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Rhade Annahsahzie

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About Rhade Annahsahzie

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  1. Okay, do I have some form of cerebral defect for finding her appealing in some fashion? Am I the only one?
  2. I play, or have played at one time: *Ad&d *D&d *Star Wars(d6) *Star Wars(d20) *Stargate SG-1(d20) *Farscape(d20) *Angel(Eden studios, based off of the television series of the same name) *Deadlands(think, horror/western) *Prime Directive *Star Trek RPG(Last Unicorn) *Star Trek RPG(current, Decipher games) *d6 Fantasy *d6 Sci-Fi *d6 Adventure *Indiana Jones RPG(West End) *GuRPs *RiFts
  3. While I think most of 'em on the site are funny. This one forced coke outta my nose: The Kool Aid communist. ;)
  4. I'd like to toss out my own thanks aswell. Much thanks Kes. You did a wonderful job.
  5. Thanks for the contribution :D pthhhhhhttt.. ;)
  6. Look at what I've uncovered about our very own board member, Koolaidman: Koolaidman, revealed! ;) :D :D
  7. Hello everyone, I'm new to the boards and just wanted to introduce myself in case I was missed amongst the masses. I'm a Trek & over-all Sci-Fi fan as I'm sure many of your are. I look forward to interacting w/the board community..and hope to make some small crontribution to the boards. While I'm not terribly creative, and highly shy...I'll try to generate a topic or two every once in a while. Again, hello and thanks for having me. :D :D ;) :P :D :D LoL
  8. ::Villainous laugh:: Yes, its all coming together very nicely ::Villainous laugh; strokes cat::
  9. A poll for the ladies, and others of you interested....that crawl the board. Who do you find the most appealing and why do they stand out against the rest?
  10. Okay, here goes: Ships Captain : Spock (Between experience & over-all sense of wisdom, I think he would make an excellent captain) 1st officer : Data (Knowledge & over all capabiltity) Ships Counselor/ Advisor : Deanna Troi (Her abilities, being half Betazoid. Past experience and level of insight) Security : Odo (Abilities as a changeling, and level of dedication to his duties) Chief Helmsman/ Pilot : Tom Paris (Innate skill and level of interest in flight and piloting make him the best choice.) Chief Engineer : Miles O'Brien (Experience, skill and over-all degree of talent as an engineer) Chief Medical Officer : Dr. Julian Bashir (Level and degree of talent as a medical officer. Skilled enough that his name is recognized by the whos-who of Star Fleet Medical)
  11. A recent episode of Ds9 inspired this thread. Should those that have had genetic resequencing/genetic enhancements be allowed within Star Fleet? Would openly allowing them within Star Fleet condone or support the illegal practice? Whats your stance on the issue of genetic engineering?
  12. The same idea as the Assemble your Crew thread. Assemble your crew (original) Except this time assemble your crew for the Mirror Universe. Take ANY character from ANY Trek series and give them a rank and purpose aboard your vessel. The variation between this thread and the original: Assume that you are the Captain rather than just stationed aboard the vessel.
  13. Taking your personality, manner & habits. What alien from a Trek series would best suit you?
  14. Can some-one give me the heads up on the Titan vessel that Riker now commands? I'm looking for the ship class and specs.
  15. This is unarmed LETHAL combat to the death. Who wins & why? ----------------------------------------v.s.---------------------------------------------------