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Everything posted by WesleyMustDie

  1. Not only is that on the boards, I believe I received a summary of both documents via email when I first joined the Republic. The first three (I think) documents posted on the NFS Reaent board are also in my inbox. :blink:
  2. ::case in point:: :rolleyes: Welcome to STSF Startrekkian.
  3. "Baby Bratz" or something like that..... The thumb is a Tech Dude or something....
  4. :rolleyes: ::is disturbed...::
  5. Bratz now has a toddler line. :rolleyes:
  6. So optimistic! ;)
  7. ::strokes the plant:: My precious.... Welcome, Mimi. :rolleyes:
  8. "I believe I can fly!"
  9. Welcome! ::waves::
  10. Oh, aren't you guys funny... :rolleyes:
  11. Don't tempt me with an autopsy! :lol:
  12. 'Twas a truly awesome sim. Definitely a good night for medical. :lol: Too bad I had to leave before it was over. B)
  13. I'm not sure I want to touch this one... I don't download a lot of stuff...I have a few mp3s that a friend emailed to me, and I've got a ton of pictures that I've found all over the web that I can use as avatars or signature images. Other than that...I'm not a downloader.
  14. Bye, Digi. Have fun in the "real world".
  15. Meh. I read it in the novel "Ship of the Line".
  16. The Bozeman was also caught in casualty loop with the Enterprise-D at one point. :lol: Originally, the Bozeman was a Miranda class ship. It was refitted when it came forward through time and rechristened as a Soyuz class ship. B)
  17. The Soyuz class is pretty cool too. Though some people don't count it as a separate class since it looks like a Miranda. The Bozeman is a Soyuz class "cutter ship".
  18. I like the idea...it gives me something to do on Friday nights. :lol:
  19. I bet he means STSF Lightning and STSF Stardust....
  20. "Hey, guys! What does *this* button do?"
  21. I joined on June 16th, 2005, which I believe was a Friday. My first academy sim was that Saturday (June 17th) with Joe (He made me play an engineer. ;) ). I graduated just over a week later on Sunday June 25th. (graduated in the early acad) I was assigned to Republic in mid-July and had my first advanced sim on July 18th...promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade on October 11th (a week early too, lol). I joined the alternate Reaent around Halloween when it started up at the rank of Captain (equivalent to Starfleet lieutenant). So I've been a member here for about 6 and a half months. :P
  22. ^^That ship gets my vote.
  23. Pope: The next number is...B4. B4. Distant voice: BINGO!
  24. Two of those I've never seen, so I can't vote. :lol:
  25. I liked all of them, but my favorite was Enterprise. :lol: