for tomorrow. The doctor here will be going to Military Medical headquarters and I have been ordered to the Monac shipyards to begin an investigation into someone. ::looks at Gila:: Sometimes we have to do things we do not like. Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:39 PM Well hopefully she has some answers. On screen. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:40 PM +Pres Sectrity team+ Send a recovery team to the Rent-lift port section 4B Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:40 PM ::puts Jaffee through and on screen:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:40 PM ::Sits in a chair, but bouncing his leg:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:40 PM :: Looks at Faldek :: Take a guess as to where they are sending me... Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:41 PM I haven't a clue. Care to enlighten me? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:41 PM :::Takes a deep breath::: everryone stand back Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:41 PM ::sips his drink once more and watches the viewscreen:: (edited) Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/18/2023 9:41 PM Captain. Your ship and crew are to stay put for now. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:41 PM Bystanders ( Moon ) > :: crowd speculates who this guy is that got beaten up.....and wonder if he is related to the news starting to circulate someone tried to kill the President :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:41 PM ::a tad bit shocked:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:41 PM :: Sighs :: A temporary assignment to the Intelligence Complex... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:41 PM :::Moves people back:: Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:41 PM ::looks over to Bren then back to the screen:: May I ask why? Everyone else gets to play. Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:42 PM That could work out for us... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:42 PM ::Recovers the Shooters weapon:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:42 PM :: Looks at Faldek :: It could... but with just me there... Erich Jaenke 12/18/2023 9:43 PM :: Working in engineering :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:43 PM ::Shakes the hands of the other officers coming to the secne:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:43 PM ((plz ignore my earlier combadging, I thought McFly wasn't on the bridge for some reason)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:43 PM ::Walks over to the retireee::: Sorry if I hurt you in any way sir Armory Officer BOT 12/18/2023 9:43 PM ::checks in the new phasers and rifles:: Nothing better than a resupply! Bren Faliver ((plz ignore my earlier combadging, I thought McFly wasn't on the bridge for some reason)) Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:43 PM ((That's alright. I didn't see it anyway )) 1 Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:44 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon ) > Just happy to be of help . :: salutes :: Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:44 PM ((Don't give me that sad face I've been busy. )) 1 1 1 Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:44 PM Listen, you'll be fine, My office handles all the cases of misconduct and treachery, so if you do come under suspicion, I'll handle the investigation personally and clear you. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:44 PM ::Salutes back:: your help was life saving 1 Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:45 PM Security Personnel ( Moon ) > :: arrive and keep the peace securing the area :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:45 PM ::has an assumption as to why we can't go:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/18/2023 9:45 PM This is serious, Captain. The Federation President's life is in danger. We're scrambling the fleet back to Earth in case this is part of a greater attack. The ship module for Manticore is almost arrived. I prefer you get that tacked on first. We have the situation covered. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:45 PM Starfleet Retiree ( Moon ) > :: smiles and proceeds away with his cane in hand :: Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:46 PM Alright, alright. Should we head out once it's installed? (edited) Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:46 PM :: Sighs:: Alright....fine... Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 12/18/2023 9:46 PM Probably but call once it is. The situation may have changed by then. Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:46 PM Understood. Manticore out. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:46 PM :::Takes a PADD, taps in her chase:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:46 PM Someone just tried to assassinate the Federation President. Looks like it was thwarted. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:47 PM They need to put a rush on that module. Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:47 PM Starbase (Redacted) will no doubt have more time for us, now Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:47 PM ::reads an update on the FNN story:: Looks like they quashed the attempt and got the guy. Good job, Kansas. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:48 PM :: Takes a seat, looking around the office :: I see... well let's hope it really was thwarted... Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:48 PM ::stands then turns and looks over at Pilot:: See if you can get a ping on the convoy. I'd like to know how far it's out. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:48 PM :: wonders about the all call on the President...hope this whole war thing doesn't get worse :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:48 PM ::taps on his console:: Aye sir! Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:48 PM ::looks over at Bren:: Yeah hopefully the engineers can work faster. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:49 PM ::puts a map on the viewscreen showing the convoy and their current position:: Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:49 PM ::hears Annika; lets out a small sigh; realizes he did it and hopes no one on the bridge heard it:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:49 PM I wouldn't be surprised if we were behind this somehow. ::is referring to the Dominion as a whole:: If the Order were still around I doubt it would have failed. Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:50 PM ::shows her PADD to the person next to her on the bridge, talking about the story:: Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 9:50 PM ::reads latest update on assassination attempt story, nods, closes article, and opens medical journal:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:51 PM :::Heads back to the President:: Sir... are you alright? Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:51 PM Well unfortunately I have to take the next transport to Monac IV. Are you two good? President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:51 PM ::back in the greenroom in the conference center; still shaken up but feeling better seeing all the security around:: Dr. Tevek ::reads latest update on assassination attempt story, nods, closes article, and opens medical journal:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:51 PM (("Users like you are reading: Treating Wounds from Assassination Attempts through History, an indepth-look")) 2 Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:52 PM ::grabs the PADD with the pertinent information on it and stands up:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:52 PM :: Nods :: Good? No... I am... I don't even know... but I should head to the Intelligence Center... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:52 PM ::Kneels down infront of the Pres:: I'm sorry I was slow on the draw Sir President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:52 PM ::feels better seeing Kansas back:: I am, thank you so much. I haven't been that scared since the changeling scare back on Earth. I had hoped I wouldn't feel that way again. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:53 PM James Ryan (Moon) > :: looking around intently...his phaser pistol is out still though he stands near the president and Kansas :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:53 PM I need a refill today feels like it is going to be stressful. +Security+ Return to normal operations. President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:53 PM ::places his hand on her shoulder:: You did magnificent, Commander. You truly saved my life. And I am grateful. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:53 PM I never want you to feel fear while I am around Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:53 PM "I do not believe the order is gone." Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:54 PM ::goes to refill his raktajino:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) I never want you to feel fear while I am around Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:54 PM ((Tres romantique!)) 1 Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:54 PM can I get you a drink of water? ::Smiles to help him relax:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:54 PM I believe you will both do fine in your new assignments, keep me apprised of anything you think is important, remember the only communications that are secure are between us in person, nothing sensitive over text or view channels. 9:55 PM Oh believe me, the Order is definitely gone, with Military Intelligence in control things are worse than ever. Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 9:55 PM ((In the next episode, we learn that Kansas and Jaresh-Inyo were a couple waaay back in the day. Does the old flame still burn? Does McFly kill the President himself to eliminate the rival for his love's affections? On the next, Love Ship)) 4 1 Captain McFly 12/18/2023 9:56 PM ::looks at the viewscreen:: ...Six lightyears away. It'll be a few minutes. ::takes a deep breath:: Looks like we have time for a long lunch. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:56 PM :: Nods :: Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 9:56 PM Hopefully some time to relax during that lunch ::hears the captain, but says to noip:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:56 PM :::Grabs a fresh glass of water, sips it:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 9:56 PM Observation Lounge has a nice long table. Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:56 PM Dismissed. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:56 PM :::Then hands it to the Presient:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:57 PM :: ponders if she should alter the installation protocols...but she would of been given guidance from the bridge to accelerate things....:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/18/2023 9:57 PM Understood, and good luck. :: Turns and leaves, headed for the Intelligence complex:: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:57 PM ::grabs the glass:: Thank you. ::sips; chuckles to himself:: You better be careful, I could get used to all this attention. Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:58 PM James Ryan ( Moon ) > :: continues to survey things....next to the President :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:58 PM your prevous secrity detail didn't do any of this? Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 9:58 PM ::walks out with Gila, sending her on her way to the medical complex:: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/18/2023 9:58 PM Not with as much passion. ::smiles:: Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 9:59 PM :: Sits at Ops, watching his console readouts :: A long lunch... I would rather keep busy working... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 9:59 PM ::Pays Ryan on the back:: Great Job Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 9:59 PM James Ryan ( Moon )> Any guesses on the suspect? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:00 PM I am leaving that to the medical Peeps to figure out part of that Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ::returns to his seat and sips his refill:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ::enters the transporter area and beams to his designated transport:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 10:00 PM James Ryan ( Moon ) > :: nods and returs his attention to the surroundings :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:00 PM I have his weapon this Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ACTION> THE CONVOY TRANSPONDER TAG DISAPPEARS OFF THE VIEWSCREEN 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:00 PM :::Paused::: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ::paused:: Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 10:00 PM :: paused :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ::paused:: Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:00 PM ::Pause:: Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 10:01 PM ::paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 10:01 PM ((Looks like trouble...)) Erich Jaenke 12/18/2023 10:01 PM paused Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:01 PM well I don't know about you guys but that was hectic 10:01 PM KK, Komments? Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:01 PM Wait, dang it, I almost have my violin in tune for the Presidential Love Scene 2 Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 10:01 PM lol Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:01 PM It'll have to wait for next week Bren Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:01 PM I would Like to thank Calli for her help tonight Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 10:01 PM speaking of next week..... 10:01 PM np KS Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 10:01 PM and the week after (edited) Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I'm free in the evenings, personally Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I think I should be ok as well Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I don't do anything for New Years but sit at home and listen to my police scanner Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I'll be working so I'm free lol Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I should be free.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I'll be here Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I'll be around Erich Jaenke 12/18/2023 10:02 PM I'll be up both times Dr. Tevek 12/18/2023 10:03 PM I might not be able to make it next week, but can make it on New Year's Callista Tyrel 12/18/2023 10:03 PM ( I must depart take care folks be safe ) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 10:03 PM I'll be here for New Years too! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:03 PM I should be around for both Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:03 PM Well I forgot to ask it but you guys didn't, so looks like we're simming christmas and new years. 10:03 PM Later cali Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 10:03 PM We can have the EMH sub for you Tevek 1 Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:03 PM NIte Cali Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:03 PM And no worries on anyone that can't make it. 10:03 PM Except for Tevek. YOU'RE OUR ONLY DOCTOR! 10:04 PM Bah, EMH is a douche 1 1 Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 10:04 PM Just make an EMH bot with the appropriate photo of Robert Picardo Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:04 PM He keeps trying to get me to come in for a physical but I KNOW he's trying to conduct experiments. 10:05 PM TBS will be 4 hours. I'll post a log this week about the convoy. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:05 PM McFly Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:05 PM ? Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:05 PM KK 10:05 PM And go ahead and pre-type your question Bren. 1 Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:06 PM When you get a moment can you email me about how to make a Bot. I want to make one for Karl.. but I can't figurte it out from our last chat about it Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:06 PM Yep. I'll do that. 10:06 PM Bren! Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:06 PM (:D) What is the significance of the convoy tag on the view-screen? Like, the signal was lost, so it disappeared? Or they left radar range...? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/18/2023 10:06 PM Karl bot 1 Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/18/2023 10:06 PM Yay! A Friend!! 2 Lt. Harnett 12/18/2023 10:07 PM I'm thinking the convoy got blown to kingdom come... 1 Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:08 PM I feel like its the kind of thing I'd have understood visually but not getting the written description Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:08 PM The tag should have been visible all the way to its destination. If it disappears then something happened. They wouldn't just turn their transponder signal off. Think of it like a ship at sea that is required to have its transponder on so other ships nearing it can see it. Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:08 PM Got it, thank you Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:09 PM Alright, anything else? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/18/2023 10:09 PM TBS? Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:09 PM TBS is 4 hours. 10:11 PM Alright, if nothing else then allow me to explain to you this low cost vacation alternative on the Lunar Colony! With views you can only get from the moon we offer fun getaway for the entire family! ...DISMISSED!!! Annika Sorenson 12/18/2023 10:11 PM Goodnight! Bren Faliver 12/18/2023 10:11 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/18/2023 10:11 PM Tomorrow is gonna suck. I've got recertification for Baton/OC/handcuffs at 0800, and I get off work at 0600. It's gonna be a long day/night. Captain McFly 12/18/2023 10:11 PM Later dudes Exported 307 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Very exciting! At the meeting they were discussing various issues regarding their current mission to discover what had become of the people using the missing mining equipment. That part had been straightforward as they had found the miners murdered in what appeared to be a shootout with some third party who had also absconded with any of the product of the illicit mine. 9:09 PM BEGIN! 9:09 PM !Begin Dyno BOT 12/17/2023 9:09 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:10 PM Rex> Frowning and mentally considering where a Merkocite processing enrichment facility might be nearby William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:11 PM “So, we’re searching for amateurs with an AQS unit, that haven’t killed themselves yet? Do I have that right?” Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:12 PM Irene> Reclining with a padd in her hands. "Given Romulan tech, we might not have to worry long, in that case." Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:12 PM Well that's one possibility, yes. But first they'd need to enrich the Merkocite, they weren't doing it here. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:13 PM “Fair” Indaura Ryssan 12/17/2023 9:13 PM :: Listening :: Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:14 PM "So, where would you do that at? Don't tell me they stole an orbital refinery, too." William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:15 PM “That would be weird.” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:15 PM ACTION> The Red Alert klaxons sound. 9:15 PM Clark> +Science Lab+ Bridge to Science, Captain you better get up here. 9:15 PM Frowns visably It's always something. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:15 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Stands quickly.:: Looks as though we're going to table this discussion... William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:16 PM “When it rains it pours.” 9:16 PM taps the table Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:16 PM Irene> She jumps at the red alert noise, nearly falling out of her chair. "...they stole an orbital refinery, didn't they?" (edited) Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:16 PM Rex> Tenses and heads towards the doors and lifts William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:16 PM William gets up and heads to the lifts. Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:17 PM Irene follows after them. Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:18 PM Casts a glance at Jalen before heading to the bridge CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:18 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Follows the Captain, frowning for once.:: Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:19 PM ACTION> Through the magic of a quick cut screen, the group all arrives on the bridge via the same turbo lift where they arrive to find the expected lowered main lighting and flashing reds. 9:19 PM Report. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:19 PM William takes his station and looks out the view screen. Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:19 PM Clark> We've been actively scanning for signs of cloaked vessels, Captain and... Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:20 PM Irene is a few steps behind, heading for Science. Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:20 PM ACTION> At that moment a shimmer on the view screen appears, the tell-tell sign of a decloaking vessel. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:20 PM “Damn cloaks.” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:21 PM Rex> Already at the tactical panel Romulan short-range interceptor, but a new class I haven't seen before. They're not powering weapons, that I can tell., CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:22 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Checks his chair's console, still standing.:: Which is a good sign... for now. I wondering if they're searching for a pilfered AQS. Indaura Ryssan 12/17/2023 9:23 PM :: Seated on the bridge watching :: William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:23 PM “Has anyone tried saying hi?” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:23 PM Tips his head Open hailing frequencies. 9:24 PM Clark> Glances nervously to Val Channel open sir. 9:25 PM +Romulan Vessel+ Unidentified Romulan vessel, this is Captain Asher Swain of the USS Excalibur. Please identify yourself and state your reason for entering, uninvited, into Federation space. 9:25 PM Lowly so only Jalen can hear I swear to god if it's an N'Dak I will shoot the damn thing out of the sky. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:26 PM (( It’s Always an N’Dak in the Federation )) Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:26 PM Val> Looks over at Clark, then goes back to intently staring at her console. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:26 PM “All systems are live and ready Captain.” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:29 PM $Corizon> The white-haired, dog-eared former captain of the Excalibur alongside a younger Romulan officer in a slightly different, but still very obviously military uniform appears on the screen. Captain Swain, apologies for the theatrics. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:30 PM “Isn’t that the old captain two variations ago?” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:31 PM Tries to hide his surprise, but is unlikely to do so very well. Glances to Jalen, William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:31 PM ((I have no clue if that sentence correctly parses.)) Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:31 PM Irene> She just looks confused. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:31 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Lifts an eyebrow at Swain.:: Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:32 PM Corizon> This is Erei'Riov Vaener Tanak of the Tal'Dian. I'll explain more once we've come aboard... he paused I am transmitting my clearance codes now. I hope you don't mind if I beam myself to your ready room? William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:33 PM “Bold” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:34 PM It took Asher what probablly seemed like forever to fully comprehend all of that, but looks to Jalen with an unspoken request to check the clearence 9:34 PM Clark> Was staring down at his console as to avoid making a face CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:34 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Clears throat, tugging on his uniform, but nods slightly as he checks the code.:: Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:35 PM Rex> Narrowing his eyes, he clicked over the security code and scanned the ship. 9:35 PM +Corizon+ Alright. I'll see you in my ready room then. Indaura Ryssan 12/17/2023 9:35 PM :: Yawns :: "This is not boring." Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:35 PM Corizon> Smiles fangily and cuts the comm William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:35 PM “Bizarre” (edited) Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:35 PM At least it wasn't an N'Dak. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:36 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> At least... No, just a former Captain of this vessel taking liberties. 9:36 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Which is worse? Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:36 PM Irene> "With Romulans?" William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:36 PM “I thought we’ve been through two separate space frames since he was captain.” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:36 PM How much do you know about Corizon? It was rhetorical. 9:37 PM Rex> Two individuals just transported into your ready room, sir. 9:38 PM Jalen Let's go. Choxox, Rex, Mincine scan the out of that ship. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:38 PM “Of course.” Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:38 PM Irene> Glances over at the ready room door. "With pleasure." She practically spits out and gets to work. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:39 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Never a dull moment. ::Follows Swain, steeling himself for more surprises.:: Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:40 PM Enters the ready room where he finds Corizon at least not sitting in his chair as he expected, but instead standing looking out the window while the tall, almost stereotypical Romulan officer stood akwardly 9:41 PM Vaener> Captain. His tone was something close to groveling, and if Asher or Jalen noticed it, he was blushing a light green. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:43 PM “Do you think other ships have these kind of shenanigans?” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:43 PM Rex> Glances over to Chocox and Mincine Tal'Dian now that's a twist. Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:43 PM Irene> "And we just... let them beam into the ready room?" Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:43 PM Rex> Smirks No, but you would be bored on any other ship, Will. 9:43 PM Rex> Military intelligence. Not exactly the Tal'Shiar. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:44 PM “Only slightly.” Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:44 PM Irene> "Nobody's gone wrong overestimating Romulan deviousness." Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:44 PM Corizon> See I told you Civet, they wouldn't shoot us on sight. 9:45 PM Looks to Jalen with one of those, "they don't pay me enough." 9:45 PM Rex> What you think Corizon is a faaaaaakkkkeeeee?" CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:45 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Starfleet ships normally don't. Unless things have changed since you were a Starfleet Captain? (edited) Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:46 PM Vaener> Blushes a deeper shade of green. Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:46 PM Irene> "It's been known to happen, hasn't it?" William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:46 PM “Yes” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:47 PM Captain, can we skip to the part where you tell me what in the hell you're doing showing up here in a Romulan ship? 9:48 PM Rex> Smirks I am scanning the ship. I've never seen an interceptor of this configuration. It must be a new design. 9:49 PM Corizon> Smiles, fangily I've always appreciated your directness Asher. Commander Stanton, I don't believe we've had the pleasure. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:50 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Definitely not. I'd remember. ::Dryly.:: Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:51 PM Val> "Haven't seen a Romulan ship this small since the Dominion War. Maybe they learned somethin' from Dominion fighter craft." William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:51 PM “Anything interesting on scans?” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:52 PM Corizon> Smirks Do you mind if I make myself a drink? He didn't wait and headed to the small bar where Asher kept the real booze and started mixing something As I said, this is Erei'Riov Tanak of the Tal'Dian. His code name is Civet and that just seems easier to me but... 9:52 PM Asher> Erei'Riov Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:52 PM Irene> "You wanna be more specific? It's a new Romulan design, there's a lot of interesting things." She's cataloguing them all with every scanner the ship has. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:52 PM “What pops out to you?” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:52 PM Corizon> Rolls his eyes out of sight of Swain but returns to the conversation with a drink in hand. Of course the man could find the good whiskey without asking. 9:53 PM Rex> Tactically its packing more of a punch than I'd expect for a craft the size of a runabout. Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:54 PM Irene> "It's like they took a Defiant and squished it down, but kept all the weaponry." William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:54 PM “Impressive.” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:54 PM Corizon> The Tal'Dian is the intelligence wing of the Galae, the military inteilligence. They contacted us a few weeks ago and asked us to look into some, well, strange . 9:55 PM Rex> We should run its energy signature against the damage on the outpost. William Chocox 12/17/2023 9:55 PM “Good idea.” William starts typing away. Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:55 PM I know what the Tal'Dian is, Captain. He moved to take his seat behind his desk and looked at Jalen. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 9:56 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> What sort of strange... ness? ::Looking to the Romulan officer.:: Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 9:58 PM Val> Looking over the readout of the Romulan ship. "I don't know. That thing's built for ship-to-ship combat. It's not a landing craft." Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 9:58 PM Vaener> Looking somehow even more uncomfortable, he took a deep breath. We've been tracking unusual shipments to colony worlds on the outskirts, especially near Breen space. Advanced medical imaging equipment being sent to planets without advanced medical facilities, sensor and communication array components for planets without them, thing s like that. 9:59 PM Corizon> We tracked some high-end energy conversion stuff to a planet on colony on Teral IV. 10:00 PM Corizon> That's where I came in. I helped Civet here inflitrate a water-treatment facility where the stuff was being off-loaded. 10:00 PM Vaener> Winces 10:01 PM Rex> That doesn't look like any of the normal cloaking devices I've seen either, does it to you Will? Much smaller. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:03 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Pirates? William Chocox 12/17/2023 10:03 PM “Oh yeah, much much smaller.” Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:03 PM Corizon> If only, that would be a welcome change. 10:04 PM Vaener> We weren't able to positively identify them he had summoned up the courage for the mild corrective but we believe.... 10:04 PM Corizon> Tal'Shiar operatives most likely. Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 10:05 PM Irene> "Small ship, small area to cloak, smaller cloaking device. Pretty scary that they got them that small, though." Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:05 PM Rex> Very helpful of the Sub-commander thumbs towards the ready room to let us just scan that bad boy, then. CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:06 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Tal'Shiar... rogue operatives / former operatives? Or current agents operating under the government's nose? Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:07 PM Corizon> Great questions. The Tal'Dian is a little he glanced to Vaener hesitant to go to the mat with any of this just yet, but I can't see how they're putting together this kind of an op without official support at least with the Tal'Shiar. Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 10:07 PM Irene> "Oh, I'm sure sensor data on that thing is part of whatever deal they're cooking up in there." Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:07 PM Vaener> Frowns, but doesn't interject CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:08 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> And what's their purpose? Destablization? A payday? Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:08 PM Corizon> Anyway, they were using the water treatment facility as a cover to put together a Merkocite enrichment facility. I won't insult you any further as to why we're points to Vaener here. 10:10 PM Corizon> Grins and points to Jalen with his drink. I like him Asher. That's what we don't know, yet. We'd hoped to find the people wildcatting Merkocite in the act and... ask them a few questions, but well looks like someone beat us here, huh? 10:10 PM !Pause Dyno BOT 12/17/2023 10:10 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:10 PM Lost track of time haha William Chocox 12/17/2023 10:10 PM || Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:11 PM Corizon likes Jalen, I don't know whether to be afraid for him or not CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:11 PM lol Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:12 PM But at least it wasn' 10:12 PM t an N 10:12 PM Dak 10:12 PM and yes, I really considered an Issaha cameo 10:12 PM I know how much Irene misses him Irene Mincine 12/17/2023 10:13 PM CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:14 PM Haha 10:14 PM That means yes Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:14 PM So, next week is christmas and after that is new years 10:15 PM So we'll be off till Jan 7 when we can find out what Corizon really wants from us CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:15 PM Yay! 10:15 PM Everyone have a great Christmas & Happy New Year. 10:16 PM There's still time to buy me a present, also. Cptn Swain 12/17/2023 10:18 PM lol 10:18 PM Corizon is going to owe asher booze for christmas CdrMirandaHawthorne 12/17/2023 10:18 PM He can pay with one of his earrings Exported 146 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 9:02 PM Don't think so. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:03 PM Field still up? Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:03 PM Yes 9:03 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/15/2023 9:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:04 PM ::much scanning:: LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 9:05 PM ::lots of scanning from ceontrol as well:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:05 PM :: Rubs his head from his experience :: Dacia Sandero 12/15/2023 9:06 PM ::working in med bay:: MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 9:06 PM ::scanning:: Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:06 PM Energy does not seem to be increasing. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:07 PM "For now yes and we can monitor it." Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:08 PM We need a disruption frequency and a fallback way of containing .... this.::random waving in that direction:: LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 9:09 PM ::to nobody in particular in control center:: Can't imagine this is going to endear us to the colony already here. We arrive and everything goes berzerk. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:09 PM "It's like when a medical facility reads my medical file." 9:12 PM "Is there any additional intelligence on why our friends entered this extra-dimensional field?" Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:14 PM Accident I would assume, unless they had planned the mess that caused them getting stuck there. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:15 PM 'What's our next move?" (edited) Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:16 PM As I said, we need a counter frequency and a backup way to contain this. LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 9:16 PM +AT+ Updates? Everything's looking stable from here. Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:17 PM The beacon frequency in theory could prevent transitions like we eperienced in the store. But this is on a whole other magnitude. 9:17 PM store=storm MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 9:19 PM ::finishes scanning:: Once I've had a chance to look over the biodata, hopefully that should give us an idea on what to do. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:19 PM +Jylliene+ "The data is still being processed, but I think we can have a better venture into that realm next time." 9:21 PM "I need to see if a hologram can exist there." Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:22 PM I really don't see how that can help us at the moment. 9:23 PM Unless you have some idea you want to share? LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 9:24 PM +Nijil+ You know how I feel about her. But you made the decision to preserve her in that state. You need to be sure you can get her back. 9:24 PM ::considers that maybe he is oblivious to how she feels about her, but now isn't the time to bring that up.:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:25 PM "She...Muuhi may be more resistant to the effects the realm presents. I can bring a holographic projector and run some tests." 9:25 PM :: Hears her concern, but wishes not to dwell upon it :: Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:26 PM To what end? MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 9:26 PM ::hears Nijil and Jylliene's conversation, turns and cringes; remembering when her and her late husband would get into arguments:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:27 PM "To see if our projectors could provide us a way to interact in that realm but not be there ourselves. I think, for the meantime, it's contained." 9:30 PM "I will have the computer give us a more complete map and properties of the realm. dimension, field...whichever this is." Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:31 PM Okay. See what you can come up with. 9:33 PM ::scanscan:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:34 PM :: Checks the monitoring equipment so he may not get called there anytime soon. :: Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:35 PM ::Mimi:: If we can't stop this we may need to implement biological containment of whatever alternate biology might get deposited here. MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 9:35 PM ::goes over the biodata:: Holo-Muuhi BOT 12/15/2023 9:36 PM :: Sitting off to the side, which seemed strange for a hologram :: MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 9:36 PM Understood. I'll see what the data can guide me for that scenario. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:39 PM "This planet provides some challenges. Has it always been this way?" Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:41 PM No, no I believe not. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:41 PM :: thinks :: "Maybe it is our presence." Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:42 PM I was warned about anything attached to the name Aegis. LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 9:42 PM (Heheheh) Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:46 PM I'm relaying the beacon frequencies to you ::Niji:: That would be a good basis for use with the portal. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:47 PM "At least we did not crash the station into the planet" 9:47 PM :: has a thought :: 9:47 PM :: Sees the data coming in :: Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:48 PM I've heard the human saying.... and No we are not nuking it from orbit. 9:49 PM At least not yet. Holo-Muuhi BOT 12/15/2023 9:51 PM :: to the doctors :: "This planet has some interesting properties." Dacia Sandero 12/15/2023 9:54 PM It sure does. I wish I can explore more of it. Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 9:55 PM ::Scans:: I am reading a 10% decrease in energy within the containment field. But the field is now down by 21%. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/15/2023 9:56 PM "Hmm." 9:58 PM "Confirmed." MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 9:59 PM ::looking at the data of the light sphere and running a correlation analysis to see what it could be:: Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/15/2023 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 10:00 PM Thanks everyone and that wraps Aegis for this year. MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 10:00 PM ::freeze frame:: Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 10:00 PM We'll be taking the next two weeks off for the holidays. 10:01 PM Everyone have a safe and happy time until then. LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 10:02 PM Feels weird to say see you next year. MimiPavilion 12/15/2023 10:02 PM night all see ya next year stay safe Captain Sylfaen 12/15/2023 10:02 PM Dismissed and goodnight to all. LtCdr Jylliene 12/15/2023 10:02 PM Have a wonderful holiday Dacia Sandero 12/15/2023 10:05 PM Goodnight! Exported 71 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:04 PM here Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:04 PM meow 9:05 PM Last time... we assembled an AT to investigate the frozen rogue planet with dilithium signatures Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:06 PM Indeed Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:06 PM I'm going to magic edit yall into the TR so we don't take an hour to get there Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:06 PM Sounds good Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:06 PM Any sim related qs before we start? 9:07 PM I will take that as a no 9:07 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/13/2023 9:07 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:08 PM ::standing on transport pad:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:08 PM TR chief> I have your coordinates set to the location nearest the dilithium deposits. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:09 PM ::also on the transport pad:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:09 PM TR chief> It'll be dark down there. Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:10 PM :: With these people again. Her memory was largely intact, but therapy was still needed for a better recovery. :: Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:10 PM TR chief> Energizing when ready Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:10 PM ready Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:10 PM TR chief> :: hits the button :: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:11 PM :: Nods :: Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:11 PM ACTION> the AT shimmers down into a dark, icy and rocky place Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:11 PM ::deshimmers:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:12 PM "This is rather uncomfortable." Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:12 PM ACTION> only the production camera lights keep it light. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:12 PM ::deshimmers:: 9:12 PM ::scans for any life forms:: 9:12 PM i'll secure the perimeter before we explore. 9:13 PM ::walks a circuit around the cold, deserted planet, hoping it will warm her up, since the suits aren't perfect:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:14 PM ACTION> planet atmosphere is thin, but there's some ice crystal mist Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:14 PM :: Flips open her tricorder :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:14 PM ::also gets out tricorder, starts scanning the area:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:16 PM ::gets back:: it's secure. how far to the dilithium? 9:17 PM ::pokes natell to see if she is frozen:: Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:19 PM dilithium> :: under the surface"" Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:19 PM "I am sorry, this is not a good environment for Cardassians. Deposits are mostly all around, but deeper." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:20 PM Looks like that area over there is best for a mine. ::points:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:21 PM "Are we extracting some for purity testing?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:21 PM let's set up the beacon so the arc knows where to point the laser Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:23 PM Need to get to it before we extract some. 9:23 PM ::scanning for where the rock is thinnest:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:24 PM ::watches the sciencey people do the science:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:25 PM OK, I think we should set up in that crater to our left. I think we might hit paydirt not too far under the surface. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:27 PM I'll scout it 9:28 PM ::heads to the crater, looking around for anything odd or loose rocks that might fall:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:29 PM "Understood." Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:29 PM crater> :: is cratery in all its craterness :: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:29 PM :: walks with the others to the crater :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:30 PM ::calls back:: everything looks safe so far. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:30 PM ::heads down to crater as well, begins setting up beacon:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:33 PM :: Feeling the dirt between her fingers :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:33 PM ::still looking around, not sure why they didn't just send some ensigns for this:: (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:33 PM OK, I've got it set up. We should evacuate to a safe distance and tell the Arc to fire. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:34 PM let's go back to the beam site 9:34 PM ::starts walking back:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:35 PM ::follows:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:36 PM :: Looks:: "Going back already?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:37 PM unless you'd rather be lasered by the arc Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:39 PM We're using orbital phaser strikes to get a bit deeper. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:39 PM come on, natell, do you want to be in the cold any longer than we need to be? Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:40 PM "I was just getting used to it." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:41 PM ::waits for the others to catch up:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:41 PM :: Matching pace with the others :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:42 PM ::still following:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:42 PM +arc+ arizhel to arc. we've located the prospective site for the orbital laser 9:42 PM +arc+ we're out of range, the beacon is placed, ready whenever you are Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:43 PM +Arizhel+ we're ready. What drilling depth and width of the beam? (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:44 PM +Arc+ Twenty-two aught six ought to do it. 9:45 PM ((I have no idea what that means, just sounds engineery)) Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:45 PM +Dana+ Firing now.... 9:46 PM ACTION> A beam of light comes down from orbit, vaporizing lots of ice and rock and all around making a nice light show 9:46 PM ACTION> the beam starts refracting off something at the bottom of the hole, then stops 9:47 PM +Dana+ Fire control reports that there's feedback in the beam. You're going to have to investigate before we dig any farther Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:47 PM was that supposed to happen? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:48 PM Not sure. Mining isn't my specialty. 9:48 PM +Arc+ We'll investigate. Dana out. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:49 PM well, you got your wish, Natell. we get to explore the crater some more! 9:49 PM ::starts walking back to it:: (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:50 PM This kind of anomaly is what Science officers live for, no? Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:50 PM ACTION> the small planetary wind blows away most of the dust, vapor and ice 9:50 PM ACTION> leaving a nice, clean phaser hole in the planet's surface Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:50 PM Something odd and refractive on an unexplored planet... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:51 PM ((the AT)) Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:51 PM "What went wrong?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:51 PM I have no idea. is dilithium usually reflective? 9:52 PM take whatever scans you think would be helpful to figure out what we're dealing with Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:53 PM That's what we need you to find out, honestly. 9:53 PM You're the one who'd know about exotic alien minerals that could be refracting the beam. Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:56 PM "Could have been refraction and reflections." Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:56 PM ((anyone gonna look down?)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:56 PM ::walks up to the edge of the hole and looks in:: Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:56 PM "Minerals are rather universal for the most part. What can differ is there distribution." 9:57 PM "We should get some images." Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:57 PM ACTION> at the bottom of the hole is a translucent crystalline surface roughly shaped like the upper side of a cylinder Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:57 PM OK, that's not like any mineral I've ever seen. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 9:58 PM looks like a structure to me 9:58 PM ::scans it:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 9:58 PM Jasad, is it normal for crystals to form in big, even chunks like that? Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 9:58 PM ((hurry up, 2 min left...)) Natell Jasad BOT 12/13/2023 9:59 PM "No it is not. Perhaps someone has an artificial process to form so evenly." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 10:00 PM ::scanning crystal:: Is it safe to approach you think? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 10:00 PM i think so, assuming it's not radioactive 10:00 PM i'll go first just in case Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 10:00 PM Who'd just leave a giant crystal on a rogue planet? 10:01 PM Just be careful with phasers...it seemed to cause problems with the Arc's. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 10:01 PM it's a present Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 10:01 PM Crystal> :: is made of a mixed variety of crystalline structures, including dilithium :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 10:01 PM happy birthday, dana! 10:01 PM we got you some dilithium Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 10:01 PM Crystal> :: continues on in both directions from the hole :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 10:01 PM it's very big 10:01 PM i think we're gonna need specialized mining equipment for this Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 10:02 PM Crystal> :: and slopes downwards deeper into the planet :: 10:02 PM ((and...)) 10:02 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/13/2023 10:02 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 10:02 PM until next time... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 10:02 PM paused 10:03 PM have a good night! Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 10:03 PM At least you found something this time... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 12/13/2023 10:03 PM yup Captain Lo'Ami 12/13/2023 10:03 PM gnight Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 12/13/2023 10:03 PM paws'd 10:03 PM 'night! Exported 122 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
