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Everything posted by Images

  1. yeah for once i'd have to agree with randy, one day a9's just gonna snap and he's gonna come for us all in the middle of the night. When you're lying in bed you'll hear the tap tap of his zimmer frame on your doorstep, then you'll hear the door creak open (or is that his joints?) and then you'll hear him get to your staircase and try to climb the first step...and then you'll hear him try the first step, again and again until finally you hear a groan and a thump. In the morning when you get up you'll find a strange old creature in a silver bathing suit at the bottom of your staircase and when he wakes up and stares at you they'll be that awkward silence which really sucks. trust me it's happened to me, how do you think the cops got those photos of him? images
  2. Sharing the McDonalds breakfast special with your next door neighbour named Bernie is NOT a meeting Randy. How many times have we been over this? Will you please show up soon? We've got a cleanup on aisle 3. sincerely Your Boss
  3. fred, the picture itself is terrorfying beyond belief, but what's MORE frightening is that you've had it on your computer. living in fear of you images p.s ya know if you guys want to give us a new uniform just give it to us, this is cruel and unusual punishment! p.s2 if you get any more of these pics we can start a web site!
  4. yeah i advise nobody here to try that. I did once and even though for a few seconds it looks really cool, i found it's not really covered by most HMO's, oh yeah and for all you ladies (or goddesses) out there have you ever tried getting bloodstains out of your clothes?! it's just not worth it...oh wait it was just a figure of speech...well i still think i've made a point, no dancing on any sharp implements children no matter how many of the cool kids do it! forever in pherapy images
  5. yes i remember it well. we were waiting at the train station in paris for her, the rain was beating down, she was late. suddenly a messenger gave you a note saying she could not come with us. You were heartbroken but you left with me to morroco where we started a club called ricks and i was the jazz pianist and then.... ...oh wait sorry that was casablanca, i don't know what the hell happened to YOU, oh well, good movie anyway
  6. ya know i say we go along with dac's monkey thing, it's one of the few posts i read that wasn't as long as the great gatsby and made sense. monkeys are cute, fuzzy, funny, loveable AND EASILY MADE OUR SLAVES! so lets all agree that the star trek economy is based on monkey slave labour, in other words atragon does all the jobs that suck :)
  7. images- aware of typo has spent all night without sleep typing about a systems administrator named pony ma for IT and has spent all night typing HE. is aware of huffs sex and apologises to huff for the typo but STILL wants the mug from the old man. shall i continue? :)
  8. Old man A9, can i have huff's mug if he's not getting it?
  9. remember jorlis-san wax on, wax off paint the fence sand the floor, Mr. Miyagi was cool beyond belief
  10. yeah i was getting ready to throw rancid fruit at the screen when i first sat down to watch enterprise but it's actually pretty decent, theme songs catchy too!....okay begin pelting your fruit at me
  11. Or a stalker
  12. i think the whole point is that there is NO median of exhange or money! people do things because they want to, remember even a mining operation in the 24th century is a cushy job, you don't have some poor bugger swinging a pickaxe or anything like that, knowledge is power. The whole system is based on the Utopian idea which believes that once a socialist government is properly instituted money will not exist and man respects fellow man. And then they begin to ask why we seek pieces of paper to prove our worth. don't get me wrong here, i'm no hippy i'm a greedy man and i want to swim in money. The point is that these types of societies have continued to fail in such countries as russia and china because we aren't ADVANCED enough to overcome our personal lust for power causing people to take charge and therefore never letting the socialist existance to take place. So my answer is that it's possible but not in our time or our childrens but someday...
  13. Hey there, I would agree with you...if Voyager had: A) Held some consistency from episode to episode during it's first 6 seasons. :) Not resulted to "sex appeal" to try and raise ratings C) Not lost 47 shuttles, somehow had the parts to make them, oh wait...I did mention inconsitency, didn't I? SEX APPEAL?! WHAT SEX APPEAL?! lol, they resorted to sex appeal when? I'll have to make a note to watch that episode... anyays, thats the only reason people like me and dumbass watch ST yeah i've got to admit picard's bald head is pretty damn sexy, and don't get me started on spocks ears
  14. "the one where the crew actually lived" uh oh! are we synergising friends and star trek now?!! evacuate evacuate!
  15. yeah maybe they're the ghosts of star trek captains and all they want is a friend! "Pi-card, the friendly ghost. The friendliest ghost you know. He's bald and bad but never gets mad and has his own show." what? it could work, at least its ratings would beat that casper bugger!
  16. it appears so far with a 2 for no and a 2 for what's a peer, we're all illegal or ignorant, and that includes me of course ignorance is bliss and so is getting songs without paying! oh monkeyballs the government is monitoring this forum right now and i'm gonna get my door beaten, unless..... BEAM ME OUT OF HERE!...nope didn't work, i'm still gonna get nicked. Well anyway my view is that the music industry is soirta getting what it deserves and the creators of the sites shouldn't be sued for providing music (one of the things we're entitled to hear) to people around the world. But playing devils advocate we have still got to realise that good artists may suffer because of this since we're taking away their livelihood however i am still keeping my opinion that i love these things and anyone who wants to get them away from me will have to pull my pc away from my kung fu grip. Of course we can always hope that in the future money will not exist and musicians will work just to make the world a happy place just like in the trek universe...WOOHOO I MADE THE LINK TO TREK!
