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Posts posted by Images

  1. Happy Birthday STSF. :P


    Though space and time have stopped me from playing I still creep in for an acad game or a forum post from time to time and look at my regular simming days as nothing short of brilliant. I will return one day! ONE DAY!!


    May STSF continue and grow for many more years.

  2. My two cents...


    Any Dax episode is awful.


    Garak rocks.


    Sisko is only good when he's forced to do bad things


    Kira is only good when she actually concedes she's wrong


    Odo and Quark are hilarious together


    Bashir and O'Brian have the best sci fi bromance ever

  3. Older yet: who remembers "I, Clavdivs"?


    Hell yes! He was certainly a bad bad man in that. Watch it people. He doesn't turn up till the later episodes but when he does its worth the wait. Curly red wig and all.



    Oh and I think the bamboo cannon idea would be even better if it didn't kill kirk, just blew off his arms, especially if one by fluke managed to hit and kill the gorn. Thats a hard earned victory!

  4. no kirk,s brother<Where is he>,


    He was the other kid standing by the road as kirk drove past with the beastie boys playing (kickass). There was a deleted scene with him running away from home and telling jim he's an annoying goodie two shoes. It kinda drags though and isn't really neccesary.



    On the other hand, vulcan going bye bye...yeah me no likey that.


    But I don't mind. It was worth it to see the brilliance of the last flight of the kelvin, karl urban's mccoy and witnessing the kobayashi maru get pwned.


    Villain's plans are quite often rubbish in the first film of a modern geek franchise. Ya have to spend so long introducing everyone to the new folks that by the time you get to the threat, the baddie will just be blowing the crap out of stuff with no full reasoning. X-Men, batman begins anyone? But don't despair, X-men 2 and the dark knight soon followed... ^_^

  5. Meh...


    I'm kinda bored with the geek stereotype joke. Unless its made endearing like Galaxy Quest it feels a little old. Im not saying it didn't make me chuckle and Nimoy's line was kickass. But in these days when A LOT of mainstream media is made by complete Trekkies (or Trekkers) and a huge amount of money is being made out of "geek" territory like this and the comic book franchises I just think the gag's worn itself out.


    Am I on my own with this one?

  6. Saw it just now.


    Characters: Brilliant. The Enterprise crew reborn. Kudos especially to Bones. One exception, Nero was RUBBISH! No motivation, no great line, zip.


    Plot: Meh. Kinda weak. The canon changes caused me a few winces but nothing a glass of wine won't solve.


    Issues discussed: Average. No way as deep as it could have been.


    Action: Hand to hand rocked, space battles were so so


    Overall Impression: Decent re-boot attempt. Its the sequel that will define if this was a good idea or not.