  16. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1248, STARDATE 52312.11 = /\ = The year is 2374 and Manticore has just finished her shakedown cruise. As they prepare to send her fully into service, Manticore returns to Starbase -REDACTED- to be fitted with her brand new PK module. It's Tuesday, after all. Meanwhile, Kansas, on her new assignment as head of Presidential security, escorts the Federation President to Earth's Lunar colony for a diplomatic conference. As he prepares his speech Kansas does one final check for anything suspicious. And Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with an old friend and continue their search for -REDACTED-. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1248, STARDATE 52312.11 = /\ =
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There's some upgrades but overall she looks a lot of the same. For anyone that has a fun idea to incorporate into the new ship, let me know and we'll see if it's something to put in or not. 9:10 PM Let's get started! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:10 PM and I am not there Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:10 PM = = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1248, STARDATE 52312.11 = = The year is 2374 and Manticore has just finished her shakedown cruise. As they prepare to send her fully into service, Manticore returns to Starbase -REDACTED- to be fitted with her brand new PK module. It's Tuesday, after all. Meanwhile, Kansas, on her new assignment as head of Presidential security, escorts the Federation President to Earth's Lunar colony for a diplomatic conference. As he prepares his speech Kansas does one final check for anything suspicious. And Faldek and Gila are now a year into an undercover assignment on Cardassia. The purpose of which the crew has not been notified of. They've met up with an old friend and continue their search for -REDACTED-. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1248, STARDATE 52312.11 = = 9:11 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/11/2023 9:11 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:12 PM ::working in the astrometrics lab:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:13 PM :: tapping panels in Engineering :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:13 PM ::on the bridge, looking over the new Manticore tactical stations:: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:13 PM :: Tapping away at Ops :: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:13 PM ::clad in a Cardassian military uniform, Gul rank insignia, in his small office in the Central Command:: Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:14 PM ::Sitting in the new Science officer office, trying to figure out what's not comfortable about the new... everything:: Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 9:14 PM ::in sickbay, looking over medical records:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:15 PM ::thinking in his head:: This uniform is so uncomfortable, not like Starfleet uniforms, how i miss them... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:15 PM She still looks new.. Bridge safe mugs.. Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:15 PM ::by now pretty familiar with the fancy astrometrics lab and most everything else science has to offer:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:15 PM :::Sends teams out to double double check locations:: 9:16 PM KARL> :::In a sour mood at Tac:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:17 PM ::looking over reports on the war and their recent loss of Terok Nor, again:: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:17 PM Captain's log, Stardate 52312.11. We're arriving to Starbase REDACTED again. Finally, we're ending this long ass shake down cruise. They said it's because they're putting in new tech into an old shell and wanted to make sure everything worked properly. I just think Jaffee wanted us out of the way for a while. ::scratching can be heard on the recording:: And these damned uniforms are so itchy. Why do they keep changing these things?! Ugh, anyway... I don't know what we'll be doing after this, hopefully something interesting. Having this much time to think is dangerous. I keep thinking about all the woulda, coulda, shouldas and it's frustrating as hell. I'm just ready to move on with things. My hope is we get this new PK module and go fight the Dominion, I need some action already. Computer end log. Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:17 PM ::performing a stellar scan of the area of space they're travelling in, looking around the 360 degree panorama of the region of space:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:18 PM ::Stops the waiter who is about to enter the Pres. lounge... double checks the food.. thats a bite from the fruit and then lets him in:: 1 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:18 PM ::looks at Karl:: Buck up. President Jaresh-Inyo BOT 12/11/2023 9:18 PM ::talking with his speech writing about some final edits:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:19 PM Lt. Banks> Commander, checkllist complete we are ready for whatever they chose to do with us. :: hands PADD to Callista :: Erich Jaenke 12/11/2023 9:19 PM :: Working in engineering :: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:19 PM :: inspects work :: Thank you Lieutenant. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:20 PM ::Pops her head into the Pres Room:: food is here... I can send him off if it is not a good time Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:20 PM ::adjusts the now blue collar of her grey uniform:: Not the most comfortable thing in the galaxy. Maybe I just need more time to get used to it. 9:20 PM ::a junior science officer nods in agreement:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:21 PM ::picards his uniform:: I am still getting use to this uniform. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:21 PM ::Stands up and puts his knee on the chair, trying to squish the padding down a bit more:: Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 9:21 PM ::comparing crew roster and medical records, making sure everyone's physicals are up to date:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:21 PM :: stands :: Glad to see we will soon equipped to take the fight to the Dominion. :: has internal reservations she does not show to the Lieutenant :: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:21 PM ::walks out of his ready room and on to the bridge; looks around and doesn't see Bren:: McFly to Commander +Faliver+, why aren't you on the bridge? (edited) Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:22 PM :: Pushes the chime to the Gul's office door and waits :: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:22 PM Come. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:22 PM ::looks at McFly:: Hello Captain. Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:23 PM Lt Banks> :: departs back to her work station :: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:23 PM ::walks over to EJ:: Commander. Did Bren at least leave you in charge? Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:23 PM :: Steps in as the door slides open, giving Faldek a nod :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:23 PM ::looks at him confused:: I haven't seen him sir. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:24 PM :: Follows Faldek :: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:24 PM ::rolls his eyes:: ...You have the bridge. I think he's hiding again. ::heads to the TL:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:24 PM Aye aye. Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:24 PM :: Raised an eyebrow, still tapping away at Ops, checking through the ships systems :: Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:24 PM +McFly+ Captain, just trying to make this chair comfortable, it takes a long time to get a good, uh, groove in it hehe. I can head up there shortly if needed Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:25 PM ::the nameplate on his desk reads Ruad Khott:: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:25 PM ::waves his hand to come in but only barely removes his attention from his speech writer:: No-no it's fine. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:25 PM ::walks over to Ops:: How are the upgrades coming along? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:26 PM ::Enter the room:: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:27 PM ::checks the time, and closes down the stellar map:: +Bren+ Sorenson to Bren... just finished up testing stellar cartography. Everything looks good here, everything works fine. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:27 PM Gul Khott, you are looking very tired. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:27 PM :::Keeps an eye the the wait staff:: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:27 PM ::rides the TL to the chief science deck; hears Bren's comm but walks down the hall anyway; walks into the science bay and sees Bren "adjusting" himself:: You know, Commander, there's a chair up top that needs a new butt groove just as badly. Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:28 PM :: Looks up from Ops for a moment :: The upgrades appear to be coming along fine, Commander. Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:28 PM Just these reports coming in about the recent loss of Terok Nor. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:28 PM ::Startles BIGLY and stands up, almost falls over:: Captain! (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:28 PM ::nods and heads to sit in the CC:: Excellent. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:28 PM Ah yes....that... such a terrible loss... President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:28 PM ::takes a bite of one of the smaller options but continues to work on the speech:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:28 PM ::stands up, pulling a device out that was hidden under his desk and scans the room for listening devices:: Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:28 PM :: Nods :: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:29 PM ::exits stellar cartography and heads to the turbolift:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:29 PM :: watches Faldek :: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:30 PM :: Nods :: Indeed, Commander. Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:30 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: Security Agent keeps an eye on the President :: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:30 PM ::finishes his scan:: Okay, I'm still only hearing rumors about the reason we were sent here. Have either of you found anything? (edited) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:30 PM :::Sends one of the more smarter officers to go and inspect the Auditorium and potium::: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:30 PM ::heads up to the bridge to take her seat at Science II:: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:31 PM ::amused look on his face:: I get it, when I was first put in a command position I was nervous too. But I need an XO and you're the senior most bridge officer. I need you to take the reigns... At least for now. Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:31 PM :: Looks at Faldek and crosses his arms :: Not a thing... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:31 PM ::Opens her Tric and double scans for listing devices or anything abnormal:: Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:31 PM ::Blinks a few times, jaw moves a bit without sound:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:31 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: More of a Physical force on the Security Detail...but skilled nonetheless :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:32 PM ::crosses his leg:: At least we aren't in battle...yet. Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:32 PM I mean a year... all we have is whispers. Even the Order wasn't this good at keeping a secret, let alone military intelligence. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:32 PM ::Pretends to speak to himself:: When the hell did I convince people I was command material, it must have been a joke gone wrong... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:32 PM ::Tugs on her Dress uniform... the joys of Dress:: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:32 PM :: Raised an eyebrow :: I am hoping it will be quite some time before that happens... sir. Bren Faliver ::Pretends to speak to himself:: When the hell did I convince people I was command material, it must have been a joke gone wrong... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:32 PM ((We can share the responsibility lol)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot ((We can share the responsibility lol)) Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:33 PM ((You joke...)) Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:33 PM Well, I will head up the bridge right now, Captain. Breaking in this chair will be a long term effort. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:33 PM ::Nods to Ryan:: Everything looking well I hope Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:34 PM ::checks sensor readings of the area, sees we're headed back now. Glad to be going back to the star base.:: (edited) Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:34 PM ::walks over, puts his hand on Bren's shoulder:: I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't think you were up to it. Captain McFly ((You joke...)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:34 PM (( )) Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:34 PM :: arms still crossed :: Agreed... Violet (Civilian) BOT 12/11/2023 9:34 PM :: Violet enters :: "You have been here for hours." Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:34 PM Besides, it's only until Faldek gets back... assuming he's not dead already. Captain McFly ::walks over, puts his hand on Bren's shoulder:: I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't think you were up to it. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:35 PM I appreciate that, boss, but I will note you DID just say you had few options right now ::Smile:: Much as we haven't always gotten along, I hope Faldek is alive and well.... 9:35 PM .... because if anyone gets to kill him, it should be me! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:35 PM ::hoping Kansas is doing okay:: Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 9:35 PM ::completes review of medical records, nods as they all appear to be up to date:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:35 PM :::Takes the glass from the waiter, sniffs it... then hands it to the President:: Sir Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:36 PM I hope to be there to see it. ::smiles and walks out of the office with Bren:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:36 PM James Ryan (Moon)> :: responds quietly to Kansas without taking his eye off the President :: Just the usual gaseous anomalies when the President consumes his leafy greens ... Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:36 PM Well whatever they are trying to steal ... ::pounds his fist on the desk:: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:36 PM oh-oh, thank you. ::takes the glass without much thought:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:37 PM I wonder if we could get a chair like the command chair at Tactical. ::grins:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:37 PM (w) I will never understand the "Green Juice" thing Conference Stage Hand (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:37 PM ::knocks on the door:: We're ready in two minutes! Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:37 PM :: jumps :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:38 PM ::Half opens the door:: I will let you know when we are ready 9:38 PM ::Closes door:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:38 PM James Ryan ( Moon ) :: does a half smile :: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:38 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at E.J.'s mention of the chair :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:39 PM :::Leans down to the President:: Sir, if you like we can start in about 2 minute Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:39 PM :: Looks at Faldek as he pounded his fist :: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:39 PM Sorry. I do not enjoy being here. I left for a reason. Violet (Civilian) BOT 12/11/2023 9:39 PM "Do you like my uniform?" Conference Stage Hand (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:39 PM ::annoyed sighs; talks on her comm device to the producers about that grumpy security agent again:: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/11/2023 9:40 PM ::walks onto the bridge and sits down at helm:: Erich Jaenke 12/11/2023 9:40 PM :: to Violet :: "It's provisional, special circumstances." Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:40 PM KARL> Goes over his way to clean console again:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:40 PM :: Sighs :: Well, the way things are these days, I do not enjoy it here either.. President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:40 PM ::hears Kansas but takes a second for it to register:: Oh... oh yes, of course. ::finalizes his speech with the writer then prepares himself. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:40 PM ::steps out of the TL onto the bridge and walks halfway to Science-1 before making a big curve back toward the Big Chair:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:41 PM ::looks over to Sanchez:: Crew...Petty Officer Sanchez, welcome to the bridge. Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:41 PM ACTION> MANTICORE DROPS OUT OF WARP AND ARRIVES AT STARBASE REDACTED Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 9:41 PM ::exits his office in sickbay and heads over to medical supply storage to do inventory:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:41 PM Perhaps it's time we got a little more proactive. Unfortunately with the increased presence of the Dominion being that Terok Nor is not war HQ anymore, it might make this a little more dangerous. Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:42 PM ::glances back at the starbase:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:42 PM :: notes the powerdown of the core systems :: Alrighty time for docking procedures. :: gets to work :: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:42 PM ::smiles watching Bren; proud of the fact he didn't have to physically turn him this time:: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/11/2023 9:42 PM Arriving at Starbase <Redacted> ... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:42 PM +McFly+ Captain, we're on approach to the starbase. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:42 PM :::Hands him a fresh glass of water as always and then takes his PADD:: your speech sound on point Sir Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:43 PM ::walks over to Pilot:: Thanks commander! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:43 PM ((I didn't see Bren brought yall to the bridge my bad)) 9:44 PM ::stands from the CC and heads to Tactical:: You're welcome sir! (edited) Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:44 PM James Ryan (Moon) :: takes a position near the door :: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:44 PM Agreed, these Jem'Hadar will shoot first and ask questions... well, never... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:44 PM KARL> ::Steps to the console behind EJ:: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:44 PM :: Taps away at Ops, preparing for docking :: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:45 PM :: approaches Erich Jaenke 's office :: Commander, we have arrived at Starbase. Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:45 PM Perhaps we will do an inspection of the military intelligence complex tomorrow... Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/11/2023 9:45 PM ::taps on his console getting ready to get us docked when ordered:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:46 PM :: Nods:: That would be a good place to start... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:46 PM :::opens the door for the President:: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:46 PM :: Still taping away at Ops :: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:46 PM ::takes a long sip:: ...I appreciate that Commander. You know I really do enjoy these diplomatic events. Where we're trying to bring the galaxy together in peace. War. ::looks over to Kansas:: I don't like war. I know no one does, but... ::leans in:: I don't say this to a lot of people, I never expected anything like this to happen when I was elected. We may not have been in perfect peace, but our mission was to unite the galaxy and bring paradise to every world, not just on Earth. ::sighs:: Now it seems, the entire Alpha Quadrant is falling apart. And I'm just not sure what to do about it. 9:47 PM ::takes a deep breath and nods to Kansas; then walks out the door and heads towards the stage:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:48 PM James Ryan ( Moon) > :: overhears the conversation...but says nothing. He's just there to protect:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:48 PM you are doing a great Job sir... Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:48 PM It might get dicey, it's slightly out of my scope of command, would be better if I were a Legate but I guess Starfleet Intelligence couldn't kidnap one of them without someone noticing. Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:48 PM James Ryan (Moon)> :: AA and walks with the President :: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:48 PM :::Stays on his Six:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:49 PM James Ryan ( Moon) :: to the President's right :: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:49 PM ::relaxes slightly as the ship arrives:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:49 PM :: Eyes Faldek :: Well, we don't give them the chance to question your authority... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:49 PM :::Scans the room with her eyes:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:50 PM Correct, we are supposed to be there. ::winks:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:51 PM Exactly.. Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:51 PM Alright Sanchez, prepare to... ::looks over at Bren:: ...Would you like to give the command, uh... commander? Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/11/2023 9:51 PM ::hovering his finger over the command button:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:51 PM :::Hates speeches::: Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::Strikes a ridiculous pose, like he's striding up a mountain. Not for the first time, it helps him with the discomfort of authority:: Make it engage! Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:52 PM Ok well get back to your jobs, we'll meet here tomorrow morning at 0630. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::looks at Bren, shakes his head:: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::smiles:: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::covers his mouth to hide his huge smile:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:52 PM James Ryan (Moon) > :: keeps his eyes peeled as the President gets to his position :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::makes it engage, pressing the button:: Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::Mouths at Pilot 'was the foot in the air too much?':: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:52 PM ::clears his throat; leans in and whispers:: Um, Bren, we're docking. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:52 PM :::Scans the room again, checking to make sure her people are in the correct positions:: Edvenent ( Cardassia ) BOT 12/11/2023 9:53 PM :: Gives a nod, then turns :: I will see you then... :: Walks out of the office and vanishes down the hall :: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:53 PM ::waits for his introduction then takes the stage:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:53 PM Just a tad...its okay. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:53 PM Don't we engage the docking clamps? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:53 PM ::::Clapps with everyone else:: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:54 PM Eventually. It's a starbase, they pretty much automate everything anymore. Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:54 PM James Ryan ( Moon ) > :: takes his designated position...surveying the scene :: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 9:54 PM ::Looks out at the viewscreen:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:54 PM ::goes back to his chair and takes a seat, picking up another PADD in the inbox and goes over the information contained within:: President Jaresh-Inyo (moon) BOT 12/11/2023 9:55 PM ::starts with a joke then transitions into a heartfelt person experience then talks about how it relates to the Federations pursuit of peace across the quadrant then reluctantly lets that lead into the Dominion war:: Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:55 PM :::Scans the room again... has an odd feeling:: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:55 PM :: Listens to Bren and McFly, eyebrow raised :: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:56 PM James Ryan ( Moon ) :: has heard the war is going bad.....but that is not his job to express :: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 9:56 PM Mr Harnett, confirm installation orders for our new PK with the starbase engineering team. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:56 PM And as long as this station doesn't message us, we should be fine. Since we are at Starbase BFE. Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 9:57 PM :: Taps away :: Aye, sir, confirming with the Starbase engineering team. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:57 PM OK, ok. ::Stands normally:: Pilot, please take us in, quarter impulse max speed to our assigned hangar, prepare ship for external power feeds, and notify Engineering of the option to attach umbilical. Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:57 PM Lt Node, we are to run protocol Aegis at this time. :: looks to Node who does a brief smile :: Aye Ma'am..I'll pass the word. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:57 PM ::delegates:: Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 9:58 PM ::comes across a report about Ferengi on Empok Nor:: Oh Quark you sly man... Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:58 PM :::Nods to a side officer to do another round:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:58 PM ::to Faliver:: Commander we're all set. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 9:58 PM Excellent, thank you. Now just stick the landing and we should be in good shape. Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 9:59 PM :::knows that they find her annoying or over bearing:: Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 9:59 PM ::working on inventory of medical supplies:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 9:59 PM ::trying to not laugh:: Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 9:59 PM James Ryan (Moon) > :: remains still...he is a couple feet from the President ..and must be quick to protect at a moment's notice...even if he gets killed :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 12/11/2023 9:59 PM ::to Faliver:: We're already docked sir. Dr. Gila Orrak (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 10:00 PM "What is it?" Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 10:00 PM :::Trusts Ryan more than the rest, nods to him in comfirmation:: Petty Officer Sanchez ::to Faliver:: We're already docked sir. Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 10:00 PM ((Oh, then that was a mistake of the player and not the character. Faliver was trying to be funny, not incompetent)) Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:01 PM ((That's my fault, I had him say it because I thought it was funny. )) 1 Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 10:01 PM + Bridge + Tyrel here....Engineering confirms successful docking.. Umbilicals engaged. Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:01 PM ACTION> KANSAS TAKES NOTE OF A QUICK SPARKLY FROM THE UPPER RAFTERS Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 10:01 PM Ah well apparently Quark and his band of magnificent Ferengi thwarted a plot to kidnap his mother and ruined the plans of a Vorta and the Jem'Hadar... (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 10:01 PM ((And I decided to delegate .. )) Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 10:02 PM (time ) Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 10:02 PM ((Where did the hour ago whoa)) Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:03 PM ((Damn, no idea)) Callista Tyrel 12/11/2023 10:03 PM (gnight must jet ) Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:03 PM ((Later Cali)) Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 10:03 PM ::Dashes forward and pulls the pres down::: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:03 PM ACTION> A POWERFUL DISRUPTER BOLT FIRES FROM THE RAFTERS AS KANSAS DIVES FOR THE PRESIDENT 10:04 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/11/2023 10:04 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 10:04 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 10:04 PM ::Paused:: Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 10:04 PM ::Pauses:: Lt. Harnett 12/11/2023 10:04 PM ::Paused:: Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 10:04 PM oooo Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 10:04 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:04 PM Alright our first night in 2374. KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 10:05 PM nice work on the new girl Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:05 PM TBS will be immediate. Expect a hefty response from Starfleet. 10:05 PM Questions or Comments? 10:06 PM If nothing then I ask, WHY DID THEY MAKE THESE NEW UNIFORMS SO ITCHY??!!... DISMISSED!!! Bren Faliver 12/11/2023 10:06 PM Goodnight, good job, and good week all yall Captain McFly 12/11/2023 10:06 PM later dudes Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 12/11/2023 10:06 PM Night folks! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 10:06 PM NIte nite Peeps Annika Sorenson 12/11/2023 10:06 PM Goodnight! Dr. Tevek 12/11/2023 10:06 PM Night folks! Kansas Kenickie (Moon) 12/11/2023 10:06 PM McFly Cdr. Faldek (Cardassia) 12/11/2023 10:06 PM Nighters Erich Jaenke 12/11/2023 10:07 PM Night Exported 232 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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LtCdr Jylliene 12/8/2023 9:00 PM Heh Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:01 PM Much sleepiness here, but I'll try not to keep myself awake via chaos...for the most part. 9:01 PM Questions before we start? 9:02 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/8/2023 9:02 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:02 PM ::scanscan:: MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:03 PM ::scanning as well:: LtCdr Jylliene 12/8/2023 9:03 PM ::watching incoming scans:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:04 PM :: Dusts himself off :: "That went well for me all things considered." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:05 PM ACTION: Scans indicate exponential increase in energy within one of the samples, estimating possible fision point Dacia Sandero 12/8/2023 9:05 PM ::yawns:: LtCdr Jylliene 12/8/2023 9:05 PM +AT+ There's a sample that's nearing fission. GET CLEAR. MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:06 PM ::hears Jylliene and hauls it:: Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:06 PM Nijil, can we get a containment field around this thing? Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:07 PM "Give me a moment." :: Races to a console :: Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:08 PM ::turns:: security, neutralize the target. ::points to the light:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:08 PM "Almost there, one second..." MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:08 PM ::gets to safe distance, so she can render aid if needed:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:09 PM :: tapping and tapping :: 9:09 PM "Field going up..." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:09 PM ACTION: security officers take aim and begin firing. The light dances clear of most of the shots. A few land, only slightly dimming the light for a second each time 9:11 PM ACTION: Force Field envelopes the sample case, and crackles from the increasing heat 9:11 PM ::Njil:: Let's fall back. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:12 PM "Logging into the console with my padd..." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:12 PM ::takes a shot at the light as she seeks cover:: Dacia Sandero 12/8/2023 9:13 PM ::working in the med bay:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:15 PM "That realm is more mysterious than I first thought." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:16 PM ACTION: The sample goes critical. A blinding light shines outward from the forcefield, but the heat and radiation are contained. 9:17 PM Shield status? MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:17 PM ::turns away from the light as it goes critical:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:17 PM "Holding...barely." Dacia Sandero 12/8/2023 9:18 PM ::looks out of the window towards where the portal is:: Hope everything's going all right over there. Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:21 PM ACTION: The area around the field begins to flash, with each pulse the world seems to change, the grass and field change to forest and trees. Strange animals snap in and out of existence. The effected area grows with each pulse. MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:21 PM ::looks around:: Might I suggest we get back to base Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:22 PM Agreed! 9:22 PM Fall back. MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:22 PM ::hustles her way back to base:: Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:23 PM ACTION: the light hovering overhead begins to dim, fading until lost from sight. 9:23 PM ::moving as quick as she can:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:24 PM "Now what?" Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:25 PM Is the energy inside the force field decreasing or remaining stable? Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:26 PM :: Lifts his padd. Looks :: "It's holding for the moment, at least for a few hours." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:29 PM Can we siphone off any of the energy? 9:31 PM Assuming that doesn't unleash more of, whatever is going on. 9:34 PM ::scanscan:: MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:36 PM ::scanning:: I'm not sure... Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:38 PM ACTION: The pulsing begins to decrease in frequency but the other world seems remain longer each time. MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:41 PM ::is not liking what she is seeing:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:42 PM (sorry, local trouble) 9:43 PM "We may be able to redirect some of it." LtCdr Jylliene 12/8/2023 9:45 PM +AT+ Status? The scans are getting bizarre. Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:45 PM However we do that, we need to also disrupt it's frequency to stop what's going on. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:46 PM "Send a counter-wave?" Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:47 PM That was the theory behind the beacon we're building that matches the one at the federation colony. 9:47 PM +CC+ Bizarre indeed. But, can you detect any patters in the frequencies? LtCdr Jylliene 12/8/2023 9:49 PM +AT+ Only that it's lengthening right now, but I'll start running an analysis. Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:50 PM ::watching the shifting reality, watching for any more of those lights that might try to make it across:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:50 PM "The computer may take some time for a pattern recognition." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:50 PM ::blinks, realizes something, begins scanning:: 9:51 PM Something's different. MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:51 PM Captain? Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:52 PM Nijil, if that's the other realm we were in earlier.... where's our return portal? We left it behind but I don't see it appearing. 9:54 PM I am also getting clear scans of these trees as they appear but I could never get good scans in that realm. 9:55 PM ::Mimi:: Get as much biological data as you can. MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 9:56 PM ::nods and starts scanning for biological data:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:56 PM "Something could have gone wrong, though we can activate it once we send a special probe through." Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:57 PM Agreed. But first we need to stop or contain this. 9:59 PM Assuming the energy trapped inside the field stays stable, the field will hold for a few more hours. We have that much time. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/8/2023 9:59 PM "Just what it is?" Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 9:59 PM I do not know. 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 12/8/2023 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 10:00 PM ::freeze frame:: Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 10:00 PM Thanks everyone. 10:01 PM Any questions? LtCdr Jylliene 12/8/2023 10:01 PM Nope. Captain Sylfaen 12/8/2023 10:02 PM Dismissed and Goodnight all. Dacia Sandero 12/8/2023 10:02 PM goodnight! MimiPavilion 12/8/2023 10:03 PM night all see ya next week Exported 80 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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The Captain has ordered a hasty retreat before the other two "lights" try anything. 9:08 PM Questions? 9:08 PM !begin Dyno BOT 12/1/2023 9:08 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:09 PM ((ECH is a little tired tonight.)) Dacia Sandero 12/1/2023 9:09 PM ::working in the med bay:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:09 PM All hands, back through the portal. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:10 PM ::at yellow alert, getting scans/tracking on the thing that came through the portal:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:10 PM ACTION: The one light is zipping all around the settlement Dacia Sandero 12/1/2023 9:10 PM ::helps preparing the med bay just in case with the yellow alert:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:10 PM :: Gets his stuff he can carry :: "No arguement here." LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:11 PM ::kinda confused about what to tell the security team to do to...a moving light. But they're prepped anyhow.:: MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 9:11 PM ::grabs as much of her equipment and mad-dashing through the portal:: Copy that! Holo-Muuhi BOT 12/1/2023 9:13 PM "Anyone feel a tingle?" Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:14 PM ACTION: Security officers on the away team take position as they help usher everyone through. Dacia Sandero 12/1/2023 9:14 PM ::hopes things go well with the portal:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:15 PM ::sees that just about everyone is through:: LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:15 PM ::sensors indicating team members going back through the portal:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:16 PM ::enters a code to scramble the portal on this side's computer memory, the jumps through.::: 9:17 PM ::stumbles into their original dimension:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:18 PM :: Flies through the portal :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:18 PM ::flips open her tricorder:: LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:18 PM +AT+ Command center to away team. Status? MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 9:18 PM ::starts checking the away team:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:19 PM :: tumbles out :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:19 PM +CC+ we're all back. Do we have a trace on that object? LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:20 PM +Sylf+ A trace is a good way to describe it. It's all over the place. We're at yellow alert. Security is... standing by. Trying to do scans of it, but it won't exactly sit still long enough to get any kind of fix on it, nor is the path predictable enough for the scan to stay with it. Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:22 PM +CC+ keep at it. we'll try and triangulate out scans from the ground. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:22 PM +Sylf+ Will do. Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:22 PM ::nijil, mimi:: spread out and see what we can pick up. 9:23 PM ::spot the light zipping around in the distance::: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:23 PM "If it emits a unique signature we can track it." MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 9:24 PM Everyone is fine ::nods and starts scanning:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:24 PM I am mostly picking up it's trail rather than any actual central mass or point of origin. 9:25 PM there it goes again .::takes off in that direction:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:28 PM :: Goes off to scan for the light :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:28 PM +CC+ I am really regretting not bumping up locate force field emitters to a higher priority on the build schedule. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:29 PM +Sylf+ Hindsight. Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:31 PM ACTION> The light suddenly stops over one of the storage containers used for science samples. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:31 PM +Sylf+ Hard to say what would happen with what is apparently energy crashing into a force field, though. Could bring the whole field down. Could destroy it. And we don't really know if it's sentient yet. Holo-Muuhi BOT 12/1/2023 9:32 PM :: to no particular person :: "Maybe it's just me." :: Feels herself as if static is flowing through her fur :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:32 PM +CC+ that's why i have not ordered anyone to open fire yet. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:32 PM ::sci scanning like mad while it's actually stationary:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:33 PM :: turns to the light :: "What's it doing?" Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:33 PM ::scan,scan.scan:: MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 9:33 PM ::sees that it's stationary and scans it:: Dacia Sandero 12/1/2023 9:33 PM ::has a cup of tea, while things are still calm:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:34 PM it's emitting sometype of energy downward. 9:34 PM it may be scanning, if that's not somehow related to it's levitation or propulsion. 9:35 PM ::tricorder starts beeping:: 9:36 PM ACTION> An energy signal begins to grow from within one of the storage containers under the light LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:37 PM ::sci station beeping rather loudly:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:38 PM "What's in that case?" LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:38 PM +AT+ Getting an energy signal response to the light from inside the container. checking for the manifest. 9:38 PM +AT+ Mineral samples. Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:39 PM ACTION> energy signal is growing LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:39 PM +AT+ Think this thing has some kind of rock-eggs? 9:40 PM +AT+ As a very rudimentary hypothesis 9:40 PM +AT+ Energy signal is increasing. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:40 PM "Eggs?... crap." Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:40 PM +CC+ Possibly? but i don't like this power curve. MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 9:40 PM ::watching and scanning:: Dacia Sandero 12/1/2023 9:41 PM (Rock omelettes sounds good) LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:41 PM +AT+ Can't say I do either, but I'm no scientist. Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:43 PM (singing in my head a certain B52 song, with slightly different lyrics now) Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:43 PM "Should we open the case?" Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:43 PM ::slowly moving towards the crates:: 9:45 PM ::glancing towards the light as she nears the case, which seems to leaking smoke at the moment:: 9:46 PM ::reads the label from the case:: these are samples we got from the cave we explored. 9:47 PM ::reaches a hand out:: ah, it's hot. ::nijil:: give me a hand. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:47 PM :: nods and helps :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:48 PM ::looking around for a prybar or something to wedge the lid open without burning her hand:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:49 PM "That's a lot of heat." Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:49 PM ::finds a thermal blanket in another crate, wraps her hands:: 9:50 PM and it's increasing. 9:50 PM Ready? Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:51 PM "Yeah, this might hurt a bit." 9:51 PM "Let me. Rihan's have a higher level of tolerance." Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:52 PM Okay. ::hands the thermal blanket over:: though you're frequent trips to medical should warn me otherwise. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 9:53 PM ((heheheheh)) MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 9:54 PM ::watching the whole thing unfold:: Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:54 PM :: nods and places the blanket on the sample case :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:55 PM better open it before the latches melt. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 9:57 PM :: Goes to open the case :: "Grrr, it's hot and sealed tight...." Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 9:58 PM ACTION > smoke and a bright light escape out of the case 9:59 PM ::scanning:: power is still increasing and i 9:59 PM and i'mm getting some complex patterns in there. Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 10:00 PM :: Falls back on his butt as whatever was in the case pushed him to the dirt :: MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 10:00 PM ::walks over to Sylfaen:: what kind of complex patterns Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 10:01 PM :: Picks himself up, dusts himself off :: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 10:01 PM Unsure, but it's like soemthing in unfolding. 10:01 PM and, oh uh. 10:01 PM !pause LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 10:02 PM ...the bot is really tired. Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 10:02 PM ...yah. MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 10:02 PM ::freeze frame:: Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 10:02 PM anyway, thanks everyone. 10:02 PM any questions? Nijil tr'Korjata 12/1/2023 10:03 PM None here Captain Sylfaen 12/1/2023 10:03 PM then, Dismissed and goonight all. LtCdr Jylliene 12/1/2023 10:03 PM Nope. 10:04 PM Nighters all MimiPavilion 12/1/2023 10:04 PM night all see ya next week Dacia Sandero 12/1/2023 10:04 PM Goodnight! Exported 104 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:06 PM makes sense Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:07 PM Arcadia continues its exploration mission just outside of Federation space. A long range probe detected a rogue planet between two star systems. We are tasked with investigating 9:07 PM Any sim-related questions? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:07 PM none here Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:08 PM same Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:08 PM ok then... 9:08 PM !begin Dyno BOT 11/29/2023 9:08 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:09 PM ::monitoring systems at engineering console on bridge:: Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:09 PM :: at the center chair :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:11 PM ::scanning for ships at the sec console:: Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:11 PM :: At her post :: Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:11 PM Ens Howell> :: sure glad he's not on the bridge :: 9:12 PM ETA to the rogue planet? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:12 PM thirty minutes, sir 9:15 PM I have not detected any ships in the area Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:15 PM The long range probe report indicated that it is close to the size of earth, but completely frozen and its atmosphere has either solidified or sublimated. There were also traces of metals below the ice, and a possible dilithium signature, making it a possible target for a remote mining operation. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:16 PM is the worry that they are smuggling? or creating enemy ships? or something else Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:16 PM No indications of ships near the planet, so we don't think anyone else has found it yet Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:16 PM (("Rogue planet" == planet without a sun)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:17 PM ((oh)) 9:17 PM ((d'oh)) Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:17 PM If the Federation mines it first, we could claim rights to its mineral deposits, which could introduce a new element to the economy of the nearby Sigma Tau sector. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:20 PM I'm certainly glad not to be stationed on that mining outpost. Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:20 PM The core is still radioactively hot, so, we estimate that it got ejected from its planetary system less than a billion years ago, though the long range probe could not determine exactly when it happened. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:20 PM You'd have to switch out teams pretty frequently or find people who don't require sunlight 9:20 PM ((or hire vampires)) Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:23 PM We will of course need an away team. With your luck as chief engineer, you're going to evaluate the planet for suitability for mining. Ens Natell will lead the planetary science team. And, Cmdr Arizhel, you will provide security in case someone else does try to stake a claim while we're down there. Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:23 PM :: Looking at the scans :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:23 PM this is a nice place to start a war for some rocks Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:25 PM Yes sir! 9:25 PM Also, as long as I don't have to stay there, I'm fine. Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:25 PM Dilithium keeps the starships going. Until we find some way to replicate it, it's still a valuable resource with only natural sources. 9:26 PM Of course, you will need full EVA suits. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:27 PM ::is glad she recently did combat practice in a full EVA suit:: 9:27 PM Should we be ready to go as soon as we're in range? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:28 PM I'd recommend going for the harsh environment model, since it's going to be chilly down there. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:28 PM ((Do we even have budget for those?)) Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:29 PM The surface temperature will be a chilly -250C. 9:30 PM If you need orbital drilling into the ice, the ship's phasers will be available. Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:30 PM "it channels the matter and anti-matter streams..." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:31 PM Should we do some orbital scans to find promising landing sites before we set out? 9:32 PM I don't want to hike all over a rogue planet looking for the one bit of dilithium. Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:32 PM Yes, of course. 9:32 PM Science should have the results of the long range probe's scans. It should at least give us a head start Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:35 PM hopefully we won't have to drill through too much ice Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:36 PM :: Compiling the scan results :: Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:38 PM Perform short range scans as we get closer to augment the probe results Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:40 PM "I can give you the results we have now." Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:42 PM The planet may have been a class M water world at some point, any rocky surface you see was probably a mountain back then Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:43 PM Anything good in there? Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:45 PM (( we should be getting there, right?)) Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:46 PM "It's very old and was knocked out of it's star system." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:46 PM ::flips through results:: There seem to be a couple of places that are potentially stable enough for mining operations that are potentially mineral-rich. 9:47 PM It's hard to know until we get orbital scans. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:49 PM Eta 5 minutes 9:50 PM should I go suit up or do you need me scanning until we pick a site, sir? Natell Jasad BOT 11/29/2023 9:50 PM "Shall I stay here or go?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 9:55 PM and we're in range, hopefully the scans should help decide which site to start with Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:56 PM ::looking at scan outputs:: We've got a strong contender already...this was probably a major mountain range before the atmosphere froze. Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:57 PM Less ice covering it? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:58 PM Much less Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 9:58 PM Good enough to land at? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 9:59 PM I'd say so, there's exposed rock and some proper mineral deposits. Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 10:00 PM Let's try that location first 10:00 PM Suit up and prepare for EVA 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 11/29/2023 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 10:01 PM paus'd Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 10:01 PM and next week I will have you down on the planet otherwise it will take an hour to get to the TR Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 10:01 PM sounds good Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 10:01 PM until next week.... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 11/29/2023 10:01 PM Paused 10:01 PM Maybe we even have budget for foot warmers in the suits Captain Lo'Ami 11/29/2023 10:02 PM dont want you to get cold feet 10:03 PM gnight Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 11/29/2023 10:03 PM ba-dum tiss 10:03 PM 'night! Exported 79 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
