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Rhade Annahsahzie

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Posts posted by Rhade Annahsahzie

  1. I play, or have played at one time:






    *Star Wars(d6)


    *Star Wars(d20)


    *Stargate SG-1(d20)




    *Angel(Eden studios, based off of the television series of the same name)


    *Deadlands(think, horror/western)


    *Prime Directive


    *Star Trek RPG(Last Unicorn)


    *Star Trek RPG(current, Decipher games)


    *d6 Fantasy


    *d6 Sci-Fi


    *d6 Adventure


    *Indiana Jones RPG(West End)





  2. Hello everyone, I'm new to the boards and just wanted to introduce myself in case I was missed amongst the masses. I'm a Trek & over-all Sci-Fi fan as I'm sure many of your are. I look forward to interacting w/the board community..and hope to make some small crontribution to the boards. While I'm not terribly creative, and highly shy...I'll try to generate a topic or two every once in a while. Again, hello and thanks for having me.



    :D :D ;) :P :D :D



  3. Okay, here goes:


    Ships Captain : Spock (Between experience & over-all sense of wisdom, I think he would make an excellent captain)


    1st officer : Data (Knowledge & over all capabiltity)


    Ships Counselor/ Advisor : Deanna Troi (Her abilities, being half Betazoid. Past experience and level of insight)


    Security : Odo (Abilities as a changeling, and level of dedication to his duties)


    Chief Helmsman/ Pilot : Tom Paris (Innate skill and level of interest in flight and piloting make him the best choice.)


    Chief Engineer : Miles O'Brien (Experience, skill and over-all degree of talent as an engineer)


    Chief Medical Officer : Dr. Julian Bashir (Level and degree of talent as a medical officer. Skilled enough that his name is recognized by the whos-who of Star Fleet Medical)

  4. Your shuttle craft is stricken and forced to crash land on a savage world deviod of the touch of technology or intelligent life. Information gathered from within the ships computer informs you of the planets offered enviroment:


    Planet classification:M


    Climate: Tropical


    Terrain: Densely vegetated tropical forests(jungle) cover 43% of the planets surface. 52% of the planets surface consists of salted oceans. The 5% of the remaining surface are bodies of fresh H2o.


    Threat evaluation to current crew based off of planets native plant & animal life: Hostile


    You inquire further: "Computer, what should be expected in the way of plant and animal like exactly?"


    The computer expels a fuzzy response..as the remaining shuttle systems begin to fail: Carnivorous vegetation as well as mammilian and reptilian based preditors of various types inhabit the land masses of Vexilan alpha(the planet). Oceanic inhabitants consist of ....pfffffffssshhhhhhttt......


    The shuttles computer reaches the end of its usefulness due to damage the craft has taken, both during the space assault and the harsh "crash" landing that followed.


    Your instincts tell you that the Jem'Hadar who assaulted the shuttle are probably scanning the planets surface for a crash site. You draw this conclusion based off the fact that all action taken against your vessel was an attempt to cripple it...rather than seeking its destruction.


    Moving about the vessel, you and your companion gather any and all items of use that may aid your attempts at surviving the hostilites that Vexilan Alpha will extend. Departing the craft you hold a standard issue phaser tightly in hand.Stepping from the metallic shell you enter the mass of organic life that swallowed your tiny shuttle.Breathing in, you notice the rich air of the jungles enviroment.It contains a purity to it unfound aboard space fairing vessels and stations...not at all what you are familiar with, but refreshing.


    Sighing, you look to your companion as you both begin the trek into a hostile enviroment.




    Who is your companion? And why?


    Your choices are any regular character from ToS to present.