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Everything posted by Images

  1. Fighter squadron? ::stares blankly::
  2. Contest is still open folks btw :) Give me a last host! And just to make things interesting, I'm gonna add a few rules. This one has to be my character's last previous host which means... a) He/She would only have been a host for a relatively short time. From the federation-cardassian war up to 3 years before the current date. :) Not a security officer. Just too similar to my current char. c) Be creative and think of something original. Heh, I'll do what i said i'd do at the very start of this thread. I'm gonna wait like a week or two and see what entries i get and pick and choose. Cheers, Images
  3. The sad thing is that enterprise's pilot was pretty damn col. Come on, a farmer shotguns a klingon!
  4. Only one eye burns? Why not the other? :P
  5. Heh, perhaps. I did actually note that! If I get another female host I think that not only will Atticus Segami kick ass in Security, apparently he will also look fabulous doing it darling. :P Meh, I don't care if the last one is a man or woman, just gimme one more host kids!
  6. I can't believe, it! One last place left! ONE! This took so long but here it is. One more and the lives are done. So sports fans, hurry up! For a brief of previous hosts, here it is updated...only in order of recieving them, their actual order may differ quite a bit. Erian Segami - BY MISTERSMITH A male doctor who created a special unit for helping Trills last longer outside a living host. Layor Segami - BY VATRIC A male diplomat who died under torture during the federation-Cardassian war. Marya Segami - BY TACHYON A female scientist whose obsessions nearly caused the destruction of a federation ship Salora Segami - BY MTPORTER A Female artist and architect who enriched her community and raised a family Oran Segami - BY KESTRA A male writer, specialising in thrillers who later adapted them into holonovels. Raiya Segami - BY LOAMI A female museum curator who secretly stole many pieces of priceless art. Daldera Segami - LAARELL A female smuggler/thief, especially in antiques, a taint from the previous host perhaps?
  7. God I hate the sun...the only thing our tabloids are good for finn....is page 3. Mmmmmmmmm, page three girls... But good story, though I doubt ANYONE could get away with killing someone with a batleth and not be seen!
  8. I dunno, with LSD (which I don't ever plan to touch with a ten foot pole) I'd understand that but good ol' weed? Naaah, it would just be hilarious. ESPECIALLY anything with Harry Mud who would have to be one of the campest villians ever.
  9. I sometimes get the feeling that the Federation no longer cares about exploring the universe, meeting new cultures, finding ways to better the quality of life or bringing justice and fairness to all. For all appearances, the Federation seems to want nothing more but to survive and we will do anything in order to do so. From life to life, I have watched history unfold, almost like an El-Aurian scholar and I fear that perhaps we have not got much time left. To use my current situation as a cogent paradigm, here I am, on a Defiant-class ship, a vessel designed purely for war, as part of a fleet heading towards an unknown battle, being aided by people who caused widespread genocide less than a decade ago with a bartender who quit Starfleet at our helm. The times are a-changing as the earth saying goes and most likely not in our favour. If the query “will we win this conflict we’re spiraling towards?” was to be solicited, the answer would most likely be yes. With the combined weapon-power of the fleet and our Alpha-Quadrant style bravado, a victory, though bloody would probably be the end result. However that is not the real question to be asked is it? It is not even “will the Federation thrive for quite a few years more afterwards”, to which the answer would also be yes. The real problem, which should be on all our minds, is “What exactly are we trying to save?” The Federation once had a record you could eat your dinner off. We followed the prime directive to the letter and we didn’t fire the first shot no matter how nasty the other side was. When it did come to blows we never used deception and always flew the federation colours high for all to see. Battles were fought at marked lines. Friends were friends, foes were foes and we were the good guys because of it. A beacon of civilized thought one might say. Now I am not the first who would say that things have changed since those golden days, many have voiced such an opinion. However, unlike the majority of these people who stand firmly by the belief that the Dominion war was the Federation’s great fall from the pedestal. I think our principles were beginning to tumble a bit earlier, at a time when the need to be free outweighed everything else. In my mind’s eye, the apple core began to rot when we first heard those words that still send a chill down the sturdiest of spines. "We are the Borg. Lower your shields and power down your weapons. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." Oh we we’re afraid, for we had finally met a species who unlike any other, did not want our land, our lives, our women, or our riches. They simply wanted us. More succinctly, they wanted us to become them, which simply would not do. We had to fight. Fight to be free like we never had before. We’d worked too damn hard and too damn long to become who we are, only to be wiped away like a dirty stain. Our “distinctiveness” was our own and like hell we’d let it be lost. So we did indeed fight indeed we won. As the history books say, our enemy was to never be heard of again and if they ever were, they would be met with the barrel of a phaser rifle. We would not sacrifice our way of thinking for anyone nor would we join with evil at any cost. We had bought that right with our own blood. But we didn’t really keep to our promise of sticking to who we were, oh no. Pandoras’ Box had already been peaked into. The galaxy was now a scary place. We were terrified about what was round the next previously safe corner and so to prepare ourselves we continued development on a new kind of vessel, the Defiant class. A ship design that ignored Cochrane’s ideals and was meant purely for offensive capabality. No labs, no specimen rooms or cargo bays, just phasers and torpedoes. Our innocence was lost. After that, the dominion popped in to the quadrant and the box was flung wide open, we conveniently forgot our belief in being a fleet with no interest in stealth technology and instead fitted a cloak to said vessel. Following that we worked with underground terrorist groups, stole enemy ships and piloted them back like ancient pirates, subjected our citizens to almost absurd blood screenings and in the end, after all that, allowed our enemy, an empire that had murdered millions of people to go virtually unpunished and to retain its military strength in order to preserve stability. If walls could speak, the Lokharian city on Cardassia would be screaming. Its easy enough to excuse ourselves for falling from grace since we were against such powerful odds but now its too late and we can’t stop ourselves. We’ve got greedy for the forbidden fruits and now we’re openly using cloaks, producing warship after warship and working side by side with a people who were intent on making us slaves all because there’s always gonna be someone “worse” out there to be afraid of. Oh and I didn’t mention that the USS Voyager made friends with the borg a few years ago for a short while for the exact same reason as this but we forget about that because they’re the bad guys again and are probably all dead. I guess the point of my cynical rant is this, I will wear this uniform and serve my duty to Starfleet like I swore to do. I will fight to make sure that people back home can keep their lives so they can actually keep what values the federation has left. But I just feel so dirty. We’re making a deal with the devil helping the Dominion like this I can feel it. Since when has it been Starfleet policy to join forces in a coalition fleet against an enemy we haven’t even spoken to? If we attack the Scorpiads, we’re the aggressors, not them. They may be vicious bastards from what we’ve seen and they killed two of my security team but we haven’t even attempted talks or negotiations of any kind. That’s probably a previous host of mine, Layor, speaking but it’s still the truth. We need to pull back and just stop to think about what we’re doing! ::Sigh:: Alright, I’m going for some food. I’m fed up of giving myself a headache. If survival’s our main reason for all this I will have to find solace in that there are worse motives. The situation stinks but I’m just a grunt. … Oh and I only mentioned “Kroells the bartender helmsman” because I thought it was odd. Especially when I found out that he outranks me. At least he can mix me a warp core breach when the Scorpiads breach our core.
  10. I've got a few offers in PM since that last post but nobody's sent anything so 3 lives are still up for grabs! Yay! Do it...or I crush you.
  11. My old character was plain ol' human, my current one is Trill. I want to be able to at some point do the dax thing and show aspects from his multiple lives but for now I'm playing it like an earthling pretty much.
  12. Got one more! Here's the new list, once again its not in chronological order but will be along with the story or bio I was sent by each of these Gods amongst simmers. :D Erian Segami - BY MISTERSMITH A male doctor who created a special unit for helping Trills last longer outside a living host. Layor Segami - BY VATRIC A male diplomat that died during the federation-Cardassian war. Marya Segami - BY TACHYON A female scientist whose obsessions nearly caused the destruction of a federation ship Salora Segami - BY MTPORTER A Female artist and architect who enriched her community and raised a family Oran Segami - BY KESTRA A male writer, specialising in thrillers who later adapted them into holonovels. That leaves...3 more stories to tell! And I wait intently for more... Thought I'd given up hadn't you? :blink:
  13. "The day that jackass ran out of decent ideas"
  14. Problem is, I'd also like to see The Pope, The Dalai Lama and a pair of Rabbi's at a bar taking bellybutton shots off a group of playboy models....but its just not gonna happen any time soon. I love DS9 but its a bit obscure for most of the people out there.
  15. Favourite super nintendo game for me was an obscure one, "King Arthur's World". Of course, Super Mario always has a place in everyone's heart.