  21. = /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1247, STARDATE 52311.27 = /\ = Manticore's last mission resulted in the loss of their ship and nearly half the crew. With the help of the USS Kieran, Vertical and others, the crew is now safely back at Earth Spacedock. It's been a week since they've returned. Everyone has been debriefed by Starfleet personnel and they will finally learn their fates. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1247, STARDATE 52311.27 = /\ =
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With the help of the USS Kieran, Vertical and others, the crew is now safely back at Earth Spacedock. It's been a week since they've returned. Everyone has been debriefed by Starfleet personnel and they will finally learn their fates. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1247, STARDATE 52311.27 = = 9:03 PM TBS has been about a week. 9:03 PM !begin Dyno BOT 11/27/2023 9:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:04 PM ACTION> JAFFEE SENDS OUT MESSAGES TO ALL MANTICORE COMMAND STAFF TO SUMMON THEM TO A MEETING IN THE BIG BRIEFING ROOM; JAFFEE SENDS OUT A SEPARATE MESSAGE TO KANSAS TO MEET HER IN HER OFFICE Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:04 PM :: walking around the Spacedock halls :: (m) They all look the same! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:05 PM ::Curses, heads to Jaffee's office:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:05 PM ((Good thing I am not command staff ha!)) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:05 PM ((the meeting is a plus one so all our main cast is invited)) Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:05 PM ::gets a beep from her PADD informing her of the meeting, sighs and heads to the briefing room:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:05 PM I think this is the place I'm supposed to report to Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:05 PM ((Then i retract my statement.)) Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:06 PM ::acknowledges the summoning and heads to the afore mentioned big briefing room:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:06 PM ::speaking privately with Matt in the hall:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:06 PM ::heads to the conference room:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:06 PM "Join Starfleet, see the Sector" suure, and I'm just in an office processing repair manifests. sigh. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:06 PM ::heads into a lift and heads up to the briefing room, she liked Earth Spacedock but was eager to be cleared to go back to Earth itself:: (edited) Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:06 PM ::reviewing medical journals on his PADD, receives a notification of the meeting, heads to big briefing room:: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:07 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at the message, getting up and heading to the conference room:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:07 PM ::glares at Matt:: This is honestly against my better judgement. I feel the entire lot of you would be better served elsewhere. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:07 PM ::nods slowly:: ...Then why aren't we? Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:07 PM :: at the Starbase Medical Facility Lounge looking out the large viewport to provide a relaxing view of Earth :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:07 PM ::Enters Jaffee's office, paces:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:08 PM ::walks into the big conference room and takes a seat:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:08 PM ::sighs:: There's others above me that can be... persuasive. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:08 PM KARL> This can't be good Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:08 PM ::enters the big briefing room, nodding to those already arrived and are arriving:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:08 PM I'll be honest I... I wouldn't blame you for just disband-- Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:08 PM ::She enters the briefing room as well and takes a seat, looking around for Calli:: Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:09 PM ::enters the big briefing room and takes a seat, nods to those present:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:09 PM ::cuts him off:: Listen. Just take this gift. Make the most of it. Besides, the way things are going with the Dominion, we may need everyone we can get out there. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:10 PM ::nods:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:10 PM :: after a long turbo lift journey Callista arrives at the designated meeting location :: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:10 PM :: Enters the briefing room, taking a seat next to E.J. nodding to Faldek:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:10 PM ::nods and lowers his head; then looks up at her:: Understood... Thank you. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:10 PM ::nods to Faldek:: Commander. Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:10 PM Liuetenants. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:10 PM ::Matt walks down the hall and into the briefing room; he sits near the front where Faldek is and... waits:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:10 PM ::looks at Harnett:: Hopefully you're healed more or less from our debacle on that planet. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:10 PM ::spots Calli walk in, smiles at her:: You doing okay, Calli? Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:11 PM Captain. I believe the entire senior staff was summoned. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:11 PM :: takes a seat adjacent to Jaenke, she is still wearing dermal regeneration bandages on one side of her face...( sort of like Picard wore at the end of BoBW 2 ) :: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:11 PM :: Looks at his office wall where he has his homemade hybrid images tacked up :: ahh, the Oberth/Olympia hybrid... someday Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:11 PM KARL> In the back of the room, feeling the doom:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:12 PM ::meets back up with the Spacedock dude; gives him a smirk:: I don't know how you talk me into this. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:12 PM :: Looks to E.J. :: I am, thank you Lieutenant. I hope you have healed up after being thrown against that tree.. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:12 PM :: To Annika :: Thanks to Dr. Tevek and the minds here at the SB...I've recovered my marbles...but we shall see about the scars...: points to her faceplate :: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:12 PM It's a skill, hmm? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:12 PM I think that tree was hurt more than I was. ::klingonic grin:: Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:12 PM ::spots Callista in the briefing room and notes that the dermal regeneration bandages are still in place:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:12 PM ::sighs:: They're all yours. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:13 PM I'm sure they can heal those scars. I've seen them fix worse, actually. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:13 PM :: does a polite wave and thumbs up to Dr. Tevek :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:13 PM ::looks over at Faldek:: You hear about any of this? No one's been talking to me. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:13 PM :: Raised an eyebrow :: The tree...hurt more than you? Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:13 PM :: into the conference room walks a man in his late 50's but with signs of unnaturally advanced aging. He is wearing the uniform of the Starfleet garrison troops with these on his right collar and left breast :: 9:13 PM Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:13 PM Nope, you I suppose know as much as I do. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:13 PM Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:13 PM ::she looks to the man that just walked in:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:13 PM ::looking at the man entering:: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:14 PM ::turns his attention:: Admiral on deck! Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:14 PM :: Raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at the man as he entered :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:14 PM ::heads back to her office to meet Kansas:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:14 PM ::stands up at attention:: Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:14 PM ::nods to Callista, then rises to attention at Faldek's announcement:: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:14 PM :: Stands at attention :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:14 PM ::Matt's eye widen:: ...A-- Admiral. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:15 PM :: he looks around the room with a stoic, tired gaze on his face. His eyes light on a few faces of the crew and a small and grateful smile can't keep from crossing his face. He opens his mouth to speak and stops himself, shaking his head :: 9:15 PM Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:15 PM ::she also stands at attention:: (edited) Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:15 PM ::walks into the office to find Kansas pacing:: Sorry to keep you waiting. ::she walks behind her desk and sits down:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:15 PM :: stands AA her eyes are visible ...the plates on the right side of her face cover her cheekbone and orbital bone area :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:15 PM Admiral Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:16 PM ::feeling really bad right now; he did break the ship:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:16 PM (m) She was a good ship. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:16 PM Please, folks. Have a seat - heck, have all of them Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:16 PM ::suddenly wants a lolipop:: 9:16 PM ::takes a seat, but not literally:: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:16 PM :: Sits down once more :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:16 PM ((So I know we're all on a text based format so just to clarify this IS THE A9. It's not me playing an NPC. )) Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:16 PM (NICE!) Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:16 PM ::takes a seat:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:16 PM :: takes her seat :: Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:17 PM ::sits down:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:17 PM ((HowdyHwody)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:17 PM ::takes a seat and pours himself a water:: 9:17 PM (( )) Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:17 PM ((with genuine typos, too!)) 9:17 PM :: stepping over to a wall panel in the room, he addresses the entire room. He speaks loudly enough to cut through the chatter and get everyone's attention, but not so loud as to be shouting. It seems like he has done this many times before :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:18 PM ::clasps her hands and takes a deep breath:: Commander, first allow me to praise your record thus far. You've had many misteps but always with the intentions of the Federation at hand. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:18 PM We have been monitoring your recent mission with intense interest. I have been working with the Federation Council indirectly and with the Consul General personally. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:18 PM ::looks to A9 quietly:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:19 PM ::watches A9 with fervered interest: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:19 PM ::looking upon his old CO, sipping his water:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:19 PM We mourn your losses and grieve for your dead... but the Manticore skillset in this room is too valuable to be benched for long. There have been spirited discussions on next steps and I have been asked to show you some video feeds from a shielded workbay here at Spacedock. As you can see, there's a lot to like. 9:19 PM Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:20 PM She may be down, but never out! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:20 PM ::looks at the video, trying to see the new ship but only sees another Nebula class:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:20 PM Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:20 PM ::watches video with interest, raises an eyebrow:: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:20 PM :: Listens to the Admiral, eyebrow raising at the sight of the Nebula class ship :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:20 PM ::his heart starts racing:: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:20 PM ::wait, what:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:21 PM Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:21 PM Oooh. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:21 PM ::nods with delight:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:21 PM :: notes the Nebula Class Starship in the dock, the engineer in her....ponders what is in the inside:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:21 PM Questions? Comments? Rotten produce?? Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:22 PM Uh... I-I... 9:22 PM Really? They're giving us another one? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:22 PM Now we can show those Jem Hadar....what for... Qapla!! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:22 PM A third Nebula class? hm, nice. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:22 PM I have always had the job first Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:22 PM Yeah, last one off the back lot. Still has that new starship smell Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:22 PM :: Looks at E.J. :: You want to go back? Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:23 PM :: smiles that the ship's name will live on :: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:23 PM ::looks somewhat unmoved:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:23 PM ::turns and looks at Harnett in the most Klingon way:: They blew her out of the sky...it would only be right to return the favor. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:23 PM There are no more Nebulas being built. So, uhh, don't break this one, hmm? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:23 PM you had commsioned me to Protect A9 at all cost I did so... I just stayed behind after he left Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:24 PM Literally the last one? Wow. ::hopes they don't break it so soon:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:24 PM Captain, I know you've always had a fixation for the Sovereign class, but this is what I could get you. And it IS new Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:24 PM Of course. And we've take that into consideration. However, with more recent actions we deem it the best case to reassign you to something that fits your talents better than a starship assignment. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:24 PM :: Shakes his head slowly at E.J. , listening to the Admiral :: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:25 PM ::listens to the admiral as well:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:25 PM I-I... I mean... not even an Akira? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:25 PM I have done well on a starship Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:25 PM I MEAN-... thank you Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:25 PM The module has some beefed-up ordnance, as we think you might just need it and definitely WANT it Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:25 PM ::smiles but says nothing:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:26 PM ::nodding at the beefed up ordnance comment:: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:26 PM Oh thank goodness. I was hoping it wasn't one of those science Nebulas. (edited) Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:26 PM There you go, Matt. I knew you'd get there eventually Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:26 PM Hm, I was going to ask if she was the same or any different from the previous Manticore. (edited) Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:26 PM ::listening to the admiral, wondering if there have been any updates to sickbay as well:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:26 PM :: Catches Faldek's eye, smiles and nods :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:27 PM ::chooses her words carefully:: We feel the confinment of a starships command structure may not be in your best interest. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:27 PM Admiral, If I may ask a question? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:27 PM ::Looks down:: Am I going back under? Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:27 PM ::looks to Calli:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:28 PM We have learned a lot over the last five years with the Illus technology and adapted some of it to the "B" - we just hope it will work Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:28 PM We're looking to reassign you to Presidential security for the Federation President. You yourself acknowledge your role in protecting Admiral Atragon-9. We feel this best suits your talents. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:28 PM (oooh) Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:28 PM :: turns to Callista :: Of course Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:28 PM land locked?! Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:28 PM ::looks at Callista:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:29 PM ::looks at Callista, listening:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:29 PM I, uh, I honestly don't know what to say. I'm amazed they didn't put us on a garbage scowl. Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:29 PM ::notices that KK is not present:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:29 PM Not specifically. You go where the President goes. Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 9:29 PM Sorry all, Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:30 PM I have never been one for babysitting Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:30 PM Has Starfleet developed an effective counter to the Dominion weaponry that cost us the Manticore A? Sir, with all due respect...their weaponry cut right through our shields....Is there a new system in place on the B? Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:30 PM :: Watches and listens :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:30 PM And what do you call the Admirals protection? Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:30 PM :: gulps :: Thank you sir. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:31 PM A9 wasn't an old man that needed shadowing Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:31 PM That... is left to be seen. We like to think we have the upper hand with some of this tech, but there's just so much you can know for sure from theory. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:32 PM Commander, this is a prestigious honor. I'm surprised at your reaction. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:32 PM Understood Sir. Thank you sir. :: the injured Lieutenant replies curtly :: Admiral Atragon-9 That... is left to be seen. We like to think we have the upper hand with some of this tech, but there's just so much you can know for sure from theory. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:32 PM ((Watched some Oppenheimer eh? )) Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:33 PM :: Ponders to himself, he was hoping to be sent back to Utopia Planitia :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:33 PM It doesn't feel like an honor... it feels like I am being put in the corner Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:33 PM ::watching Callista, notes her response to the Admiral:: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:33 PM ::ponders what other surprises the new ship has:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:34 PM You are to be the last line of defense for the President. To get to him, they would have to get through you. I'm confident that won't be the case. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:34 PM Well, an Admiral's job is never done - wait, is that the saying? - anyway, if there are no other questions, I am needed elsewhere Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:34 PM :: is still uncertain about her future...she tried unsucessfully to keep the Manticore A from going down in Main Engineering.....will she actually serve on this new Manticore?? :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:34 PM KARL> I wounder when the bad stuff is going to happen Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:34 PM Hmm, that sounds like code for "I need a drink," and I wouldn't be totally wrong about that Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:35 PM ::stands up to shake A9's hand while holding back a tear:: Thank you, sir. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:35 PM ::watching McFly:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:35 PM :: starts to walk around the table and locks eyes with Faldek as he approaches :: One second, Matt Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:35 PM ::stands:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:35 PM ::nods still in disbelief:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:35 PM and that is my only posting Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:35 PM ::pours himself more water, in lieu of bloodwine:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:36 PM Correct. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:36 PM ::stands as well before the admiral leaves:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:36 PM Does Captain McFly know this? Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:36 PM :: stands as well in respect to the rank and legend of Special Ops :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:36 PM ...He does. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:36 PM :: leans in close to Faldek :: (w) I might have something special for you, Commander. Come see me in my temporary office here tomorrow Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:36 PM Aye Admiral. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:37 PM Then I guess I am a babysitter Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:37 PM :: Turns back to McFly :: So, where are you hiding KK? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:37 PM again Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:37 PM Good question... Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:37 PM She, uh... she's in with Jaffee right now. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:37 PM :: Stands :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:38 PM ::stands:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:38 PM Pfft, just the woman I want to off... again. My next stop Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:38 PM ::just noticed KK wasn't there:: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:38 PM ::looks slightly surprised:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:38 PM ::sighs:: I'm sorry you feel that way. Many officers work their entire careers for such a posting. I hope in time you'll come to see it as the honor we view it as. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:38 PM ::smirks at A9's remark:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:39 PM :: Turns to the assembled crew :: It is a singular honor to be with the crew of the Manticore once again. Never Give Up, Never Surrender! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:39 PM Do I get a demotion with this posting Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:39 PM ::smiles:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:39 PM I'm sorry that's how you see it. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:39 PM Indeed, Admiral, indeed. ::to A9:: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:40 PM here here Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:40 PM :: turns on his heel and heads for the door :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:40 PM ::doesn't know if he should cry or cheer or salute:; Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:40 PM ::walks over to McFly:: And we're back! