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Erein Vor'Tic

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Everything posted by Erein Vor'Tic

  1. Well, yes I did. But I have two questions. Are you paranoide, and what is with you and needing to now about spys?
  2. NO, not medical. Good, I am not injured, unless EPS conduits explode, which I dont think will happen.
  3. Are you like a god lightning, controller of the weather. And the Olsen twins are hot
  4. Well, in my first academy, I thought most of the names were weird, Atragon9, dacotah, Garnoopy, loAmi are some of them, but now new cadets are probily thinking erein VorTic, what type of name is that, he must be insain.
  5. T'Rex, they know the the Talons plot, should I yy'a them
  6. I thought it was a neat epesode. I agree, they should have shown more about Archer getting captured, and have a bigger sense of honner Spoiler (Highlight to Read): In the end, when Archer excapes, how was he able to just walk out without any guard or inmates notice him leaving. They should have had some Klingons notice, not just Archer walking out of the mine
  7. a borg cube who act like borg, but think as individuals
  8. Computer, begin log Ensign James Black Stardate 03043.11 As I enter the Arcadia, I think it is quite, no Security Commander, XO, CO, the only preson was the Transporter chief. This quiteness ended untill I was told to come to the bridge, an odd order for the ASEC, but it still works to meet the Co and Xo. I thought it was supposed to be Security, not marines, but it still works. The sift turned out to be at Tactical, because of 4 crewmen missing, including my commander in Marines, so I was CSEC, and TAC. It was interesting, especially with the explosion in the cargo bay, were I had to lead a rescue. All I hope is that we soon get the crewmen back, alive. I don’t want to command the old marine, Sgt Major Jackson; he thinks he knows it all. But then again, that might be how everyone acts around the temporary commander, even though I am a Second lieutenant in marine ranks, and he outranks me, he should be in command, not me, but I like the experience for the future when I do get a command of a security detail. But in closing, my first shift was a fun one, and I think my commander will be surprised when he hears the comments I think he will get. ::puts 200 “the new marine is very good” comments in: :he he he
  9. You would need a entire sectore, with planets, to get all the Garnoopys there to see it
  10. wouldnt all the Garnoopys overload the transport
  11. that was a long time ago
  12. Memo to self:Dont make a peguin mad. Very funny
  13. Us AENG are like the red shirts. We are known of, but are work is never prased for. If a friendlly ship was full of radiation, and there wereno bio suits, the AENG would be sent in, fix the problem and die. There would be a celibration, but not to cellibrate what we did.
  14. We could always try deplomicy to get ship sizes. E-mail the people at startrek.com, and see if they can give us ship size info, if you want a canon sim, for a ship with unknow info.
  15. SPG, on the Talon, I am the AENG2, Propulsion specialest, and well, the crew does not forget me. They just say "Get the new Erein here," or "get me the punching bag" the doc says " Wear the red shirt, the Rihan equvilent to a 'Kick Me' sign on earth." T Rex, can I be transfered to CPB (Cheif Punching bag. Not serious.) So dont think it is bad. ::goes to sickbay:: Vor'Tic:want to fic my new wounds. Doc: Angree crewmen again? Vor'Tic: And the red shirt, I souldnt have lissend to you. Note:not a real coversation, just basiclly describing the life of a new Erein on a Rihan ship
  16. well, I think this is abit late, but, yes. You could also delete the posts from about 5 months ago, and past.
  17. good recored. I have only lived once But if you want to do good, come to the Wensday academy, fun. I think one of the requierments should be "Must die by the wrath of Dac" But welcome, and dont be afraid to ask any questions.
  18. Live long and prosper. I think we are lossing one of the best GM's STSF has had in the time since I have been here. The Wensday academy will never be the same, except for Dac killing us all. I will always lission to your advice, and I think people here will to. Good luck in you future endevers.
  19. My question is not on here As you should know, we can not address every question, because that would be to many to list. You can send a PM to A9, Dac Garnoopy, LoAmi, or any one else who is a Ltjg and up. (that why the do have more than 1 week experience in an advance sim) Note: also include-mails so if they do not have a log-in acount for the boards, they can e-mail them
  20. Well, I was there for the entire hour and because pf being the highest ranks (prety bad) I tryed to set up a sim so the peope there could get experience, and a new person doesnt get a bad impression.No one would have graduated. I tryed, but everyone left except T Tor. I almost was about to list the posts, and the mission breif for the 4 people there, but they all left (except R Tor). Even before then, I look on the message boards to see if any GMs were there, pm them, and see if they would have come. The only XO up was T Rex, so I tryed him, but jusr before I sent the PM, he left and didnt get it, I think. Thanks to every one who DID come, and I wish Saria would have stayed another 5 min, because then we would of had 5, 6 people to sim.
  21. my excercise is ether getting up for more chips/dip from the T.V/PC. I still breack a sweet!!
  22. good job ::notices Dac went to hospital after for brocken ankle:: But dont do the race in high heals next time
  23. ===A===Begin log===A=== Erein Vor'Tic's log, stardate 0303.21 I just had my first sift on the Talon, or should I say scan. I beamed up from ch'Rihan (Romulus) then met the chief of engineering, my commanding officer. After I met, hem, he questioned me on how good I am. Understandable, new person, his AQS. Then I was ordered to the sick bay for scans. Hear I was able to meet my new, insane doctor. I think she likes to kill people, not heal them. I don’t want to see her during a medical emergency. Well, my first shift wasn’t what I would of liked. I was hoping to show my skills to my new chief, but maybe on my next shift. Computer, end recording ===A===
  24. What day do you think war will start.
  25. well, I recall saying, a noticiable one. A breack down of is like this: Jets: 1 ( a biplane) Tanks: what is a tank Solders: 100 Guns: 1 ( a air rifle) ammo: 1 bullite, 0 missials, 0 bombs cruse missials: 0 ships:100 paper boats