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Everything posted by Images

  1. Dear Sirs, I am now your manager. 70% of all your Film, Television and Stage Profits will go to me. Thank you and have a nice day. :( Images, CEO of the Images Corporation
  2. yeah, these tips are great! before you started making 'em moosy i had to use the writing on the back of a head 'n shoulders shampoo bottle as my game playing guide!
  3. Hum....does this mean I get to do a neat monologue at the end of STSF 2? It will all depend on how i decide our lovely Goddess Dac will cause your untimely demise. Of course i could always gussy it up if i had a little "help". COUGH! Bribe! COUGH! now what would the the screenwriters guild say to that i wonder? images, a man with a finger in every pie
  4. Star Trek Simulation Forum: The EmotIcon Picture Star Trek Simulation Forum 2: The Wrath Of Dac Star Trek Simulation Forum 3: The Search For Fred Star Trek Simulation Forum 4: The Voyage To "The" Home (starring A9) Star Trek Simulation Forum 5: The Final Academy Star Trek Simulation Forum 6: The Undiscovered Garnoopy Star Trek Simulation Forum 7: GMations Star Trek Simulation Forum 8: First Donut (Starring Huff) Star Trek Simulation Forum 9: Misdirection Star Trek Simulation Forum 10: Images Of course i had to have the title role to the last film, images, the lovechild of Kubrick, Hitchcock and Spielberg
  5. Any of you GM's got a spare bolt of lightning or a grizzly bear handy?
  6. Images Personal Log 0304.11 Doctor (doc·tor) 1. A person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice. Engineer (en·gi·neer) 1. One who is trained or professionally engaged in a branch of engineering. 2. One who operates an engine. ------------------------------------------------------------ Most people will notice a slight difference between the meaning of these two words, however it seems that on this station I’m going to have to get used to the idea that the captain and commander’s interpretation of my job title changes every minute. A short time ago I got a prime example of this. I was trying to perform my job as it is described by that dictionary quote and started by trying to find out when I could get the sickbay up and running. I think this is quite important since we have still not discovered the identity of the person or persons responsible for the sabotage of the Pandora’s Box’s medical supplies nor the extent of the damage, and I consider it hazardous to continue using anything we took from the sickbay there. However I found out from Commander Ayers that that particular undertaking is very low on his agenda, probably even below re-opening Drankum’s bar. Though I’m obviously joking about that I could understand the reasoning. We’ll all need a stiff drink when this is all over, especially me. Anyway getting back to the main point, the Commander told me that all he wanted me to do was to help out with the engineers after I gave him his anti-loony shot as I’ve affectionately named it. I did actually try to do a good job of giving him the hypospray, checking his vital signs, asking how he was feeling, etcetera etcetera but I was short of being shoved out of the room before I could finish. That task somewhat complete I called to Hawke to announce my orders to help her. I was treated in a very rude manner with her just sighing and glaring. After a few moments of complaining about it however and she told me very curtly to assist Hyperdrive. Of course I found out five seconds later that Hyperdrive wasn’t even on the station anymore and that I looked like a complete arse calling for him, so instead Hawke quickly told me to repair a console. I was a teensy weensy bit shocked by this since I would have just enjoyed lifting stuff, jobs that don’t require any technical skill but she wouldn’t hear anything of it. I actually got down to the irritating task and through a lot of hard work and some kicking I got the damn thing working and of course I am very proud of myself. The Commander was also slightly pleased at my toil and has actually promoted me to the rank of a proper ensign because of it. Hallelujah, no longer am I the lowest rank on board. But what I’m trying to say very badly is that this story captures the interesting concept I was talking about, promoting a doctor for doing an engineers job. It’s all a bit strange and slightly preposterous. I hope that this trend does not continue or we’ll have every crewman in sickbay offering to operate on one another to see if it gets them a few brownie points. But on the other hand if it this type of thinking gets “me” a few brownie points, why complain? Anyway enough rambling, here’s my official statement. We’re still sitting in a dark control tower with time running out for us to turn on the station’s lights and shields. If we don’t hurry up then our friends outside might twig. However my main concern is those ant men. We beamed them to pylon two, that’s great. But now we have, they all know that we’re here and it’s only a matter of time till they come back to even the score. END LOG
  7. Catch up? does that mean that A9 has found a way to stop getting older, thus making himself immortal?! noooo!! Oh yes, happy Birthday Commander, may you live long and prosper. You put the "Age" in "Sky Harbor Aegis". Dr. Images
  8. I've actually ordered one of these things and i'm going to hang it up right next to all the motivation posters to see if anyone notices. p.s I would try to put into words my description of Ruca NEtani's avatar but i think this will suffice: :) :) :) :) :) :) :( :D :) :D
  9. I've decided to seek a position in the exciting world of shoe mining, here's my resume. Images' Resume Randy's Boss at the local park n' shop Amatuer filmaker "My big fat Garnoopy wedding" "Me myself and Garnoop" "There's something about Garnoopy" "A weekend at Atragon's" (the film's secret is that he actually IS alive!) Disco Funk Meister Doctor Scientist on the Garnoopy cloning experiment Groupie love boat captain Lion tamer As you can see, i have the perfect qualifications for the job, shall i start on Monday?
  10. You know Dac, I think you die laughing more times than you blow up ships in an Academy, quite a feat as many can attest to. :( i think it's actually the "coming back to life" that's the amazing part
  11. do i get to win a weekend with you on a planet if i find THAT one cos this weekend is totally booked solid, lemme see. hmmmmm uh-huh, yeah there it is, saturday: die a horrible death on core. maybe we can work something out for next week, i'll have my people call your people
  12. wait a minute, now i've just realised you plan to send me to a planet where one by one my bodily functions will collapse and i'll die! Well i have just thing to say to YOU mister! Just how hot are the two klingon ladies and can i have a hot tub?