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:40 PM Can I go back to shadowing A9? Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:40 PM Exits, Stage Left 9:41 PM :: walks down the hallway to the Consul General's office :: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:41 PM :: exhales :: 9:41 PM :: looks to Captain McFly :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:41 PM The Admiral doesn't need that kind of protection anymore. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:41 PM ::walks over to beside Calli:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:41 PM ::Smirks:: you don't get the kinda trouble he finds Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:42 PM ::looks around at the crew:: Listen, I'm sorry I failed you with this mission. But we'll learn from this and do it better next time. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:42 PM :: Looks over at E.J. and McFly, then to Faldek :: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:42 PM :: strides in and nods to the corpsman at the desk :: Don't even TRY to stop me, okay? Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 9:42 PM :: Kind of wonders what just happened :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:42 PM I'm rather certain he searches out that kind of trouble. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:42 PM ::nods:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:42 PM :: raps on the CG's door with a "Shave-and-a-Haircut" knock :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:42 PM ::looks at McFly:: You didn't fail us sir. At least I didn't see it that way. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:43 PM :: smiles at Annika then returns her gaze to the Captain :: Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:43 PM ::listens to the Captain:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 11/27/2023 9:43 PM ::sees A9 at the door; stands up:: Speaking of which... ::walks out and let's A9 and Kansas have the room:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:43 PM Admiral Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:43 PM :: Enters and comes right over for a big hug :: Hey you! 9:44 PM Uhh, you're not gonna shoot me or stab me, are you? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:44 PM ::Hugs him back:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:44 PM ::looks at EJ:: Thanks. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:44 PM never, it would be against my duty Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:44 PM ::quietly:: Where is Cmdr Kenickie? Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:44 PM Another Nebula... Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:45 PM Hmm, that didn't stop y... never mind Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:45 PM I'd give my life for you.. I tried to many times Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:45 PM So, Presidential Protection Detail, huh? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:45 PM babysitting Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:45 PM temporarily Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:45 PM ::looks to Pilot and Faldek sheepishly:: Yeah, something like that. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:45 PM politicians come and go 9:45 PM but this - this is your golden ticket! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:46 PM it doesn't feel like one... 9:46 PM no action, just ushring Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:46 PM ::looks at Faldek:: At least she is armed more.. Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:46 PM Who knows why A9 wants to see me tomorrow. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:47 PM You put in your time and, uhh, keep the Prez alive, and you can do whatever you want after that. Your own ship, no problem, your own platoon, easy Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:47 PM ::Looks out of the window of the briefing room at Earth spinning below:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:47 PM I can't believe we have another ship. Yeah I hope she has some upgrades. Our last one was showing her age. 9:47 PM ::looks at Faldek:: Your guess is as good as mine. I haven't been told anything. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:48 PM You can parlay this into anything you want it to be, truly Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:48 PM It'd be interesting to see what kind of upgrades it has. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:48 PM I feel like I am loosing something by being here... McFly knows and he said nothing to me Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:48 PM Especially after that whoopin we received in short order by those small ships... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:48 PM Maybe you're going to be the aid of the Admiral.. ::to Faldek:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:48 PM :: walks over next to Annika :: I wanted to thank you for all the fun times we had on the A . The best memories from the old ship. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:48 PM Maybe a Cetacean OPS? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:48 PM I guess that is a sign right there Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:48 PM I am not adjutant material. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:48 PM As I understand it, this is something above his pay grade 9:48 PM and doesn't that just burn his shorts, eh? Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:48 PM ::looks over to Calli:: No problemo. It was fun for me as well. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:49 PM ::grins:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:49 PM Yeah, the Dominion. I've never seen them out that far. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:49 PM ::lower:: could be Section 31... Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:49 PM we could stand to learn from Whales. Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:49 PM Nobody has Captain. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:49 PM ::nods:: We sure can. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:49 PM ::Smiles:: I guess the Prez doesn't sit on Earth the whole time Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:49 PM :: Walks over, listening :: Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 9:49 PM :: Sitting there, reaching out for Violet's location :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:50 PM it has to be easier then watching over you Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:50 PM Hell no, you get to coordinate all travel and have the pick of ships for his detail - just not my last Nebula Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:50 PM :: talks quietly with Annika :: Did the Admiral absolve the crew then and there? There will be no hearings? Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:50 PM Think of me as your worst case Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:50 PM I don't think so. I'm sure he would've said something if there still was. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:50 PM I had fun watching over you Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:51 PM I enjoyed my Overwatch Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:51 PM Plus it is better then teaching Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:51 PM I guess that would be a benefit of being in SpecOps. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:51 PM But things move on and up and forward! Dr. Gila Orrak 11/27/2023 9:51 PM :: Violet and Gila were walking around, taking in the sites :: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:51 PM It'd make sense -- we Manticore people need to look out for each other. Anyway, that's what I hope at least! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:52 PM I guess I don't get a promotion with this placement Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:52 PM I wonder if we'll have time to recouperate down on Earth? Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:52 PM :: gently puts her hand on Annika's :: I'm not certain I am ready for a new ship yet. I'm still processing the events I witnessed a week ago. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:53 PM Hey look, this is all raw for you now. I'm at the base here for another 2-3 days. Think it over, get drunk, weigh your options, get drunk again - come see me before you ship out! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:53 PM ::gently squeezes her hand back:: As am I... that's why I'm hoping they'll let us go down to Earth. If we do, you can visit me down in San Diego. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:53 PM No, you stay Commander for this - but you may get a field promotion at the end. Depends on where you go next! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:53 PM I don't think I have a choice Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:54 PM I have to wear these Dermaplastic Grafts to make certain I don't get any scars... Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:54 PM Well, you could quit Starfleet, but that's not really a choice for you, hmm? Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:54 PM For how much longer? Do you know? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:54 PM I could be a hand for hire 9:55 PM ::Place her hand on her chin:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:55 PM Yeah, but a civilian? You can't live in that world again, none of us can Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:55 PM They are trying their best...Annika...but ...I'm so ...selfish...I might not look the same..after they come off....:: her eyes start to moisten..:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:55 PM it does make good money Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:55 PM Say what you will about the rules and structure, there's also things we do that NO ONE else gets to do Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:56 PM :: holds Annika's hand tighter while facing the viewport :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:56 PM but I wont be getting them done.. I will be standing around, waiting (edited) Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:57 PM ::hugs Calli:: That's okay, you'll still be the same person inside.. besides those new bio dermal implants do look pretty convincing. 9:57 PM ::looks out at the view port with Calli:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:57 PM That's right. This is the last part of your training package. It's time to be Zen about... being Zen. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:57 PM :: hugs Annika :: Thank you sis.... Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:57 PM Patience for now - pay off at the next stage Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:58 PM ::looks at McFly:: Are we dismissed Captain? Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:58 PM Yeah, not a problem. We'll get through this, however long it takes. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:58 PM :: wipes her eye quickly....:: Hmm...making a scene.. :: recovers and turns to face the others :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:58 PM ::off in the distance:: Hmm, Oh yes yes Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:58 PM Thank you for coming to see me Admiral, I have missed our time together Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:58 PM Crew dismissed! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:58 PM ::nods and leaves:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:58 PM as have I Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:59 PM :: Nods, leaving as well :: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:59 PM :: nods and heads out the door with Annika :: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 9:59 PM ::turns around as well, hearing the captain:: Are we cleared to leave the space dock and return to Earth or do we have to stay here? Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:59 PM Process it, chew it up and talk with me again - if you want to Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 9:59 PM ::nods and exits briefing room:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:59 PM Aye sir Captain McFly 11/27/2023 9:59 PM !pause Dyno BOT 11/27/2023 9:59 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:59 PM Trust me, this is a GOOD thing Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 9:59 PM :::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 9:59 PM ::paused:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 9:59 PM :: paused :: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 9:59 PM :: Paused :: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:59 PM (( Nuts, missed it )) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 9:59 PM ::paused:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 9:59 PM PAWZD Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:00 PM Ugh, tried to catch everyone in a lull in typing 10:00 PM NOBODY LEAVE... except Callista if she has to. Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 10:00 PM I am here.. Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:00 PM ::paused:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:00 PM (( Oooh, do I get to promote someone?!!? )) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:00 PM So first off, for some of you that are newer to Manticore, A9 is our former commanding officer of this sim. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:01 PM :: Gets THE BOX :: 10:01 PM :: waves :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:01 PM Damn dude. Gettin itchy for a stabbin 10:01 PM Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:01 PM Do I get to be on the stage this time? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:01 PM I remember A9 from the AOL days Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:01 PM Down Faldek! Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:02 PM Ran Manticore for over 1,000 sims Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:02 PM ::sad face, gets out the bloodstained tarp:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:02 PM ( clearly I had no life ) Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 10:02 PM wow Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:02 PM (yes, i remember) Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:02 PM ((who needs a life)) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:03 PM Second, this is the end of our plot and that means when we come back our characters will be two years into the future. When we come back, Manticore will have finished her shakedown cruise. And we will have grey uniforms! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:03 PM ooooh Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:03 PM Two years is a long time so that also means... 10:03 PM PROMOTIONS!!! Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:03 PM heh, GREY UNIFORMS! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:03 PM ooh grey Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 10:03 PM (and logs) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:03 PM Yay Grey uniforms! Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:03 PM Everyone gets a promotion! well almost everyone. ::looks at faldek:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:03 PM :: gets out plastic poncho :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:04 PM ::Pulls out an umbrealla Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:04 PM ::looks over to Kansas:: This is a lot, we're going to need something bigger for this. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:04 PM :::Hands it to Calli:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 10:04 PM :: takes umbrella :: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:04 PM :: notes the blood gutters in the floor around the sides of the room :: mmmm, efficient! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:04 PM I will enjoy the Blood-letting Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:05 PM :: Hides :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:05 PM Take your stabbing like a Vulcan! Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:05 PM (( oh yeah, Harnett goes first! )) Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:06 PM (( Well, damn! )) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:06 PM ::breaks out a create and pulls out a large gatling gun looking thing:: This is the Pip Master 5000! The number one Federation pip popper guaranteed to blow holes in the neck of all your enemies! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:06 PM :::Pullls Harnett forward::: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:06 PM :: Gets pulled forward :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:06 PM you want to bite on my knife? Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:07 PM No, but thank you.. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:07 PM Everyone line up! @Bren Faliver ((Who's not here! I see you!)) and Erich Jaenke, you're Full Commanders. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:07 PM Oooh, the 5000? I thought that one had pressure problems and was recalled? Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:08 PM Pilot, You're LT. Commander Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:08 PM :: Gasps :: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:08 PM Callista, Annika, Harnett, you're Full Lt. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:08 PM Nice Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 10:08 PM ty sir.... Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:08 PM Tevek! You're Lt Jg. 10:08 PM NOW LINE UP!!! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:08 PM ::lines up:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:08 PM :::Lines them up:: Callista Tyrel 11/27/2023 10:08 PM (good night folks..must jet...) Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:08 PM ::lines up:: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:08 PM Captain, can I do one for old-times sake? Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:08 PM :: Lines up :: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:08 PM ::Pushing them in order::: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:09 PM Oh God, they're gonna do em all at once... ::hides under the tarp:: Callista Tyrel (good night folks..must jet...) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:09 PM Coward! ((Just joking. Have a good night!)) 10:09 PM ::looks over to KK and then A9:: Would you care to do the honors for old times sake? Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:10 PM You can do the gun, I wanted to do one old school Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:10 PM :::Happpliy takes one:: Love tooo 10:11 PM :::Stands infront of EJ::: Hold still.... this gun is still new Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:11 PM Well Admiral, I can't guarantee you won't get hit in the crossfire Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:11 PM Oh for the love of Kahless! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:11 PM ::::Pulls the trigger and shoots:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:11 PM Ready, aim! Fire 10:12 PM ::hits annika in the eye:: Oops, forgot to calibrate the scope Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:12 PM :: grumbles and puts the rusty corkscrew pip back in his little tin box :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:12 PM Ouch! Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:12 PM ::Winces:: Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:12 PM Perfect! Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:12 PM ::blood starts hitting the tarp, louder than rain:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:13 PM ::fires again at Erich this time except it's a blacked out pip:: Oops, wrong pip. Let me do that one again. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:13 PM Doctor... your turn Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:13 PM ::accidentally holds down the trigger and covers Erich in pips:: 10:13 PM Eh Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:13 PM ::makes sure he has his medkit handy:: Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 10:13 PM Admiral's Admiral? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:13 PM :::Points and Presses trigger...... fires::: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:14 PM ::aims at Harnett; accidentally hits A9 in the ass:: 10:14 PM Sorry! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:14 PM ::covered in pips: Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:14 PM :: Good thing he is part exoskeleton suit - just a gentle fart and it drops to the floor :: Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:14 PM lol Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:15 PM 'scuse me Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:15 PM :: Squints :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:15 PM ((Petty Officer Sanchez)) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:15 PM ::cranks up the power; aims at each individual; fires a pip at each of them and blows a hole in their necks; the blood hoses all over Faldek:: 10:15 PM I trust you can fix all that, Doctor. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:15 PM :: Grabs at his neck :: Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:15 PM Good lord! It's wholesale murder out there! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:15 PM ::bleeds for the Federation and the Empire:: Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:15 PM Meh, they'll be fine........... I think Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:16 PM Aw man I got blood on my boots. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:16 PM Back in my day, we would do this personally. I remember washing the blood from my hands back in my quarters. Ah, those were the days Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:16 PM ::notes the blood pouring out his own neck:: I need to heal myself first... Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:16 PM ::puts down the gun:: Good times, good times. 10:16 PM I needed something to do so many people quickly. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:16 PM :: sighs :: You kids and your toys! Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:16 PM Alright. So, any questions about our two year time jump? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:17 PM KK is still Chief of Security? Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:17 PM ::peeks out from under the tarp, which has no blue left on one side:: It looks like Christmas... Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:17 PM Will we know what kind of upgrades there are to the new Manticore compared to the previous one? Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:17 PM Nope Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:17 PM Nope, she will be off on her new assignment. Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:17 PM I think KARL is Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 10:17 PM Wonder where Violet will be.. Hmm Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:17 PM Damnit Karl! How did he get there?! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Karl, nah. Is it Harnett? Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Violets future is up to Erich. 10:18 PM Sanchez probably. Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Me? I'm OPS Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Cadet Perhaps Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Not if I have any say in it, Karl gonna be cleaning the latrines. (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:18 PM PO Sanchez, Security Chief 10:18 PM LOL!! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Cadet in academy? She'd be 16 by then, iirc? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:18 PM What Faldek said. Erich Jaenke 11/27/2023 10:18 PM Hmm, perhaps not then Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:18 PM So I get more paperwork...I get it. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:19 PM I recall seeing an ad for an upcoming Star Trek series centred around Starfleet Academy... I think it said one can enrol at 16. I need to find that Tweet (Xweet?) Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:19 PM Alright then. A couple more things. We will take next week off. Gives us a little break and you guys have extra time figuring out your characters. Feel free to write some LOGS!! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:19 PM Copy copy. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:20 PM Yes they are making a StarFleet Academy series set in the 32nd century where Discovery currently is. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:20 PM I'm also updating my bio as well... Annika probably has acquired some new skills by then Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:20 PM Also, question about the holidays. Christmas and New Years is on a Monday. Do we sim? 10:20 PM Should I wait to ask the week before? Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:20 PM Ladies and gentlebots, I am outta here. Fun to sim with you again after 5 years!! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:21 PM I should be there, maybe? I think i'm ok either way. 10:21 PM Good seeing you again A9 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Bye A9 always great having you! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Thank you for coming A9 Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Thanks for coming in. Loved having you back. Both you and Sovak are welcome any time. Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:21 PM I work both days so, sure I'll be around. Admiral Atragon-9 11/27/2023 10:21 PM cool cool cool Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Bye A9! Thanks for coming! Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Ladies and gentleman, give it up for Admiral Atragon-9!! Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Yay Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:21 PM Hip Hip! Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:21 PM I am free to sim both days Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:21 PM I don't think I'd make a Christmas sim, but should be able to make New years. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:21 PM 1 1 Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:22 PM MMmmm Men at Work... good Movie Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:22 PM Got a new picture of Faldek for y'all, him and his sexy self. 10:23 PM Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:23 PM We usually end up simming the holidays so I kind of expect we will be here. But I'll ask again the week before. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:23 PM ok Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:24 PM Alright so, we jump two years into the future. We're off next week, nearly everyone got promoted, Karl is an ass... did I miss anything? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:24 PM We're locking Karl up 10:24 PM :p Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:24 PM Sounds peachy to me. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:24 PM off next week? OK sounds good Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:24 PM Ha Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:24 PM Yes we're off next week 10:25 PM glad I recapped. Annika Sorenson 11/27/2023 10:25 PM lol yea Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:25 PM Now what am I going to do for my first hour at work? Like actually work? That's BS! Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:25 PM Watch an extra show? Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:25 PM Ha Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:25 PM OOOHHH You can write a log!!! Cdr. Faldek 11/27/2023 10:25 PM ::gives McFly the evil eye:: Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:26 PM I started one last night... then fell asleep Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:26 PM Yes. Maybe I will make a log with Harnett. Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:26 PM Alright, questions or comments? 10:27 PM If nothing else then HOLYCRAPA9CAMEBACK!!!... Sorry that was fun for me. I set that up a while ago. ...DISMISSED!!! Lt. Harnett 11/27/2023 10:27 PM WOO! Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:29 PM Feel free to ask me any questions if you need something clarified. Either email or I have discord on my phone so I'm reachable all the time. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 11/27/2023 10:31 PM ::cheers:: Dr. Tevek 11/27/2023 10:34 PM Good night folks! Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:34 PM later dudes Kansas Kenickie 11/27/2023 10:34 PM Nite peeps 10:34 PM McFly Captain McFly 11/27/2023 10:34 PM later babe Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 11/27/2023 10:34 PM Night Exported 507 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
