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Everything posted by Images

  1. Just learned I'm still number 6 in the posting charts after all this time not trying...woah. Anyway, I implore you all once again so here is the LIST! Erian Segami - BY MISTERSMITH A male doctor who created a special unit for helping Trills last longer outside a living host. Layor Segami - BY VATRIC A male diplomat who died under torture during the federation-Cardassian war. Marya Segami - BY TACHYON A female scientist whose obsessions nearly caused the destruction of a federation ship Salora Segami - BY MTPORTER A Female artist and architect who enriched her community and raised a family Oran Segami - BY KESTRA A male writer, specialising in thrillers who later adapted them into holonovels. Raiya Segami - BY LOAMI A female museum curator who secretly stole many pieces of priceless art. Daldera Segami - LAARELL A female smuggler/thief, especially in antiques, a taint from the previous host perhaps? Squeeze those little grey cells kids! We just need one more life story! I know you can do it! Feel yourself drawn to the keyboard...AND TYPE! Cheers, Images
  2. Worst part is, something like that is hell to stop.
  3. God those ads on the board are annoying. Is someone personally doing that or is it a bot? At first I was thinking the former but the persistance of it makes the latter far more likely.
  4. Yep, he's right. Thank Jeebus I've got the newest Norton. P.S Probably been mentioned but i missed the first wave of this happening, simple temp cure is just to click stop whenever you hit a page. Two cents
  5. Come on I know how original all you guys are...
  6. Irish police, realising that wheelclamps were ineffective on some aircraft, came up with this snazzy tool, the wingshack.
  7. Call me out for its lameness and being Law and orderish but I always liked the idea of the federation equivelant of the us marshals or something of the sort. Basically the sim would take place on a space outpost with a small fast ship attached, perhaps defiant class. They'd be in one of those middle of nowhere places where the nearest facility is a while away. The crew would be contacted about wanted criminals in the nearby areas or important crimes with a bit of a shaky level as to who's turf its on. They'd go in and investigate with science staff for all the forensic stuff, security boys for the actiony stuff, meds to patch em up and to examine bodies as well as engineers to keep it all working and to offer their expertise with any tech crimes. There might be an official representative from each of the major territories onboard to keep things legal as well as maybe a few criminal law experts who'd act as attorneys for preliminary hearings that would take place onboard, their outcome determining whether or not they'd be shipped back to a larger facility. It could really grow from there into something bigger perhaps? There's be loads of interesting plots with things like undercover work, serial killers, trials, ethics, the orion syndicate. Something with more ground level politics than the huge epic ship and station things. But to keep things dramatic there could always be a plotline like a season of 24 where things need to be sorted or the system could hit the fan. Thoughts?
  8. I can't remember where I'm getting this from (probably Empire) but I think Philip Seymour Hoffman had an interest to play Bones. Slightly weird but an odd part of me can actually imagine it working. Whoops, discovered I was wrong... http://scifibrain.ign.com/index.php?option...43&Itemid=0
  9. "Fortune favours the bold" That is how an old human expression goes. The meaning being that those who dare to do what others won't, often triumph and survive. Though this phrase stirs the heart and makes us think of what courage can help us achieve, following its instruction can end in disaster. Atticus Segami had learnt this immortal truth the hard way. He realized this with a growl as he hurtled through space in a small craft along with his Captain and two other crewmates, towards God knows what territory. If there was a way he could move his arms, which were tightly restrained, he would have punched everyone near him hard in the face. It was true that he had never actually been ordered to grab his commanding officer's legs. Nor had he been told to hold on to them until whatever it was dragged them both into its clutches but at the time it happened Atticus knew it was the 'right' thing to do. The role of Security officers was to protect a ship and its crew from danger, particularly its top brass. The Trill Lieutenant couldn't possibly have just stood there whilst that strange thing was taking Corizon away. If it had chosen Chief Helios instead of the Daemon Captain, his actions would have been exactly the same. But however noble Atticus Segami's motives were, he was royally damned at that moment as were the rest of the Starfleet officers trapped in the Scorpiad fighter. Even if they managed to free their arms, the navigation system onboard was probably locked on course and it was very unlikely that they'd be able to figure out an alien technology's computer system and be able to hack it before they reached their destination. Wherever that destination was. A better set of words to live by were probably going through the mind of whoever had let go of Atticus when he started getting pulled in. "Look before you leap".
  10. But that's why I think I like it. The harsh klunkiness of it, less pretty and smooth.
  11. So so so so so so so so so so so so late but... Happy Birthday your highness of majestic godliness.
  12. I love Akira. The ship-class, not the Anime, cos that just blows.
  13. Yes you shall be in the running for the coconut but even if you don't win, you get a lovely gift bag to take home with you. :) Just PM me if you get an idea. I will be most glad. Heh, can ya feel the pity I'm getting folks?
