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Everything posted by WesleyMustDie

  1. I haven't tried the kimchi...I don't like NORMAL cabbage. >.<
  2. Both wrong. :) Korea. And I'm actually getting my computer this weekend. :)
  3. (Yeah, yeah, I know....this is bumping. :D ) I couldn't get in the chat because it was a library computer, A9. :) I'm getting my own soon, but...I don't know if I'll be able to simm in the chats! :) I'm kind of..on the other side of the planet. :)
  4. Seconded. :blink:
  5. There's quite a few clips of it on youtube, actually. :blink: Cute...but kind of...weird.... :lol:
  6. No disrespect is meant by any of this... Bayonet Training DRILL SERGEANT: What makes the green grass grow? SOLDIERS: Blood! Blood! Bright, red blood! DRILL SERGEANT: What is the spirit of the bayonet? SOLDIERS: To kill! To kill! To kill without mercy! DRILL SERGEANT: Why is the sky blue? SOLDIERS: Because God loves the Army! DRILL SERGEANT: Attack! SOLDIERS: Kill! DRILL SERGEANT: Relax! SOLDIERS: Never! Physical Training DRILL SERGEANT: Change over! SOLDIERS: Switch! DRILL SERGEANT: Change over! SOLDIERS: Switch! (Often repeated for several minutes)
  7. Youch! Good point... But soliders in my MOS usually don't get deployed to war right away...especially in Iraq. We can't really do our job that well in the field! :P It can happen, and it might happen, but most of us, if we get sent, end up driving drucks. :lol:
  8. So much for my hopes of going this year as well. I have it on good word that my first duty station is in lovely.....Germany. :P Quite the trip to get there, and I probably won't be able to get leave for a Trek convention.
  9. That's actually one of I think three cadences we ever did about death...The rest were silly stuff like "Let me see you bark to the left!"
  10. I graduated Basic in November...the memories are still fresh. *shudder* :P
  11. Cash. :P I'm completely serious. My family didn't know what to buy for me this year. :lol:
  12. "111th MI BDE - Always Out Front" Please, and thank you. :P
  13. You just wait, monkey...
  14. Transformers, Smurfs, Rainbow Brite, and the Care Bears were around in the nineties, I thought. I grew up with them..... :P
  15. WOW....I didn't even remember half of the toys I had as a kid until I looked in here. :P Or the TV shows... Hearing you guys say that stuff is old is kinda funny because I'm only nineteen and I knew what a LOT of it was. :lol:
  16. Ummmm....I'd have to dig up Agincourt's science/medical uniform....darn it.
  17. Thanks, A9! :blink:
  18. Could I get "Undercover Angel" please? :D
  19. Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww.....she's cute. :D Spanish names just seem to fit Chihuahuas...maybe a Hispanic influenced name like Esperanza or Dulce (Dulce is Spanish for Candy, lol).
  20. Okay, new text color, same basic design.
  21. Another cute little text only. :D
  22. I have a red-haired Vulcan...interesting that you like that idea too. This may seem odd, Sam, but can you do Trill? Long dark hair, spots, fair complexion?
  23. Happy birthday, Fred. :)
  24. "Warp Core Breach sooner than you think, Doctor." -- Voyager's computer in "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy"
  25. New

    Welcome! :P