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I Hate Being Me, But I Love It In My Head
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Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:02 PM That sounds about right Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:03 PM "murder cats, murder cats... murder, murder, murder, murder..." 9:03 PM Any sim-related q's before we start? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:04 PM none here Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:04 PM same Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:04 PM and your NPC is still there dying... 9:05 PM and.... 9:05 PM !begin Dyno BOT 9/11/2024 9:05 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:06 PM I guess the only option we have now is to see if there's an actual exit to this place. Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:06 PM rafter cats> :: looking at everyone from above :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:06 PM indeed. hopefully whatever exit there used to be is still there, otherwise we will make our own way out Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:07 PM Ugh...felines.. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:08 PM Seems like there's a slight breeze from that direction...maybe there's an exit that way. Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:08 PM ((what an airhole....)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:08 PM let's check it out. ::leads the way in the direction dana is pointing:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:09 PM ACTION> that direction goes toward some (broken-looking) equipment Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:09 PM ::takes a look a the broken equipment:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:10 PM ::scans equipment:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:10 PM equipment> :: rusted metal casing, with some rubber and metals inside :: 9:11 PM equipment> :: hollowed out :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:11 PM Maybe a ventilation system? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:12 PM does it lead anywhere? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:12 PM ::scans for vents leading away from casing:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:12 PM (( let me know....)) 9:14 PM from further down in the basement/tunnel> :: meow :: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:14 PM :: Gets closer to the group :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:15 PM There is a network of vents, some of which head upwards...probably going to be blocked by fans and compressors on the surface, but nothing a phaser couldn't fix. Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:15 PM (( if the fans aren't dust already anyway )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:15 PM any signs of cats? 9:16 PM though a phaser could take care of those to if we're fast enough Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:16 PM What of collapse from phaser fire? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:16 PM I mean, don't go shooting indiscriminately. 9:17 PM But you'd probably be fine if you're careful. Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:17 PM ACTION> :: there are some clanging metal sounds in the 'hvac' tube :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:18 PM I assume there are cats in there, too. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:18 PM sounds like it 9:19 PM I'll make sure it's safe before you follow Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:19 PM Duly noted. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:21 PM ::gets into the hvac tunnel:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:21 PM Cats are good climbers. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:21 PM so are Klingons 9:22 PM ::starts to climb:: 9:22 PM ::going slowly:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:22 PM ::shimmies in behind Arizhel:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:23 PM ACTION> the hvac tube splits in 3 and narrows as it goes up. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:23 PM :: Squints :: Which path? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:23 PM ::yells back:: hey dana, which of these tunnels is the one that leads up? and will it stay a traversable size? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:24 PM ::scanning:: It seems like the middle one leads to the surface eventually. It should be fine, if a bit of a squeeze. Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:25 PM (( anyone take your unconcious NPC with you? )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:25 PM ((I was planning on scouting it first)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:25 PM (( remember, you are bulkier in EVA suits )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:26 PM ((I assume we're going to lift him up with rope if we get out this way)) 9:26 PM ((Also, Joy is still with him)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:27 PM (( ah right.... 1 more npc...)) 9:27 PM (( :: twiddles thumbs :: )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:28 PM ::choosing the left path:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:30 PM ACTION> :: scurrying sound from up the path ... it's moving away :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:31 PM Probably a good sign...the tunnel actually leads somewhere. 9:31 PM ((Also, please don't kill off Joy...she's been such a good long-term NPC...)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:32 PM (( better get out fast....)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:32 PM ((Or that)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:33 PM let's get the others and come back, we don't want to get too far from them Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:34 PM Fair. 9:34 PM ::shimmies back down vent:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:35 PM ACTION> the way they came from (back toward the original hole) is filled with moving eyes Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:36 PM OK, maybe not that way. 9:36 PM We're being followed. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:36 PM ::heads to the front of the group:: 9:36 PM stand back ::tries to stun the cat(s):: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:37 PM :: She fiddles with her phaser :: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:37 PM cats> :: scurry :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:38 PM hopefully that will hold them off for now, but everyone stay close 9:38 PM ::heads back to the rest of the party:: 9:38 PM we think we might have a way out, but we'll need a way to carry USG Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:39 PM We've got a stretcher and rope. 9:39 PM We can lift him out. Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:41 PM (( remember how narrow the way is )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:41 PM ((I meant out of the original hole)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:41 PM ((oh)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:42 PM someone needs to stay and watch him, but someone needs to get everyone else out. and I am the only able-bodied security person left here (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:43 PM Fair. I can find my way out of here...I've worked my fair share of ventilation systems in my day. 9:43 PM ::finger phaser:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:43 PM (( Dana Los, Master Plumber )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:44 PM ((Hey, you don't get to be CENG on a starship without doing some jobs from time to time)) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:45 PM I don't like enclosed spaces. Could be a Cardassian thing. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:45 PM ((A Cardassian and a Bajoran walk into an AC duct...)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:46 PM Natell would you feel comfortable guarding USG? we can lift you out as well when we get around Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:48 PM I think I would. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:48 PM Thank you. That makes things easier Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:48 PM Good luck with the cats. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:49 PM ::leads Dana and Joy back to the vents:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:49 PM ACTION> there's some meowing in the distance toward the original hole Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:49 PM :: Goes to guard the USG :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:49 PM ((I thought joy was with the dude who was dying)) 9:50 PM ((OK, I'm confused as to where we are apparently)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:50 PM ((I thought we hadn't gotten that far away and had gotten back now to the others so we could re-split the party)) 9:50 PM ((because nothing makes a mission go more smoothly than splitting the party)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:51 PM ((Anyway, I think it's just going to be me and Arizhel in the vents at this point)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:52 PM (( and Natell, Joy, and dead guy with the cats )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:53 PM ((if he's already dead then maybe we don't need to split the party)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:54 PM ((USG> I'm not dead yet!)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:54 PM (( you'll be stone dead in a moment )) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:55 PM (( Help help I'm being repressed )) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:57 PM (( get in your last words )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:58 PM Anyway, back to the vents... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 9:58 PM ::heading back in the vent, now with a better idea of which way to go:: Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:59 PM (( arizhel vented, someone hit the button!)) 1 Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:59 PM ::following:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 9:59 PM Vents, why'd it have to be vents... Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 9:59 PM ((sus)) Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 9:59 PM (( and... )) 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 9/11/2024 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 10:00 PM paused Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 10:00 PM paus'd Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 10:00 PM next time, maybe you'll come out the other side of the vent Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 10:00 PM maybe even in once piece if we're lucky Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 9/11/2024 10:00 PM You can't handle the vents Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 9/11/2024 10:01 PM have a good night! Captain Lo'Ami 9/11/2024 10:01 PM gnight Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 9/11/2024 10:02 PM 'night! Exported 123 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Upon arrival, they found debris from three ships, two Federation and one Romulan. They also discovered how the Romulans were able to get so close, with a new type of cloaking device able to disguise themselves to sensors. Annika was able to decipher the Prometheus' warp signature and they chased her down. After ignoring Manticore's warnings, Prometheus unveiled her secret weapon and promptly disabled Manticore's entire power system. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1286, STARDATE 52409.09 = = 9:03 PM TBS was immediate 9:03 PM !begin Dyno BOT 9/9/2024 9:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:03 PM Damage report! Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:04 PM :::Exits the Cargo bay and heads to a JT, starts climbing:: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:04 PM ::brushes her hair and looks around the dimly lit bridge:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:04 PM ::taps on console:: Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:04 PM +Bridge+ Power is down or going down all over the ship. Sven BOT 9/9/2024 9:04 PM ::swimming around in the dark:: Vat just happened? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:04 PM Everything is down sir! Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:04 PM :::Climbs up:: Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:05 PM ::In sickbay, dispatching medkits to medical staff. Biobeds and med lab equipment are without power:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:05 PM ::slams his hand on console:: Damnit! Someone go look out of a window make sure they are gone! Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:05 PM ::Taps quickly at Ops, slams fist off the console as it filckers :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:05 PM :: notes emergency light activation :: We have sustained damage to our warp drive..... Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:05 PM I don;t see them on sensors... but then I don't see very much on sensors. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:05 PM ::Pops the hatch and climbs onto the Bridge:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:06 PM Well... stop beating up the ship, she's been through enough. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:06 PM +Erich+ Commander! We need some miracles. It's imperative we get warp drive back online. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:06 PM ::turns to see KK:: Commander! Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:06 PM ::Closes the door:: were we hit? Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:06 PM ::looks at KK in disbelief:: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:06 PM ::walks over to TAC and EJ:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:06 PM Absolutely! Everything is down Commander. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:07 PM + Chief Jaenke + Warp Drive is Kaput...recommend switching to impulse until we do some rewiring! Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:07 PM ::hears Kansas; doesn't quite see her yet:: Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 9:07 PM ::Thinks Kansas needs a theme song:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:07 PM Is everyone uninjured? Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:07 PM :::Looks over the dead console:: Wonderful Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:07 PM ::dispatching medical teams in response to calls for assistance received from elsewhere on the ship:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:07 PM Ok Captain, I think I should take Mr. Harnett and adjourn to engineering to get this ship back up and running, unless you have a better idea. Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:08 PM +Banks+ Impulse will do us fat good at these distances. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:08 PM :: Gets dried off :: Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 9/9/2024 9:08 PM ::swims over to Bart:: I'm here, suga. What can I do to help? Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:08 PM ::Looks at EJ:: Did we find the other ship? Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:09 PM Oh no....we have no impulse as well....The Romulans have hit us well. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:09 PM Absolutely. Go help. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:09 PM :: Gets up :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:09 PM ::shakes his head:: What we found was an can of whoop ass....that opened up by itself. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:09 PM + chief Jaenke + We have been defeated by a superior foe....impulse is not working....we must focus on survival...then get back into the fight.. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:09 PM ::Moves to another console, tries to bring up back-ups:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:10 PM Harnett with me. ::grabs a light from the phaser kit, and heads down the JT, KK popped out of:: Inga BOT 9/9/2024 9:10 PM ::performing a complete systems diagostics:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:10 PM ::finds Kansas in the dim light and walks over:: You should have seen it. She split into three autonomous vessels and just whooped our ass. 1 Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:10 PM :: Nods and follows, grabbing a light himself, then climbs down the hatch JT after Faldek :: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:10 PM +Jaenke+ Mr. Harnett and I will be coming down to main engineering to lend a hand. (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:10 PM ::moves to McFly:: Are you okay sir? We got throw around there. Sven BOT 9/9/2024 9:11 PM That sure vas something ven it split into four parts. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:11 PM three?! Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:11 PM Lt Kelp....we must find a way to reroute power....using the secondary reactor...but,, we must first see if the EPS grid is not damaged beyond belief....run a diagnostic.....it might take a bit of time...' Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:11 PM I'm fine. Have security teams help escort any wounded to sickbay. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:11 PM Ensign Karlov> ::: bloodied in main engineering is frantically supressing a fire :: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:11 PM the Romulans or the Prometheus? Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:11 PM Yes, three. It was amazing. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:11 PM ::a wounded crewmember arrives at sickbay, ushers him to one of the non-working biobeds:: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:11 PM ::working on bringing what she can back on line:: Both, I'd say. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:12 PM It was the Prometheus. Starfleet Corps of Engineers really outdid themselves this time. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:12 PM ::nods:: +COM+ Security, escort injured to Sickbay. Those with Engineering experience, please do lend a hand in Engineering if needed. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:12 PM ::opens medical tricorder and begins scanning:: KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:12 PM ::holds palm light on he box O' goo:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:13 PM Ensign Lee> Ahhh!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!! :: runs on fire and tumbles over the MARA railing and falls two stories down :: 1 Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:13 PM why would they fire on us, we are on the same side Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 9/9/2024 9:13 PM I'm on it. ::swims over to a fin friendly LCARS console; starts up the diagnostic routine:: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:13 PM ::Really looks over McFly to see if he is OK or just saying so:: Security Officers BOT 9/9/2024 9:13 PM ::begin escorting injured to Sickbay and those with Engineering experience head to Engineering:: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:13 PM THey just need to work on the anti-theft part . Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:13 PM She was taken over by Romulans. No human life signs aboard. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:14 PM ::looks over tricorder readout of patient he is tending to:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:14 PM ::looking at KK look at McFly:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:14 PM ::looks back at Annika:: They really seem to think no one can ever steal these ships and yet it happens all the time. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:14 PM I guess Erich is busy, we're only a couple floors away. ::continues the climb through the JT system:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:14 PM ::pulls out his tricorder and scans McFly:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:14 PM + Chief Jaenke + I am detecting a fire in Main Engineering second deck......permisssion to reactivate fire suppresion systems... Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:14 PM +Faldek+ That will be appreciated. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:14 PM we should be able to match it's harmonics and transport on board.. once we are able too Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:14 PM Stop! I said I'm fine. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:14 PM :: Gets out of the tank area and heads to medical :: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:15 PM :: Follows :: Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 9:15 PM Can't you do that thing with the override codes? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:15 PM ::closes the Tricorder, moves away to TAC and sits down:: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:15 PM if you can get close enough to it. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:15 PM Gotta know what they are first. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:15 PM :::puts her hand on McFly's shoulder, shocked she is the one saying it:: you need to calm down Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:15 PM Ensign Lugosi> :: observes Ensign Lee fall to the deck in front of him with a sickening thud....he uses a fire extinguisher to put out the flames :: Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:15 PM ::puts medical tricorder down and begins tending to patient's plasma burns:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:16 PM ::approaches a closed JT hatch and pushes the button to open it, it opens but an emergency forcefield holds back a plasma fire:: Ah! Dammit! Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:16 PM I'm fine, I'm just excited. I want that damn ship! Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:16 PM :: Raises an eyebrow :: Lovely... Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:16 PM ::closes the hatch:: Back up, get off on this deck. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:16 PM ::wouldn't mind having that ship either:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:16 PM ::raises an eyebrow:: I mean... should we be totaled, we would HAVE to get a new ship, right? Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:17 PM can we at least cloak? Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:17 PM :: Nods and turns around, crawling back to the nearest junction :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:17 PM Engineering Ensigns Cambell and Englund> :: put out a fire next to the primary warp core :: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:17 PM We running on emergency power. We're not doing much of anything right now. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:17 PM Didn't that happen to the other Prometheus? If I recall, that was a Nebula too. 9:18 PM ::still working with the cetaceans to restore what she can:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:18 PM Ensign Lugosi> + Sickbay+ Medical Emergency!!!! I have a man down and he has been burned to a crisp!!!! I need an emergency transport to sickbay....for hiim to live! Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:18 PM Plasma fires are the worst... Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:18 PM ::Pokes her console:: we will get through this Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:18 PM You mean totaled out? I don't remember. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:19 PM Agreed... Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 9/9/2024 9:19 PM ::helps to try and identify critical areas of the ship that need immediate attention and alerting repair crews:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:19 PM We need a second heavily shield warp core for situations like this. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:19 PM +Lugosi+ Understood. If the transporter is functioning, we can beam him to biobed two. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:19 PM Ok ::exits the JT system and heads down a corridor to the second floor of ME:: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:19 PM I don't recall totalled out, but I do remember the Nebula Prometheus. I have limited sensors, no sign of the newer Prometheus or the Romulans. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:19 PM Switch to the other tank and go. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:20 PM Shall I put on the distress call then? Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:20 PM :: Climbs out after Faldek and quickly follows him :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:20 PM Lt J.L Curtis> :: arrives nexto to Commander Faldek and Harnett...she has plasma burns on her shoulder..but is able to do her duty :: Commander Faldek...The Enemy hit the port side plasma tank near Main Engineering.... We are getting a handle on the fires but there are casualties... Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:21 PM I'm a little afraid to alert what else might be lurking out here. Jaffee said we were getting back up but I have no idea how far out they are. ::looks at Kansas and Pilot:: What do you recommend? Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:21 PM Ensign Lugosi> + Dr. Tevek + Transporting to biobed two....sir....Emergency....he has very bad burns... Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:21 PM Lieutenant Curtis, is it... Contact security and coordinate with them on getting injured to medical. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:21 PM ::unsure about transporter status, waits to see if the crewmember that Lugosi mentioned appears on biobed 2:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:21 PM ::looks at KK:: Due to the unknown factor, I would say let's first tend to our wounds and get situated then if needed send it. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:22 PM we can go out in a shuttle and get an idea of what is out there... or we can distress call it and hope for the best Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:22 PM ::enters Main Engineering, looking around at the damage:: Oof, this is going to take a while... Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:22 PM Lt J.L. Curtis> Sir.. the secondary warp core was not affected as bad...we might be able to get that one up quicker than the primary Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:22 PM We may not even have shuttles. We were rocked pretty bad. 9:23 PM +All Shuttle Bays+ Report, how many shuttles are active and ready? Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:23 PM I don't want anyone leaving right now. We'll hold off on the distress beacon for now as well. Let's at least get lights back on first. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:23 PM Ensign Lee>> :: remats on the BioBed Two :: This Engineering Ensign has burns over...most his body..... Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:23 PM :: Looks around :: Then we better get started... Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:23 PM Lt. Curtis, I'll talk with Chief Jeanke and see what he wants to do. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:23 PM we can try and get scans from the shuttle inside the ship Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:23 PM ::scoots down the ladder nearby and looks around for Erich:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:23 PM Lt. Curtis> Aye sir....Ill get back to work....:: runs into the smoke :: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:24 PM Sure, if you think it'll help. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:24 PM ::heads over to biobed 2 as Lee appears; aside to nurse:: Please handle the patient on bed 1. I need to evaluate this Ensign. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:24 PM Sven.....my repair diagnosis program is now showing results....:: swims to his main display which is on low power :: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:25 PM +Karl+ Get away from that goo, see if you can get an eye outside the ship from any shuttle that works Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:25 PM Ensign Lee> :: moans :: KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:25 PM +KK+ On my way there now Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:25 PM ::scans Lee medical tricorder:: +Lugosi+ Your crewmember has arrived in sickbay. Any work that could be done to restore power to the biobeds would greatly assist in treating him and the other injured. Sven BOT 9/9/2024 9:25 PM . ::swims over to the display:: Hmm, I think that's a good start. We're not quite dead just yet. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:26 PM :: Watches as Curtis disappears into the smoke, then climbs down the ladder and joins Faldek :: KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:26 PM ::runs down the hall, dodges people as he goes:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:26 PM It looks like the enemy hit us in the stardrive section....near the impulse exhast manifolds.. hitting a plasma tank above main engineering...it almost looks like they were focusing more on killing our crew as well as taking out the warp drive... Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:26 PM ::shouts:: Chief Jaenke, where are you? ::looking around:: Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:26 PM ::after reviewing initial scans of Lee on tricorder, prepares maximum safe amount of pain reliever hypo and applies it to him:: Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 9/9/2024 9:27 PM Internal diagnostic complete. I've redirected multiple repair teams to the most critical areas. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:27 PM :: shouts out :: Chief ?! Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:27 PM Ensign Lugosi> + Dr. Tevek + We shall try sir... :: coughs :: we whall try .... Sven BOT 9/9/2024 9:27 PM From what I can see it looks like that's the case. Quite a lot of damage to our stern. Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:27 PM (oh my, allergies) Shuttlebay BOT 9/9/2024 9:27 PM +Pilot+ Shuttlebay here we have some shuttles available. Mag lock system failed on some so they're out of order until we can get them repaired. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:28 PM +Shuttlebay+ Acknowledged. Stand by. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:28 PM The plasma tank...ruptured right onto main engineering....I have never heard something like this in post action reports in the war......I swear they knew where to hit us Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:28 PM :: enters medical :: Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:28 PM (will need to catch up) Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:28 PM +Lugosi+ Understood and appreciated. Sickbay out. ::looks over the tricorder readings of Lee:: KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:28 PM :::Enters the main shuttle bay, heads to the most intact looking shuttle::: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:28 PM ::KK & McFly:: Transporters are down. We can use the shuttles to transport injured to Sickbay. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:28 PM Good idea. Go ahead and do it. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:28 PM Aye! Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:29 PM I have begun venting plasma from that area.....but....I am concerned about the impulse manifold... KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:29 PM ::Starts scanning the area around them:: Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 9/9/2024 9:29 PM Who? Who knew where to hit us, and why? Sven BOT 9/9/2024 9:30 PM That new Prometheus thingy. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:30 PM ::looks around at everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off, yelling:: ATTENTION!!! We need to get the plasma tank leak under control first, then work on getting the structural damage fixed so work can continue in a semi-safe environment, get to it! (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:30 PM +SHIPWIDE COM+ Now hear this, this is Commander Pilot, any injured who are unable to make it to Sickbay, please inform the Shuttlebay of your need and they will transport you to Sickbay. Pilot out. (edited) Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:30 PM ::notices Dr. Orrak enter:: Dr. Orrak. The biobeds and lab equipment are currently without power. Please assist incoming patients. I am concentrating my efforts on Mr. Lee here ::nods towards the severely burned engineer:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:31 PM :: Goes to Mr. Lee :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:31 PM Engineering Ensign> :: Runs into Cdr. Faldek :: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:31 PM ::Turns on her palm light, shines it around the Bridge to get a better idea on the damage:: Security Officer BOT 9/9/2024 9:31 PM ::hearing Faldek and hops to it, to help out in Engineering:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:32 PM Engineering Ensign> I can't see.....I can't see.......:: his hands cover his face :: Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:32 PM I can barely get a reading on what's not working. Chemical lighting is working. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:32 PM ::grabs an engineering kit:: Ensign, calm down and take slow breaths. We'll get through this. Sven BOT 9/9/2024 9:32 PM Why? So we don't get in their way? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:32 PM ((Girl if you shine that light in my face one more time! I am kidding)) Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:32 PM are you alright EJ? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:32 PM I am okay. I am built Klingon strong. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:32 PM Engineering Ensign> :: removes his hands from his face....revealing his face to be literally a melted mess from plasma burns :: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:33 PM ACTION> ANYONE ON THE PORT SIDE OF THE SHIP WITH ACCESS TO A WINDOW CAN SEE A THE LIGHTS OF MULTIPLE STARSHIPS NOW PULLING ALONG SIDE Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:33 PM :: Grabs a tool kit and takes off to start work on containing the leak on the plasma tank :: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:33 PM ::Pulls open the cTAC console panel, starts playing with the wires:: Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:33 PM ::looking over the medical tricorder readings, trying to decide where to begin with addressing Lee's severe injuries now that the pain reliever has taken effect:: KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:34 PM :: Grumbles:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:34 PM Oh my... ::takes the ensign, to a security officer:: Get a stretcher and get this person to sickbay. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:34 PM ::looks out of the viewscreen:: There's ships approaching... I'm getting a blip, which I'm trying to identify but sensor range is severely hampered. Security Officer BOT 9/9/2024 9:34 PM Aye! +Shuttlebay+ Emergency transport to Sickbay! Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:34 PM Ensign > Ensign Phibes....serial number......13131313...engineering....:: mutters as he is taken away :: KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:34 PM +Bridge+ I am picking up vessels on our port side, I can't i.d. them from my location Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:34 PM Is it a ship? Shuttlebay BOT 9/9/2024 9:35 PM +Sec Officer+ On the double! I have you. Energizing you both... ::energizes:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:35 PM I guess it is a ship Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:35 PM You'll be fine Ensign Phibes. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:35 PM ::filtres the signals:: Ships... plural. They seem to be headed our way. Trying to ID them. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:35 PM Pilot! Have security prepare weapons! 9:35 PM +Faldek+ We have company. Don't know who yet. Security Officer BOT 9/9/2024 9:35 PM ::de-materializes with patient to Sickbay:: Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 9:35 PM ((It's OK! I called AAA)) Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:36 PM ((But WE'RE supposed to be the tow truck!)) 1 Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:36 PM Lt Jl Curtis> :: to Chief Jaenke :: SIr we have a handle on the fire...but....personnel wise we took a beating... Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:36 PM Hail them? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:36 PM ::taps on the screen:: I have no weapons sir! Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:36 PM +McFly+ Well let me know if I have to leave engineering, it's a mess down here, fires and casualties everywhere. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:36 PM Hand weapons. In case of boarding Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:36 PM ::notes Lee's severe low blood pressure due to the burns, applies hypospray with medication to reverse that:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:37 PM +Faldek+ Roger. Stay there for now. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:37 PM ::Pulls knife out:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:37 PM There's a phaser underneath your seat. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:37 PM Lt J.L. Curtis> The worst is over sir....but ....we may need help getting everything back up and running from a crew standpoint.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:37 PM ::pulls out a hand phaser from underneath the Tac console:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:37 PM ::heads over to a back-up power system and starts doing engineering things trying to at least get back-up power running:: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:37 PM ::Worried about McFly, looks his way:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:38 PM +Security+ Secure Critical points until further notice. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:39 PM ::begins working to address the respiratory damage done to Lee by the burns:: Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:39 PM :: Curtris :: Yes. We have to work with who we have. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:39 PM ::Takes a weapon, then continues to try to identify the incoming ships, they seem to be getting closer which makes things a bit easier:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:39 PM Ensign Cushing> :: arrives in sickbay with his arm in a crude sling assists another engineer into sickabay :: Security Officers BOT 9/9/2024 9:39 PM ::continue to secure their locations:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:39 PM :: Shuts his eyes as he comes across a few dead engineers, then turns, opening his kit, starts working on patching the rupture now that the fire has been taken care of:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:39 PM +Karl+ Are you able to see if it is friendly or foe? (edited) Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ACTION> SUDDENLY TRANSPORTER SPECIAL EFFECTS APPEAR ON THE BRIDGE KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::Keeps trying to get an ID on the ships around them Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::smacks the console for the secondary back-up power:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:40 PM Lt Jl Curtis> focus on the impulse power first sir....or go for a home run with the back up core? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::aims at the special effects:: HALT! STARFLEET SECURITY! Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::Pulls out her phaser, targets:: Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::sees Cushing and the engineer he is assiting enter sickbay:: Dr. Orrak, can you assist them? Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ACTION> THEY'RE STARFLEET! IT'S CAPTAIN BRAXTON ALONG WITH A DOCTOR AND ENGINEER 1 Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:40 PM Ensign Cushing> They struck us with one fine stroke! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::lowers:: Braxton! Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:40 PM ::Holds hand on:: Stand down Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:41 PM ::sees the shimmering, draws her phaser, then sees the blue:: Ahh Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:41 PM We need to get out of here. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:41 PM ((If anyone wants to play the doctor or engineer let me know)) (edited) Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:41 PM ::lowers her phaser:: Captain McFly ((If anyone wants to play the doctor or engineer let me know)) (edited) Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 9:41 PM ((HR! The Captain is asking us to play doctor!)) 1 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:41 PM ((HAHAHA)) 9:41 PM ::replaces his phaser under the console:: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:41 PM (((He is good at playing Doctor )) Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:41 PM :: Helping Lee :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:41 PM (( OH myyy! )) Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:41 PM ((I told you not to say anything outside the ready room!)) 9:42 PM Holy crap Braxton! Don't sneak up on us like that! Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:42 PM ::holsters her phaser:: Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 9:43 PM Thank {Redacted}, I thought we were being boarded by the Rommies, and I don't think I could have handled that. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:43 PM :: Finishes with the patch, then starts attempting to transfer the remaining plasma to the starboard side tank :: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:43 PM ::Holsters her phaser as well:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:43 PM ::uses another tool:: I think back-up power should be coming online... Captain Anthony Braxton (Risa) [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 9:43 PM Well what coyote came and done bit yer keister? Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:43 PM ::notes that Dr. Orrak is tending to Ensign Lee for now; goes to assist the engineer who came in with Cushing:: Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:44 PM The Prometheus, well four of them. Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 9:44 PM We were outnumbered 3-to-1, and there were only two ships... Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:44 PM That is one way to put it Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:44 PM ACTION> BACKUP POWER IS NOW ONLINE; LIGHTS ARE BACK ON ALONG WITH ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:44 PM :: The console flickers, then flickers again :: Damn... :: Slams his hand on the edge of the console and the transfer starts :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:44 PM ::looks around:: Thank Kahless! Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:44 PM Let there be light... Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:44 PM Ahh.. ooh. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:44 PM ::Blinks in the new light:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:45 PM +Security+ Help remaining injured to sickbay. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:45 PM :: Looks around as the lighting comes back online, ventilation evacuating the smoke :: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:45 PM ::Looks over to Braxton:: I'm sure you've been briefed? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:45 PM ::goes to TAC2, tappity tap:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:45 PM ::stands up, finally able to survey the extent of damage:: We're gonna need more engineers... Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:45 PM Finally...backups. KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:45 PM I have patched the shuttle scans to the bridge.. with the power back up you should be getting some readings Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:45 PM Ensing Cushing> A brave man....Ensign Todd...he placed his arm in high energy plasma while sealing off at Jeffreies tube...he blocked the flow of plasma and lost his arm.... Captain Anthony Braxton [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 9:45 PM On the new pretty girl in town? Sure have. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:45 PM :: Sees more lighting :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:45 PM ::pulls up the Operations console on TAC2:: All departments report. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:46 PM Ah it appears they have patched the Plasma tank....and worked abound the impulse manifold...good show...someone is very smart down there....very smart. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:46 PM ::notes the return of power to the biobeds and other sickbay systems, nods in appreciation:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:46 PM We caught up to her, and got to see that new weapon up close. She splits into three ships. Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:46 PM (thought this was the time-traveling Braxton) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:46 PM ::feeds department reports to CO and XO consoles:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:46 PM Ensign Lee> :: stops breathing :: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:47 PM ::spots Jeanke and heads over:: I got back-up power going. Captain Anthony Braxton [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 9:47 PM ::eyes widen; whistles in amazement:: Well I'll be. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:47 PM ::Pokes at her console to get an idea on what is going on outside:: Erich Jaenke (thought this was the time-traveling Braxton) Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:47 PM ((She's still waiting for her heart to be unbroken)) 1 Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:48 PM ::Looks at McFly to see if he is damaged- for real this time:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:48 PM Lt JL Curtis> Commander Jaenke, Commander Faldek....permission to get treatment for my shoulder injury now you have impulse... Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:48 PM :: Looks at the console, the transfer is going smoothly, then heads back towards Faldek and Jeanke :: The plasma tank is sealed, I am transferring the remaining plasma to the starboard tank.. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:48 PM ::nods:: Get back as soon as you're cleared. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:49 PM ::hears beep from now-functioning biobed as Lee stops breathing; heads over to assist Dr. Orrak with him:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:49 PM ::looks at KK:: This is crazy and I honestly don't know how we are going to stop that ship. They did this to us in warp! Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:49 PM Well now we don't have dueterium leaking everywhere. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:49 PM Lt Jl Curtis> :: to Faldek :: Find the bastards that did this Commander.... :: heads to sickbay :: 9:50 PM Nurse Mallory> :: next to the Doctors ready to assist :: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:50 PM That's the plan. +McFly+ Are we good, were the friendly or not? Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:50 PM He's stopped breathing. KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:50 PM ::Check out the people in the shuttle bay for injured:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:50 PM +Faldek+ Yes, sorry. It's the Kieran. Jaffee sent some backup after us. (edited) Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:51 PM +McFly+ We need whatever damage control teams they can spare, and for them to start taking some pressure off of our medical personnel. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:51 PM ::looks over Lee's biobed's readings:: Yes, his lung damage from the burns was quite extensive... Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:51 PM Ensign Lee> :: convulses and begins breathing again...:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:52 PM ::reading through the operations console from TAC2:: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:52 PM ::Closes TAC panel, checks console for readings:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:52 PM +Faldek+ Braxton's here with some help but he might be able to spare some more? ::looks over at Braxton and sees him nod:: Yeah, we'll be sending some people your way. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:53 PM This would not happen if he was not a solid. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:53 PM ::works at the pool table, finally getting a little bit of headway:: +McFly+ Thank him for me. Faldek out. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:53 PM ::not noticing KK's overprotectiveness:: They've been taken over entirely by Romulans. We're not in any shape to fight them right now. Captain Anthony Braxton [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 9:53 PM I'll be much obliged to wrangle her up. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:53 PM ::taps on the console hearing McFly and Faldek's comm:: Kieran Engineer BOT 9/9/2024 9:54 PM ::heads to engineering and calls for more help to meet him there:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:54 PM I was told of stories of how Changelings can heal themselves.. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:54 PM :: Steps up to the pool table on the opposite side, watching at the transfer of plasma to the starboard tank finishes :: Plasma transfer complete KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:54 PM ::Enters Sickbay with injured crewmen:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:54 PM ::to McFly:: Are we triaging here or sending them to Captain Braxton's ship? Keiran Doctor BOT 9/9/2024 9:54 PM ::Does a quick check on the bridge crew before heading to sickbay:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:55 PM We need to artificially maintain his breathing while also repairing the damage. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:55 PM Nurse Nancy> The man is not a changling. Keiran Doctor BOT 9/9/2024 9:55 PM We should be able to take care of any wounded you have here. I'll call for a nurse when I arrive in your sickbay. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:55 PM Lt Jl Curis > :: arrives in Sickbay and takes a seat at the triage area :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:55 PM ::nods:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:55 PM Ok Mr. Harnett once you get that dueterium tank transferred please assist in getting the EPS grid functioning so we can get that fuel where it needs to be. I'm detecting multiple breaches throughout the grid. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:56 PM ::nods:: I agree, Dr. Orrak. Fortunately, the power has returned. Let's attach a respirator to him to assist with his breathing, then work on repairing the damage. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 9:56 PM No he is not. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:56 PM :::looks over the scans from the shuttle's scans:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:57 PM + Chief Jaenke + Lt Banks here...I have created a route where plasma can feed to warp nacelles from the secondary reactor... Captain Anthony Braxton [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 9:57 PM I have two Defiants with me too. We should be able to take care of the Rommies. 2 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:57 PM ::looks at Braxton:: Sounds like you're ready to tear some stuff up, sir. Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 9:57 PM ::attaches respirator to Ensign Lee, then starts further review of biobed readoujt of lung damage:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:58 PM Annika, are you able to transfer the warp signature data to the Kieran? Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 9:58 PM ::Sounds like he was to ready for a fight... eyes him up:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:58 PM + Chief Jaenke + I see to much damage on my end from the primary reactor to the nacelles....at the moment. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:58 PM Yes, I can do that. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:58 PM After hearing that... Erich Jaenke 9/9/2024 9:58 PM +Banks+ Good thing, as you have freed me from other tasks. Implement your plan Mr. Banks. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:58 PM ::recalls the data of the Prometheus' warp signal and transfers it over to her counterpart on the Kieran:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:59 PM + Chief Jaenke + Of course sir..... Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 9:59 PM +Kieran Science Officer+ Heads up, I'm sending it now. ::Does so:: Captain Anthony Braxton [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 9:59 PM ::looks at Pilot:: I don't like strangers comin into my ranch. Especially green blooded ones with pointy ears and bad attitudes. KARL BOT 9/9/2024 9:59 PM :::heads back out to find other injured crewmen:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 9:59 PM :: Raises an eyebrow :: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 9:59 PM ::looks at Jaanke and Harnett:: How about we get the primary core shut down sequence started and power up the secondary core..? (edited) Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 9:59 PM + Chief Jaenke + By the way..whoever rerouted the plasma tank down there should be commended.... Banks out. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 9:59 PM Theres your trail. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 9:59 PM ::klingonic grin:: I like your style.. Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 10:00 PM Ok they should have it now. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 10:00 PM sven.. we might be able to get going sooner than I thought....... Kieran Engineer BOT 9/9/2024 10:00 PM ::arrives in engineering and has the Kieran transport over two more:: Sven BOT 9/9/2024 10:00 PM Ja, it seems our calvary has arrived. Keiran Doctor BOT 9/9/2024 10:00 PM ::arrives in sickbay and has a nurse transport over:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/9/2024 10:00 PM ( must jet ...goodnight folks ) Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 10:00 PM I may be able to repair this damage from some things I've learned from my time on Cardassia. Inga BOT 9/9/2024 10:01 PM Oh, it's the ship of that captain who kinda reminds me of Kelp. Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 10:01 PM :::Rescans the area:: Inga BOT 9/9/2024 10:01 PM Ja, I like the cut of his jib. Captain Anthony Braxton [USS Kieran] BOT 9/9/2024 10:01 PM ::offers a what sounds like a much more meanacing chuckle than is probably meant to be; nods his 10 gallon hat then calls for transport back to the Kieran:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 10:02 PM ::starts working on getting primary power back online:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 10:02 PM :: Taps away at the pool table :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 10:02 PM ::looks at KK:: They're gone. Plus with 3 ships out there. KARL BOT 9/9/2024 10:02 PM >. :checks on the goo:: Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 10:02 PM ::to Dr. Orrak:: Indeed? Please proceed. I would be fascinated to learn new techniques to handle injuries like these. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:02 PM +Faldek+ Commander, do what you can to get us warp and weapons. Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 10:03 PM +McFly+ Working on it as we speak Captain. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ACTION> THE KIERAN AND THE TWO DEFIANT SHIPS GO TO WARP Dr. Gila Orrak 9/9/2024 10:03 PM it involved transplanting matter from the patient to repair his lungs. Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:03 PM !pause Dyno BOT 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ::PAUSED:: Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ::paused:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek 9/9/2024 10:03 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:03 PM Man, that was busy. 10:03 PM KK, Komments? Dr. Tevek 9/9/2024 10:04 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 9/9/2024 10:04 PM nice work everyone. nice to see everyone working in an ER Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:04 PM Yeah that's pretty much what it was tonight. 10:05 PM TBS will be immediate again. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 10:05 PM Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:05 PM Questions or comments? 10:06 PM If nothing then let us pay our respects to one more that joined the Force today, the greatest villain himself, Darth Vader('s voice) James Earl Jones... DISMISSED!!! 2 1 Bren Faliver 9/9/2024 10:06 PM Goodnight and good week all yall Captain McFly 9/9/2024 10:06 PM later dudes Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/9/2024 10:06 PM Night and enjoy your weeks! Annika Sorenson 9/9/2024 10:06 PM Goodnight! Exported 376 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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We're going to bump up a quick few minutes or so we don't spend half the time with you all walking in coordiors. Irene was going to run scans with the science equipment to find out if they were in the correct universe, Rex and Staunton are in the command center, Will is going to the complex's "engineering" with his minion to check on things there, while Indura is in medical getting stuff to stab us all with radiation sickness prevention drugs. Questions and/or telling me I am wrong about where you were going? William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:07 PM Nope Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:08 PM !begin Dyno BOT 9/8/2024 9:08 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:09 PM Rex> Looks over to Staunton as the wait for the colony's administrator to meet them in a small room off what was, effectively, the command center You know, Riker got duplicated once. You think him and totally_not_riker ever, you know? Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:10 PM Irene's in the science lab working on figuring out which universe they're in. A difficult question, usually. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:10 PM William is down in “Engineering” with Reynolds, looking through the various power displays. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:11 PM Yaron> A young local teenager who wasn't officially part of the science team, but who had been hanging around a lot lately. So, you're Starfleet? to Irene CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:11 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Eyes Rex.:: Played cards? Shared a meal? Had a fist fight? What? Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:12 PM Rex> Tries not to smirk You know mimes hugging an invisiable person and makes kissing faces (edited) CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:12 PM Ens Reynolds> ::Scratching head in confusion, trying to puzzle through it all.:: Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:13 PM Irene's hard at work at a science console. "Mm-hmm. What are you, work study?" CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:13 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Snickers and shakes his head.:: Don't you think that'd be weird? Indaura Ryssan 9/8/2024 9:13 PM :: Gets her hypo ready :: Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:13 PM Yaron> I guess. I like to skip school and come down here instead. Way cooler than learning about dumb stuff. 9:13 PM Rex> I mean... I know lots of people who do it in the holodeck. 9:14 PM Rex> quickly Not me, mind you. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:14 PM William has the same confusion on his face. “You’d think there would be a power drain with what we experienced…no?” CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:14 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Mmmhmm. ::Dubious:: Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:15 PM Redding> The Colonial Administrator, a tall, lanky woman with deep purple hair walks win with Colm in tow Hello Commanders. CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:15 PM Ens Reynolds> I thought so, too, but nothing. It's like they never even had a problem here. 9:16 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Stands to greet her.:: To you, as well, Administrator. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:16 PM “So then…what happened? Are we duplicated? Are we even in the right universe?” Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:17 PM Irene> Smirks. "Yeah, I get that. You planning on trying to join Starfleet?" Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:17 PM Redding> Mister Colm here filled me... uh... in on the details. 9:17 PM Yaron> Yeah! I've read all the stories about Picard and Kirk and Janeway. CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:18 PM Ens Reynolds> And are we even going to show up here? And if we do, are we going to go through the same steps? Or did we solve the issue? William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:18 PM “Those are all good questions…that I don’t have a lot of answers for.” Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:19 PM Redding> So if I have this straight, at some point our colony was going to be pauses affected by some kind of science experiment that would effectivelt remove us from being in phase with this universe and your crew responded to a distress signal, from me? 9:19 PM Redding> Then you fixed whatever it was but in doing so you ended up back here and the experiment never happened? 9:19 PM Redding> But you're out of synch with your own timelime? CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:21 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Nods.:: Essentially, yes. And we don't know if that means our ship will never arrive. If the experiment will continue and threaten you all once again. Or if we created another reality entirely. We may be here for a while. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:22 PM Redding> Pinches the bridge of her ridged nose God I hate time travel. 9:22 PM Redding> Well, we can certainly contact your ship. Indaura Ryssan 9/8/2024 9:22 PM (Sorry, allergies flaring up) Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:23 PM Irene> "It's never that exciting, you know. I mean, it can be, if you're on the ship that gets sent to all the weird crap that Starfleet picks up. Cataloging gaseous anomalies, that's what you do most of the time." Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:23 PM Yaron> Which one are you? CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:24 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> We would very much appreciate that. If only to see if we are in the same timeline at all. 9:25 PM Ens Reynolds> So, does their science experiment not exist? Or does it just not exist yet? Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:25 PM Redding> Nods and walks over to a panel, tapping a few times to bring up the communications window. What did you say the name of your ship was? If they're in the same quadrant, we should be able to raise them pretty quickly. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:26 PM “Oh Lord, if it doesn’t exist, we wouldn’t exist… Though the guy responsible is off planet for an indeterminate amount of time.” Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:26 PM (( Paradox mother ahs!)) Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:26 PM Irene> "Which one what?" Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:27 PM Yaron> Exciting or makes face yawn Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:27 PM Irene> "Me? Exciting. But I like cataloguing gaseous anomalies." Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:28 PM Yaron> Oh. What are you doing now? 9:28 PM Yaron> Giving off extremely Weasley vibes CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:29 PM Ens Reynolds> And if he comes back, someone should defintely punch him in the head William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:29 PM “Yes, indeed. Or convince him his experiment isn’t necessary.” Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:30 PM Rex> The Excalibur. Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:30 PM Irene> "Trying to figure out which universe I'm in." Apparently, she is making the most of her diplomatic upbringing. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:31 PM Yaron> Oooooo 9:31 PM Yaron> Maybe I can help. 9:31 PM Yaron> I wrote a paper about multiverses this semester. 9:31 PM Redding> nods Alright, let's see what we've got here. 9:31 PM (( everyone, give me a number 1-20 )) 9:32 PM (( 8 for Rex )) Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:32 PM (( 11 )) CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:32 PM (( 12 )) William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:32 PM (( 16 )) Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:33 PM Irene> "Oh, did you? I'm a xenobiologist, not a quantum physicist..." Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:33 PM Yaron> And they have you doing this??? Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:34 PM "We're fresh out of quantum physicists, unfortunately." Indaura Ryssan 9/8/2024 9:34 PM (4) Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:34 PM ACTION> Excalibur responds! 9:35 PM % +Redding+ This is Captain Swain of the USS Excalibur. 9:36 PM Redding> +Swain+ Well Captain, there's no delicate way to tell you this, but I have your first officer here. CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:37 PM % Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Looks at Swain in confusion.:: Excuse me? Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:37 PM % Blinks a few times Why do I feel like I have a headache coming. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:37 PM ((Ooooooooh noooooooooooo)) Indaura Ryssan 9/8/2024 9:38 PM :: Goes to give everyone a hypo :: CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:39 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> I already have one, sir. The short of it is that we're in a bit of a time loop after responding to a distress beacon on this colony. Several of us have been sent back a few days before we actually arrived. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:39 PM % Frowns deeply Well. That's not good. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:39 PM To Reynolds “You know, be diplomatic rather than punching people.” Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:40 PM Redding> Under attack from the clones here, I see. Trying to lighten the mood CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:40 PM Ens Reynolds> I'm not good with diplomacy. It's why I'm an engineer. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:41 PM Colm> They're not really, clones ma'am William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:41 PM “Well, as a Starfleet officer, we’re supposed to be better at diplomacy than fighting.” Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:42 PM % Sighs, looks over to Staunton, then to the viewer Send us your coordinates and we'll head that way. Probably the only way to figure this out. Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:42 PM Irene> "...really..." Looking quite bemused at this current mess they're in, in general. CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:43 PM % Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Aghast.:: Uh... Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:44 PM % on mute If you have a better idea, now's the time. But we certainly can't figure out if they are who they say they are from here. 9:44 PM Rex> to Staunton I imagine that's going to be a fun conversation when they get off the line. Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:45 PM % Irene> "Well, uh... I'm a xenobiologist, not a quantum physicist, sir..." Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:46 PM % Rex> having a dawning realization about who would likely be on an away team and suddenly also had a headache coming on William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:46 PM % “Unless there was an explosion, I don’t think it was my fault sir…” CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:46 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> No, Swain is probably trying to reassure me that they can't figure out who we are until they come here and verify we are who we say we are. 9:47 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> Get ready for intense questioning. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:47 PM Rex> Opposite me isn't going to be much happier either. Do you know how much paper work this is going to be? CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:48 PM %Cdr Jalen Stanton> I... uh... don't have any better ideas, sir. I'm just a bit shocked. If they are imposters, what would be the point? To infiltrate Excalibur? We need code words so you'll know I am so I say I am. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:48 PM Redding> +Swain+ I am sending you our coordinates now, Captain. 9:49 PM % Gives Staunton a look We can work out the uh, infosec procedures on the way. I feel pretty certain that there is, in fact, guidelines for this situation in the handbook. You know, with how many times there are in' duplicates created through various accidents and plotdevices. 9:50 PM % Clicks off mute Thank you, Administraitor. See you soon. Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:50 PM % Irene> "So You've Encountered Your Quantum Duplicate, 4th Edition (now with Delta Quadrant-specific information)." Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:51 PM %Rex> You know, Riker got duplicated once. You think him and totally_not_riker ever, you know? William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:51 PM % “Are we still on a hot mic?” Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:52 PM (( give me a number hahaha )) 9:52 PM (( 1-20 )) William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:52 PM (( 8 )) CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:52 PM ( 2 ) Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:52 PM ((lmao)) 9:52 PM ACTION> We are, in fact, still on a hot mic and everyone in the colonial administrative room heard that. 9:52 PM Rex> stares at Jalen 9:53 PM %Clark> quickly cuts off the comm (edited) William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:53 PM (( Well, at least we know that Rex is Rex. )) Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:54 PM %Oblivious Helm, once you've got the coordinates, set course at best speed. Mister Clark, let starbase know we're diverting to uh... investigate something. CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:54 PM Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Eyes Rex.:: A freak in any iteration, I guess. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:54 PM Rex> Well. Sheepishly I guess we know I am me. 9:55 PM Redding and Colm> Looking at them both blankly 9:55 PM %Clark> Yes, sir. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:56 PM % William is just wondering how Swain is not mortified. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:56 PM % Hmm I suppose we should ahve asked who was on the away team. Playing with a lock of hair But I guess that is easy to figure out. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:56 PM % “Well, we know for sure that Stanton and Rex are there.” Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 9:56 PM % Val> "Aye, Cap. I'll pretend I heard none of that." Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:57 PM % Rex> Also completely unaware they were on a hot mic Well, generally sir, we probably would assume a normal away team. So, we know Staunton, so likely me, Mincine, Will, Dr. Ryssan, probably some assistants. William Chocox 9/8/2024 9:58 PM % “Oh god, Reynolds is down there…” CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 9:58 PM % Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Nods.:: I would concur. Rex, inform the rest to report to the bridge. We need to have a team meeting before we arrive. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 9:59 PM %Rex> nods Aye, sir. 9:59 PM (( two minute warning )) 10:00 PM ACTION> The Excalibur jumps to warp headed for the planet as the credits and TO BE CONTINUED roll. 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 9/8/2024 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== William Chocox 9/8/2024 10:01 PM || Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:01 PM You know, in all the years I've been doing this 10:02 PM (I just passed my 20th anniversary of simming lmao) I have never done a QUANTUM DUPLICATES plot Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 10:02 PM Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:02 PM (( actually 21 years, sometime in the summer )) William Chocox 9/8/2024 10:03 PM If I had a nickel for every time I was in a Star Trek sim dealing with out of phase crew members this past month. I’d have two nickels. 10:03 PM Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right? Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:03 PM next fall will be my 20th of running excalibur 10:03 PM we've done out of phase before 10:03 PM we've done dead people brought back before 10:03 PM I've never done full on duplicates in the same timeframe CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 10:04 PM I have no memory of any previous plots, so it's all new to me. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:04 PM @CdrMirandaHawthorne I am envisioning nan's visceral reaction to the idea of two destorie's CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 10:04 PM Nor do I want to think about how long I've been simming. 10:04 PM LoL Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:04 PM WONDER TWIN POWER'S ACTIVATE William Chocox 9/8/2024 10:05 PM I think I was in Junior High the first time I was on Excalibur. Irene Mincine 9/8/2024 10:05 PM Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:05 PM We did once do a plot I borrowed loosely from MTG about shattered planes of existence convering. 10:06 PM And had versions of people who had died in our timeline walking around William Chocox 9/8/2024 10:07 PM Interesting Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:08 PM anyway have a good night! i should be aroiund again more CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 10:08 PM Night, all. Cptn Swain 9/8/2024 10:08 PM though something to ponder: how would people feel about moving back an hour-ish. no need to say y/n tonight CdrMirandaHawthorne 9/8/2024 10:09 PM It honestly wouldn't matter to me. If I have anything on Sunday nights, its an all night deal. If not, I'm free all night. William Chocox 9/8/2024 10:10 PM The only thing would be dinner with the family, but now that I can sim on the phone reasonably easily it’s not as big a deal. Indaura Ryssan 9/8/2024 10:10 PM I'm fine either way. William Chocox I think I was in Junior High the first time I was on Excalibur. William Chocox 9/8/2024 10:11 PM I was a sophomore in High School and it was 17 years ago. Indaura Ryssan 9/8/2024 10:11 PM Maybe I'll not have this allergy thing Exported 151 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:04 PM ::following the Captains:: Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:04 PM ::leading them to Engineering:: Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:05 PM Have you had any system issues we should know about? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:05 PM No - we've had some time to take care of large system issues. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:06 PM :: Looking down at her arm :: What... no.. no no. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:06 PM It's more troubleshooting the smaller issues now. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:06 PM @ I can give my evaluation on the repairs. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:06 PM You haven't seen to have any problems finding aid and materials. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:07 PM ::in med bay:: Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:07 PM My time since my retirement has given me a chance to build some connections. Especially my time on Aegis. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:07 PM :: Also in the med bay,. but discovering something disturbing :: Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:07 PM What's wrong Muuhi? Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:08 PM :: Takes something between her claws to a microscope :: Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:09 PM There are going to be questions what exactly you are rebuilding here. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:09 PM ::looks:: Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:09 PM @ :: Scanning as he went, unsure if he would catch anything of note while walking to engineering :: Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:10 PM Repairing Athena. What Starfleet thinks she is is an ongoing question. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:10 PM <Says something the translator does not know> ugh, it's a species of ctenocephalides felis. 9:11 PM When I was a hologram I totally forgot about this. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:11 PM Hopefully not "something we're going to destroy" Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:12 PM @ Have they expressed worry? Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:12 PM I'm not familiar with that. Is it treatable? Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:12 PM You can understand what a Klingon ship, no mater the age, looks like to the Romulan colonist below. And, if it becomes know, that this was taken from the Romulans at one point. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:13 PM On Yith an entire industry grew out of necessity. I'm feline in origin. What is something felines have to contend with? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:14 PM True. But she was Starfleet longer, and more recently. They're my immediate concern. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:14 PM That might be the case, yes. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:14 PM @ Klingons and Rihans had an...agreement a long time ago. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:14 PM Beyond that, well... not much I can do about her appearance. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:15 PM Yes, to Starfleet I believe the human term is "can of worms:. One, I'm sure they wished just stayed buried. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:15 PM I have to see if the sonic showers can handle foreign creatures, less I have to get Niji to create something for me. He would understand. 9:16 PM :: She looked up :: He 9:16 PM He's up there however. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:16 PM Well, if they would have listened when we tried to tell them about her, a lot could have been avoided. Though I understand their skepticism. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:16 PM That's probably one of the sins they're not proud of. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:17 PM @ :: Relays the data he has to far so Jy :: (edited) Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:17 PM ::looking around the engineering bay as they enter:: Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:17 PM @ :: Surveys the room :: MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:18 PM ::enters engineering:: Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:18 PM Hmm, perhaps we can get your some powerful shampoo for your fur. I'll speak with some of my Caitian and Mithran friends about it. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:19 PM I'm sure. I've had plenty of time to think over our approach since. Whether I could have said something differently, done something differently. But... LtCdr Jylliene 9/6/2024 9:19 PM ::receives data, processes:: Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:19 PM I don't need this getting out. Mithran you say? MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:19 PM ::Feels a bit out of place:: Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:20 PM Regardless. Any questions about Engineering? Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:20 PM Many. But mostly out of curiosity rather than part of any inspection. Which is of course our main goal here. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:21 PM Yes, Mithran. I know quite a few of them. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:21 PM @ What am I looking at here? :: Goes to see what the current status is. :: Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:21 PM Hmm, could be distant cousins. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:21 PM I believe so. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:21 PM The main console. Should be in - ah, one moment. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:22 PM ::Mimi:: If you could check their enviromental systems. And, normal safety checks. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:23 PM Sorry. It was set to Catullan. 9:23 PM Should be a bit more recognizable now. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:23 PM @ Seems warm. MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:23 PM ::nods and turns to Kelsa:: Captain where is the enviromental systems. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:24 PM On Yith we made it an event to get rid of this things. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:25 PM The systems? You can pull up the environmental readouts right here. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:25 PM Are there any Mithrans on this world? Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:25 PM WHat did you do to get rid of them? 9:25 PM I don't know.... I think they left before we moved here. MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:26 PM Thank you ::heads to the console and pulls the readouts up:: Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:27 PM I'm interested in how you know what parts you can swap out and not change anything with Athena's... special nature. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:27 PM Basically a soaking bath that removed them. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:27 PM Ahh, did you put anything in said bath? Bath bomb? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:28 PM It's ... we work around it. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:28 PM Yes, and different scents. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:30 PM We're not entirely sure how she came to be what she is, but I can tell you we've replaced plenty of components over our time with her in Starfleet. Not the computer core, though, which may be the key. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:30 PM @ Have any swaps met with failure? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:31 PM No, though there have been replacements that have taken her a little time to adjust to. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:31 PM Hmm, perhaps we can get some . I hope the shop sells some. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:31 PM ::looking around:: Ship of Theseus. ::more to herself:: Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:34 PM So, I need to ask you. What do you think I should do now? As a hologram I was more of an anomaly... a helper. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:35 PM May we see the bridge? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:35 PM Of course. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:35 PM @ :: Nods :: Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:35 PM ::leads them in that direction:: Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:35 PM I would consider a thorough sonic shower and bath? It's not otherwise adversly affecting your physical wellbeing, no? MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:36 PM ::finishes with the readouts and the safety checks:: Everything looks good so far. ::follows:: Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:37 PM Yes yes, but I was thinking what of my life now, here on this planet? Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:38 PM Oh oh, that! Sorry, I misunderstood. Well, you seem to be very knowledgeable in medicine. You'd be welcome to continue serving in the med bay if you like. Otherwise, if there's anything else you want to do in the colony, you can do that too. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:38 PM ::leading through corridors - some that look brand new, some that look like they're in the process of being worked on with panels removed, etc.:: Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:41 PM I'd try to make amends with Jyliene, but I doubt she'd have any of it. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:41 PM What is the expected timeline of being completed with these repairs? Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:42 PM @ And who do you have completing the repairs? Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:42 PM Hm, yeah I'm not sure what's going on there. Not really my place to speculate. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:44 PM Not entirely certain. She can travel right now, of course. She's in orbit under her own power. But the remaining repairs should be done within the month. Faster if an extra supply ship makes it through. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:44 PM No no, it's quite alright. :: she laughed :: It's all about time, which Muuhi and Prani knew a lot about. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:44 PM Oh... okay! Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:44 PM We'll see. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:46 PM :: SIts :: I mean both aspects were complicated. The creating of the wormhole in four dimensions, then the consciousness transfer. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:47 PM ::stepping onto the bridge:: MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 9:47 PM ::also steps onto the bridge:: Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:47 PM @ :: Looking around again at this bridge :: Seems cosy. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:49 PM I think so too. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:49 PM I hope Prani at your space station provided some valuable information on wormhole creating. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:49 PM @ Is this a custom layout? Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:50 PM If I recall, she was very helpful. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:50 PM My understanding, you could convert the entire bridge to match either Romulan or Klingon system layouts, as the need arose. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:52 PM Yes. She's currently almost in the Romulan layout. The rear is still in Klingon form. 9:53 PM Easier to access some of the panels this way. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:54 PM While the Romulan government has not been in any shape to question this, let me ask before they do. Does the cloak still operate? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:55 PM Not at the moment. 9:56 PM She made use of it while she was missing, so it was overstrained by the usage - far more than what it was meant for in continuous usage with no maintenance. Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:56 PM Do you like fish doctor? Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 9:56 PM Probably for the best. At least one less concern. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 9:57 PM Me? Yeah, fish is all right. I like red snapper. Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 9:57 PM ::nods:: Muuhi BOT 9/6/2024 9:58 PM I can cook, I think. I'll think of something. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 9:59 PM What weapons does this ship have? Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 10:02 PM Right now? Some disruptors that were so old that Starfleet didn't bother stripping them. Power to them isn't operable. Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 10:02 PM !pause Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 10:02 PM You should have some defense. Dyno BOT 9/6/2024 10:02 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 10:02 PM ::freeze frame:: Kelsa BOT 9/6/2024 10:02 PM Starfleet weapons were taken when she was decommissioned. 10:02 PM ::freezes:: Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 10:03 PM paused LtCdr Jylliene 9/6/2024 10:03 PM ::also freezes:: 10:03 PM Athena: ::freezes too, because why not:: 10:03 PM (Nope, don't have that one made. Now I know what I need to do for next time. ) Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 10:04 PM Alright, what do folks think of doing a time jump, so 6 months. We would pick up with an actual Aegis base, still being worked on, but mostly functional? LtCdr Jylliene 9/6/2024 10:04 PM Sounds good to me. Nijil tr'Korjata 9/6/2024 10:04 PM Sounds good, what time of year? Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 10:05 PM I think it has been more spring like. So, getting into the fall season I would so. 10:05 PM (if it was only that easy to skip over summer) 10:06 PM Okay, then TBS 6 months. I may throw some info into here before the next sim with some of my general ideas (and some specifics) about our setting. 10:06 PM Assuming I can get the time. LtCdr Jylliene 9/6/2024 10:07 PM Spiffy Captain Sylfaen 9/6/2024 10:07 PM Any questions? 10:07 PM Then Dismissed and Goodnight all. Dacia Sandero 9/6/2024 10:07 PM Goodnight! LtCdr Jylliene 9/6/2024 10:08 PM Nighters! MimiPavilion 9/6/2024 10:08 PM night all see ya next week Exported 138 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1286, STARDATE 52409.09 = /\ = Manticore has been sent in to investigate the disappearance of a new prototype ship, the USS Prometheus, last seen near the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Upon arrival, they found debris from three ships, two Federation and one Romulan. They also discovered how the Romulans were able to get so close, with a new type of cloaking device able to disguise themselves to sensors. Annika was able to decipher the Prometheus' warp signature and they chased her down. After ignoring Manticore's warnings, Prometheus unveiled her secret weapon and promptly disabled Manticore's entire power system. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1286, STARDATE 52409.09 = /\ =
= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1285, STARDATE 52409.02 = /\ = Manticore has been sent in to investigate the disappearance of a new prototype ship, the USS Prometheus, last seen near the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Upon arrival, they found debris from three ships, two Federation and one Romulan. Although sensors found something else that might be out there. = /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1285, STARDATE 52409.02 = /\ =
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Upon arrival, they found debris from three ships, two Federation and one Romulan. Although sensors found something else that might be out there. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1285, STARDATE 52409.02 = = 9:04 PM TBS is immediate 9:04 PM !begin Dyno BOT 9/2/2024 9:04 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:04 PM Bren, confirm, what are you seeing out there? Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:04 PM :: at CetOPS Engineering :: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:05 PM ::in the XO chair:: 1 Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:05 PM ::In the Ops chair :: 1 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:05 PM ((::in the 2XO chair::)) 1 Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:06 PM ::in sickbay, making sure everything is ready in case they locate any wounded:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:06 PM :::Starts scanning the debris field:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:06 PM ::monitoring tac2 still:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:06 PM (( Previously on Star Trek: Manticore [ Oh-OH! ::Stands up:: Captain, we have company, but either they are ignoring us or don't realize we're here.... whatever they are. This doesn't quite match... I think it's Romulan. Slight chance its Ferengi...](https://discord.com/channels/760333303550443531/760347639849156639/1277825337467600937) )) 1 Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:06 PM :: Scanning from Ops as well :: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:07 PM :: Swimming, but coming to a standstill in the water :: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:07 PM ((Hmm, that didn't work as well as I hoped. )) Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:07 PM ::at Science II, searching the debris:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:07 PM ((That was cool!)) Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:07 PM :: At the pool table in engineering :: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:08 PM Check tactical, do you see anything out there? Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:09 PM I am picking up another ship out there, trying to ID the make now ::Pokes at console:: 9:09 PM shields up? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:09 PM I'm not sure yet, Captain, but it reads like a cloaked device, oddly the closest matches still seem Ferengi. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:10 PM I recommend yellow alert. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:10 PM But there's no mass signature that makes sense... Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:10 PM Go ahead and raise shields. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:10 PM ::tapping:: Aye. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:10 PM I wouldn't put it past the Ferengi to run scavenging missions. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:10 PM :: Eyebrow raised as he listens, looking at his own console :: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:10 PM Aye shields up ::Brings up shields:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:10 PM ::running scans:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:10 PM ACTION> NOTHING OF CONSEQUENCE IS SHOWING ON SCREEN Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:11 PM Screw it. Yellow alert. 9:11 PM 2 1 Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:11 PM ::Brings ship to Yellow alert:: Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:11 PM :: Checking systems :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:11 PM :: notes alert panels :: Something mysterious is afoot. Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:11 PM ::notes the yellow alert; continues making sure everything in sickbay is ready for potential incoming:: Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:12 PM Or a fin? Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:12 PM ::Looking through the debris:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:12 PM ::Glances at EJ:: Scan the area around us while I focus on that other ship Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:12 PM Now that we're up close, lets try the new modules... Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:12 PM :: through her breathing mask :: What is happening? Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 9/2/2024 9:13 PM Vhy is this ship alveys getting into fights?! Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:13 PM I vish I knew. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:13 PM :: floating :: This ship's mission profile. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:13 PM Well said....:: looks to the Dolphin :; I suppose it is the nature of this ship's mission? Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:13 PM Oh boy. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:14 PM Is anyone getting any hard readings out there? Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:14 PM Yellow alert? ::to Gila:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:14 PM Aye! ::scans around us:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:14 PM Oh.... Damn. Captain? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:14 PM ::turns to Bren:: What do you have?! Security Officers BOT 9/2/2024 9:14 PM ::goes to their Yellow Alert stations:: (edited) Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:14 PM :: Looks around :: It appears so? I don't think it is the Dominion. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:15 PM I think the Captain should beam some debris aboard. What do you think Sven? Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:15 PM Dominion hasn't come this far out. Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:15 PM We should take a look at the debris Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:15 PM They better not have. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:15 PM ::Hijacks the big viewscreen, which zooms in on a chunk of wreckage with flickering lights, a metal box that is most of the chunk is highlighted:: That hardware is most definitely Romulan, the new modules are sure of it. They've intentionally messed with it to mask their identities. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:16 PM ::Focuses on the other vessel, tries to pick up emissions and Stuffs:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:16 PM :: Gila is still floating with the non-bipeds, but wonder if she should change :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:16 PM ::taps on his console:: Scans aren't showing anything. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:16 PM ::walks towards the screen:: Is that their cloaking device? Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:16 PM +Bridge+ Captain, I am swimming at the moment. Do you wish me to exit? Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:16 PM ::Taps away at Ops:: (edited) Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:17 PM ::looks up at the invisible comm:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:17 PM +Gila+ Stand by Doc, may be a false alarm. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:17 PM It is, or was Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:17 PM (m) swimming? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:17 PM It's no coincidence that the readings are weird. Before it was blasted to smithereens, its likely they were intentionally making themselves run like something they aren't. Like slapping extra Nacelles on a Galaxy-class and calling it a day and a new name ::cough:: (edited) Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:18 PM ::walks back up to Bren's station:: ...That thing is emitting sensor readings. Romulan cloaks don't do that. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:18 PM + Chief Erich Jaenke + Commander why haven't we beamed any debris aboard yet for analysis? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:18 PM Stock models don't, sir. This one is 'after market'... Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:19 PM Is it safe to transport? I'd like Erich to take a closer look at it. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:19 PM it should be, we can beam it on quickly Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:19 PM Yes, although they should take radio frequency spectrum protections, at close contact they thing could likely burn them. 9:19 PM Unless they want to shut it off, of course Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:20 PM ::nods:: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:20 PM Ok do it. Lower shields long enough for Ops to beam a piece on board. 9:20 PM Cargo bay 2. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:21 PM ::nods, looks at the OPS console:: on my mark Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:21 PM ::checks diagnostics and status displays for biobeds, nods in appreciation that everything is ready:: Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:21 PM +Bridge+ One moment.. getting it now Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:21 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Ready, Commander Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:21 PM :::Pokes console:: Shields down now Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:21 PM There's no lifesigns in that debris is it? Can't be too careful. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:21 PM :: Taps quickly :: Locked on, energizing. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:22 PM ACTION> THE CLOAKING DEVICE DISAPPEARS FROM VIEW AND IS NOW IN MANTICORE'S CARGO BAY Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:22 PM ::Pokes again:: Shileds Back up Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:22 PM Done Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:22 PM ::looks at EJ:: Send a security team to Cargo Bay 2. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:22 PM +SEC+ Security Team to Cargo Bay 2, on the double. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:22 PM ooh goody...hopefully some chemical analysis data will shed some light as to...who? what? where and when! Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:23 PM Let's begin then. KARL BOT 9/2/2024 9:23 PM ::heads to Cargo bay 2:: Security Officers BOT 9/2/2024 9:23 PM +Comm+ Aye Commander ::heads to CB2:: Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:23 PM I'm going down there. Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:24 PM Let's see what we can find from these debris. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:24 PM +Erich+ Commander, keep me apprised of anything interesting you find. This data may become useful to Starfleet in the future. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:24 PM ::Glances at McFly:: Can I go have a look as well? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:24 PM Sure, if you want. Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:24 PM :: Enters the lift :: Cargo bay 2 Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:24 PM ::Smiles:: Thank you Captain Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:24 PM ::taps on his console:: 9:25 PM ((awww)) Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:25 PM If you don't mind... ::stands up to follow KK to the TL:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:25 PM ::Looks at EJ:: you have Tac while I am taking a peek Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:25 PM ::nods:: Absolutely. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:25 PM Alright, our missing ship. It's not here. Mister Harnett, you said you found a janky warp trail? Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:25 PM ::heads to the lift:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:25 PM Too bad the water is not warmer. Would remind me of home. Captain McFly Alright, our missing ship. It's not here. Mister Harnett, you said you found a janky warp trail? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:25 PM ((Not a Jaenke warp trail?)) Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:26 PM :: Nods :: Aye sir, I did... Bren Faliver ((Not a Jaenke warp trail?)) Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:26 PM ((That would be after Erich eats Mexican)) Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:26 PM Try the dolphins' section of the tank. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:26 PM ::Steps into the lift:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:26 PM ::follows KK:: Having a fun day, so far? Security Officers BOT 9/2/2024 9:26 PM ::on guard in CB2:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:26 PM I am fine for now. Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:26 PM ::analyzing the debris:: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:27 PM Even that may not be warm enough Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:27 PM it was an active morning, we shall see how the rest of the day goes Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:27 PM :: swims around a bit :: Belugas do not tolerate warm water...this is just fine for me. Tyrel finally got the kinks out of the temperature anomolies in this section before she left to become a spy. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:27 PM Bre-- ::Sees him leaving; looks over at Annika:: Alright, Commander, these new sensors are coming in handy. See if you can light up that warp trail for us. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:28 PM What is with all this swimming and water crap? (edited) Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:28 PM ::making sure medkits are fully prepped in case they are needed:: (edited) Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:28 PM +Gila+ False alarm confirm, Doc. Enjoy your swim. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:29 PM I think we should keep yellow alert active for a little while longer. I don't wanna get caught with our pants down. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:29 PM Definitely don't want that to happen again. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:29 PM Agreed. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:30 PM Ops work with the helm and plot a course following that warp trail. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:31 PM ::taps on his console:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:31 PM ::Looks at Bren as they exit the lift:: Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:31 PM :: arrives in cb 2 :": KARL BOT 9/2/2024 9:31 PM ::scanning the mess with his Tric:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:32 PM ::Evil eyes Erich as he passes:: Security Officer BOT 9/2/2024 9:32 PM ::goes to lend a hand to KARL as he is scanning, starts scanning too:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:32 PM :: Nods and starts tapping away, scanning :: Aye, Commander. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:32 PM That good, eh? Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:33 PM ::taps on his console, allows OPS to see his screen to help with plotting the course:: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:33 PM This is peculiar. Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:33 PM ::finishes working on sensors:: OK, I think I have the trail. Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:33 PM What are we looking at here? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:33 PM ::looks at Faldek:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:33 PM ::Turns his attention from KK to his tricorder as they near the place with the thing:: Cdr. Faldek This is peculiar. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:33 PM ((This is Manticore)) 1 Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:33 PM my morning are always good... ::Guilty Smile:: 9:34 PM ::Pulls out her Tric... has a need to kick the thing:: 9:34 PM ::ressists:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:35 PM :: ponders if any additional assets have been sent to deal with the missing ship :: KARL BOT 9/2/2024 9:35 PM Welcome to the mess Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:35 PM ::continuing to check status of medkits:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:35 PM Very good. Update Ops with the sensor readout. 9:36 PM Mister Harnett, help Sanchez plot a course out of that trail. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:36 PM medkit #4> :::Missing tric and gloves:: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:36 PM ::nods to Harnett:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:36 PM :: Works away at Ops, sending data to Sanchez :: On it, sir. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:36 PM Sanchez, maximum warp once you have a heading. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:36 PM Aye Cap'n! Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:37 PM ::: Squats down and gets a better look:: Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:37 PM Sending it now. ::sends the warp trail to Helm:: You should have the trail Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:37 PM ::getting information from Ops:: Let's get this ball rollin! Warp 9..now! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:38 PM ::sighs:: Petty Officer Sanchez, that wasn't the best saying either. Nice try though. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:38 PM ACTION> MANTICORE SPINS AROUND AND ENGAGES TO WARP Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:38 PM Well sh*t, I am trying. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:38 PM ah we are at warp again .... Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:39 PM :: Sighs :: (w) What was wrong with saying Engage? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:39 PM Pilot. Keep an eye out for any Romulan activity along the way. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:39 PM :::Feels the ship engines engage:: we are moving ::Looks at Bren:: Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:39 PM . I think we've a warp trail. Hopefully it's the ship we're looking for. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:39 PM Aye Captain. ::continuous scans for Romulan Signatures:: (edited) Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:39 PM ::checking the trail, and sensors:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:40 PM WHat do you think... Pop it open? lets get a better look-ie inside Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:40 PM ::completes medkit review and nods:: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:41 PM Ops, coordinate with engineering and see if you can coax a little more speed out of these engines. KARL BOT 9/2/2024 9:41 PM ::Leans:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:41 PM ::Looking at his tricorder:: Either they found something to chase, or something to run from. We're not at red alert, so hopefully the former Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:41 PM ::satisified that sickbay is in optimal condition for potential incoming, returns to his office:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:41 PM :: Nods and taps away at Ops, moving more power to the warp engines :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:42 PM :: swims around his console :: IF this ship has ship has more than 2 nacelles, it should leave a more notable warp trail. Unless the Nacelles are of a different type, unkown to us. Security Officer BOT 9/2/2024 9:42 PM ::still scanning the debris:: Looking for anything in peculiar Commander Kenickie? Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:42 PM But it should still have a Federation signature though, no? Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:43 PM :: Scanning the debris :: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:43 PM I am not sure, that is why I want to pop it open and have a better look Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:43 PM Feels odd to be in the water. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:43 PM ::sees available speed increase, sets us to 9.6:: Thank you Ops. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:43 PM :: Nods :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 9/2/2024 9:43 PM Warp 9.6 and holding for now Captain. ::to McFly:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:44 PM Nice Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:44 PM ::Looks at Bren:: Shall we have a better look? Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:45 PM Sven, did you recieve any guesses on the top speed of this secret Starship? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:46 PM ::Smiles:: Yes, then let's kick it a couple times as a test! Sven BOT 9/2/2024 9:46 PM Not entirely sure, but I heard it was quite fast. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:46 PM ::Smiles:: I love kicking things 9:47 PM ::Nudges the thing with her foot:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:47 PM ::Eyeballs what he thinks is a removable panel:: Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:47 PM As long as not a hard thing you're kicking. Security Officer BOT 9/2/2024 9:48 PM ::watching KK:: Be careful Commander. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:48 PM ::Thinks to himself that the security officer is the one who should be careful here:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:48 PM :: Taps away at Ops, eyebrow rasing as he looked over the readings of his scans :: Captain, Commander.... I am picking up a ship at warp, its distant... but it is the U.S.S. Prometheus.. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:48 PM Finally. Are they within comm range? Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:48 PM ::Gives it another good shove:: aren't I always careful ::Smirks:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:49 PM ::Pulls and pulls on the panel:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:49 PM ::taps on the screen, reading::: Confirmed. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:49 PM Open hailing frequencies. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:49 PM Opening now. ::opens hailing:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:49 PM ::Gives Bren a hand, pulls with him:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:50 PM USS Promtheus, this is Captain McFly of the USS Manticore. Please acknowledge. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:50 PM Can we tell how fast she's going? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:50 PM Op...en....Sez....Me....you....Mother...F::The panel opens, Bren falls backward:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:51 PM ::Stumbles back but doesn't fall totally over:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:51 PM :: Looks up :: She is moving at warp 4... and no reply to any hails.. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:51 PM ::extends her hand to help Bren back up:: Security Officer BOT 9/2/2024 9:51 PM ::watching Bren fall backwards, shakes his head:: Commander you okay? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:51 PM ::looks over to Faldek:: We should catch up rather quickly. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:51 PM + Chief Erich Jaenke + Chief Has the device revealed anything? Chief...? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:51 PM ::takes her hand and rocks back into a kneeling position:: Thanks. What the heck is this... ::Sticks his finger in the opened access panel:: goo? Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:52 PM Ok, when we catch up match speed and exact heading. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:52 PM If continued no reply, I suggest red alert. (edited) Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:52 PM ::tries the hail again:: I repeat, USS Prometheus. This is Captain McFly of the USS Manticore. I need you to power down your engines immediately. This is not a request. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:53 PM ::looks at McFly:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:53 PM Gadgets don't have goo, that's more medical than engineering. Well, I guess it's really Science, since we're splitting the difference ::Takes a big sample of it in a jar he pulls from a belt-mounted plot hole:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:53 PM :::Takes a good look inside:: we should swab it! Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:53 PM I dare you a watch shift to eat it Security Officer BOT 9/2/2024 9:53 PM Goo? Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:54 PM ::Scans:: I'm not detecting any human lifesigns about... all Romulans. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:54 PM ::Turns his head over his shoulder to the Security Officer, holds up a finger covered in blue-green goo: Goo! Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:54 PM you wish... McFly would try to kill me if I did 1 Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:54 PM at least not any humans alive.. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:54 PM ::stands up:: Security Officer BOT 9/2/2024 9:54 PM Oh.. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:54 PM Damnit. Red alert. Charge phasers. Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 9:54 PM What is the goo composed of from the initial scans? KARL BOT 9/2/2024 9:54 PM is that a science term? Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:54 PM Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:54 PM ::hits red alert:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:54 PM :: Sighs :: Romulans... Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:54 PM ACTION> MANTICORE IS GETTING CLOSER Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:54 PM Oddly, it's organic, for starters Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:54 PM Weapons charged to full, torpedoes online. Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 9:54 PM :: Looks :: Ah, red lights. Time to go, thanks for the swim. Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:55 PM Target her engines only. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:55 PM ::Frowns at the Red Alert:: great Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:55 PM ::Looks at the red ceiling:: Rut row. Back to the bridge, Kansas? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:55 PM USS Prometheus. Power down your engines immeditately or we will open fire. This is your final warning. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:55 PM ::targeting engines:: Fire on your mark sir. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:55 PM :: Watches as the rear of the Prometheus gets closer on the view screen :: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:55 PM ::nods to Faldek:: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:56 PM Open fire. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:56 PM Aye! ::opens fire:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:56 PM I think we should look into this goo some more... we have a strong Bridge. If McFly needed us he would call Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:56 PM ACTION> 1 1 Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 9:56 PM ::notices the red alert, exits office and heads into sickbay, gets ready by biobed 1:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 9:56 PM Red Alert...Initiating CetOps Red Alert protocols. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:56 PM ((We got a bigger budget this week)) 5 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:56 PM ((HAHAH)) Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:57 PM They still ignoring us it seems Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:57 PM The Goo could be important, I don't want to over look it ::Looks at Bren:: you never know when something small might be the answer to it all Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:57 PM Torpedo? Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:58 PM I will get this down to the main Lab and they'll analyze it Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:58 PM ::switches to torpedoes:: 9:58 PM Fire on your command. Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:58 PM The ship is powering something.... not sure what? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:58 PM Ugh, I really don't want to damage this thing. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 9:58 PM ::looks into the panel:: it doesn't look like it is effecting/affecting the unit from working Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 9:59 PM :: Looks down at his readouts :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:59 PM Maybe we can force her out of warp? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:59 PM ::hears Annika:: But we may not have a choice. Load torpedos. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:59 PM Agreed, though I can't imagine it is contributing. We'll see though. If I scrape some away, there is an interface under here Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:59 PM Torpedoes, loaded. Awaiting firing command. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 9:59 PM ACTION> Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 9:59 PM ::Dramatically swings some of the goo behind himself, narrowly missing the Sec Officer's head:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 9:59 PM What in the hell!? Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 9:59 PM What the f... Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 9:59 PM Wait is it....? Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:00 PM ::Stares at the screen:: What the hell?! Captain McFly ACTION> Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 10:00 PM ((Ok that one was kinda hot)) 1 2 Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:00 PM :: Looks up, eyebrow raised :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:00 PM That's 1701 D times 3!!! Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 10:00 PM Four pieces? 10:00 PM Wow Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:00 PM They're moving behind us! Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:00 PM I think three. Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:00 PM ::Pops head up:: +McFly+ Captain, should we return to the Bridge or keep investgating? Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 10:00 PM what is this....the Prometheus is becoming three separate contacts...with three separate warp fields sustaining their speed !! Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ACTION> Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ::steps up behind Ops, looking at the readings:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ( Must leave cya next week ) Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ::Shudders:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:01 PM :: Looks down at his readings :: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ACTION> EVERYONE FALLS TO THEIR LEFT Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ::goes to his left:: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ::grips the chair and they're rocked by fire:: Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ::falls to the lift:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:01 PM :: Grips his console tight :: Dr. Gila Orrak 9/2/2024 10:01 PM :: falls after getting out of the water :: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:01 PM Report! Sven BOT 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ::floats to the left, the shuddering is muffled due to the water:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:01 PM :::Stumbles to the left, rolls over and back onto her feet:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:01 PM ACTION> MANTICORE'S ENGINES ARE DISABLED AND THEY DROP OUT OF WARP Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:02 PM ::gets up:: Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 10:02 PM ::braces himself on biobed, awaits calls for medical assistance:: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 10:02 PM ((::It's just a fall to the left, and then a hop to the ri-eeii-eeii-eiight.... Lets do the Time Warp Again...::)) 1 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:02 PM Engines are down! Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:02 PM ACTION> THE ENGINE ROOM LIGHTS UP IN A PARADE OF SPARKS Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:02 PM :: Taps quickly :: We've been knocked out of warp! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:02 PM ::checking shields:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:02 PM :: Still tapping away :: Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 10:02 PM ::Rolls backwards, making a startled sound which sounds like "Guuuu!" and leaving a small finger-sized trail as he rolls:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:03 PM We should return to the Bridge.. We dropped out of Warp unexpectedly Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:03 PM ACTION> MANTICORE'S LIGHTS FLICKER AND MOST SYSTEMS GO OFFLINE Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:03 PM +COMM+ Security secure all critical decks! Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:04 PM :: Looks up :: Cascading system failures across the board... Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:04 PM Dispatch emergency repair teams and medical. What is this fresh hell?! Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 10:04 PM Everything's knocked out. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:04 PM ::dispatches the emergency repair teams and medical:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:04 PM :: Works quickly :: Sending out repair teams (edited) Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 10:04 PM ::notices the lights flicker and systems going offline..including the biobeds:: Sven BOT 9/2/2024 10:04 PM ::swimming around in the dark:: What's going on? Security Officers BOT 9/2/2024 10:04 PM ::run and secure critical decks:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:04 PM ::Looks at Karl:: Keep an eye on it, let us know if anything changes Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:05 PM !pause Dyno BOT 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ::Paused:: Dr. Tevek 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ::paused:: Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ::Paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:05 PM ::paused:: Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:05 PM KK, Komments? Erich Jaenke 9/2/2024 10:05 PM Sorry at the end there Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:06 PM Nice work everyone, Bren I had fun breaking things with you Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:06 PM You'll be plenty busy next week Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:06 PM Lord...this is gonna be wild. Bren Faliver 9/2/2024 10:06 PM ::Shakes your hand:: Agreed, lets do this again Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:06 PM TBS is immediate. We'll need to get power back up quickly. Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:07 PM Oh boy Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:07 PM Questions or Comments? Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:07 PM Why are we always getting shot at? 10:07 PM lol Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:07 PM It's what we do Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 10:07 PM lol Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:07 PM I did just watch this episode. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:07 PM Shh! Don't tell them how it ends. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:07 PM Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:08 PM I know how it ends!!!! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:08 PM Speaking of DS9. -- I was thinking about James Darren and got mixed up. (edited) Kansas Kenickie 9/2/2024 10:08 PM we get shot at because someone has too Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:08 PM Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 9/2/2024 10:08 PM James Darren passed away today. May he RIP. Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:09 PM As I was typing it up... 10:09 PM Alright, if nothing else then let us give a final curtain call to the great Jimmy Darren, our second favorite hologram... DISMISSED!!! Cdr. Faldek 9/2/2024 10:09 PM Wait, who's the first? Annika Sorenson 9/2/2024 10:09 PM Goodnight! Captain McFly 9/2/2024 10:09 PM The Doctor of course Lt. Thomas Harnett 9/2/2024 10:09 PM The Doctor? Exported 357 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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We were prepping for an inspection of the ship Athena. Everything else is relatively normal. 9:07 PM So... 9:07 PM /begin Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:07 PM (Athena in orbit?) Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:08 PM (Figures that wouldn't work...make.sim.go.now) LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:08 PM (Think so.) Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:08 PM (Yes, in orbit) Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:08 PM ::drinking a coffee:: MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:09 PM ::checking her supplies:: Kelsa BOT 8/30/2024 9:09 PM ::on the bridge, looking through status reports on the console:: Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:09 PM ::working in med bay:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:09 PM ::stepping into the command tent:: LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:09 PM ::at operations:: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:12 PM :: Sitting in operations checking his kits for inspection :: LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:13 PM It would probably be best for us to go by shuttle versus transporter. Don't need to worry about interference if the crystals or weird storms kick up. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:14 PM ::finishes getting her kit together:: Dacia, I'm going over to the command tent Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:14 PM Not a bad idea. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:14 PM You don't want the first failure of the inspection to be the transporter system. LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:14 PM I do have good ones now and then. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:15 PM Did we get any resistance when we informed the Athena we were coming for an inspection. LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:15 PM No. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:15 PM ::leaves for the command tent:: LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:15 PM Maybe some surprise, but no resistance. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:16 PM And I mean informing it's Captain, not the ship itself...whether that's a concern or not.,, I, I don't know. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:16 PM ::nods and continue to prep the med bay:: (edited) LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:16 PM Yes. The captain was receptive to the idea, if a bit, as mentioned, surprised. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:17 PM ::enters the command tent:: LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:17 PM She is retired Starfleet. She knows how this goes. And probably is more receptive to those who are somewhat familiar and open to the status of Athena than those who had decommissioned her. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:18 PM :: Walks into the medical bay :: Hope I am not bothering you Doctor Sendero. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:18 PM ::nods to the Doctor:: Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:18 PM Hmm? No, it's ok. Hello Muuhi. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:18 PM ::nods:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:19 PM ::Jyl:: Is the shuttle prepped for departure? LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:19 PM It is. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:19 PM :: Looks at her outfit :: I also don't have any real clothes, just this same one washed again. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:19 PM ::Mimi:: Would you like to join us on the inspection of Athena? Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:20 PM mm. We can replicate something for now, or we can visit the main settlement and check for clothes there. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:20 PM Yes ma'am. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:21 PM I am fairly sure I am the only feline on the planet. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:22 PM ::Jyl:: I believe both you and Nijil would be useful on this inspection but I understand your request for no joint away missions. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:23 PM It'd probably be easier to replicate something in your size. If you want something more ornate, then maybe we can order it and have it shipped here... though that might take a long time to arrive. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:23 PM :: Thinks :: Yes, working together has complications. LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:23 PM ::nods:: I appreciate that. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:24 PM Whoever's turn it is, let's meet at the shuttle. LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:24 PM I'll be sure to keep things going down here. I think an engineer will probably be of more use on the inspection than an operations person. Unless Nijil prefers I go. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:25 PM I'll go this time. :: grins :: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:25 PM ::nods and heads out the door:: LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:25 PM ::nods:: Come back in one piece. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:27 PM :: She flexed her pawed hands :: I need to do something soon. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:27 PM ::nearing the shuttle:: I did check the weather, no storms in the forecast. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:28 PM Yeah, you can't go around looking grubby like that. Let's see if we can replicate something at least for now. Somwthing casual, comfortable? MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:29 PM No storms that's a good thing. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:29 PM :: Gathers his kits :: Who else will be on this inspection? Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:29 PM Me, you, and the good Doctor. 9:30 PM ::steps into the shuttle:: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:30 PM :: Steps into the shuttle as well :: Shall I drive? MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:30 PM ::also steps into the shuttle:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:30 PM Actually, I need some flight time. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:31 PM ::Gets Muuhi's measurements and puts it into the computer:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:31 PM ::hits a button to jack the chair way up so she can see:: 9:31 PM ::sits and starts preflight:: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:31 PM Alright then. :: Secures himself :: MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:31 PM ::takes a seat:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:32 PM I do want a good observation of the cargo ships that have taken up docking orbit near Athena. 9:33 PM Ready for lift off. 9:33 PM ::signals for clearance from the "tower":: LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 9:33 PM ::grants clearance:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:33 PM ::mental note to get around to actually building a tower:: 9:34 PM ::the shuttle lifts up from the ground and begins moving forward:: Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:34 PM You know, I can't stop thinking about, well....me? This entire experience. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:35 PM Yes, I can't imagine. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:36 PM ::the shuttle picks up speed and altitude:: Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:37 PM ::puts in some potential clothing based on Caitian fashion onto the screen:: These should suit you nicely... Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:37 PM I miss piloting a shuttle. Perhaps I should get some kind of hovercycle. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:38 PM I wonder if these Caitians would accept me, if the need arises. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:38 PM I'm sure they will. Most Caitians I've come across are very friendly and open. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:38 PM As long as the doctors can put you back together if you run into anything. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:40 PM But your wife might have some choice words for you Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:41 PM Probably. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:41 PM Just calculate all the risks involved before deciding. 9:42 PM Coming into visual of Athena. ::signals them we are on approach:: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:42 PM Are we expecting anything unusual in this inspection? Kelsa BOT 8/30/2024 9:43 PM ::sends clearance for the shuttlebay:: Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:43 PM Doctor, does anyone understand how I was created? Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:44 PM Nijil, maybe? Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:44 PM ACTION: Athena, the old Klingon ship orbits with a swarm of drones and worker pods spinning around it. Much of the external namaged areas were removed. 9:44 PM Sometimes, unusual is the usual. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:44 PM Hmm, that ship's something. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:45 PM Yes, we just need to know what it's becoming. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:46 PM I spoke to him about it, but he is still looking through all of the logs. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:46 PM ::does the normal visual flyby:: Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:46 PM hm, i would think he'd be the most familiar. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:49 PM ::turns and moves into pattern to land in the shuttle bay:: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:49 PM :: Looking out the window at the ship :: Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:50 PM I have to say, other than being a bit smaller, I feel just as the real Muuhi felt. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:51 PM ::slides through the shuttle forcefield and lands softly into the deck:: Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:51 PM That's... good I would say. So, I'll go ahead and replicate you your clothes. You do have a place to stay and have somewhere to put your clothes in, right? (edited) Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:52 PM Yes, they gave me a nice place across the way. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:53 PM :: Gathers his kits :: Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:53 PM That's great ::replicates her clothes::: Here we go. This should be enough to last you awhile. ::puts the clothes in a duffle bag:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:54 PM ::turns in her seat:: Okay, this is what I was expecting. I want to learn the extend of the repairs. Look for any upgrades that could be questionable in their purpose. Kelsa BOT 8/30/2024 9:54 PM ::leaves to meet group at the bay:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:54 PM ::stands and moves towards the shuttle hatch:: MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 9:54 PM ::stands and follows the captain:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:56 PM ::looking around the shuttle bay:: Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:56 PM This is very kind of you. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:57 PM No problem. I hope they're to your liking. (edited) Kelsa BOT 8/30/2024 9:58 PM ::Arriving at the bay:: Welcome aboard. Muuhi BOT 8/30/2024 9:58 PM You know, Niji has memories of Prani and Muuhi. Maybe he is the best to speak with about this. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 9:58 PM I would say so, yes. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 9:58 PM Thank you for having us. Sorry it took so long to come visit. Things have been a little busy down on the surface. Though, things seem rather busy up here as well. Kelsa BOT 8/30/2024 9:59 PM They are. She's been needing the repair work after all those years out. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 9:59 PM :: Thinking he should have put this all in a case :: Kelsa BOT 8/30/2024 10:00 PM Hopefully things will smooth out soon for both of us, then. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 10:00 PM We can build a list of systems that need attention from this inspection. Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/30/2024 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 10:01 PM ::freeze frame:: Captain Sylfaen 8/30/2024 10:01 PM Thanks everyone. 10:01 PM We will pick up right there next week. 10:02 PM Any questions? 10:02 PM Then, Dismissed and Goodnight all. MimiPavilion 8/30/2024 10:02 PM Night all see ya next week Nijil tr'Korjata 8/30/2024 10:03 PM Until then. Dacia Sandero 8/30/2024 10:05 PM GOodnight LtCdr Jylliene 8/30/2024 10:05 PM Nighters all!! Exported 126 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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There are no hobbits there. But, there are murder cats. And you have 1 crewmate with you who needs some quick medical attention. Transporters are blocked by the rocks, Arc dropped down some gear. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:02 PM Hi Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:02 PM hey 9:02 PM Any questions before we start? Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:03 PM Dimensions of the hole? Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:03 PM it's pretty big. Like it used to be a shelter (?) or a basement. 9:04 PM There's some equipment down there too and there are some animals Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:04 PM But we can't climb out of it? 9:04 PM I can't cast levitate? Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:06 PM nope.... well, not without gear or without finding the stairs, if they exist Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:06 PM I'm rolling for investigate... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:06 PM no questions here (edited) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:06 PM none here Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:07 PM ok then... 9:07 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/28/2024 9:07 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:07 PM ::looking through the crate and going through the gear:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:08 PM Joy> ::tending to injured crewman:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:08 PM USG> ::getting tended to:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:08 PM So if this place was a camp...presumably there's a way in and out, or at least there was. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:08 PM :: Looking up :: "I'm not seeing anyway to get higher just yet." Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:09 PM Also, we stunned a cat, so we should probably get samples of the venom to analyze. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:09 PM ::hands stunned cat to Natell:: can you sample this? Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:10 PM ACTION> The NPC is really not doing well... 9:10 PM ACTION> :: myow, myow, myow.... from all around :: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:10 PM "Do we have something sterile to put it in?" Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:10 PM Joy> ::gives the NPC a hypospray:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:12 PM ::taking an inventory and looking for the climbing picks:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:13 PM ACTION> there are eyes glinting occasionally from all around the AT in the dark Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:14 PM ::hands the tools over to the rest of the AT:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:15 PM Joy> There should be sterile containers in the container that was just delivered. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:15 PM can you all go through this? there may be more animals Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:15 PM Dana> On it. Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:15 PM ACTION> a cat runs across one of the rafters above.... Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:15 PM :: Starts searching for the sample containers :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:16 PM ::shoots at cat with phaser on stun:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:16 PM ACTION> the rafter protects the cat 9:17 PM ACTION> more cats run toward the AT Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:18 PM Dana> ::starts shooting cats:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:18 PM ACTION> some of the cats get stunned, the rest run Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:19 PM maybe that will keep them away for long enough for us to get out Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:20 PM Dana> Hopefully. ::returns to taking inventory:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:20 PM "Whoa, whoa. More felines." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:23 PM is there a stretcher in there that we can use to get USG out? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:24 PM There's an emergency folding stretcher here...it's not going to be the most comfortable, but it should be able to get him out. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:24 PM "We should not stay long." :: finds a sample container. "Finally got it." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:25 PM i'm probably in the best shape, so I can climb out first, and then we can use the ropes to bring everyone else up. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:27 PM Joy> Hopefully Medbay will be able to use the samples to develop an antidote to...whatever this is... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:28 PM i'm ready to make the climb if everyone else is, or did we wanted to explore any more? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:29 PM I think we should get out of here for now...it might be worth exploring more once we get everyone to safety and we're prepared. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:29 PM "I got the sample, so let's go." Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:31 PM okay. ::grabs the picks and ties the rope around herself:: 9:32 PM ::starts climbing:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:32 PM ACTION> the rope starts swinging more than it should, as if something is playing with the hook Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:33 PM ::tugs on the rope a bit:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:33 PM ACTION> the hook falls down Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:33 PM that was suboptimal Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:34 PM ACTION> there's a momentary view of some eyes up top, but they're gone in a second Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:34 PM (Natell on the rope?) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:35 PM ((the plan was arizhel first to secure it)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:35 PM ((I think Arizhel was going to free climb it)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:37 PM ::fortunately hadn't gotten too far. tries again to climb without the rope:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:38 PM (( how close is the wall to the hole in the ground? )) 9:38 PM (( you'll have to poke another one when you get to the top )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:38 PM ((i was thinking it was the edge of the hole, kike a downwards tunnel leading in)) (edited) Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:39 PM (( ah, I was thinking one hole up top, walls at the sides ... the hole is a structural failure of the roof )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:40 PM ((oh okay, that's fine!)) 9:41 PM ::still climbing, wondering if she'll be able to dig something useful for everyone else)) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:42 PM "Cardassians are not known for climbing. I hear Denobulans are though." Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:43 PM ACTION> there's something approaching Arizhel on the rafters Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:44 PM ::hears motion but can't really do anything but climb at this point:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:45 PM ACTION> when she gets the the level of the rafters, Arizhel is face to face with a very cute little brown cat Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:47 PM ::tries ignoring the cat:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:47 PM :: Yells up :: "What do you see? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:47 PM a cat Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:47 PM That's...bad. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:47 PM go away, cat! Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:48 PM cat> :: sits on the rafter, watching for now :: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/28/2024 9:48 PM "More cats?" Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:48 PM ::looking for an easy way to the hole out:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:50 PM cats> :: walking on the rafters :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:51 PM I don't think this will work Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:51 PM cats> :: waiting :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:51 PM even if i can get through the cats, i don't want the rest of you to risk it Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:54 PM cats> :: looking down occasionally :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:54 PM ::climbs back down:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:54 PM cats> :: looking sideways :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:55 PM let's keep exploring, and if there isn't a better way out we can stun all the cats 9:56 PM ::is back down:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:57 PM Sounds good. I'll back you up. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:57 PM ::starts walking more towards the interior:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:59 PM ::following:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:59 PM ACTION> there are what used to be rooms in the interior with partially collapsed walls and doors 9:59 PM ((and...)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 9:59 PM ::looking through the rooms for anything of interest:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 9:59 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/28/2024 9:59 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 9:59 PM paus'd Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 10:00 PM paused Captain Lo'Ami 8/28/2024 10:00 PM gnight... until next week... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/28/2024 10:00 PM goodnight! Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/28/2024 10:00 PM night! Exported 102 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Meanwhile, Manticore has received new orders. An experimental ship has gone missing near the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Manticore has been sent in to investigate with all hopes to retrieve it. It's been 8 hours. Captain McFly has finished studying the missing briefing and is ready to fill in the rest of the crew. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1284, STARDATE 52408.26 = = (edited) 9:06 PM FYI, I'm continuing with our 8 hour TBS. We'll start with a senior staff meeting and then do a time jump. 9:06 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/26/2024 9:06 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:07 PM +SENIOR STAFF+ Meeting in 10 minutes. Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:08 PM ::in his office in sickbay, hears the page for the meeting:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:08 PM ::In the science lab, when she hears the comm. Heads to the turbolift:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:08 PM ::Logs off her console and heads to the Lounge:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:08 PM ::Stands up in his office, unsure if it will ever stop feeling like T'Prise's desk:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:09 PM Enjoy the meeting. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:09 PM :::Stops for a coffee:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:09 PM :: swims around the CetOps Engineering Console :: Sven are you a senior Staff member. I think you qualify. Bren Faliver ::Stands up in his office, unsure if it will ever stop feeling like T'Prise's desk:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:09 PM ((That's a deep cut)) Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:09 PM ::exits sickbay and heads to the turbolift:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:09 PM ::enters the turbolift:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:09 PM I guess that means I am in charge of the bridge. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:10 PM if you can handle it Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:10 PM But I cannot survive outside of za tank. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/26/2024 9:10 PM ::mumbles:: Oh, lord. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:10 PM I was forced into being the XO. I am overly qualified now. ::grins:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:10 PM ((We'll have Sven on video comm. Like Voyager's Doctor in the early seasons)) Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:10 PM ::steps into the briefing room, from somewhere:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:10 PM (oooh) 9:11 PM ::Exits the lift and enters the briefing room:: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:11 PM ::enters turbolift:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:11 PM enjoy the chair Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:11 PM ::watches the feed thru video link:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:11 PM I am activating a a holoscreen for you sir......so you can particpate....:: does so :: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:11 PM :::Heads into the Lounge, takes her seat:: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:11 PM . Sounds good. Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:11 PM ::exits TL and heads to briefing room:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:11 PM :: Gets up from Ops and heads into the lounge, taking a seat :: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:12 PM ::takes a seat as well:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:12 PM :: Walks the ship for a bit :: Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:12 PM :: Working on the engines :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:12 PM ::moves to the CC:: Sanchez, monitor Ops while the meeting is going on please. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:12 PM + Erich Jaenke + Pardon me sir...there is a senior staff meeting where your attendance is required. Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:12 PM ::Pops out of a Jefferies Tube hatch on the side of the bridge, stands up, straightens out his uniform, flicks a fleck of flour from lunch off his chest, and heads to the ready room:: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:12 PM ::takes a seat in the briefing room:: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/26/2024 9:13 PM ::attaches the ops screen to his helm control:: Aye sir. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:13 PM ( most impressive Bren...most impressive ) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:13 PM ::watches Bren come out of a jefferies tube:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:14 PM :::Playing with her knife::: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:14 PM (( I had no choice, everyone else tied up the turbolifts )) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:14 PM ((as long as its clean with your crumbs and stuff)) Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:14 PM ((There is a trail)) Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:15 PM :: swims around :: Oh dear I hope he got the message.... Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:15 PM ACTION> PUSHES TIME FORWARD TO MEETING TIME BECAUSE WHAT IS TIME ANYWAY Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:16 PM :::Slips coffee:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:16 PM ::sips coffee:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:16 PM ::walks into the lounge behind the bridge; double takes seeing an orca on screen; forgets about the CetOps tank; walks over to the main screen and taps some buttons:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:16 PM ::coughs quietly:: that's not a screensaver, Captain Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:16 PM ::takes a seat at the table:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:17 PM ((McFly playing whose ship is it anyway walking into the lounge)) Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:17 PM :: Sits :: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:17 PM (Gila as well?) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:17 PM :: Looks over as McFly walks in :: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:17 PM ::watches the Captain interact with the screen:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:17 PM Ladies and gentleman, the great experiment... Prometheus. ::Brings up a picture on the screen without an Orca face:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:17 PM ::crosses his leg and just monitors everything:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:17 PM looks around:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:17 PM Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:17 PM :::Glances up as McFly enters:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:17 PM Oooooh! Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:18 PM ::his lustful eyes gaze at her beauty:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:18 PM :: Looks at the screen :: Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:18 PM I have read about this class. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:18 PM I'm not impressed by them Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:19 PM mmmm pointy Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:19 PM ::clears his throat:: The USS Prometheus, classified as a deep space tactical vessel. This is the Starfleet corps of engineers second attempt at a Borg killer after the failure of the Defiant. Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:19 PM Sorenson, it was for warp field dynamics. Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:20 PM ::looks at the screen, listens to the briefing:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:20 PM ::nods impressively:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:20 PM ::Thinks that it looks like a flying trowel, and what is this excess with 4 nacelles?:: Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:20 PM I saw her at Utopia Planitia, but she wasn't complete. Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:20 PM :: Sees an officer through a video link :: Cdr. Faldek I saw her at Utopia Planitia, but she wasn't complete. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:20 PM ((That's what she said)) Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:20 PM ::Hears Faldek and looks back at the picture:: Well she's all dressed up now and ready to paint the quadrant red. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:21 PM :: is happy that CetOps is participating in this brief :: Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:21 PM :: Brings up a PiP feed of Sven :: 2 Captain McFly ::his lustful eyes gaze at her beauty:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:21 PM (( )) 2 Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:21 PM I am guessing there is a problem with it then Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:21 PM ::clears his throat again:: She comes complete with regenerative shielding, ablative hull armor and her secret weapon, multi-vector assault mode. Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:22 PM Hm, seems complicated. Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:22 PM ::under his breath:: Yessss, now tell us about the sensors Bren Faliver ::under his breath:: Yessss, now tell us about the sensors Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:23 PM ((I would if I could find that information )) (edited) Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:23 PM Multi-vector assault mode, eh? Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:23 PM :: Listens :: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:24 PM No clue what it is. I spent the better part of six hours trying to get into engineering documents, but they're locked up tight. Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:24 PM ::stays quiet:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:25 PM :: works on staffing reports...perhaps Sven will share the details after the meeting if he is allowed to :: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:25 PM ::Lifts one hand::I could find some information out... maybe Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:25 PM So why am I telling you about this, this... ::looks over at the screen again:: this marvel of art, bruan and science? (edited) Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:25 PM :: Enters where the non-humanoid officers...swim :: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:25 PM ::looks up interested as she takes another sip of coffee:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:26 PM :: notes a beeper suggesting a visitor has entered CetOps :: 9:26 PM :: swims over to the airlock :: Violet (Civilian) BOT 8/26/2024 9:26 PM :: Sitting in the mess hall eating some new food choices, but nearly all choice were new :: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:28 PM Uhm, The Prometheus was on a shakedown cruise along the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Thirty-two hours ago she failed to check in at her scheduled time. All attempts at contact have failed. Her escorts have also gone silent. No indication of why. Starfleet is fearing the worst but hoping for the best. Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:28 PM ::watches the humanoid:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:28 PM :: Looks at the large tank, wondering how the water does not get displaced if the inertial dampeners fail. Guess that would be the least of their problems :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:29 PM ah.....it says you are Dr. Gila Orrak....welcome. Apologies our senior officer Sven is in a senior staff meeting at the moment. Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:29 PM ::Listens as he punches up a starchart of that area:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:29 PM Our mission is to find her, preferably in tact. But at the very least, they need to know what happened to her. As a reminder, we have a new dorsal module full of experimental sensors and enhanced comm arrays. We may need them. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:29 PM Yes, how can ve help yoo? Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:29 PM Any questions? Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:30 PM Should I contact intel on this ship and it's mission Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:30 PM . Isn't that area fairly near Romulan space? How many escort ships did it have? Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:31 PM "Yes, somehow I forgot this location existed. Not the normal liquid I would swim in however." Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:31 PM ((Those damn Romulans)) Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:31 PM That is why you are wearing the required wetsuit..... Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:31 PM ::Still listening:: Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:32 PM hoomans tend to forget we exist here too. I didn't think you were able to scuba dive. Hmm, interesting. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:32 PM ::Kansas:: Go ahead and see what you can find. The engineering corps has been very tight lipped but see what you can find. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:32 PM "I am not wearing anything yet." :: standing there :: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:32 PM right, on it Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:32 PM Ah, it's hard to see in this tank your outer wearings. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:33 PM :::taps on her PADD::: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:33 PM ::Sven:: Yes, good call. They weren't straddling the Romulan boarder but they were about a good couple of days away from it. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:33 PM errumph..... Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:33 PM We haven't had any Romulan sightings so far but, you know, cloaks and all. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:33 PM "It can be refreshing to see non-biped entities. I presume I am hearing an approximation of your voice through the universal translation?" Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:34 PM We're still 12 hours away from their last known location, so we have time to prepare. Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:34 PM Hm I see. If the worst did indeed happen, there'd probably be a debris field somewhere. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:34 PM I would expect, yes. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:35 PM :: laughs :: "I can swim very well, actually." Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:35 PM CetOps requires non Cetaceans to wear wetsuits to ensure or habitat's water quality if you require entry Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:35 PM Ja, pretty much. Unless you can speak Norwegian or communicate through clicks. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/26/2024 9:35 PM ::snores lightly:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks CetOps requires non Cetaceans to wear wetsuits to ensure or habitat's water quality if you require entry Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:35 PM ((Don't pee in the pool!)) Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:35 PM ( right? ) Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:35 PM Maybe you can get your pal Annika to teach you. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:35 PM "Very well." :: goes to the panel to select the wet suit :: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:35 PM Alright, unless there's anything further, you're dismissed. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:35 PM ::hears snoring:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:35 PM "I will not need lessons." Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:36 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:36 PM Bren, hang back for a second. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:36 PM :: Gets her suit on :: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:36 PM Hmm, interesting. ::closes the comm:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:36 PM ::leaves the briefing room:: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:36 PM ::nods, stands up, and exits the lounge:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:36 PM ::taps on the command chair console making an alert appear on the helm console of a possible collision:: Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:37 PM Welp, work to prepare for again. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:37 PM :: Gets up and heads back to the bridge, slipping back into his seat at Ops :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/26/2024 9:37 PM ::wakes up panicking:: EVASIVE! Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:37 PM :: Gets her breather attached :: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:37 PM ((He must have taken the dog out)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:37 PM At ease Sanchez. And wake up. Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:37 PM I'm here Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:37 PM +Sven+ We should probably start enhancing sensors to scan for debris. Maybe try to see if there's any Romulan disruptor signals? Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:37 PM ((No, was reading Memory Alpha about nacelles)) 1 Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:37 PM :: Enters the airlock, watching the water rise :: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:38 PM ::hears Sanchez and raises an eyebrow; heads into the lift to head back to sickbay:: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/26/2024 9:38 PM Sorry sir. ::wakes up:: Bren Faliver ((No, was reading Memory Alpha about nacelles)) Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:38 PM ((These ships got some sexy legs on them)) Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:38 PM ::looking at McFly:: KARL BOT 8/26/2024 9:38 PM ;;grumbles::: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:38 PM ::swims to where the other cetaceans are:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:38 PM :: swims around:: What is your purpose here Doctor? Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:39 PM :: As soon as the door opens she shots out like a cannon, quickly circling the closes cetacean :: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:39 PM +Annika+ Ja, that's probably a good start Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:39 PM ::shakes his head, as he stands noting the exit of the lounge folks:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:39 PM ::Looks back at Faldek; looks around then back to him:: What? Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:39 PM ::exits TL and heads back to sickbay:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:39 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/26/2024 9:39 PM ::unattaches ops controls from Helm:: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:39 PM ::heads to the Science II terminal on the bridge:: Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:40 PM ::leaves the briefing room:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:40 PM :::Walks over to McFly:: I might have to contct dark Ops contacts Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:40 PM ::standing in front of the CC, looking at the viewscreen:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:40 PM Ah Sven, where is the ship going now? Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:41 PM Well don't go too far down the rabbit hole. Chances are we're going to find a debris field. Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:41 PM Vell... ::looks at Gila swimming around::... it looks like ze hoomans lost one of their new toys and ve need to go find it. Hopefully, it didn't blow up. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:41 PM understood Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:41 PM ::goes down the ramp, looking at Pilot:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:41 PM ::remains seated:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:41 PM ::Thwapps him on the rear:: Captain Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:41 PM new toys....a big toy or little toy? Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:42 PM ::works with the Cetaceans and notices Gila:: +Gila+ Oh hey Gila, what brings you in CetOps? I didn't know you can dive.... we should go diving sometime. Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:42 PM ::enters sickbay:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:42 PM ::liked it but knows it's inappropriate; doesn't care:: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:42 PM . Big toy... very pointy. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:42 PM :: Swimming very quickly in the water :: "I have spent a good deal of time in water, though this is a little cold for my tastes." Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:42 PM ;;;exit the lounge and heads to the tac console:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:42 PM ::turns to see Faldek walking down the ramp:: I stand relieved. She is all yours. Nothing happened. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:43 PM The Doctor has not disclosed why she is here sir... Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:43 PM . Ja, it needs to be cold... Banks here doesn't do vell in varm vater... him, being a beluga. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:43 PM ::moves back to TAC 2:: Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:43 PM Ya don't say. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:43 PM +Sorenson+ "I forgot this was here honestly." :: darts past one of Sven's eyes :: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:44 PM ::Sits down next to Bren:: I've had a chance to talk with Pilot but not you. I wanted to personally commend you on your handling of Manticore while I was... well, gone. I know that's not something you particularly wanted. Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:44 PM ::takes a seat:: Get the sensor suite warmed up. OPS, make sure it has whatever power is needed for extended operations. (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:44 PM ((Don't beat him again Bren. )) Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:44 PM Thank you, Captain. It was certainly different, heh Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:44 PM "I had a lot of friends that swam, something to pass the time." Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:44 PM :: Nods :: Aye, Commander. Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:44 PM +Gila+ Ahh, I see. Well, enjoy your visit. If you need to do a check up on them, the aqua scanners are in the locker you past just before the ladders into the tank. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:45 PM ::Taps away, moving power to the sensor suite :: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:45 PM :::Pulls out a black Data crystal and Pops into her console:: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:45 PM ::begins making some preparations in sickbay in case they find the Prometheus and/or its escorts and there are injuries:: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:45 PM . The water does get varmer in the dolphins' section of the tank. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:45 PM I bet. Well I put a commendation on your record and I'll be keeping you in mind for command opportunities in the future. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:45 PM "I can tell." Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:46 PM Aw, I appreciate that. Just don't go getting kidnapped -- or worse -- anytime soon? Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:46 PM ::looks at Sorenson:: Commander... Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:46 PM :: Enters engineering :: Well, time to check and re-check each and every system. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:46 PM No promises. ::smirks:: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:46 PM Ve orcas can enter both sections, but the dolphins and Banks here are separated by the pressure lock. Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:46 PM Yes sir? ::to Faldek:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:47 PM ehh.....Sven...anything I need to do to ready CetOps....or shall I confer with Main Engineering on preparations? Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:47 PM Get the dorsal sensor suite warmed up and searching for our missing ship. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:47 PM ::looks at KK:: Anything interesting to share from the briefing? Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:47 PM Tell me EJ, how did the Captian get snatched Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:47 PM Will do, sir. I'm working with CetOps to do just that. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:47 PM ((I'll leave it up to you, we can time jump now or just continue here and do that next week)) Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:48 PM Good. Thank you. Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:48 PM ((You know that taxes the temporal engines)) Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:48 PM Ve need to ready the sensors to search for our missing ship. You'll probably need to co-ordinate with them to prepare the dorsal sensor suite. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:48 PM ::::Put eye into the ret-scan::: Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:48 PM ::nods:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:48 PM Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:48 PM Very well.... I will work with Mr. Jaenke. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:48 PM ::pauses:: We were leaving, got attacked, he jumped on the alien's back without my knowledge and i went to attack got kicked into a shuttle console and launched against my will. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:49 PM If you execuse Me Doctor I must work....:: swims away :: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:49 PM ACTION> TIME MOVES FORWARD 12 HOURS Dr. Gila Orrak 8/26/2024 9:49 PM :: Sleeping now :: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:49 PM Do you know how many time I put my life in from of A9's Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:49 PM ACTION> MANTICORE ARRIVES AT THE COORDINATES; A VISIBLE DEBRIS FIELD IS SEEN ON SCREEN Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:49 PM :: Wish he was sleeping now :: Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:50 PM ::sees the debris field:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:50 PM Numerous times, I'd imagine. Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:50 PM ::sleeping as well:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:50 PM everytime, it was my life's work Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:50 PM ::Sitting at Science-1, drinking tea-sludge:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:50 PM Mister Harnett, scan the field. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:50 PM Aye. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:50 PM :: Still on the bridge at Ops :: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:50 PM That does not look pleasant..... Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:50 PM it was my mission Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:50 PM :: Scans :: Aye sir, scanning Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:50 PM ::unsure of where this is going:: Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:51 PM ::stands up from XO chair:: (edited) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:51 PM Absolutely. Violet (Civilian) BOT 8/26/2024 9:51 PM Erich? Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 9:51 PM ::In his office in sickbay:: Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:51 PM :: he jumps :: Ah, yes, what? Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:51 PM my mission. now if to put my life infront of McFly's Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:51 PM No, it doesn't. Ve'd better start scanning for that pointy ship. Start by focusing on the newer materials it was comprised of. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:51 PM Yes it is. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:51 PM my life for his Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:52 PM +Bridge+ Can we bring some of it on board? Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:52 PM +Erich+ Sure, if you think it would help. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:52 PM Sir, I am detecting three different ships in this debris field, two starfleet signatures, one Romulan. Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:52 PM Let's also separate the Starfleet and non-Starfleet debris as well. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:52 PM And while protecting the ship as well. I think Commander Faldek shares that responsibility as well as XO. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:52 PM So, they were here. Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:53 PM :: to Sven :: Once the humanoids begin scanning the wreckage we will be able to determine the origin of the debris quickly Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:53 PM should we colllect a ssample to be sure Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:53 PM Romulans... Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:53 PM That's what I'm hoping for. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:53 PM ::turns to the viewscreen when he hears Romulans:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:53 PM ::Gets up and walks up the ramp to Bren:: Commander, can we get a better reading on those signatures. I'd like to know if one of them is the Prometheus. Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:53 PM ::manning a terminal, checking the debris:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:54 PM ::starts scanning for cloaked vessels near us just in case:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:54 PM + Erich Jaenke + Lieutenant Banks here...I am ready to assist on chemical analysis of the debris.. Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:54 PM Right away 9:54 PM ::Fingers go tappity-tappity:: Erich Jaenke 8/26/2024 9:55 PM +Banks+ That will be helpful. Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:55 PM Mister Harnett, start checking for any warp signatures. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:55 PM :: Nods and starts scanning :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:56 PM ::to KK:: scanning for cloaked vessels. Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:56 PM Good news ::raises his voice like it's a question::.... there are no traces of the advanced materials expected from the Prometheus. These are, unfortunately, two other Federation ships. Perhaps its escorts? Still working on identifying them. Sven BOT 8/26/2024 9:56 PM ::filters the sensors to separate for Starfleet and alien materials:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 9:57 PM :::Getting data unload into her crystal:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 9:57 PM :: swims to Inga :: any escape pods? Cdr. Faldek 8/26/2024 9:57 PM Scan the weapons residue on the Starfleet and Romulan hull pieces. Kansas Kenickie :::Getting data unload into her crystal:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:57 PM ((What's next, reiki?? :P)) Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:58 PM ::assisting to try to identify the wreckage:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:58 PM ::pulls up another scanning window:: Aye Commander. Inga BOT 8/26/2024 9:58 PM No escape pods... yet. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 9:58 PM ::checking for weapons residues on the hulls:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 9:58 PM I guess that's kind of good news. Still sucks we lost two ships. Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 9:59 PM Unfortunate, I believe I can identify part of the dorsal module of another Nebula class. Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 9:59 PM ::Wonders, for some reason, whether the CetOps officers can enter a holodeck filled with water:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 9:59 PM :: Looks up from Ops :: I have a warp signature, it appears the ship was attempting to mask it, but it was not done properly.... it will be hard to follow, if we can follow it... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:00 PM ::to Faldek:: Scans show phaser and disruptor damage. But the romulan ship looks like it exploded and damaged the other two ships. Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 10:00 PM :::Scans for warp signatures:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 10:00 PM :: swims back to his station awaiting for the debris samples for analysis :: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 10:00 PM Whatever did this was oddly thorough, unless we find the bridge's dedication plaque in the debris, I'm not sure we're going to get positive ID. The pieces are just too small.... Lieutenant "Bart" Banks 8/26/2024 10:00 PM ( I must depart folks goodnight ) Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 10:00 PM ::kicks off a scan for brass or bronze sheets:: Lieutenant "Bart" Banks ( I must depart folks goodnight ) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:00 PM ((night!)) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 10:00 PM (Night)) Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 10:01 PM Oh-OH! ::Stands up:: Captain, we have company, but either they are ignoring us or don't realize we're here.... whatever they are. This doesn't quite match... I think it's Romulan. Slight chance its Ferengi... 10:02 PM ::to himself:: but the Ferengi aren't even supposed to have... oh, maybe those... what are they called... Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 10:02 PM Ferengi Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ::looks at his scanners from Tac2:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 10:02 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ::paused:: Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ::paused:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 10:02 PM ::Paused:: Captain McFly 8/26/2024 10:03 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 8/26/2024 10:03 PM nothng from me, nice wok everyone Captain McFly 8/26/2024 10:04 PM TBS will be immediate 10:04 PM Questions or Comments? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:04 PM Comment, don't get captured. Thanks! Kansas Kenickie nothng from me, nice wok everyone Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 10:04 PM 2 1 Captain McFly 8/26/2024 10:04 PM Well I WAS going to, but I guess I won't now. 10:05 PM Enjoying that wok there? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:05 PM LOL Bren Faliver 8/26/2024 10:05 PM Uncle Roger! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/26/2024 10:05 PM Uncle Roger!! Captain McFly 8/26/2024 10:05 PM If nothing then don't forget to grab your complimentary wok as you... walk out... DISMISSED!!! Annika Sorenson 8/26/2024 10:05 PM Fui yooo 1 Exported 318 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Natell and Dana fell in a hole when they strayed slightly off the line behind Arizhel & sec 9:04 PM In the hole, they can hear some animal noises (and see some animal scurrying) and found some artifacts indicating that the hole was likely used as an encampment 9:04 PM There's more down there to explore Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:05 PM how far away am i? Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:07 PM I don't know... your cbco kept walking 9:07 PM Maybe you'll notice they're gone 9:08 PM Any other questions? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:09 PM none from me, though i only backscrolled and read the end of the chat from last week, not the whole thing Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:09 PM so I guess you didn't notice when we killed you Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:10 PM lol Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:11 PM we didn't kill you, we just got your cbco a bit wet 9:11 PM If there's nothing else... 9:11 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/21/2024 9:11 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:12 PM ::still walking ahead, a little wet, looking around to see what is in front of her:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:13 PM ::still creeping towards the animal noises, a bit nervous not having security around:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:13 PM (sorry,fixing my daughter's game on PC) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:13 PM ((she's alive!)) 1 Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:13 PM ::starting to notice that it's a bit quiet.:: Dana?... Natell?... Joy? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:14 PM Joy> They...uh...they appear to have fallen down a hole a ways back. 9:14 PM Joy> I tried to alert you but you were so intent on hunting those things... Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:15 PM (trapped in hole right?) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:15 PM I apologize. We should go back to them. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:15 PM ((Yup)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:15 PM ::to unnamed sec guy:: you packed rappelling gear, right? USG> yes, sir. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:15 PM ((there's a hole, there's a hole...)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:16 PM Joy> Just over this way! They seemed to dodge a bit off the path, and suddenly disappeared. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:16 PM lead the way! Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:16 PM :: in the hole ::sound> myow Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:16 PM ::follows the doctor because she seems to know where she's going:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:17 PM ::glances around, shining light:: 9:18 PM Joy> Here it is...they just disappeared down that shaft. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:18 PM :: further down in hole ::> mew, mew... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:19 PM ::shines her light down the shaft:: Dana? Natell? Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:19 PM shaft> :: is very well hidden in the ground, since it has been covered by vegetation :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:20 PM ::looking for darker spots in the vegetation:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:20 PM :: from the trees above Arizhel :: myow! Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:20 PM ::vaguely hears something:: Did you hear something from behind us? Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:21 PM ACTION> :: something lands hard on Joy's back, pushing her to fall down into the hole :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:21 PM ::spins around to see Joy fall:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:22 PM Joy> Eek! Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:22 PM USC, hand me the grappling hook. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:22 PM ACTION> :: something bigger lands on Arizhel... who is (presumably) better balanced than Joy :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:22 PM USC> ::hands her the grappling hook and rope:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:22 PM I think someone else fell down the hole...we should head back and see. 9:23 PM ::hurries back toward hole entrance:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:23 PM ACTION> :: but gives her and the rope a push :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:23 PM ::tries to hook the hook around the animal to drag it off of her 9:23 PM ::and falls:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:23 PM Animal> :: quickly jumps onto USG :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:23 PM USC> This was not covered in my Starfleet Academy training! 9:23 PM USC> ::also falls:: (edited) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:24 PM Animal> :: hits straight in the face, then takes a jump :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:24 PM ((no clue why i started calling him USC, I cannot type)) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:24 PM Animal> :: mrrrrrooooowwww --- as it lands on its feet without falling:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:24 PM ::is in the bottom of the hole, but does have a rope and grappling hook:: 9:25 PM What the heck do you want, you oversized cat? Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:25 PM Animal> :: runs for it and hides in a hole:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:25 PM Are you guys all right? Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:25 PM ((a hole in a hole )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:26 PM I'm fine. is everyone else okay? anyone's suit punctured? 9:26 PM ::slowly moving towards the others, though her shoulder and back hurt but she's not going to admit that:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:27 PM I can't scale the wall of the hole. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:27 PM Yours seems to be all right. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:27 PM (New keyboard is not kind to miss types) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:27 PM (( Who's Miss Types? )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:28 PM USG> ::in a pile of agony:: I could use a little help 9:28 PM did any of you catch what that creature was? Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:28 PM (The secretary as you enter the bridge, takes our subspace calls) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:28 PM (( so anyone's suits have holes? )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:28 PM ((USG)) 9:29 PM ((but he doesn't notice it)) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:29 PM (( ok, I will keep that in mind )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:29 PM Joy> Oh, goodness, I'm sorry. Let me scan you. ::scans USG:: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:29 PM USG> ::stoically allows himself to be scanned:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:29 PM ACTION> there's a small nick where USG's suit punctured Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:30 PM (I'm not sure where everyone is exactly. I'm in a hole (lotta trouble)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:30 PM ((we're all in a hole, some with holes in the hole)) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:30 PM (( Joy, Arizhel and USG sec NPC just fell down the hole... so they are where you got in ... you and Dana are also in the hole )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:31 PM ((I think we're back with them, assuming you followed me when I came rushing back:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:31 PM (( you have not yet explored the whole hole )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:33 PM ::looking around the hole with her flashlight and walking towards the others:: (edited) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:34 PM This is a big whole. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:34 PM ((and that's not even the half of it )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:35 PM This seems to be full of animals and debris from an ancient military encampment. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:35 PM A military encampment? That could be the key to learning more about what was going on here. 9:36 PM Though we may not be able to explore much longer if we're being attacked by the local fauna Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:36 PM ACTION> USG's wound is starting to get inflamed Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:38 PM Joy> Oh, dear, I think we need to get you back to the Arc. 9:38 PM Joy> +Medbay+ Joy to Arc, one to beam directly to Medbay, animal wound, appears envemoned. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:39 PM we'll probably need to beam out and regroup but I will let the captain know Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:39 PM Arc> +Joy+ locking on now.... 9:39 PM ACTION> the transporter beam engages, but looks like it's taking a very long time.... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:40 PM +bridge+ Arizhel to arc. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:40 PM ACTION> and USG comes back to the hole 9:40 PM ^+Arizhel+ go ahead Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:41 PM +arc+ we're down both of my security recruits though we failed to beam USG out and are stuck in a hole, after repeatedly being attacked by the local wildlife, which has been too fast for me to shoot. The hole seems to be blocking transporter signal. 9:42 PM +arc+ we could use some help getting out of the hole but I don't want to risk more people. Please advise. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:42 PM ^+Arizhel+ The location you are in seems to be shielded 9:43 PM ^+Arizhel+ Our scanners can penetrate it, but it's blocking the transporter Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:43 PM could we have someone heavily armored shuttle down with extraction gear? 9:43 PM ::wishes they had construction machines:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:43 PM Joy> Oh. ::to USG:: We'll get you comfortable. Just rest for now. Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:44 PM ((picture the little back hoe that dug out the ship stuck in the Suez. she would like one of those)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:44 PM We did encounter some smashed syringes and instructions for some kind of medicine...I wonder if the military encamped here had some kind of antivenin for the animal scratches. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:45 PM ^+Arizhel+ it looks like there's a small area where we may be able to get equipment to you 9:45 PM ^+Arizhel+ there's a physical opening in the ground. We can beam equipment there and let it drop. 9:46 PM ^+Arizhel+ But we can't tell how far down it will go. WIll that work? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:47 PM +arc+ That's better than nothing. I might be able to climb partway up and get it if we need to. 9:47 PM ::checks that everyone is clear of the entrance, including USG:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:48 PM ACTION> USG's not feeling very well about now... Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:48 PM ::drags USG out of the way:: 9:48 PM +arc+ we're ready whenever you are Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:49 PM ^+Arizhel+ what would you like us to send down? Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:52 PM ::comes up with a plausible list and sends it to the arc's computers. definitely includes shovels, some explosives, climbing picks and stakes, rope, and a ladder:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:53 PM () Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:53 PM ACTION> Arc beams down a pack of supplies in a shatterproof container, they beam in and drop with a thud Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:54 PM :: Wonders if they have a space rope :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:55 PM ::goes over to the container and starts looking through it:: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:55 PM ((We already had a rope)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:55 PM ((we did but we would like more rope)) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:55 PM ((It fell down with Arizhel)) 9:55 PM ((Fair.)) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:55 PM (Should send drones next time) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:56 PM Small Animal> :: cautiously approaching the container :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:56 PM No you don't Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:57 PM (( box! )) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:57 PM ((no box for you!)) Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:58 PM Small animal> :: turns away... for a few seconds :: Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:58 PM ::shoots small animal with phaser set to stun:: 9:58 PM ::is so sick of the animals and just wants a bath:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:58 PM Small animal> :: stunned :: 9:58 PM (( but it was sooo cuuute )) 9:59 PM (( and...)) Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:59 PM ((so are tribbles)) 9:59 PM ::starts grabbing gear and hands it to the folks who are still okay, which seems to be Joy, Natell, and Dana:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 9:59 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/21/2024 9:59 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 9:59 PM paus'd Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 9:59 PM paused Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/21/2024 9:59 PM (moopsy) 10:00 PM Sorry all, off my game Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 10:00 PM are we digging ourselves out or digging ourselves deeper? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 10:00 PM It's OK, happens to everyone. Captain Lo'Ami 8/21/2024 10:00 PM to be continued.... 10:00 PM gnight Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 8/21/2024 10:00 PM have a good night! Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/21/2024 10:02 PM 'night! Exported 148 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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However, they just learned one of their crew is leaving for clandestine pastures. Callista Tyrel has taken a job working for SFI and is departing the ship. While we wait for new orders, we take our time saying goodbye to a cherished friend. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1283, STARDATE 52408.19 = = 9:09 PM TBS was two hours. 9:09 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/19/2024 9:10 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:10 PM :::Hurring down the hall::: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:11 PM :: in Main Engineering saying farewell to fellow Engineers :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:11 PM ((no running!)) Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:11 PM ::in the science lab:: Erich Jaenke 8/19/2024 9:11 PM :: Standing beside Violet :: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:12 PM ::Enters Sickbay:: Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:12 PM ::in sickbay, continuing to make sure everything is ready for the next mission:: 9:13 PM ::notices KK enter sickbay:: Commander, how may I assist you? Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:13 PM ::finishes his last cup of coffee and recycles the mug in the replicator; walks out onto the bridge and putters around:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:13 PM Hey Doc, standard protocal says I need a once over jumping back on ship.. so thumb this and lets call it a day, k Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:13 PM Commander Jaenke, I promise to clean the injectors when I return..... :: places her coffee cup in a duffle bag she is carrying :: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:13 PM Mr Harnett, what's status of all stations? Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:14 PM ::looks up from the XO chair, hearing McFly, was very intent reading a report on his PADD:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:14 PM Violet, keep an eye on him...Please. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:14 PM ((::sitting next to Faldek:: )) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:14 PM :: Taps away at ops :: All stations are ready, Captain. Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:15 PM ::nods:: Please have a seat on the biobed, and I will conduct your physical as efficeintly as possible. Erich Jaenke 8/19/2024 9:15 PM :: Goes up to Tyrel :: You know the subspace channel to get a hold of me, or the nearest engineer. It could take a while, but we will get the message. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:15 PM ::Pulled along:: can't you thumb it and call it a day Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:15 PM Good, good. ::takes a heavy breath:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:16 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:16 PM ::sitting at Tac with his raktajino, hearing the heavy breath:: Everything okay, Captain? Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:16 PM Having issues Captain? Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:16 PM From what I understand sir....unlike my last mission there will be no COMMs...just couriers. I'll be fine. :: nods to him then gives Violet a hug :: I mean it keep an eye on him. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:16 PM ::listening:: Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:16 PM ::opens medical tricorder and begins scanning KK:: Unfortunately, Commander, Starfleet Medical regulations do not permit me to "thumb it and call it a day". 2 Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:17 PM Yeah it's fine. Just getting a little antsy waiting for something to do. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:17 PM ::Takes a seat, gumbles:: Vulcans Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:17 PM ::gives EJ the side eye for reading his mind:: 1 Erich Jaenke 8/19/2024 9:17 PM There are methods that will lead to messages getting out. Just don't use light speed. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:17 PM :: steps away :: Yes there are...farewell you two.. :: smiles and heads out of Engineering. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:17 PM Well the last time you got antsy, I got kicked into a shuttle console. We're several decks up, I don't want to get kicked again. Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:18 PM ::scanning, refrains from commenting on KK's grumbling:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:18 PM :: exhales and heads out the lift :: Science. Erich Jaenke 8/19/2024 9:18 PM :: waves :: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:18 PM ::queues the video of EJ getting kicked onto the main viewer:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:18 PM You keep bringing that up Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:18 PM :::Tries to read his tric:: Seee all good Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:19 PM Well I don't want to get kicked again. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:19 PM You're security. Kicking is part of the job. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:19 PM :: chimes Science Lab Door :: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:19 PM That looked painful. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:19 PM I am half human. That's a lifetime pain. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:19 PM ::checks on some experiments, thinks about going to see Calli before she leaves... hears the chime:: Yes, come in! 9:19 PM Why is the door locked? Hmm. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:19 PM He is very fortunate, I couldn't get a shot off. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:20 PM ::Raises eyebrow and shakes head :: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:20 PM ::saves the video to be used in future security training sessions:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:20 PM You're going to let your human side wuss out over a little pain? No one's going to sing songs over that. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:20 PM :: enters :: Annika just here to say farewell....and sorry...about the quick notice.. Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:20 PM ::completes tricorder scan and reviews readout:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:21 PM Calli! I was just gonna go see you. Yeah, it's pretty quick, is this gonna be a permanent assignment? Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:21 PM There ya go Mr. Pilot, you are now a training video. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:21 PM ::chuckles:: I just got really angry. Have you seen the reports from when we were on the planet when Captain Harnett saved Lt Thomas and I? I took that frustration out on those Jem Hadar. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:22 PM ::Sighs at the mention of his brother :: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:22 PM :::Figits on the table:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:22 PM ::shakes his head:: Commander Faldek. What did you do? Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:22 PM :: takes a seat across from Annika on a table so to speak setting her duffle bag aside :: Not sure really. It is an open ended assignment. My guess is yes. but with the war....hard to say. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:22 PM I made you getting kicked into a training video to be reviewed by all security personnel. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:23 PM That was a special circumstance. That also led to me being acting XO. Make sure you include that part. So they know what getting kicked gets you. Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:23 PM ::nods after completing review of scan, types some notes on KK's file in a PADD:: You are fit for duty, Commander. Welcome back aboard. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:23 PM More paperwork. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:23 PM I have to learn some stuff at SI regarding communications who knows...maybe the thing will get canceled. :: smiles :: But this is me...trying to still figure out if I want to be a gearhead all my life or something else.. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:23 PM Hmm ::sits at the table across from her:: I see, well I hope you keep in touch. Was it Starfleet Intel you're going to? Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:23 PM ::Jumps off the table:: Perfect Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:23 PM :: Listens :: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:24 PM Make sense. Just have to get rid of everyone above you to advance. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:24 PM thumb that PADD ::Smiles:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:24 PM Captain McFly, I'd never get rid of you. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:24 PM Yes. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/19/2024 9:24 PM :: Looks at Kansas LL Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:25 PM Mm, I see. Yeah, I'm not sure where my career in Starfleet will lead me either. I hope we can see each other again, either way. Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:25 PM ::thumbs the PADD and nods to KK:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:25 PM I dont thing it is under the auspices of the Consul General. :: ponders Annika :: We will...We will. And girl you got a second career lined up already. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:25 PM thank you, good day doctor Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:25 PM Careful making declaritive statements. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:26 PM ::Hurries out of sickbay before she get trapped there:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:26 PM Yes, I' sure we will. ::nods:: Nice to know I have something to fall back on if this Starfleet thing doesn't pan out. But good luck Calli, I'll miss you though Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:26 PM Good day, Commander. ::as KK is already headed out the door:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:27 PM Always...:: off the table over to Annika :: Going to miss you...:: gives her a hug :: Going to miss you bestie.... Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:27 PM :::Steps onto the lift:: Bridge! Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:27 PM ::sips his raktajino:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:28 PM ::hugs back:: Yeah, don't be a stranger. Hope you find your place in the Fleet, either here or somewhere else. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:28 PM ::tap tap tappity on helm:: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:28 PM ::goes back to his PADD:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:28 PM I'll COMM you as soon as I get the opportunity too.... Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:28 PM :: Glares at Sanchez, hearing his loud taps on the helm :: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:28 PM Sounds good, looking forward to it once you settle in. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:28 PM Say goodbye to Commander Bren for me will you.. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:29 PM ::nods:: Sure Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:29 PM Have you guys had a chance to send off Lt Tyrel? Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:29 PM ::looks at Thomas innocently:: Too loud? Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:29 PM ::Steps onto the Bridge, Walks over to McFly... Holds out her PADD::: almost Cleared for duty Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:29 PM :: Nods at Sanchez :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:29 PM Sorry! ::taps lighter:: Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:29 PM ::heads into his office to update KK's records and check if there are any additional crewmembers who need updated medical records:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:29 PM I have not had the chance, sir. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:29 PM ::looks over to KK who is just suddenly next to him; grabs the padd:: Almost? What's left? Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:30 PM oh and if That Beluga gives you any trouble I will straighten him out....:: pauses :: Farewell Annika. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:30 PM oh I went to medical... I am knocked up Dr. Gila Orrak 8/19/2024 9:30 PM Doctor, I must say I am glad to not be in control of this sickbay. My mission was long. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:30 PM She's leaving within the hour if you care to see her once more. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:30 PM ::looks up from his PADD at KK:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:30 PM Banks? Nah, he's cool. Goodbye Calli. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:30 PM ::taps on comm button then stops:: What!? Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:30 PM ::looks over at Kansas with an eye brow raised:: Excuse me? Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:31 PM Must've had a good time in New Orleans... Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:31 PM :: exits wiping a tear from her eye down the hallway to the lift :: Bridge. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:31 PM ::Smiles:: I'm kidding ::Nudges him:: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:31 PM ::shakes his head, looking back at the PADD:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:31 PM ::shakes his head:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:31 PM your face was priceless... everyones Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:31 PM ::let's out a held breath:: Not in front of everyone. Jeez! Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:31 PM :: Raises eyebrow, then turns back to Ops :: Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:32 PM ::to Dr. Orrak, while updating records:: Indeed. I am certain that your previous mission was much more challenging than running a starship sickbay. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:32 PM (w) always not in front of others Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:33 PM ::taps on the console untapping comm and brings up a report from the armory, looking over it:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:33 PM ::glad she got a chance to say goodbye before she left, goes back to checking things in the lab:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:33 PM ::heart beat slowing:: Have you said goodbye to Lt Tyrel yet? Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:33 PM :: rides lift to Bridge, exits and looks around the bridge with her dufflebag slung over her shoulder :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:33 PM Speak of the devil. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:33 PM no I was in sickbay Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:34 PM Cali! Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:34 PM Just wanted to say farewell to the Bridge crew.... Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:34 PM ::Turns from his console to see Tyrel :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:34 PM ::leaving his raktajino at the console, moves to Cali and gives her a big Klingon hug:: We will miss you! Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:34 PM ::looks over at Calli near the lift:: Tyrel, just talking about you. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:34 PM ::glances up, then back to his PADD:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:35 PM Ooomph ::is bear hugged by a Klingon :: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:35 PM ::replaces a glass of raktajino:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:35 PM ::Giggles a bit:: ... Thank you EJ. 9:35 PM Captain, everyone thank you. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:36 PM You're welcome! ::moving back to his console:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:36 PM ::moves in to give her a hug:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:36 PM ::Nods to Tyrel:: Always watch your six Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:36 PM :: Stands from Ops :: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:36 PM Thank you Captain.. Thank you for everything.... Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:36 PM ::stands as well, saluting Tyrel:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/19/2024 9:36 PM Acquiring information without detection is very stressful. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:36 PM It was a pleasure having you aboard. I hope whatever this assignment is brings you what you're looking for. 9:37 PM And don't mind the Cardassian. They don't do well with goodbyes. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:37 PM Well...I always have considered a move to the intelligence area of the what we do, having learned much here. 9:37 PM A challenge Gila, a Challenge..is the better word. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:38 PM This one ::points to Faldek:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:38 PM Just be careful. You'll be a lot closer to the front lines than we will. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:39 PM Hopefully I will help get the Betazed Sector back for the Federation in my own way.... Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 9:39 PM ::sips her ratkajino:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:39 PM I know many will appreciate the service. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:39 PM Of course sir.. :: responds to the Captain :: And I know that the SI Commander will probably end up dead if I do not return safely...so Don't fet I will be back. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:40 PM I will retrive you if need be Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:41 PM That's true, if you need anything, regardless of what it is, don't hesitate to contact us. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:41 PM ::stands and hands a PADD to Tyrel:: If you need anything I have a list of contacts and some tips and tricks for spycraft on here. Oh and if you require anything like being saved, give us a ring. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:41 PM :: Hears the beep from Ops, turns and sits back down, tapping on the console :: I am sorry to interrupt, but a priority message from Admiral Jaffee is coming through, Captain... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:41 PM Aw. Commander Faldek. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:41 PM :: walks over to Kansas :: I know you would... :: gives the Commander a hug:: Oh and if you decide to kill my superior in Intelligence...do not hurt get in a fight with Beran....over who does it.... Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:41 PM About time. Route it to the RR please. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:42 PM :: Nods, tapping the console :: Done, sir. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:42 PM ::looks back at Cali:: I'm sorry I need to take this. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:42 PM :: stands back :: thank you...I best get going. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:42 PM I will do it, Beran would fail Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:42 PM Stay safe Cali. Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:42 PM ::to Dr. Orrak:: That sounds like a most challening task, especially for the length of time you had to perform it. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:42 PM :: smiles taking one last look at the bridge :: Farewell all.. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:43 PM ::walks into the RR and takes a seat at the desk; types in clearance code and Jaffee appears on screen:: Admiral! Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:43 PM Someone clearly wants to remember what it was like cleaning the weapons with a toothbrush. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:43 PM :: Stands up again, looking to Tyrel, he raises his hand in the Vulcan salute :: Live long and prosper, Callista... and be safe. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:44 PM who doesn't love doing that Faldek Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:44 PM :: returns the Vulcan salute :: I owe you a drink on the beach...:: smiles as the lift doors close :: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:44 PM Captain. I hope you had a relaxing shore leave, it's time to get back to work. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:44 PM Absolutely. We've been pacing. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:44 PM :: exhales and speaks to the lift :: TR1 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:44 PM ((What is this We've you speak of? )) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:44 PM :: Nods, watching as the lift door shuts, sitting back down :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:45 PM ::sits back down:: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:45 PM Perhaps the holodeck waste buffers. Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:45 PM :: swims around in CetOps:: My duties have increased! Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:45 PM :::Heads up to TAC2, pokes console::: Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:46 PM . Yes! My duties have decreased as a result. Which is good. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:46 PM :: arrives in TR1:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:46 PM Oops! I thought this was Tac2. Wanna switch? ::to KK:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:46 PM TR Guy> Ready when you are Lt Commander. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:46 PM ::takes a seat back in the XO chair:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:47 PM either one is fine by me, I don't want to make this awkward Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:47 PM Commander Tyrel has transferred to Intellegence...so I have more duties...What are your duties Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:47 PM :: steps on PADD :: Ready. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:47 PM Nothing awkward at all. I was mostly sitting down in the XO chair while you were gone. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:48 PM Alright, then. I have a priority one mission for you. A new experimental ship went missing near the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. We don't know what happened to it. But Starfleet Engineering is desperate to get it back. Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:48 PM TR1 Guy> Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters ready for you arrival. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:48 PM ::waiting for Faldek's comment:: Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:48 PM Energize.... Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:48 PM Big chair to sit in huh? Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:48 PM So that explains why the stuffing feels flatter... 2 Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:48 PM I heard about that. My duties are to make serums, analyse and make calculations... Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:48 PM Interesting. What kind of ship is it? Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 9:48 PM :: demats :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:48 PM I told them to fix that! Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:49 PM ::Shakes head :: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:49 PM it fit my rear just fine Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:49 PM Sven, something you should probably add to your duties if I may suggest... Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:49 PM I'm sending you an encrypted packet with all the details for you to brief your staff. Time is of the essence on this one. Speed limits have been lifted. They want you there as fast as possible. Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:49 PM Oh, vat is that? Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:50 PM Desperate is right then. Damn. How are we supposed to find this ship? Was it hijacked? Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:51 PM Sven, it is no secret that Lt Commander Tyrel and Lt Commander Sorenson were good friends...pehaps you should check on that fine swimmer everyonce in a while... Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:51 PM ::Grabs a mug of jo for the replicator:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:51 PM We don't have any details other than all communications with it have gone dark. I'm sending you to their last known coordinates so start there. They had two escorts with them and they have gone dark as well. We're assuming the worst but hope you'll bring back better news. Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:51 PM Who? Sorenson or Tyrel? Annika just checked up on us earlier today and checked our food stocks. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:51 PM ::sips his drink:: What would we do without our coffee? Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:52 PM ::Elbows EJ:: you see his face Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:52 PM ::decides not to speak about KK's rear:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:52 PM Understood. We'll do what we can. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:52 PM Faldek? ::to KK:: Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:52 PM That was before her ....best friend left the ship. :: notes transporter log :: And she is gone. Human emotions may be in play here Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:52 PM McFly and Faldek ::Smiles:: Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:52 PM I know you will. I'm also sending back up right behind you. They have to make a quick detour before meeting up with you. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:52 PM Oh! About the baby? Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:53 PM ::Giggles:: yeah, I have to keep him on his toes Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:53 PM Heh. I mean what happens on shore leave doesn't always stay on Shore Leave or Risa. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:53 PM how was your trip? Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:54 PM And Captain, I can't emphasize enough the need to get this one right. After recent events it's imperative that we make a good showing to Starfleet Command. I hate to say it, but we need to prove ourselves to them. Getting back this ship would go a long way to doing that. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:54 PM The trip was good going and coming. Those fancy yachts. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:54 PM I understand. We'll do everything in our power to get it back. Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:54 PM Oh I forgot... I must schedule a chat with the Chief Engineer. He may want me not to do anything else over...not sure Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:54 PM and in between? Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:54 PM Hmm? I'm not exactly an emotional support Orca here. Somehow I doubt I'd be the first she'd go to for emotional counselling. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:55 PM Good food, good times. Admiral Elaine Jaffee BOT 8/19/2024 9:55 PM I have faith in Manticore, Captain. Jaffee out. Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:55 PM ok, then. That's fine, things are still slow around here until vhereever ve go next. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:55 PM I stayed of Earth, New Orleans Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:56 PM I remember you saying that. What did you get at Sisko's? Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:56 PM ::takes a deep breath; waits for the data crystal to finish downloading then gets up and walks out to the bridge:: Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:56 PM I did not mean to insult you my friend... We are not emotional support beings despite what the humans think sometimes Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:56 PM I never get down time, it was diffrent Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:56 PM :: Taps away at Ops :: Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 9:56 PM ::reviewing medical records in his office:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:56 PM Mr Sanchez, you should have a destination waypoint on your display. Set course and stand by. Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:56 PM No insult taken. I'll keep an eye on her, I guess. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 9:57 PM Aye sir ::sets course and stands by:: Bren Faliver 8/19/2024 9:57 PM ((Back, for what good its worth)) Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:57 PM Mr Harnett, get departure clearance from Spacedock immediately. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/19/2024 9:57 PM :: Looking over personnel records for any new members :: Bren Faliver ((Back, for what good its worth)) Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:57 PM ((FINALLY We can get this sim moving)) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:57 PM ::Taps away :: Departure clearance authorized, sir. Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:58 PM OOh....looks like the ship is getting underway.... I best take station. :: swims over to his CetOPS version of LCARS :: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:58 PM ::stands up and goes to the Ops station, pulling a Riker, watching Harnett's console:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:58 PM Has Tyrel left the ship? Sven BOT 8/19/2024 9:58 PM ::swims over to his station as well, monitoring things:: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 9:58 PM Yes, Captain. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 9:58 PM if not she is coming along Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 9:59 PM :: Looks to Faldek, then back to his console :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 9:59 PM ::grins:: Then we'll have Starfleet Intel chasing us. (edited) Captain McFly 8/19/2024 9:59 PM Alright. Sanchez, engage thrusters out of spacedock. Once we're cleared, maximum warp to coordinates. Bartholomew Banks BOT 8/19/2024 9:59 PM +Bridge + CetOPS confirms Lt Cmdr Tyrel has left the Manticore. We are ready in CetOPs. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ::takes the lift up the the bridge to man Science II:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ((Looks at the job opening from Bren's depart... oh, you're back)) Callista Tyrel 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ( gnight folks ) Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ::engages thrusters:: Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ((later cali)) Bren Faliver 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ((Trade ya, Doc lol)) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 10:00 PM (Night) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:00 PM ((Night Cali)) Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:00 PM <<Night.>> Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:00 PM What's the op, top? Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/19/2024 10:01 PM ::clears us from the Space Dock:: Let's rock it! 10:01 PM ::punches it to Maximum Warp to our destination:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:01 PM What the beep is CetOPS? Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 10:01 PM :: Raises an eyebrow at Sanchez choice of words :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:01 PM ::looks at Sanchez:: Don't you ever say that again. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:01 PM ::audibly sighs at KK's question:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:02 PM ::arrives at bridge, heads to Science II console:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:02 PM ::looks at KK:: Short answer, Whales that are officers. (edited) Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:02 PM ..and dolphins. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:02 PM ACTION> FANFARE PLAYS AS MANTICORE'S THRUSTERS ENGAGE AND SHE SLOWLY CRAWLS THROUGH THE SPACEDOCK INTERIOR; THE LARGE BAY DOORS OPEN TO OUTER SPACE AND HER WIDE FRAME JUST BARELY PASSES THROUGH; AFTER COMING A KILOMETER OF A DISTANCE FROM THE STATION THE NACELLES ENGAGE AND MANTICORE GOES TO WARP Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:02 PM Fish on ship? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:02 PM ::nods:: Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:02 PM Not fish, mammals. Bren Faliver 8/19/2024 10:02 PM ((No, fish on chip--- OH nevermind)) Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:03 PM Don't call them fish, that's racist. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:03 PM We have fish too, they're food for the cetaceans. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:03 PM ::sips his drink:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:04 PM (w) how do we work with them Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:04 PM Collaboration. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:04 PM I am not working with fish 2 2 3 Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:05 PM They also have specialized displays and controls they can use to interact with ship systems. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:05 PM For more in depth on it. Sorensen would be your person. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:05 PM Again, stop calling them fish. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:06 PM ::monitors the area, smiles:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:06 PM And you're getting switched to Decaf.. ::to KK:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:06 PM this is a triple expresso Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:06 PM ::looks over to Faldek:: Commander, please educate her about CetOps. I need to look over this mission briefing. 10:06 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/19/2024 10:06 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:06 PM ::paused:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:06 PM :::Paused:: Bren Faliver 8/19/2024 10:06 PM ::paused:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:07 PM ((then he delegates it to me)) Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:07 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 8/19/2024 10:07 PM ::paused:: Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:07 PM (lol) Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:07 PM KK, komments? Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/19/2024 10:07 PM ::Paused:: Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:07 PM nothing from me Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:07 PM Delegation, the best tool a Captain or Commander can use. Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:07 PM I mean, XO is responsible for personnel matters. So he'd be the one to do it. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:07 PM He literally just met the CetOPS team last sim lol Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:08 PM By the way, this next mission is the sole reason I wanted to do the time jump. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:08 PM oooh Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:08 PM Oh lord. 10:08 PM You're not getting adultnapped are you? Bren Faliver 8/19/2024 10:08 PM (Again, you mean) Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:09 PM Oooh ooh i canI Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:09 PM Probably not? Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:10 PM Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:10 PM I'll be honest, I'm really not sure how long it would take to get us where we're going. I know it's far though. So we'll say TBS is 8 hours? If I need to change it I'll say so next week. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:11 PM Kk Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:11 PM sounds good Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:11 PM Questions or comments? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:11 PM Meal in the Captain's Mess? 10:11 PM Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:11 PM sounds good to mee Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:11 PM meal for me maybe 1 Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:11 PM nite nite Peeks Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:11 PM I MIGHT invite a guest. Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:11 PM Fish for KK Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:12 PM LOL Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:12 PM Blah Bren Faliver 8/19/2024 10:12 PM I wonder if its like gagh, they just really prefer it live to replicated Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/19/2024 10:12 PM Guest+infinity Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:12 PM Oh yeah, home work for KK... watch Star Trek Lower Decks!!! Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:12 PM yes sir 10:12 PM I watched some of it Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:13 PM Well watch the episodes with the cetops crew. 10:13 PM If nothing else then I remind you, in space, no one can hear you scream... DISMISSED!!! Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:14 PM I did enjoy Romulus though. Kansas Kenickie 8/19/2024 10:14 PM Nite nite peeps 10:14 PM McFly Cdr. Faldek 8/19/2024 10:14 PM I'd say it's in the top 4. Annika Sorenson 8/19/2024 10:14 PM Goodnight! Captain McFly 8/19/2024 10:14 PM Top 4, yes. Exported 342 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Things seem normal. 9:06 PM We will say at this point Muuhi no longer has guards, but scans are keeping an active eye on her location and her access is limited to normal civilian areas and medical. 9:07 PM Questions? 9:07 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/16/2024 9:07 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:08 PM ::Monitoring the crystal zone:: 9:08 PM ((I should totally be playing the soundtrack to the Dark Crystal or something.)) Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:09 PM ::looking at a variety of reports, timelines, and evaluations on more things than she can keep track of:: Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:09 PM ::working in the med bay: MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 9:09 PM ::catching up on some paperwork in medical:: Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:10 PM :: knocks on the medical door :: Hello? Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:10 PM ::opens the door:: Hello? LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:10 PM ::feeling almost relieved about Muuhi having a physical body now:: Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:11 PM It's interesting seeing you have to knock and use a door. Though the doors should automatically open for you. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:12 PM Old habits. I have a favor to ask and I don't know why I did not ask before, but, well... Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:12 PM yes? Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:13 PM My vision..well, you know I'm feline, obviously. We share some of the same traits as many cats. That includes needing help with vision. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:14 PM ::Jyl:: I have the Fed colony working on adapting some of our tech into counter measures if anything tries creating another "zone" like this. That should free up resources to continue out main mission here. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:14 PM :: Walks up to Jy :: How is the deconstruction proceeding? Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:14 PM Hmm, I'll see what I can do but I'm a doctor not an optomitrist. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:14 PM And, having an actual Aegis base is a better position in any regard. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:14 PM Slowly. 9:15 PM But slowly is not bad. 9:15 PM Carefully. No disturbances, slow and cautious and safe. 9:15 PM ::nods to Sylfaen:: Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:15 PM When I was a hologram I had great vision, now. :: chuckles :: Niji knows what I mean. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:16 PM Hm, so something that would allow you see colours? Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:16 PM Oh that would be great! I was hoping for clearer. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:17 PM ::nods:: I'm sure we can work on something that can help you with both. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:17 PM I am taking phase two off of hold. I am sure the Romulan colony will be happy to not have us under foot as much. They have the needed resources now to build as they wish. MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 9:17 PM ::steps out of her office to walk and stretch:: Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:18 PM That being said, my quaters are quite nice. Not what I, or she, was used to on Yith. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:18 PM Perhaps some new contact lenses? I think we can make something work in our lab. 9:18 PM That's nice. Are you in the main camp with the other civilians or still on the ship? Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:19 PM Hmm. I'd have to have something transmit the color information to the visual cortex. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:19 PM ::heads to the medical lab to a computer terminal:: Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:19 PM :: Follows :: I mean only if you are not busy MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 9:19 PM ::sees Muuhi:: Hi Muuhi Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:20 PM ::nods:: Okay. ::programing in parameters such as clearer vision, and an increased colour pallette:: Yeah, no it's fine. Ahh hello Mimi. We're fixing up some new contacts for Muuhi here. MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 9:20 PM ::nods to Dacia's comment:: Nice. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:20 PM :: Nods and bows, lifting her head to reveal her large cat eyes :: 9:21 PM Back on my world goggles were all the rage. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:21 PM We can get you goggles if you want the retro look. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:22 PM Extreme retro. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:22 PM ::nods:: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:23 PM I am not sure how the Rihan contingent feels about me since I work so much with 'Fleet. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:24 PM ::flipping through the padds:: I have noticed in the reports, while we've been distracted with other things that a couple of cargo ships docked near the Athena. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:24 PM I have to look for something else too, but not here. Clothes. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:24 PM ::adjusts the size of the lenses:: There are plenty of shops that opened up in the main settlement area. Hopefully, you'll find something you like. 9:25 PM These lenses should be a good size for you. I think. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:25 PM I have yet to see a single Ciatian here. 9:25 PM :: Examines the glasses :: Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:26 PM I don't know if we have any Caitian colonists here or not. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:26 PM No, I checked and called. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:26 PM If it looks good to you, I can go ahead and synthetize it to reality. 9:26 PM Ahh, that's a shame. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:28 PM I am just glad we can move on a little bit. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:28 PM ::creates the glasses/lenses:: Ok here we go. Give that a try. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:30 PM Hm. I'll contact the Athena and see what's going on - get their scans. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:30 PM :: Puts them on :: Oh. This is unexpected. 9:31 PM I hope I look alright in them. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:31 PM You look good in them. It compliments you. MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 9:32 PM Agreed Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:32 PM I believe Athena's former Captain had some interest in refitting the ship. Command has still not decided how to classify her. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:33 PM ::nods:: Waiting to see what she says. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:33 PM What is her class now? Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:33 PM Space junk, actually. 9:34 PM Officially, she could be classified as salvage. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:34 PM Don't say that around her, though. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:34 PM Oh, and how is the night club scene in the colonies? Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:34 PM Being a former black ops ship however muddies the waters some. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:35 PM Could make it junk on the outside, gem on the inside. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:35 PM Eh.. it's no New Las Vegas but there's a pub in the settlement area that sometimes has live music and quiz nights? Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:35 PM It's old enough that the tech isn't the issue. I believe it's more about old secrets and how to contain letting it be know that Starfleet had such a ship in operation once. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:36 PM They'll get something figured out, I hope. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:36 PM :: looking a bit disappointed :: Dancing? Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:37 PM I just hope that Captain gives everyone the time to figure it out. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:38 PM I had to get Niji out at night. We had to wait for fabrication. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:39 PM Yes, sometimes. 9:39 PM Hmm, fabrication eh? Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:40 PM He spend many weeks at the lab figuring out what went wrong with the wormhole generator. 9:40 PM Yeah, yeah, probably a few days here to make the parts. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:41 PM Wasn't able to find out why? Sounds rough, nonetheless. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:41 PM ::Jyl:: If we don't get a report back from Athena today, inform them we will be doing an inspection. We should probably do that anyways. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:41 PM ::nods:: 9:41 PM Will do. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:42 PM Well, our plant took a while to make the replacement parts, so we spent the time exploring my world, learning the language. 9:43 PM :: smiles :: And playing that instrument of his. He said it centered him, reminded him of home. His playing stunned Prani's mother. :: looks through her glasses :: Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:44 PM I have not performed an inspection in a while. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:44 PM Well, that's good. Sounds like he had a good time, all things considered. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:44 PM So many stories to tell. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:45 PM Yeah, I seem to remember some of them. How's your glasses? Or more specifically, your vision? LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:45 PM Hopefully the captain will have some updates and plans for her. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:46 PM They usually make for a bit of normalcy. Or you find someone smuggling a portal to hell in their locker. One or the other, never seems to be something in the middle. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:47 PM I can focus in a much wider range. Colors are more vibrant, but I don't know how accurate. I assume they are. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:47 PM That's good. Your eyes should fully adjust to them within a few days, but probably less. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:49 PM ::glances down:: The cargo ships are there helping her with Athena. 9:49 PM So she is apparently working on her. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:49 PM Good to hear. I have some language lessons with Niji later. Always better to speak the native language, if only to get the idioms. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:50 PM That's good, and true. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:50 PM ::shakes head:: I guess she's waited as long as she could. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:50 PM He said he wanted to show me something, something outdoors. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:50 PM Oooh, interesting. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:51 PM Schedule an inspection. Let's get some answers so we're ready when the questions start coming. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:51 PM ::nods:: Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:51 PM Said he had a small engineering team build it in an afternoon. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:51 PM Huh, I wonder what it is. Muuhi BOT 8/16/2024 9:53 PM Not an object one can carry. Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 9:54 PM Hmm, I'd like to go see it myself some time. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:55 PM Aye on the inspection. Anything you want me to look for in particular? LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 9:56 PM Not offending the ship. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:56 PM No, let's just see what's going on up there. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:57 PM I can be diplomatic...no Rihan said ever. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:58 PM Maybe we'll just find a nice resto project or a museum ship in the works. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 9:59 PM Well, I have a few projects going on planetside. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 9:59 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/16/2024 9:59 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 10:00 PM Thanks everyone. 10:00 PM TBS will be 1 day. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 10:01 PM Spiffy. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 10:01 PM Now, next week we will be moving our son into his dorm. Depending how things go, we may not make it to the sim. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 10:01 PM No sim next week? 10:01 PM kk Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 10:01 PM ok MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 10:01 PM alright Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 10:02 PM I'm expecting more emotional fatigue than anything else. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 10:02 PM Most likely, yeah. Nijil tr'Korjata 8/16/2024 10:02 PM I should be here. Captain Sylfaen 8/16/2024 10:02 PM Anything else from anyone? 10:03 PM Then, dismissed and goodnight all. LtCdr Jylliene 8/16/2024 10:03 PM Nighters all! Dacia Sandero 8/16/2024 10:03 PM Goodnight! MimiPavilion 8/16/2024 10:03 PM night all see ya next time Exported 134 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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The only way to find the cure is to find out what infected them, 9:02 PM The clock is ticking and we haven't yet written them off as yet another dead NPC 9:02 PM Meanwhile, the mystery of the weapons continues 9:02 PM Any questions? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:04 PM none here Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:04 PM Hmmm... I didn't ask "any sim related questions" - I was expecting something like "how are babies made?" Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:04 PM I mean, that would normally be Arizhel Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:05 PM True enough 9:05 PM TBS will be enough time to reassemble an AT with proper PPE Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:05 PM Sounds like a plan Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:06 PM and... 9:06 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/14/2024 9:06 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:06 PM ((Are we in AT or on the planet?)) 9:06 PM *TR Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:06 PM (( let's say you are now just beaming down )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:06 PM ::de-shimmers:: 9:06 PM ::begins scanning the area:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:07 PM scan> :: again, lots of lifesigns :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:07 PM ((Oh dear, this is going to be an Arizhel-CBCO-heavy sim, isn't it)) Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:07 PM (( just wait a sec... I can fix that )) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:09 PM I am back here again. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:09 PM Arizhel> Smythfield, N'Tarr, phasers on medium. We need to bring back one of these animals in good enough condition for Natell's team to study. 9:09 PM Smythfield> Yessir! 9:10 PM N'Tarr> ::silently sets phaser to appropriate setting:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:10 PM scan> :: Dana's tricorder picks up a concentration of lifesigns near a concentration of metals in one direction, but it's difficult to pinpoint exactly :: 9:11 PM (( This phaser has been approved for Appropriate Settings by the Phaser Association of the Federation )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:11 PM We've got a few potential targets over in that direction, but we need to be cautious...they're strangely difficult to pinpoint. 9:12 PM Arizhel> Security, on me. The rest of you, follow at a safe distance. 9:12 PM Arizhel> ::has bat'leth strapped to her back in case of emergency:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:13 PM :: Has her phaser out like everyone else :: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:13 PM (( I just need Dana and Natell to walk just a bit to the side )) 9:14 PM scan> Dana's practically on top of the reading... Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:14 PM Oh, bleep. ::combat-rolls to the side:: 9:14 PM ::probably relatively badly, given that he's an engineer:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:14 PM :: Moves to the side :: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:15 PM ACTION> Dana falls down into a hole 9:15 PM ACTION> Natell falls in the the same hole 9:15 PM ACTION> The hole looked exactly like the ground Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:15 PM Hey...uh, guys...we're in a hole here... Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:16 PM :: Whoosh! :: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:16 PM scan> :: the metals and the lifesigns are closer while in the hole :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:16 PM Arizhel> ::is presumably too preoccupied with the hunt to notice:: 9:17 PM Huh...we've got lifesigns and metals down here. What do you make of it? What even is this metal? Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:17 PM ACTION> the hole is pretty deep, but the PPE protected everyone from serious injury Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:18 PM ::is a little less than expert on raw ores, but still curious enough to forget he just fell down a hole:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:19 PM ACTION> some animal noises can be heard echoing in the hole Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:19 PM Watch out. Keep your phaser ready. 9:19 PM ::slowly creeps in direction of animal noise:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:19 PM :: Huffs :: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:21 PM ACTION> Natell steps on something that makes a clinking sound Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:21 PM :: Clink! :: Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:22 PM ::looks around, startled:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:23 PM :: Looks down :: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:23 PM ((let me know what clinks...)) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:24 PM I think I stepped on something made of metal. Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:25 PM ::bends down:: Hmm...this isn't anything natural. Seems to be some sort of ancient artifact. ::scans for radioactivity or other signs of danger:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:25 PM How do you know it's ancient and artifact? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:26 PM I mean, it could be recent, but given the nature of this place and the fact it's consistent with the level of technology we've been seeing, I'm betting it's pretty old. 9:27 PM And, well...you can kinda call anything an artifact if you squint hard enough. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:27 PM Maybe some people... Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:27 PM ::picks it up:: Seems like there's some sort of writing on here...::scans with the tricorder and feeds through UT:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:28 PM Instructions. Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:29 PM (( it says "pick me up" diabolical, isn't it? )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:29 PM I think you're right...this must've been from some sort of machinery. Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:29 PM (( if either of you get that reference, I will be very surprised )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:30 PM ((can't say I do)) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:30 PM (Not I) Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:31 PM (( after the sim, look up "light grenade mom and dad save the world" )) Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:31 PM ::decodes more from the UT:: No, wait...this seems to be from an emergency ration. It's instructions on the use of some sort of first aid device. 9:32 PM I guess it makes sense soldiers on this world would've needed plenty of first aid, and fast. Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:33 PM An injection? Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:33 PM ACTION> there's more stuff strewn all over the ground under the layers of dust that cover everything in the hole Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:34 PM Possibly...the UT is having some trouble with this one. The language is unlike anything spoken by a Federation species. 9:34 PM We might've stumbled across a junk pile here...we should look around and see if there's anything else that'd prove useful. 9:36 PM ::starts rummaging through stuff on ground:: Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:37 PM It's not Cardi. Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:37 PM ACTION> there's some quick movement of something in the remaining rafters that are still standing in the hole Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:38 PM Careful, there's something up there! ::points phaser:: 9:38 PM ::shines light up to the rafters:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:40 PM ACTION> the tail end of an animal can be seen jumping into a small hole in the big hole's sidewall Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:40 PM It seems to have made a nest up there. 9:41 PM Anyway, we should probably keep exploring...this area isn't safe. 9:41 PM Stay behind me, and keep your guard up. 9:41 PM ::continues creeping further toward the animal sounds:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:43 PM ACTION> Dana kicks something on the ground Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:44 PM Huh, what's this? ::shines light down to the ground:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:45 PM ((tell me what you kicked )) Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:45 PM Wait, are we clear of traps? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:47 PM Who even knows. 9:48 PM ::bends down to pick up object:: Looks like...I'm guessing it's a very primitive energy weapon? 9:49 PM I'm sure it's not operational at this point, but these people seem to have been advanced enough to at least have laser pistols. Nothing comparable to a phaser or a disruptor, but it'd beat an old projectile weapon any day. 9:51 PM I'd love to strip this down, but we probably need to be continuing on. Stay behind me, and stay sharp. 9:51 PM ::shoves old pistol in bag and continues sneaking:: Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:52 PM ACTION> something crunches and breaks under Dana's boot Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 8/14/2024 9:52 PM What are we walking into? Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 9:53 PM Maybe an old encampment? That would explain the junk. 9:54 PM ::picks up object:: Seems like a syringe, a primitive forerunner to the hypospray. 9:54 PM Your suggestion about an injection might have been spot on. 9:56 PM Could you scan the remains for any traces of chemicals? Maybe they were injecting some sort of antidote to the animal bites. Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 9:59 PM ((get in your last words...)) 10:00 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/14/2024 10:00 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 10:00 PM paus'd Captain Lo'Ami 8/14/2024 10:00 PM next week, maybe Arizhel will even try to rescue you 10:01 PM until then... gnight Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 8/14/2024 10:01 PM 'night! Exported 108 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6