  23. Matt had been distant ever since the fleet arrived on that abandoned planet in the Neutral Zone. The fighting stopped, the danger was gone, and now Matt had nothing left to distract his mind. Everything finally rushed in, the guilt, the pain, the frustration. Everything to tell him how wrong he had been and how tired he was of fighting. Not just of enemies but of loves. He loved Kansas but had grown weary of her disrespect. Years ago, when he was a security grunt, when he was the assistant to Precip, then becoming chief, back when he was the second officer, he used to think he could never live without her. But now... now as Captain, now that he's the one she's disagreeing with instead of the one she's just venting to, now that he has to worry about her insubordination in the eyes of the crew and not just be able to step back allowing "the brass" the handle it, now... he doesn't know. Maybe it's not worth the trouble anymore. But then, the problem that taunted him every time his anger built up thinking about Kansas. Every time he thought about how she fought him, how she quite literally fought him, undermining his command decisions and nearly killing the entire crew. Every time he feels he can't control the rage and the only outlet is his fist through a wall, the problem laughs in his face and taunts him like a child... She was right. Had he only listened to her... to his son, the entire mission could have ended completely differently. Matt sat in a debriefing room trying to think about what he was going to tell Jaffee. But every time he tried to focus on the words all he could do was replay the events over and over again in his mind. Flashes of regret assaulted his mind every time he closed his eyes. The choices he should have made differently stabbed his chest with every heartbeat. Then he opens his eyes to the sterile, grey room he was told to wait for Jaffee in. What would she even believe? The sound of the automatic doors whooshing open distracted his train of thought. He watched Jaffee sit across from him then scroll through a padd. She told him how serious Starfleet was taking the situation and that his career was depending on the testimony of the entire crew. It's not like he was the first Captain to lose a ship. Hell, he wasn't even the first one to lose a ship within the last 12 months. But he didn't have the prestige of Captain Picard to get off by saying "we did everything we could." So he tells the story, as he knew it. About stumbling across a derelict runabout whose pilot ended up being his son from the future. Except it wasn't actually his son, it was the son of Kansas and Jaenke whom his future self seemingly adopted. He told about the warning his son brought from the future that Matt heeded but with a grain of salt. Was it arrogance that made him think he could save everyone and still change the future? He wasn't sure but that's what he did. He wanted no one to die and in turn hundreds of people did... of his own crew. He also told about his second officer, how she was desperate to appeal to him with making the decision to do the hard thing that he was desperate to avoid. How in her desperation she resorted to extreme tactics to do what she felt was necessary. His final confession was that everything he tried to avoid happened and everything he was warned about also happened. With the exception of that bad timeline. At least, they think it hasn't happened. With no evidence to corroborate any of it his expectations for believability were low. And that's when he watched Jaffee pull up a file on the large wall display. His mouth slowly gapped open as he saw small snippets of data that had been retrieved by the USS Kieran just before they detonated the self-destruct on Manticore. "They don't have a complete picture," she said, "but it's enough to prove everyone is telling the truth." The display cascaded scans of Nathan's runabout, the genetics data from sickbay, the scans Bren took of the weapon then finally ending in a report from the USS Vertical of the debris field where Starbase 23 once stood. Signatures from Starfleet, Romulan and Jem'Hadar all chrono-dated to modern day. Nothing else existed. He sat in complete disbelief. He knew for certain no one would take their story for anything other than a desperate captain clinging to his command. "One final thing," Jaffee said as she clasped her hands and leaned onto the desk, "your report about Commander Kenickie concerns me. Not only because of your closeness to her and what I feel is a compromise of your decision-making abilities but also a concern about her affect on the crew as well as a threat to the ship." "Hold on," he snapped up saying, "everything she does is in protection of that ship." He heard himself as he spoke, realizing he was still defending her. Maybe Jaffee was right, he thought. His decision-making skills are sorely compromised when she's involved. He chuckled inwardly to himself. "I understand," she said as tactfully as possible trying to avoid a conflict, "regardless, your own report and that of others state otherwise. But... all her other attributes speak volumes as well. So, I'm giving you the choice. What do you recommend we do about Commander Kenickie?" "...I, uh... Maybe..." He stumbled over his words as if Jaffee just asked him if Vulcan and Romulan meat tastes the same. "I can give you time to think about it-" "No." He said cutting her off. "I think... I think... maybe now's the time to offer her a new assignment."
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Along the way, they received a distress call, the sender of which claims to be the son of Captain McFly and Commander Kenickie but DNA tests conclude that Erich is the real father. He does, however, bring warnings about the future. McFly decides to cautiously continue with the mission along with calling for fleet backup. Upon arrival to the station, an away team met with the woman leading the project, Dr Moira Taggert. She performed a weapons test on a compound approximating Changeling physiology. And then suddenly, Romulans! They planned to destroy the station, saying it had been taken over by Changelings. McFly was able to suspend their attack with the condition they root out any Changelings on board. They found one, the scientist Dr Moira Taggert. And soon after, they found more... a lot more. Two Jem'Hadar ships dropped out of warp, destroyed the two Romulan ships and then critically damaged Manticore forcing them to limp away towards a nearby planet and crash landing to avoid complete destruction. Kansas and Nathan take matters into their own hands and leave to destroy the station. Faldek and Bren followed after them. They succeed. The station is destroyed, the future is changed, and Nathan no longer exists. The team returns to the planet where they destroyed the two Jem'Hadar ships that have been terrorizing the crew. A day and a half passes while the crew holds off the remaining Jem'Hadar ground soldiers before backup finally arrives. They eradicate the Jem'Hadar and are now preparing to load up Manticore's crew. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1246, STARDATE 52311.20 = = 9:05 PM A quick note before we start. Tonight we'll be working on getting everyone off the planet and into the orbiting ships. Which means moving a lot of wounded. Everyone is free to go NPC wild tonight if you so want to. Cheers! 9:05 PM !begin Dyno BOT 11/20/2023 9:05 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:03 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Crewman Sanchez BOT 11/20/2023 9:06 PM ::looking at the aftermath of the jem hadar battles:: At least we have good medical coverage... Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:07 PM KARL> ::Still scanning for Jemmies:: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:07 PM :: Is helping E.J. walk back towards the Caves :: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:08 PM ::directing some of the personnel from the rescue ships to some of the most seriously injured crewmembers:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:08 PM ::is assisted with walking:: Today was a good day to die, but I am glad it led to those dominion petaq deaths instead! Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:08 PM ::Matt stares at Manticore, battered, broken, full of holes; he looks on as if looking at a dear pet lying on the table after being euthanized:: Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:08 PM ::helps move around some of the wounded as well:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:09 PM Starfleet Medics> :: arrive to where Callista is lying down noting she is unconscious :: Crewman Sanchez BOT 11/20/2023 9:09 PM ::starts aiding in moving folks back towards the cave:: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:09 PM ::looking around:: I think that's about it for the Jem'Hadar... Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:09 PM Starfleet Medic> :: to Dr. Tevek :: Head Trauma? :: notes the bandaging :: Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:10 PM ::watches the medics cart away Calli:: Brutus BOT 11/20/2023 9:10 PM ::helping to direct shuttle movement for some of the more critically wounded:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:10 PM ::Walks over to McFly:: It's all gone Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:10 PM :: Is on E.J. left, helping him as well :: The Jem'Hadar picked the wrong man to throw against a tree, E.J. Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:10 PM ::speaking softly:: ...yeah, it is. Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:10 PM ::to Medic:: Correct. She has been suffering from a concussion since an explosion on the station, even before additional impacts from the Manticore's landing. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:10 PM ::glances towards Eric:: That he did my friend, that he did...he was fortunate you got to him before I did. Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 9:11 PM :: Walks up to Gila :: "Are you alright?" Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:11 PM I'm so sorry ::Puts her hand on his arm:: Dr. Gila Orrak 11/20/2023 9:11 PM "I am holding on. As has Violet." Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:11 PM ::continuing to Medic:: I have done what I can with Medkit supplies, but she needs to be in an actual medical facility as soon as possible. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:11 PM ::leaves the cave, approaching Manticore, next to McFly:: As soon as we get everyone evacuated I'll work on the casualty count. (edited) Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:11 PM Starfleet Medic> :: does tricorder scan :: I concurr...I 'm going to authorize a beam out.... Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:11 PM KARL> ::Still Lives!!:: Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:12 PM ::walks over to where Violet was:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:12 PM :: Gave a slight grin :: I am sure you would have put that Mek'leth to good use my friend. Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:12 PM Starfleet Medic 2> :: stops getting ready to move here and looks at lead medic :: Kansas Kenickie KARL> ::Still Lives!!:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:12 PM ((Hopefully it won't be in a brig cell)) Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:12 PM I suppose I deserve the "I told you so" Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:13 PM I desrve one as well Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:13 PM She always has... ::klingonic grin:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:14 PM ::nods to the medics who are beaming out with Callista:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:14 PM ::sees Faldek out the corner of his eye but doesn't look away from the ship:: Thanks. Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:14 PM ::watches the medics beam out Calli. Hopes she’ll be ok:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:15 PM Starfleet Medic> +Med team one USS Osman ....emergency beam out requested for severe head injury....priority team stat....+ Crewman Sanchez BOT 11/20/2023 9:15 PM ::walking towards the Cave, seeing Pilot being assisted with walking:: Lieutenant! Are you okay?! Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:15 PM :: Thomas raised an eyebrow as he heard Sanchez :: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:15 PM I'm sure there are still survivors inside. We'll get the wounded here out first then have rescue teams scour Manticore for survivors. Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:16 PM Starfleet Medic> Dr. Tevek....The Osman has a trauma unit onboard....she'll get the care she needs... Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:16 PM ::looks over his shoulder:: Just some mild back pain Crewman. Continue to assist with the other wounded. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:16 PM ::Shoows Faldek awaay::: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:17 PM ::nods to medic:: Thank you. Please keep me informed of her status, and let me know if I can be of any assistance. Dr. Gila Orrak 11/20/2023 9:17 PM "Violet fought off the Jem'Hadar very well." Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:17 PM :: Looks around, seeing security teams and med teams everywhere, seeing the crashed USS Manticore :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:17 PM We need to get move teams as quickly as possible. We're still in the Neutral Zone after all. Crewman Sanchez BOT 11/20/2023 9:17 PM Aye sir! Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:17 PM KARL> :::Helps moves injured people to the beam out site:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:17 PM Starfleet Medic> :: comm signal chirps and recieves acknowedgement :: + Clear for transport Osman....Energize! + Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:17 PM Yes, with just a wooden staff and a phaser ::hears Gila:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:18 PM :: demats from her lying prone position .....:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:18 PM Matt i'm sorry Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:18 PM I'll leave for now but don't think I didn't hear about what you did prior to us coming back from the station. ::to KK, starts to walk away:: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:18 PM ::walks up to Captain Harnett:: Not bad for one of your first missions, eh? ::chuckles then slaps Harnett on the back:: It's always fun getting to rescue a sibling. ::his mustache twitches as he grins:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:20 PM ::hears Braxton, adding:: And some old friends.... Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:20 PM ::takes a deep breath; attention still turned to the ship:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:20 PM ::watches Callista beam off with Medics then turns and looks for additional rescue personnel to direct to urgently injured crewmembers:: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:20 PM ::walks back towards the cave:: Violet (Civilian) BOT 11/20/2023 9:20 PM "I had a good teacher...in the past." Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:20 PM Matthew Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:20 PM Mmm. Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:21 PM :: Raised an eyebrow, turning to see Captain Braxton, seeing his mustache twitch :: It has been... and interesting mission so far, Captain Braxton... only coincidence that my brother happened to be on the Manticore... Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:21 PM Yeah... I am too. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:22 PM :::Turns him around and away from the view of the ship:: CAPTAIN Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:22 PM Now come on. You can't tell me when you heard the call go out that you didn't special request to join the mission. ::winks:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:22 PM what Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:22 PM :: Eyebrow lowered slightly :: Well.... I cannot deny that, Braxton... Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:22 PM you can;t just glummly look at that ship.... you need to see to your crew Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:22 PM ::spots Captains Harnett and Braxton:: Sirs. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:23 PM and how am I being the right one here Bren Faliver 11/20/2023 9:23 PM ((Here now, sorry)) Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:23 PM :: Is listening, still with E.J. :: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:23 PM ::chuckles while looking at Captain Harnett with a twinkle in his eye:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:23 PM ::hears Faldek:: Commander... Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:24 PM Starfleet Engineer> Captain Braxton, preliminary scouting of the wreck complete...it appears the self destruct apparatus is still intact with the saucer section. The Engineering hull is another matter... we cannot guarantee a full desturct of the engineering hull...too many command circuits have been cut. Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:24 PM ::looks over at Faldek:: Commander! Great job defending the crew from the Jem'Hadar. Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:24 PM ::assists rescue team medics with a crewmember with severe burns:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:24 PM :: Eyebrow raised at Braxton, then turned as he heard a familiar voice, giving a nod to Faldek :: Commander. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:24 PM ::clearly favoring his right side, though not in pain:: It's my job. Thank you. Security Officers BOT 11/20/2023 9:24 PM ::coordinating with in orbit ships on beam outs:: Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:24 PM ::puts a hand on Violet’s shoulder:: How’re you holding up? You doing all right? Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:25 PM Starfleet Engineer Lieutenant Stanley > :: awaits more time :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:25 PM ::slightly furrows his brow while looking at Kansas:: The crew is well taken care of right now. Excuse me while I take a moment to mourn the loss of my ship. Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:26 PM Dr Scholl> ::helps treats some of the injured crew in the cave:: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:26 PM ::looks at his PADD, seeing the casualty reports come in:: It was never my intention to put your brother in harms way like this Eric. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:26 PM Our ship... we all lost her Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:27 PM ::overhearing Faldek:: That could bring a tear to me eye. Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:27 PM ::looks over to the Engineer:: Hmm. It's too bad we can't salvage her for parts. Is it possible to place explosives in the lower hull to cascade with the self destruct? Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:27 PM :: Looks at Faldek, eyebrow no longer up :: You could not have known something like this would happen Faldek. Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:27 PM ((By the way, I'm imagining Tony with a southern drawl. I don't know why I just am)) 1 Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:28 PM Lieutenant Stanley> It can be done sir...but it will take time. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:28 PM ((I was starting to as well)) 1 Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:29 PM :::Looks at the Manticore::: we grew up on her... it's goning to hurt for a while Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:29 PM LIeutenant Stanley> The Nacelles broke off hundreds of meters away from the main wreck sir...Given our insecure location I recommend destroying those from orbit. Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:29 PM ::turns his attention back to the ship:: ...I... lost her. A9 entrusted her to me and I lost her. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:29 PM Casualty count is going to be high, really high... Lots of good people died. (edited) Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:29 PM :: Looks to E.J. :: A tear? Emotions... :: Shakes his head slightly :: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:29 PM ::working with medics to get patient stable enough for transport to the Osman:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:30 PM ::to Thomas:: Be a dear friend and grab a pain reliever from my loadout bag. I would like to gaze at Manitcore one last time without pain from. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:30 PM :::Curses::A9 is going to kill both of us Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:30 PM ::helps move some of the wounded and getting them ready for transport :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:30 PM ((Just blame Bren... )) Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:31 PM ::to Stanley:: Well lets get those placed as soon as possible then. We need it incinerated considering our location. And I agree about the nacelles. Have tactical get those ready to be destroyed. Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:31 PM Lieutenant Stanley> :: looks to Faldek :: You should get that injury looked at Commander... Lt. EJ Pilot ((Just blame Bren... )) Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:31 PM ((Damnit Bren!!!)) Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:31 PM :: Nods and reaches into the bag on E.J.'s back, loading a hypo, injecting it into the Klingons shoulder :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:32 PM Thank you. Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:32 PM :: Nods :: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:32 PM Lieutenant Stanley> :: salutes to Braxton nods to Faldek and scurries off with a purpose :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:32 PM ...Yep Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:32 PM ::watches as people beam out:: I'm not leaving until everyone else is taken care of Lieutenant. Thank you for your concern however. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:32 PM ::receives the hypo from his hand as well just in case and moves to the Manticore not near KK & McFly:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:33 PM ::checks medical tricorder again and watches for changes in patient's vital signs:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:33 PM :::Wraps around McFly's arm::: it will be OK... it has to be Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:34 PM It's a shame we had to meet again under these circumstances Eric, also congratulations on your promotion. I look forward to seeing your ship. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:34 PM ::salutes Manticore:: Take care old girl. We've got it from here. 9:34 PM ::turns and moves back to the group at the cave:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:35 PM :: Nods to Faldek:: It is a shame, and congratulations on your promotion as well, Commander. Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:35 PM ::turns his attention back to Faldek and Eric:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:36 PM ::nods to medics to indicate that patient is stable for transport:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:36 PM ::stops near them:: I hope we will get another shot at those damn Jem Hadar. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:36 PM ::nods his appreciation, watching another group beam out:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:36 PM I don't know this time. Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:36 PM :: Follows E.J. back, having followed him to look at the ship :: I would rather we never see them again... Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 9:36 PM (Back, sorry, did not feel well) Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:36 PM Oh I am sure you will get your wish Pilot. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:37 PM Nate is gone..... he just Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:37 PM ::looks at Faldek, nodding:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:37 PM ((Alright, Faldek, you can cross off Erichs name on the casulty list. )) Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:37 PM ((LOL)) Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:37 PM gone Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:37 PM :: Nods :: The way things are going, I am sure you will get more than one chance, Lieutenant. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:37 PM ((for now)) Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:37 PM How? Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:38 PM ::watches the patient he was treating beam out, and looks around the cave for the next one:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:38 PM Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:38 PM ::looks at Eric:: So, what kind of ship are you commanding Captain? Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:38 PM one moment he was there.... then he was just gone Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 9:38 PM :: Sits down :: "I have had dizzy spells ever since I arrived on this planet." Crystal BOT 11/20/2023 9:38 PM ::helping to move wounded into shuttles:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:39 PM I assume time travel stuff? Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:39 PM :::Nods::: 9:39 PM I killed my son Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:39 PM CPO Ganner> ::on Manticore helping supervise the removal of wounded and dead bodies:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:40 PM ::walks over to consult with medics from rescue vessels:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:40 PM :: Looks to E.J. :: The U.S.S. Vertical NCC-93568-A, Sovereign class.. Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:40 PM ::doesn't say anything, to agree or... disagree:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:40 PM :: many yellow engineering crewman Ganner sees :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:40 PM That's a new class, right? Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:41 PM :: Nods :: Indeed it is. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:41 PM Same class as the new Enterprise. Very cutting edge. Dr. Gila Orrak 11/20/2023 9:41 PM :: Goes to Erich to see how his is managing :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:41 PM ::nodding in approval:: Very nice! Can't wait to see her or be allowed onboard. Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:42 PM Engineering Ensign Banks> :: looks at her fallen comrades with a few tears then a salute at AA :: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:42 PM Soverigns are nice but they're too bulky. I like something with a little more giddy up in her step. ::slaps his knee as he says that:: An Akira has half the power of a sovereign but it can whip around some of thos huge capitol ships about a good a Defiant, I tell ya what! Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:43 PM (Dang it Bobby!) 2 Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:43 PM ((Ya know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say his ancestors were the Hills)) 9:44 PM ::looks at Braxton:: a little bit more bite than bark, eh Captain? Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:44 PM ::looks at Braxton funny:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:44 PM ::proceeds to assist medics with a patient with internal bleeding:: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:44 PM ::looks at EJ:: Ab-sooo-lutely! ::Bites into the air:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:45 PM ::grins, nodding:: Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:45 PM Dr Scholl> ::helps treat and move patients into a shuttle:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:45 PM Ensign Banks> :: hurries to a Shuttle after securing some essential materials from Manticore :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:45 PM ((Tony Braxton is definitely the life of the party)) 9:46 PM I am so glad I started getting all my things replicated while keeping the originals safely stored away. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:47 PM KARL> ::Helping injured off the Ship:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:47 PM :: Raised an eyebrow at Captain Braxton :: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:48 PM CPO Ganner> ::finishes his area, logging the dead crew members into his PADD:: I think we're done here as far as the dead and wounded go. Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:48 PM :: Took off quietly to help out with moving wounded :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:49 PM ::looks at Faldek:: we should probably get the Captain and Security Chief to a shuttle or ship... Brutus BOT 11/20/2023 9:49 PM ::directs two more shuttles to landing spots:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:49 PM ::administers hypo to patient, then checks vital signs on medical tricorder:: Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:49 PM LIeutenant Stanley> :: arrives at Braxton :: Good news sir....We have reevaluated our assessment. Engineering section of the ship...can be successfully self destructed. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:50 PM ::his PADD chimes again with another update:: The Captain will leave when he's ready. Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:50 PM Excellent job Lt! I knew you could do it! Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:51 PM ::looks at Faldek:: I only mentioned that because we're not in so much friendly terrority, but you're the boss, sir. (edited) Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:51 PM Lieutenant Stanley> We have rigged a remote system...for command level protocols sir. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:51 PM KARL> :::CLimbs out of the Maintcore, heads back to the cave:: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:52 PM ::Looks at the others:: Are we done here? Is it time to get that Captain of yours? Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:52 PM ::nods to medics to indicate that patient is safe for transport:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:52 PM :: Looks over towards the wreck of the Manticore :: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:52 PM However I think you and Thomas should head for a shuttle... If you can find him. ::looks at Braxton:: I'll let McFly know. Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:52 PM :: Helps load some wounded into some of the U.S.S. Vertical's shuttles :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:53 PM ::nods:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:53 PM KARL> :::Holds out the Manticore Wall plack:: Sir... I thought you would want this' 9:53 PM ::Holds it out to McFly:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:53 PM +T. Harnett+ Thomas, I am headed to you. Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:53 PM ::looks back towards the direction of Matt and the ship:: I sure don't envy him. I know it can't be easy losing a ship. I darn near shed a tear any time we scrape the paint. I couldn't imagine seeing her in the state your girl is in right now. ::would be holding his 10 gallon hat in his hand if he had one:: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:53 PM ::heads off towards McFly:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:53 PM ::looks around to see if there are any further :patients who need to be prepared for transport:: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:54 PM ::to Faldek:: Good man Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:54 PM +Pilot+ Understood Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 9:54 PM Lieutenant Stanley> :: remains nearby the Captains incase of an issue .....:: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:54 PM :: Steps out of a shuttle, its hatch shuts and it lifts off :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:54 PM ::slowly takes the plaque from Karl:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:54 PM ::heads towards to Harnett:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:55 PM :: Watches as Faldek walks off :: Security Officers BOT 11/20/2023 9:55 PM ::looking at the plaque being handed to the Captain:: Hopefully there will be another... Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:55 PM ::spots no further patients who need to be prepared for transport and heads towards a shuttle:: Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:55 PM ::claps loudly:: Alright people. Let's get a move on. We need to get out of here before them pointed eared bastards come sniffin around. ::slaps Eric on the back:: Present company excluded of course. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:56 PM ::approaches McFly:: Matt, Captain Braxton has informed me that they are ready to scuttle what is left of the Manticore. The remaining crew are boarding shuttles to the fleet. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:56 PM ::makes it to Harnett:: I guess we can get on the next shuttle to Vertical. Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 9:56 PM :: Heading towards a shuttle with Gila and Violet :: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:56 PM :: Loads a few things into the shuttle :: Take a seat. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:56 PM Matt ::Pauses, tugs on his sleeve:: We are going to have to leave Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:57 PM ::steps onto the shuttle and sits:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:57 PM ::takes a really deep breath holding back a ton of emotion; quivers a little bit as he exhales:: ...Alright Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:57 PM ::follows Gila, Violet and Erich into a shuttle, takes a long look at the Manticore in the distance:: Crewman Sanchez BOT 11/20/2023 9:57 PM ::was on a shuttle inbound for a fleet vessel:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:57 PM :: Walks quietly up to where Faldek and McFly and the others are :: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:57 PM ::spots Pilot and Harnett entering a shuttle and joins them:: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 9:58 PM :: Sees Tevek:: Welcome Doctor. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 9:58 PM ::looks at Tevek:: Welcome aboard Doctor! Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 9:58 PM ::hands McFly the PADD:: Casualty report sir. 353 in total. 247 dead. 99 wounded. 7 missing, probably lost in explosive decrompression. 2 1 Captain Anthony Braxton BOT 11/20/2023 9:58 PM Braxton to the +Kieran+, One to beam up. Stand by for Captain McFly and his party when they're ready. Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 9:58 PM ::nods:: Lieutenants. Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:58 PM ::takes the padd:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 9:59 PM :::Holds her hands out to take anything from McFly:: (edited) Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 9:59 PM ::still outside, nice to see the sun at least:: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 9:59 PM :: Shut his eyes as he overheard the casualty report, opening them a few seconds later :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 9:59 PM ::takes a free hand to rub his eyes hoping not to squirt on the padd and plaque:: ...let's get out of here. Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 10:00 PM Lieutenant Stanley> + Osman+ Chief Engineer ready for transport. Energize. Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 10:00 PM ::looks down at his medkit and notes that it has become quite beat up; opens it up and it is almost completely out of supplies:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:00 PM :::Holds her hand out for his:: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 10:00 PM ::puts a hand on McFly's shoulder:: I'm sorry Matt. Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:00 PM :: Takes a seat in the shuttle, ready for take off :: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:00 PM The Dominion have made a grave error today...PeTaQs all of them... Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:01 PM ACTION> THE LAST OF EVERYONE IS BEAMED TO A SHIP Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 10:01 PM ::is beamed up:: Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 10:01 PM ::suddenly beamed aboard a ship:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:01 PM :::Shimmers::: Capt. Eric Harnett BOT 11/20/2023 10:02 PM :: Is back on his ship, the shuttles all docked in the shuttlebay and wounded in sickbays: :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:02 PM ACTION> A FEW SECONDS GO BY AND THE SELF DESTRUCT IS TRIGGERED ON WHAT'S LEFT OF MANTICORE ERUPTING IN A GLORIOUS EXPLOSION AND INCINERATING WHAT'S LEFT BEHIND 5 8 Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:02 PM She was a fine ship! Callista Tyrel 11/20/2023 10:02 PM ( with that I must retire cya next week ) Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:02 PM :: Nods as he exits the shuttle :: Indeed she was... Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 10:02 PM (My Manwich!) 3 Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 10:03 PM ::glad she had her good wardrobe from Betamax went to her apartment in Earth:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:03 PM ACTION> THE USS KIERAN MOVES INTO LOW ORBIT AND FIRES A COUPLE OF TORPEDOS AT EACH NACELLE THAT WAS RIPPED OFF DURING LANDING Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:03 PM ((Alright Hermes)) 1 Violet (Civilian) BOT 11/20/2023 10:03 PM :: Flips the dagger she carries :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:03 PM ACTION> THE SHIPS THEN LEAVE ORBIT AND ENGAGE TO WARP HEADING BACK HOME Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:04 PM Where is the mess hall? I need food and blood wine.. (edited) Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ::exits shuttle and decides to head to the sickbay of whatever ship he is on now:: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:04 PM !pause Dyno BOT 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Bren Faliver 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:04 PM :::Paused:::: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ::paused:: Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:04 PM ::paused:: Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 10:04 PM :: credits roll :: Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:04 PM damn, had I planned that better I would of had a gif of the closing scene from Generations queued up. 10:04 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:05 PM Good Job moving the injuredf and not killing Karl Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:05 PM There is always tomorrow. 2 Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:05 PM Damn, the one person we would have been fine without Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:05 PM https://tenor.com/8lIj.gif Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:07 PM TBS will be 5 days. We will have been taken to Earth Spacedock where the entire crew has been debriefed. The senior staff by Jaffee but everyone else by other SI personnel. Feel free-nay! I ENCOURAGE a written log... if you so choose. 10:07 PM Questions or comments? Bren Faliver 11/20/2023 10:07 PM (( @Kansas Kenickie - I hope your interview went well! I made a note on my calendar to wish you good luck Thursday morning, but... I didn't check my calendar Thursday...)) Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:08 PM I thik it went OK, fast but OK Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:08 PM That means they liked you! Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 10:09 PM So if anyone was wondering, I calculated 47% casualties from the base crew count for a Nebula class starship according to Memory Alpha. 2 Bren Faliver 11/20/2023 10:09 PM Sorry I was late everyone :\ Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:09 PM So like half the crew Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:09 PM Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:09 PM KK stay out of trouble! Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:09 PM He wanted me to have as heartbreaking of a number as possible so the top brass will fire me and make him the new captain 1 Lt.JG Harnett Click to see attachment 🖼️ Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:09 PM HEY! There it is! Erich Jaenke 11/20/2023 10:09 PM ha, 47 again Violet (Civilian) BOT 11/20/2023 10:10 PM Captain Violet 1 Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:10 PM We're not jumping THAT far in time Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 10:10 PM Yes I chose 47 because of the significance it has in Star Trek. Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:10 PM Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:10 PM And the universe and everything 10:10 PM Sovereigns are so pretty, aren't they? 1 Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:11 PM We should get one Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 10:11 PM Oooh Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:11 PM ::wink wink:: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:11 PM They sure are. Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:11 PM Probably get Quark, to give you a deal.. 1 Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:11 PM Man I hope they're available to order already. Cdr. Faldek 11/20/2023 10:11 PM 47 is the answer to life the universe and everything, with inflation, according to Rick Berman 1 Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 10:11 PM Yes, but the down payment costs an arm and a leg Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:12 PM I must be off Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:12 PM That's what Karl is around for. Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:12 PM nite nite peeps Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:12 PM Bye KK Bren Faliver 11/20/2023 10:12 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Kansas Kenickie 11/20/2023 10:12 PM McFly Annika Sorenson 11/20/2023 10:12 PM Goodnight! Dr. Tevek 11/20/2023 10:12 PM Bye everybody! Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:12 PM Alright, if nothing else, let us pour one more out more out for our beloved Manticore. She was like your mom, we all fit inside her... DISMISSED!!! Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:13 PM ::pours out some 2309:: Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:13 PM Wow Lt. EJ Pilot 11/20/2023 10:13 PM ::pops McFly:: 10:13 PM Don't be a weird boy. Captain McFly 11/20/2023 10:13 PM Lt.JG Harnett 11/20/2023 10:13 PM Exported 306 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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There they found evidence of wildcatting activity, but also a massacre aboard an abandoned research station that was being used as a transport hub. Having found all the information they were likely to find on the station (including evidence that indicated the attackers used type 3 disruptors and a number of system logs) Excalibur moved on to the mine site itself where they found similar evidence of an attack, and pieces of broken mine equipment that matched the missing pieces, but no concrete evidence of who attacked the place. 9:15 PM (Yes we’re jumping a bit ahead, probably a day or so) 9:16 PM In the science labs where the various pieces of evidence are gathered, Captain Swain is holding an impromptu staff meeting with the relevant team (y’all) 9:16 PM Questions? William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:18 PM Nope Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:19 PM !begin Dyno BOT 11/19/2023 9:19 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:02 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:19 PM William is sitting in the lab they’re using as a meeting room. Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:19 PM Frowns, looking over the pile of various items marked as exhibits Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:20 PM Irene> Finishing a presentation. "...and that's what we've found so far." William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:22 PM “It’s not a good look.” CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 9:22 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Offers Mincine a nod.:: Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:23 PM Rex> Standing to the side, leaning against a console. He'd said almost nothing the entire time. 9:24 PM So, we're left with what -- 23 dead people on the surface or the station. Some ruined mine equipment and more questions than we started with? William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:25 PM “Indeed.” Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:26 PM Sitting back down in her seat, looking resigned that they don't really know anything. "That's the big and small of it. Lots of bodies, no answers." Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:26 PM Starfleet has agreed to allow us to explore further, though they certainly were less than happy with me about it. 9:26 PM So, theories? Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:27 PM "Well, that they found something that didn't want to be found would be the most obvious analysis." Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:28 PM But why attack a group of unarmed miners in Federation space. William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:28 PM “Something you want is possibly the on the station? Revenge?” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:29 PM Rex> Frowns They didn't take any of the mining equipment or anything of note on the station. William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:29 PM “Just because you think something is there, doesn’t mean it actually is.” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:31 PM Jalen? Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:31 PM "The equipment wasn't their goal, then, it was just to get rid of the wildcat miners.” (edited) CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 9:32 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Shakes his head.:: Getting rid of the competition, maybe? Dead men tell no tales? Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:34 PM Rex> I am not sure about competition. These looked like military grade weapons. Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:35 PM "It's overkill to just get rid of competition, and other wildcats aren't going to have type-3 disruptors." William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:35 PM “That’s a good point.” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:35 PM But Jalen's right. Dead men tell no tales. 9:36 PM What were they mining again? Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:37 PM "The equipment is for mining rare earths for industrial replicators. Nothing worth slaughtering an entire station over." Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:39 PM Frowns pensively Give me the actual list again. Indaura Ryssan 11/19/2023 9:40 PM :: looking over her scans:: Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:41 PM Rex> Any luck in identifying the dead? Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:42 PM She hands over a padd. "This contains a list cross-referencing the mining equipment we found with what's on the planet.* Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:43 PM Takes the PADD and looks over it CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 9:45 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Tilts his head at Swain.:: You've got a theory? Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:49 PM Merkocite. CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 9:49 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Bless you. William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:49 PM “Merkocite?” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:49 PM Rex> Merkocite? Scratches a clean chin. Indaura Ryssan 11/19/2023 9:50 PM :: listening: Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:50 PM "What about it?" Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:50 PM It's not ordinarily a very important ore, but they were clearly mining it here. 9:50 PM Certainly not important enough to kill someone over. Normally. Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:52 PM "You don't need to steal 40 year old equipment and hijack an observatory to mine that." Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:52 PM Right. And yet here we are. William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:55 PM “Hm, interesting indeed.” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:56 PM Clears his throat. Merkocite, like I said, isn't normally all that valuable. But when its subjected to high levels of gamma radiation, it can be used as a component in energy transfer matrixes when adapting power sourced from Romulan AQS units. Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:56 PM "So... Romulans?" William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:57 PM “Huh…” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:57 PM They have plenty of merkocite, though. (edited) CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 9:57 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Which means someone has gotten their hands on a warbird. ::Frowns.:: Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:58 PM Or at least an AQS unit. William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:58 PM “That’s not good. If they have a warbird.” CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 9:58 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> And amateurs fooling about with quantum singularities smells like an accident waiting to happen. Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 9:59 PM Irene> "Can you translate for those not versed in Romulan power circuitry?" William Chocox 11/19/2023 9:59 PM “Yes.” Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 9:59 PM Rex> Extremely curious why Asher knew that little tid bid of information, but tucks it away. 10:03 PM The Romulans don't use standard matter/anti-matter power generation, they instead use a micro singularity. The power it produces requires a converter for most other systems used by Federation and Klingon technology. Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 10:04 PM "Everyone knows that. I meant about the AQS unit." CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 10:04 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> A minature black hole powering their starships. I've seen one lose integrity... it wasn't pretty. Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 10:04 PM "Oh. Quantum... yeah. OK. It's a power transformer." Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 10:06 PM !pause Dyno BOT 11/19/2023 10:06 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== William Chocox 11/19/2023 10:06 PM || Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 10:08 PM Fun stuff. 10:09 PM Next week we'll take off for the Holiday if thats okay with everyone? Irene Mincine 11/19/2023 10:09 PM CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 10:10 PM Fine with me. I've got family coming in early December and could use the extra time to clea. Cptn Swain 11/19/2023 10:11 PM Haha CdrMirandaHawthorne 11/19/2023 10:12 PM Night, everyone. Have a good holiday. 10:12 PM See you back on the 3rd. Exported 74 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6