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Everything posted by Images

  1. just by posting on this site i prove i have too much time on my hands!
  2. YES! No longer will we be listed in Website Weekly as "that site that doesn't even have it's own members button!". Booyah! Take that mortals!
  3. ::wonders how he's going to eliminate all the people who CAN spell "Claus":: Sleep well HD! ::o:
  4. Well it also depends on your theories of what IS time? if time is like one long line then theoretically time travel into the past is possible but nobody's gone back any further then this point since it would cause the collapse of the universe. When you really think about it the universe is simply an arrangement of different particles each acting with it's own amount of energy. If you were to travel back in time you would change this arrangement of particles and send time into a new tangent. Even if the tangent's history was EXACTLY the same as the others, the arrangement of particles makes it a different future. Therefore no future to come to, it doesn't exist, therefore no past time travel therefore NOTHING exists after the point you went back to. However if you believe in a theory that time works on a white-out line basis, that the universe takes into account the original universe but is making corrections onto a new one which becomes the present one then it is possible and i think that is the one that most films, tv shows, etc use.
  5. I concur doctor. I chose Aegis mostly cos of it's timing and because i hoped it would be something like ds9, IT'S NOT! but i love it anyway! Medical came as a surprisingly fun post, theres almost always something fun to do. My 10 cents, (no smaller denomination in Hong Kong) Dr. "Victor on the Aegis" Images
  6. my advice is not to think about it or people will look at you like doc in back to the future
  7. awww that's a pity. We will all miss the part of you that is no longer here kroells (pronounced Kra-ells) images
  8. this is important? :laugh:
  9. oh yeah i once pitched the idea to fred about displaying the empty positions on the Aegis site but he gave me some pretty good reasons not to, ya know like people craving the post more then the mission and ship
  10. It's okay it's okay, as long as he's not from Calvin Klein we can defeat him! (they're too powerful) i'll get the pocket protector, somebody get some dungerees, and someone else get a sombrero, we will de-sexify Randy
  11. Oh come on! Everyone knows that santa clause is a figment of our imaginations, the Easter Bunny told me so.
  12. Duty Log Of Dr. Victor Images (Assistant Medical Officer: Ensign) I am currently attempting to reach Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Quark'’s location. There is some sort of medical emergency but I have not been told the details of what exactly the crisis is. Quark and Sorehl to my knowledge are trying to jumpstart the station. To get to them I will have to climb down a shaft and find my way through several Jefferies tubes since the turbo-lifts are not yet working. It’s getting quite chilly as I’m getting deeper into the station meaning that life support must not be fully functional either. The lights however do appear to be up although I guarantee I saw sparks coming from them in the control tower. On another note I have not got a reply from Captain Sorehl since I reported back to him about our current number of EVA suits in storage. I suspect 'he' might be the person I will have to assist. I am quite concerned; it would be an immense loss if something happened to a high-ranking officer like Captain Sorehl. Although philosophically thinking about it, all life is supposedly equal according to most scholars and therefore it would logically be just as much a tragedy if a lowly ensign was the victim. Okay that’s enough strange talk for one day; I’m starting to sound like a Vulcan. Though I would like to be as thorough as possible in making sure my patient is in good physical shape I think it is imperative that once I've assisted the person and secured their safety I must get back to my duties in sickbay as soon as possible. With a medical station in less then proper order we will be at a severe disadvantage if trouble starts again and presently I consider our sickbay to be an utter pigsty. I suppose I could leave it to the nurses but I’m not sure I trust them in getting it shipshape after what happened to our medical supplies on the Pandora's Box. I realise that I sound a lot like I dislike fieldwork but let me just state for the record that actually it’s quite the opposite. I love doing this. Being out there giving proper medical help to those in need feels so invigorating even if it’s just curing a minor malady. It’s like I’m doing what I've always wanted to do ever since I left the Hispaniola. END LOG
  13. i thought according to that tng episode he was 137 or 138?
  14. happy b-day grommy p,s what is this, the AGE of birthdays?
  15. Makes note in book for Images to have one of those airlock accidents in a future academy for that comment....... :o :: arranges to not be present at the next blu sim :: :)
  16. Yes we always like to welcome people with hot avatars...err i mean with great personalities! Images
  17. In ancient times it was believed that if a person insulted the Gods they would be struck by lightning or eaten by a random grizzly bear and by random i mean random! Guy1: Hey watcha doin'? Guy2: Mooning the Gods. Guy1: Umm won't you like get in trouble for that? Guy 2: Of course no-AAAAAAAGGGGH!! A GRIZZLY BEAR IS MAULING ME! AAARRRHHH THE PAIN! AAAAH! you see, these days our GM's don't quite have this extent of super powers (except Dac of course). But i've still found that lately there have been some people who's sole purpose on this planet seems to be to irritate other simmers (when they're trying to have a good time with their mates) and say derogatory things to our lovely hardworking GM's (who's work is not apreciated enough). What i was wondering was do the GM's have the tool to kick these peoples bums out of the holodeck? If they don't they should try to get it soon, if they do then they should take a stand and use their powers. These people have no right to ruin everything for everyone and they DEFINITELY cross a big white line when they even think of insulting the GM's. Anyway i guess what i really mean to say is that i'm really impressed with how much stress the GM's are put under with stuff like this and i'd like to say thank you and keep up the good work guys. ::raises a glass of wine:: Images
  18. Three words: Woah that's weird!
  19. Hey guys!! He has a suite!! ::puts the Orleans on the "things to invade" map:: Dac :laugh: You have an invasion plan too? And here i was feeling so alone with my plot of world domination
  20. You guys drink cocktails on Arcadia!? ****, I gotta check out THAT ship! You mean, they don't on other ships??? Bummer. Cptn Moose USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E ::opens the mini fridge that sits between the CO/XO chair:: I thought this was standard issue. Time for an equation kids! Ship destroying all-powerful goddess Dac + Alcohol = A very worried crew! :o
  21. happy birthday fred! i wish you a groovy and happy future filled with fortune and monkeys. images
  22. where my groovy name "images" came from oooh that's a secret! images, Victor on Aegis, a man of mystery in reality
  23. oh great, now you've figured out the secrets of "the forum". and since you have it's time to eliminate you mr. dumbass. The Forum: Revolutions
  24. "Hello i'm Moe or as the ladies like to call me, 'hey you behind the bushes!' :: silence :: umm is this thing on?" Barney Answers "No!" Classic!
  25. that actually reminds me about an article in MAD titled "things to help you sleep better at night" one of them was: "You are not a pervert, the Olsen twins ARE getting hot" oh and for weirdest name, ummm definitely Atragon