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Now they get back to their routine as they await word of their next mission. = = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1282, STARDATE 52408.12 = = 9:03 PM !begin Dyno BOT 8/12/2024 9:03 PM ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== 21:08 ======== BEGIN SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:03 PM ((Howdy-ho neighborinos! )) (edited) Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:03 PM :::unpacking::: Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:04 PM ::in sickbay, conducting inventory of supplies that were restocked at Spacedock:: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:04 PM ::Puts her black box under the bed:: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:05 PM SI Commander Borsh> ::: arrives on Manticore after a short flight from Earth :: Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:05 PM ::Checking on the animals in the science lab, feeding them lettuce from hydroponics:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:05 PM ((I see a couple of people have been playing GTAV)) Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:05 PM ::back in the science lab, checking up on things there:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:05 PM (( I played at the same time, I didn't get the fancy avatar thingy... )) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:05 PM ((We do in our spare time )) Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:05 PM Everything's good here. Guess I'll go check on the cetaceans. 9:05 PM ::heads over to CetOps:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:06 PM ::leaves his quarters, PADD in hand, heading down to CetOps to meet the new crew members:: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:06 PM :: meets Commander Borsh in the Shuttlebay :: Hello Commander Welcome to Manticore.... Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:06 PM ::Glances over her shoulder:: you have a good time? Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:06 PM ((As a reminder, our new Nebula dorsal fin is currently housing experimental sensors and communications tech for anyone in those departments that want to play around)) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:07 PM :: Zips up his uniform jacket after having unpacked, then clips his comm badge on :: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:07 PM SI Commander Borsh> Hello Lt Cmdr Tyrel..Finally able to meet with you. I believe I should speak to your Captain, right away. Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:07 PM ((Commander Borscht)) 1 Erich Jaenke 8/12/2024 9:07 PM :: Staring at the warp core :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:07 PM ::in his quarters, putting away things:: I wish we could get one of those fancy Captain's Yachts for our own use. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:07 PM ( your giving me avatar ideas! ) Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/12/2024 9:07 PM ::in his bunk room, taking his meds for the day:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:07 PM ((Comms tech is in there to help our hacking into foreign systems)) Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:08 PM ::rides the lift to CetOps:: Hey guys how's it hanging? ::checks their fish stocks:: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:08 PM SI Commander Borsh> + Captain McFly + Captain, I have arrived on Manticore . I'd like to speak with you as soon as possible. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:08 PM ::wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her:: Of course. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:09 PM ::enters CetOps from the opposite door of Sorenson:: (edited) Sven BOT 8/12/2024 9:09 PM Hanging? We floated around here vhile you lot galavanted around Risa. 9:09 PM Must be nice! Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:10 PM ::Kisses him back:: I think this was my first vacation that I wasn't working at the same time 9:10 PM No kills this vacation Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:10 PM ::zips up his outer tunic; hears the comm go off; grabs his comm badge and pats it on his chest:: Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:10 PM Yeah, it was not gonna lie. I need to see if you guys can also leave the ship for shoreleaves. I guess as long as there's an ocean. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:10 PM :: Tugs his uniform jacket and heads out of his quarters :: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/12/2024 9:10 PM :: Walking the halls, err, corridors of the ship :: Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:10 PM ::hears the door open:: Hello? Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:11 PM Sorenson. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:11 PM Would be nice to not have something to do a little while longer. But of course, duty calls already. +Borsh+ And who is the "I" that I'm speaking to? (edited) Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:11 PM What brings you to CetOps, Commander? Here to meet the cetaceans? Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:11 PM we have 22 minutes before we have to report for duty Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:11 PM Sir, we just got back from Shore Leave...he might not be ready for a briefing... Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:11 PM I have not met them yet. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:12 PM we can do many things in 22 minutes Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:12 PM Maybe YOU have 22 minutes. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:12 PM si> Commander Borsh, Starfleet Intelligence. I need to speak with you sir. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:12 PM ::presses some button to release some large king salmon for them:: Ah. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:12 PM I see we have a dolphin, beluga whale, orca... Erich Jaenke 8/12/2024 9:13 PM :: Checking and rechecking :: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:13 PM +Borsh+ Sure thing. Meet me in my ready room on the bridge. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:13 PM :::Mouths the words to McFly::: SPY Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:13 PM Probably. Sven BOT 8/12/2024 9:13 PM ::sees his pips:: Ah Commander. It'd be nice if we had shoteleave too. Two orcas, several dolphins a beluga... I'm Sven, the chief cetacean here in Cetacean Ops. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:14 PM want me to do a super back ground check Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:14 PM ::looking at the personnel roster on his PADD:: Nice to meet you Sven. I'll have everyone memorised shortly. Just like any Starfleet Officer you are entitled to "shore" leave. ::cracks a grin:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:15 PM If that's what you want to do with your 22 minutes. Sure. ::kisses her:: Don't trigger any alarms. Sven BOT 8/12/2024 9:15 PM Ocean leave is good enough for us. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:15 PM :: Heads down the corridor, stepping into the nearest turbolift :: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:15 PM ::heads out the door and down the hall to the nearest TL:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:15 PM Commander Borsh..I have orders from Starfleet Intelligence on transferring one of your crew... Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:15 PM me trigger alarms :;giggles:: Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:16 PM Just checking up on their health and fish stock here myself. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:16 PM ::tidies his uniform:: +Kansas+ Commander, I will be on the bridge momentarily. Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 8/12/2024 9:16 PM EH! You bipeds are all ze same. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:16 PM +EJ+ understood, i might be as well Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/12/2024 9:16 PM ::walks out of the bunk room and heads to the TL:: Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:16 PM ::enters some details about supply inventory on his PADD:: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:17 PM This is a rather intresting ship...care for a tour? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:17 PM ::heads out of his quarters and to the TL:: Sven BOT 8/12/2024 9:17 PM Ja but some are more equal than others. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:17 PM I hear you all were quite the saviors during our last outing. ::looks at Sorenson and nods then turns to see the German dolphin:: We are? Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:17 PM ::nods:: Yes, that's right. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:18 PM ((Is Borsh in the RR already?)) Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:18 PM ::smiles and continues her checks:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:18 PM ((got a Nazi dolphin)) 2 Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:19 PM ((He left that life ages ago)) 2 Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:19 PM ::Grabs a PADD and exits quarters:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:19 PM ::arrives on deck and heads directly to the RR and walks inside:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:20 PM Not necessary.. I won't be here long. Cdr. Faldek ((got a Nazi dolphin)) Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:20 PM ((He's ARGENTINIAN now, dammit)) 3 2 Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:20 PM :::Steps onto the lift:: Bridge 9:20 PM :::Pokes at PADD:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:21 PM ::steps out of the TL and onto the bridge:: Home sweet home. Though, I do miss Eric. But I have Thomas. So I can still bug him. SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:21 PM I am pleased you automatically did not decline your original application. I've had a few candidates back out.. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:22 PM Anyways, I make it my personal responsibility to get to know each member of the crew. I want you all to know you are valued and if you have anything, don't hesitate to chime my commbadge, after following the normal chain of command, of course. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:22 PM ::moves to the replicator:: Computer, Raktajino, bridge safe cup please. Strong and hot. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:22 PM :::Steps off the lift:: (edited) Dr. Gila Orrak 8/12/2024 9:22 PM :: Enters a lift :: Bridge Lt. Backpfeifengesicht [Dolphinese w/a German Accent] BOT 8/12/2024 9:22 PM Bipeds alveys making jokes of fin-folk. It's the last prejudice!! Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:23 PM make that 2 EJ Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:23 PM ::looks at KK:: Commander, welcome home. 9:23 PM ::to Replicator:: One more same way. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:23 PM So happy to be home Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:23 PM ::walks over to the replicator to grab a coffee while he waits:: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:23 PM I might have missed everyone Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:24 PM ((We're gonna have to get a community coffee pot)) (edited) Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:24 PM :: Steps off the TL and heads to Deflector control, just checking things out :: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:24 PM ::takes Sorenson aside:: Perhaps Lt. Backpfeifengesicht needs to spend some time with the ships counselor. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:24 PM :: arrives on Bridge via lift with the Spook :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:24 PM ::hands KK a cup:: Here you go. (edited) Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:24 PM Our Bridge... Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:24 PM ::makes a few more entries on his PADD, completes inventory:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:24 PM Yes Carry on..... Sven BOT 8/12/2024 9:24 PM . Vell, I'm Sven... my associate here is Lt. Backpfeifengesicht , we also have Inga the other orca, Lt Banks the beluga, and Kelp Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:24 PM ((Back in the day, the med team made a heavenly cup of coffee and would bring it to everyone on the bridge. Not saying that's a requirement or anything.)) Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:25 PM ::Wonders, momentarily, whether CetOps' health data falls under Medical (Not his problem) or Veterinary (Probably his problem). Hmm...:: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:25 PM :::Takes the mug:: I hope you aren't mad that I was placed back in the CSEC posting Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:25 PM :: After a few minutes, he heads out and back to the TL :: Bridge Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:25 PM :: taps RR door chime :: Captain...Tyrel here with Commander Borsh... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:25 PM ::KK:: Not at all. We're Security together. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:25 PM I hope she can swim Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:25 PM ::looks at the Spook enter the bridge:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:25 PM All of your names are already committed to memory. ::holds up the PADD:: Lt. Kelp [Dolpinese w/a Southern Twang] BOT 8/12/2024 9:26 PM Nice to meet ya suga. And pardon my surprise to see a Cardassian in charge of anything. Inga BOT 8/12/2024 9:26 PM Ah, yes Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:26 PM I never feel like i am leading, we work as a unit Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:26 PM Enter Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:26 PM :: Steps off the TL, nods to E.J. and Kansas :: Commanders Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:26 PM Indeed. We are a unit. ::smiles, looking at Borsh:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:27 PM ::tugs on his uniform; takes another sip before the door opens:: Inga BOT 8/12/2024 9:27 PM . Goood to meet you too Commander. Ja, it's not often you see that round these parts. Dr. Gila Orrak 8/12/2024 9:27 PM :: Enters the bridge :: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:27 PM Not a problem, Lt. Kelp. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:27 PM ::nods to Harnett:: Lietuentant. Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:27 PM ::begins running diagnostics on biobeds:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:27 PM ::looks at KK:: Who's the intel officer? (edited) Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:27 PM :: enters alongside Commander Borsh stepping to the side to allow the SI officer to do what he needs to do :: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:28 PM we have one of those? Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:28 PM ::shakes his hand:: Commander and... Lt? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:28 PM ::points at the RR:: He just went into the ready room. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:28 PM :: Heads down the ramp, sliding into his seat at Ops, raising an eyebrow :: Intel officer? Interesting.. Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/12/2024 9:29 PM ::walks off of a TL and sits at the helm:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:29 PM Hello Captain McFly...I am Commander Borsh, Starfleet Intelligence. Here to present transfer orders for Lieutenant Commander Tyrel. :: extends his hand with a PADD :: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:29 PM :: Glances over at Sanchez, giving him a nod :: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:29 PM ::Looks at the RR door::: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:30 PM :: smiles at the Captain noting the SI Agent wanting to get to the point :: Petty Officer Sanchez BOT 8/12/2024 9:30 PM ::nods:: Lieutenant. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:30 PM :::Sips coffee::: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:30 PM ::takes the padd and furrows his brow as he reads the order:: Why am I just now being informed about this? Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:30 PM Well it was nice to meet you all. I have some more things I have to do. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:30 PM ::sips his own coffee while walking to the CC, taps on the screen:: She's ready. SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:30 PM Starfleet Intelligence acts in strange ways Captain. Certainly given Manticore's missions this is not completely out of the norm..... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:31 PM ::checks the XO chair as well:: Ready too. Sven BOT 8/12/2024 9:31 PM Okay, nice meeting you too sir. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:31 PM No, but to suddenly transfer a valued member of my crew is. SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:31 PM But I am more than willing to give you a brief on what is going on... Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:31 PM Yeah, I should probably get going soon too. Looks like you guys are good fish and health-wise I'm glad to see. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:32 PM Please do, but let me call in my XO first. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:32 PM Commander Sorenson, see you around. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:32 PM You too sir. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:32 PM +Faldek+ Commander. I need you in the RR, stat. SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:32 PM what is said here is classified. But again most of what is done on this ship is... Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:32 PM ((Tyrel goes nowhere. Space him!)) 1 Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:32 PM (lol) Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:32 PM +McFly+ On my way, presently. ::leaves CetOps and head for the nearest TL, enters:: Bridge. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:33 PM ::Bumps Karl out of the TAC seat and sits down::: Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:33 PM ((::Walks up behind Borscht with a phaser in his hand, zaps Borat in the back of the head, and drags his corpse off stage left, toward the popcorn machine::)) Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:33 PM My first officer should be privy to all personnel matters. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:33 PM ::moves around to the various stations, checking to make sure their phasers are there:: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:33 PM :: Taps away at ops, checking the status of ships systems :: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:34 PM ::exits the TL as the doors open to the bridge, heading down the ramp to the RR:: Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:34 PM ::performs a scan of the cetaceans' health and a check of the water in their tank:: Yes, you're all in good health. Good salinity and temp levels as well, that's good. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:34 PM ::Taps PADD:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:34 PM ::notes Faldek's entrance:: Commander. Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:34 PM ::Looks at the results of the biobed diagnostics as they come in:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:35 PM ::nods, all business, pressing the door chime:: (edited) SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:35 PM :: awaits noting the arrival of the Cardassian officer :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:35 PM ::moves back to TAC2:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:35 PM Enter Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:35 PM :: Looks over to see Faldek at the RR doors :: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:35 PM ::Half glanceses up at Faldek:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:35 PM ::enters the RR:: Captain and.... Commander. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:35 PM :: hopes this is not too much trouble.....this is not permanent she thinks :: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:35 PM ::sips his coffee:: I can only imagine what is going on in there. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:35 PM ::hands Faldek the padd while looking Borsh in the eye:: Do you know anything about SFI transfer orders for Lt Tyrel? Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:36 PM Perhaps I should explain..... Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:36 PM ::compiles a list of her checks and logs them for medical:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:36 PM That will not be necessary Commander.... Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:37 PM ::surprised; looks over to Callista:: You were aware of this? Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:37 PM I have not heard anything. ::looks at Borsh:: This is highly irregular, especially taking away our assistant chief engineer just before we're set to recieve orders. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:37 PM ((Faldek vs Borsh, Round 1 FIGHT!!)) Dr. Gila Orrak 8/12/2024 9:37 PM +Tevek+ I arrived some time ago. I'm on the bridge if you need me. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:37 PM All right, thanks for having us. We should probably be going along soon. ::waves and heads out of CetOps:: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:37 PM :::Grumbles:: Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:38 PM ((::Shocked, staring at the ceiling in Science:: How in the hell is the Red Alert siren blaring out the Mortal Kombat theme?!?)) 3 SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:38 PM Captain, Commander....Lt. Commander Tyrel Applied for a transfer to Starfleet Intelligence Two Years ago. At that time her application was denied. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:38 PM ::eyes Tyrel:: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:38 PM ::Looks at EJ:: how was your leave? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:39 PM ((Would you like your Temporary CO and XO to beat him?)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot ((Would you like your Temporary CO and XO to beat him?)) Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:39 PM ((standby)) SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:39 PM but given the way the war has gone....Starfleet Intelligence has revisited past applicants to address the need for more intelligence assets. Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:39 PM :: Hears Kansas ask E.J. how leave was :: Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:39 PM ::heads back up to science:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:40 PM It was good, we went to Risa. Courtesy of Captain Harnett's Captain's Yacht. Flies beautifully. How about you? Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:40 PM I see Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:40 PM +Orrak+ Thank you for letting me know, Doctor. I am making sure that sickbay is fully stocked and all equipment is functioning in specified parameters prior to our new mission. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:40 PM And so you suddenly need her? Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:40 PM :: Shakes his head :: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:40 PM Captain and yself went to new Orleans SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:40 PM Yes....If I may begin a short brief.... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:41 PM Oh! Did you get a chance to visit Sisko's? Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:41 PM we needed to catch up 9:41 PM yes we did Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:41 PM ::crosses his arms and listens to Borsh:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:42 PM ::nods, wanting to cross his arms but since the Captain already did, he doesn't wanna seem like a copycat:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:42 PM Excellent! I hope it was delicious. I hope the catching up was also good. That man scared the living crap out of me after you left. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:42 PM ::re-enters the lab to check on some of her experiments:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:42 PM Starfleet Command is drawing up plans for Counteroffensives.....in several sectors. Two have taken priority. The Bajoran sector, for obvious reasons. The second...is the Betazed Sector. Cdr. Faldek ::nods, wanting to cross his arms but since the Captain already did, he doesn't wanna seem like a copycat:: Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:42 PM ((Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery)) Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:42 PM I think I soothe the man back down Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:44 PM Would this be a temporary or permanent reassignment? SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:44 PM As you know with the help of the 7th fleet the Bajoran sector has stabiilized to the point at DS9 for us to begin plans to liberate Betazed, and it's entire sector from Dominion Control. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:44 PM :: listens :: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:45 PM before any attack occurs in the Betazed sector by allied forces, Starfleet Command has asked Starfleet Intelligence to determine what the Dominion has in place...to gauge anticpated resistance for an offensive.. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:45 PM ::sits his cup down and turns towards KK:: You don't know the hell I put myself through when he got captured. That is not something I want to re-live. But I understand it comes with the job. Even if it comes with the job, I want to say I am sorry for not protecting him harder. I was already approaching crossing the line with him being overly protective. He is my Captain and my friend. I will do my best to not make that mistake again. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:45 PM Was Risa Fun.. it's been years since I have been there SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:46 PM Starfleet Intelligence has come up with Operation Pinhole...the seeding of intelligence assest in the Betazed sector to listen and report any Dominion activity. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:46 PM Risa was Risa..heh. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:47 PM :::Puts her hand on his shoulder:: Some times you can't control him. I don't blame you. he doesn't listen to me all the time Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:47 PM ::reviews biobed diagnostic results; nods as they are all satisfactory:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/12/2024 9:47 PM :: Catching up on her correspondence :: Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 9:47 PM :: Taps away at Ops, triple checking all systems :: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:47 PM To be blunt Captian, Commanders....we lost a lot of intelligence gathering capability in the initial days of the war.....and we need help....to fill the ranks. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:47 PM I know you did your very best to protect to him Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:47 PM ::places his hand on hers:: Ain't that the truth. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:47 PM And to answer my question, Commander? Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:47 PM ::sighs:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:48 PM I appreciate your understanding. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:48 PM Sir, I'd like to help this situation... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:48 PM ((Space him! DEW IT!)) Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:49 PM :::Gives him and unacustumly hug:: We are good Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:49 PM ((SPACE HIM!)) Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:49 PM ::hugs back:: Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:50 PM ::begins running diagnostics on medical lab equipment:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:50 PM :: looks to Faldek :: We are at war Commander. We have to do things differently now. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:50 PM That doesn't answer my question. Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:50 PM +Gila+ Dr. Orrak! The officers in CetOps... do they fall under Medical, or Veterinary? Do you sign off on their physicals and such not? Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:50 PM I am still trying to track Ryan down...he is hidden well SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:50 PM and that is? Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:51 PM ::shakes his head:: that is whole another ordeal. Is SFS involved in helping? Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:51 PM I thought you SI people paid better attention. Is it permenant or temporary? 1 1 2 Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:51 PM ::hears Bren:: Medical, I believe. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:52 PM no, I want to deal with him myself ::Makes a fist::: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:52 PM ::looks at Callista:: Is this even something you still want to do? SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:52 PM :: ignores the bristle :: The duration of Operation Pinhole... Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:52 PM I am sure you will get him. Don't forget our various contacts. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:53 PM I'd like to take up this challenge sir, As you know I try to volunteer for Intelligence missions when I can.. This is no different. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:53 PM Yes and some operations have gone for years. I need to know if I will be appointing a new assistant chief engineer. Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:53 PM I think I might get My brother Chip in on this SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:53 PM :: to Faldek curtly :: The duration of the assignment is classified. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:54 PM You could always send Karl. ::snickers:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:54 PM I could certainly deny the transfer. ::just as curtly:: 1 Cdr. Faldek I could certainly deny the transfer. ::just as curtly:: Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 9:54 PM ((Just get out the rulers already)) 1 Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:54 PM :::Smiles:: Karl has his own skills we need here Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:55 PM ::still looking at Callista:: This isn't like one of our missions. You won't have us there to back you up... You may not have anyone. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:55 PM He could probably sniff out Ryan quickly. Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 9:55 PM But this is something I want to do sir. And I understand the risks. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 9:55 PM ::performs some checks on the scientific systems and sensors:: Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 9:56 PM :::pokes PADDD::: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:56 PM ::looks at McFly:: Armory Officer BOT 8/12/2024 9:56 PM ::walks onto the bridge and hands Pilot a PADD:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:56 PM ::looks over at Faldek and sighs; then looks back at Borsh:: I know how some of you operate. You make sure she's taken care of. You don't want the wrath of this ship on you. Trust me. SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:56 PM She would be checked in on by officers to gather her reports. We are not going to be using ELINT with Operation Pinhole. Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:57 PM ::accepts the PADD:: Thank you. Armory Officer BOT 8/12/2024 9:57 PM ::exits the Bridge and heads back to the Armory:: Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 9:57 PM ::monitors the results of the medical lab equipment diagnostics:: Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 9:58 PM ::reviewing the PADD:: SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:58 PM I am only following orders Captain.. If you wish to threaten someone you are doing so far to low on the tree. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:58 PM Then you make sure everyone above you feels just as threatened. 2 SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 9:59 PM Understood Captain McFly. Captain McFly 8/12/2024 9:59 PM Callista, your post will be waiting for you. Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 9:59 PM ::picks up the PADD and presses his thumb to the sensor:: Good luck Tyrel. ::looks at Borch:: I'm sure you've seen my file. Make sure she gets back in one piece. 2 1 1 Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 10:00 PM ((Ah...great FAFO statement)) 1 SI Borsh BOT 8/12/2024 10:00 PM Indeed I have Commander Faldek. The next time I come here, I might have a mission for you given your talents.... Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:01 PM !pause Dyno BOT 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== 22:01 ======== PAUSE SIM ======== Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ::paused:: Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ::paused:: Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ::paused:: Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 10:01 PM :: paused :: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:01 PM It's late but... Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Dr. Gila Orrak 8/12/2024 10:01 PM paused Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ooooh Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:01 PM 10:01 PM Hmm, that was supposed to trigger a sound Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 10:01 PM Mortal Kombat? Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:01 PM yeah Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 10:01 PM ::Paused:: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:02 PM I don't know 10:02 PM KK, Komments? Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 10:03 PM nothing form me Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:03 PM ::JUMPS UP AND DOWN WITH HIS HAND IN THE AIR:: 1 Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:03 PM Oh, have to be in a voice channel Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 10:03 PM We have a voice channel?! Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 10:03 PM but I thiink Bren has something to say Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 10:03 PM okay I have to go...but see you next week! Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:03 PM wait Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 10:03 PM Bye Cali! Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:03 PM Tyrell! 10:03 PM You aren't like LEAVING us are you? Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 10:04 PM You'll still ne around eh: Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:04 PM TBS will be a couple of hours. Callista can say her goodbyes and we can get word on our next mission. Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 10:04 PM nice Lt. Cmdr EJ Pilot 8/12/2024 10:04 PM And don't get captured this time mcfly! I appreciate the Command experience though. Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:04 PM No but seriously, are we losing a player? Or is this just a side plot? 10:04 PM Don't leaaaave us Callista Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 10:05 PM side plot for something in the future Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:05 PM Oh good Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 10:05 PM player will be here...the character...we will wait and see... Bren Faliver 8/12/2024 10:05 PM Good enough Callista Tyrel 8/12/2024 10:05 PM goodnight folks must jet Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 10:05 PM cool Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 10:06 PM Night Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:06 PM Alright, questions or comments? Kansas Kenickie 8/12/2024 10:06 PM nite nite everyone 10:07 PM McFly Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:07 PM If nothing then try not to be sprayed by blood as you walk by Faldek finishing him... DISMISSED!!! 2 Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 10:09 PM Goodnight! Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 10:09 PM Get the umbrellas! lol Annika Sorenson 8/12/2024 10:10 PM lol Dr. Tevek 8/12/2024 10:10 PM Bye everybody! Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 10:11 PM Bye Tevek! Captain McFly 8/12/2024 10:12 PM later dudes Lt. Thomas Harnett 8/12/2024 10:12 PM Night Cdr. Faldek 8/12/2024 10:13 PM Night Exported 330 message(s) Timezone: UTC-6