  17. hey i was going to go with the cruiser before you did that speech loami, you completely won me over! have you ever thought about going into politics?...president Loami, kinda catchy you've gotta admit it ;)
  18. okay for the last time people this is not "Nude GM forum"! to get to THAT forum click your back button and click the link on the board that has the revolving picture of William Shatner nude. images ;)
  19. USS ssu uus suu uss (just to confuse them)
  20. precip has anyone ever said you're slightly unstable? ;)
  21. Personal Log: Additional I have found out to my displeasure that our ship does not carry a counselor nor does our station. Strange i think, i've always thought the mental health of a crew to be very important. It appears i'll have to find another way of getting over what's troubling me. I find it unlikely that i'll confide in the other medical officers even though we are trained in basic psychology. I just don't see myself lying on a sofa telling all while Arsala takes notes. I've never actually heard of a Cardassian counselor in Starfleet yet, it's worth looking into. Anyway the real point is that i'm already having trouble getting adjusted to ship life and i don't want to keep walking into my job everyday with my fellow crewmembers looking at me like i'm dying or something. I suppose what's best for me now is that i... A) Go to the holodeck and see if there's a psychologist program. ;) Go to the lounge and get absolutely rat-arsed. END
  22. two words that could save the world. "coconut bra"
  23. Personal Log Assistant Medical Officer Victor Images I haven't been sleeping well the past few days and it isn't through overwork, Dr. Jones has been making sure that even though we're working hard on a cure, everyone in medical gets enough time to sleep. Everyone except himself that is, a couple of times this week i've finished my shift and hours later when i come back on he'll still be there at his desk. But i think he's still probably been getting more rest then me. Ever since the night of my last log i've been having nightmares and then i wake up screaming. I think it was from talking to commander ayers in sickbay. He kept describing how at night he'd see how 'his' family was murdered by the borg. I think it triggered something in me. I've kept reliving 'my' parents death. The dream starts with me in sickbay. I'm just finishing up my work when i see something outside the doorway. I walk out, and the hallway is filled with the corpses of the aegis crew. It's all on fire and then i realise i'm not on any starship i know of, i'm back on the colony. Suddenly i see my mother and father running through the hallway, dodging the sparks and flames pulling me by the hand to the shuttle bay. I'm watching from the open doorway to the sickbay and i call out, "mum! dad!" but they don't notice or care, they run right past me. I grab a medical kit and I follow them. I clamber into the shuttle after they do and sit in the back area watching myself being held in my mums arms whilst my dad pilots us out of there. The shuttle shakes and creaks horribly as we break through the seering hot atmosphere. We just make it out when the planet destructs and flings the craft through space. We're finally safe, but now i look to my mother and i see she's shaking, my self scared in her arms wondering what's wrong. My father in the front notices this and comes into the back. I open the medical kit and ask him to lay her on the floor quickly, he does so, he must hear me. I take out my tricorder and use it to scan my mum, i can tell exactly how she's been poisoned by the chemicals in the research site and how to cure it. I take out my hypospray, put in the correct dosage for an antidote and i put it onto her neck...it passes right through. It's as if she's a ghost, i can't touch her. I try again and fail again. I begin to feel deep fear at the reality. My father didn't hear me, i don't exist here, this is what happened and i'm watching it all again knowing exactly what's going to occur next. I can't do a thing to change it and all i can do is suffer it again and again. as my father tries unsuccssfully to recucitate her. I scream at him, trying to tell him what to do, i throw my kit supplies at im, but they pass through him and hit the wall on the other side. My mothers violent shaking suddenly stops and her chest collapses, she's dead. My dad holds her in his arms sobbing uncontrolably and my little self keeps saying "mum? mum?". my dad lays my mum back down and embraces my little self saying that the'yll be okay but it's only a matter of seconds before his hands start to quiver. He's only able to gasp "i love you Victor" before he falls and hits the deck with a thud and begins his spasmic dance of death. I just curl up in the corner in a little ball with my eyes closed and my hands over my ears while my self shrieks "no, dad no, you can't die" over and over again until his voice is hoarse and his eyes are red from the tears. My dad finally dies and my self hugs him as if expecting him to come back, like this is some sort of joke. I wake up covered in sweat and the scar on my back i got from the flames on the colony stings with more pain then i can describe. I take some sedatives and regain the rest of my night. I'm going to go see ships counselor, Ayers speaking of his past demons has made me need to face my own i think, that's all. There is no medical possibility that i am suffering anything like him. The disease has always been contained in the force field, i have made sure of it, not listening to either of the patient's reqests it be removed. Therefore i'm sure this is completely psychological, i could stake my name as a doctor on it. I actually feel happier that i 'm facing my past, i just wish the damn dreams would stop. End Of Log
  24. exactly, though being melted by a core leak will cause a HUGE amount of pain, it's REALLY fun, that's just the type of masochistic people we are ;) go to the dac and face your fate!
  25. but getting killed by dac is like a sacred part of your stsf experience, like death itself, it must come and crush you with it's $500 high heels.