  16. Awwwwww I loved that. God we're gonna be old one day soon aren't we?
  17. Oh sorry forgot uniform details! An Ensign in the new (end of DS9) uniform with Security colours.
  18. Heh, Michael Corleone was getting old...
  19. Buuuuuuuuuuuuurp...read the above.
  20. Whatever floats your boat matey boy. :D
  21. Guests The man’s eyes stared hard at a display of the USS Ardent’s interior sensors. He didn’t move, he didn’t even blink, if one were to gaze upon him they would think him a statue. Like a schoolchild’s repeated taunt, a pair of blue dots flashed at him over and over again. They represented the location of the two Vorta onboard the defiant-class vessel, staying in what was laughingly called the guest quarters even though it was the same as all the other rooms. Atticus, for lack of a better phrase was reaching a boiling point. There was something about the Vorta that left Atticus uneasy. Like his own people, the founder’s children did not see death as an ultimate end. Both species could be reborn indefinitely, the memories of one “host” passed on to the next. But whilst it was customary for Joined Trills to make each new life distinctly different and better than the last, each incarnation of a dominion servant would be exactly the same as its predecessor. And for some reason it just seemed unnatural. What was the point of eternal life if one never learns to grow beyond what one started with? Furthermore, why create a sentient being that can scheme, betray, murder and deal but cannot understand the concept of beauty and has eyes so weak that they can barely see the stars? Atticus almost pitied the creatures…almost. As he kept his stone gaze aimed at the console, the USS Ardent was speeding at warp speed on its return journey home to Camelot Station, its mission an apparent success. Even now, Atticus had no idea what the ultimate goal of the mission had really been since Commander Corizon had been less than forthcoming with information but the episode as a whole had been bizarre to say the least. From the use of this unfamiliar vessel, to the crushing of the Commander’s leg, to arriving at a long-deserted dominion facility, to seeing rows and rows of ancient Vorta in stasis, there had certainly been no time for inquiries. Just staying alert and alive had taken up the use of all his faculties. But now, now his mind craved answers. He wanted to know why they were transporting this old clone to Camelot. What important knowledge did she have that the founders didn’t? And for what reason was that pair of sneaks being treated like guests when it was an obvious danger to ship security? It made no sense. It was extremely dangerous to underestimate them, even if they seemed harmless. Looking harmless is a Vorta’s greatest skill after all. After five more blinks of blue light, he decided he’d had enough. It was time for Atticus to take matters into his own hands. He nodded solemnly and went to the nearest weapons locker. He entered his security code and took out a heavy phaser rifle. He checked that it was operational before returning to his console. A dark smile crossed the Starfleet Officer’s lips as he saw the Vortas hadn’t moved an inch, a pair of blue flashes being the confirmation he needed. “Excellent” he thought to himself. He’d scratch this itch. He moved quickly across the ship having memorized its layout. After encountering no-one en-route to his destination he stood in front of the Vorta’s room and rang the doorbell and expecting it to open in a moment he gripped his rifle tightly. As the door slid open, he nodded at the figure in front of him and did the job in one powerful blast… A blast of words that is. “Sir, madam, pardon my interruption of your rest, it was most impolite of me and I apologise profusely but in the Federation’s genuine interest of your safety, it is my privilege and dare I say it, an honour as the Ardent’s acting chief of security to announce that I am to make sure of your well-being while you relax. Please feel safe in the knowledge that nothing shall harm you while you recuperate from the rigors of travel. If you have any need of me, I shall be right outside, do not hesitate to call. I am very glad to be of service and I assure you no problem of yours is too small to be seen to. For further reference my name is Ensign Atticus Segami. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Good Evening.” The Trill then saluted sternly and promptly stepped to the left of the doorway taking a sentry position outside before even a single word of reply could be given, the Vortas faces were full of puzzlement before the door closed again, the powerful level of bootlicking had been positively startling. Atticus grinned a cheeky grin to himself, proud not to have lost all the brown-nosing skills from his previous host’s very different life of a diplomat whilst being very happy in the knowledge that he could watch the Vortas movements closely the whole trip back without having to look at those damn blue dots flashing any more which frankly, were getting on his nerves.
  22. It is cute! But I might suggest changing the font colour, the dark blue blends with background a bit. Oh and the rest of you, good work. Its a pity I'm too lazy to do one myself. :D
  23. Oh and if you do Trill guys, could you fit in a slim trill (dots and all) with blonde hair (something just longer than a buzzcut) with green eyes? Spare the anchovies.
  24. Yes you are in the running for the glorious nut...and its tax free too.
  25. I dunno how to entice more writers...could at the end put up a poll for the best and whoever wins gets a coconut or something