  13. Dr. Midshipman Victor Images Personal Log I've just had quite an interesting little chat with Andrews. It was quite insightful. We were all working to get the station up and running. And of course by "we" I mean "they" I prefer to stick to my areas of expertise and sadly faffing around with complex wiring is not one of them. Instead I decided to have a sit down, to eat my apple and to watch the insane antics of Midshipman Mogg. That dancing Ferengi is in need of some definite therapy. Commander Ayers of course kept trying to get me off my flat behind and to get stuck in and I was just about to when I heard an explosion and saw Andrews fly back a few feet. I ran over to him and found out he'd taken an absolutely huge jolt of electricity. Which actually made me feel a lot better for not trying to help with the wiring! I was just congratulating him for being able to stand upright when he passed out and took all his vital signs down with him. I stabilised him and got him awake, but he kept fading out. I gave him a slap and brought him back to reality. He claimed to have seen his father and that he'd warned him about the ant-men, no specifics unfortunately. It's quite creepy that, there's a lot of crew dreaming about dead relatives lately, Hmmm strange. That actually reminds me, I’ve got no medication for my problem at the moment, now Sheepy and me have found the current supply has been poisoned. I should be okay though, it's not like I’m going to go insane or anything. Anyway, I told Andrews that it was perfectly normal to happen when in a near death situation and he replied that it might have been Stovakor, the klingon afterlife. I generally try to stop patients from talking about their own demise so I changed the topic to that of our upcoming fight. A fight that I think will have to be put off for a short bit with his current ordeal and with the state of the station. I told him I’d kick his arse but I’m obviously kidding myself, he's a bloody klingon! Anyway once again, he brought the topic to death. When I said it was a bit extreme, he said it was a common phrase. This has got me very intrigued, I know very little about the klingon views on death, supposedly it's very close to the views of Viking warriors on ancient earth but how close I have no idea. More importantly if they welcome death what are their views of medicine and doctors? I will have to add some klingon literature to my future reading list. Anyway Andrews seems fine now, he's got a couple of burn marks, some bruising and some stiffness of the muscles and joints all the maladies to be expected from electrical shock but as long as he doesn't do anything over exertive for the time being, there should be no problems. Although his hair is sticking up quite a bit I just haven't had the heart to tell him.
  14. A rather cushy assignment if you ask me. Of course if every knew just how lovely a job it really was, then I'd be overwhelmed with volunteers. How could you possibly construe that working day after day, digging underground to find secret stores of pumps and stilletos is a lovely job?!! ...oh the whole working for a goddess in a grass skirt and coconut bra thing... ...WELL...er...IT'S STILL BAD!! :( :mad: ??? :) :) :) psst where do i sign up? ::):
  15. strangely this site actually works, i now have this sudden feeling that i'm just a tiny spec in this giant universe and that i amount to nothing! ...that or i'm hungry.
  16. okay that would be the THIRD stsf movie currently in production, we are going to go bankrupt! Something about that just doesn't seem right..... oh yea: Who are they gonna marry! :( okay putting myself (once again) in the place of script writer for this forum here's the pitch for this terrible romantic comedy. All of the Garnoopy's hate eachother and they all want is to get married to escape living with A9 who claims he invented everything, including the letter P, Dac who forces him to work in the shoe mines and a whole host of other STSF characters. However one day all of the Garnoopys meet GASP! a member of another forum (or a star WARS fan) all of the forum family are angry at the garnoopys for falling for the non stsf person. Meanwhile all of the garnoopys use hillarious tactics to gain the affections of the girl such as dumping the other garnoopys out the airlock. When all the garnoopys are dead, A9 marries a pot plant, THE END if the film's a success we'll start work on "there's something about garnoopy"
  17. I'm not really a big fan of the original series and i've never seen voyager (i'm a movies, tng and ds9 man) but i found out your episodes Original Series All Our Yesterdays – season three Voyager Random Thoughts – season four Now give me the weekend getaway and one of our lady GM's to take with me :(
  18. okay that would be the THIRD stsf movie currently in production, we are going to go bankrupt!
  19. and how do YOU know how long it takes? ::eyes him suspiciously::
  20. hey i thought the last movie was fantastic, it was just that part with A9 singing "i've got to be me" that freaked everyone out, i'm not going into the exact details of it's horror, my pherapist told me not to...
  21. let me just say one thing, mmmmmmmm grass skirts. i think i've decided that in fact what i'd do is turn the bridge into a giant freaky funky disco, and i'd link the dj's station to helm control! imagine it, the ship's course would be determined by kc and the sunshine band! can you get any better? the answer is obviously yes, but any real thought would require work on my part.
  22. Mr. Kroells, people who mess with posts are a disease, and WE are the cure. :o THE STSFATRIX, coming to cinemas nowhere near you!
  23. oh no, now Mr. Kroells knows that not only can he bend the rules of the forum, he can break them. We must eliminate him before he tries to take down the GM's in an action packed slow motion lobby sequence.
  24. yes i think these are the titles i propose for the very special episode of "Star Trek: Starfleet Academy" dedicated to the very special Dr Smith: "Death Of A Scientist" "The Birthday Boy" "The Murder Of Ensign Images" "The Good, The Sarcastic and the Trigger Happy" "Psycho Smithy"
  25. That's no fair, Images...why do only Fred and A9 get discounts?? ::flees:: Feel sorry for them Vex, they haven't got long. :dead: And anyway if i give the bosses a cheap deal they will love me and make me their king...apart from fred who is my nemesis at the moment for trying to stop the USS images and the imagenettes from becoming a reality, grrrrrrr! :o one day Mr. M, one day! oh yeah this definitely puts me on the doomed list this Friday doesn't it?