  14. Boo. Read the above posts young ones...you may remember them! And yes I am annoyingly tenacious.
  15. I got a message today. It said he’s going free. Ton Lyna, a suspected eliminator for the Orion syndicate, a man who killed with no mercy, betrayed Bajoran freedom fighters during the occupation and took orders from the Vorta…is getting released from Federation custody. He’ll be “under watch” but that will last all of ten minutes I’m sure. I don’t know whether to cry, to scream, to shout, to punch a wall, to drink myself into an inebriated stupor or to resign my commission and hunt the bastard down. Not one of the people on Excalibur or on Camelot really understands my situation. None of them really know that the reason I left a high rolling career back on the Shanghai was because I couldn’t stand the air of death hovering over me at every moment. They don’t know how much Kathleen meant to me and how I came out here to the Gamma Quadrant in order to escape it. But I can’t escape it can I? It’s always there at the back of my mind. Sometimes I’m almost certain that I will never find the rest I seek until I know Ton Lyna is worm food. Whenever I begin to think like that, I feel a shiver down my spine, remembering how similar obsessions were the downfall of at least one previous host of mine. I don’t want to go down that dark path. Ton’s reason for early release was simple, he gave Starfleet intelligence what it wanted, bigger fish. He’s shoveled them his dirt on other ranking Orion syndicate members, on operatives of the dominion and various other pieces of information that could supposedly be useful. So in return they’re moving him to an undisclosed planet to be put under surveillance where he’ll have freedom of movement but be prohibited from leaving. Now I’ve been a part of politics before and I know that the sins of one man can often be forgotten to punish the sins of many but in this case there is no sense, there is no sanity, there is no justice. Ton Lyna is a monster, he has profited from countless slaughter and now laughs in the face of those who would see him suffer for it. My faith in the system has crumbled to dust. I’m tired but I can’t sleep. All I see when I close my eyes are plans. Plans to get to Ton and slit his throat, plans to get to his transport and to plant a device, plan after plan after plan, each with the same ending, that piece of Bajoran scum dead and Kathleen avenged. I even wrote one down on a PADD when I first got the news and headed down to the Holy Grail, when I got back here to my quarters I was so disgusted with myself I deleted every word but I remember it perfectly. I’m ashamed of myself, I’ve lived eight lives and dealt with loss many times but it doesn’t feel less painful. Why won’t it? Why can’t I move on? Maybe those few voices are right, maybe the Segami symbiont is “tainted”, and maybe like some drug it drives each of us mad… Forget it. In other news, Commander Graham’s no longer part of the crew, apparently he was needed elsewhere and had to head away without even saying goodbye. A pity, the man had guts and was a good chief to work under if only for a short time. That leaves Helios in charge, I can’t wonder how he feels, suddenly having leadership thrust upon him. Its not like being on a temporary assignment where the need for officers puts us in a higher position than usual, it’s the whole shebang. I’m sure he’ll handle it well though, he can be pretty capable sometimes. I think I’ll practice the violin for a while and ease off some of this damn anger.
  16. I waited a while longer than I said and got zilch! Dear oh dear...still gonna keep bumping this post though :)
  17. A triumphant return...just like I said. :)
  18. Takes the credit for the linkage and puts it in his pocket. Ah Extras, definitely beats The Office in my opinion. The celebrities on it are just so cool about pretending that in real life they're absolute psychos! Kate Winslet's is the jaw-dropper though. :)
  19. Teresa, Though I haven't always been all over the forum sometimes, your posts have sometimes been fun like your inroduction of a caption contest or have been noble like the appeals for thought on things outside of our day to day lives like the Earthquake in Pakistan, but one thing they have all been is interesting. I look forward to recovery and hope that one day you can return to your sim in a gigantic triumphant return. Cheers, Images' Player
  20. And the battle's just begun, There's many lost. But tell me who has won? -U2 I made Lieutenant today and we went to war. There’s an extra pip on my collar and there are over a thousand corpses floating in space. They all had names, they all had faces, they all had people who loved them but now their names will be written on casualty lists, their faces have been burnt beyond recognition and the people who loved them very much will receive a folded federation flag and a statement that they died so that they could live. It’s a joke. They didn’t die for us. They died for the Vorta. They died for those smug, self -serving sycophants to the founders. This isn’t our fight damnit! I’ve made a speech before so I’ll just keep it short and simple because there’s a console back on the Reliant’s bridge spitting out sparks that I’ve gotta go back and fix so we can get out of here. I just don’t understand it. Maybe its being Trill or something but I just don’t get how no-one else sees how we’re falling right back into something bad all over again. And the Hundred? Who the hell asked for their help? I can’t deny they saved our asses but seriously, why? I get the feeling that we’re being played for chumps. Everyone’s skipped two pages of the script and we’re still waiting for a cue that will never come. I wanted a promotion, true. But not like this. Not this way. I don’t want to remember being promoted the day we lost so many brave men and women for nothing. … But we did…didn’t we?
  21. Man, just got back from my bartending shift. I may love the game but I hate the fans. So damn annoying to serve someone when he slurs his speech asking for drinks for a dozen people which he can't afford, who then gets angry with ME because I can't understand what he's saying and because I won't accept 1 pound as a fee for 12 pints, 8 shots and a malibu and coke... Oh and he kept calling me a "dirty yank" for some obscure reason. In short: God I wish I had been in your shoes instead Finn!
  22. Don't think I'll watch the soccer world cup...the football world cup suits me fine. :)
  23. Heh, I'd guess when she finds a way to come back from the dead. Dukat fried her!
  24. Ah of course, whoopsy.