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Everything posted by Images

  1. that was very pretty, here have a cookie ::hands over a delicious cookie::
  2. i know the legend of the crewman in red, it is a sad tale filled with woe about a poor bugger who, in many a trek episode in every season, would die HORRIBLY! By the end of the episode, everyone on the ship had seemed to forget that someone had died HORRIBLY right in front of them and smiling, they zoomed off to their next mission. I believe the time has come to honour all those who dared to wear red and stand anywhere near anything happening. I have tried to find a movie of thier deaths online but have searched in vain. my question is this...IS DISCO REALLY DEAD? my condolences images/Boost
  3. hey i came out kirk!! no fair! i wanted to be "crewman in red shirt who dies horribly and by the end of the episode everybody has forgotten"!!!!!!!
  4. Dear Posters I am a representative of "The Society Of The Prevention Of Cruelty To Members Of The Society Of The Prevention Of Cruelty To Tribbles (TSOTPOCTMOTSOTPOCTT)" and i must protest against the use of Bat'Leth's and disruptors against them. we respect the right that tribble lovers have to live thier tribble loving lives and to multiply to create more tribble lovers, and more tribble lovers, and so on and so on. So what that they're completely insane? tribble lovers have feelings too and in time, when our goal is achieved and every square inch of the universe is covered in tribbles and the people who love them i'm sure that you'll understand. thank you Proffesor Ivana B. Sedated
  5. the action laws and physics have a lot in common, they are defined by old men with white hair and big moustaches who speak with german accents and make up formulas including the letter e. example e=mc2 e=living ensigns or cadets 11:00 = training sim ends (At point 11:00 e = 0)
  6. yeah but dumbass, if by some miracle you DID survive, your name would break the laws of physics and cause the end the world as we know it! think of the children! oh won't somebody please think of the children?!
  7. be careful smith, it appears the a an axis of evil (nerds) is plotting against you. Only an army of human's, elves and klingons can defeat them now. images/Boost
  8. for the last couple of academy sims i went to i went with the whole "we have to act to save an innocent life!" thing as a security officer, i think i'll try another position and be less "OH MY GOD NOOOOOOO", melodramatic images/Boost
  9. Dear Posters I am a representative of "The Society Of The Prevention Of Cruelty To Tribbles" and i must protest against any insults against them. we respect the right that tribbles have to live thier tribble lives and to multiply to create more tribbles, and more tribbles, and so on and so on. So what that they drive everyone insane? tribbles have feelings too and in time, when our goal is achieved and every square inch of the universe is covered in tribble i'm sure that you'll understand. thank you Dr. Ima Freakingloony ;)
  10. Can't we all just............get along? ;)
  11. heyyyyy i was checking out the posts on the other boards when i saw one that said that now the ready room is ready, all advanced sims will take place there and that the saturday night academy training will be on the holodeck, but looking at the schedule i don't see any training scheduled i wondered if one actually exists because that would mean after my holliday this week i could still keep trying to get graduated, bloody time zones. oh and a friday one would be nice too. thanks ;) images/Boost
  12. thank you very much! :) you've cleared things up for me! i just hope that more GMs pop up. by the way i am very thankful for the hard work that they do for us simmers, i salute them! ;)
  13. OMG what an idiot i am!!!!!!!! i should have read it properly!!! damn damn damn damn, stupid grammar!! but wait, if the advanced sims are going to be in the ready room doesn't that still mean that the holodeck will be empty and simming on more weekdays for the academy could be possible? like friday for instance ;)
  14. Okay this topic has just got TOO WEIRD! how can you want to be a piece of clothing?! i am going to take a graceful exit now from this madness! ::leaps past the wannabe bodysuits through the window unfortunately it's closed:: AAAAAghhhhhh!!! glass shards!! glass shards!! it hurts!! okay i'm sorry i insulted you, just help me get this piece of glass out my head!
  15. 5 nights? surely you mean 4? cos on the schedule only 4 are listed sun-wed. That's why when i read that post i was a bit confused it said there was a training sim on saturday. "Starting with the USS Manticore sim tonight, February 3, 2003, all advanced simulations will take place in the new startrek.com room that Paramount set up for us, The Ready Room chatroom. There is a link to it on the startrek.com/community/chat.asp page right after the link to the Holodeck chatroom. The Starfleet Academy sims and The Lounge sim, on Saturday evening, will remain in the Holodeck. Thank you." c what i mean? on the schedule only the lounge is listed for saturday. any help would....help ;)
  16. he could always be our checkov. always coming up with something funny to say. p.s i think he meant bothering, not boring!
  17. yeah but think of how much money i'd waste on getting the glass refitted and my neighbours would keep calling the cops on me thinking i was a burglar. ;)
  18. I just tried an academy sim and it was great, i think that we were all going to die due to a plasma leakage causing mutations......weird! anywhodedoo, i have a leetle problem. Being a complete fool i have two seperate names for my chat and for the message board and i can't find a way to make them the same!!!! p.s my chat name is images
  19. me and the CSEC were scoping out the floors we kept finding passed out crewmembers when we took them to sickbay the doc said they had MUTATIONS! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! so i sort of assumed that this was related to the plasma leakage as an amusing subplot ;)
  20. Yes give old man Yuri a chance, psst he hasn't got long...er... ::looks over his shoulder and gives yuri one of those, i'm so sorry you're gonna die looks:: hey yuri! looking fit there! just kidding yuri, but seriously he has made a point! the old can be sexy too!
  21. oh and another thing, fake? que?
  22. naaaaaaaaaah i'll keep it this way till i graduate thanks
  23. why can't we all just...get along? ::notices that everyone is looking at him strangely and leaps through a door:: yeah these houses are getting really popular, but in the winter trying to keep the doors closed to keep the heat in is hell, it takes twenty minutes!
  24. I may only be a lowly cadet but i believe that in the spirit of the federation this must stop. Yuri you may be a proud warrior of the Klingon's ready to deal justice to your race's enemies which i respect but remember here in the federation none of us are enemies. And Romulan commander it insults others by claiming you could destroy us all. p.s the reason i am talking like a care bear is because i want to either become a counseler or a security officer and since i haven't been in a sim yet this is practice for the former, in reality i am really shouting, LET THE BLOODBATH BEGIN!! whoops shouldn't of said that! :D
  25. wait just a sec, it appears that on my account to get MY time i have to put it on + 14 GMT!!!!! this is strange because Hong Kong is without a doubt +8 GMT (check the clock on your windows taskbar!) so if you thought i was confused before i'm even more confused now!!! please somebody help me!!!!